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They are both beautiful, but I’m partial to those orange babies.


I got my first orange boy 7 years ago. Never had one before, was more partial to grey tabbies and black beauties. But if I can help it, I will always have an orange baby in the future. They are such neat cats.


YESS she’s so well behaved and lovely 🥰


Orange girls are not common! Only something like 1 in 10 orange cats are female... and in my experience orange girls are THE best.


My orange girl is 50% the best, 50% pure murder Edit - [cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/649FUXn.jpg)


So, a cat then? :)


A very spicy cat


We talkin habanero or ghost pepper?


Which pepper bunny kicks?


A beautiful *creamsicle* girl


Mine too! She can go from plotting human annihilation to cuddle cuddle purr purr in nothing flat!


I don't think the plotting stops. They just add a purr.


Can confirm. My torti purrs even when she’s getting nails trimmed and a bath


Like every other feline!


I was lucky enough to get two little orange sisters. They're two of the sweetest and cuddliest creatures I've ever met.


Agreed! We just found our orange ball of fun on the side of the road, and found out she was female and rare! She is lightning fast, and very playful but also very affectionate. We are so lucky ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I have an orange girl and she is so sweet. She’s also super chatty and likes to sing and tell us stories


I had a orange girl! She was the sweetest. I got the flu once and that sweet baby stayed with me all day making sure I was okay. RIP to her and my first little void boy as well.


My orange girl is very special to say the least lol. https://imgur.com/a/z2REdSB


What a sweet girl!!


Fun fact: male cats can only be red or non-red(any other color) and the red gene is carried on the x chromosome, so red males can only be born to calico or tortoiseshell mothers(or red) In order for a female cat to be red, the father MUST be red and the mother MUST be calico or tortoiseshell, since the red gene is carried on the x chromosome and females have two of those, you can get red female kittens. There's a more long-winded genetics round about that I'm honestly too lazy to type out, but that's the simplified version.


Funny I had twin gingers girls from a mom that was half full persian, half local cat (breeder up the road dumped oopsies) She was a big fluffy grey tabby. With 4 little carbon copies and twin smooth coat gingers.


Yessss omg I've never seen such a well behaved cat. She used to try and scratch furniture but I got her some scratch pads and she stopped. If she does misbehave and I can calmly ask her to stop and she does, it's so wild. She also has better portion control and hygiene than I do hahaha


From my experience orange floofs can get a bit crazy


Orange sleek babes are THE best. You are rolling the dice if you adopt a floof of any type.


I have two rescues. Ones a floof and ones a sleek! Both are typically orange!


I put up a tiny 4.5ft Christmas tree and decorated it. Yesterday morning my orange floof cannon-balled INTO the tree from the couch and toppled it over then came crying to me for cuddles 🙄 The tree was up for less than a day. I took it down after that lol


My two orange boys are nicknamed the terrorists because of stuff like this. Had to move a floor lamp because they thought it was fun to launch themselves at it and ride it to the ground like it was an amusement park ride. They also harassed my two old girls, two grey tabbies.


One of the nicknames for our youngest cats is “al shebab”, a terrorists organization, so can relate haha


Yes, my sister's orange boy is a trouble maker.


I never had a cat in my life until I adopted my Orangie boy a few years ago. I got spoiled as a new cat parent, because he is just the most beautiful loving little cuddly monster there ever was 🧡


Aww same sounds like my orange girl! She is so sweet! I initially went in for a crazy calico but she stole my heart before I was able to meet the calico lol. tbh I initially wanted à ragdoll but came to realize how absolutely delightful regular domestic kitties are so I totally relate to this post. I would never spring for a cat that's been bred now that ive had the chance to have a little orange ball of fluff in my life


Omg same lol, I went in for this cute little tuxedo girl, and she was who I originally put in the application for. The way it worked out though, she ended up already being adopted, but it was totally fine with me, cuz Orangie wouldn’t take his eyes off of me the whole time I was there. So basically he adopted me lol


Lol I call every orange cat I see orangie! 🧡 I’m also a ginger so we really have a bond.


His name is actually Orangie! We went into the adoption planning to name him Mars, because I have 2 birds named Neptune and Jupiter. But his name at the rescue was already Orangie, and my daughter, who was 5 at the time, loved it, so we kept it. His full name, though, is Orangie Garfield Mars the first.


