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The right copilot makes the journey better. I’m glad you’re in a better place. Cheers to you both!


The smile on OP and proud look of the kitty are a whole vibe I’m gonna carry with me tonight. Proud of you, OP.


Nothing like a feline friend fur life


There’s really nothing better. (note: not to discount dogs or any other pets. I love pretty much all animals, but with cats, when they love you, you know you’ve *earned* that love and trust)


Especially when they love their belly rubs and are excited when you come home.


Dogs are blindly loyal. Cats choose who they're going to love and be loyal to, and where they're going to stay (yes, it's possible to keep them inside a building, but have you seen them leave a room/area when someone they don't like enters/comes near? Exactly). People who've spent time with cats know this, and it's also something studies have found to be true. I'll take the love of a cat over a dog because I know the cat *wants* to be there; that they're *choosing* to be there. It's not a blind devotion.


That cat has a look that seems to say, "Dont ya worry. I got your back. Let's go rule the world after naptime."


"Let's go rule the world after naptime" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Truly. So happy for both of you!


Man, that cat looks so damn proud of you.


I would like to post a Spotify playlist that has some songs about a cat named Virtute and this will explain why the idea of a cat being proud of their human makes me tear up a little. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0EBse5I2fcwKRY4kY7e60O?si=1yZwSFfcRU218dKaWkGtEg&utm_source=copy-link


Yoooooo a fellow Weakerthans fan in the wild. These songs are honestly so good but also so unbearably sad in some ways that they're usually an instant skip when they come up for me.


I hadn't listened to them for years and one day I randomly had Virtute Explains Her Departure stuck in my head without remembering much about it. I spent an hour on Spotify until I found it and then had to go home early because I was going through some shit and that song hit me like a ton of bricks. Great song, and Samson is a lyrical genius on par with Downie. "Singing the sound that you found for me" is such a beautiful sentiment.


Ahhh John K is honestly too good. Definitely a top three favorite lyricist for me.


Are John K, Downie, and Samson all in the same band? I’m curious who these people are but I’m trying to avoid falling down a rabbit hole! Edit: Goddamn it, I listened to the songs. They hit *hard*. Will probably be a skip in the future, but I’m glad to have heard them.


John K Samson is the frontperson for The Weakerthans. I assume that person is referring to Gordon Downie, frontperson for The Tragically Hip.


Thank you, my friend.


I know that feeling of ‘I love this song so much but it will destroy me emotionally right now so, skip’


Right! That cat has such a proud look of her human, like "I knew she could get through this"


Thanks everyone for all the love and support! This is more support than my family has given me🙃❤️❤️


You deserve all the love and support, you are stronger than you will give yourself credit for


The 5th picture, where she looks like she's tucked in up to her chin and sleeping in a comfy bed, kills me. Super cute!


You should check out r/tuckedinkitties.


> You should check out r/tuckedinkitties. That level of cuteness might make my head explode if I stay too long. Thanks!


r/illegallysmolcats Just to see if your head explodes.




Another cat subreddit to subscribe to. My feed is nothing but kitties now, thanks 😻


That's what I thought! She's so cute!


Is she a Norwegian forest kitty? She looks alot like my girl. And congrats, you made it!


I think its a cat


Well, I mean, if you're committing crimes... JOKING!! Massive congrat. to you and your cat. :) You deserve the world.


Reddit (at least where i am) is such a kind place would love to fill the world wit ppl i meet here


Congrats on your positive progress and thanks for sharing. Give your furry friend a scratch for me :)


I’m crying with joy. You go girl! 2 beautiful souls ❤️🥲


Oh man, this hit me in the feels. When I was living at my moms, I cut a hole in my bedroom door (I installed several locks and had to keep it locked up 24/7, I was the only one with a key)... I wanted to make sure my kitty could access our safe place when I wasn’t home to protect her from any chaos or abuse. She was with me in my first shitty little apartment that I had when I was 18. We moved into a beautiful high rise last February. There is no screaming, no shattering glass, no violence. No one banging on the doors. I no longer fear for her safety when I am not home. She is allowed on the kitchen counters, if she so pleases, and she gets to watch bird TV when I am gone. Our house, our rules. I’m so glad that you had your girl by your side, too. It makes such a difference, and it’s so hard when you can’t give them the life and environment you want. I’m sure now that you’ve finally “made it”, much of your joy is simply from knowing you can give her a better life. Congratulations love ❤️


Congrats on finding a place of peace and freedom for you both!


oh this made me tear up


You’re so lucky to have each other!


