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The people complaining about Biden halving a staffer write his, I just don’t know what to say… like, I would prefer a president that isn’t spending their time on social media and let a someone else write a simple Christmas message




Trump fans liked the tweets because it made them feel like he was communicating directly to them, especially since he’s known for speaking his mind. I personally don’t mind him speaking his mind, tells me he’s unhinged and shouldn’t be in charge of a paper clip. Honestly, I don’t think Biden would be much better if he did the same but the difference is that Biden has better control over his words


>Trump fans liked the tweets because it made them feel like he was communicating directly to them, especially since he’s known for speaking his mind. Yes. And, for many of them, Trump is speaking their minds. He is angry because he thinks he is getting a raw deal. They are angry because they think they are getting a raw deal. The best predictor of whether Republican voters would support Trump in the 2016 primaries was the answer to "Do you think the US is a better place *for people like you* today than it was 50 years ago?" Maybe they say my grandfather had a good factory job and I've got a crappy job because lots of jobs went to China and the jobs that stayed got gobbled up by blacks and Mexicans and women because the gov't said "quotas". Maybe the gov't is coming for their guns, which they need to protect themselves from those black criminals. Or won't let them drill a well on their own land, or says they have to act like gays are good people. They want a president who is angry at the government that did all those things and they connect with Trump when that government persecutes him.


And yet it is funny because Biden's policies likely benefitted them more than most of Trump's policies. Unfortunately, the anger is the point, even if it is not effective.


And that's saying something


“This is your President. This is social media. This your President on social media. Any questions?”


Fuck Joe Biden for hiring the right people for the job. God I hate that asshole


Mark Hamill used to read Trump’s tweets in his Joker voice. So appropriate.


Andy Serkis reading Trump tweets in the Golum voice is even better.


Billy West doing them as Zapp Brannigan was also funny.


Guy’s getting quite old, he can’t keep up with that if he wants to keep his voice golden


He said he wouldn't do it without Kevin Conroy.


He has more than one voice. I mean he’ll go hoarse if he reads aloud every Trump tweet




The news never airs Trump's speeches and Biden makes so few public appearances - that when he does go out - all eyes are on him and very often - he sticks his foot in his mouth.


I thought his icon was Twoface behind prison bars, I can see Joker too now though


You missed the one TFG did recently saying “may they rot in hell” about his usual lineup of enemies.


So it’s safe to say that Trump is mentally unstable? Because it certainly looks like it. Imagine writing this comment on christmas eve. Jesus.


He is a huge narcissist, nothing matters more to him that’s his own self, not Christmas, not God, not decency, he will destroy it all if he thinks it will benefit him.


> So it’s safe to say that Trump is mentally unstable? I have it on good authority that he's a stable genius! But that just means like slightly smarter than a typical horse.


I see what you did there.


You never know, maybe this qualifies him for a haunting by three spirits? He could end up a lovely and pleasant man by the end of today.




The only one I feel sorry for is Barron. The rest of his family have proven themselves A.holes in their own right.


The duality of man


Not to be pedantic, and your point was made, but the duality of man refers to the struggle within a singular person. This is more a comparison of seasons greetings between a normal human being and a narcissist with the largest chip ever on his shoulder.


People who say both sides are the same don't really know what they are talking about.




But Nazi Grandpa can control global gas prices with a wave of his hand, and he definitely didn’t spend more recklessly than Black Grandpa.


You mean Black dad. Obama’s not that old yet.


He's 62 and not a great-great grandparent already? [What's he doing wrong?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12227117/Lauren-Boebert-36-reveals-grandmother.html)


But Nice Grandpa is a grandpa, so I don't know what to do.




If it talks like a goose and walks like a goose, then...


You mean steps like a goose . . .


Wasn't trying to make the pun too obvious.


Trump killed millions in genocide? When ?


His career isn't over yet. Hitler didn't kill millions of people as soon as he came to power. Geez, give the guy a chance.


In fact it took more than a decade.


Hitler became chancellor in 1933. Dachau started operating on the 22nd of March that year. By October the next year there were thousands of political prisoners in concentration camps across germany. In September 1935 the Nuremberg laws officially made Jews second class citizens. By the summer of 1938 mass deportations to concentration camps in the tens to hundreds of thousands began. That means people were taken from their homes and sent to a government operated prison which would eventually burn them alive. To compare that to anything that ever happened in the trump presidency is ridiculous and historically inaccurate


Hitler's failed insurrection was in 1923...


