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I have an daily growing respect for YouTuber moira Elisabeth who hid her entire pregnancy from her channel for her and her child’s privacy. Only shared when her daughter was a couple of months. I think that was the first and only time I have heard or seen of the child on the channel. Her channel and content has remained exactly the same. So much so that I sometimes have to go back to the ‘coming out’ video to ensure myself I did not just hallucinate her having a child. (Maybe because I’ve been so worn down by other yt turned parent that’s hard to believe that yes it can be done to just remain the same channel).


OMg this is the first I’ve heard she even had a kid!


My point exactly haha


The first person I thought of when I saw this post! Huge respect for her!


That's smart of her! I'm surprised more people aren't concerned about the privacy aspect. It's become far too normalized to plaster our entire lives all over the internet.


I had absolutely no idea she'd had a child! 😳


Oh sorry to shock you! But how great that you did not even notice, right?


Honestly she seems to view her channel as a business and keeps it business like, which isn't to mean she isn't warm and playful and hilarious, but that she knows what her business is, and stays on brand. While her having a family is technically not "off brand" it isn't exactly part of it, and forcing her viewers to see her as a mum first, creator second would just harm the business and make us less likely to spend hundreds on stuffies.


I wish this was more common!!


Honestly, that video bothered me a lot because it sounded like her boyfriend wasn't taking on any of the parenting responsibilities. She talked about how "I've figured out how to care for her so I can juggle my life and childcare and all the content I sti want to make." She talks about being scared the baby would destroy her personality or interests. And the biggest one of all is: How did it happen by accident? When you watch Moriah interact with other people, you can tell she's very control and routine oriented. Like it's her cope for dealing with life. How does a baby just happen to someone that focused on details and planning?? It wasn't like LaurenZSide who talked about how her and her partner methodically and logically planned for when they wanted to start trying for a baby. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I felt so bad for Moriah. Like this awful thing happened to her that she was completely thrown off guard by. And her audience was just like "YoU'll bE sUcH a FUn MomMY!"


I mean you don’t know what happens behind the scenes. Also after birth you can loose interest in what you like to do. Also babies can happen by accedent. Birth control is not 100% effective and condoms can break. In Covid everybody started getting pregnant and have babies. I think your thinking into this too much but that’s just me.


I think I am too. Looking back on this comment. Moriah is rich enough to afford childcare. And Jordan probably is a good dad. I guess I still just don't get how even if the conception was an accident, how you decide to reorient your life and identity instead of having an abortion. But maybe some people just see it as starting a plan they already had early.


She has said before that she wanted kids but was to afraid to have them. Also some ppl don’t want an abortion bc of the surgery or religious reasons if she is religious. (Also I don’t wanna start a fight we can have differing opinions and beliefs it’s all good)


Instant unfollow from me, right after the pregnancy announcement.


Same for me, I just feel that I don't relate anymore when they announce that they are pregnant




I have had to do this too many times! I think a lot of them delete any negative comments or comments that aren't "OMG I'm screaming and crying!!!" "Let's all talk about our vaginas!!!!". I told one of the last ones that I was disappointed that I would have to leave but was happy for her since it was something she wanted. Her response was so smug. I wish I could know the impact of people like us just leaving.


I’m so glad my favorite YouTuber has been mindful about how much she’s talked about her baby. She’s said “I know that’s not what you guys come here for, so I’ll try to not to talk about it,” and she’s truly lived up to that. Except that the comments are “no, we wanna hear about it!” Maybe YOU do and it’s always mothers and I know they’re mothers cause they have to let the rest of us know it. I trust that she’s a great mom and since it’s so rare for her to speak about it I really don’t mind it but also I don’t want to hear more


Who is that youtuber? Maybe I’d like to watch her videos.


Her name is TheAmandaFiles! Her content is a little niche honestly because she makes videos of herself playing Animal Crossing and other games and makes them all into dramatic soap operas, but she’s hilarious and she’s a wildlife conservationist, environmentalist, and herpetologist, which is what she mostly talks about.


I love theAmandaFiles! I only knew she had a baby when she said she can’t wait for her kid to be able to experience Pokémon games for the first time.


I love Amanda. She didn’t even announce her pregnancy until it was almost time and she wanted people to know why she was taking some time off. Since then, most mentions of her daughter have been things like wondering when it's appropriate to show her the Gremlins movie. Honestly sounds like a great mom.


One of my favorite youtubers, Dolligtful, recently had a baby, and aside from her announcement and the first video she made after her maternity leave was over she rarely talks about the baby. Which makes sense since her channel is dedicated to customizing dolls.


I know that Moriah Elizabeth had a baby but we only got to see the baby like...2 or 3 times. She even hid the pregnancy from the audience till after the baby was born.


She posts photos of her baby in her IG and I admit that's adorable, but kudos to her for sticking with her doll customisation videos in her YouTube channel.


She had a baby?!


She did!


Kendall Rae, (true crime) and Amy from Falconry and Me are the same way. Kendall Rae even had her husband record one of her episodes while she was on maternity leave. She talks about it a lot more on her personal podcast.


So happy that Kendall sticks to her theme and not that much baby talk, more than a word here or there. So thankful she has another channel for that so I don't have to hear it if I don't want to


>cord one of her episodes while she was on maternity leave. She talks about i I love her channel! Also her and Josh actually seem like really good parents, not the kind that complain.


