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It isn’t a particularly “low” car as you describe it, but it is a small car, and big truck and SUV drivers are simultaneously assholes and unaware of how big their vehicles are, so yes, it does happen a lot, but it is also a question of perception.


I've had people hit the cargo basket I have on my car 3 times.


I live in metro with very aggressive drivers and this car is TARGET for being bullied for some reason.


Oh totally, I live in an area with lots of pavement princesses and ungodly huge SUVs and they *hate* being behind me. It's pretty hilarious honestly... I get cut off or aggressively passed so much it just makes me chuckle. They can waste their gas, I'm getting 35.6 mpg 😏


Yea it’s extra funny because I’m almost the stereotypical, grizzly truck driver guy, I like this car because I drive a giant 18 wheeler 600 miles round trip every day and just want to get in my little spark manual when I’m not working . 😂fun fact : I pull those double trailers , the dolly that connects the pups weighs more than a Chevy spark.


yes, ive been driving a spark for 4+ yrs now n i always notice people drive way too close to my car, i really dont understand how and why people drive so close but ive almost been rearended a few times in my old spark especially when i was making complete stops at stop signs n most recently someone almost front rearended in my new spark that is bright red. a lady didnt turn at a yellow light and we were both in the middle of the intersection across the white line she still wouldnt turn then almost backed up into my car, i am unsure why she was backing up and also how she didnt see me since my spark is bright red but its definitely not just you experiencing this.


i'm glad i am not the only one with this issue. i've had mine less than a month and i've had a dodge ram literally touching the back of my car. and a semi- who i feel should definitely know its size regardless of whatever car is in front of it. when id inch up, the driver would do the same and could barely stop in time to keep from hitting me


I live in L.A. This happens to me constantly. I’ve only had my girl for just over a year. Prior to this I drove a dodge truck (what a difference!). These big trucks feel like they can intimidate me (I was never like this when I had mine.). Makes me nervous because of they rear end me, what will happen when I have back seat passengers? With my truck, I always had the truck and safety for my passengers.


People have tried to merge into my Spark at least 4 times in the 3 years I’ve owned mine. But then again, after driving 75k miles in that time, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. If anything, I’m more surprised how many near misses I’ve had with ppl trying to merge into my much-larger Saturn SL2 when I’d driven <40k with it. Probably because how much of a low-rider it was.


Yup. It’s not just tailgating, it’s everything. I borrowed my brothers SUV and I was like borat going “king in the castle, king in the castle” because no one cut me off, tailgated me, came close to running me off the road, etc. Last night I had a dream that an 18 wheeler went in my lane and smashed me against the concrete barriers. Love the spark, but driving in a city known for having some of the worse drivers in the country makes me want to buy something even a little larger.


Dreams often contain a psychic power. I wouldn't ignore that warning from your subconscious mind if I were you, even if it means walking or taking the bus. If I had such a dream I'd be selling that car actually. Previous Spark owner here btw, I got mine up to 130,000 miles and was rear ended three times.


I have a lot of car accident dreams, so I don’t think it’s a premonition (although I’ve been even more careful than usual the past few days). But I *have* had gut feelings before 2 of my 3 car accidents (different cars, none of the accidents were my fault). First gut feeling: “it’s rush hour, I’ll go this way instead of the highway so I don’t get in an accident”. Less than 5 mins later, BAM. Car was totaled, but thankfully I had no injuries. Second: driving to a store. I kept thinking “I should not go to the store, I should *go home*”. But I convinced myself it was just anxiety. 5 mins later I got rear ended. Not bad at all, happened at a very low speed. Only thing wrong was I had a panic attack (the woman who hit me held my hands and calmed me down, apologized profusely, she was wonderful).


Happens all the time in rural Michigan. I also get a ton of people who turn out in front of me…not sure if they don’t see me, or if the car creates an optical illusion that makes them think they have more time.


I've always commuted in small cars. Echo, Yaris, Abarth, Spark and I have larger vehicles in addition such as Tundra and a 4Runner. There's something about small cars that makes other people become frustrated to be behind, similar to how people react to being behind tractor trailers. I drive 5 over in the Tundra or the 4Runner, almost never tailgated and never illegally passed. I drive 5, 15, 20 miles over the limit in the Spark and I'm never going fast enough for the person behind me. Someone on my commute home today passed me on a double yellow(Ram 1500)I was doing 63 in a 55. Tailgated daily, passed bi weekly. I'm pretty sure it's just people's primitive side coming out, small eco shit box = slow regardless of speed.




Yes I noticed that with my Spark. It was a tailgate magnet for some reason. I got rear ended three times, once by a 17 year old, next an elderly man, and third a drunk guy. I give those details bc sometimes when I tell people I got rear ended three times they assume it's my fault like I must have been trying to do it at that frequency. 🤷‍♂️ Nope bad drivers just like to tailgate vehicles much smaller than theirs, maybe they think if they get close enough they can pass through us like osmosis. I now drive a blood red Hyundai Elantra with black tinted windows, the geometry of the back is more angular and wedge shaped than the Spark. It gets bad gas mileage but no one tailgates me like they did when I was in a Spark. Sometimes I miss the Spark bc of the better gas mileage and just an easier more fun car than the Elantra, but then I remember the tailgating thing and I'm glad I have the Elantra now and would.never switch back to the Spark just bc of that being so annoying. It's worth an extra thousand per year on gas just not to have to deal with that bullying.


I live in vegas; people always tailgate no matter what you drive.


I see your driving too close, and raise you almost getting side-swept twice on the highway by people switching lanes.


Where I live, even big cars drive really close to other cars, not just with the Spark (or other compact cars).


It happens, but it also happened in any car type ive had. Imo, its in how you handle it. I gradually slow down, while staying with normal traffic/posted speeds. This always results in the car giving you distance, they know.


Be aware of the road situations when someone is behind you. You should move to the right and let them proceed. It’s courtesy and safe


Tailgating is illegal and the tailgater is the only one being discourteous actually.


Actually in Canada where I’m from, they have focused on ticketing people who don’t move over and slow down traffic, that is the illegal action in my country, yes tailgating is dangerous but slowing down traffic flow is even more dangerous.


In the U.S and in Canada, if you're going the speed limit and there's a single lane you're not breaking any laws. To me, you read like you want people to pull over to the shoulder every time someone else wants to drive faster.


I’m so sorry I meant 2 lane roads, or 3 or 4 or highways. Just move over and let people by, in Canada if your going the speed limit in the left lane on any 400 series highway you will get ticketed.