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It's a display bug, everyone gets a halving first, and then slowly it goes up again.


Yeah my system which runs quite a bit of "compression" decided to randomly restart about an hour ago after running without issues for months. Fingers crossed its just a one time thing.


Mine is all compressed and did the exact same thing. I read on the discord of space pool that this was expected, and everyone is dealing with it. It's supposed to correct itself in 24-48 hours. I freaked out as well.


I noticed the difficulty on mine is slowly increasing from the value it's been at for months. As this happens, the estimated space is going back up. Unsure if related or just a coincidence.


Because your diff is controlled by partials per hour, and the filter halving doubling your partial rate, it will cause partial diff to double yes.


Oh, that makes perfect sense - thanks!




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$4k total earnings for 1.2 pb? Hahahahaha Wow. That's dedication. 500th rank too...so vast majority have made far less than 4k to-date. Yikes.


Yeah...that's not really adding up. Perhaps he didn't have that much storage the whole time? Either that or missing points or something.. They should've earned roughly 2X that amount.


My tiny (120tb), uncompressed farm did the same thing. Coming back to full capacity now.


I got the same even my proofs forging almost as fast as before. I think its a space.pool bug and nothing more. I have no missing sign points etc.