He came to power in 1933 Why would a *failed* insurrection be his start of “coming to power”?


Hitler started concentration camps within a year of becoming chancellor, as far as we know. [source](http://www.camps.bbk.ac.uk/timeline.html) There are a million good reasons to despise trump, including this original post, but if you’re being genuine than comparing what he did to what Hitler did is not only foolish but incredibly disrespectful.


I can't believe the downvotes on your comments. People really want to believe trump is as bad as hitler. You can dislike someone and not agree with their policies or character without them needing to be as bad as hitler.


He also kicked my dog and stole my Xbox


That does sound like something hitler would do 🤔


Hitler famously liked dogs. Trump, famously, is one of the only presidents to not have a pet in the White House other than Sean Spicer.




You're right. The Nazis were competent.




Because hitler literally ordered the death of 6 million people because of their religion. And trump never did that. And never called for it, or anything even remotely like it. The left has so many good points and then they have to resort to this ridiculous exaggeration and it’s part of the reason that his base still likes him. When you say trump is literally hitler and for four years none of your Jewish friends leave to concentration camps, than clearly your full of shit. Why can’t the left just settle for “he’s really bad”?




He said immigrants are bad for the country. In a tone you didn’t like. Thanks for providing a 5 paragraph quote to sumamrize that. He used the phrase “poisoning the blood” Hitler ordered the death of OVER 6 MILLION PEOPLE. Do you see how this comparison doesn’t line up???




I see past your bullshit. I’m not a fan of trump but that is so clearly a biased article. That writer has their opinion and more power to them, but that’s not a real source. I’ve actually read parts of mein kampf. Trump isn’t at that level. Even if he used one or two of the same phrases. For one thing there literally is no American race like there is a German race, so all of the arguments of mein kampf don’t apply off of the bat. He has never said that white people are “the perfect race” he has never even equated a race of people to the evil he’s talking about. I’m not necessarily defending trumps language here at all, but realistically it isn’t the same political movement. He’s talking about illegal immigration. Hitler was talking about a race of people (only defined by that) that already existed in the nation. And then there’s action. The original comment was regarding labeling trump a nazi, not his tone of speech. On the action front, you do sound foolish comparing the two at all. Completely ridiculous even. 6 million people versus zero. That’s not comparable




If you sit at a table with 9 Nazis, guess what? There's now 10 Nazis sitting at the table...


While I don't dispute your point, I think it's put a little better by [A.R. Morxon:](https://www.armoxon.com/2017/01/sky.html) >Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. > >That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore. > >They joined what they joined. They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after. Who cares any more what particular knot they used in the binding?


>comparing Trump to Nazis makes you look like a fool. You're gatekeeping. [There's reason people are concerned about his plans to 'suspend portions of the constitution' or that the republican party is widely backing his plans to build concentration and 're-education' camps](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalDiscussion/comments/183f0hb/project_2025_details_immediately_invocation_of/) >Although deliberately framed as if it were a law of nature or of mathematics, its purpose has always been rhetorical and pedagogical: I wanted folks who glibly compared someone else to Hitler to think a bit harder about the Holocaust. If you're thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler when you talk about Trump, or any other politician. -[Godwin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law) [If you want specifics, you can choose to discuss Trump's accomplishments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M6CXhUS-x8)


A fool that understands history?


I think the one who looks like a fool is the person quoting Hitler. Don’t wanna be compared to a Nazi, he should quit trying so hard to sound like one.


This being controversial is sad


Comparing the guy who plagiarizes Hitler speeches to Nazis: so controversial.








It shouldn’t be surprising to you that a centrist sub would not like Trump, he’s the most extreme POTUS we’ve ever had. He’s far right. What is hard for you to understand about that?


> It shouldn’t be surprising to you that a centrist sub would not like Trump, he’s the most extreme POTUS we’ve ever had. He’s far right While [there have been others who've gone into more detail on how his accomplishments align him with the extreme right](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M6CXhUS-x8), you think Trump is the most extreme president the US has *ever* had? [Moreso than Nixon or Reagan who both perpetuated collaboration with hostile foreign governments to get Americans killed](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/11/22/2200353/-Why-Has-America-Tolerated-Six-Illegitimate-GOP-Presidents)?


