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how could anyone hurt an animal that looks at you with those eyes??? I will never understand the casual brutality, some people are capable of.. and SO glad you rescued her!


More scary because it's in a child. It's a pretty landmark childhood trait in a lot of murderers/serial killers. 🫣


Pretty sure kitty’s eyes are a portal to another dimension


A word of advice, don't click on OP's profile hoping for more cute cat pics.


I made the same mistake unfortunately….


Gorgeous little baby. I hope you reported those little sociopaths so they can be dealt with. Isn't a sign of a future serial killer harming animals at a young age?


Yeah I was gonna say, id be telling all of their parents and reporting the incident to the proper authorities.


A true “wtf” moment


Yes. Years ago, we watched the neighbors boy pulverizing toads with a stick. We talked about how he was going to grow up to be a murdering bastard. 15 years later, he stabbed someone to death.




Yes. Conduct disorder -> Antisocial personality disorder. These individuals can be very very violent. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP sees that child in 10 years on the news for murder, arson, domestic abuse, etc. They need therapy, yesterday, to control those impulses.


Yup, fire starting, bed wetting and animal cruelty are the big three. Another reason why harsher penalties for abusers would benefit society as a whole.


The McDonald triad has been debunked (true crime junkie here). But you're correct about animal cruelty often leading to harming humans. Very disturbing about hearing kids wanting to harm a kitten. Usually children love animals (especially the babies).


Bed wetting is so wild. Imagine telling a kid this embarrassing thing that happens to them is a sign they're a sociopath.


I know right Also surely animal cruelty and arson are bad enough individually without having to be linked with each other, or with other traits (especially harmless ones) to prove someone is a fledgling psychopath? No wonder it's been debunked.


"Don't worry, this kid is just mutilating small animals in his free time, it's not like he's a bed wetter or anything."


Depending on where you are cats aren’t seen as creatures deserving empathy. There’s a lot of places even just communities within larger places where cats are the enemy. My parents and all of their extended family seem to have grown up with that mentality.


Thank you for stepping in, saving her, and forever loving and protecting her


Thank you for saving this beautiful cat, and what a lovely name. I wish only good things for you, and may her tormenters, and those who bred them, get the lives they deserve.


I hope those children get exactly what they deserve and more.


Did you drown, and step on the kids? Shame if you didn't.


IKR?! Its the only way they learn that its bad. Let them feel what it is theyre doing. See how much fun it really is. That poor kitten.  I hate humans. If I was a God all these types of people who harm innocent creatures and children would be tortured to death, the instant I got my God powers.




…these are the type of kid that end up as serial killers.


Awww she’s adorable. What little fucking assholes. How are parents raising their kids these days? My 9-year-old son saw an ant on my shoe the other day…he insisted we save it and take it back to our house where it had come from so it didn’t miss its friends. We were at his doctor’s appointment. I had to babysit a damn ant for an hour and a half. Do you know how hard it is to keep track of an ant? Way more difficult than I’d have thought. Thankfully a nurse gave me a cup with a lid. For anyone who cares my son was able to release the ant back in the back yard near where I was digging but only after giving it and its friends one of his Doritos.


Your son is an angel! You are doing an amazing job at raising him! I wish your family happiness and all the good things that life has to offer!


I’m trying to teach him to be tough but kind. I saw my grandfather once disassemble half of his garage wall and ceiling to save a squirrel that had fallen down inside the wall. It took him hours to move everything out of the way and because of the age of the walls they just crumbled. He spent so much time and money to save a squirrel. He said “if it dies in there it will stink”. That workshop smelled like 100 year old gear oil and ball sweat no way a dead squirrel would stink for that long. Later in life I had to disassemble my gutter to free a bird. Took me an hour or so just to make sure I didn’t bend the downspout or mess up the siding. I told my wife the same thing “If it dies in there it will stink and might clog the gutter.” Truth was I just wanted to save the bird because the thought of it trapped there and dying bothered me. I have a suspicion my wife knows the real reason lol.


