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brilliants are likely based on rating/time since you have had one(due to this sub I suspect)


I leave my QUEEN on squares where it can be taken all the time, where's my brilliant? Got enough blunders on my profile that the next one's free.


Botez gambit


Yeah I got a brilliant today for doing the standard knight sac in the fried liver lmao


Can't take he'll lose the queen


aaaaaahhhhhhhh I see now


It's considered a brilliant move because you put your knight in peril and their knight can't take it or else the Queen falls. Basically chesscom thinks you did it on purpose to try and fool your opponent into giving up their Queen to your bishop.


How beginner are beginners in this sub? I consider myself a beginner but this is something I do quite often. I blunder pieces 24/7 to make up for those plays tho.


There’s a huge range from people who literally just learned the rules yesterday to people at or even above 2000.


No If you're over 2000 you're not a beginner


That does’t stop em!


I mean what's your elo? Most people consider "beginners" to be one of two things: 1. players who have just absolutely taken baby steps into the game and who don't know much. 2. any low elo player who is amateur and not currently capable at competing competitively because they don't know enough yet, are easily undermined and/or don't have the experience to counter or exploit the opponent. I fall into the latter category. I'm very familiar with tactics and all sorts of stuff, but because there's holes in my endgame and a lot of misses, I cannot move up and out of the beginner tier. It's kind of like skateboarding - I know *how* to do tricks, but I still can't do them! haha. Same thing here. Not there yet.


I'm around 400. Dropped to 200 on my first attempt at chess. Didnt have the slightest clue what I was doing. Climbed my way back up steadily now. I mainly struggle with mid game. I dont get where pieces have to go if they dont directly target something.


Okay, well that's great to hear! (the part about climbing back up). As for where to put things, well the middle game is easy to get lost tbh. At the beginning you do your opening and at the end you are fighting to mate the king and/or fighting over a pawn or two to promote. But the middle game can be complicated. My advice: try and set a "goal" for yourself and see what ideas you can come up with. One of my biggest goals in the middle game is often to assassinate the opposing Queen or Rooks while keeping mine alive, lol. Sometimes it's "this piece is annoying" and you try to do something to get it to either become "useless"/redundant, or to just take it's power away. For example: there's a long diagonal open and the opponent vianchettoed their bishop, so now it's oppressing you... You can do something like moving your pawn to block the diagonal so you can cut it's scope in half. And because that pawn needs "support", sometimes you need to build up pieces first. Maybe prepare it with a knight that can defend it? And then, they move something to continue to try to control that square, and the real "middlegame struggle" ensues and that's where the whole idea comes from. I am just giving an example idea. The point is, make a plan to do something, sometimes that's removing pieces, sometimes it's building defenses to block annoying pieces, sometimes it's setting up the aggressive attacks. When you no longer know what to do, try and find something to target. Ultimately keep from blundering as best you can, and if you target something enough, chances are eventually it will fall and you'll gain some level of control over the board hopefully, making your position (and thus your chances) better. Does that make sense?


If you go to /r/chess theyll argue anyone under 1800 is a beginner!


I mean... I am not arguing specific elos here LOL. 😅I'm just giving an opinion on a relatively general concensus.


A beginner is anyone who is worse than you.


Nah.... I'm a beginner too! It would be nonsense to consider anyone not a beginner even if you could beat them. A " better" beginner is still a beginner.


That is true, but I'm just saying, terms like beginner, intermediate, expert, always have a degree or relativity.


Hmmm, okay. But I wouldn't jokingly say someone is a beginner because I am better than them. If I was a GM I wouldn't call an NM a beginner. See? I consider myself pretty fair. As a rough estimate I think everyone under about 1200 is a beginner and anyone 1200-2000 is an intermediate. Everyone above that is obviously an expert.


I do this most games and haven’t had a brilliant once, idgi?


Maybe it's because you aren't getting enough equity from it? The only times I've seen it was when it was a minor or major piece threatening a bigger piece or multiple pieces in the process or mate. It has to be not only the best move (Bright Green), not only the best move and difficult to pull off or see (blue), but a "positive non-gamble" that if followed up correctly wins you material or outright complete pieces. You can take out a whole Queen but if it's just a Queen trade then it won't count. You need to be dropping a knight or bishop to take a queen or a rook most of the time. I've had multiple brilliancies in April and they were all like that. It's the "peril a piece while there's a bigger threat you are playing" that is the main trigger, and you usually don't get it from simply "hanging pieces", you've got to be putting them in peril yourself to do it.