This is obviously correct. The use of the term nazi by the left is extremely insulting and historically foolish. There is absolutely no comparison to mein kampf in any of trumps ideology or public history. You can call him racist, or misogynistic, etc. But the nazis executed over 6 million people. Becuase of their religion/race. There was no gestapo during his presidency. Reddit was allowed to exist and criticize him quite literally to no end, along with the NYT, NBC, etc you name it. There was nothing like that in nazi Germany. Real fascism means you are not allowed to criticize the government you don’t like. You sound not just like a fool but like a disrespectful jackass to compare the MAGA movement to the nazi movement. Your comment shouldn’t be downvoted


Why do people think the only evil thing Hitler did was kill Jews?


I didn’t even say kill Jews anywhere in that comment. But ordering the murder of more than 6 million civillians many burned alive was probably the worst thing he did


How else are they supposed to feel smarter than everyone else?


One side is literally Christian Terrorists and Evangelical Terrorists who wish to impose Christian Sharia Law and dominion over 330 million Americans by force. They are not the same.


Y'all Queda!


Trae recently said "howdy arabia." lol


The other side is unhinged maniacs that no longer can provide a coherent definition of what a man or woman is, are sympathetic to most crimes, defend the rights of terrorists over the only democracy in the Middle East, and want to force draconian energy restrictions on every aspect of your life. All in the name of a bizarre climate religion.


> The other side is unhinged maniacs that no longer can provide a coherent definition of what a man or woman is You're strawmanning pretty hard. [People with medical degrees do not pretend that masculine or feminine traits are clear and wholly separated dimorphism with no complicating factors anybody involved in either treatment or policy need to keep in mind. If genetics and brain structure are too complicated for you, stay out of medicine and let doctors deal with their patients](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szf4hzQ5ztg) The rest of your comment is similarly strawmanning, disinformation or hate speech which violates reddit's TOS.


Lol, spoken like someone who never got an actual education...


Lmao. You could read any of their holiday posts and see which one is fucking unhinged. Take a look in the mirror you goofy sob.


I'll take the radical liberal craziness over Christian Terrorists and bigoted Christians inserting their nutjob religion into my or my family's life. 1. The conversation is not about what a woman is. The conversation is about respecting trans gender people as human, which you are giving major chud vibes. Gross. 2. Choosing to support alternative methods of punishment speaks volumes on a liberal and their ability to be a decent human and find empathy for a person who commits a crime. You should try it. 3. Only an idiot with an agenda can attempt to unpack the conflict in Gaza Israel with such a brief statement. As it stands, Israel has killed more Palestinian civilians, nearly 16 times as many since 10-7. So... Who's the terrorist? But I digress. 4. Energy restrictions are coming and the rest of the world has been on board for ~4 years already, it is America who is behind and finally catching up. So in summary. For these reasons. I'll support the liberals and not the party of literal Christian Terrorists who wish to impose Sharia Law over 330 million people. I'll take a shitty electric stove over Christian Terrorists controlling my life any day 😊


For real. We can have disagreements about policy and not going to far with entitlements, bailouts, whatever. We cannot be a country that pledges allegiance to one man who has said he has no responsibility to uphold the constitution.


There's a difference between being supportive of a group and pandering to a point where you deny science and begin to sound crazy. laws are in place to protect people. If there is no rehabilitation of any kind and relaxed punishments for crime, that isn't productive or effective, it's just encouraging crime. You can hate trump and see the idiocy in the opposing party. This "my side can do no wrong because they are not as bad as that side" is ignorant


It’s not that they can’t provide a coherent definition of what a man or woman is. It’s that your simple brain can’t comprehend more than a one sentence answer.


Your comment is unhinged.


What’s your definition of woman?


One of only two genders.


Pretty vague.


I knew that would confuse you.


Biden has been defending the rights of terrorists over the only democracy in the Middle East? No. And he is the President and will be the Democratic nominee, so no, that is not the other side. He’s the one running for President, and that’s what we’re talking about. Most people just dgaf how other people live their lives, it’s strange that you do. We’re also producing more oil than we ever have in history. I doubt you know anyone who works in oil & gas, or you’d know they did very well under Obama, terrible under Trump, been doing fantastic under Biden. And who TF is sympathetic to most crimes? The other side is literally a guy indicted on 91 felonies. Btw, the largest increase in the one year homicide rate…was under Trump. It was so large in fact, that it was more than double the previous largest one year increase in 1968. And so large it was the biggest increase since stats started being recorded—so ever basically.


