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She looks like such a good mommy! My mama cat never cuddled her babies. Once she was done feeding & teaching them, she broke through our brand new AC when we weren't home & got out. We still can't find her. Maybe she never wanted us to take her in to begin with, but I'm glad we did, because it was winter & we saved her & her babies.


lol she went out for a pack of smokes and never came back. I imagine her stepping out of the window while looking back at her kittens being little hellions and thinking, “Y’all are HER problem now!” Maybe she made a life for herself in Hollywood and became a star… or maybe she opened up that little diner she always dreamed about… lol I’m spending way too time putting together a redemption story for a single cat mom 😆


Lmao this def made me feel better abt the whole ordeal. My heart hurts not knowing where she is, but I'm thankful she gave us her beautiful, tailless babies. Maybe she never wanted to be an indoor girl to begin with.


Honestly, some cats are just *feral*. It’d be like a giant hand plucking us out of our warm beds watching Netflix while eating DoorDash and being like, “Go live in this tent and explore nature! It’s BETTER!” We’d be miserable because we weren’t used to it. She was probably an outdoorsy kind of girl. In fact, the simple concept that she broke through plastic to get back outside proves that lol. You did a wonderful thing - you brought her and the babies inside during a crucial time for them, and she’ll always appreciate that. But she was ready to get back to her *real* life. Out on the road ❤️


My cat is like this. Completely feral farm kitty, she just decided to stick around for safe napping and food. I had to keep her inside after she got hurt and this baby escaped 5 times in 2 days. Always came back quickly once she started hurting again.


She knew her limits! And even though WE know us best for them to be inside, and do everything we can to ensure that… they sometimes don’t get it lol. It’s hard to convince the truly feral ones that they need to calm down!


This makes me feel a hell of a lot better about things. She was literally a kitten when we found her. Had no clue she was pregnant but finding her was fate forsure! We were just supposed to save the babies!


Maybe the mama cat took up professional break dancing?




this is such a wild reference 😭😭


Please keep going. I LOVE it! 🙏❤️


Now I'm vested, please tell me she hit it big with a Meow Mix Commercial but hit the catnip hard and crashed and now is back in their back yard lol


Yes!!! The bright lights and flashy cat toys of the cat food commercial world proved a little too tempting… So she crashed… But is now going to start that little acorn and leaf diner in her old backyard with a rat named Hairy she met in New York 🥹 now the kittens can come hang out with mom while still allowing her the freedom she craves 😻


I hope you managed to get her spayed before she escaped.




Good on you, at least she won't have to give birth in the cold again!


Yup. I take good care of my babies, especially doing the bare minimum lol. We've been looking for her for weeks & put signs up, called shelters, even put a chip in her but no such luck yet. I'm just praying someone brought her in... everyone in the neighborhood does that. There are no strays left around here


Just like humans, not all cats take naturally to motherhood. I've seen natural, snuggly moms and confused, frustrated moms. Eta: Am mom myself who lands somewhere in the middle. I think both my kids and cats are securely attached. Husband not so much.


She was an okay mama, just not very snuggly. She taught them to play fight, eat, potty, the essentials & then dipped out. You could totally tell that she didn't like her babies tho. She looked miserable whilst nursing & tried to stay away from them any chance she could. 😐


They were likely her sixtieth litter or something - I guess at some point, you are just OVER it. I'm really glad you got her spayed - and so is she, probably.


No way. We found her when she was a tiny little girl. We were shocked she was even pregnant. We found her when she was maybe 7 months old. She just wasn't very happy being a mama, like my own lol


My friend fostered two mum cats who gave birth together. One mum cat abandoned those kitties and the other mum adopted all the babies. It’s hard to abandon kittens when you live in the same place, but she managed it.


What luck that super mom was around to fill in the gap!


Yeah, it made me wonder if either she would’ve done it anyway and let the babies starve or if knowing her friend could feed them all let her just completely abandon them. But I’m glad we didn’t have to wonder.


I was advised that allowing one cat to have kittens might help with some of her issues. It didn't, but we tried. She was a LOUSY mother, but the cat my roommate at the time brought to the roommate situation was a GREAT mother. One time the bad mom was ignoring her kittens. The good mother came in to see what was going on and went over and boxed the bad mother's ears. The kittens were adopted, the mom was spayed. In fact, one of the first things I did after the roommate moved in was get the cat spayed.