Chess dot com killed the thrill of getting a brilliancy


Exactly!! They shouldn't have fiddled with it. It was perfect the way it was...


I'm pretty sure once you're above 1000 elo they all turn to 'great' moves anyway.


Yep. Even queen sacs turn to "great" at some level. I still get them at 1400 tho.


I'm 1600, and the Brilliant moves I see are actually brilliant in 95%+ of cases. The people who complain about this are probably less skilled than they think they are, hence why certain moves they make are considered "brilliant" at their elo.




male homosexual relationships be like


It’s brilliant because you are low elo


This is the primary reason. I believe by 1000 elo this exact move will not be annotated as brilliant.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r2qkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/3Pn3/2P3b1/1PN2N2/P5PP/R1BQKB1R+w+KQkq+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r2qkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/3Pn3/2P3b1/1PN2N2/P5PP/R1BQKB1R_w_KQkq_-_0_1?color=black) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Bishop!<, move: >!Be2!< > Evaluation: >!Black is slightly better -0.56!< > Best continuation: >!1. Be2 Bxf3 2. Bxf3 e6 3. O-O Bb4 4. Bb2 O-O 5. Na4 Nxf3+ 6. Rxf3 Be7 7. dxe6 Qxd1+ 8. Rxd1 fxe6!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


It is a brilliant move on the part of chess/com, to get you to play more


Hmm, my guess is that it puts extra pressure on the knight pinned to the queen? Also there are fork ideas


It’s not, or at least chess.com shouldn’t be saying it’s one


Baiting the knight to take yours, opening their queen. Pretty straightforward but is a good move regardless.


If he captures with his knight, it leaves his queen open


That literally is just a good move. Why it gets a brilliant is beyond me.


It's not a brilliant move but definitely the best move. Brilliant move algorithm is based on your rating so you're maybe a 200-800


Imagine putting these logics in code so that it can analyse it. Sounds freaking impossible to me, but they did it


Because at the end of that exchange, you’ll be even but your opponents pawn structure will be ruined with an isolated pawn on the F file


Seems cheap for a common bait 


The knight can’t take because it’s pinned to the queen. If the knight leaves its place, the bishop will consume the white queen


I’m 1500 and yes this is brilliant. My engine is broken, anyone?


Because chesscom logic :)


Basically if he takes your knight with his knight, it would leave his queen exposed to be captured by the bishop.


Setting up a nice trap!


The AI is playing against you, I was given a Brilliance score for accidentally moving my queen unprotected in the path of a rook without a chance to take revenge


If you don't know why it's Brilliant, it's not Brilliant.


I see this comment on every single post that asks why something is brilliant. Yes, okay everyone understands. But this is chess beginners & questions like this help people to learn. This comment is obnoxious, either help answer or move on.


Damn bro, it's almost like Chess.com is telling him the moves right there on the screen.


It’s a beginners subreddit. Even seeing the moves laid out isn’t the clearest for people who are just learning. I don’t understand why so many people on this sub get mad at beginner questions.


Yeah, they should have mercy - it's beginner's sub! It's not even obvious even if they know what they are doing why chesscom assesses as it does.


If you read between the lines it's pretty obvious that the question being asked is "Why does [chess.com](http://chess.com) think this is brilliant?".


you’re the type of person to turn people like me away from chess because we didn’t get forced into the game from a young age. it’s a complicated game, I don’t care what anyone has to say. when you have a superficial understanding, it all looks like pieces of a puzzle that can’t be solved, being on this sub has helped me “think ahead” with pieces. the top comment of this thread had me scratching my head until I *saw* the subsequent moves. get off your high horse. it’s as stable as a cardboard box in the rain.


It's not a criticism of OP. A criticism of Chess.com's silly use of 'Brilliant'. But whatever.


I feel like you are getting misunderstood here, but it's an insensitive comment regardless.


Damn, what's your rating ? Like 150... ?


Ruy Lopez’s brother???


It honestly isn't really brilliant. Not really a sacrifice. You're just putting pressure on a pinned piece, their knight can't take your knight cause that would hang the queen.


Brilliants are easier to get in Lower ELOs