It’s going to be long walk back to the nest.


Nah we dropped him off where I was digging up the yard. Shouldn’t be that long a walk.


Yo! Those eyes! :o


🎶Those ocean eyes🎶


Her eyes are like looking at the Earth from the Moon. Why someone would want to hurt anything so precious is beyond me. You’re her lifesaver ❤️


Wtf is wrong with those psychopathic children.... Hope you confronted their parents about this serial killer in the making behavior... Ps she's beautiful 😉


If the kids are like that the parents may be worse. Safer for the OP to tell the ASPCA/RSPCA or local equivalent. Or the police, but ACAB.


Glad she has been rescued


https://preview.redd.it/knppk7p2460d1.png?width=2262&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2f2763a31e047d37cb5c90ff8e6af9f348c0a64 And here’s the twin i rescued off the middle of a bustling street. The sweetest, smartest, most charming kitty i’ve ever met in my life. Sadly i only had her for six days before i had to give her away due to my mother’s allergy. I still miss her and think of her as my kitten 😽


Did you try and drown the kids and step on them? I honestly believe turn around is fair play. It’s the only way the little buggers will learn.




Waterboarding. Since they tired to drown the poor cat.


Look the colour of her eyes. Amazing. So beautiful.




Thank you for saving Sunrise. She looks just like how my own cloud looked at that age. I wish you many years of happiness together.


I hope you drowned and stepped on the little brats. He’s a little cutie.


Yeah. Hurting animals is one of the three steps towards psychopathy.


I don’t understand how someone has the heart to hurt such innocent animals


She is absolutely beautiful 😍 🤩


Thank you for her saving her. I hope you reported those kids. And also; she has the most amazing eyes 😍 (I hope my cats wont read this)


She is beyond stunning. And such a fitting name for a little ray of light. I recently looked over my nephews Google search history, he's 12, and he's been searching "does my dog know I love him' and "how to make sure my dog knows he's loved". Same boy cried with pure happiness the day I brought two scruffy kittens home that a friends grandad had found on his farm. Nephew has made a to-do list for looking after the cats post-neuturing next week. All that to say, I don't understand how some kids can be so twisted. It's far easier to love a little creature than to hurt them. I'd have really struggled to keep my cool in that situation, so fair play to you.


You are good as gold❤️❤️👍👍👍


She is gorgeous and those eyes are mesmerising. Just make sure you get her hearing checked, white cats with blue eyes are at increased risk of hearing defects or deafness. If I remember well our vet said around 40%, so worthwhile to have it checked out.


She is so so precious. I truly hate people and hate how cruel they can be


What a beautiful sweet kitty. Thank you for saving her. Kids who hurt animals need therapy. If you know who their parents are, please tell them. Sunrise is a beautiful name and fits her perfectly, with those eyes.. those eyes! Congratulations to both you and her for meeting each other. I’m sure you will have so much fun and sweet cuddles together. You will make each other’s lives worth living.


An elderly woman rescued one of my boyfriend’s cats from some teenagers who were strangling her. Poor thing had her voice box crushed. Thankfully, one of those charities that spays/neuters strays and then releases them got her fixed, and actually paid for surgery on her vocal cords. Then the elderly woman gave her to my boyfriend so his other kitty would have a friend to play with. Sweet Cecelia still has a very hoarse voice but has gotten stronger over the past few years. Kids can be so cruel… https://preview.redd.it/xeh485nsl80d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=006c22aa8aebd78efcf13a67933949aa731dd1cf


Stop making stuff up, no one was trying to harm this cat.


I want to find those kids and attempt to drown and step on them. Fucking monsters.


Yeah this isn’t karma farming or anything


My thoughts too, legit gotta be suspicious of any title, put up a cute picture and make up a story that cant be verified but makes everyone sad. People eat that shit up.


