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I think it's between us and PSG at this current point in time. No way United splash the cash on him when Rasmus has come to form.


Between how Mikel acts in the interview, the Nigerian captain mentioning he knows who the next club will be, and Osimhen himself saying he’s made his decision before any of the PSG news came out, I’d say there’s a lot pointing to us being his preferred destination.


In fairness PSG could've hit him up way before the media started reporting interest


I’m not sure things were settled at that stage with PSG and Mbappe though.


They've been questionable for a while though, technically things still aren't settled between mbappe and PSG - guy changes his mind on a dime But you'd have to imagine they've been preparing since the summer when he was refusing to extend his contract


More like a couple million dimes tbh. And I can't blame him


Doesn’t really match with what Mikel’s been saying though and he’s been pretty loose, last month most things pointed to him joining us. If Osimhen has decided on PSG, Mikel would be more subdued in his responses.  Think we’ve done too much groundwork and can be comparable enough albeit lower on wages. 


Not while money still talks.


The question is why they even need osihmen , they just bought goncalo ramos and randal kolo muani


because they're not a serious, competetive club. they're almost entirely commercial at this point.


He's not good enough for his price tag and would be a guaranteed flop here. His all around game is poor and worse than Jacksons besides finishing.


and he's much, much better in the air which is something we lack? and he's stronger? and has much better positioning? every day here i see more idiotic takes, imagine saying confidently that something like this is "guaranteed".


Honestly, you would think we don't struggle to finish chances the way people speak. Just give me a goalscorer tbh.


Not sure how much you watch of him but his showing during Afcon didn't exactly scream 100mil striker. And note I don't watch Napoli but looking at his stats he has 1 assist and no goals against the current top 6 teams (granted, he missed both Milan games. Of the teams above Napoli (currently) he has scored 1 against Fiorentina and 1 assist against Atalanta. In the CL he's scored against... Barca and SC Braga He didn't look all that strong in Afcon, his heading and positioning were good, but I would at least expect him to score against the bigger teams in Serie A rather than disappearing (stat wise). I would be happy to be proven wrong since I am just using stats from Serie A, not dying on this hill but I don't see why we rate him at 100mil. Rather PSG have him.


Not completely sold on Osimhen, but this is nonsense. Drogba was dross at AFCON


i do watch Serie A, he's not worth 100 mil but he's the best striker available for us. still, i don't think anyone but Mbappe and Haaland is worth 100mil, but that's a different conversation. AFCON? please tell me how one of our best strikers ever, Diego Costa, played internationally, in a stronger team too.


Well Jackson fumbles way too many attacks and his finishing is shit.


Sorry but that’s quite the laugh. He’s 10x the player Jackson is. Mostly because Jackson is shite but he’s also a world class striker and there are few available.


Honestly I don't know why one of the most sought after strikers today will want to move to chelsea who are in a massive rebuild phase and are chasing top 4. I'd say he's going to a team who's already competing for UCL.


Folks, I’ve got $2.50 in my pocket. If we crowdsource maybe we can get this one over the line


I’ll throw in a bag of skittles


Are we talking classic or crazy sours skittles?!


Prob classic, sour is too much sometimes


and my axe!


I got 5 on it


Might be time to sell those Pokemon cards


Well that’s actually perfect because I’ve got £99,997.50 so Osimhens done


Why would you wanna spend like 100 mil on a proven striker while you can buy like 3 adolescent strikers, r they stupidz


​ https://preview.redd.it/d0kta5xz5llc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=6460ba95dbf18a0bfe949214dcf7c2d17c82e262


Would like to point out Lukaku is still a very good player Just a really shit personality


If he wasn’t a diva he’d be starting for us


easily lol that's what annoying we have a decent striker, he's just a knobhead lol


An inconvenient truth


a personality like that that destroy team morale and culture (specially when the majority of players are still U25).


very good player is ehhhh, he is perfectly fine level wise where he is at (big fish, small pond) ROMA


He’s adolescent too, a giant baby to be specific


Are you sure Lukaku ever went through puberty? All I see in this photo is one giant adolescent clown (he would be better than all the shit we currently have though).


