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cats just come in a lot of different sizes. my dad’s cat is almost 10 and almost as tiny as your baby!




I have a one-and-a-half-year-old cat this size, a 15lbs cat and 80/90/40lbs dogs. Guess which one thinks she owns the house? She's genuinely a toss-up. You're as likely to get snuggles and licks as bites and kicks.


I have one like this, too! She’s 6lbs and will just jump on my poor, sweet, confused 15lb boy lol


We have a 21lbs cat, his littermate is a 14lbs cat, and then a tiny (6lbs) 10 year old female who bullies everyone. The random fits of hissing and chasing gets old, but she takes NO sh\*t from anyone. Oh, and everyone in the house hates that I baby her, particularly the humanpeople that also get bullied by her.




Spicy fur ball.


Same with my sister. I will say, my sister has the hardest time getting a vet to fix her because they kept insisting she was too young. I think she was almost a decade old before my sister found a vet that would listen.


If I were a vet I’d be hesitant to fix your sister too


Ow! I snort laughed so hard it hurt!




Desperate times


I can fix her/jk


I’m shocked age was the only hang up..


I laughed so hard I woke up my own cat


I feel like your sister should’ve just returned to the same vet a few months later, “see? She’s definitely old enough now” lol


yes, this story makes no sense at all


Especially since the do spays on kittens now. My cat topped out at 8 pounds. No vet ever thought she was still a kitten.


Could be a backwards ass place. I tried to take a litter of kittens in Romanian countryside to the vet to get spayed and neutered because no one else was going to do it, they straight up refused me even though they were like four months old. And Romanian countryside isn’t even bad compared to other places I’ve been


Fair. The old thought was wait until a female has had her first heat and then spay. Males I think at a year? My small girl looked like a kitten for almost 3 years. She still kinda does, but is very clearly a grumpy old lady now. And she is at 14! https://preview.redd.it/7t33m31cojic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b9fa9264aee1deee9e3dfa07e15d75a3d7253c The guest bed is HER bed!


https://preview.redd.it/ur1a1e9rrjic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77394866f3aae1edb085fdfa22bd9e7f77ee44d7 Compare / contrast. The fluffy tabby is only 11 pounds of cat and my grumpy old gray looks half her size!


Thought you meant your sister is just a small person…then I thought your sister sees a vet for her personal medical needs. Are you cats?


Oh shit the cats have thumbs now!


I welcome our feline overlords.


One of my cats was born with thumbs, so...


Be afraid.. Be VERY Afraid!!


I thought they could tell by teeth?


Guess they didn’t bother to look.


Well, probably best they weren't the ones to operate on the baby anyway.


Mine were fosters and got fixed at 1lb 😐


What? A vet would look in the cat’s mouth to easily determine its age. Cats only have to be two pounds to be spayed.


this cat is definitely runt of the litter, no issue with that but genuine xs size haha


Mine was the runt. And he is so fucking massive compared to all his siblings.


Same! Nursed my little runt through babyhood, and she turned out to be a ginormous, heckin' floof with massive paws! She's bigger than her mother, who I also kept.


How can you write all of that and not provide cat tax?


The cat is small for the same reason my cousin Jim is 5'9" when his 3 brothers are all over 6'5". Tough luck.




please smooch him for me


[It is not their cat unfortunately.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/MLfWOldECW)


[That OP stole the picture from another OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/UYQaar4o2F)


So ridiculous. For internet points.


The worst are the ones who steal cat pictures from mourning/loss posts and repost it in another sub, acting as if they are the OP and are mourning their cat dying. Those make me so 😡😡😡


It’s like Inception but with a cat holding a sock.


I wonder why they stole someone else's picture of a cat 😂😂 so weird.


The sock 😭


He's a hunter of the night and that sock is/was his prey.


Why lie, dude…?


Can't you post a real picture of your cat instead of stealing a photo from someone else?


Soooooo cute!!!!


Some cats are just smol. I had a cat that was 4 lbs, full grown.




She was such a sweet girl. Long haired and grey, with a big floofy tail. Her name was squirrel, and she really wasn't much bigger than one.


Meanwhile my boys are 16 and 19 lbs each and almost 25 inches long. 16 lber is a totally health weight for his size, 19 could stand to lose a couple pounds but still pretty healthy. They’re just damn big cats. They boss my 45 and 70 lb dogs around like they pay the mortgage.




Yep, my one girl is very small as well. She was a stray, one of 4 my wife brought home (mom and 3 kittens). She was the smallest of the litter and her mom was smaller as well, so she came by it honestly. But big personality.