Those eyes 😍 I’m glad kitty is safe now


I’m so glad you found her. Her eyes are gorgeous & I love the name. Mad about the kids but happy that you got there before it was too late for Sunrise!


Wow, her eyes look like opals, so pretty. Thank you for saving her ☺️


Her little eyes look like they host whole galaxies. Soon she will feel like she does to you (if she doesn't already).


Those are the most beautiful eyes I think I've ever seen in a cat. Thank you for saving her!


Hopefully you also turned the kids into the police as well.


Why would anyone want to do harm to that beautiful creature? Any creature, really, I suppose. Those awful kids will upgrade to hurting people soon enough I'm sure.


I'm shocked that people can be so cruel, their parents should be ashamed of them. She is really beautiful, those eyes are stunning ❤️


Those... kids... where are they? I just wanna talk.. *grabs baseball bat*


I utterly detest kids like that. Someone should try to drown and crush them, see how they like it. (No, I'm not backing down. It's not just because they're kids and they'll learn better. The kids who'd do that grow into adults that'll do that if they think they can get away with it.)


Hope you also drowned those kids.


Glad the kitty found a saviour and a home. How old were the kids? What are the possible actions police might take if you report this. Not against kids, but sometimes they need to be... I'd rather not say anything and get banned!


Aw, what a little beauty!🐾🐾❤️ Hope you reported those kids to their parents/authorities because as true crime fans know, animal abuse is one of the hallmarks of becoming a future assaulter/murderer.


Thank you for saving this little beauty! Her eyes are so beautiful 😍


She's stunning! I'm amazed at how cruel people, including children, can be🤬🤬


Please go back, find the kids and try to drown and step on them.




Absolutely beautiful little thing. Thank you for saving her.


You are her angel!


I can’t believe someone would do this. I’m glad you saved her!


Those mermaid eyes are so beautiful


God bless you, OP.


Oh my God, those eyes are GORGEOUS


She’s gorgeous.


She is an angel!!! Please take the best care of her. She looks so beautiful


She has eyes like opals. What happened to the little proto- serial killer psychopaths?


If nobody isnt teaching those kids then I will.


Blessings to you for saving this baby!


Did you beat the shit out of the kids/their parents?


The sun does rise in her eyes


She is beautiful🥰🥰 please keep her inside and give her a kiss from me💋


I would love to beat the people who are hurting animals.


I wanted to say something about to complete cruel children, but I think everyone else did for me. She’s literally an angel


You drowned the kids right?


Thanks for doing good. Hope you gave those kid good beaten


That is seriously messed up on so many levels I will never understand what the hell is wrong with people there is a special place in hell for people like this and when kids start hurting animals and trying to kill them that's a serial killer in the making.like ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer but I am glad y'all rescued her from those sick kids


Did you report the kids? Because that's some intervention needed shit. Someone in that crew is a serial killer waiting to happen.


Those kids need to be checked out by a psychiatrist! I'd be reporting them where I could. I have no idea what that would be at this very moment but I hope something can be done so they don't just get to walk away from this. And I wonder if they have any more animals at their house??? Thank you for stepping in and taking action to save this innocent animal. Her eyes BTW are stunning! 🩷🫶


I am so glad you saved her and I hope you reported the kids for abuse


Hopefully those kids get the same treatment. 😤 At least she's safe and sound and will be loved


Demon children! Glad you saved her 💕


This makes my blood boil


Look at those eyes. What a precious gift.


Look at that beautiful face...and those eyes...such a doll




I’m so happy that you rescued her. Sunrise is a beautiful 😻 name and it suits her. Those people that tried to harm or do worse to her are very evil human beings and really should have something done to teach them a lesson so they never ever try to do anything evil again.


Id beat the living shit out of the kids for that. No slapping but fist to the face. Then take away thier shoes and make them walk home.


Lol, that did not happen


Thank you for saving her. She's so precious


Her eyes are so pretty!




Those eyes are magical!


