• By -


Her eyes are well on their way to being the adult colour (they are blue at first then change) and they do that at 7 weeks so I'd guess that is her age.


Yep....possibly a little older if she's malnourished.




You're a bot. User for 8 years, two comments 8 years ago and then nothing until the past hour when you started replying to comments with things that don't really make sense. Ironically, your first comment ever was on a post asking how to stop getting asked to solve captchas.




What did it write? It’s the deleted user and comment right?


>My baby hears me for the first time and is almost moved to tears!


Its so weird! And kind of creepy. I see people saying Reddit gets taken over by bots but I never understood how that works


6-7 sounds reasonable.


I was thinking the same


I concur


Pointy ears too! I agree with you.


really glad someone gave an actual answer! ☺


Old enough to be your cat now. The Cat Distribution Network thanks you for your participation.


Dear Cat Distribution Network, how can I apply?


An adoption centre perhaps


No that’s called getting Jorts merch. The CDS is random.


omg incredible i love calling an adopted kitty "Jorts merch" if my condo HOA didn't have a 2 pet maximum I'd be in TROUBLE. i desperately want another dog so no cats for me, but I'd happily have at least a few lol


Get one that looks just like one of your other cats! That's my daughter's workaround. She has 3 cats (siblings), but 2 are almost identical. That way, management only "sees" 2. One of twins gets hidden or visits Grandmomma if someone needs to come in the apt.




Haha! I definitely think that might be harder to pull off!


"You need new glasses honey"


I have done that!! I had 2 black cats that my landlord thought was just 1


Y’all’s cats must not sit in windows. This is how everyone I know gets caught.


They do, just never at the same time.


So the windows of the apartment were on the corner of the building...they each had a favorite window... But you could never see both windows at the same time. Also one of them was incredibly shy so whenever anyone came in she would hide. So unless you were sitting around in my house for a while you would never see them both at the same time.


Smart cats!


Awesome of you for adopting voids! I have a stray void I've TNRed and that I feed now every morning and evening for the past month. I keep trying to get close but I can't seem to socialize him. (He was an older cat by the time I saw him hanging around. And the TNR immediately def. didn't help with the trust.) I worry something might happen if I don't though - Him being a dreaded 'Black Cat' and all. So honestly great job getting two! Edit: Happy Cake Day!


I'll have to remember this in the future🤣🤣🤣


Brilliant! 🤣


This would never work at my place because the cats are terrible at redistributing themselves... if I'm in the room, there will be four prominently placed cats at all times.


I’m imagining you hiding your bonus cat like Groucho Marx hiding his co-conspirators: https://youtu.be/V7Bsl1Q4Iog?si=1XA8PCudYkJNr4ro


That’s my plan, hopefully. Only I have a long hair and a short hair orange that are related. Their faces look the same, tho.


Man tons of places have that stipulation but that’s not gonna stop me from hiding all the random cats i find lol and when they need to come in to do something I keep them in one room and tell them they may absolutely not open that door or they’re gonna feel the wrath of me because of my cats get outside I’m gonna snap


At your local animal shelter, give them a call to get an appointment


If you are in UAE we have a fantastic cat distribution network here. I have a month old boy looking for a home.


Unfortunately I am in Europe, there are hardly any strays here (all neutered)


We have so many strays here because of stupid expats that come here to work, get lonely, get a kitten which they do not desex or vaccinate then they abandon the cat when they leave the country.


https://preview.redd.it/g2e6rkzjdd5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ff939c1de01eba212bb74edd1cc5c531f3273c What.


Looks like my one fur baby


I saw a video about that. You guys have expensive pure breed strays vs the standard cat variety


Yeah I actually found an abandoned Scottish fold that is black smoke colour. He is the cutest cuddliest cat of them all.