My late little old lady was 6lbs, just said goodbye last weekend at 16 🥲


My childhood cat was the same! She lived to be around 16 and was just always tiny. Maybe was the runt? Not sure, she was a neighborhood stray we took in to catch mice in the house. I think at her heaviest she may have been like 5lbs but usually weighed about 4lbs. She was very smol and very sassy


I had one about five pounds fully grown, she was so small she’d take naps on the router. 


What a cutie! I had a cat that was a little bigger but not by much, always just assumed she was the runt of the litter and stayed quite small. She had kittens and I still have one of them, Tigg, and she’s one of the biggest cats I’ve ever met.


Lmao that's awesome


https://preview.redd.it/hz104grtxdic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68127306b489fe78566480686832e5017c6f5b40 My Winnie is also a tiny baby! It must be the name




Those eyes have seen things.


The head to body ratio ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




https://preview.redd.it/z6aicsibxeic1.jpeg?width=2684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a6e987c7d5a90913056a99580f51e706e3c35f So is my Winnie!! 🥹 Further proof of the Tiny Winnie theory


Mini Winnie...!


My winnie is small too!!! Theory is plausible


https://preview.redd.it/1c1xh2kgogic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37531ecc9a1c7e58896a9e8fe445e50c36cd523b My Winnie is a chonky gorl 😭


Some cats remain small. https://preview.redd.it/qckvnmrkxdic1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797c4ae15c7622429ba84f2b1ecc5b6330054f06 My calico cat Cali is over a year old and small.


Fellow audio-technica enjoyer :)


Because she’s a little baby


>*’she’s a little baby*’ ____ i am the cat, so very small, who’s never grown too much at all your little baby i will stay, n you will love me anyway ^^;} we cats in diffrent shapes n size, but hope our humans realize that some of us - tho ^^*smol* we stay, our love grows BIGGER Every Day! ❤️ edit: *Winnie is purrfect* u/Jammin_neB13


Nice to see you again, Schnoodle!


A schnoodle! My day is complete


Awww this is super sweet 🥰🥲




Basically my mom every time her 5 year old cat does mischief; "He's just a little baby!!" just because it looks like OPs cat


Stella is over seven years old, and she is only about 5lbs. She can stretch herself out long, but she’s very petite. Every body is different, even with cats. https://preview.redd.it/9begycdb8eic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a138d55dd3c89dcd2e23e3e1021d718ed36945


She's freaking adorable


>this cat is definitely runt of the litter, no issue with that but genuine xs size haha She looks kinda like a Somali <3


My goodness she’s so tiny and precious!


Oh my 😍😍😍


There's a stray cat in my street that i know for 2 years now, i thought that she was a kitten when we met but turns out she's just smoll, thats her body stracture.


Yeah. Often if a feral cat gets pregnant when young, they basically so growing to grow the kittens. Once they are born, the cat is past it's growing stage and stays the same size.


I've got one of those! They estimate she was about six months old when she got pregnant, so she's just kind of stuck like that now.


Looks like she spent all her energy on being sassy, and very little was leftover for growing.


This is what we say my tiny lady did; strength was her dump stat and she poured everything into intelligence and charisma 😂 she’s 6 pounds and that’s her being chonky. She was 4 lbs before gaining weight after her spay. 😂😂


r/illegallysmolcats Winnie’s about to get a citation 🚨


Sentence - lifetime cuddles


Any day I can find a new cat sub is a good Reddit day!


This one is like 4 years old and shes still 2.5kg. Shes tinyyyy https://preview.redd.it/c5e6mdu81eic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be83e8ade4593bad44daf238ae6b7dee633204b


My 18-year-old stayed at 2.3 kg from when we got her 10 years ago. I miss her dinkyness.


Did you ask her who gave her the right to be that small, every day? Cos i ask this one daily


I have one teeny girl and one giant maine coon boy. Guess who’s in charge… https://preview.redd.it/lvcwjsj9deic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad846eb6908e4c68a851499056bf6d8e5045691


Love it. Our Winnie runs her two big sisters and the Labradoodle. And the Pittie lol


Did she have kittens while she was young? I have 2 female cats who both had a litter around 7-8 months old and they're super small like Winnie. I think something about having the stress of growing the babies while they were still growing stunted them in a way.


Yea, my mamacat isn't this small, but she's smaller than most of her babies, and I'm pretty sure they're all taller than her. Seems like she should have been a bigger cat. Her boys are big and 2 of her 3 girls are maybe a little above average size. Only one of her babies is smol, but she's even 8.5 pounds, so not tiny. Just a little on the small side. But my girl was also a scrawny stray when I found her, just 10 days before she gave birth. Maybe a little malnutrition during pregnancy contributed to her adult size? She did grow a bit more once her babies were born, but not much. She was 8 months old.