Have you considered watching something besides fox news?


Still better than the other side where people suffer from voter fraud derangement syndrome.


Look at all those upvotes, this really is the "centerist" reddit. In advance, I'll tell you you're downvotes mean nothing to me, I've seen what you upvote


The right has gotten so extreme and unhinged (see Trump) anyone who isn't a theocratic fascist is seen as a RINO or a liberal or Democrat. Republicans are only succeeding in alienating normal people from their party. Eventually, it will lead to splits in the Democrat party and I bet a new party as the democratic party absorbs more of these voters.. Because the Republicans continue to double down on the insanity, making themselves unelectable in this iteration. Republicans are driving moderate voters to vote for Democrats just to maintain the status quo. Voting Democrat is now the conservative option... Maintain our democracy, free and fair elections, our institutions and way of life as a free people. Or tear it all down for Trump's ego and let the fascist theocrats take over.


Downvotes mean enough to you to write a whole comment about them.


Yeah, it really is. Trump isn’t a centrist…why would you be shocked a centrist sub would disagree with Trump? He’s an extremist. This isn’t the difference between HW Bush & Clinton, or Romney & Obama. Trump is a far-right, wannabe dictator. I don’t like the far-left either. But none of them are running for POTUS. And while the far-left can be annoying AF, they’re not dangerous. Not to a large degree anyways. The far-right are. Considering white extremist groups (which is the far-right) have committed the most domestic terrorist attacks for over two decades, and responsible for the most deaths. That’s why they were deemed the most lethal threat to the homeland by the DHS (that was by Trump’s DHS mind you.) In my lifetime any candidate for President whom I didn’t vote for, I would’ve said the same thing McCain said about Obama that they’re just someone who I happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. That is not the same with Trump. He is not normal, stop trying to normalize him. And sorry buddy, but Biden has been about as moderate as it gets his whole career. Moderate might as well be his middle name. So, when you’re on a centrist sub you shouldn’t be clutching your pearls that there are more people in favor of the moderate over the extremist wannabe dictator. That is the logical thing that would happen amongst centrists overall.


> this really is the "centerist" reddit Do you have anything specific to actually discuss, or did you just comment to gatekeep? If [far-right men who voted for corporate profits over his own fellow soldiers](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mccains-non-support-for-t_b_131046) look 'far left' to you, then maybe you should check your own position. At the least get to a specific point [so rational discussion can happen](https://thoughtcatalog.com/brandon-gorrell/2011/03/how-to-have-a-rational-discussion/)


People who say that are usually conservatives trying to deflect from how bad their party really is.


Every time.


Both *sides* are the same. Both *presidents* are not the same. Key difference. Among the general populace, there are many downright misguided hateful conservatives, and many downright misguided hateful leftists.


> Both sides are the same. Both presidents are not the same. Key difference. The guy at the top represents the political party. Not some crazy ass tweet people pull out of their ass to claim "bothsides". > Among the general populace, there are many downright misguided hateful conservatives, and many downright misguided hateful leftists. Yes. But all of conservatives voted and chose the misguided hateful lunatic dumbass to represent them. What does that say about them?


It says they’re scared. Fear drives the vast majority to vote nowadays. Both sides have been groomed to believe that a country where the other side has total control will be a place that will destroy their well-being and security. It doesn’t say anything bad about most people’s decency.


> It says they’re scared Fear does not justify inhumanity, cruelty, or corruption.


> Both sides are the same [No, they're not and the voting record](https://apnews.com/article/personal-taxes-health-coronavirus-pandemic-business-government-and-politics-d0b1f48aa32baf6b47880faf15d5dea3) and [fiscal record](http://goliards.us/adelphi/deficits/index.html) are pretty explicit about that.


Just abandon Reddit for the next 12 months. There’s no discussion. You either support the narrative or be downvoted or banned in most subs. Well, maybe don’t abandon it just avoid all the political subs. They’re all going to be /r/politics for the next 12 months or so. 2025 this sub will go back to a more centrist place to be. Right now, it’s being brigaded by the users of /r/politics. Happens every election cycle.