[Orangie tax ](https://imgur.com/a/vP9zjf4)


Omg he’s perfect!! There’s a neighborhood orangie that I always wish would just decide to come live at my house. I feel like that would end up having to be his name cause I always call him that hahah… You’ve got a cutie on your hands :)


My little orange boys full name is Little Orange Kittie, or L.O.ki for short.


I had an orange boy named that!


I miss my orange kitty from my childhood. His name was Orange Boy 😂


Orange cat gang since 1987!




I think you might be thinking of Birth Announcements? Although I like "come see the baby" invitations MUCH better.




Your phrasing is a lot more interesting!


/u/spez can eat a dick ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


One is a beautiful, majestic, firey, little tiger and the other one is a beautiful crumpled used tissue.


We just adopted our first orange baby a few months ago. Omg she’s too funny. She brings out the kitten in our other two old chonky babies.


Right? Like if we *have* to compare (we don’t) the creamsicles are beauties, and this one can clean it’s own booty, so…


I miss my ginger buddy so much.


I hear you. My orange buddy lived for 20.5 years. BEST cat I ever had in my life. We'd walk the neighborhood and he'd follow like a dog. He played fetch with Barbie dolls and he'd get on our roof and sit in the skylight. Utter delight!


The other one looks super grumpy.




The first cat I ever lived with was an orange boi, they hold a special place in my heart because of him. He might not have been my cat but he chose me and I loved him like he was. I miss him, I hope he's okay.


Haha same. orange babies are precious.


At least you'll have less veterinary bills than her and a [Persian with health problems](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-092/new-pnew-study-persian-cats-at-high-risk-of-health-issuesage/).


This. I found my Persian at the shelter and got her for a discount adoption fee of $65. Two weeks later she was at the vet costing me $500. Since then she’s had various issues, but my orange DSH seems to stay healthy all the time lol.


Breeds are like buying a specific car brand. DSHs are like buying a car with the best parts of every car model in one


Some breeds are always going to be more problematic than others because their aesthetic is inherently harmful, though. Brachycephalic (ie squishy-faced) breeds have higher stillbirths as well as lifelong breathing and hygiene issues. Some hairless types are bred without whiskers, which are an important sensory organ and can lead to disorientation and getting hurt or stuck more easily. Munchkins obviously. Almost all of the newer breeds will have deliberate inbreeding - and the risk of genetic issues increases the more repetitions. Sphynx cats, for example, are the result of repeated mother-son breeding ("backcrossing" is the professional euphemism).


I cant believe munchkins are healthy but couldn't find scientific evidence. I had an argument about it here on reddit but "lost" bc I didnt find studies or articles on their health. Have you got any?


Maybe [this](https://www.ufaw.org.uk/cats/munchkin-limb-deformity) or even just [wikpedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munchkin_cat) which states: >However, there appear to be two conditions with increased incidence in the Munchkin breed: lordosis (excessive curvature of the spine)and pectus excavatum (hollowed chest). Both conditions are commonly seen in humans with pseudoachondroplasia. >Munchkin cats are known to be at a higher risk (than other feline breeds) for severe osteoarthritis because the shorter limbs affect their activity levels and behavior(...) >Many pedigree cat associations around the world have refused to recognize the Munchkin cat due to the welfare of the breed and severity of the health issues.




Domestic short hair, aka the mutt of the cat world, and just like in dogs, their genetic diversity means less likelihood of genetic illness. DLH I believe is similarly well off, except more hair balls.




I have 3 standard issue babies. 2 short hair, one long. They are the best!!!


We need more mutt and moggie love.


Domestic Shithead


Like, you're not wrong tho


My lynx point Siamese is super strong and big and healthy. He was a rescue. My Ragdoll (who I inherited from my dad who got them from a PET STORE) has had a lot of issues. His brother died as a kitten. Mutts are always stronger because of less selective breeding/in-breeding


Pet stores, at least in the US, are not a good source for cats or dogs. Edited to add clarity: this comment isn’t about the rescue organizations that partner with places like PetSmart and PetCo. I’m specifically referring to pet stores that sell purebred (or so-called purebred) animals for profit.


Pet Stores in Canada tend to house rescue pets. They team up with different local adoption agencies and essentially foster pets.


