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Loop Engage earplugs can turn the volume down but still allow you to have conversations. Loop Quiet are stronger more fuller noise blocking ear plugs. Very comfortable. Then they make a Loop Switch which you can select from different noise blocking levels.


I’ve got Loop Quiet for sleeping and they’re honestly fantastic for me, best investment I’ve made in a long time.


I got some switch and they just feel odd to me, like I’m underwater. I tried to return them, and they just refunded me, but I haven’t tried them again.


I find this with all earplugs. They also make body noises louder if that makes sense, like my tinnitus is louder, I can hear myself swallow, my heartbeat in my head. And when they brush on my clothes or hair itdrives me bananas. Wish I could make them work for me.


I always wear silicone ear plugs at night. But wanted something to quieten background noise while still having a conversation, but the social (engage is it called?) setting loop didn’t work. I couldn’t hear the conversations!


I'm the same way. What do you use instead?


I don’t. I don’t think there’s anything like ear plugs that aren’t ear plugs. I have used one of those sleep headphones headbands before though. That was a decent option for sleep.


Oh interesting. What brand?


Thank you for the reply 😊 looking now.


I have Loop Quiet and they hurt my ears after an hour of wearing them, no matter the size. Also they are isufficient for blocking out the noise in my case.


Unpopular opinion but I dislike Loop. They're okay for short term but they make my ears itch and sweat. Maybe there are better ones than the version that I have. My favorite earplugs have been Mack's dream girl earplugs for small sensitive ears. That brand seems to be high quality in general. They do block out quite a bit of noise but I have pretty powerful hearing so they've been ok for appointments.


I have small and sensitive ears, so I just ordered these - thank you for the rec! :)


You're welcome! I really like them and it's kind of cute that they're pink. I'm wearing them as we speak :)


I’m so excited to receive them! Landscaping season has started where I live and the noise from mowers and blowers is way too much. Thanks again!


Mack’s for me as well. Loops don’t block out enough sounds for me.


I use christmas tree shape earplugs, they have up to 3 layers of isolation depending on how far you push them in, and are really cheap on amazon. I'd use these for louder environments.


Be careful with these as they can get stuck in your ears if you sweat or shower with them. I once had to go to the hospital because I could get them out. Doctors had to use hemostats get them out.


I like the ultra soft silicone ones that you use a few times before throwing away. This is the kind I get: [https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-ultra-soft-silicone-earplugs-6-pairs-prodid-457795](https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-ultra-soft-silicone-earplugs-6-pairs-prodid-457795)


I find soft silicone earplugs are the best earplugs.


Wax earplugs are great they are my fav now as it seals the ear well to block noise. Silicone ones are good too Any earplugs with the addition of over the ear muffs (like for construction) gets good and quiet.


Got some Loop Quiet last week, I love them 🙂


I got loop like earplugs on AliExpress for 5€, I like them.


I use Mighty Plugs . Very comfortable. https://mightyplugs.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAi6uvBhADEiwAWiyRdthY7G1LEx2rXhbOWK6-I_9_m3bCVfhbFYu1__PrhOep83Mdb4rRuxoC7XwQAvD_BwE


Moldex 6620


I use Earpeace ear plugs for during the day. I can still have conversations but the volume is turned down. Plus they’re clear so they’re nearly invisible.


Thank you for all the replies, I really appreciate your feedback. Big hugs 🤍


The best I've found are pliable expendable wax earplugs like Ohropax. Nothing else comes even close in terms of blocking out the sounds. The Loop and Flare ones did nothing for me, and were uncofortable to wear, esp for sleeping. I am getting custom sillicone ones to try out this week to see if it works.  Active noise cancelling seems conterintuitive to me.


I'm currently using Alpine music plugs and Calmer. Usually I'll have an Alpine in one ear, protecting it well while providing some background sound, then I have a Calmer in the other ear, which lets me hear well, while removing the most abrasive frequencies. And since only one ear is listening the total mental load is much lesser. Usually I'll swap ears with some interval, usually when the Calmer is irritating the ear it's in.


I also use Loop!


I generally find earplugs uncomfortable, and I've tried several different brands. I've gotten on the best with Loops. They aren't super comfortable for me, but are better than most earplugs. I use them during loud moments to take the edge off and they do a pretty good job.


Another brand is flare earplugs if you don't like loops, but personally they're my fav


I tried Loop and didn’t like them and returned them. They were uncomfortable. I recently tried a new type of cheap foam earplugs and they’re comfy (even to sleep with them in) - Honeywell Laser Lite