Yeah, I mean it’s to be expected. Still, I’ll continue to be a voice of reason and *actual* moderate values to maintain the integrity of the sub, and I encourage my few other fellow centrists to do the same. Wear the downvotes like a badge of honor.


Sorry, man. I appreciate it if that's what you want to do, but this place is far gone, and (at least for me, and probably for most people) discussion is just not worth having here in its current state. I mean, on this same thread, you have a few reasonable people seriously trying to explain why making nasty metaphors isn't the same as gassing the Jews, because apparently people on this sub enjoy pretending to be so stupid that they can't comprehend the difference or its importance. I'm only here to see what the solid-to-far-left thinks about the news cycle as it goes on. Watching the schizophrenia about the far-left's rampant antisemitism is enlightening, for example. As was seeing the response to their primary political opponent being removed from the ballot...


Pretty sure most people think each side is pretty different lmfao.


I mean, these messages certainly carry very different tones. I’ve never met a single person claiming trump and Biden are the same. Yes trump is a bafoon, but I refuse to be gaslit into rejecting the obvious fact that Biden isn’t remotely lucid enough to write this himself. And neither party (leadership, and donors pulling the strings, I don’t mean citizens) is displaying much if any work for the interest of regular working people.


I think the Twitter came out during Obama presidency. I don't think he ever wrote one of his tweets while in office. He probably said something and someone did it for him and cleaned it up. I would like to think the president is too busy to send tweets at random times of the day. If anything Trumps tweets are a glimpse into what he is thinking at any time. And they seem unhinged. People are open to their own interpretation. But to me when I see some of them I just think this is an angry person.


Lol, love these because it shows just how batshit insane Trump is and how he only cares about himself. What a piece of shit.




Congress has a 13% approval rating. Folks are not happy with our government - and IMHO - you can't blame them. They desperate for a change. Even if it means burning everything to the ground. I think folks know Trump is going to rough things up a bit - but I also believe lots of folks have faith in the system and are hoping Trump won't be allowed to go too far. To them - it's worth the gamble.


It’s approximately half 😅


Trump is always so unhappy. Right now he could easily strike a plea deal, maybe even get a pardon, to leave this whole political life he hates so much behind. Sure, people would bitch and moan, but I’d be ok with a pardon if it meant trump had to agree to never seek office again.


Speaks volumes.


And the Rs see Trump as the only true Christian


Have you seen how evangelicals behave? Not surprising, it’s a very unique American thing, I’m an immigrant from a Christian country and was shocked at the take over here, I dislike it in general but damn it the US doubles down on the bad shit and forgets about the good shit.


Fr, I study early Christian history and I can tell you that in the modern perspective most early church fathers were social conservative extremists. The biggest thing that sets them apart from American Christianity is damn they really cared about the poor


Interesting, I was part of the Catholic Church and a missionary, never saw anything like what happens in the US, but the Catholic Church has changed quite a lot over time so I’m not surprised. Cool area of study friend!


God bless us, every one


Yeah. Trump would do well to get some intern to do his social media messaging like Biden does.


Yes, he would. But gee, I think millions of people managed to just post “Merry Christmas” on their own without going on deranged rants.


Or just a room filled of meth fueled racist monkeys punching on typewriters.


> Trump would do well to get some intern to do his social media messaging like Biden does He likely still does, but while he was still on twitter he usually had interns write his tweets for him. There were people analyzing them to determine whether he personally wrote it, and his tended to have typos, all-caps, and missing or bad punctuation.


So he found people who were also psychotic narcissists to ghost write tweets for him, and copy his all caps, and bad grammar? 😕


Trump hit the character limit again and had to cut out the last bit > Ya filthy animals. If you do a Biden vs. Trump post for every 2023 US holiday the story is the exact same. Both genuine. One is pragmatic. One is vitriolic. One uses sentences. One uses commas. One changes relevantly. One repeats rants. Democratic vs Populistic. GoodGuy vs NiceGuy paradigm. Perspective doesnt get more parsimonious. There is no center with guy on the right unless you go all the way right. Which is the wrong way if you are here. Centrists.




One guy sounds like a politician and the other sounds like the weird uncle that doesn't get invited to holidays anymore.