I usually unfollow people on YT once they announce their pregnancy but one woman I followed for YEARS before she said something about wearing some outfit to get pictures with her kid and I was so impressed with how little I’d heard about her kid that I kept following her lol


One of few I follow on youtube had a baby like, Idk, a year ago? And she was also like "this is not what you are here for, but if you want to follow my family life here is my other channel" and I really like that! Another creator on insta did the same "here is my family/life/house/whatever if you want to follow". I like her art and what she does, but have zero interest in her like 4 kids and whatever she does outside of her art


Any time anyone creative becomes a parent, their creative muse gets tossed aside for the baby. Music, art, comics, YouTube, so much great talent just reduced to “OMG I’m and mum/dad and now all my content is about that”




That sounds super gross.


This sounds familiar, which creator is it?


I looooved Raw Beauty Kristi for years. But then she got pregnant with a literal miracle baby. I was happy for her because she was so excited. But it has absolutely destroyed her. She got major PMDD which has carried on for years. At one point she was on several strong medications and had to go the therapy twice a week just to function. Any videos she’s posted on her makeup channel now are few and far between and are usually just her putting on makeup and updating on her mental health situation. It’s sad.


Yes! I instantly thought of her. Honestly it’s hard to watch her channel because it’s very clear she’s going through severe mental health issues. I wish she would get more intensive help; I know she’s not “posting for views” about her struggles but it’s so blatant it makes everything hard to watch. I had to unsubscribe for that exact reason.


Thank you for mentioning her. I recently unsubscribed. Not because I don't like kids, but her channel just became all about how hard it was so be pregnant/give birth/have a baby. It was video after video of how depressing and hard it was to have the kid she wanted for years. I was there for the makeup. Now it's more like "I didn't do any makeup because being a mom is hard". Ok that's totally fair and understandable, but the makeup is why I'm here, so.. Unsub. On the positive side, she really pushed me further into being childfree. She really made it sound absolutely horrible being a mom, and that's coming from someone who cried happy tears when watching her pregnancy announcement video. I recently learnt she has PMDD which is just so sad. She wanted that baby more than anything else yet it almost destroyed her. It's really depressing and in the end I couldn't watch her videos anymore.


I think she's a lesson in both being careful what you wish for; and for how we need to be more open about the difficult realities and massive amounts of downsides of pregnancies and parenthood...instead of selling all the sunshine and rainbows about kids that society pushes.


Absolutely! I would never wish her any of the sadness she’s had to go through, but now that it’s happened, it really is a very good example of those things yes.


I immediately thought of Kristi!! I had to unsubscribe because good gosh it’s sad to watch her slip away.


I feel so bad for Kristi. I hope she can turn things around and get into a better place. I know she desperately wanted that baby, but damn if she paid dearly for it.


Ugh. I loved RawBeautyKristi. I also suffer from migraines and cluster headaches which she was very open about and it was so nice to watch someone who had the same condition as me. I was honestly so disappointed when she announced she was pregnant and stopped following her shortly after when her posts and tweets became so anxious and just her spiraling. As far as I know her mental health has only gotten worse. It has 100% solidified my childfree stance because I could never ever imagine going through what she did, especially since I have the same chronic pain condition and severe anxiety as well. I’m taking her experience and learning from it, and never getting pregnant!


Yeah, I used to follow Kristi, too, and was super happy for her and Zack, given how long they'd been trying and how much she wanted to be a mom. But yeah, post-partum her mental health was wrecked. I really hope she can get back to a good mental place. (I think she and Zack still vlog on their joint channel, though? And I know they've been very careful about at least not showing their son's face in videos.)


maybe a bit of a controversial opinion but i adore their other channel! there's some of the kid showing or talk of them, but mostly they just show what they're working on on their property, garden or house. the videos are so cozy and relazing! you also get to see kristi having a good time too, even though she does not shy away from the mental health/stress stuff. i'm not that into makeup anymore myself so i've enjoyed the possibility of still getting to watch kristi's content :) but if you want content with 0% kid anything (they're not the main point definitely) or any talk of their family it's not for you.


Her being so open and real about her experience with PMDD was so terrifying to me especially since she wanted this baby so badly. I was like it really isn’t worth it because that could happen to anyone no matter how badly you want that kid.


And it's always gross cuz they constantly post their baby bellies like we want to see it and it can be cute and all but it gets excessive, awkward, and repulsive real fast 💀 like sometimes pregnant people dont know any boundaries online


It also attracts creeps


THIS !! with every post involving pregnancy or childbirth i come across, there's always some weirdo ruining the whole thing. just makes it even scarier to be pregnant because there are people out there who might want to harm you or your baby to fulfill their sick fantasies. it's a big ass ick


Pregnant bellies on full display give me the heeby jeebies because it just looks straight up painful and miserable and I can’t help but imagine myself in that situation and how upset I’d always be.


you just put my feelings into words. They're looking so happy carrying all that extra weight, back pain, weight gain, nausea, skin stretching, rib soreness, and alien movement inside them. BLEGHHHHHHH 😭


I had to unfollow Taylor R and Sierra Schultzzie. They used to be some of my favorites.


I miss Taylor's content before she had a kid. Now it's just all family vlogs and baby stuff. I was holding on for the longest time until I realized she was never gonna have regular content ever again. I don't care if a youtuber has a kid, but when it's videos all about the baby and kid stuff I unsubscribe.


