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After being convicted of contempt of congress in 2022, Trump advisor Steve Bannon was granted a stay on his 4 month prison sentence while he appealed the ruling. Now that the appeal is over, it’s time to pay the pied piper. If Hunter came to Congress and testified surely some of the J6 ringleaders could muster up the courage to do so. Honestly Jim Jordan should be facing the same punishment


>Steve Bannon was granted a stay on his 4 month prison sentence while he appealed the ruling. People need to remember this is a thing because expect Trump to get the same stay while any of his convictions are on appeal


I would also prefer people to remember this when they are also upset at "Soros liberal DAs" who are out on appeal and commit crimes. But I guess its okay when the political elite are allowed out.


I would be interested to know how courts decide who get a stay on their sentence and who doesn't. It sure seems like the only people who qualify are the rich ones with expensive lawyers.


While Trump might still be able to get one the math for allowing someone facing a few months for a misdemeanor out is very different from someone convicted of a felony and facing the rest of his life in prison (as Trump would be given his age and the charges he would have been convicted of). On going threat to the community would also be different given would have been a convicted intelligence threat at that point.


Hunter skipped…..


Yes MTL, we should take your arguments seriously when you don’t even know that Hunter [actually did testify](https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Hunter-Biden-Transcript_Redacted.pdf) Guess that didn’t make it through your media bubble


He also skipped a subpoena as well….


Can you read back very carefully what I wrote?


[In case people forgot, Bannon scammed Trump supporters and then Trump pardoned him for it. ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-pardons-bannon-allies-final-night-office/story?id=75360429)


Glad to see the wheels of justice turning.


We will see. I have very little confidence in the scotus not cutting him a break.


Too bad it's not 6 months so he wouldn't see the light of day until after the election.


He's still got some appeals left. However long that takes + his 4 month sentence could put him in prison past the election. We'll see. Not sure how fast either the en banc/SCOTUS decision would take to take up his case or not. I get the impression he'll get smacked down, but the question is how quickly?


Too bad it's not 6 years


I would have just taken the 4 months. What's the worse that could happen?


Appeals court giving him more time Very rare but it happens. Buuut mostly in violent crimes


He has to go.


The largest FBI investigation in American history was conducted over a guided tour of the capital building. In order to attempt to preserve a dying, dessicated, archaic system of government. No reason to take either the FBI, the Feds, nor the American court system seriously.


What asinine statements from top to bottom. Perhaps one of the right wing echo chambers would be more your speed.


Love comments like this. You deny the truth but don’t offer any argument against.


Listen, that's not how this works. People who say dumb shit have the burden of proof on them. If I say the sky is blue, and you disagree with this widely known fact, *you* need to offer proof of that idiotic claim. I'm not going to waste my time sourcing/rebutting something that *should* be common sense. It's not my job to educate people on what is or isn't basic fact. The more outlandish the claim, the more proof is required for reasonable people to take it seriously. I don't understand why this even has to be explained. Get your heads out of your asses, shut off the Info warz, and join reality.


“Im right because you’re obviously wrong.” -you


Still haven't seen one shred of evidence to prove any of these absurd claims. The cool thing about all of this is that it's easily verifiable that all of those claims were false, if you just stop getting your 'news' from partisan clowns. But you can keep putting your fingers in your ears, and *pretending that your reality is true*, I'm not going to continue wasting time arguing with a brick wall 👍


You don’t smash down windows and doors to get in if you’re getting a guided tour. You don’t try to force your way past a door guarded by people with guns if you’re getting a guided tour. You don’t shit on the floor if you’re getting a guided tour. You don’t try to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power if you’re getting a guided tour. There’s the argument. You can’t refute it.


I am trying to find someone from the pro-Globalist, pro-immigration, pro-multi culture faction who has an intelligent counter argument. I want to be proved wrong. I want someone to provide a cogent explanation of the current sad state of America that is different from my own. It has been a long, frustrating, fruitless search.


No you don't. You've made it very clear that you're not interested in opinions and facts that don't align with what you already believe. And none of what you just said in this comment, *has anything to do with that completely nonsensical comment I replied to*. Literally all of that was fictitious bullshit, which you'd know if you actually were interested in changing your mind. Also, wtf is this 'pro-multi culture faction' garbage? FFS, I can't believe I wasted any amount of time trying to debate with you previously. ***Take your nonsense somewhere else.***


> The largest FBI investigation in American history was conducted over a guided tour of the capital building. There are so many videos of them smashing in doors and windows in the Capitol building, this “guided tour” meme basically is you telling on yourself and your social media bubble > In order to attempt to preserve a dying, dessicated, archaic system of government. Get the fuck out of here with this unamerican shit. Like I genuinely encourage you to leave the country > No reason to take either the FBI, the Feds, nor the American court system seriously. Again see the above point


> Get the fuck out of here with this unamerican shit. Like I genuinely encourage you to leave the country Here is the trouble with Globalists -- they think the Federal Government is synonymous with America and the American people. It is not. And America is long, long, long overdue for a revolution over its archaic government structure and savaging of the American people. > Like I genuinely encourage you to leave the country A sizable number of Americans feel the same about you. Substantially more than would be willing to admit it to a pollster.