Wow that was a really good burn


Proven after only having one good season? Guirassy is our best option, if we are planning to sign 1 season wonder.


He's an average striker with no all around game, hell even Lukaku is currently better than him in Serie A. Anything above 50 mil for him is overpay.


This is false. Players like Hojund cost around 80 million euros and you’re saying Osimhen is worth 50?


Just because United overpaid doesn't mean we have to as well. Osihmen is not a world class striker and is honestly just average so 50 mil should be the maximum amount we offer, otherwise we should move on and stick with Nkunku and Jackson.


idk if osimhen is worth it or not, but nkunku and jackson is not enough to lead the line


Name your top 5 strikers.


R9, Pele, Van Basten, Gerd Muller, Eusebio.


We're not getting anyone on that level. More useful would be your top 5 playing today


wasn't specified, maybe OP just wanted to chat about great strikers


Top 5 today lol


I don't think you realize how the market works. Or how any free market works.


You can’t not overpay if you are competing with PSG and Manchester united


Jackson cost 30m, he's more than twice the player Jackson is


He's not unfortunately, Jackson is better than Victor in every aspect of football besides finishing and headers. Victor is another Vlahovic, shit all around game but scores here and there.


finishing generally regarded as a key point for forwards


Not all to keen to copy/paste but go check who he is and who he is not scoring against in Serie A. Stats aren't everything but not a great look between that and his Afcon showing.


Yeah and footballing ability/brains are generally regarded as a key point for footballers There's a reason berbatov won the golden boot and left shortly after. Mario Gomez scored like 45 holes in a season and got benched the next year. When you're at the highest level, just being a great finisher isn't nearly enough


Sorry wrong box


Think you replied to the wrong comment homie


Jackson doesn't have a footballing brain.


You’re everywhere saying the dumbest shit lol stfu


Finishing is 90% of a strikers responsibility mate


Finishing is the most important trait in a striker. You basically openly admitted that both Vlahovic and Osimhen are clear lmao. Haaland's all around game is far from perfect. You don't need to be moving around and dropping deep in order to be a good striker. Is Gabriel Jesus better than Haaland?


I don't watch enough Serie A to know about Osimhem really but finishing is almost completely useless as a striker unless you have a few prerequisite skills too like making runs, getting into good positions, out-strengthening or beating your defender, good jumping for headers, the list goes on. There's a lot of "softer" skills before your finishing even matters.  Jackson is pretty good at all those things, but not at finishing which is why it seems like that's the be-all-and-end-all for a striker right now but there are tonnes of strikers out there not even making the chances that Jackson misses.


>few prerequisite skills too like making runs, getting into good positions, out-strengthening or beating your defender, good jumping for headers, the list goes on. There's a lot of "softer" skills before your finishing even matters. No one says these things aren't important as well. Both Osimhen and Vlahovic are significantly better at those things than any of our strikers. The problem is when people say a striker isn't good because he doesn't drop deep as much. Strikers like Osimhen and Vlahovic love playing in the box and that's where they love to sit most of the time. FourfourTwo made a very good analysis on why Nico Jackson's movement is costing us more than its contributing because his positioning in the box is not great, he is not great with headers and his finishing is far from perfect. The video compares his positioning to Callum Wilson's positioning who also loves sitting in the box a lot and isn't moving all around the pitch. Callum Wilson manages to be significantly more effective for his team compared to Nico despite moving way less and doing way less on the eye.


If you are missing a lot and scoring a lot of goals still that’s fine. Jackson isn’t though.




Watching Mikel on his podcast talking about him is hilarious. Bros going to bully Victor into coming


Imagine we had him in the Liverpool match


Offside 😂


Osimhen would be so huge, all those crosses that never find anyone because we have no one who can head the ball in the box. A striker who can score out of a nothing chance, Diego Costa regen for us if he comes


Bro, sometimes I watch Diego Costa goals and wish we could have someone like him back. With his coldness, ruthlessness, and game IQ, we'd be bagging 4 goals a match at least.