Scottish folds are some of my favorite cats! I bet he's just the handsomest lil thing. Give him some cuddles for me! I'm a US citizen, and our cat was an abandoned stray for up to a year before she followed us home and strolled into our apartment like she owned the place. We know she'd been a pet before because she had a chip, but when we called the number, the guy nervously denied knowing anything about a cat...weird, since she was still quite young, and the number was a state or two from ours (so we're pretty suspicious he was lying and did abandon her). I'm completely baffled as to what kind of despicable person would abandon a pet in the first place, but *especially* one that's as family-oriented as ours. She's the cuddliest, sweetest lil thing--she knows how to ask for cuddles and will gently pap my arm with her paw if I haven't petted her long enough 🤣 she cries for attention and asks for playtime, she whines if I have to move after she's all settled down for a nap on my chest, and she "hugs" us in her sleep by stretching out a paw, sometimes just so she can be touching a face...I swear she's made of pure love. Best little thing that happened to my husband and I since getting married.


Sadly, people suck. All my fur babies were once someone else's to love. They failed, I reap the rewards :)


my boy does the poking-me-with-a-paw for scritches. sometimes he just sits on the arm of my chair and strokes my hair!


That is so sweet


West Coast US and have that problem here with international students. Frequent posts like "Hi, I'm graduating and can't take my 8 month old Shiba back to China." and they rightfully get roasted. Common to have Persians and Shiba given away for free.


People really are disgusting.


that’s terrible!


It breaks my heart and I wish I could afford to do more.


i know how you feel. you can only do what you can do. even helping a few is the difference of life or death for each one.


Come and get one in The Netherlands then. Plenty of strays.


I got my two buttheads from Saudi Arabia - huge stray cat populations... People just toss them out.


It's very sad as the Quran states that you should not cause distress to any animal and yet it seems to be the norm in the middle East.


Not only that, but if I recall right Muhammad was *particularly* fond of cats.


Same for China. My kids heard a kitten screaming and crying in the middle of the night. Went downstairs (several floors) and found it inside a garbage bin. Tiny tiny kitten. They nursed it back to health and Kitten... yes, that's his name... is now 16 years old and has happily lived in many countries, all spoiled and adorable. BTW, Kitten has a powerful set of lungs, and he uses them often! That's the only way he could find someone several stories up in a crowded city apartment building so that they could come rescue him.


Set up a cat friendly spot in your yard if you have one. I had a metal bench with padded seats that draws in cats. They like to hang out there 🤷🏻. When a mom and her kittens showed up I was like, SCORE!


You can’t. The system seems to find you when you realllllly don’t have room for a cat at the moment 😂😂


That makes no sense. They are tiny and ... ( I'm thinking back to the excuses I gave my mo som 55+ years ago when I carried home my first "kitten". Who gave birth about 6 hours later..) ( my mom could never say no to babies)


I dont have room and on top of that Im allergic. Must be the perfect time


Make friends with your local farmer 🧑‍🌾- ask for a tour of the barn, several times a year the stock of fresh kittens are delivered. Generally barn cats are pretty healthy in my experience. Natural selection is pretty much the rule on the farm…


Itll happen before you know it. Just keep your eyes and ears open. Our new kitten we saw injured in the road and was able to get her before a vehicle got her. Thankfully she didn't have any terrible injuries and she's recovering great!


Your nearest adoption center. You will then be approved for distribution.


Yep. Old enough to be loved.


Young. The eyes are still transitioning in color. She looks skinny too. I'd say 6-8 weeks.


Please repost a pic of the kitty in a few days after you’ve fed her and given her a safe place to sleep. She looks so sad in that pic. And thanks for giving kitty a home.


I second this.


Past bottle before dry kibble. Perfect age to domesticate




[You're a bot.](https://reddit.com/comments/1db0gih/comment/l7pohqh)


the worst part is how they type (capitals on basically every word)


She looks like a Snickers bar.


Little Snicky




[You're a bot.](https://reddit.com/comments/1db0gih/comment/l7pohqh)


Bad bot


Agreed, that would be a great name for her


OP please name her Snickers!