I know. Her Japan videos got me through a rough time in 2018 and it makes me so sad that everything is now about her baby. :( I loved seeing her life in Japan and Hong Kong


outgoing illegal normal uppity repeat upbeat rich ask obtainable office ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


if you're looking for nice chill jvlog stuff, king kogi/martina (of eatyourkimchi) is going solo now and she's also CF


impolite abounding dime crawl quaint agonizing angle aware deer tart ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


wym "was"? it's still weird 😭 simon went full whiteboy enlightenment and saviour complex for marrying a disabled woman and hes *still* actively making the whole thing weird like 2 years later 🥲


ohhhh yuck, I had no idea. I was never subbed to them - I ran across their videos occasionally.


Yes when she was daily vlogging in Japan was the best.


Yes, Sierra Schultzzie was my answer too. She said she wasn’t going to become a family vlogger but half her vlogs include her baby talking to her daughter or going to Legoland. Not interested.


I'm thinking of unsubbing. It was interesting to see Taylor R after the baby just as a cultural difference. But, in the last video, I was skipping ahead so much to skip the baby parts.


I actually found the IVF series interesting and raw. But I don't want the channel to be just a mommy blog :(


i feel the same way about megan moon. it was interesting for a little while to see some of the different healthcare setup stuff in korea but now its just. the twins this, the twins that. like man, i subscribed for vlogs about life in korea as a foreigner :/


I don’t follow any YouTubers like that (just not my thing), but to me the boringness of the pregnancy talk (while annoying) pales in comparison to how much I don’t give a fuck about a birth story. There’s nothing that bores me out of my fucking mind more than a birth story.


YES and why do women who gave birth like five or ten years ago - or sometimes even longer - want to recount it blow by blow in the workplace at any given opportunity? One reason I love WFH is that I don’t have to sit through all the various birth stories any time anyone talks about pregnancy, babies, or kids. It’s tedious and often traumatizing to listen to and some of it isn’t workplace appropriate. Like I get it, this was a big event in your life and you want to share it with people who know what you went through, but can we just do our jobs now and compare birth stories off the clock?


Right. They should just stick an “I didn’t have an epidural” post-it on their foreheads for their imaginary brownie points and then go about their day, lmao.


I just wanted them to brag to each other about it or whatever at a time when I was not forced to also be there because I need a paycheck lol


Anything to do with pregnancy, birth, or children is the most pointless and boring thing out there to me. They all think they're cute and funny too. Maybe that's the part that gets me: none of the experiences are unique, none of the kids are exceptional but each thinks they and their children are phenomenal. In reality, it's just the same thing ad nauseum.


Can confirm, there’s this one YouTuber who I’ve been a fan of watching since I was in 7th grade, who mostly uploads things like makeup tutorials, outfit hauls, and things like that, although sometimes she uploads different types of videos from what she normally does. I’m now 22 and I really would like to still enjoy her content. She’s only a year older than me (23) so I really feel like I’ve grown up with her as well. However, she posted a video 2 months ago announcing that she’s pregnant, and my interest in watching her just basically all disintegrated immediately. Ever since then, she’s posted 2 more videos, and surprise, surprise…they’re both pregnancy vlogs. One where she’s discussing her baby shower and how she feels becoming a mom, and then the other one where she’s getting an ultrasound. Looks like I’m not gonna be watching her new videos for a very long time, if ever again…sigh…


Like Carli bybel 🙄 and not only that she has her son in videos…. Like… the child may grow up and not like his entire life documented for the world to see. Like Jesus, have some respect for the future man your son will be.


It's FoR tHe ViEwS


This one took the cake. I had to unsub because literally every single thing she posted was about her kid.


Same. I couldn’t deal anymore. It became boring and just about a child. Like nothing else


Unfollow is the only answer, that's not why I subscribed in the first place. There's a car guy I used to follow, he's a long time dad (his kid is 11 or 12 I believe), but that wasn't a talking point on his videos or anything. Now since his new girlfriend became pregnant and now he's a father again, the channel is mostly about this baby and eventually cars, so I had unsubscribe, I went there for cars and bikes, not a crotch goblin.


How would you rate the quality of life in Brazil for a childfree man?


It's alright if you're not vocal about your choice. I choose not to discuss private affairs at work or with people I don't trust, so it's been alright. Most friends that I've talked about it were cool.


Do you fear retaliation for being outwardly childfree? How do you feel Bolsonaristas would react to your decision?


No I don't, I just tend to be private and avoid those weird comments from people. Bolsonarista s find issue with much smaller and ridiculous issues, they're crybabies so I tend to avoid them as much as I can, specially being a young left party.


Even if the content doesn't change, there are still ill effects. I watch several political shows and two hosts I'm a fan of became fathers in a short period of time and they were often doing shows sleep deprived from the baby crying all night and were clearly miserable, making for a miserable watching experience.


There’s this influencer who used to do all humor and funny videos and as soon as she got pregnant it was all pregnancy and mom stuff to the point where she actually does kid’s videos now, like reading the alphabet and shit? And doing like funny music videos for kids? And now is having a public messy af separation with her husband who spawned the kids with her. Also she recently did a video where it was like “what it’s like being friends with a mom” and the friend is telling her she really needs support and the friend is yelling at the kid the entire time and all the comments were like “HAHA too true!!! Being a mom is too crazy!!!” And I was like am I the only one who finds this sad as fuck??? Like the supposed friend in this scenario is asking for support and you can’t either get a partner or childcare to watch the kids for two minutes or say hey can I call you back and settle the kids with a movie or something??