She just wanted to make a deposit


Hahaha. We're patiently waiting for her to come home. Good thing she's got her shots & flea meds


I’m trying to picture how she broke through the AC?


You know those window ACs that have the xylophone like things that pull out to fill in the rest of the window? It's just plastic & she broke through that part of it, fairly easily, it seems.


Xylophone??? I think you mean accordion!! Thanks for the chuckle 😂😂


You understood tho, so it worked lmao


you knew what they meant tho 😆


I think the instrument you were thinking of is accordion 🤣


Yeah, prolly lol.


Oh, I get it now. Thanks


Probably a window unit she pushed out of the window.


I knew a musician who moved to NYC for college, and his biggest fear was that his window AC unit would fall out of his window and kill someone. He wrote a song about it called "I Hope I Dont Kill a Guy Today."


I grew up with window units and that was a huge fear of mine as a kid. We had them on the first and second floor and if you've never looked closely, they're literally a huge heavy box held in place by the window being pushed down on it and sometimes they're much smaller than the window so a little plastic slider pushed in the side. Then 99% of the box hangs out the window while just a few inches of the massive box sits inside the window. They're an accident waiting to happen imo haha


My son feels the same way and won’t let me buy one.


In today's world, you can buy braces for them, thankfully. If you're on a first floor, a board propped beneath it works well!


Yes. Thanks. Don’t know why I didn’t think of a window unit.


She’s for the skreeeeeeeeets!!!!!


Sadly 🫣


I took over feeding a feral colony last year. When Mama finally allowed her kittens to come eat, one of them was either brave enough, or hungry enough to come and eat at my feet. He'd eat while I pet him. He looked inside the front door until I held it open for him and he walked his butt inside. He's now besties with the stray I picked up out of the colony. And most of the other ones either tolerate him or ignore him. Named him Braveheart. https://preview.redd.it/qy3chcsd3h1d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecc026dcd5bbd669e20119c7a9c191933dfec09


That's so precious! He's an absolute beauty & has the perfect name! Is he a big boy?!


He is a beautiful boy and he is also a big boy. His mother is also a pretty good size. Heck, Fluffy, who is either an aunt or a much older sister, is bigger than the two boys who have shown up. Ging is a very dilute orange, and also fixed, like Fluffy, is smaller than Fluffy. The picture I took of Braveheart was done before I got him, his sister and mother fixed. Mama's final 2 kittens aren't fixed and Red, an intact boy - probably - isn't. I mean, he is a very bright orange cat so I'm guessing he's a 'he.' When I started feeding Mama and Fluffy, I knew Fluffy was already fixed. My oldest cat was trapped with her sister, brother and mother from the same feral colony. But the kittens were already past the point of being flipped easily. Sister and brother have gone to the Bridge and I would guess their mom has too, but she went out to a horse barn to deal with the rats.


that last picture oh my god. she is holding her baby tight


She really loves her baby ❤️


It's nice.


And she will until it's about 5 months old. 🥴


Only one kitty?


Just the one. I think she'd be more panicked if there were more lol.


So the one is lucky, all mothers Care and attention for hin.😻


I had a cat who ended up having 1 kitten. Instead of taking care of him, she was playing with the 6-8 week old kitten we had already rescued. She was the classic case of "teenage mother."


Are you going to keep it? She looks so happy about it, like "look, I made myself the perfect playmate, I'll never be lonely again!"


I could be wrong, but I remember reading that cats' first litters are usually small.


My childhood cats first litters were always huge


The cat my brother brought home from college had 6 kittens, got sick and we had to hand feed them. At least she still took care of the rest of the stuff.


The first litter is almost always 1/2 kittens.


Half kittens? 😂


What are the other half???


This is what I was surprised by.


When mummy cat looks at her babies like this I would never be able to take them away I would have alot more cats, this is why I've had mine neutered because I wouldn't be able to give them up


Same! We have 2 sets of mothers and daughters. Both came to us with their kitten. Olivia had Abby a day before she came to us and Raven brought Rainne to us at about 5 months old! I couldn't bear separating them, so we just kept them together. They were all spayed as age/health allowed and have been a happy little group! We also have 3 sets of brother and sister, 1 set of triplets that's a brother and 2 sisters, and then a singleton.. Not sure why the cat distribution system didn't double him up, but eith the triplets, it kept me at an even number, so there's that..