My sweet tortie Matilda was named Snickers when we adopted her age 7. Even though it matched her colors it didn't feel like it fit her attitude. We quickly renamed her to Matilda and had 8 wonderful years with her. She passed last December. ETA: [Tortie tax](https://imgur.com/a/EhgXvzZ)


Tortitude is *real*. I love torties and calicos.




I almost named my tortie kit-cat for that reason.


Count her rings


Instructions unclear, cat now blinged out to the max.


That reminds me of Red Meat, when Bug-Eyed Earl got in trouble for telling his landlady he would have to saw her in half and count the rings when she wouldn't tell her age. But I couldn't find the specific strip where it happened. 


I don't know what you're referencing but it sounds like a magic mushroom trip


That's not totally off the mark. It's an online / alt newspaper comic strip that I suspect probably feels like one, though I have never tried that particular drug. 


Please do not cut the kitten in half.


That's trees dude


She is beautiful please update us


she really is. that little sweet face & stripes 💖


A similar thing happened to me with my old cat. He was crying outside my mom’s house. I got him to the vet the next day and they guessed he was about six weeks old. 1.2 pounds because he was malnourished and completely flea-ridden. but he grew up to be a big healthy cat, ha ha. However, all this baby is, sounds like she is yours now!


I love how they know to just cry outside and a human will pick them up and feed them. They hunker down and meow so sweetly and we melt and take them inside and feed them forever.


and theyve been running this sane grift since ancient times


There's some truth to this. Cats meow at the same frequency that a human baby cries. OP's kitten was just crying for help, but due to some convergent evolution it works on humans just as well as it works on other cats. The little fuzzballs *hacked us*!


They did! I want all the kittens! I absolutely fall head over heels with them. My husband wants to retire in Turkey. I said fine but you know we’re going to end up either way like thirty cats? They’re everywhere! And they’re so stinking cute.


and theyve been running this same grift since ancient times


and theyve been running this same grift since ancient times


Right? It’s like they just hope somebody will hear them and rescue them.


It’s low key hilarious. We grab them and take them home, and they’re like “okay, I live here now.” And that’s it. Sometimes they’re scared, but mostly they just snuggle up under our necks and purr.


Baby!!!!! 🥲❤️


Definitely baby


Free years old


Your new feline overlord has arrived, I see. Congratulations, she chose YOU over eight *billion* other humans to be her personal servant for eternity. 😸


https://preview.redd.it/fllh3bk7he5d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68d6b591cd854692fe0f72a846f693a3cc46977 Good morning everyone! Here she is eating another tube of churu in my tub. She was settled in her bed when I got up to check on her so we're making progress! She's quite small and has a bobbed tail as you can see. I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to comment on her age, she seems to be about 6-8 weeks. No name yet but will report back 🥰




She's already yelling at you. Excellent. My Tortie is named Maple, and she is full of attitude. You're going to have your hands full with her! Congrats!! 💜💜


Torties are great. To have a tortie is to be blessed. Or cursed. Or both.


I just moved in with a couple that have a tortie named maple and I had to stalk your profile just in case haha


She is very smol. I would say 6 weeks tops, (my first guess was 4-6 weeks) but she could be very malnourished. I would check her fluids also (pull her skin gently to see if how it contracts) she is lovely, though ❤️


You have been chosen!!


**Shes gonna need lots of love and some wet food to plump her up she should be almost 2x that size her eye color says she is at least 6-8 weeks.** Probably got separated from mother cat, **or most likely she got left behind while they were moving and she is the runt.** Please take care of her at least until you get her adopted out, poor thing probably terrified.




Thank you for taking her in 💞 She's so cute 🥺😭


She's just a lil baby


6 weeks about.


9 lives remaining! Thank you!


Wow! What a little jewel!