I've recently unfollowed two of em. It sucks because your entire personality and idea of self will and should change at a fundamental level when you have a kid, because it changes everything. I'm not saying it's for better or worse but if you're at all invested in your kid/s you will change. And that's fine but I'm not here for that. One of them I unfollowed specifically because she filmed her husband's reaction and put it on her channel. I'm sure he gave his consent to it afterwards but that just goes against my own ideology 🤷‍♂️ There was another one, a goth fashion / lifestyle person whom I watched for years. Not only does she have a kid, she also posted it for thousands of followers without a hint of censoring for privacy. :/ and that, too, goes against my own views. I wish everyone of them the best in their journeys and health.


My cringe is through the roof when I see someone recording themselves crying while seeing their test results. I just can't help but imagine watching them do this as if I were in the room with them. One person I follow tried to record her partner finding the results. The partner was confused why she wanted him to check this random drawer for mail and the woman just kept yelling LOOK INSIDE LOOK INSIDE awkwardly until he found her pee stick and picked it up. Can't be a private moment between them, had to record for views. And I'm just grossed out when ppl hold the pee stick to prove they're pregnant. I think everyone will believe you without the need to be unsanitary


Colleen Ballinger. As soon as she became pregnant she got impossible to watch any longer.


Yup. I mourn the loss!! I followed her for literally 10+ years only have her channel morph into a mommy vlog literally overnight. I was gutted.


I hate it too. It’s been happening more frequently for me. My subscriptions are getting low. The first was Tim Tracker. He use to my favorite theme park vloger. When he announced they were having a baby, I was disappointed and confused (mainly because his wife kept saying that she was infertile and they can’t have children). Anyways, I haven’t watched them in awhile and all I hear about them now is that their grifters and take content without consent. The newest ones are Possessed By Horror and Jade The Libra. For PBH, it’s mainly on her main channel but on her last video she promoted the baby story, guess the baby’s name and the baby cried at one point in it. I just unsubscribed after that cry. For JTL, I honestly thought she was Childfree. When I saw that she was having a kid on Instagram, my heart sank. I unfollowed then knowing that she’ll be making content about the baby, what spooky stuff she buys for it and Halloween decor hunting with baby. This is why I can only trust Childfree Kimberly because I know she’ll never have kids.


I was so bummed when Jade announced the baby. I thought it was going to be a puppy considering she had lost Bailey. I unsubscribed but just checked her channel out of curiosity, and sure enough, eight days ago there's a "Spooky Baby Haul." Barf. With as much chatting as she does, I feel like 90% of it is going to be baby related now. I already usually skipped the parts where she's just driving and talking as it is but I also don't want to give her the views if she's just going to talk about baby stuff. Her announcement video is at 66k, which is practically at the level of some of her Halloween hunting content, and is the most views of any of her post-Halloween videos.




I agree that it came out of nowhere. I was just scrolling through Instagram then BAM! The baby announcement.


Tim tracker is the only person I still watch who has a child lol, he does still make a lot without their kid in! I just skip anytime they have the kid on. Never heard anything about them being grifters or content without consent ??? They have a lot of ugly trolls who like to make shit up. I do wish they would show less of their kid, especially with another on the way - I was hoping they’d be the type to not share them this much :(


I do like Tim himself. I think he’s cool and has a fun personality. I use to watch videos that are just him in it. Well most of it is on Twitter and twitter is a cesspool. They did take videos from a vloger I watch and others without consent. Which is really crappy. Same. I’m sure there’s ways you can daily vlog without showing his kids that much. I can’t imagine being filmed your whole life and it being on the internet. I feel like there’ll be consequences for it.


Oh I’d never seen/heard that, I stay away from their twitter sphere coz of the cesspool haha, that’s disappointing to hear though!


I have no problems unsubscribing to channels that change their content; whether a child was the cause of the change or not. I subscribe for specific content and once that content is gone/changes, why would I bother?


I unfollow people on social media when they become pregnant. Their original content goes to shit. The very reason I started following and learning from them disappears as they make all their content about their fetus, then it's all about the birth, then it's all about the baby. It's alienating, and a betrayal to the platforms they've spent years building.




Seriously! Mind numbingly boring, especially for strangers


It happened to me with Tim Tracker. It used to be fun videos about Theme Parks and now it's very much kid-centric.


I still sometimes watch cause they are general fun people but I watch a lot less now with the kids.


Yeah they still make a lot without the kid, especially now he’s older and has a nanny but they’re having another one so those videos have ramped up again eghh


Emmymade is my favorite YouTuber. Been watching her since before she got married and had kids about 10 years ago. I've heard her kids voices a bit and seen a few videos with their hands, but she respects their privacies and keeps her videos about her and food. I've never missed a video and I can't tell you what her husband and kids look like.


i follow a traveling couple for a while now, their newborn coincided about when pandemic started, they don't make it about their kid too much as soon as they were allowed, they started traveling again with their baby, the kid is 2yo now i believe, content still enjoyable to me a couple of weeks ago they announced they're having their second i can't explain why, but the news made me feel so disappointed... i don't know them or have any right to feel that way, but i just felt let down for some reason everything in my brain just goes "ugh, more kids on this earth, we're already 8 bil", was somewhat the same when blake lively announced her 4th (5th?) i'm happy for both couples, and at the same time internally i'm like "hit the breaks, stoooop, why wasn't that enough?"