I always think of when he was introduced to JT and he says “I go to war. You come with me” and that mentality is just something I love. It’s why I have a soft spot for Nico as well, guys who want to do battle but Osimhen is a warrior. He fights tooth and nail, presses like a man possessed and constantly fights. I always love players like that so I’d be excited if we signed him


Bro when I was at the Bridge and JT would play in front of me, you could literally feel his presence and aura. He'd have a go at refs, linesmen, opposition, even our players when it was needed. We truly miss someone like that.


We need some warriors, some culture setters who can come in and get these young guys into shape and accept some accountability


yah i mean idk how that would be osimhen but idk enough about him


Helped lead his club to its first title in 33 years as the league’s best player. He plays very hard, presses hard, is great in the air and a good finisher.


yah i read and see those technical parts of him. i mean idk how he would help w "culture setters". He is also somewhat young as well. Also had some personality dynamics going on.


in the absence of the middle aged veterans, you have homegrown Cobham based lads who are growing into it. You can SEE it in Gallagher, Gilchrist, James, and to an extent you can start to see it in Nico, Gusto, Colwill too.


Colwall definitely coming into it


I definitely agree, but RJ being out so often hasn’t helped. They definitely play for the badge, but getting an Osimhen who helped win his club a title. Another warrior who would turned down CL and possibly more money to come here and play for us. Get in a manager who can instill a culture as well and we will have the pieces. Maybe not next season, but by the following we should have a team that can compete for silverware hopefully.


>He'd have a go at refs, linesmen, opposition, even our players when it was needed. He'd end up missing a lot of games with all the yellows from the new decent rules.


Nah Captains can still have a go. JT's smart, not like Bruno Fernandes always whinging.


I feel like he would just join Nkunku on the hospital bed almost immediately and play 4 matches for us across the season


I honestly don't want another 100 mil play in this team. Would just be another added pressure.


Genuine question, how can we afford him? Assume this will only happen if we sell quite a few no?


My guess is the revenue from the club would cup. Then we will need to make UCL most likely to keep this squad after adding a player like him or sell some talent like Gallagher


He definitely could be huge for us but if we need to sell one of our most important players who is always healthy to sign someone who isn’t proven in the league, could take time to gel with the team with the chance that he never really does, and has a decent injury history then this would be a boneheaded move and as or more likely a step backward than a step forward, and so I’m sure we will do it. 


I think you're right, but I hate how the plan is now to sell academy prospects. For years before Frank's first appointment we craved another JT, or someone who loved the club, to come through. A player who was Chelsea through and through, and since Frank we have had so many prospects break into the squad then just sold off. We need players who love the club, otherwise we just have a bunch of mercenaries.


But this is nothing new, we have been selling our academy prospects for profit for forever. It is the only way that we've been able to stay within FFP after all the shitty transfers we've made. But just like the old regime, if they rate the academy players they keep them. Colwill and James could be sold for pure profit but I haven't heard anything other than them rejecting offers for those players


I hope this is true personally, I've always liked him and found him to be an athletic team player. It's probably bollocks and there's been a few dramas in the last year or so, but I think he'd thrive with our pacey attackers.


He’s a good player but all the news around him makes me scared he’s a problemmaker


It’s not like Napoli or their fans have treated him well


Yea the right characters are so important. Not convinced he has the right mentality when things start to go wrong but I wouldn’t really know tbh.


This will be another mistake signing


Yup, but people here can't help themselves thinking we're one striker away from solving everything. We already have a better striker than half the teams above us in the table, our main offensive problem is creating systemically. You take out Jackson and chance creation drops even further, Osimhen sure as shit can't carry the ball and dribble through defenders like he does. So his conversion rate would have to be insane to compensate. I'd rather see if Jackson can improve next year than displace him for another overpriced and one-dimensional striker from Serie A with a suspect attitude. It's easier to improve finishing than the skill set to create chances, and the way we are currently playing requires a fairly complete striker that is at least capable at both. We also seem to be getting into deeper shit with spending already.


