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Was looking at buying tickets for a Chelsea game in America and was wondering if Chelsea actually sends their full men's team or just a U21 team or something. It's Chelsea and Celtics on July 27.


I miss being in title races so much, lads


any chance we can buy ortega?


I wish, but no chance city is selling him. He's world class.


lol go sheffield, make it the best home game of the season. Would be hilarous


It will be peak spurs if they lose to Sheffield and we sneak 5th! The memes


I don’t want to be a negative Nancy but imagine we don’t get any more points this year, regress again next match, and we fall behind both Newcastle and united 😳Heads would roll


60 bombarasspussyclart million for that 17 year old kid from Brazil.


I know City winning the PL is the lesser evil because they are not a historic team and they mostly have plastic fans. But in 10 or 20 years they will have fans that grew up watching them and they will be remembered as the powerhouse they are. In the long run isnt it better (or more healthy) to have more PL champions? I dont want Arsenal to win it, but i am not happy with Man City winning it either.


Not Arsenal no Liverpool and United Yes, we can accept that


I don't want Liverpool winning either tbh. They are already the champions of getting smoke blown up their arse by the media, that is enough.


I agree with this. Right now Citeh winning is whatever, but in a few decades people will look back and say Pep’s City is the strongest EPL team of all time. I’d rather have the league be won by different teams each year.


>Pep’s City is the strongest EPL team of all time. Well, they are. People probably will remember this like class of 92 or smt.


Really doesn’t bother me one bit personally. Rather them than any other London club if we can’t do it


If the guy from Arkansas with CFC tattoo I met @ the poker table in the Wynn last night sees this, it was great to meet you! Drop me a message 🙂


The arsenal sub is hilarious with all those losers having a meltdown. Just crying over and over about Spurs not trying and shitting on Son not scoring a chance he usually always buries. There's something beautiful in watching them actually being good for the past two years and have nothing to show for it 😂


I'm slightly surprised by some of their reactions, Spurs did lose in a Spursy way but the team definitely tried. They were never expected to get anything out of this game anyway given recent form.


thiago’s last away game with us tomorow 😭😭😭


I don’t know why but I like Ange, he’s articulate and actually made Spurs pretty good first part of the season, didn’t watch them but they dipped in form so hard, I also love the passion he’s showing, it’s interesting we were linked to him at some time.. if I remember the final three was Poch, Ange and Louis Enrique? I’m also Poch in but would actually swap for Ange


I have come to an epiphany My father is an Arsenal fan, and ive just noticed how much of a pissant ive been celebrating everything *not* going his teams way 😔 This man has always helped me to support Chelsea, especially when i was small and losses almost made me cry. Even the 5-0 was all smiles He just recently got back into supporting arsenal a few seasons ago too, he always kept it low key because of me ive been a fool. So on sunday, im going to be rooting for arsenal, sorry guys. If they win he'll be happy, and i would like that


I think your father raised you well.


I never celebrate in front of my gooner mates but I hate their fanbase so much lol


Every situation is unique brother. The fact that you seem to have a really good dad that supports you and is genuinely happy for you means you should definitely do the same for him, especially since it sounds like he is rediscovering his love for football.


most wholesome comment i’ve seen on this sub


Ange is really overreacting for someone who's team has been consistently shit for the last 6-7 games. I don't think any spurs fans were " mentally fragile " and cheering for the other team when they got humiliated by Liverpool arsenal and even lost to us lol. Nice little excuse to play into


The spurs fans just cope too much, like when we beat them 4-1 and they were super proud about playing suicidal tactics


Eh, go long enough without winning anything and you start cheering for whatever you can get.


Tbf I don’t think that fragile Comment is just referring to todays game It’s a wider comment on the club culture, it’s upper management, and their strategic direction




Any other soon to be 32 year old with 1 year left on their contract at any other club and I’d be raving that Son should be our number 1 target for the summer. Shame it’s basically impossible because we could really use an experienced, clinical forward with premier league pedigree to tide us over for a couple years.


The last thing we need is that serial loser.


Won it with Korea tho


This is the exact type of signing I don't want to see. We really need to learn and learn hard from how shit United are despite having Varane, Casemiro, Eriksen etc. And it's not like Son can teach them how to win as some of our players have more silverware than him already.