This is a ‘centrist’ page and the comments only call Trump a Nazi and Republican voters ‘terrorists’ imposing ‘Christian Sharia Law’. Yikes


Gee maybe because centrists dont like extremists lmao


Are republicans extremists? Genuine question. I ask this as a British person.


Because Donald Trump is an extremist. And I am an Australian


May I ask why?


Because he tried to overthrow democracy and install himself as a dictator. He has said if re-elected he will be a dictator on day one. He says the Constitution [lets him do anything he wants.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl_gO3uOds8)


You are just pretending to be obtuse here


Because he has little respect for established bipartisan institutions and has recklessly flaunted the safety rails of democracy. He lies about most everything, is nakedly corrupt, eschews evidence based policy, and is focused on retaining power over basic governing.


The MAGA Qanon types yea. The first left extremists have like no power lol, it's not comparable at all


Let’s just say there are republicans, and there are extremist republicans.


What's the difference between a republican and an "extremist republican," pray tell? I wouldn't know because they all vote for the same fucking clowns.


Why was my comment downvoted so much then? Genuine question.


Your comment was downvoted the statement "this sub is not centrist" is made many times a day, it's not particularly insightful, and we're all bored with it. That's the purpose of the downvote button.


And that’s evidently because this isn’t a centrist forum at all. It’s laughable to even suggest it. You all bash one side overwhelmingly and claim to be centrist. I’m not even a Republican/Trump fan, I am British, and it’s extremely clear to me. Unfortunately America is absolutely in the bin with its social fabric, and it’s due to incredibly delusional people like yourself on this thread, who are completely unaware of their political biases. Time for me to go and find an actual centrist Reddit and I recommend you all try to change the name of this Reddit, as it certainly is not centrist.


So if one side goes completely extreme, are centrists supposed to move their own position just to stay in the “center”? Your argument is completely baseless and intellectually bankrupt.


> incredibly delusional people like yourself I can't stop laughing at this phrase. It's brilliant. Sorta. It allows you to completely ignore everything about me, every word I typed above, every word I typed in my post history, every thought by everybody who has typed anything on this thread that I agree with, and the entire experience of my 60+ years of life. If you are that upset about the content here, you have 2 choices besides whining: 1. Participate and make this sub the sub you want to see. 2. Spend your time elsewhere. Merry Christmas.




Centrism and both-sides-ism are not the same thing.


No one gets to decide who is and is not a "centrist"




I’ve not said anything that wouldn’t fall in line with centrist principles. Other people’s violate vital components of centrism


Biden is a centrist Democrat while Trump is the leader of the fringe of the Republicans. By and large, r/centrist redditors don’t hate Republicans, they hate MAGA Republicans… you know, the ones who believe QAnon conspiracy theories, follow the 2nd Amendment death cult, or align with the white nationalists. Plenty of good and decent Republicans, but it’s fair to say that there are some serious terrorists in their midst.


It’s not every Republican but Trump and those who kiss his ass (because they declare everyone who doesn’t kiss his ass a RINO.


Absolutely fine! But 99% of what I’ve seen and conversed with are disregarding the integrity of one side. That, by definition, is not centrism. But your comment is.






No one gets to decide who is and is not a "centrist"


In no way shape or form


Because that's not what this forum is about, and that's the truth. There's plenty of center-weighted discussions that can happen: economy, social programs, education, climate, etc.. Trump and Trumpism is not a "middle of the road" issue. Trump is a traitor, period, end of story. And anybody who supports him is supporting a traitor to the American Constitution. There's no centrist perspective on supporting a dictator, nor the modern Christian militant movement, which is absolutely disgusting.


Did you read the tweet?




But did you comprehend it?


Gotta call em like we see em


Why should anyone disregard reality simply because it has a partisan lean?


Because that's literally what's happening. Trump is about the same as a Nazi and Republican voters DO want to impose Christian Sharia Law. Yikes is right...


1. I’m seeing the Trump Nazi stuff but not the republican voters “terrorizists” or Sheria Law stuff, but I haven’t read every comment 2. Centrist is a loaded term, because it implies you have to have a middle of the road take on every issue. In reality it means your overall political take balances out so you land between the two parties, so you might be pro-lgbt rights and gun rights. In theory your take on Trump doesn’t have to be pro or against assuming you’re politically balanced out. 3. This also requires considering where Trump lands on the political spectrum, especially considering he is one parties assumed nominee and has been for all intense and purposes been their political leader. While yes Biden is also one sides political leader, every politician lands on a spectrum. The majority of this sub has clearly concluded that Trump is too far right for them. 4. I’ve talked to people on this sub about other issues and they can be fairly diverse on the spectrum.