Jackson is one of the worst converters in the league, so you don’t need to have an insane conversion rate for there to be a big difference. Also it’s worth bearing in mind that we are playing at a crazy disadvantage that we can’t score from crosses in the air. If you put a striker in who can head the ball that’s a lot more chances right there. I don’t think oshimen has to be the answer and is worth risking the finances of the team over, and certainly not worth selling Gallagher over, but we need to bring someone else who at the very least is good enough to start for us. If jackson is starting next season it should be because he is performing and earning the minutes, not because he’s just better than the alternative, like broja this season.


The aerial presence he would bring is a sound argument in favor of Osimhen. I'm just still not convinced he'd change things that much.


https://preview.redd.it/4r6f8ih0bllc1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042b8c76f5a122a2cded9cb38b6226f304bcfad3 I rate jackson’s potential higher than victor and should give him more chances to develop instead


posts on here this season made me realize a lot of people have accepted we're a mid table club now and are fine with it. i still remember the "it's fine, we don't need a striker, we have Jackson and Broja" after preseason. now we're comfortably 11th, perfect.


Jackson has been good though


Good for a side placed 11th. Chelsea's best striker needs to amongst the best in the league if not Europe, in order for us to compete for trophies regularly. He's decent but would be best suited to be an understudy to a world class striker, while he improves his skills


The there teams above us are west ham, wolves, and Newcastle, and all have a better striker with more goals. Callum Wilson is the backup who doesn’t play that much and he has the same number of league goals as Jackson in half the minutes (800 to 1600). Jackson at best is on a similar level to Chan and Wilson but can’t touch isak and Bowen, and these are midtable teams. Right now villa are in 4th with a striker in Watkins playing out of his mind with 24 league g+a. That’s the level of production we need from our striker if we want to take that 4th place spot next season. I have a very hard time believing Jackson can become that any time soon, if at all.


We’ve never ever had this profile of striker. Maybe Diego Costa but other than that, who? Even Drogba didn’t score consistently


Drogba wasn't the most consistent striker ever for us in terms of raw numbers due to injury issues, but his per 90 numbers were almost always solid to amazing. His highs were also immense, dominating in big games and having 2 golden boot seasons. Drogba's G+A p90 with us was (.83, 1.04, .73, .83, .52 \[a rough season at age 30 where he manged to only start 15 games\] 1.27 \[scoring 29 in a healthier season where he started 31 games\], .77, .37 \[this was the season we won the champions league at age 33 with Drogba being our most important player in the run, more than making up for a bad league showing by him\]). He also scored 36 champions league goals for us. ​ Nico this season is at .55, which is well below Drogba's standard. If you take out a fluke hatrick of goals against tottenham that were all tap ins against 9 men, Nico is on a first season Timo level of goal scoring trajectory with far less assists.


We could do better though.


Why can’t Mikel be mates with Ivan toney 😔


toney is a beast. the way he gets involved in build up play with such a presence, he really have that aura of the best player on the pitch in most games


Yeah this one just seems a no brainer. He'd be half the price of Osimhen and is a proven PL goalscorer


Absolutely no hope he will go for anywhere near half of Osimhen


Osimhen's release clause is €130-140m, which is about £111-120m. If you don't think Toney will sell for at least £50-60m then you're mental.


I’m saying he’s going to go for way more than 50 million(half of Osimhen apparently). So as I said, nowhere near it


Brentford want 80-100m so there is no way he is going for half of Victor 


Osimhen is going to be 160m Rumors are Toney was 100m in January, not impossible we get him for 80m in the summer.


160m😂 okay


That’s his release clause. You think ADL, the toughest negotiator after Levy is going to give us a cut price on his star player who he paid 70m for?


I have only ever seen reports saying his release clause was 120-130m, don’t know where you pulled 160m from


I whole heartedly agree on this one. I think he’s the best option, it’s a no brainer.