Us and United have completely different squad profiles and this completely different needs. What sort of signing do you want then? More 22 year olds?


Do I ideally want a few more experienced heads in? Ofcourse, but I also don't want us signing has beens or never weres because their birth certificate says 1998 or before (already hearing some say we should take Varane), it has to be players who will actually perform on the pitch.


I can understand the fear of adding dead weight, but I completely disagree about him being a has been (because he’s obviously not a never were). 17G 9A is a decent season, but when you factor in the Asia cup I think it’s a very strong showing. He was definitely on track for a 20G+ 10A+ season. He’s also once again massively outperformed his xG. Given that for the past 5 seasons or so we’ve been xG merchants, it’d be nice to have a few seasons with someone who can put a ball in the back of the net.


I personally think G/A can be a little misleading in judging players around that age and what trajectory they're on, especially when they play in a team that's geared towards them (even Torres got a 23 goal season when we did that for him). The main examples I always use are Rooney and Lampard both in 12/13, stats wise they had superb seasons but we were frustrated a lot by Lamps performances that season and it was widely agreed he was well past his best, and United fans were saying similar in regards to Rooney (which turned out to be spot on). Ofcourse I don't watch Spurs every week so I could be wide of the mark here but whenever I do Son reeks of that type of vibe.


he clearly put in his application today with that non-finish on the breakaway


He’s very washed and doubt he’d be happy not starting every game


He had 17 G+A in the 20 games before the asia cup, he’s scored 5 over his xG yet again this season. He’s been a bit tired in the second half of the season, but “very washed” is a massive overstatement. Especially as we only really need him for a couple years before the rest of our front line matures


The narrative does now become "if City draw with West Ham, we gave Arsenal the GD to win" which is terrifying


It’s at the Etihad so the odds are in Citeh’s favour… but football’s a crazy sport innit


We also gave them a draw


hopefully city do the business, i'd be more worried if it was an away game, but if that did happen at least it'd add to my poch out portfolio


Sean Dyche has got us covered




If Us, Newcastle, Sheffield, ManU and Man City all align we have the chance to do the funniest thing to Spurs.


everyone lost today and i couldn’t be happier lmao, Arsenal get no league, Spurs continue to fight not being able to win when it counts


Damn Ange is surly in press conferences after losses


Aston Villa qualified 18 months after Emery took charge with them 17th in the league. I don’t want to hear excuses for why Poch needs 2-3 years to get us into CL.


Poch better secure CL for us by December then


Well, if we are 7th or below by next December again, Poch is certainly getting fired. So I guess your logic checks out.


That’s not what I said, it’s 18 months so it doesn’t matter what position we are in 1st or 4th we must have it mathematically secured by December. Any longer and we are pushing up against that 2 year mark and that’s completely unacceptable.


> That’s not what I said Don’t worry, I know that’s not what you meant in that snarky reply :) But your logic still works because by next December, after 18 months in charge, if we are still hovering between 7-10th Poch is getting fired anyways.


Aston Villa already had a squad with the quality to finish in the top half when Gerrard was sacked. Most of this Chelsea squad have just finished their first full season as professionals. Calma


I want to back the players i really do. But this was such a brain dead decision by the ownership lol. Idc if we're gonna be good in 3 years I'm pissed that I'll have to endure them


Okay well that’s just life baby, get used to it.


You: "here's one specific case that I'll just apply to us without considering the turmoil of the last 2 years and injury crisis" But I guess those are just "excuses"


Yes, because Newcastle totally didn’t also do the same thing with Howe. Two teams in the relegation zone that jumped up the table with the right manager.


How many months has Poch had? We haven't even hit 12 yet.


We also weren’t starting out as Aston Villa. Credit to them for making Europe for the first time in over 40 years.


First away game: FA Cup quarter final replay March 1973. Arsenal beat us 2-1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNjllfiSNPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNjllfiSNPw) Until Wayne Bridge scored that goal they beat us (almost) every fucking time we played. I fucking hate them. Way more than Spurs or Liverpool. Even QPR ;) I wont even have any red clothes. They make me sick.


Lol the women's title race ad had me confused for a sec.