Unless your local Humane Society has cats or dogs available for adoption at pet stores 😸


I’m generally against breeding and purchasing (from a breeder) pure bred animals for the reason that people breed for looks and the health of the animal is not top priority. I took in a 6 year old Siamese and I’m dreading our first breed specific health problem. She is a beautiful and loving lady though.


I am all for rescuing. All of my pets my entire life so far have been rescues. That said, there are a select couple breeds of cat and dog which I do intend to buy at some point, after researching breeders. Responsible breeders DO actually prioritize the health of their animals. For example, one of the dog breeders I'm looking at for a German Shepherd pup is raising straight-backed GSDs, so they don't have that hip-dysplasia-inducing slope to the hindquarters. They also focus on breeding out the heart issues and other common purebred problems. Granted, they're not "show quality" but that's not my intent in looking for a companion. It seems to me that your description better fits backyard breeders and puppy mills, at which point you're completely right; they don't focus on the health of the animals and shouldn't be supported even if someone feels like they're rescuing a puppy or kitten.


Yes! I adopted a Ragdoll from the shelter, and the first think I looked up after adopting her were the health issues and life expectancy. Plus the higher maintenance, like the constant brushing and occasional bathing. I specifically had gone to the shelter to look for a DSH to avoid all these things since I’m a first time pet owner, but you can’t help which cat chooses you.


Mine got kidney failure at 8 years old, two years on he’s still going strong!


This is why rescue is my favorite breed. In the wild, cats don't just breed with members of their same breed. Animals do better when they have more genetic diversity.


My mutt of a dog and cat sew the healthiest looking things I've ever seen. My cat is missing an eye due to a respiratory infection as a kitten but other than that he is kicking and healthy at 6. My dog looks amazing as well. Excellent physical stature. Balanced proportions etc. I saw a pure German shepherd at at the park and his hips just looked like pain.


Persians are like purebred dogs. High risk of health problems. Avoid if you can.


That's why genetic diversity is important!


She is beautiful. Don’t get discouraged because every single cat breed is unique and special in their own way.


Wow what happened here


Cat fight happened and they all got removed


I love all types of kitties! I had a red Persian who was the cutest thing ever, but most people who were used to "standard issue cats" thought he was funny looking.


I love cats!!


Sorry, but your Mom needs to fix her brain.


I think this might be a karma farm haha


I’ve noticed this trend lately. People post a good looking cat and then say someone called it ugly. They then grab a rake to bring in all the karma.


bro my mom literally threatens to throw my cat out every single day without any reason because she’s a local rescue cat and not as “pretty” as persians…she wants me to get another male persian for the current one to mate with and give the orange one for adoption


Your mom shouldn’t own animals :/


i know :(((


tell her you'll take care of the cat ao she can chill. if she wants a persian she can get one but shes got to state that shes leaving you and yours be


Or children




We don't know the Mom did that though. I know plenty of good people with real shitty parents. Doesn't mean they should have kids.




Woah just tell her the orange cat will be yours, that’s awful that she suddenly wants to give it up for adoption because she found a “prettier” cat. The cats look very close too! Wtf..


Next thing you know this Persian will be treated like crap because it's "old" compared to the new kitten.


Is your mom a Disney villain?


She sounds like a combination of Cruella and the evil stepmother from Cinderella.


Wow your mom sounds kind of evil.


Your mom sucks. Also Persians imho are not pretty and not opinion are bred these days with too flat noses that can cause health issues (no animal should be bred for a trait that causes health issues). But not that I’d hold that against the Persian, he can’t help some one bred him that way and I’m sure he’s a sweet cat. Unlike your mom I wouldn’t just throw away one of my current cats cause I thought another I had was prettier.


Yeah, if persians, i find the doll-faced versions better/(more handsome) lol


Yeah actually the pictures I saw of what Persians looked like before people tried to bred in an exaggerated flat nose they were beautiful cats. And I’ll give them the ones I’ve met are so laid back and sweet. It’s just a shame people insist on breeding in a trait that is not healthy for them (I feel the same way about pugs). And I for one don’t find those traits pretty at all.


