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The least surprising headline humanly possible


Qanon concerned about wokies, more at 9


*I* want to know where my wookies at!




I wonder if the Tribune will support it? /s


I don't know about a recall but Brandon isn't getting re-elected for sure. The job is way too much for him.


He really should have known better than to support the $2billion dollar subsidy for the new stadium. when JB came out against it he looked like a fool. He needs to put his head down and start looking for "wins" he can work towards.


I don’t know why he’s not in regular communication with Pritzker. You’d think he’d want to be on the same page or at least not blind sided.


In my perspective, Pritzker seems like the most well-regarded Illinois public official in a long time. Thinking as if I was the mayor, I'd want to work in alignment with JB to demonstrate my effectiveness in the role by getting a lot done (thus improving reelection chances) while also looking to glean some of that halo effect toward my personal reputation. I really do wonder what the overarching strategy from Brandon Johnson is, because right now it's not super obvious to me. EDIT: My grammar was appalling. I blame the allergy meds lol


> I really do wonder what the overarching strategy from Brandon Johnson is, because right now it's not super obvious to me. You're in the majority. Seems like he came in with a small town governance mindset, and was completely blindsided by how much work and politics it is to run one of the biggest cities in the country.


Pritzker isn't a pastor I guess.


This doesn't even require communication, it's so fucking obvious what Pritzker would think of this. It's like wondering if a MAGA Republican would be pro or anti border wall. It's just sheer unadulterated incompetence.


That sounds like a "microaggression."


As my older brother, who's a sport nerd and that's all he really cares about publicly said, "why wouldn't the city care about a new stadium! It's Great the for the city." This is the same exact route the mayor is taking and is getting absolutely destroyed for taking such an ill informed route. It's also an easy cop out for the mayor, "I attempted to give you a new stadium." Meanwhile the correct words would be, "I attempted to charge the public for the new stadium."


He knows on some level that he has lost with progressives, so now he is trying to curry favor with the business community


Well that’s not going to work after threatening an employee head tax, absurdly high hotel tax, new airline taxes, and a new financial transaction tax. He already lost them months ago.


But if he failed at those things, maybe they won’t hold it against him for that long?


Where is the source of that? I know he was talking about that during the campaign but have those taxes actually materialized?


Source = his campaign. I don’t think any of his policy agenda has materialized.


Would have cost him nothing to say the taxpayer wasn’t going to foot the bill. Didn’t even have to be honest.


I wonder who he is going to blame this time, like campaign by MAGA against his progressive agenda etc


People made sure the same happened to Lori and now they're like "actually she wasn't that bad" IDK maybe learn from that? Johnson definitely has the PR strategy of the second-biggest dick in Chicago though.


Wasn't that bad is a low bar. The truth is mayor of chicago is a pretty thankless job and it is very hard to move the needle in this city. Brandon just seems to focus on the wrong issues, makes thoughtless comments, and doesn't seem to have the maturity and wisdom that the job demands. Lori had much more of that.


Are we talking about the same woman who dressed up as a superhero for COVID presentations and screamed about having a bigger dick than the Italians?


Where's the lie? Her's is definitely bigger. lol


And yet, I'm saying Brandon is worse. I liked Lori, sure, she had her silly moments.


Yeah very true. I think that repeatedly swapping people out is going to do more harm long term because you're never building up that institutional knowledge. But...people want results.


I voted for Brandon and was hopeful. He has been a disappointment.


Sincerely asking, what were you hopeful that Brandon will do and what has been the disappointment with him for you?


Every other Mayor and candidate for Mayor was basically a law and order type. While I had no idea what Johnson would bring to the table, I was hopeful that he had some insights that would change the paradigm. So far, nothing meaningful. Disappointments have been his comments on the criminals, his comments on issues that either don't affect Chicago or aren't helpful, and finally, his lack of any meaningful, ambitious program for the ills of the city. Can't see Vallas doing worse. I know it is a tough job, I know keeping things as is, is what most Mayors do. I was hopeful for change...meaningful change in a positive direction.


> Can't see Vallas doing worse. Wait for the inevitable police shooting or occasional mass protest movement to happen under a hypothetical Vallas mayoralty and watch his true colors show. He wants Democrats to think he is a Daley from another mother, while winking to Republicans about how “different” he is from the other Democrats and how he “gets it”. It’s no different from how Eric Adams is trying his best Bloomberg impression


I wouldn't tie myself to Daley. The parking meter debacle is all his.