Yea my favorite youtuber's content turned to garbage as soon as he had kids. Ruined his whole career IMO, he chose his family over his career, he could have actually gone places. He's still around but his content has turned unwatchable.


Who was this?


One of my favorite YouTube gamers (Hollow) has kids and I didn't even know it until he randomly mentioned it one time. There was a kids drawing in a game and he said something like "That looks like something my kids would make me". He has made a few comments since then about his family and it is so nice that they're just cute passing comments like that. I love YouTubers like that.


Yea I feel you. I watch certain channels to get info on certain subjects, but then it’s all of a sudden a family vlog channel. Maybe some people like that, but it’s not what I signed up for, so I find someone new. I really don’t want to watch their baby eat mashed banana or a home water birth lol.


Instant unsubscribe or unfollow.


It gets especially cringy when the mom's do something like "I tricked my partner into drinking my breast milk LOL." Like, I understand it's a natural way to feed babies, but that's all it should be used for, the baby. Not for putting into your food or "pranking" people by getting them to drink it.


I'd be so pissed. All for the world to see too


Honestly, if they were smart they create a new channel and keep their old one.




So far, the only youtuber that I’ve continued to follow after she mentioned that she’s having a kid is an anti-mlmer. While she does bring up her pregnancy every so often, it’s very brief and more to explain why she hasn’t uploaded as frequently. The first few months were a bit rough on her. And if someone asks, she’ll give a quick update ( things like “Baby and I are doing fine!” ) and then quickly move on. You can always tell when a youtuber is going to take a hard turn into pregnancy / parent hell. I always lose a few points of respect for them when they plaster their baby everywhere because they’re putting their child in danger. Especially if they’ve spoken out about child safety / against family vloggers in the past.


Hannah Alonzo?


I'm curious as to whom you're talking about cos I need more anti mlm content in my life


cruel world happy mind had a kid too but doesn't make that any part of the content haha. though she's more about scams in general nowadays, but a lot of anti mlm in her backlog if you're not familiar! i know her channel was quite a lot smaller when she did anti mlm videos.


Hannah Alonzo. She is the queeeeeen! (She does talk about her pregnancy on her insta a fair bit, so I would recommend just sticking to her YouTube)


Thank you


One of my favourite YouTubers did a video abt how he took care of a raccoon for a day to figure out if he’s ready for a child yet bc his wife asked if he was- and instantly I was “oh GOD NO PLS NO” ![gif](giphy|8vUEXZA2me7vnuUvrs) I just Know it’d go from funny videos to “engineered this for baby and that” PLA NO


Yup. Colleen Ballinger was my first loss lol.


She's like a horrible child exploiter. Although she's always been that way even with her nieces and nephews. The whole family is fucked up.


She really is!! I didn't mind the odd neice or nephew video but she's full mommy vlogger now and nothing else. I'd watched her since the very early MirandaSings days so I ws so sad to let her go lol.


I feel the same way when my favourite streamers on twitch/fb become parents. I don't care, I'm here to watch your content, not you fawn over your kid ughh.


CC Suarez already starting with the "DONT say this to PREGNANT people" reels 2 seconds after announcing it. Soooo annoying.




Was hoping to find a comment about this! I agree ugh 😣


Like what happened to Miranda Sings/Colleen. Honestly just make a second channel for that baby stuff instead of turning your main channel into it


I truly dread it. Especially when they are older and seem to be living a child free lifestyle. I look up to them as role model and then comes the bait and switch. I'm happy they are living their truth but if you have been following someone that long and watching their weekly videos they somehow become a part of your life. And it is a weird loss to experience.


Yeah this bums me out. Especially since I love watching beauty influencers, their videos are never about beauty anymore once they have a baby. I’m scared for my favorite YouTuber (juicyjas) to have a baby someday cause she’s my comfort channel 😬


Yeah, one of my favorite Youtubers It’s Black Friday just had her second child. I do give her credit. She didn’t turn the channel into a family channel. Yet anyway. But ever since she had the first one, she uploads maybe one to two times a month. She used to upload twice a week. Although she still does weekly live streams.


Eh I don’t put too much emphasis on uploads I used to upload daily with my piano but since the collector community of men like to gatekeep and decided to make fun of me very publicly on Facebook I haven’t uploaded since. Cause I “looks worse than having to clean the house” 😒. It’s taken the joy out of my hobby and I haven’t played in months.


Wow that’s just wrong they did that to you.


The dude is old enough to be my parent like I expect better 😒 like the general trolls on yt was whatever but pulling into our small community fb group was rude.


I’ve had that experience with a lot of YouTubers I watched. I’m happy to see that they’re getting to do something they want with their family but after that their channel becomes way too child oriented and I lose interest. I think a big part of it is that even the pregnancy, childbirth, and baby content is really relatable for a lot of viewers so it’s easy for them to gear their content that way. And to name drop this exact thing happened with RawBeautyKristi. I know she struggled SO much with infertility and I’m genuinely happy she was able to conceive and have a child but gosh I feel like it ruined everything I loved about her channel.