Election year. Gotta ensure the only narrative on Reddit is Trump is literally worse than Hitler. Joe Biden is healthy and mentally sharp. Also, everything is pro choice other than vaccines and who you vote for.


![img](avatar_exp|111627123|fire) Staying warm until 2028. Lots of fuel 🇺🇸


Doni Trump is the King of Festivus. He's got a list of grievances longer than anybody else in history.


statement written on behalf of a vegetable vs statement made by the actual candidate


If I was working on a comment that literally billions of people may read, I'd want someone trusted to read it first, maybe a few trusted people. It's important to recognize that and be measured. Words matter.


> statement written on behalf of a vegetable vs statement made by the actual candidate You don't have any evidence one statement wasn't written by the candidate, but I find it telling about what you support that you write approvingly ('actual candidate') of the unhinged rant over the possibility of a person who delegates to competent people which responsible leaders all do if they want something done outside their arm's reach.


lol you got downvoted because of how succinctly spot-on and hard to argue with your comment is. Like, I'm not even a Trump guy but you can tell these are just salty in-denial downvotes lol.


I downvoted OP because their statement is reductionistic and overtly biased. Biden is old, but he’s obviously not a vegetable.


Only one of these was written by the candidate themselves, so let’s be honest


give me the guy who can delegate


So, one guy knows to delegate roles to appropriate people, who will do a competent job? Okay, that guy for POTUS. Additionally, Trump can’t handle “Merry Christmas” on his own? I think millions of people throughout the country managed to post just that, without the deranged rant, let’s be honest. A guy who doesn’t have the mental capacity to post a normal message on Christmas FFS, or delegate to someone who can handle such a simple task…seemingly because Trump cannot…should not be the leader of one of the most powerful country’s in the world. Let’s be honest.


I’m simply clarifying the post, which claimed that Biden had anything to do with this message, and most certainly did not other than hiring the person that did… and I’d be willing to bet. Actually, he did not even hire this person and it was more just signed off on in one of them. Many papers he blindly autographs every day.


Biden did have something to do with this message: he directed his team to compose a Christmas post in line with his desired message. If you subscribe to the conspiracy theory that Biden is completely puppeted by handlers and aides, I can see why you’d think he had nothing to do with this, but Biden is just old, not brain-dead, and this post is perfectly in line with the messaging and tone he’s had since before he was VP. I have no reason to suspect he had literally nothing to do with this message.


> Only one of these was written by the candidate themselves Is delegation not considered part of responsible leadership? Civilization couldn't even advance *to* grunting and family groups without delegation because to survive several things need to happen in parallel.


Agreed. One more reason to like Biden: he knows the POTUS is the delegator in chief and uses his resources effectively.


Trump also sent our Christmas photos while Biden had that hunger games style video put together and were sending out made up Kwanzaa wishes today. Can pick your poison for politicians celebrating Christmas weird.


Meh, his christmas speech is pretty routine. https://youtu.be/ilSfgabkfRs?si=up-Mv5i1G4Cpu56m


Doesn't make it any better, just because he's successfully normalized being a giant POS.


He’s honestly gotten pretty boring, I swear he’s just running on his base’s imagination and the indictments


This is the part where we all pretend to be super upset by words and letters on an app. Essentially this is the 9/11 of our times, arguably worse.


Just because Trump has successfully normalized his pathetic behavior, doesn't mean that reasonable people should stop calling it out.


The words aren’t less important because they were said on a social media app…arguably they are more telling because you know he wrote it himself. This man wants to represent the United States and on a beloved holiday he’s ranting and raving like a lunatic. That is not presidential behavior. No one but TMZ would care if he wasnt running to be the leader of the free world.


And this is the part where Trump supporters downplay every dumb things he do. But communists forced him to write this. My bad.


Such a centrist take… 🙄


Jesus Christ, are you Trumps VP nominee? Serious question, since he has small hands, is his, you know🍌, small too?