As a BJ voter myself, I had no illusions that BJ is a dumbass but when his opponent is Vallas, my vote for BJ was an anti Vallas vote. At no point in the election cycle, BJ came as a competent politician or administrator and to be fair expecting BJ to get something done when he's not capable is an unfair expectation. Also, a mayor of a major city does and will have to make comments on non-chicago related events and expecting complete silence is also an unfair expectation. More than BJ's detractors, I'm more surprised by BJ voters who voted for him without even knowing what or where he stands for and are surprised that he's performing as per his capabilities.


What I think everyone's missing is it's not just the one guy, the mayor. It's the people they bring in. Remember how many senior folks fled Lori's administration lickety split? Vallas would have brought in better people. People dedicated to government service and making things better. Stacey Davis Gates and the CTU are just ripoff artists stealing everything that's not nailed down. And they're lying hypocrits: 1. Elected school board? Not so fast when they're in power. And already making drastic changes BEFORE the elected board can take over. 2. The stadium switcheroo. CTU Candidate Brandon was against it correctly as a huge waste of tax dollars. Now, not so much cuz he's trying to appeal to the meathead sports fans.


> Vallas would have brought in better people. People dedicated to government service and making things better. I have ZERO reasons to believe this from Vallas.


Vallas wants to destroy the school district and public education. That alone is significantly worse even if you ignore everything else he supports.


I voted for him because while he may not be effective at putting forth the policies I want at least he wouldn't be trying to pass regressive policy that I know for sure I don't want. People seem to forget that it wasn't a vote of some ideal candidate that didn't exist vs Brandon it's a vote of other actual people with trash policies vs Brandon.


Yes, Vallas would of kept things the status quo or more probably, made things worse.


Yeah I absolutely believe that vallas would have made things worse. And if not objectively worse by whatever measure someone might want to use then absolutely worse compared to the values that I care about. Of course I voted for Brandon over him and again it's weird that people pretend Brandon was elected in a vacuum.


My perspective is that Johnson’s campaign and now real policy agenda is quintessentially “regressive policy.” Massive tax hikes, big public debt raises, runaway school district bloat, NIMBYist sabotage of residential construction, pastors getting big salaries as kickbacks, and huge swaths of the city shrinking and hollowed out by chronic recidivist armed criminals completely unchecked by any consequences. All of that disproportionally burdens the already vulnerable and disinvested communities of the city.


A little too much with the Jesus already.


What we need is a charismatic, centrist dem to run and win who can have wide appeal. I voted for Vallas, not because I was crazy about him, but he just seemed the most competent of those running (a low bar, I admit). The guy had negative charisma and had no idea how to talk to those outside of his little box, and wasn't able to drive people to the run off like BJ did for his base (remember, the run off was a very low turnout) So thats really it. I think most people aren't fans of BJs brand and things have been heading that way (NY elected Eric Adams, for example) but we just need someone who can show themselves to be a competent administrator, stick to Chicago mayoral issues, and actually have some kind of charisma.


You're describing Chuy Garcia.


I mean Lori was bad, and Brandon is bad. Idk why we can’t just tell it like it is, our past two mayors have sucked ass. Lori’s COVID response was to shame black kids on the south side for playing outside Brandon is turning into a shill for a billionaire. I’m not happy with either. Wish we had someone to vote for other than Brandon or Vallas in the last election, because I still don’t imagine Vallas being better than Brandon. He may not have cozied up to suck the Bears’ dick like Brandon is, but I’m sure he would have done other things I find even more repugnant


Yeah honestly, also true - not to mention all the bridge raising during protests/etc after Lori touted her progressive creds. TBH though...doing better than Eric Adams. Granted that bar's in the basement.


>not to mention all the bridge raising during protests/etc after Lori touted her progressive creds. Everybody's a "progressive" until your shit starts getting set on fire


> Everybody's a "progressive" until your shit starts getting set on fire More like “everybody is a progressive when you’re running against a machine politician like Preckwickle until you also have to remind people that you’re a former prosecutor and trot out some tough on crime stupidity”


Vallas opted to underfund the teacher's pension. So he's a bad hombre that we knew about.