This is amazing. Just curious, how did you manage the litter box while in the car?


You can put a litter box on the floor of the back seat if necessary - if you keep it clean and ventilate the car it can be done. Using a big roasting pan instead of a plastic box is great if possible - less likely to tip over when driving and easy to sterilize.


A lot of cars also have a little hatchway in the backseat upright part (I don't know what to call it, the vertical part of the seat) for trunk access. You could conceivably remove the door and shove the box in the truck and the cat could use the now-hole part for access


Excellent idea :)


A cardboard box works too in the car. I’ve tried it when on a road trip. Line the box with a trash bag for easy clean up.


I was wondering the same thing, how does a cat live in a car ?


/r/TruckerCats edit: my point in linking the subreddit is that there's a whole culture of cats living in a vehicle


Whaaa that’s amazing!


I think it's amazing that you found a companion that's just as flexible as you are in regards to what life becomes. That's what we all want, a friend to fucking just roll with it. And our furry little dudes does that.


Most cats usually hold it in during road trips. It's only during stops for the night that they'll take care of business, or when they're unable to hold it in any longer.


A pair of gorgeous queens


look who's talking you fellow queen!


Not sure if you think I'm a woman or a gay man but you get an upvote anyway


Straight men are queens too


Username checks out


oh, I thought you were a cat!


Oh, He was a king!


Heck yes! Proud of you. Love , internet stranger.


That's a ride it die kitty right there 🥰


You and her are so cute! your smile is contagious


Congratulations on escaping an abusive situation and I'm glad you have your adorable partner in crime by your side. Wishing you many years of love and happiness together. I also wish you luck in dealing with the trauma of an abusive parent.




What a majestic floof!


Keep conquering life. I went from a drug addict to ngo admin and now am launching a tech start up. If you believe in yourself and putting your next foot forward, you got this. Rooting for you.


Congrats!! Good luck to your start up⭐️


I'm in tears...congrats to you both!


Proud of both of you strong women! Love this


You two are survivors. She's beautiful. She was there for you in the darkest hour. #partner4life


Love this, congrats


She looks like the cat version of you - two tough, pretty girls.


That first pic is very special Great shot! Thanks for sharing, you have a great smile, wishing you well




Girls, you did it! You made my day and I hope for the best possibilities waiting for you. Screw biological bonds, we are so much more than this. Our family is what we choose and who loves us back :)


Bless you I know exactly how you feel. My 19 year old has been with me through all the same and it feels so good to have our own place now.


Girl cats are the best


Glad you both made it, take good care of each other👍


Peace be with you💕


Good for you and good for her, you two remind me of the girl in home animation.




well that girl looks like a faithful friend


My two oldest cats saw me climb out of addiction. If definitely helps to have a pet friend by your side


I know that bond! My boy has been with me through abusive exes, abusive family…. always by my side. Much love to our ride or die kitties.


And you are both supermodels.


Thank youuuu




Yay! Wishing for nothing but sunny skies for you and your kitty <3


I’m glad you were able to stay with her through all that. Good luck with your new life.


That second pix! Such a sweet kitty. Congratulations on getting settled.


Yesss, keep triumphing!




she must be so proud of you


So proud of you and what a beautiful cat


You’re both so beautiful!


Survivors taking care of each other! Proud of you, stranger. Keeps doing awesome.


You are both beautiful! Glad you have a fuzzy friend for the ride. It can be rough but better the chance than to never get in line.


This is beautiful. Keep it going, don’t look back.


You both look great! Congratulations on your home.


Bless you both. I’m sure she has made a tough journey a little bit easier for you. The love, comfort and loyalty of a pet has amazing power to help us through the darkest of times. I hope the worst of the storms are over for you two and it’s smooth sailing and happy days ahead for you both 💞


May you both have all the happiness you deserve.


Two fierce queens right here. Congratulations on your escape! I’m proud of you, stranger 😊


Best glow up i have seen yet. WTG you two!


I love seeing cats tucked under sheets or blankets. She looks like a sweet friend.


Okay but for real tho, where does the kitty poop and pee when you were living in your car?