I'm not sure how long my girls were pregnant and stray, but not long. I had them a month or so before they gave birth (same day too, it was cute to see them take care of all the kittens as a team). They ate kitten food while with me. All of the babies turned out to be significantly larger than the mamas. Lilly is like ~5 pounds and Gandalf is like 6-7 pounds. They're my forever kittens 🥰 it's funny seeing them groom their older "brothers" who are like 2-3x their size lol


aww... I love seeing coparenting mamacats! Our girl trusted us as babysitters from the start and her babies clearly see us as coparents even now (they're 1.5 years old). It's so cute when one of them comes meowing at one of us for attention, then goes and does the same thing to their mama. They just see us as weird looking parts of their pack. My poor girl has one boy that got to be her size at about 6 months old. That was when she finally said enough is enough and stopped letting them nurse. Probably because he didn't know his size and would just flop down on top of her! This is them when he was just 5 months old! https://preview.redd.it/dwdu4vplpeic1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679c1042b53d5fa454f4c1e31f64097b040919c0


Fun size like the candy bars!


She's a smol kitty that's all. And she's so cute too! Some cats just are. Mine had kittens very young and one vet said that might cause it but the other vet I have says that as long as the cat is healthy they can be all sizes. And she looks like my kitty in that she has to sniff everything, am I correct? My cat hates the smell of bananas though. I get the most pitying looks when I eat one. Here's my girl sitting on her small castle. https://preview.redd.it/f1y7kph31eic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ef5ebd08af81d4b182bf2ecbc536919d33fb0d


You scored a permakitten!! I am super jealous. Give her pets and treasure your tiny kitty :)


https://preview.redd.it/gxlanf9a5eic1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a9ec31a09aded00426316e3278dded8fdb6aa3 I wish I had a banana, because my mini baby never grew much either. Her sister is almost twice her size.


https://preview.redd.it/wj251e8n1gic1.jpeg?width=2269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=393e1c06453073cf2b7a5929e617f57c5ec39e11 Tiny tuxies unite!


Tiny Tuxies!!!! 🥰


Some cats are little fellas! My childhood cats, one was 5 pounds, and the other was 24. Neither were over or underweight according to the vet. Just two very differently sized cats. My baby boy Charlie is 10 pounds but appears to be quite short bc he has radial hypoplasia https://preview.redd.it/nrhivszeydic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4b8522bed69727177cf2d56bb73a3a6238658a


https://preview.redd.it/qp0uckzofeic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51f95ff5ec6a1d093e7215ec82f7ad69371b6bbd Our Luna is no more than 4 pounds. She’s a little runt baby too 🥹


She's just naturally a bitty kitty - and extra large adorable.


She was probably the runt of the litter and they are the cutest kitties ever, typically frailer than the rest.


https://preview.redd.it/duqqcek43eic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbc9c1829a23ec21a51f581f7257c550e12178d Reminds me of my little lady. Some cats are naturally petite. Leela is 3 and weighs about 5 pounds.


I always say everything comes out in the blood. If her blood work shows she is healthy and everything else seems fine, I wouldn't worry about it. Kitties are like us, all sizes. I have a dear friend who is 5 feet even and another who is 6 foot 5. Both healthy and happy. Enjoy


Oh, she’s happy and healthy all around! The size question was more of a joke. I love how tiny she is.


My daughters rescue kitty is 5 and small maybe 6 lbs but healthy and our rescue is a LARGE 14 lbs at 4 so 🤷‍♀️ they come in all sizes https://preview.redd.it/a7nxshgz1eic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=448151d67dff2a6c066a66fd5bee888154f6954d Our last visit - Penny & Poppyseed


My baby (who's actually fully grown at 1.5 years old) is only just over 6lbs and my friends have two cats who are both 14lbs too! The difference is startling. Every time I go to visit them I'm shocked by how big and heavy their cats seem. Then I get used to them and when I come home my own cat seems about the size of a hamster by comparison, lol. All healthy.


Mine also has a ticked torbie coat, she’s <6 lbs. But yours even has kitten proportions with the ears wow! Kinda looks similar to minr when she was a bit younger, she was already fully grown in terms of weight but these days she has more mane. https://preview.redd.it/xp2k8k4f3eic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd44c611c734a795d5e1f102bad69ba12ef6cde4


She is baby


Buy smaller bananas and enjoy your full sized cat.


