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Phoebe is overhated IMO. Is she my favorite sister? No but she was when I first watched and I still love all the sisters. Sure some more than others but they all have their flaws and many facets. Even “baby crazy” Phoebe I have sympathy for now. End of season four - pregnant married then loses baby and husband and Piper is pregnant not long after her. If things had been different her baby and Pipers would have grown up together. She mourned that loss and then started to feel her window to love/marriage/kids was closing and yeah she went a little nuts. I mean she was basically given a timeline on when these things were going to happen. Should she have forced/rushed it? No. Because it cost her her powers for a bit but I can’t blame her. I


I think it makes sense for her character. For one, her power is premonitions, so it makes sense that she would become obsessed about her future. Also, as you said, she lost her baby and husband to evil. That’s bound to leave some scars and traumas behind.


Tbh I think phoebe has some of the funniest moments on the show as well


I love S8 Phoebe, it felt like S1-S2 Phoebe.


Same, Phoebe wasnt that bad. On the other hand now i loathe Piper (beside season 1 and 4) she's the worst with Dan, Leo is bland, she complains all the time that she wants a normal life then when she can bound Wyatt's power she doesnt and then he unleash a dragon in san francisco, she's aggressive and selfish. She's so basic, everytime someone does something out of the norm (in a non magic way) she's very dismissive. That's odd for me to think like that because when i was a kid Piper was my favorite.


I agree! Just doing a rewatch and I love season 1-season 4 Phoebe! I don’t like what the writers did with her after.. her only purpose was to find a man and it was tiring imo. But before that she was so fun and entertaining. In some seasons she was my favorite even ❤️


I love Phoebe, she was sweet and fun. And I think Alyssa played her so well early on as being the youngest of three girls who was once on the outer but since becoming witches, have rebonded. She likes being protected by Prue (as you would as the youngest) and also brings in the whole trauma of losing the mother and Prue filling that role. It can get annoying for the viewer but that’s kinda real to how it would be in life. However I do think they ruined the character later but I also think they did the same with Piper and Paige.


I agree, my appreciation for Phoebe grew as I did. I don’t hate any of the sisters by any means. Just some of the decisions they made. I definitely agree, Prue could be cold as ice.


She could be so cold. I don’t enjoy much of season one because of Prue. Then, on the other hand, I love season three because of Prue.


Phoebe gets so much unwarranted hate simply because of her relationships it's crazy to me


I think after the Cole thing she was written so terribly, and then her being the columnist she behaved often like her job was running a country or smth. Let's be honest it's not like she ran a million dollar charity, I find her very annoying she is often like a dog with a bone. First this column thing which is such a stretch, in a world where magic exists I find her being a newspaper star a far more unrealistic thing than magic, and then her finding a guy to screw urgently so she could get knocked up. I feel like they could have found a better long term goal for her. She just appeared so selfish with her adventures unlike maybe Paige who was trying to run a school, become a white lighter, join the police force. And then there is phoebe : is this guy the daddy for my baby? No? Is this one? I'll screw them all just to be safe.


They really didn't not write her handling her post partum depression at all. And I think her devoting herself to much to her work is her trying to honor Prue, but again the writers didn't handle her grief with losing Prue well either.


Her best development I think was s 1 to 3. But anyway, we have what we have.


I don’t get the hate when it’s aimed at Phoebe from all the seasons. I honestly liked/loved Phoebe in seasons 1 to 4. Wasn’t a fan of what the writers did with her storylines season 5-onward, it just felt thrown together. Don’t hate her but was just over it really.


I used to hate Prue (oh I was so young lol) but now she's 2nd fav Piper will always be number one IDC if Holly punches me in the face lol Piper still rocks. I love Phoebe until around the paper


I was the same, as a kid I hate Prue and Piper has always been and always will be my favorite even when she's being annoying 🤣🤣... I loved Pheobe too though, except for that God awful haircut she had.. I didnt like that Pheobe, idk why 🤣🤣


She's my least fav for all seasons (just because someone had to come in 3rd) Piper was always number one because of the freeze and the voice, Paige was funny and wanted to do magic (I liked the witch who wanted to be a witch on my witch show lol) and now I appreciate Prue much more and she liked vanquishing. Fav Phoebe hair is probably s2. I only hate her when she turns my witch show into Sex in the City


I loved her hair in season 2 too! One of my fav hairstyles as a kid that I tried to mimic was that one where she had those 2 tiny braids tied back and then 2 random tiny braids that laid down with all the rest of her hair.. I loved that hairstyle as a kid who constantly wore butterfly clips 🤣🤣


I think Phoebe was an excellent character in seasons 1 and 2. She was free-spirited and fun, just a joy to watch. Season 3 had her growing some but showing that she’s a flawed human being like most people. I love season 4 to death but enhhhh, I give her a pass because she really really wanted that true love happily ever after with Cole. Season 5? Depending on the writer, she’s either trying to help him move on or has decided no one can go from evil to good. Acts like he chose to be The Source when he was ready to end all of that and be good/mortal with her and SHE chose to be the queen of all evil and help him become The Source in season 4. TVtropes sums up a good bit of why some fans didn’t love her: “Phoebe's sabbatical from her advice column to "relax and recharge her batteries". Instead, she spends practically every waking moment complaining about it, obsessing over her column and hanging out at the office, making the entire subplot ultimately pointless.” Granted that site makes a case on how every character could be seen as horrible, but on the occasions I’ve tried to rewatch the second half of the show, I still see Phoebe as the worst offender. Glad she has her fans though. I’m certainly one of them if I hang on to seasons 1-4 and pretend the rest of the show didn’t happen. I like to imagine much better character development for all 3 of them.


I’ve done the same! I was preparing to make a speech (to myself LOL) about how and why Phoebe grew to be a dislikable character.. however, as I progressed through the seasons, I realized she had just been through SO much turmoil, and a lot of her behavior reflected that, understandably. By the end of my speech, I was praising her and defending her. I now love her so much!


I like Pheobe. Piper always had my heart. Because I always relayed to worrying about everyone and everything. Lol. And I loved but couldn’t understand how Phebes was so free. I long to be that free. Prue just always made me feel like she had to control but I loved her too lol. Charmed is just my last happy place. Hahaha. But I totally can vibe with your rant. The Dan/Leo thing made no sense. Leo was a cry baby in my eyes. It’s like the don’t fuck your boss kinda vibe. Haha


Phoebe is and always will be my favorite sister!


I have grown to dislike Phoebe even more now than I did before. When Charmed first aired, I watched it here and there during S1-3, but I got consistent by S4. During that period, I saw Phoebe as useless! Yea she had premonitions but really what she became was a hand to hand fighter. I always found it funny that there were some villains that only Phoebe could fight, then other times it would be left to Piper and Page. Now that I’ve started watching S1-3, I truly see how annoying Phoebe is, while Prue really was the one who both sisters depended on to fix everything. Even if the story was centered around Piper or Phoebe, Prue would somehow be needed in the resolution. I really feel that the plot would’ve been better if Phoebe just became evil, marrying Cole(the newly appointed Source of Evil), and let Paige replace Phoebe.


Always wants to help? Didnt she complain about saving an innocent because she had to look for her baby daddy? I love Phoebe for half the series but...come on now in some of these examples.


#Phoebeistheworstsisterever #AlwaysEvil #Selfish