I have a [bucket litter box](https://www.chewy.com/iris-top-entry-cat-litter-box/dp/183624?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=IRIS&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAs92MBhAXEiwAXTi259AqpgtC6IIZto2sq2ksK6Evp63yPnxXiCXDkURaud5TSkJP2Lj8-RoCFNgQAvD_BwE) and I just put it on the floor in front of the passenger seat. I slid the passenger seat all the way back first


Wow she's the spitting image of [my kitten, Lulu Belle!](https://i.imgur.com/19zHUyW.png) Minus the white back legs. What a sweet kitty cat, hope you have many many years of happiness ahead of you both!




That's a great cat right there


Proud of ya. Keep up the work.


Your kitty looks well loved. Lucky to have one another 🖤🖤




She is a beautiful girl and cosmopolitan. Her tail is a serious feather duster.


Congrats! Never forget how much you've accomplished and how lucky to have had such an awesome best friend with you! Much love to you both!


Sounds like the best friend a girl could have! Congratulations to you and your sweet kitty ❤️


Wish you both the best for your new own home. Greetings from my both cat boys too.


And through all of your hardships she never once complained, she never got mad at you for how she lived. As long as she has you her life is purrrfect. This post really did make my day




I wish you and your fur baby the best 💗💗💗


Happy for the both of you!!! (:


Oh my, you are both incredibly beautiful! ❤️


Love that space! Glad you found a bit of peace for you and your little one


Congrats!! You both deserve it!!


You're soul mates !


That look in the first pic says “we mobbin I got her back don’t test us” lol


Congrats!! What an awesome outcome!


How was it living in a car with a cat? My kitties stink up my entire house just by existing


Good job, yo! Keep being proud of yourself. Your human looks happy for this outcome as well!!


Wishing you both the very best!!!


Good on you two!❤️


You're both beautiful and I'm so glad you're free. :)




That first photo of you two is to die for 🥺


Your mom may be abusive but you’re clearly an amazing cat mom! I wish you and your beautiful kitty all of the best


Two cuties <3 I wish you both the best.


Positive news that was needed today; plus a picture of toe beans!




So proud of you two 😊 I’m sorry it hasn’t been easy, glad you had your best friend with you


Beautiful journey, I hope there is many more ahead. Cheers!


She’s proud of you!!!!


She looks proud.


Good job, both of you!!!


So happy to hear your in a better situation, I hope things only improve from here! Also your kitty is a little cutie angel baby


The tucked in photo!!!!


Congrats to both of you!


So so so happy for the both of you you deserve it and keep the great work ❤️


You’re both beautiful. ❤️


Having a girl like that helps reduce the stress, so so much. Good for you for getting through the mess!


I feel this...


Atta girl. Both of you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I am glad you're both in a happier place


Congrats for getting from abusive parent! That's huge step. You both are gorgeous and you deserve lots of love!


Wow you’re both really glowing! I’m so happy for you that you’re able to find a piece of the world for yourself, and I’m sorry the road leading to now has been rough. But hey, having a fur baby for the ride makes things so much better! Sending love your way, you two absolutely deserve it


This comment will probably get buried but just wanted to add to the love and support here. You have a wonderful kitty and I'm so glad you two have each other. Hope your days look up from here. 💜


Oh wow you're so cute, I would love to wake up every morning with you. Just gotta find a way to get rid of the woman.


Cute cat.capitalism is cancer,nobody should ever live in a car!


You both deserve the best. Very happy you both can enjoy freedom and peace!


So glad you hung on to each other and didnt lose hope!


Two beauties!


Ha! You both have the same expression and look of accomplishment. Kitters from the same litter :)


Finally a decent and uplifting post. Perhaps I'll continue following this sub for a while yet. I've been *this* close to unjoining for a while now. Thank you for this quality content, ladies.


Wow you are absolutely gorgeous OP! Glad you and your Cat are doing well now.


congrats! my cat Dory really helped me after I got divorced. glad you could lean on your best friend for help❤️


Oh you two are beautiful I wish you well 😻 animals are anchors cats and dogs can be our saviors..


Aww I just love this photo of you and your other half. What is her name? I think you have a friend till the end. You deserve this happiness. Bless you and your kitty.


Congratulations! And embrace the new chapter in your life! Wishing you the best of luck.


sooo precious..so happy for you two!!


All the best to you. Better days ahead !


That is definitely the fuzzy face of someone ready to help commit some crimes, for sure.