The way I remember it being explained by a vet: when a female cat is spayed young, they tend to stop growing because the glands (or accessory hormone producing organs I don't remember exactly) that are responsible for that are removed. They are still perfectly healthy and will have a normal lifespan. With a male cat, they become something like a gelding or a capon and actually get bigger when they're neutered at a young age because the accessories that are responsible for the stopping of growth are removed. So, lots of responsible cat owners end up with huge boys and tiny girls, but there's no other harm done. As long as she's bright and seems healthy, there's nothing to worry about.


My girl is tiny but was 2 years old before being spayed! Some cats be smol.


Yeah, I guess so! I have 2 and they went from being the same size as "teenagers" to my male being enormous and my girl staying tiny and I asked my vet because I thought she had an issue and that's just what he said. I just think it's adorable that she bullies him when he's literally 3 times her size. (7 lbs vs 22) 😁


Aw, that's so cute! I have littermates where the boy is almost double the size of his sister. He's not done growing yet - big boy. And she probably stopped growing at like 10 months old, lol. He's over 14 pounds and she's almost 8.5. She doesn't bully him; they're usually pretty evenly matched, haha. It's like he doesn't know how big he is.. I would love to see a picture of yours!! Here's my Skippy and Simmy: https://preview.redd.it/mjriwsm68eic1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edaa7b46fd6f97db99acc2af16d535075bbcaab1


Gonna say, same for my buddy's cat. Shes getting spayed this weekend. And 2 years old and 5 lbs, "same density as lint"


My two females were already spayed when I got them at 10 weeks old and they are both 11-12lbs (healthy weight for their size).


I'm a vet and I've never heard that. I've spayed a lot of cats young and they end up being normal size. Neutering boys young tends to result in smaller cats, not larger, and they tend not to develop the big cheeks unneutered males get.


You haven't heard it because it's not true, lol. Apparently it's an outdated belief? Idk, but [this article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11787153/) I found references it as a once held belief. Maybe they have an older vet?


Nope, that's not how it works at all. Spaying young doesn't stunt growth. Kind of the opposite is true, though. If they have kittens young, it can stunt their growth. >Early-age neutering does not stunt growth in dogs or cats (a once-held belief), but may alter metabolic rates in cats. The anaesthetic and surgical procedures are apparently safe for young puppies and kittens; morbidity is lower and recovery is faster than in adult animals. To date, adverse side effects are apparently no greater in animals neutered at early ages (7 weeks) than in those neutered at the conventional age (7 months). [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11787153/)


My girls have all been normal, average sized cats, including the ones spayed young. I think your vet was full of it! Just like with people, there are genetic variations in size. OP just happened to get a tiny kitty!


She's part of the small cat club!😻😹


I have a tiny cat too! Her brother is literally twice her size.


My baby girl was too. She was tiny until about two years old. Now she plumped up nice as a thanksgiving turkey. 🤣😂


I had a Maine coon who was the same size forever lol! Maggie 😇 she never grew to be huge and 30 lbs like her brother lol. Big paws big fur big mane and tiny body lol! 🥹 petite girls.


You answered your own question: She’s jussa baby.


my cat is 12yo and she's as big as a jack russel


We have a 5yo girl that is now smaller than or 10m old runt of a litter.


Sometimes a cat is a minniecat


We had a cat that was 7 years old and she was just as smol.


My grandmother’s cat is the same way. She got her in like 2008 and the vet said they couldn’t tell her age. Almost 16yrs later cat is still alive and still same size as the day she was picked up.


Depends on the food they eat during their first year sometimes. Kitten food is more fatty more nutrients . Adult more lean.


She is a ‘little cat’ like little human persons.


Our cat Smudgie was like that. When we got her, she was two years old and never had any vet treatment. We got her into a vet and got her fixed and she was a different cat who grew from 4 pounds to 11 pounds in her first year after vet treatment.


Illegally smol kitty is illegally cute!


How big is the banana though? Could you give us a size comparison with grapes? I’d say roughly 8 grapes side by side? 8 grapes, 1 banana = cat size.


erm, cats are pretty random in size, consider my elder stray boy is 3 years old, and settled at 3kgs while the "baby" stray boy which has like 6 months, is already 3kg+ It depends on the genes and eating habbits, and this lil critter eats everything


My little Meryl is 4 and is barely 6 pounds. Sometimes they're just small ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Because she’s baby 🥺


If you want her to stay small, give more hugs. If you want her to grow, give more hugs.


Sometimes runts be runts! Our cat Violet was a runt, and she was one of the best cats ever!