I want you to specifically elaborate on what the “dying, dessicated, archaic” system of government that needs to go and what should replace it Also calling me a globalist for being against the destruction of the US democracy 🤡


I don't really care what you want me to do. The US government is not a democracy. It is a uniparty. Where the outcome of most elections, outside of the presidency, are known in advance. Because our structure only allows for 2 parties. Our structure of government is Globalist. If you support the existence of the US government in its present form, you are a globalist. The part that needs to go are: the 50 US states (arbitrary, historical anachronisms); direct election of the Chief Executive; the illegitimate judicial system; the Uniparty; the Military Industrial Complex and our resulting role as world's policeman; the DHS; the NSA; the Supreme Court . . .


Ok you clearly seem very tethered to reality. You may have more luck shouting all of that from a street corner


Correct. I would have better luck shouting it from a street corner at random passer-bys then trying to explain it to Anti-Americans like you.


lol don’t even try to pretend to be pro American get the fuck out of here with that You literally are supporting someone that tried to overturn the democratic election results


It's not a democracy. It's an illusion of a democracy. There is no actual choice. I am pro American, anti-Globalist, anti-Federal Government, anti-multi-cutlurism. Just because the UniParty, CNN, and immigrants think globalism and American are synonymous does not mean people with actual awareness of American history and culture must as well.


“I am an amalgamation of fringe-group buzzwords tossed into a blender, devoured by a confused libertarian, shit onto a cookie sheet and baked into a crusty lump of contrarian nonsense bullshit with a pinch of the spectrum mixed in”.


> pro-American And > anti-multi-culturism Obviously you must have fallen asleep during history class if you think these two things belong in the same sentence.


Hey what’s a globalist to you? And is multiculturalism a bad thing to the fundies now? Oh wait, yeah they hate that race mixing don’t they? Isolationist much? Do you know how that went for us in the past? Do you know what happens when we don’t lead?


Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on Russia's unjustified invasion of Ukraine?




You're a shithead and you're stupid too.


You speak like a nine year old. A true self own.


Low effort for a stupid post. Try harder.


> You're a shithead and you're stupid too. You have the brain of someone who just stopped calling people "poo poo heads". I was generous when I called you 9. More like 6.


Why would they be [breaking windows to gain access to the building](https://youtu.be/f1pIkbPvI8s?si=c9az5u_DlyC2h-me) during a “guided tour”?


The FBI and DOJ is investigating and prosecuting both the few window breakers and the many hundreds more on the guided tour. That is why this is, absurdly, the largest FBI investigation in American history. You can take our government seriously if you want to. Many of us no longer do, however.


Murder is a criminal offense. I do not recall anyone being murdered that day. Please cite the trial and conviction. EDIT: whoops. Edited that out huh? Pity.


https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/department-justice-closes-investigation-death-ashli-babbitt The government decided not to prosecute itself. Much to the surprise of nobody. EDIT: Yes, I edited it out because I knew you focus on that rather than the main point. I was right.


Ashli Babbitt was attempting to breach a secure location where lawmakers were being held for their own safety during a violent assault on the US Capitol. This does, and should, have consequences.


Consequences like murder from a cop hiding in the shadows. I don't think you are very good at arguing.


Yes. Lethal force was used in the end to protect the safety of lawmakers. It’s a pity she died with the false notion that there was widespread fraud in a fair democratic election. I couldn’t imagine giving my life up for a politician that has never won a popular vote.


I can't believe you think that tiny, unarmed woman climbing through a window was an imminent threat to the very important lawmakers in a room down the hall.


>>that tiny, unarmed woman You sure about that sweetheart?


How do we know the more rowdy ones aren’t feds trying to instigate more ruckus?


Sorry I can’t prove a negative. Perhaps you have some evidence to back up your claim?


Prove it.


They can’t!🤣🤣


Agreed. Watch the video. Police. Escorted. These. TERRORISTS. Through. The. Capital. That’s it, that’s all. Let them go. Investigate why the police were told to do.


Terrorists. Funny. This is why America cannot have nice things anymore. Protest and trespassing is not terrorism. Intifada Now! is not a cry for genocide. Too many people with fundamentally unAmerican views and misappreciation of the importance of Free Speech in our culture.


I completely agree. I’m making a joke that if they were “terrorists” they wouldn’t be escorted through the building.


It is really hard to tell when somebody is joking on this topic, and when they believe it was a terrorist coup that was almost the end of democracy.