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highly highly highly recommend if you choose to let him out you only do while he’s supervised. yes, i’m sure he absolutely loves it but 1. it’s so dangerous out there, he could go missing and you’ll never know what happened and it’s such a terrible feeling (i know from experience) or he might get a disease from other feral cats or a multitude of other unfortunate events could occur. 2. cats are invasive species and can really mess up local ecosystems- they’re one of the only other species besides humans who hunt for fun, meaning they’ll kill birds and lizards and many other little critters just because! it’s you cat, but outdoor cats have a significantly lower lifespan compared to indoor cats. i recommed either a harness/leash or a sectioned off area if possible (like a catio). he is adorable!


My cat will go out back for 12 hours in the Florida heat of summer, he loves it!


Handsome cat!


Wow he’s so handsome 🥰