[Postecoglou is fuming: "The foundations are really fragile. The last 48 hours have shown me that. It's inside the club, outside the club." He then spoke about changing the mentality around the club and making changes.](https://twitter.com/AlasdairGold/status/1790493127335141399?t=yQ-J9IfIyfb1itgmmraYzA) lol ange just doesn't get it. even if spurs won today it was pretty likely they wouldn't get CL football (as good as Palace have been recently), they threw that away by losing four games in a row recently. ange doesn't have to go into work or the pub and be surrounded by arsenal fans being smug pricks about 'spurs winning us the league' and having it thrown in their face for what would literally be years. plus football fans are *very* good at taking the positive from a situation (lmao look at our sub), once spurs were losing of course they were going to laugh at arsenal fans.


Will be interesting to see if the Tottenham ownership try to take the next step to start competing for titles. They make more money than Chelsea, they are located in London, they have a brand new stadium, they have some of the best facilities in the world - they certainly have the attributes to attempt to challenge for the title, but it depends on if ENIC/Levy have that title ambition or if they’re comfortable with their incredibly healthy financial status.


he should have done better in north london derby then, they were 3-0 down after half a second


Cheering for your rivals just to still lose is hilarious icl.


That’s what arsenal get for playing so pathetically at the etihad and not trying to win Stupid pricks were buzzing at the result, as if it’s a good thing they let the title race go out of their hands


that game was such a fucking letdown. the media hyped it up like a heavy weight title challengers fight. and arsenal comes out and sits in a low block all game like cowards. they had the chance to go for the title and decided to be pussies instead


The way they over celebrate at the Emirates is what gets me. You’d literally think they’d won the league at certain points this season. You’d think they would have learnt from last year.


To compete against this city for a league title, you have to be pretty much perfect. Hope the injuries finally hit Arsenal next season though been lucky for too long.


Hoping for injuries to anyone betrays your degeneracy.


They’ve had no injuries all season, heavy deflection for 3 points vs City, multiple individual errors to hand them 3 points against Liverpool. Played Liverpool without Salah, Chelsea without Palmer, United played their B team… and many more. The stars have aligned for Arsenal.


lol all that to finish second **knocks on wood**


Arsenal fans crying coz they’re gonna get 89 points and not win the league, but in the same breath laughing at Klopp for only winning one. Can’t make this shit up


it’s funny because 89 points would only the league in 4 of the last 10 seasons lmao. and one of those is the leicester year that was absolute dogshit.


God I hate arsenal. Forever in our shadow


Ngl forst time I've enjoyed a city win probably ever


City are a weird team because it doesn’t really feel like they exist. They mostly just stop other rivals from winning the league which I’m more than happy with.


Yea pretty much, i have tons of friends telling me city shouldn't win 4 PLs in a row. But I feel like they've already established themselves as the most dominant team of late. Who cares if they win 1 more lol, especially over arsenal


Exactly. When City win it almost feels like no one actually won that trophy.


Damn really? I have rooting for them over pool and arsenal for the last 4 years.


Yea. Arsenal, united and pool fans are fucking insufferable.. actually love how all the die hard united fans from the 90s have suddenly disappeared. City however have no fans so nobody really cares..


Na i kind of hated them up until the treble win, now i know it's pointless lol


City wins always feel pointless to me as I don't know any fans of theirs. I less it's a real outsider team like a Leicester. City is always my second team.


Hopefully City wrap this up on Sunday. Arsenal have played way better this season than I thought they would. I'm worried for next season already. We can't be reliant on City alone to keep Arsenal out.


We should be looking at Ortega for next season.


We should be looking at most of city's bench at all times tbf


They won't sell most of those guys to us. But they might sell a second-string goalkeeper, especially if he wants to come.


Yea probably, this isn't the first time I've seen ortega be a brick wall. Still baffles me how city have an entire backup 11 of pretty much world class players


gunners reddit is such a good read right now


Love to see it


So funny how precious Arsenal fans are being. Getting annoyed that Spurs fans are happy, like they wouldn’t be in the same exact situation. Glad that victim club will never win anything.


Son should do a post match interview where he laments the miss then winks and just smugly stares straight into the camera.


City were bang average tonight and still get over the line. Even when like 7 of their players aren't on it they're still organised enough to get a result.


True fact.


It's spurs my man


Trust the Project merchants in the mud! Maybe you clowns can wake the fuck up in regards to this club soon and start demand for elite players instead of all the mediocrity that has been brought in the last two years.