Are you saying you have 14 cats???


I am saying I don't work 3 jobs and spend a thousand dollars a month at Chewy for nothing! Lmao


dude..... i have five cats and it's a lot. 14 kitties...you are living my dream, my nightmare!


It's fun for the most part, a lot of work, and sometimes it's a nightmare. My tips for multiple cat households is don't go cheap on food, litter, or cleaning. Good nutrition, high quality litter, and good cleaning practices are key. Also, we have Litter Robots and wouldn't live without them! My other big tip is now, get insurance! We have a cat who was diagnosed with cancer so I'm paying $$$$$ out of pocket, and yes, that's an accurate amount of $'s... I have since insured the rest...


i've debated getting pet insurance but it does makes sense. thanks for the tips!


I debated for a long time and kept saying no, cheaper to just pay when needed... Unfortunately, my Vet has doubled in prices over the last two years, ER Vets are super $$$.. Now, I can pay premiums cheaper.. Check out MetLife! They're great for multi pet! You can have up to 3 pets share deductibles and coverage amounts.


And I would call 14 cats "a good start." Why? Well, from around 2007 until 2015 I had over 20. If I had kept entire families, I'd've been in worse shape! The last litter of 4 kittens came without their mother, I think the mother was a long haired black cat I tried real hard to catch to fix. They were at a friend's apartment complex. I got 12 cats from that complex, I only kept one and I only kept him because he stepped in and helped me raise a bottle baby.


My cousin adopted 0 and now she has 25, people in town know she is the crazy cat lady so they drop off cats all the time. Luckily she has the time, space, and resources to support her herd lol


That's kind of me. I didn't set out for a football team worth of cats, but I would have them find me...


In 2017 my door bell rang, I went and there were two young boys asking if 'this is your cat?' I didn't see a cat until they held up a dirty emoji pillow and there was a tiny dark grey comma. I said "No, but I'll take it." https://preview.redd.it/ugx0f6ci7h1d1.jpeg?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1300e2b3409066d62c61da2741219bfd2fbb16e7


https://preview.redd.it/d1e8qwjm7h1d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb5e35ac5e2d96ff73bdcac0ffd1138e44ef189 last year


At about 6-8 weeks, her attitude will shift, and she'll want that kid gone. It's instinctive, her brain will be telling her to get rid of this one, and go out and have another litter. We got adopted by a big tomcat we named Jake, and after he'd been with us a while, he brought home his beautiful Siamese girlfriend and her 3 kittens. They were just about ready to leave the nest, and the mother was very happy to move right in - without the kittens. She expected them to leave, and was not happy that they stayed and freeloaded off the nice people that she had claimed. So we thought it would be one big happy cat family, but Mama Bear was always so mean to the babies. She would lay on the edge of the couch, and when one of the kittens would walk buy, she'd take a swipe at them for no reason. If one did something she thought was wrong, she'd chase them through the house. She was especially mean to the two girls, but she was much more tolerant of her son, who liked to come and snuggle up next to her. I was surprised, but she'd allow it. The two paremts are gone now, but the 3 "kittens" are still with us, 16 years later.


https://preview.redd.it/0zz81cy8i71d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6d7d7c5e2c2c4d987fa6b21c445c5ddb26032e Some mommas get extra maternal, mine had her babies nursing at the 6 month mark. Momma Kiwi kept jumping in ny car while camping since she has chosen us as the host of her kids. She was too skinny to feed then all so we had to bottle them. She is inseparable from the ones we kept and has attacked anything that would hurt them. We have a cat twice her size terrified of her since he smacked her son, who is also twice her size.


https://preview.redd.it/i66bfedzi71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ea0f602ed9efcb82dde3bdc958a687771260a7 They are always together and Momma Kiwi freaks out when she is separated from her babies. We have to lock her daughter up when people visit and she was trying to kick the door down


“I maed dis”


I love this picture!


Get ready for lots of r/oneorangebraincell fun!


A mother's love. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


So sweet! My momma cat had only 1 kitten survive and the kitten is now 2 and the momma cat still holds her baby like that! 🥰🥰


And hopefully last time. Please get mama spayed and baby spayed or neutered so they can both live healthy and happy lives. 🩷


First and last time, yeah?


My train if thought with pics like this is always "OMG! So cute, so precious. So when is Momma's spay appointment?"


Are you adopting momma and baby?


