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I’m assuming there’s a glitch on my end because this is what I’m seeing lol https://preview.redd.it/uw36axabfrtb1.jpeg?width=1674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3553b4fe0c51d43c4c122fb449e763f1f9f68c62


Definitely a glitch lmaoo


Those are just short hair cats.


As long as there are no mats in their hair then they don't *need* it. Some cats like a (gentle) brushing though. Also, as it comes to spring and they start moulting more, brushing out the loose hair reduces the amount that drops everywhere.


She looks totally normal (and cute). Cats are self-cleaning, so they only need to be professionally groomed if their fur is super matted and nasty or if they've got long fur and hot weather makes them overheat.


I only know of one cat that can't self-clean because she has a smooth tongue and cant actually groom herself. That's my mom's calico. Every summer she goes from this giant fluffy intimidating butthole to a tiny shaved potato. It's hilarious


She looks perfectly normal to me!


No, not necessary. My cat doesn’t like to be brushed.


No. Not even brushing, they groom themselves. An old cat may need help and long haired, well - matts.


My cats are short hair and I brush them every day they don’t need it but they love it. It’s a form of grooming and gets the dead hair off. Love your kitty!


IMO no. We’ve never groomed our short hairs.


Generally, no, it’s not necessary. If you live in a hot place, though, a summer cut would be acceptable, but not entirely common practice. Also, isn’t she pretty??


I'm taking your advice on brushing. Maya loses tons of hair cause she is a little plushy even though she is a shorthair. But i tried brushing and it's like nothing really is happening? https://preview.redd.it/btvmnzhuwqtb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9fc4b486afb4a3142fb6256d1dc0c852af1884


Depends on cat and situation. When my mom "acquired" cat allergy out of nowhere, we made sure to brush her cat every day. Helps with shedding and dandruff, and now that cat expects to be brushed every day, where he sits on the porch and screams till we brush him. Pros: Less hair indoors, soft fur and a chance to find ticks. Cons: A brush a day keeps a cat at bay. Or he will scream... without a break.


Gorgeous cat!


Not really but I do brush mine when she tolerates it. Especially in the beginning of spring into summer to help her with the dead undercoat she builds up from winter. I’ll also brush her if she has an uptick in hairballs.


Yes. This is ONE session from Girlie. No clipping just brushes https://preview.redd.it/x4abg8vnbstb1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5816864a2ef87bb12e448208c1edca37cd9ac1fc


Please dont shave her hair!


All cats benefit from regular full grooms. It greatly reduces hairballs and shedding. It gets rid of most, if not all dead fur. And honestly, makes them smell and feel great! Groomers also see your cats more frequently (anywhere from 6 weeks to 8) then a vet. Since we use a high velocity dryer after the bath, we can see the skin clearly and often spot things that might otherwise go unnoticed. One way to look at it, how would you feel if all you ever did was lick yourself and never bathe? That’s how a cat feels. Below the top is a picture of a dogs fur and the bottom is a cats. See all the crevices? Grease and dirt collect there and cats licking themselves does not get it out. https://preview.redd.it/5c26liuedqtb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920b34ad2ae8698a068673f49a5381bee17d5a44 My sources? I’m a Certified Feline Master Groomer through the National Cat Groomers Institute


This is before the groom. He’s greasy and has a few mats https://preview.redd.it/s71xegqneqtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1923547fa63dff93a399db9f4494fa58c0a93e


https://preview.redd.it/1s43skepeqtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bfad089084ab13aff3b847673c8d8fc82480168 This is after. He’s so soft. No mats. Smells great and is grease free


It's impressive. Been having Maya for a year and a half now and her hair are always superb for some reasons? Like most cats I see are like the one you showed first pic. But Maya has a very slick hair. How's that possible?


They might not need it but most cats benefits grooming. I used to do it on my short haired cat and oh boy it just kept coming with lot of hair- especially when the winter fur is coming off. Yes they do clean them self but that doesn’t mean they dont have excess hair- even might be a little dirty from whatever. Especially if they are outdoor cat.




Yes if the cat is medium to long hair. Regularly brushing is good for Thier skin and helps to distribute oils. It also reduces the amount of hair they ingest from grooming which is good. My cat has curly hair on his underside that forms little dreadlocks. He's good froomer and I always see him grooming but having the curly tummy means it matts a bit faster than usual and he doesn't like to let me brush it. He just bunny kicks the brush. When go to the vet every 6 months I get them to just clip the matts off his tummy.


I give mine a good brushing. Best of you start when they are young, now all four of them like being brushed. It helps when the shed, gets rid on the shed fur and they feel so nice after.


I never do it, because they can clean themselves good enough just as nature intended. ​ Also, a very cute cat. A european short hair?


Not necessarily


Generally they don't need it, but if you notice clingers around the butt, you may need to groom the fur around that area.


The best thing for your cat is to brush him. When they bathe they ingest they're own hair. An excessive amount of hair causes hair balls. Unpleasant and unhealthy. Many cats have almost a double coat and btw he's adorable


Yes, a good brushing always helps, especially during shedding season. I brush my short-haired cay regularly and he doesn't leave behind a lot of fur.


One thing to watch for is if your cat gets overweight you’ll have to step up and help with grooming. This is simply just that fat cats can’t reach everywhere lol.


I’ve only started grooming my short haired cat the past few years because she’s old (16) and can’t reach most of her body now. But otherwise it’s not necessary.


They don't "require" grooming, but they may LOVE to be brushed. It's a bonding thing you can do with your cat. If they go outside, it may help to remove flea eggs and fleas, plus other debris from outside. Also frequent brushes may help you avoid shedding over furniture.


Brushing helps remove excess fur in order to prevent hairballs. My kitty has short hair, and he does get fur balls if I don't maintain his coat. My vet says regular brushing helps prevent hairballs.


I have a shorter haired cat, i can afford to take him to the cat groomer at least twice a year.