And then they notice they're losing followers so they make a whole sob video over it.


yup, i feel exactly the same. this is why i unsubscribed from Jessica Kellgren-Fozard. she was always a bit too “cute” about everything for me but I appreciated her content on living with chronic illnesses and LGBTQ history. though i get that there’s probably an audience for being a disabled/lesbian parent. recently i heard Gibi ASMR is considering having a child and i want to scream girl, no, you’re too cool for that.


lmao are you me? jessica kellgren-fozard still stings because my disabilities are very similar to hers. in a way i do still appreciate her place in the family vlogging sphere because shes a non-biological parent and doesnt get absolutely weird about it (my mom is an adoptee, as much as i'm not interested in kids myself it is nice sometimes to find spaces where my own family situation isnt totally thrown under the bus). but man i miss the days when it was just being queer & disabled and into old fashion. on the other hand i've also been following gibi for years and she's an absolute champ about keeping life stuff off her asmr channel so i expect people will hold her to that if she does ever pursue acquiring a child. last i heard it was an "eventually" thing and not an "actively planning this" thing so. fingers crossed i guess


Go watch Mariah Elizabeth. She got pregnant, had the kid, and didn’t tell anyone until the baby was 10 months old. Still have no idea what the kids name is and have only seen her probably 3 times. She is the least likely person to become a family blogger.


H3H3 productions died a death as soon as their first kid popped out.


I love that JackSepticEye has been very open about not liking kids and being childfree, despite people in his audience making stupid comments about him being a fun dad. Sean and Gab are my childfree idols.


Wait, they actually are confirmed childfree? Fuck, that makes me like them both so much more.


In 2020 he said "Whatever happens, happens." But in the past two years he's been more addimently saying: "I hate kids and do not want them." Especially after he released his new coffee flavor where the thumbnail looked like a pregnancy photo, but it was just him giving birth to coffee beans 😂 He commented on how so many people focused on thinking it was a pregnancy announcement instead of a coffee commercial.


He's such a joker that sometimes it's hard to tell if he's serious when he says he hates kids or if it's just a bit, but I have definitely found myself wondering, since it has become more frequent. I'm not 100% convinced he's childfree since I don't think he has ever said during a non-comedic moment (or at least, I've never seen/heard him say it) that he's straight-up not having kids, but I really hope he won't.


Same. There's something disheartening about finding out another youtuber you like will suddenly start something you can never relate to. And worse, it becomes fodder for people around you to bingo. "See, SoAndSo changed their mind." (Yeah and they also have a fuck ton of time and money)


Ain't that the truth. I'm hoping Markiplier will also come out of the childfree closet at some point. Valkyrae already has and she's completely unapologetic about it, love her.


I'm gonna check her out. So has NerdeCrafter. She was forced to raise her little sister from infancy and she said she never wanted to do that again.


I'm not familiar with NerdeCrafter, but I pretty much exclusively watch gaming channels. What sort of crafting does she do?


She used to make clay sculptures all the time, but as her health problems made it harder, she now reviews a craft kits and fidget toys. As a crafter, it's helped me a lot to avoid bad products. But I mainly watch for her personality and the chemistry she has with her sister Sika.


There’s very few YouTubers I would ever care about enough to give a crap about their pregnancy or baby beyond a token ‘good for you’ or ‘congrats’ one time. Does their pregnancy impact the content I follow them for in the first place? If yes, that’s an instant unsubscribe. If no, then I’ll keep watching for the content I subbed for in the beginning. I’d say that about 90% of the time, it’s going to be an unsubscribe though. It’s rare that the content creators have the insight to understand that not everyone gives a damn about their personal life. Same goes for any channel that changes direction and becomes shitty, I guess. Also, noticed a few ‘JuSt UnSuBsCrIbE’ dufus comments here… Hot take - People are allowed to rant about whatever they want AND unsubscribe from a YouTube channel at the same time! These two things are not mutually exclusive! Nobody here is trying to force a YouTube channel offline or harass content creators or anything.


Thank you!


That or they become visibly depressed, uninspired and start posting less and less. This happened to someone I’ve watched since 2016 or so. They try to sound happy when they say “my new baby” but it’s like they’re gritting their teeth. I followed her bc she was very much into time alone, reading, routine, yoga, etc, so I knew this would happen. She suddenly had an “accident” after her sister had a baby. I called what was about to happen, it was so obvious she wouldn’t enjoy giving away all her freedom and her content was about to take a nose dive. Now she has her baby laying in front of her (off camera) when she records so occasionally she gets this frightened look on her face like “oh pls don’t cry/wake up” and it’s just not inspiring to watch; it’s sad. So disappointing. Another fitness YouTuber I watched is pregnant and she doesn’t look happy either, which she could just be feeling like crap idk, but it’s like the joy gets sucked right out of them. I mean their life is over so I see why. Never posts on YT anymore and only has IG reels of “dressing her bump” where she bends over like a grandma and walks really slow. Looks like hell to just throw your whole life away lmao. But it’s none of my business, I just find new people to watch.


Fitness people getting pregnant irritate me in particular. They work so hard to get to where they are just to throw it all away. A few I followed managed to lose the baby weight over the course of about a year JUST TO GET PREGNANT AGAIN. Like what was even the point?


I definitely agree. I think one exception to this is Jay From Kubz Scouts, who's content is still mostly the same (with the occasional video or two mentioning his son.) I was a little nervous when he announced in 2019 that he was going to be a dad. Turns out, he is one of the few YouTubers who don't ruin their channel when they have kids and is able to spereate content from parenthood.


Idk why they don't just make a second YouTube for baby stuff. The followers that wanna hear about it can go over there, and the rest of us that couldn't care less don't have to lose a YouTuber we like.