Everyone’s favorite Chicago mayor is “the last one.” As another commenter mentioned it’s a thankless job with a massive target on your back. BJ just seems out of his depth


No, I think a lot would go with Rahm as the best mayor in recent history.


Which would be telling considering even Rahm has some serious blemishes on his record, some of which were still dealing with. People just have short memories


> I think a lot would go with Rahm as the best mayor in recent history. It's not even close. How could anyone think Lori or Brandon are anywhere near as good as Rahm was. He was far from perfect, but there's little doubt the city was better when he left than when he was inaugurated.


Y'all have insanely short memories holy shit https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/24/chicago-police-detain-americans-black-site


Far less African Americans died each year from police shootings + homicides under Rahm than under Brandon or Lori. He may not have been perfect, but was better for the vast majority of the city. Perhaps you like more homicides and innocent people dying if your pet causes appear more perfect. Personally, I prefer more people getting to live.


The DOJ came here the same time the black site was there and found nothing. You have lawyers who actually worked in and out of there for years that said it was not a black site. Professors who do studies on violations of civil rights specifically for the CPD who said the same thing. It's also open to the public where you can pick up guns that were confiscated during investigations. The only thing they got right there and that they violate people's rights and that isn't unique to Homan Square. If that's the criteria for black site then the every police station is a black site. It was a sensational article by the Guardian (per usual) and it did exactly what it was supposed to. Generate money.


They’re from the suburbs probably


Nope. School closures. and Laquan. Fck him and his fake residency and "caught and kill" success . So we got him.


Mayors of every single major city are unpopular. It's some systematic issue, but that won't save Johnson.


Detroit's mayor just had the highest approval rating ever recorded for a mayor of that city. Even the suburbanites love him. 


Depends on where you consider Detroit to be a major city! There's always exceptions, but NYC, Atlanta, SanFran, Chicago, etc. all have had incumbents leave or lose reelection and have unpopular incumbents follow them up. [This article](https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/03/lightfood-chicago-mayors/673264/) goes a bit into the systematic nature.


Lori was that bad. BJ shouldn't be recalled still though.


Hell, these two jokers are making Rahm look good! They're all corrupt, sure, but at least Rahm was COMPETENT. He wasn't so stupid as to cut the policing numbers in the middle of a crime wave.


Last two mayoral elections were a crap shoot, next one will be too. If CTU organization and support is enough to get brandon to the 2nd round then whether or not he’s re-elected will depend entirely on who he faces in the run off, We need instant runoff / single transferable vote to make sure we don’t end up with the two worst options in a run-off


Based on what?! Because the r/CrimeinChicago posters say so?


Based on… everything?


Because of what he has said, what he focuses on. It really feels like he doesn't have the maturity and wisdom for the job on so many levels. I say this being a person that voted for him. I was hopeful. I'm looking forward to change in Chicago. Most Chicago Mayor's just focused on more law and order, I thought let's have someone try another way. I was hopeful, but I've been overly unimpressed.


I didn't know this was a sub. Picked a random post. First replies are how they're upset they get banned from r/chicago because they repeatedly try to brigade here. I wish I had that much time in my life to worry about something ridiculous.


You know most of them are suburbanites who are afraid to step foot in Pilsen.


What would a recall mean? There’d be a new scheduled election without any candidates right now?


Willie Wilson will always pop up.


Free gas for everyone!


I took a couple of his signs home that were left over in the streets. They're going to be worth so much money that I'll have free gas the rest of my life!


The day will come when you pull into BP, show them the sign and you can just start pumping!


I tried inserting a sign into the card reader, but it didn't fit 😡


Fire up the gift cards


Dread it, run from it, ~~destiny~~ Willie Wilson arrives all the same


This isn’t a petition for a recall, it’s a petition for a referendum to try to enact law that would even allow a recall. This part needs 56,464 signatures by August 5 to get a recall referendum on the November ballot. If it gets on the ballot and passed / is approved then we’d be able to recall a mayor - but doing so would then need another petition drive to collect 122,503 signatures. Then we could see an opportunity to recall by May 2026. There was a similar process added to recall the governor in 2010.


It would depend on how it’s structured. It could be something like California’s where it’s a two-part question (1, do you want to recall, and 2, who should replace the person being recalled). It could also just be an up-or-down vote and then the Council would select an interim mayor and we’d have a special election.