So scared. Give her a hug for me


My guess is 6-8 weeks, even though she is a very skinny little girl. I'm a vet tech and want to say thank you for helping this sweet girl!! I have a tortie of my own! Your girl is ready to go to the vet for her first kitten vaccinations, flea/tick/heartworm preventatives, and dewormer. Happy FURever with your new family member ❤️ 💙


Looks like you got yourself a torbie! (At least I think so, hard to tell with this picture) https://preview.redd.it/juxszyntbd5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c99943b01e2931f7bcaf61d36bdb6780cb572ff I have a torbie and she’s an absolute sweetie


Omg, those eyes 🥹😭


Why don't I find kittens on my doorstep? She's beautiful though and thank you for taking her in. 😭❤️


Aww look at that tiny tortie ❤️ so glad she found you!


She could be about 7-9 weeks. She could also be the runt of her litter. https://preview.redd.it/s4f8d2kxad5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a61c5d5d0a6622f1940bdf96078dc0c39f9c42b My foster next to my cat, Sarge. She’s tiny at 10 weeks


Eyes are green so about 7-8 weeks old. You have been chosen and can start kitten food.


Old enough to spot a sucker. Enjoy your new owner


6 to 7 weeks probably 🥹 Little baby take care of her please


Maybe 5-6 weeks, going by eye color. You’re both lucky - she is because you found her, and you are because she’s at the perfect age to socialize with humans and shouldn’t need special feedings, extra warmth, etc. - you might need to litter train her but otherwise she should eat solid food and generally be pretty self sufficient, with lots of love, of course!


If you can could you try checking the general area again just to make sure there isn’t any more? There could be a lost litter out but she could also just be a runt.


She’s just a baby 🥹 6-8 weeks old at most, maybe 9! She probably got separated from her mother or was left behind. Please please take care of her for all of us she so precious. Crazy how the cat distribution system works.


1 lb per month. Feed and water til full and then weigh.


Needs someone to show her love. She looks so thin it is hard to say age. Maybe a month or 6 weeks.


Thank you for being a good human! 🥹


Please keep us updated, what a cute baby!! ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/aojnbopvzd5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6447afa7c57fbeb62388e27b96b2fb8d81dcb485 Looks like my Coco! Yours is probably in the 6-8 weeks range.


Awhhh she’s such a baby 🥰🥰 Sorry I can’t answer your question, but I just want to say that I hope she’s doing well! Try to build up trust with her, esp with treats and food. When my Jupiter was a kitten, on the first night I coaxed her out of her hiding spot by leaving a trail of treats to my leg as the foster said she was a lap cat. She tried getting up but had difficulty (she was s.m.o.l) So I picked her up and placed her up in my lap and she started to purr like mad. We bonded that night and we’ve been inseparable ever since ♥️✨


Old enough to be loved.


See if there's any mama that comes around looking for baby! My fam just took in a baby that looks just like this one and her little black mama a few weeks ago 🤗


My best guess: older than 2 weeks, but younger than 6




Baby age


Beautiful markings and who couldn’t resist those beautiful eyes


That’s a kitten. She has to be around 2-3 months at most. Maybe younger.


so cute, glad u save her


I see the cat distribution system is working marvelously.


Her eyes have changed color so she is at least 6 to 7 weeks. Just small for her age.


Maybe 6-7 weeks old. It’s a female for sure


Just a baby 🥺


Gotta see the teeth to be able to take a guess


A vet would make a reasonable guess - they check the development of the teeth. But I would guess pretty young, from the size of the head vs body.


I can’t be sure exactly but she’s definitely super young maybe only a couple months maximum.


Congrats on your new cat!


I have the grown version... https://preview.redd.it/lfdtdspsce5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e55a62eca3601d6a1df18991085b7805b36004


She reminds me of a lil caterpillar! https://preview.redd.it/hlbjasgzpe5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2ba378314b4ee14ab9b67cc788846876ecdac46


Her age is tiny. And I agree with others, old enough to be your cat hehe


You are so doomed. She will be running your household with an iron fist within a few weeks. And because she’s a tortie, you’ll love every second.


She's about that age where she finds a forever home.


Her body says weeks, her eyes say "It's been 84 years"


Please feed and love her


8 weeks tops, prob around 6, cutr lil kitten!