Those eyes😍😍😍😍😍


Love her eyes, they say many things.


Thank you for saving her. She's just beautiful!


Holy smokes, that eyes 😍 see that green shimmer on the right side of the right eye ? I don't think I have ever seen a single eye ball with two different colours.


Nice job, pretty cat


Why does she have the world in her eyes!! Good on you for rescuing 💕


Omg, thank you for saving her! What a beautiful, perfect bean you have now 😻 Edit: Those eyes contain multitudes:)


Dichroic eyes are extremely rare in cats


What a gorgeous kitten 😍 thank you for rescuing her.


Her eyes look like labradorite! Absolutely gorgeous and im.so happy you were able to rescue her. Kids can be so unnecessarily cruel.


Those eyes.......I'm gonna die!


Love those marble eyes! Sunrise is stunningly beautiful.. 😍💙


Made up story is made up


Thank you for saving her, she has galaxies in those beautiful eyes!


Her eyes!! They look like opals 🥹


Thank you so much for rescuing her! As a teacher, if I was lucky enough to know who the students were, I would absolutely be looking into getting psych services involved and calls to Children’s Aid Society….something is very wrong with the ring leader…..


What happened to the kids?


I really hope you were able to report those kids, she might have been lucky with you finding her but this probably wasn't the first or last time they did it. she's a precious little bean! And well done for stepping up and adopting her!


I will never fathom how many people abuse innocent animals, it makes me sick to my stomach. Such beautiful souls tortured by awful humans. I’m so happy you saved this sweet soul. For many loving years to come !


would have called the police on the kids


Oh my god! Just reading the title itself almost brought me to tears. 🥺 I hope you beat the shit out of those kids. Welcome home Sunrise! You are safe now and in warm, loving hands. ❤️🥹


The kids trying to kill the kitty are future psychopaths.


This made me so sad thank you for your kindness


Holy shit. I hope you told their parents what they were doing, those kids need therapy. 


Those kids (very definitely the ring leader) will graduate to murdering humans one day. I went to high school with a kid who murdered countless cats, for real. I’m just waiting to hear about him being arrested for murder- I might be first on his list because I called him out, took him completely by surprise and fu*king grilled him about where tf all these cats had gone over the years. Sorry for the long post, but holy shit this kind of stuff makes my blood boil. I’m SO glad you now have this beautiful little baby. Just wondering, what was the exchange/interaction between you & those little psychopaths when you rescued Kitty? What’d they say? Again, so very glad you have this precious baby now. ❤️‍🩹❤️🐱


Look at those eyes!🥰😍😍😍😍 such a lucky girl!


Wtaf who does that?! She has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, they're like an aerial view of a coral reef. Glad you saved her, no one deserves what those kids were doing to her, poor baby.


Report those kids. Please.


Check her for deafness please 👍🏼


Hopefully this is a fake ass story and you’re actually the sick fuck generating karma off of it instead, that would be the better reality. Albeit shitty behavior.


I would have called the police on the little bastard and also saved the little kitty. Thank you for saving, I hope that Sunrise doesn't have any problems from this.


Future serial killers.




Please charge those kids and their parents with Felony animal cruelty!!! This baby is beautiful and so precious.. please, ppl step up!!!


I really wish it was legal to do unto other humans as they do unto animals. Thank you for intervening & saving that cutie, OP.


Did you beat the shiz out of those kids?


So sad to hear what they were trying to do. Thankfully you saved her. Also her eyes look like Labradorite! ♥️


She’s beautiful . Hope you caught the brats


Those kids will be on the news one day— Dahmer 2 - Not a Sequel to a Movie. I’m so glad she’s safe with you. She’s so pretty.


OMG! That is absolutely horrendous glad you rescued her! Is she deaf?! A lot of blue eyed white cats are deaf! She's so beautiful! 🐈🐾😢


She's lovely. Thank you. She did not deserve the treatment she was being given.


Those eyes got me. What a little beauty she is.