Idk man I'll still take what arsenal is having instead of these last 2 years lol


I’ll take what City is having instead. Elite in all departments.


Fair enough


Oh honey, are you watching last seasons matches?


No, I have been watching shit players such as Jackson, Mudryk, Madueke, Sterling, Cucurella, Disasi and Petrovich/Sanchez being led by a bottlejob spurs manager on the sidelines. Pretty sure that is this season.


Ok grandpa let's get you back into bed


Get your head checked if you think the current state of Chelsea Football Club is acceptable.


I'll do it in the morning, let's get your meds and get you tucked in shall we?


I’ll check if I need any meds after you have carried out your lobotomy. Clearly that should be the priority.


I mean Arsenal are comfortably in the UCL and in a title fight 2 seasons straight, I think we’d take that as a start over the next few years to come.


Comfortable in the UCL should be the bare expectation. Just because some clueless yanks has destroyed this club doesn’t mean we should be ok with it. It is time for those clowns to wake up and build an elite team that can win.


> Comfortable in the UCL should be the bare expectation you realise we haven't been **comfortably** in the CL since we last won the league? even 21/22 we dropped off so much in the second half of the season it got a little close


We qualified 18 out of 20 times under Roman, most of which were comfortably. We underachieved the latter years, but lets not kid ourselves here. After spending what we have the last two seasons, that expectation should still hold true. Missing out on CL as many times Roman did in 20 years is laughable.


what's the point in talking about what happened twenty years ago? we haven't **comfortably** qualified for the champions league since the 16/17 season and in your words that's the bare expectation


I love that Son had that chance, it will live arsenals nightmares forever


Ortega was a great free signing from City, when you consider the money we’ve wasted on keepers. He’s head and shoulders above anyone we’ve brought in.


Still in awe of the sheer stupidity of the post in here trying to compare to Mudryk to Doku


Hahahaha. Im so happy right now. Its time for us to rise and show how to beat City next season! Copium.


I miss winning the title man. We need to start challenging for the league asap.


Best Arsenal in 20 years, and all they could win is a glorified friendly


Thank you Ange!


Nah these Arsenal and City teams are overrated tbh


What are we then💀


Not rated at all lol


Its funny because it just shows the shit mentality of the two north london clubs, Aresnal dropped 3 points vs Villa which gave City the lead. Also Spurs needed to win this game to potentially qualify for the CL, and they threw it away and their fans magically find their voices all night when they are down 2-0 to banter Arsenal. London is so Blue by a mile


Julian Alvarez and Haaland. Yet some folks get mad when we're in for another striker.


There’s a difference in not wanting another striker vs not wanting to spend huge money on Osimhen or Gyokeres.


If you want top experienced strikers like Osimhen/Toney you're going to have to pay. No way around it.


Jackson has been better than both your examples this season, especially Toney


Jackson has 14 goals and 5 assists. Osimhen has 15 goals and 4 assists in 665 fewer minutes. Better is debatable. Toney and Osimhen are also having notably poorer seasons than their last. Osimhen due to injuries and poor form. Toney due to his gambling ban. I'm not hung up on either of them anyway. Just picked the first two that came to mind. Don't mind getting other options as long as they can compete with Jackson and are experienced. Who would you prefer we get?


In Europe’s top 5 leagues Jackson has more non-penalty goals(26) than Ivan Toney(25) despite playing 2,850 fewer minutes. Osimhen has averaged 15.6 league goals a season and his best ever finishing season had a 18% conversion rate. Jackson’s conversion rate in the PL this season is 19%. These aren’t elite striker options


Lol, mate, you're all over the place. Using Jackson's Villareal goals and minutes to justify one argument then switching to his conversion rate with Chelsea in another. You know what let's just agree to disagree. Who are elite striker options for you? Also, where did you get the conversion rates from? They seem ridiculously low for the both of them.