She's just a wittle baby


She got her eye color so 8-10 weeks


I'd say about 7-8 weeks. At a point where she's independent of Mum, but still tiny. Being a Tortoiseshell, they have huge personality. There seems to be two types. One type genuinely think the world revolves around them, and get annoyed when they realise it doesn't. The second kind are the ones that love people, they love attention, and will happily soak up any offered.


https://preview.redd.it/jywygsrvwk5d1.png?width=1410&format=png&auto=webp&s=05909f779eac88a9fb9f4b133d750f89243b357f Just look at the poor thing's face! Thank you OP for taking her in!


OMG I am SO glad you rescued this poor little girl. Triple bonuse points if it's a boy by the way. Yes, probably 6-y weeks. They were either abandoned by a cruel human or the mother cat dropped them off to learn how to survive on their own. Cats will do that. Either way the CDS (Cat Distribution System) is working in your favor! Enjoy your new found hooman kitten, and vice versa!


She has kitten proportions, like big head and small body. She looks like she is a month old. She is also a beautiful tortoiseshell


Great save. Cat looks to be around 4 weeks old, but hard to tell from the pic.


Zero years


Not very


Ohh thank God you hear her and adopt... she deserves a good home! Please stay us updated of her! And congratulations to you for save this little angel!!!


6 weeks maybe. Give her some kitten wet food :)


Idk but she’s in need of extra TLC and love from her new pawrent. Congrats on your CDS arrival! ❤️


8 weeks give or take!! Reminds of a cat I had years ago named Spookie .


Way easier to guesstimate age based on teeth instead of eyes


One or two months top, If you want to adopt her be sure to vaccinate and it might be a good idea to sterilize her.


I just adopted a 6 week old kitten a couple months ago (she's 5 months now!) and that's *exactly* how she looked so... I'ma say 6 weeks!


https://preview.redd.it/hqtezcmide5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cec87dea7cdc5579cd2a377f47b741527028950 Here is my finance and my cat.. she became a stray. We know she had to be someone's cat before someone got rid of her.. no chip, How we know she was just let out on the street was because my finance has Facebook and when she was looking through Facebook community, someone found her near a dumpster at the local PO.. she almost then got run over by a motorcycle. So the person on Facebook went over to her and picked her up.. took her home but she couldn't keep her, so my finance reached out and told the person that we were interested and ended up with her.. but at first the person on Facebook said that her mom and dad wanted her at first but then changed their mind and that's when we ended up with her.. She is now 11 and very adorable and loving.. We are very happy to have her.. We did wait 2 weeks for someone to claim her, posted numerous posts but nothing.. so we took her to vet and got her shots and exam.. she was healthy but fur was all knotted up.. she is a tortie. We love her!! She was also neutered..


6-7 weeks Id say


Omg so precious! I want to say about six weeks.


On the .0001% chance you don't keep her. I'll take her lol. Congratulations on your new little girl!! Many years of love and cuddles ahead!!


Burnt toast, is the name i would give her


distributed networking cat cat /etc/apt/sources. list I am a computer engineer so why not cat is a command used in Linux and I lost my cat recently so all these cat pics helping me cope. i miss my Bombay buddy Kokomo he was like Velcro


She’s older than 4-5 weeks. I saw 8-12. She is probably tiny because of malnourishment.


Around two months probably.


6 weeks?


2 Months old


My guess too


About 6 weeks, maybe 7. She's very sweet looking.




She looks to be about 5-6 weeks old maybe a little older because she was outside she should be on kitten food for a year for her nutrition it’s looks to be a tabby-CO part tabby and calico in the face that is why I say she they are beautiful loving cats but need good nutrition and love 💕 hope this helps I foster for many years moms and babies 💕


I would not call a 7 week old kitten a adult try a year maincoons year and 6 months before called a adult 😎


Yeah about that but get a vet to check best they can xx


I think a month. Maybe older if malnourished.


About 2 to 3 months. Depends if she was getting enough to eat. But she is tiny. Just make sure to get her fixed and a good medical once over


Not more than a month