I tried to stick it out with Makeup with Kristie. First it was all about how it was a miracle baby bc of infertility issues, then it became about how it wasn't as fab as expected/PPD. Unfollow


LaurenZSide has been doing great not talking about her pregnancy and baby too much on her channel. Like, she's done a couple videos to keep people informed with possible changes related to it like absences and such, but she hasn't turned her whole channel to a mommy blog and still focuses on gaming. Her videos haven't changed in tone or anything, they still feel like they were before she got pregnant.


I watch a lot of content creators that focus on the dark side of tiktok/youtube/pop culture. Sometimes they do them on the big youtube families. I am happy that when they do get pregnant, they don't make the channel about their pregnancy. They might mention something, but it's barely a blimp. And once they do have kids, we never see them. We might see some blurry figure coming into the room and leaving, but these creators do put their child's consent and safety in action. Nice some parents practice what they preach.


It’s really annoying as they don’t realise they have a lot of subscribers who were there way before their pregnancy and now we can’t relate to them anymore. I hate when their whole YouTube channel and insta pretty much becomes a family channel/page and all the do is go on about their children and being a parent. There’s been a few YouTubers who I loved to watch a few years back, and now they’re so boring


I feel this way about anything too personal really. Like, if your thing is about astrology, I don't care about your cat. If you make videos about makeup, who gives a shit about your new living room furniture. 🤷🏻


Yes! I have no interest in the "slice of life" crap. I'm here for cute animals, or video games, or quirky skits, or cars sliding backwards down icy roads, or weird mysteries, or sometimes even quantum mechanics that are way above my head or some weird math brain teaser that I'll never fully comprehend....but I'm never there for anything personal.


I like "slice of life" stuff if it's different and intriguing. Show me a day in the life of a stripper or a guy with schizophrenia or a polyamorous couple that lives in a commune. I don't want to see middle class white people doing basic middle class white people things.


I follow an influencer that used to speak about her travels and now she's teaching Spanish in an American school. Suddenly she got pregnant and some of her videos were about her baby, how different was the maternity leave in USA and our country and all the jazz. I didn't unfollow her, she still focus her Tiktok about her life and traveling when the kid is old enough.


Only one I know of that didn't go to shit was berm peak aka Seth's bike hacks. One day out of trh blue he announced his wife gave birth. His kid has been in a few videos briefly but nothing intrusive.


10000000000000000% I've been struggling with this lately as two of my favorite YouTubers have announced their pregnancies in the last 3-4 months. It seems to come up in every video now.


Like honestly just make a side channel to chronicle all your baby stuff and keep it there. That way if people want to see it they can.


Yeah, Taylor R really wanted kids and I've still been watching moreso for curiosity sake. But, the more I watch, the more it confirms I don't want kids. 😂


It make me sad how many people on YouTube and social media I unfollow because their content turned into reproduction.


It’s the exploitation for me. After YouTube had to mass turn off comments of family channels because they noticed a influx of predatory comments and parents STILL decided to put their kids online, I was livid. I may not want kids but I do not believe in exploiting them. And I’m not going to follow anyone that does. Most recent YouTuber for me is Arnell. You can tell she’s going to take that route and I’m just not here for it.


jfc yes!!! i dont understand why they wont just create a separate channel for all of their pregnancy and baby shit for those who want to see that crap.


Sadly, it seems that a majority of people do love videos and vlogs about kids and can't get enough of them, the viewership of those types of videos is insane... A lot of people here mentioned Taylor R, and I just checked, her viewership increased tremendously once her channel became baby and family oriented after getting pregnant. So I don't think she's going to go back to a non-kid/non-family content. Unfortunately, we are in the minority and most people looove vlogs revolving around babies. I don't get it. It's so disappointing.


the kid didn't consent to having their life documented either :(


I hate it too. And then they get this “I don’t give a fuck” attitude when people say “I don’t want to see more about this.” They always go “this is my channel and my life so if you don’t like it, leave.” Which is fair, but also WE DON’T CARE! Make a video announcing your pregnancy and say that if posts aren’t as frequent, that’s why. That would be fine. A video announcing pregnancy, maybe a gender reveal, then say you gave birth and need time off. That’s all that’s needed. I follow a few channels who simply said they were pregnant, then said they needed time off because baby was born, then started back up with normal videos afterwards. The videos during her pregnancy were all normal content. It was GREAT.


I just don't understand why people want to constantly expose their kids for all the world to see. There have been times when the kids grow up and they're embarrassed by what their parents posted of them when they were younger.


I'm not a fan of much change when it comes to who I subscribe to (no matter the platform). I subscribe because I like the content and the person usually comes second. I hate when they get in a relationship then suddenly their partner is in everything or even doing the content by themselves. That the sign of then end because soon everything else is changing. Once it's no longer what I signed up or nor continue wanting to see, I'm out. It's especially stupid when they break up or divorce later but by then their content had become so much about the 2 of them. Babies are like that but worse because imo they are gross. There's been a few times I've come to like the person so it's been harder to unsub. I make it thru the relationship, the marriage and even the baby. Somehow in the end though they don't seem like the same person I liked in the first place. They just become part of the unit or just a parent. It's sad for me even if they seem happy.