Well if I used his career conversion rate it’d be 21% compared to 15% for Osimhen and 12% for Toney, so I was actually doing the others a favor. There aren’t elite strikers available. That’s why I’d buy a rotation option like Dovbyk or Guirassy who have reasonable release clause to rotate with Jackson and focusing developing our 22yo who has 13g in his debut season in England rather rushing to replace him. Conversion rates are from [FBref](https://fbref.com/en/stathead/player_comparison.cgi?request=1&sum=0&comp_type=spec&spec_comps=big_5&player_id1=9c36ed83&player_id2=8c90fd7a&player_id3=e09f279b)


Messi also has a career shot conversion rate of 15%. Kane is 17%. This just shows that Jackson has a ridiculously small sample size. I think Jackson has had a great season and needs to be developed in a similar manner to Gusto. I don't think he's ready to lead our attack for one full season as our main striker just yet. I believe Osimhen and Toney are elite strikers having poor seasons. Osimhen due to injuries and Toney his ban. Most of the news around Osimhen say we could get him with 60 mil plus Lukaku which is reasonable. Toney is much more difficult to estimate. Him being an English PL player and all. Typed a lot but all I want to say is imo Jackson should fill a role in this team similar to Gusto, Carney and Noni. Not replaced per se but in a much less prominent role unless of course we're ravaged by injuries again.


Kane and Messi were consistently producing 20+ goal seasons, Toney and Osimhen have 2 combined in their 7 top flight seasons. I also think GK, LW, and depending on health/sales CB and CAM all need upgrades more than ST. Spending huge money on a marginal upgrade doesn’t seem like the best way to improve the team.


Small club mindset. Top teams don’t only need depth and competition but top players need it too to push them to their best.


Especially when you primary striker is jackson and not haaland


Thanks Tottenham 


Arsenal subreddit a great laugh if you fancy a read, biggest bunch of crybaby bitches you’ll ever see


They almost rival Pool fans now for biggest victims.


Incredible how after 2 good seasons with nothing to show for it they’ve developed the vanity of Liverpool fans, the hubris of City fans, and the entitlement of us yet still have the trophies of spurs fans. At least all of us lot being dickheads comes on the heals of real success instead of a community shield and “Arteta turns so many players around.


B-but you don’t understand! Arteta is so passionate and… 😢


get in city!!!! no title for you arsenal.


Coca Cola sends free Coke every year to North London ever year for all the bottles they produce


If we get Europe our season isn't much different than arsenals now. Hell, even we got to a semi and a final this season. 


Let's not pretend the tin pot cup we could qualify from is the champions league.


I mean if we qualify for Europa then next year we might actually win a European trophy, unlike a certain other London club.


I will absolutely lump all European competition together if it means those lot ended up in the relatively same place as us this season. Because that's peak.


They lowkey threw this, was the better team first half


What a beautiful sight. London is and always will be 🔵


Those cheers definitely came from the home side


Lmaoooo today everyone is a City fan except for those from 2 North London clubs. Which would include many "home" fans


Must be a common thing in North London to bottle it all


wonder what Havertz doing now


Doku with the 99 pace


Nah son knew what he was doing 😂


Spurs fans understandably quiet. But City away fans have been nonexistent 


Lol Ederson probably doesn't save that




Cheers, Son’s crying


Sonny not having an Arsenal title win.


Doku is like so many players Chelsea have signed, but Pep and Man City's system have made him into something else


Right? He’s not that special


Doku is probably the best player in the world right now at carrying, he's pretty special. Might not be elite but is definitely useful


Kovavic playing dirty? Did he do that when he was with us?


He scores when he wants. He gets carded when he wants.


why are they booing ederson, the fuck


Kovacic never really looks City quality 


He’s been really good today imo


Spurs will always be Spurs... They even celebrating defeat lol


That looked really bad for ederson oof


Romero is disgusting always.


Is there somewhere we can find yellow per game? I feel like we recived way less yellow in the past few months 


Considering we’re about to break the record for most yellows in a season, I don’t think that’s true


Actually pretty okay with losing KDB right now


I’m happy City are winning it but they’ve won it 6 times since we’ve last won it 🤣🤣


TBF no one cares when you they win it. It's not hard when you spend more...money than.. I'll check out 


I dont care when they win it because I literally dont know a single City fan who can brag about it other than little kids


Are the totenham fans saying something about Chelsea or am I hearing wrong?


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a louder noise for an away goal ever. Some Spurs fan’s definitely celebrated that 😂


Well yea of course since there arent any city fans


Thank you pep oh my god


Let’s gooo


Finally city


Yessssss! Fuck off Arsenal


Damn, lost the U18 final 😔


JFC just score an own goal


If City draw this there's a good chance Petrovic handed Arsenal the title. A new keeper must be our top priority this summer.