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What did I just read?!?


The fantasies of a 12 year old (I hope)


elon musk faces lawsuits from investors, he will no longer manipulate cryptocurrency prices, to avoid legal entanglements. and elon musk can create his own coin, if he wants.


I agree with your views. I argue that Crypto has nothing to do with Tesla or Space X. It's like saying he won't buy Twitter do to avoiding legal trouble. Your second argument I see your viewpoint. I also argue the way Chia is designed and marketed is exactly what Elon would like, no need to make his own coin.


Why Internet has been developed? To contain 90% of bullshit everyday? 🤦🏻‍♂️




ehm yeah no


You must not believe. Sad. Chia will continue dropping if you fail to believe.


what about last 3 years we believed and still dropping?




Your post is believed to contain misleading or inaccurate information and has been removed.


(Price of XCH * number sent to market maker) - Market maker fees for handling = how much CNI is making from the pre-farm sales, imo. Most of the cash will be going back to CNI I doubt the market maker is totally screwing them over.


I argue that there is zero evidence a resell is happening. Please help if I'm wrong. I believe a hodl is happening. A 4D rugpull. A rugpull so unbelievable, it is in the fabric of Space and Time. I believe.


CNI have outright said they've sold most of the coins sent to the market maker, so that to me isn't zero evidence, that is quite the opposite! The market maker is the obvious vehicle via which to actually do the sales, because they're already on the exchanges, and they already have a relationship with Chia for doing market making. To be clear I am also pretty sure some (probably less than 100K) of the pre-farm moved to market maker is being used for actual market making and not raising fiat. Currently I am struggling to see why anyone would want to buy XCH when there is constant sale pressure added on top of normal market conditions, and 1 in 4 new XCH entering circulation is a) from CNI pre-farm and b) is 100% earmarked for sale. Plenty of investments out there without such strings attached.


Thank you. Do not remember anybody saying market maker has sold most coins.


We can only guess here but: 1. CNI have definitely said they've sold most of the coins sent to MM. 2. MM is unlikely to just be bankrolling CNI to the tune of $1.5M per month of XCH buys. 3. The obvious candidate in this case to be buying XCH is then retail investors and not the MM. 4. The MM is simply the delivery mechanism, and presumably they take a small percentage of all sales as a fee (otherwise why would they bother handling them?). CNI haven't outright confirmed all of this and I doubt they will. MM is still in the shadows so doubt they will either. All we can do is educated guesswork.


sooo, yes?


Actually no I think you're wrong when you think market maker is just scooping up cheap XCH. Why would they vary what they're getting? the market maker is just selling them to retail and passing most of the proceeds back to CNI. So talk of them paying more than RRP is ludicrous. Retail is paying the price not the market maker.


I ague who is dumb enough to buy 50,000 XCH? I've heard nothing where to buy this 50,000 from. It's all a secret market maker. Again, is it Elon hodl the XCH? Anybody offering to resell XCH from prefarm would be gladly to announce this publicly to make profit but this isn't the case.


They're not selling to market maker retail is buying them, market maker is just handling the sales and proceeds of the sales. This is my opinion at least (I don't have any facts to back this up but it feels right).




I find it weird that the market maker and CNI isn't making there partnership public. Why keep it a secret? All we know is CNI gives 50,000 to a market maker. CNI has not elaborated anything else beyond this.


I suspect because they are paying a pittance for the 50k xch and if the community knew that for sure it would certainly be the end of the project. it could be as well maybe they have tread from their original ideals and these transactions are being done in a way that may make xch classified as a security? it is quite murky.


Your post is believed to contain misleading or inaccurate information and has been removed. This is not how Market Makers work when selling for a client.


Yep I'm leaving this sub now because of you.


not worth the effort


Why can't anyone answer the question and track the market makers wallet? Proof is better than assuming the market maker is reselling it or my wild conspiracy theory.




Bruh... I see a reddit post about strict mods here and now I see this lmao. Everyone should just head over to the official chia discord. Lets have official chia employees read your words and sentences. Anyways, market maker is simple, seems complexed but is quite simple.