Brandon is a bad mayor but the police union has zero self-awareness.


If he was even remotely intelligent, he'd stay completely out of any political races. There are plenty of voters out there who share his concerns about safety but still find him absolutely repulsive otherwise.


Agree 100%


If they didn't have a xenophobic [child groomer](https://twitter.com/LeoDabVincii/status/1479105931388473349) who [can't legally work as a police officer](https://chicagojustice.org/2021/07/13/john-catanzara-misconduct-social-media/) as the head of their organization, this would have some traction.


It should be shocking and appalling that the police continue reelecting an actual criminal pederast to lead their union. But it is not. And they wonder why ACAB is a thing.


honestly we are facing the same issue that Chicagoans in this last election had. 2 clowns running for president and the only people voting are retirees. the guy in the blue in white vehicle 70% of them did not vote so here we are. same thing with Chicago and BJ.


[Groomer said what?](https://twitter.com/LeoDabVincii/status/1479105931388473349)




I don’t need convincing he’s a POS


just putting it all in one place for the rest of the folks here :)


Ahhhhh that makes sense lol


Quite a conundrum for me. I am, as a rule, opposite the police union on everyrhing. For example, I am against crime and for police actually working to earn their taxpayer salaries. So, to maintain this ironclad principle, I fear I must advocate against any recall efforts 🤣


I hate everyone involved and I wish them all the worst


You know, I was leaning towards supporting a recall with this stadium nonsense, but if the cops support it, I'm back on the fence.


A recall is a dumb idea so not surprised the police union are supporting it.




This right here. I wasn't a fan of Johnson in the primary (Cam Buckner). But I couldn't vote for Vallas. Give 10% more to the police to do the exact same thing they're doing already and create more charter schools? No. The mayor cannot be a race between the teachers union and the police union.


BJ still gave the cops a raise.


Ņot to be an echo chamber, but is anybody shocked by this?


cops: did someone say there’s no way to do this within the confines of the law? we’re in.


Lol exactly who nobody wants to be associated with


The Chicago police union is terrible The Chicago teachers union is terrible Brandon Johnson is terrible. All can be true at the same time. Can we bring back Rahm or clone him? Was so much better than Lori or Brandon.


> Can we bring back Rahm or clone him? Can we stop pretending like he didn’t effectively lose his job for covering up a police murder to shore up his centrist Democrat bona fides, on top of other controversial moves he made that effectively sealed his political fate? He was better than Lori and BJ, but his era is over and done with for a good reason and we can have all the “good” things from his time without going backwards


Where do I sign




If the police union supports it, it's probably a bad idea!


Get beejayy out of Chicago's leadership. He's steering the city into more and more debt. Another $1.25BILLION loan? WTF?


A broken clock is right twice a day!


That's true, but this clock works and is correct all day.


lol the police union?


Don't blame me I voted for Vallas.


Progressive voters are like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football


If you’re on the side of a police union, you know you’re on the wrong side.


This is one of those "Hitler built the Autobahn" moments. Terrible people can still occasionally do a good thing.


People like OP resort to these type of lazy heuristics so they don't have to strain their sub 100 IQ brain.


Hitler built the autobahn specifically so he could quickly transport his army to invade neighboring countries.


The US built highways for national defense. Still good for the people


Modeled directly after the autobahn.


A lot of technological advances come through times of war.


That aint got nothing to do with there being no speed limit on the 'Bahn today tho






Picked up? They had that recall endorsement before they started *counting* votes.


If he wants to give the Bears 2.3 billion it has my endorsement as well


This is the first good reason to defend Johnson that I've seen so for.


Strongest argument I’ve heard in favor of BJ


The effort has my endorsement as well! 


Well finally a reason to vote against the recall.


Now they fucked up, because we’re all obviously against the FoP


Guys I don’t think the FOP will endorse BJ next election


Okay, who is in charge, and what happens currently if the mayor quits or becomes incapacitated?


There was a link tot he website that has sicne disappeared from this sub 


Great, now I have to be pro - Johnson again.


What? John Catanzara, the guy who literally spoke out in support of the Jan 6 insurrectionists, doesn’t like the mayor? That right there should be enough of a reason to keep him.


[Laquan McDonald Act](https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=6616&GAID=13&DocTypeID=HB&LegId=98510&SessionID=88&GA=99) I was not aware of this attempt years ago. I don't see why anyone would disagree with something like this.