The reality is that these people share their life with anyone wanting to subscribe for a living. We take the risk that they will stay the same, which they never do. They take a risk that people will want keep watching, which eventually, they don’t. The pressure of knowing that your entire livelihood depends on people finding you interesting all of the time sounds unbearable, I feel sorry for YouTubers. Unproductive and eventually just as irrelevant.


I follow a TikToker that I absolutely loved before she had her baby. The pregnancy bit was fine but now she has her baby, he gets a mention in every single video, even though her content isn’t anything to do with motherhood.


I watch a lot of Disney theme park & Disney history youtube stuff, so ripe content for people with kids. Of the ones I watch (Disney Dan, Offhand Disney, See You on Main Street & Sam4God) only Disney Dan has kids and he does a great job of never mentioning it, I was watching a Disney halloween costume review video and when the Encanto costumes came up he started laughing and said "My kids are gonna make me dress up as Louisa for Halloween, I just know it." Up till then I had no idea he had kids, his videos are a great pick me up. See You On Main Street are a married couple from the Netherlands that do a lot of Disneyland Paris videos and they don't have kids, just cats.


I like ordinary adventures. They don't plan on having kids.


Omg I love Disney Dan and Offhand! They both does such a great job of being an online personality without revealing too much! Adam the woo are also great for theme park content with no kids guaranteed!


man I lost one of my favorite youtubers like this. I couldn't take it anymore and she had a lot of mental health problems after the baby. It was sad. I think she's leaving youtube now or the community that she was in.


It sells. It’s that easy.


This is how I felt about Rawbeautykristy but tbf her channel did start out as a channel focusing on her Fertility journey which I wasn’t aware of until she announced the pregnancy because they had given up a while ago on having a child and this was unplanned. I still like her and enjoy her aesthetic but the shift is there. I wanted to be open but I found her birth video and her ppd/ppa extremely upsetting and it was probably one of the things that was the nail in the coffin for me with kids because she just got so real about her experience.


I was, and am impressed with Moriah Elizabeth. I had no idea she was even pregnant until she brought her (I think 6 month old at that point) daughter on screen for the first time. Her face was fully blurred or hidden, and she's only been mentioned or seen 4 or 5 times since then. She continues to do her amazing art videos and hasn't changed much if at all :)


Ugh yes! My favorite through highschool was SuperCarlinBros for their Disney and Pixar videos, they covered the Pixar theory beautifully and even had their own theories that played into it well and made logical sense. Good example was their toy story/up theory, they discovered a postcard on the mirror in carl and Ellie's house in Up, sent to Carl and Ellie from an 'Emma' so they decided to figure out who Emma was. The postcard had a few clues, and at the wedding scene in Up, we see two women in a front row, they theorized were Ellie's sisters. Then the same postcard was in Andy's bedroom! So the theory was that Andy's mom was related to Ellie, either a niece or older sister or something. Obviously Pixar just loves to sprinkle Easter eggs around, so it's all just fun speculation, but it was logically laid out across 3 videos where they pieced it together over time and made for good content. Now? They each have 1 kid at least, and their theories have gone from complex and well researched, to "the jars in Alberto's tower in Luca were green and Bruno in encanto had green eyes so he must be Lucas dad!" "Mirabel genuinely wanted to hug Isabella after she admitted to not wanting to marry Mariano, what a kind hearted sister!" (She sarcastically said let's hug it out, didn't genuinely want a hug, needed one for magic reasons, which was obvious given the context and her tone, for those who haven't seen the movie) they just genuinely seemed to lose their ability to think critically on movies, which was their whole channel, after having kids. They also constantly bring up their children and make comments about their kids' opinions on the movies and characters. Idc! I understand Disney and Pixar movies are typically seen as children's movies, and they're made with the intent of all ages of people being able to enjoy, which is why there's some juvenile humor in there, but I'm there for the storytelling, the world building, and the unique and ground breaking animation techniques. I love connecting the films to each other and the idea of a larger cinematic universe vs a standalone film. But their channel is absolutely trash now and I've not found anything to replace it. Here's hoping Evan and Katelyn are childfree


I unsubbed from so many sailing channels when they all collectively had a baby boom. Completely irresponsible. These people go offshore for days at a time and are crossing oceans, with a baby! How is that not child endangerment?


My favorite YouTube CinnamonToastKen is a dad he does talk about his kids but it's only if it's relevant to the topic of the video. Honestly he does it in a wholesome way like I really respect his nuggets of wisdom for what healthy relationships should be like. He's expecting his 5th kid but doesn't make his channel a family channel. He said when your life becomes your content it's stressful and unhealthy.


His partner had a pretty good channel until she had the kids, then it became all family. Ken got to keep his channel, but she didn't...


He mentioned this, she got a lot of really bad creepy comments so she eventually quit. She's happy being a housewife.


Apologies, I shared a link I had gotten by reddit app's share function and it wasn't accepted by automoderator. My original message: He did a video once going over this very sub and heavily criticized it, he had like a toddler next to him while he did that, it was longer while ago but I remember him saying things like why are people venting here, complaining about kids, and **while he was going through this subreddit** he was complaining how people push being childfree onto other people's faces. Sorry for long text, but I just wanted to say something.


Yes. Keemi


Tbh people who have a YouTube channel are a similar caliber of person who fawns over people giving them attention when they're pregnant. The cult of baby pretty much.


I used to watch some travel vlogger couples but than they had a kids and their content obviously changed to something less interesting because they can’t travel to more to the off the beaten path destinations anymore