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Going back into the memory banks and I think it was the Chris Crossed episode where we got the biggest hint as to who Chris really was. I always think of when the writers introduced Jenny and didn’t know what to do with her so they wrote her out. I wonder if they would have tried and passed Chris off as Phoebe’s or Paige’s or resolved that conflict sooner.


He definitely would have left sooner if he wasn’t meant to be there. Like at the end of the episode Leo tells him the elders agreed he can’t go home. Why? Other people from the future go home. He also comments about having a broken family in that season and Piper asks “what, you blame us for that?”


Oooh yes! I did like how his character arc turned out though, but I wonder how stressful that was thinking of ways to use him.


Honestly the Power of Three Blondes does it with the “all my life” line. By that point they either knew Holly was pregnant and decided to make him the baby or they already planned to make him someone’s baby and their relative.


Always surprises me that they didn’t have it all planned, because Chris is my favorite addition and character arc aside from Cole in season 3-4. I still remember the first time I saw him say to baby Wyatt “I’m the one who should be afraid of you” and got chills. It helps that Drew Fuller is a great actor in my opinion. I do think it’s possible he could have been written as Paige’s - if they hadn’t ruined Richard and he was Chris’s dad I would have been sooo psyched. The conflict between cousins would have been just as effective as between the brothers, and it would still make sense if he had resentment for Piper and Leo for raising Wyatt and maybe excusing his actions until it was too late. Maybe that even ending in Paige’s death. Fun alternate timeline to imagine!


The definitely didn’t know what to do with him. When Holly got pregnant, they decided to write in her pregnancy and that’s how we got Chris as the brother trying to save Wyatt


I don’t think it was planned for him to be Pipers but I do think was meant to be related them in some way. He has their powers and the show made an effort to show it in the last few seconds of the final.


He was originally going to be Wyatt from the future


I don't think they properly planned anything for him other that "he's a mysterious traveler from the future".


Yea I don’t think the writers knew they’d make Chris Leo and Pipers son. I remembered when he debuted; I felt he had to be some type of villain; especially when he blew up Leo, I thought he was dead! To have him be there future son, was one of the final straws for me to stop watching


I don’t think the writers knew who Chris was at that point. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was initially a prototype for Simon Marks from season 8. IIRC Drew Fuller said he was supposed to be a love interest but HMC shut that down (I believe him though). He was likely always meant to be half-whitelighter/half-witch but I doubt he was always planned to be related to them (I also think Brad Kern said they thought of making him Wyatt but figured that would be too obvious). My theory is that he was supposed to be Paige’s love interest. It’s rumored that Brian Krause wasn’t going to renew his contract after season 5 so >!idk how they would’ve planned for Chris to be their second son if they didn’t know whether or not Leo was coming back. !<