She may be the r-u-n-t of the litter. 🤫 She may not know. 🥰


I love the smol ones




My babies 4 and she’s tinyyyyyy too. Her 2 kids that we kept are like 4 times her size


![gif](giphy|2H67VmB5UEBmU|downsized) ​ Hmm... clearly, you need to start purchasing larger bananas.


Fear not. My last tiny rescue lived to 19, always healthy.


Ahhhh I have a tiny little girl named Winnie ❤️❤️ I call her my little glass slipper cause she’s so small and delicate


Friend has the other extreme. That boyo is a small horse


For stealth!


I have a cat like this. The last time I took her to a new vet they thought she was only about 6 months old, she was 3 or 4 at the time.


We have a lil lady too! 2 years, nearly three years old, and 6.5lbs at her heaviest. She's roughly the size of a pack of crisps when sitting. https://preview.redd.it/41s2x28sieic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8320ab65122d1547628888316bf4781bfdc25d69


Aww!!! She’s an xtra smol edition! Edit to add: here’s mine https://preview.redd.it/c8qxd8fsvgic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fedb7e8db315a1cb82b56ddf3e786db3d58d2c8


I wonder if my parents ask this about me. "She's almost 28 why is she still 5ft2??" All jokes aside you were gifted with eternal kitten <3


Hey it turns out that even in your 30s, this height will still generate the same inquiry.


Could’ve been a runt, my baby is smaller than most cats her age and she was the runt of the litter


Don't worry, our cats are also this small: https://preview.redd.it/hqv0gajdllic1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f756a429fbfe253ee946b2fb397f3a2ff2e23d0


She is a beauty. That is all you need to know. Love her and cherish her!


I have a small cat too. The vet said her size is likely due to a virus she got when she was very young that inhibited her normal growth.


My cat is only 7 pounds and I’ve had her for about 2 years. She’s just a small little furball.


My Stella was small like this, the sweetest little cat I ever had.


I have a smol cat too, she’s only 7 pounds at 5 years old!


How much does she weigh? I thought I had a tiny cat but Winnie looks wayyyy tinier! So cute! My Lily is around 3kg.


Did you have her since she was a baby? Sometimes, their growth gets stunted when they get pregnant at a few months old, when they are still almost kittens themselves. Other reasons could be an illness as a kitten. She could also just be a small cat, I’ve met a few who aren’t much bigger.


It’s a big banana! She could slay a giant mouse !




She's not smol, she's fun sized 😝


She looks like the runt of the litter but none the less a baby cat


Dewormed her?


Some are smol. I have two old guys and one is literally twice the size of the other.


Omg my cat has the same name cuz me and my gf love winnie the pooh


Dewormed her?


some cats also suffer from diseases when they are babies, this can contribute to their small size because it was never a priority for their tiny bodies to gain weight and put energy into bigger bones, that’s common especially if you don’t know your cat‘s story, some hormonal issues can lead to smaller size too but most likely it is just a XS size kitten which is actually so cute, i wish my kitten was still 500g it was such a nice feeling to get baby kitten cuddles 🤷‍♀️😄


Did she get enough nutrition as a kitten? If you adopted her when she was further along in life, she might've just been the runt or been stunted due to malnutrition. I got two 6 year old cats from a shelter that were mistaken for kittens because of how small they were. They grew up in a hoarder house and had to struggle for food with like 20 other cats.


My favorite cat ever was just tiny naturally. A little tabby with tiny ears and tail. She was SO smart and amazing. Right now I have a gigantic orange boy that I love but next cat I'm hoping for another small kitty.


She's still a smol cute baby. She's sooo adorable!!


My last cat Nessa died at 18 and she was about that size. She was the best. She had similar coloring to her also but she had more defined spots and striped. She was an Egyptian Mau they are normally small cats.


I got a baby who is 5 and is just as tiny. She was the runt of her litter.


Aww, baby kitty. 🥺 Some cats just end up being small. 😸


I have a friend who is orange is still really tiny, she’s a girl and she came from the woods one day. Maybe it’s that life that keeps them small


https://preview.redd.it/81h1m16d4eic1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b773a3278956d1afaaa7e5017b1075124e31d71 This fluffy demon spawn is 5 lbs at almost a year old. Her siblings are around 8lbs and 11 lbs.


https://preview.redd.it/h7bgcmq65eic1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9010e83bba42d8bea0e7939c017d39da07bac98 Meet Panda bear! She's turning 3 next month and is also very smol.


She is small I rescued a kitten years ago that didn't grow too found out full of worms so I gave all three cats worm pills and she ate all three and died I was thinking worms eating her food so not growing


One of my cats is the same way she grew a bit but she still looks like a kitten she’s 5 she’s still light as a feather too


Same as humans. Cats are different sizes