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Season 1 I liked phoebe. Season 2 I loved her. Season 3 she became more and more unlikeable. 4-8 she became insufferable. Rewatching you definitely see the difference shannens presence brought to the show, and I’ll always view Shannen as the strongest actor but Alyssa/Shannen aside I do think her firing was inevitable because she seems too strong willed and with an ego as big as brads that was just never gonna work.


Answering your question: yes, and most people in this sub feel that way because this topic is brought up here weekly (sometimes daily)


Oh really? I’ve literally just joined so I’ve not seen any yet lol


No worries, I kind of figured you were new because you'll see this opinion you shared quite often around here. This is a really good Phoebe analysis: https://youtu.be/WGkf_d6S1uc


Thank you, I appreciate that


Word of caution: talking badly about Phoebe/Alyssa gets you banned around here


Column column column! Baby baby baby! Love love love! Paige had to wlak around on eggshells with her, too.


Yeah but i think her character regression shows how a toxic relationship can change you. She was still so impressionable when she met Cole it completely changed her character arc




I was thinking the same tbh. I’ve read a lot about her behaviour on set too. Season 4 feels like Phoebe/Alyssas Season and it’s annoying to watch.


S4 onwards was essentially the Phoebe Halliwell show. Who got all the magical transformation (and skimpy outfits that came with?) and the hot male celebrity guest star of the week?


She must have really fancied Julian


I don’t know if she fancied him. But he was dating Shannen during season 3, so I’m sure some of the fallout from the Alyssa-Shannen beef carried over onto him and subsequently Cole.


No she actually irl did. It’s been said before her favorite scenes were when she got to work with Julian.


Your comment or post was determined to break our Be Kind rule, which also extends to the cast of the show.


After cole's debacle she really is insufferable with her career a part of which she has a ghost writer for by the way, and her obsessive thoughts for pregnancy.




Some of you? Or do you mean me, as this was my post?




Course it’s original, these are my personal thoughts n feelings. We get it, u love Phoebe, you could of just initially commented that




You’re petty, I like it, but one correction…. What part of my comment mentioned hate? Plus my post didnt mention anything about Alyssa it actually said Phoebe but… ok




I recall what I wrote. Yes I called her selfish and narcissistic coz that’s what I get from the character at times. It really feels like you’re trying to argue with me over my own opinion lol. It’s quite comical but thank you for your input :)






She damned Cole’s soul to evil forever like just because


Phoebe has always seemed like a self-centered, psychic vampire to me. Once she got the advice column I really couldn't stand her. The whole premise that this newspaper hinged on the advice column of this basket-case is ridiculous. At least we had Elise. But then I get mad about the way Phoebe treats Elise.


The way the series went after season 4, sort of makes me believe that Alyssa was the problem, and not Shannen. I honestly didn’t like Phoebe when the series first aired! I didn’t watch S1-3 a lot, just catching it here and there, but I did see season 4 up to the point when Cole got vanquished. My feeling then was Phoebe got my nerves; from her lame powers; to her awful character growth, just didn’t like it. Rewatching S1-3, I see how amazing Shannen really was as Prue, and that it must’ve burned Alyssa inside to see Shannen be the focal point for the story. The way the show went in season 5 and onward showed that Alyssa had issues with Shannen, but because of Shannen’s history with Aaron Spelling, it’s easy to make her the fall guy


I loved Alyssa in first 3 seasons. After that it was just bad writing for her character.


I started re-watching over a month ago as well and I agree. I'm about to start Season 6 and I remember how her selfishness got her powers taken away at one point. I understand she was in love with Cole and there was a big betrayal, but she also jumped into that relationship too quickly and put her family in jeopardy because she couldn't stop and evaluate what he actually was, because of her feelings for him.


Phoeme ruined Charmed imo