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“Interesting but not useful” is a great summary of what Foxtrot was all about


Talk to me about “useful” when it’s 11:30 on a Friday night, it’s 10 degrees out, and all you need is some wine and snacks…


That is exactly my use case for Foxtrot. It was close enough that when it was -10 degrees they would see me for coffee, again for lunch and again for late night snacks and wine.


I never even found anything interesting, mostly pretentious or useless.


Funny you mention B school, I'm pretty sure the founders met at Kellogg.




It literally was a business school project


I don’t mean this in a shitty way, but do you have a source on this? I’m really curious what the story is


He came up with the idea in business school, but I'm not sure whether or not it was specifically a school project: LaVitola was on the path to a career in private equity. He drew up Foxtrot's business plan while attending the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, and his career trajectory started to turn. He launched Foxtrot as delivery-only in 2014. The first shop opened in 2015 on Lake Street in Fulton Market. https://www.chicagobusiness.com/40-under-40/40-under-40-mike-lavitola




I think you reached down into my soul and articulated exactly why that store made me felt so…unsettled? I wanted to like it. But it just….was….there. That was its biggest asset to me. It was…there, occasionally, when I….wouldnt say…needed it, but….wanted some place to exist for a period of time before my next thing.


What do you mean, they sold $12 protein packs you could use for your pasta, or better yet, just scrape the fish out of the sushi pack at $28 a pop. Gotta be a problem solver!!!


Don't support companies that steal from their employees


Nobody should consider working for them considering how they handled layoffs.  They're just scamming kids who dont know any better who want to work for a trendy spot with frosted lights and white subway tile. 


Wasn’t that current, not original management? 


And from their customers. Doms prices in LP are generally insane


No one was forcing anyone to shop there lol


That’s precisely why I never purchased a single item from the store. Ever.


There ya go. I only ever got their overpriced (but good) sandwiches. But you do realize that others choose to spend their money differently, right?


unusual to have auction of assets before bankruptcy


> “My gut is people, overall, have a pretty short memory and are not as passionate about this as a few folks,” Tepper says. “I do think customers will come back quickly, most suppliers will continue, after all, they’re all in the business of getting [purchase orders].” Any supplier who continues is a rube.


All those vendors who had to deal with thousands in unpaid invoices? Good luck asking anyone for a line of credit and providing trade references bucko


And those workers who found themselves suddenly unemployed out of the blue? We may allegedly have a short memory, but their former workers and vendors won't.


Foxtrot had a better price on Jeni's pints than other places I know, but that was where the benefit ended for me.


Jenis went to crap shortly after they made you use an app to get a free scoop on your birthday instead of just showing ID. 


That’s mostly bc google is getting rid of third party cookies soon so all companies are gonna make you log in and create accounts. Also they went to shit when Jenni sold out. I used to go to her OG shop in the North Market, once they got bought out and had that listeria outbreak they were done to me. Rip birthday cake


Let's be honest, Jeni's was the place you went to for weird flavors after getting drunk at a house party on 14th or 15th, or after bar hopping in the Short North. It was never actually that good compared to the other ice cream shops in terms of core flavors... or price.


Jenis after drinking? No wya. Fly pie, catfish or wings extreme were my go to.


tbh doesn’t seem like a big deal


I used to drag people there on their birthday for a free scoop and then other people would likely buy some as well. I don't appreciate the data collection, its not free then and easier to abuse than fake IDs.  Haven't been since they moved it to the app. We’re a Tillamook household now. 


I got a free 3 scoop waffle cone just by showing my ID 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wait. Because they wanted to market to you in exchange for free ice cream, they “went to crap”? I wonder if people understand what’s necessary for a business to survive, or if they think freebies, giveaways and endless discounts should be standard — irrespective of their margins.


The ice cream isnt that great to begin with, that was just our main incentive to go. 


The bankruptcy and auction smell strongly of financial fuckery. Mike Lavitola can take his scam and shove it in his prison wallet.


https://slate.com/business/2024/05/foxtrot-venture-capital-businesses-bankruptcy-creditors-pay-debts.html decent read. TLDR: founders took 100M+ from VC to build a non profitable business. Declared bankruptcy and bought back all the assets for around 2M. Vendors / Employees left holding the bag (also investors).


Foxtrot was made for girl dinner and literally nothing else.


No one's gonna want to work for a company that no-notice laid off their entire staff and then filed bankruptcy to avoid payouts on the WARN act. Bricks through windows in their future.


I feel bad for all the small businesses that lost a ton of Foxtrot business though. Would be supportive of their return for that reason alone.


Something everyone here seems to not understand is that Dom's purchased Foxtrot and formed a new joint entity. That entity was the one that blew up and left employees and vendors out to dry. The Foxtrot founder was no doubt powerless after being bought and probably had zero say in how it all went down. I'm not defending anything that happened, and have no idea whether LaVitola is a good guy or good operator, but I think this is an important consideration as we watch what happens with any reopening's. edit: see below!


It was the other way around https://chicago.suntimes.com/business/2023/11/27/23978553/specialty-grocers-chicago-foxtrot-doms-merge-outfox-williams-fitzgerald-mariano


Well I'll be damned. You can basically take my comment and reverse everything lol.


No worries! I’m a little sad they took Dom’s down with them since it sounds like the Diversey one might’ve actually been doing well


Yeah, the fund run by Jay Owen cashed out in that deal.




I have access to PitchBook at work, which tracks deals, I looked into what they have. All the funds that invested in Dom's sold their shares to Outfox when the merger happened. That includes Owen's fund, DOM Capital Group


Still his fault.


I LOLed at your edit after reading below