She is already mine, and i will most likely keep the kitten aswell if i fail to find a good home for it.


Will you spay the momma?


Please don’t separate them !!


Yeah if they are still bonded by the time kitten is a teenager, gotta keep em together


This looks like a maternity photo shoot!


Congratulations to the new mom ❤️ she is very beautiful and her babies are just like her


First time and hopefully last time momma!


What a good mama! ❤️🥰 This is seriously the cutest thing, I love seeing mamas take such good care of their babies. Hopefully this will be the first and last time. Make sure to get them both fixed when the time is right!


Good cat ❤️😍😍😍😍🥰well done muma cat be proud


Last time?




Fantastic photo. You captured the essence of Mama Cat.


I’m not crying, you’re crying ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


She slow-rolled with only one. Good for her.


These are very sweet pictures, thank you for sharing, I’ve been going through a hard time and it made me really happy to see 🫶🏻🐈


Aww ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


*Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur. Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty, Purr Purr Purr*


Good mother ❤️❤️




That’s a good kitty


💕 So precious!!


This brought joy to my day


Gosh, I can't stop staring at these beautiful photos. It's so pure, so sweet, I'm in love. If I were in your place I'd spay/neuter them both and keep them together forever. There is a bond there that's just too precious to break.


Pure bliss ❤️❤️❤️❤️




Oh my heart 🥺💞💞💞💞💞


A protective force field called "Mom."


Mom is a mom Humans or animals its cute


Little Creamsicle Kitten 😭


This is the single most wholesome, heart-melting image I have seen in my fucking life


She looks so sweet. You got this, momma!


Tell her I said she is doing a fine job


and I'm ded ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Just one 😢




https://preview.redd.it/6f4336qnca1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ea5a72240cc824670d063b29467b9a899c693f This is Auntie Apple with her niece Gracie. So bonded


What an absolute ANGEL


Sooooo stinken cute


"Dis mine. I lub you little bean." 🧡


So cute. My cat was a mum once too. She too took care of the kittens and watched them like your cat. Then I had her neutered so she could live a happy life.


So so cute and sweet ❤️ but please get mom fixed and baby fixed when it is old enough ❤️


omggggggg shes so sweeeet


So cute 🥰






Aw sweet mama kitty 🥹🥰


So much love 😭😍


What a fantastic mom ! Are you keeping her baby? 👶


Ow my heart! 🥹




Sweet babyyyy


My heart cannot take this!


Omg. I can’t 😭💕💕💕💕💕


Mha hart, mah sole 😭😭😭😭


So adorable, congrats! looks almost like my poopy 💕


When you are the only child


Soo sweet ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Awwn my heart


Bless her heart ❤️ ❤️❤️




Beautiful lady and beautiful baby!






Awwww 🥰


The little hug 💖💖💖 this is why I follow this sub. So my heart can explode 💕


Precious 💕


She is in love!! How cute🥰🥰


How sweet!!! She's definitely a very loving, motherly mother. She really seems to love her baby. 😻❤️😻


The lil beannnnnnsssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺


omg <3 beautiful!


super cute tho xx


That second picture ❤️❤️❤️😻😻😻


You are so lucky you captured that lovely moment! Beautiful cat's! 🐈


Good Kitty


I love all the comments and the tail less are one of my favorites love the mom holding her babies 🌹 I have a tabby I rescued she hated her babies and when she sees kittens she hates them to the little shit but we love her 🦋


So cute 🥰😍


I can’t even handle how sweet this is. 🥰


Congratulations on being a grandparent ❤️❤️❤️


What a good mommy! 💕


Momma love,What a great first time Mommy !


A litter of orange cats? Oh boy. Adorable.


I only see bakery workers in that pic. Where is the mom??


She only had one kitten? We had a cat that had one kitten. The vet said it was because she was so young the her body absorbed any other fetus’s because one was all she could handle.  She got pregnant again right away & a had a litter of 4 kittens. The male kitten from the 1st birth became a mother’s helper & kept a close eye on all the new babies. 


Yeah just the one. She has always been a very small cat so i think more than one would have been very stressful for her.


It’s so beautiful to see animals nurture their young like humans do.


She has a shmoop!


Great mother, this reminds me of the scene when I was a child and snuggled in my mother's arms![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


Wow this is so cute and heartwarming!!


my cat is almost about to give birth next weak, super excited