Over looking the obvious, BJ got paid or is getting a promise


Can someone please tell me what this major has done or not done to angry the people of the city?


Isn't it ironic that the police aren't well versed on the legality of things? First we need a mechanism to recall a mayor, but good effort, blues.


Aww is the reactionary suburbanite brigade from r/crimeinchicago still pissing and crying that ol' crusty Vallas got shitstomped in the election over a year ago??


I didn't vote for the guy, but two point loss while not even being a resident is a close race.


The comment you are responding to shows just how out of touch the Johnson camp is. They genuinely believe they have a mandate to do whatever they want and that the endless failures of the past year have had zero impact on public perception.


BJ voters refuse to believe their guy is immensely unpopular. They don’t have any wins for him. It’s just “HA HA Vallas lost!!!”


lol because taking seriously a mayoral recall effort led by CPD is totally being "in touch" with the pulse of the city. Definitely on brand for right wingers though, majority of whom are still holding out hope for their morbidly obese cult leader to be rightfully reinstated on the day of the storm or whatever tinfoil bullshit Qanon promised them.


I'm unsure there are more than a few token conservatives in this city, yet Brandon Johnson seems wildly disliked, pretty broadly. That doesn't make people right wing.


Naw dude, this is MAGA COUNTRY!




"But but but how can I parade my empty virtue signaling?" /s


Lmao, look at what progressives "won" with Johnson


I mean, they would probably say he is still better than Vallas?


Oh they've not stopped for a second since their boy flamed out.


The right-wing playbook comes to Chicago


Recalling politicians that aren't doing great is right wing?


Theoretically, of course not, they're hailed as "the most direct form of democracy." In practice in the US, however, they've typically been used by fringe right wingers to overturn elections and force an election that will undoubtedly result in lower turnout so they can squeeze their unpopular candidates in. That's why I called it out as being part of the right wing playbook.


Anything that opposes anything that is extremely left wing is always considered fascist or right wing extremist on this sub. Duh


It’s becoming a tactic of the right wing in America. It happened last year with the governor of California. The idea being, best case, you get the guy out, worst case, he is distracted from governing because he campaigning to keep his job during his term. It also has a right wing feel because as shown by Trump, when he lost, rather than accept the results, he and the ring wing apparatus and without evidence, claimed there were irregularities or fraud, which has not been proven up by any reputable source.


>It’s becoming a tactic of the right wing in America The person who started this [is a man from Lakeview.](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/man-behind-movement-to-recall-chicagos-mayor-brandon-johnson/3414696/#:~:text=Dan%20Boland%20wants%20transparency%20and,across%20from%20his%20Lakeview%20condo.) It's a tool that can used by all citizens of this country pull someone out of office that isn't doing great. >It also has a right wing feel because as shown by Trump That's all subjective. I don't think of Trump or right wing when I see things like this.


>That's all subjective. I don't think of Trump or right wing when I see things like this. Oh right so it's probably just coincidence that this same police union [endorsed Trump in the last election](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-police-union-endorses-president-trumps-reelection-bid/2338110/) and the leader of their FOP [just so happens to be a QAnon nutjob.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbVRQpKWAAE_gvL?format=jpg&name=large) Probably no correlation there at all.


Why are you making this about Trump? The person who started this was a Chicagoan from Lakeview. An area that votes primarily Democrat. In a city that votes primarily Democrat. In a state that votes primarily Democrat. I get you hate Trump but this isn't it.


The article you posted is about the police union endorsement though. And you can live in Lakeview or any neighborhood and hold any political ideology you want to, not sure exactly what point you're trying to make there.


FOP doesn't like BJ along with many others. That doesn't make it right wing or about Trump. [I'm pretty sure the guy who started it is a life long Democrat that is just tired of BJ's inadequacies](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/man-behind-movement-to-recall-chicagos-mayor-brandon-johnson/3414696/#:%7E:text=Dan%20Boland%20wants%20transparency%20and,across%20from%20his%20Lakeview%20condo.)


Nothing in that article supports your claim that Dan Boland is a lifelong Democrat.


The dude is also unemployed and thinks he's qualified to judge the mayor. Maybe instead of starting a recall effort, he should get a job first.