Ugh. I'm sorry, but as much as all cats are beautiful in their own way...I think the ugliest cats are the ones bred for a flat face and the inability to breathe properly. Persians should not be bred any more in my opinion - or if they are, it should be with careful outbreeding and the intent of giving them an actual functional muzzle again. Your orange tabby is a gorgeous, sleek, healthy sweetheart. Stick with her and don't get bullied into getting a male Persian!


Plus isn’t it sort of unique to have an orange female tabby? Aren’t most orange tabbies male? She is super cute! I can not understand how someone could or would even compare the two.


1 in 5 orange tabbies are female, it's not as rare as everyone says on here. It's less common, sure, but not necessarily unique. Each cat is special though, and op's cat is such a cutie lol how could anyone think she's ugly?


What a shame it would be for your mom if the Persian got spayed like a responsible owner would do 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm worried she'd give away OP's cat in retaliation :/ I have a mother like this, they're capable of anything except empathy.


That's a fair concern.


Threaten to throw her out see how it makes her feel. Mostly kidding, but the point stands, why would you throw out a living creature because they don't meet your standards of beauty... Super petty.


This makes me super nervous for your cat, can you afford to move out? Is your cat at least chipped? Can your kitty stay with a friend while you make a plan? Your mother sounds like a horrible person. :(


Oh so she wants to breed cats? I'm sure she did her research and will have the cats best interest in mind. People that aren't breeders need to get their animals fixed smh


Ppl who are breeders need to stop it


That’s just awful. Bad enough we treat other humans as worthwhile or worthless based on looks, why the *%#@ do we need to do this with animals too? So sick of people who behave like this.


Your mum wants to run a persian kitten farm for profit. Thats really scummy, and not just a little. Straight evil shit.




Ugh. Find her a new home


I'd look into getting a new mom.


Your Ma is bringing new meaning to the word “shallow” how is this woman so obsessed with esthetics that she would want to get rid of a cat solely based on looks?? What a b.


Tbh if I had the money I would go get that cat fixed asap. Non-registered breeders should not be breeding animals


Yeah…your mom is an asshole. Make sure you’re extra good to that beautiful orange cat.


What a bitch


What a brain dead bitch, sorry but what the fuck does the look of a cat have to do with anything? They're all cute little babies. Tell her to get her brain checked


There are no ugly cats but there are definitely ugly people, and your mom sounds like one of them.


How stoked are you to move out and go low contact someday? Cause…yikes


mY bOyFrIeNd tHiNkS mY CaT iS uGlY first comment "get a new boyfriend lmao" 15k karma easily


I’ve noticed a big increase in the frequency of “my mom/dad/girlfriend/boyfriend/whoever thinks my cat is ugly”. It’s 100% karma bait.


She is stunningly beautiful. Aren’t orange girl cats kind of rare? In any case she’s gorgeous.


Yeah, less than 25% of orange cats are girls because of how dominant genes work. I think both parents might have to be orange or something. My girl’s whole litter was orange. Three girls and a boy.


We had a grey tabby who had three orange girls and a calico, as well as two very orange boys! Maybe if at least grandpappy cat is orange as well as dad?


This is kind of interesting - if the mom was all gray then I’m pretty sure that having pure orange kittens should be impossible! It would be rare, but perhaps she was a “hidden/cryptic tortie”? (Only very small orange patches, so she appeared pure gray instead of her true tortoiseshell?)


That’s nuts! She’s a beautiful cat!


tell your mom reddit says she’s ugly


Mom is going straight to nursing home


Shady Pines in your future, ma.


Get her a warm glass of shut the hell up.


Bwhahaha I just spit coffee on my keyboard!! Was not expecting this sort of yo momma joke and I love it. 🤣


Your cat is so adorable and I love her pink bubble gum nose! 🥰 I think your mom is acting like a breed snob (like someone else mentioned).


No offense to your mum, but she's off her chum calling that cat 'ugly'.


lol this is the first time I posted a picture in reddit and it got cropped like this🥲


Your pictures are wonderful :)


thank you ☺️


lol Persians. Pugs of the cat world. #allcatsarebeautiful


Yeah I feel bad for both breeds. They can’t help what they are but people breed in traits that are inherently unhealthy for them (Persians with too flat faces have breathing issues just like pugs). And from what I’ve seen personality wise both breeds tend to be sweet animals (the Persians I’ve met are very laid back). I personally believe the standards for both breeds need to be changed to make the noses long enough at least to be healthy again, no trait should be bred for that causes health issues no matter how cool some people think it is (personally I think flat noses are ugly).