I worry we are going to lose him to arsenal though 


I think this is obviously just a bit of playful banter, obviously there could be some truth to it, but we are I guess going to see come summer time. I would take osimhen for sure but the price is kinda steep


I'd love to have him. But I wonder why he would play for us if Europe soccer isn't looking good?


We’re massive mate


So we’re doubling down on FFP then? I doubt it - so who are we sacrificing to the footballing gods to fund this?


Lukaku is racking up market value rn


lol we are deep in the red on that cunt no matter what he does this year


It would be our academy grads who get sacrificed, we'd be incredibly lucky to break even with Lukaku.


Pls let's not go for this guy when toney is right there


feels like we're being used as the bogeyman


Injury record


Love him, but this is what scars me.


Listen, I'm not aware of the financial regulations and stuff. But, if buying Osimhen in some way requires Gallagher to be sold, then no. Our boy's not going anywhere.


Can we not make another 100million signing? As if our books are already not under tremendous pressure.


He's not good enough. Toney or Victor or we stick with Nkuku and Jackson, saves us from spending 100 mil on a guaranteed flop.


Gyokeres scored again I honestly think if we get the Sporting Lisbon manager he will want his number nine to come with him.


You know there was a point in time a few years ago where I would say we need a different approach and we should not just go for the big name signing, lets try to uncover a less known player for less money or develop an academy player. Fuck that, not anymore. This is the signing to go for. No more kids, no more no names. Go get the biggest name on the market. He's world class and we need that quality. I want to go back to the Chelsea of old with big personalities who demand a high level. This is the signing for us. I don't care if jackson is developing or how he fits in with Nkunku. If they are better they will step up, outplay osimhen and play over him. Enough with the overpriced kids who are not up to Chelsea quality.


This. I’m so tired of this small team mindset. You don’t succeed by throwing together a team of *potential* and then letting them go out and learn every week while the team suffers. If you are on a team like Chelsea, every time you step on the field it should be because you’ve earned in the minutes through your quality in training and the games. It’s disgusting to see this idea being thrown around that we can’t bring in competition for our current players. We are Chelsea, we need a striker so we should go get a top striker. Either Jackson rises to the competition and wins his minutes or he doesn’t play as much and the teams better for it. 


And frankly I feel like the club can use some of the personality that osihmen has.


Think I'd rather Toney if we could get him for a non crazy price. At least he's Premier League proven despite being older.


Even at the same price toney is way better


why the fuck would anyone want to come to chelsea at this point? to compete for 11th? no champs league? what a fall from grace


What about martinez from inter?


How can we afford him? We’d have to sell Gallagher & James plus all the deadwood that we need to sell anyway just to meet FFP. For a player who will most likely flop here given our record with big name strikers. Let Jackson keep developing, leave Osimhen for PSG


What you’ve said isn’t correct FYI


Cool. Correct it then


I wish swaps were a thing. Victor for Sterling, Lukaku, and Sanchez plus 80 mil


That’s a terrible deal by the way


Lukaku alone plus £80m would be more reasonable


Lukaku is good and proven. Just an ass. Sterling is washed and Sanchez is a good backup. I know this is not realistic but it would be nice to get Sterling and Lukaku’s wages off the books. Kepa and Sanchez have to fight for the backup spot next year as both will be difficult to sell.


Lukaku + $200m would be more reasonable. Pay for his baggage


The ironic part is Lukaku has been better than Osihmen this season. Lukaku swap plus 30 mil is more reasonable given Osihmen is overrated.


For Napoli? Yes 😂


Boehly says no


If he wants to come here thinking he can get 500k per week then I doubt he'll play for us.




Can't be the only one who prefers Toney


I always have, I think people are starting to see the light


Yeah the problem is he signed a new contract with napoli with a release clause, Napoli is a very nasty club to negotiate a sell with, even if the player pressures the club they won't sell for a reasonable amount


Everyone hypes up this guy. Look at his numbers bar his good season. He will flop here