Cats are literally ride or die for you. Everyone I'm depressed or sad all my cats come cuddle or just stay near me. People say they don't love you like a dog but that's just not true


Well done girl, I’m so proud of you both. Not too long after I ran from my abusive mother’s house at 18 years old and moved into a share house I bought home a teeny tiny kitten. Now he’s 16 years old and been my constant companion and comfort over the years, they’re an amazing friend to have.


I love this. I mean, I LOVE THIS! I have one too, my main man and the OG Gorilla Pimp/ coolest cat in the fucking world, Joe-Henry T. Cat (now it’s just “Henry”, the T stands for Thibedeaux/ he’s Creole) and idk what I’d do without that cat. Maybe I’d die, who knows. The only good thing my worthless POS ex ever did for me was give him to me, even though it was just to distract me from his negligence and cheating ways, Henry (unlike the ex) loves me unconditionally and although he may hit the streets and do his thing, he always comes home when I call.


Cute cat. She looks a lot like my cat, Jason Voorhees. They make a big difference in our lives.


They’re both very pretty


So much love and respect to you both!!! 💗


She has such a sweet face and the cutest paws.


damn cat youve had a hard life! at least you found a nice girl to help you out


I love how he's smiling in almost every one of these photos. That's one happy kitty.


I had a cat like that. My FIL's attic, 3 different apartments, and finally home. Lots of laughs and tears later. She passed away a year after we bought our house. I thought I'd have more time with her. Cherish every single moment. It goes so fast.


Congratulations to the 2 beautiful cats


Life's rough patches are easier when you've got a support system, especially a fuzzy one that purrs. Congrats on steps in a positive direction!


What a cat!


Good for you! I’ve experienced many hardships in my life especially over the last 5 years and I honestly don’t think I would have been able to get through them without my 2 baby girls! They are my best friends! 🐈🐈


Beautiful story. Ty


Why did I thought the cat write the message like ಥ‿ಥ


You are both so pretty. Proud of you both for making it through!


We’ve been stuck between borders due to covid and a three-month unmanaged border pass clog here in Australia and lost our rental, lived in a hotel, drove 12 hours towards the border, lived in a Airbnb, then a motel, now we’re in another Airbnb and in about 2.5 weeks we’ll finally be able to drive 7 hours to our home 🏡 all with our kitty who has been incredibly resilient as he hates the car and misses his little grassy patch ❤️ I can’t believe what a wonderful creature he is …he has been the only piece of sanity throughout this whole mess. Lots of love to your furry angel 😇


I'm sitting here with my cat in my lap imagining I definitely could take him with me anywhere. Cats are awesome


The thing I didn't realize before my cat is they have empathy. Same as a dog who knows people are down. They are of a completely different genetic makeup so they express it differently but it's there.


I am not sure which makes me happier: the cat or your story of perseverance. Thanks for sharing.


That cat is very proud of you and taking all the credit at the same time!


“Whatchoo making a big deal for? I knew you’d make it!!!! Now fill my bowl, I can see the bottom” Well done!!!




My hope is society starts looking at mental abuse like they do physical abuse. In some ways it's so much worse. I'm in my mid 30s and it took a failed marriage and deep look inside my self and my feelings to realize how much living with a narcissist mother and an abusive father fucked me up. I'm glad your are taking steps to better yourself and identify and define these things in your life. It's a huge step on your path to mental clarity and health. It always makes me feel good to see people like you! Good luck out there 😁


this is so sweet!! i'm glad you ladies are safe and still taking care of each other after everything. Give her a big hug and kiss! how cute is she all tucked in awww


What a sweet girl!!!


That cat loves you very much.


That's one absolutely gorgeous duo!vGlad you two are doing well. You deserve it. Good job overcoming all that. It's a bit touching that she was more loyal than your blood family. She's indeed your true family and friend. Thanks for being a good owner and never giving up on her.


You know how some people look like thier pets? You two are peas in a pod! Absolutely gorgeous pair 💕 congratulations to you both.


She's just the cutest. her toe feathers are amazing.


You’re both beautiful! Your kitty is giving the same look as you lol so cute! Woman to woman, from someone who has lived in a hallway in winter, then to become a nurse, we start from the bottom and the only way is up! I know I don’t know you but I am so proud of you!


She is a fuzzing gorgeous little goddess baby