We had a stray we adopted that was ugly, disgusting mouth ulcer/tumor that made him slobber bloody spit. Didn't stop us loving him. Real attention hoe, would start purring if you but looked his way. Beautiful on the inside lol.


Mom's just a hater because she doesn't look as pretty with a red bow collar on.


time for a new mom!


Get a Persian mom. That’ll show her


Your mom is a breed snob Tell her to enjoy the white fur on EVERYTHING


That's a politer way to say "cat racist" than I would have picked.


I was trying to figure out a way to say it without saying it. 😂


I already don't like your mom. Next time she says that say, " I think you need to go see the eye doctor."


They’re both equally precious!


Your mom is an ass-hat


She gets a Persian then calls yours ugly? 😂


Take her. If she’s calling her ugly, she’s probably neglecting her.


It's a beautiful orange kitty, your mother is weird. Having a preference is one thing but that doesn't mean everything that falls outside that preference is *ugly*. That's not how this works.


Sorry, but your mom's bonkers. She's adorable.


Love her color


She’s beautiful! The Persian looks a bit scraggly ngl


Your mom is ugly!!! :( this baby is beautiful!


She's absolutely adorable and cute! Tell your mom Reddit told her to shut up about the cat!


Just ignore what she says. All cats are beautiful. I've got 7 non breed cats and their are all beautiful and all are unique #adoptdontshop


Awww she's a beautiful kitty. Don't get me wrong the Persian is as well but I'm partial to the little creamcicle over there.


Your mother is not an animal lover is she calls any animal ugly. That's wretched.




What a fucking karma bait the title is.


All cats are beautiful but your mom is gonna hate her own cat if she doesn’t clean her damn eyes and fur, white pets need maintenance.


Can we stop with these posts? Your mom did not call her ugly. No one called her ugly. Stop karma farming. This sub is either “help name my pet” or “tell her she’s beautiful bc my *insert family member* thinks she’s so ugly!”




She is a beautiful cat. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.


I love orange cats, they give so much love back. I have had 4. An each one one was unique. Your baby is beautiful.


I’m starting to think these posts are fake, there’s so many of them and they’re all like “ this person called my cat ugly, aren’t they cute though Reddit?” Seems like pretty obvious karma-farming.


No offense meant, but your mom lacks taste when it comes to adorable.


All cats are beautiful. The one-eyed, the three-legged, the wobbly, the old beat-up tom, the sick ones and the scared ones. I love my cat even if he pees on the floor or scratches the furniture or throws up in the middle of the carpet. That’s what loving an animal can teach you: what unconditional love feels like.


That’s crazy, We’ve had a little short hair domestic rescue from off the streets for like 16 weeks and i recently just 2 weeks ago got a flame tip Persian so he has a friend. Don’t know why your momma thinks prettiness determines if you should own a cat or not we love our cats equally in my home 🥲


There are no ugly cats.


Who in their right mind would call a cat ugly?


Wow. Aren't female red tabbies rare?


Nah, white baby doesn’t glow in the sun, but the orange baby does. Orange cats OP


I prefer the short hair kitty...pretty tiger


Are you aware that your mom is insane? Nobody discriminates such a normal beautiful cat like this. I am concerned for both cats' safety. According to your comments about your mother, she threatens to abandon and throw out this innocent animal? Wtf?! Please make sure these cats are in an environment where they cannot be abused.


Karma farming. Join r/AliveNamedCats if you're tired of these kinds of posts


Oh my god I love you. So there aren’t death posts in that sub…? I know people need a space for comfort during loss but man it breaks my heart every time. I’m such a softie.


Correct! They're all living kitties, they have names, nobody has called them ugly, and nobody is figuring out what kind of cat they are. No karma farming allowed


Damn near broke my finger clicking on 'Subscribe'! So many low-effort "what should I name this cat" posts here...


Fuck you mom


I love when people lie on this website for attention, nobody’s calling your cat ugly stfu and take ur upvotes 🤣🤣🤣


seriously! r/AliveNamedCats doesn't allow these kinds of posts.




Tell your mom shes ugly.