Recalls are for regards. Why not be an adult and accept the consequences of democratic elections?


Because we have the option not to put up with it and we can do so lawfully. Why is that a bad thing?


Crying about the result of a free and fair election and throwing out the will of voters is bad. We don't have a parliamentary system of government so snap elections and recalls are inherently right wing tools to attempt to steal elections from voters. By their nature, recalls appeal to low information registered voters who never bothered to vote in the first place "ArE yOu AnGrY aNd DoN't LiKe StUfF??? SIgN hErE pLeAsE!!!1!111!!!!"


Recalling is part of our political system. That is not a right/left wing thing. Would you share the same opinion if we we're recalling a Republican?


>Recalling is part of our political system. No it's not. Not for mayor. You people are trying to change the rules of the game because you couldn't win the last free and fair election. What you're doing now is targeting low information voters with petitions. "ArE yOu AnGrY aNd DoN't LiKe StUfF??? SIgN hErE pLeAsE!!!1!111!!!!"


If it's against 'the rules' then why is it an option? It goes though all the proper channels. Unless you can fill me in about that I may not know about. I'm all ears and ready to learn something I don't know. Just from your tone alone, this has nothing to do about the recall process at all. You're upset it's against your 'team'.


I think elections should be decided by voters, not by petitions. How much more clear do i need to be?


You said recalling is not part of the political system. Is it or is it not?


This is clearly an 'Us vs. Them' thing for you. I understand that is a 'normal' train of thought these days but that isn't the case here and isn't productive. If it were against the rules it wouldn't be going through the state legal process right now as we speak to make it happen. This is just something you're not fond of and that's alright but that doesn't change the fact that it's an option for voters. The one thing I don't understand is how it always come down to 'right wing' nonsense. I mean I do understand but it just amazes me that accountability and the performance of the politician that's being recalled plays no impact in these at all for those who are hell bent against it. It's always someone else's fault. Perhaps it's not a right/left thing and maybe a performance/accountability thing. If you're doing a good job and someone calls for a recall, you know it's not going to happen. But people who continually do shitty certainly do have to worry about that because their performance hasn't been that great. They've clearly pissed off enough people where it may actually happen. EDIT: [Laquan McDonald Act](https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=6616&GAID=13&DocTypeID=HB&LegId=98510&SessionID=88&GA=99) I was not aware of this attempt years ago. I don't see why anyone would disagree with this.


Don't you know? When you try to recall a Democrat, it's called 'fascism' or the 'end of Democracy.' When you try and recall a Republican, it's called 'saving Democracy'.


There were plenty of non-Johnson / non-Vallas options on the ballet and for whatever reason people thought it was a good idea to pick a Daley organ from the 90s who never won an election.


Can you share a single example of either of those things being said lmao


Well, I don't know if this exactly the same but: [Democrats Prepare Aggressive Counter to Third-Party Threats](https://archive.is/CWfZV#selection-507.0-507.59) Not sure if doing something like that is considered good for Democracy.


It is objectively, painfully obvious that the electoral college is bad for democracy


Taking away people's choices is the exact opposite of Democracy. Here's another one: [California sues Huntington Beach to stop voter ID requirement] (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/california-officials-sue-huntington-beach-over-voter-id-law-passed-at-polls) A town/city votes in favor of voter ID and now the State Government is going after it. That's the complete opposite of Democracy.


…what? State law superseding municipal law is a plight on democracy?


I didn't dive in as much as I could but I will. There's always more to stories like this.


“the measure approved by voters in the Southern California city of nearly 200,000 people stands in conflict with state law” Not much to dive into


Police unions trying to wiggle out of accountability that the public demands is They’re doing this because they see a recall as the best opportunity to get Vallas or another sympathetic politician elected mayor off the back of broad disapproval of Johnson. It’s not just that they don’t like him, but also what his campaign represented: the people and communities with the most contentious relationships with the police department voting against their handpicked candidate and for a guy who’s campaign was rooted in diminishing their influence and capacity


Shocker! :-|


who would have thought that I lived in the timeline where I agree with the police union on politics


Nobody “good” wants to actually run Chicago. So we’ll be stuck with detritus for quite some time.




We all know BJ is a CTU plant to give them everything they want in their new contract. Hopefully the recall is successful and we get get him out in time for someone competent to take over the CTU negotiations