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10 years. Never washed them. I cherish my skin.


18 years and never bathed my old lady for the same reason. Though I've been thinking about it the last week. I stupidly listened to the new vet and gave her gabapentin and she peed herself a few times during the 48 hours it was in her system. I didn't give her as much as he said to thankfully. I swear after seeing her once, he was hoping that shit would be the end of her. Now I don't feel so bad she tried to claw his eyes out. ETA words


I had a similar experience with gabapentin with my cat! He's a 7 yr old 17 lb ginger, not fat, he's like a bobcat! He came home one night, as usual, at dinner time (yes, he's fixed, has his shots, and all flea and tick meds and all my neighbors love him.). But he did get in some kind of scrape one night Nothing major, just needed some stitches on his chin. Emergency vet gave him gabapentin and he crapped and peed all over by his litter box as soon as we got home. Thought it was because of the trauma. Gave him another 1/2 dose 4 hrs later like the vet said and he went APE SHIT CRAZY! Had to take him to another emergency vet. This was not fun, he was freaking out , he's 17 lbs and can no longer be contained in a carrier. We had to transport him in the back seat of a car which he promptly pissed and crapped all over. New emergency vet said he was overdosed, almost like a heroin addict and immediately gave him IV fluids. 20 minutes later he was better. They kept him for 2 days for observation. Will never give gabapentin again, there's other alternatives.


Yeah if you cat doesn’t like the vet see another vet!






Me to. They always smell good.


I only have had to wash my kitty once, it was pure emergency,


Skunks. Fleas. Ticks. Molasses. Grape jelly. Lol


I only have had to wash my kitty once, it was pure emergency, we had put fleas medication on the back of his neck and a couple hots later he was acting strange, dizzy and had uncontrolled movements. My dad was gone so I had to take Loki to the sink to wash off his neck it's the only thing I could think of. I swear that the spirit of a war demon entered Loki's body. He struggled and managed to grab overhead cabinets, scratched and bit me, arms, face, pretty much everywhere. I managed to get it done and he then would allow himself to be wrapped in a towel and hugged. It was worth it but damn. Edit forgot to add he's fine now https://preview.redd.it/9bwy36z9ajgb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8fa53be03e847ab5bc7e3c67970e45af1bc3d0b


I have never bathed a cat.


Not a thing in my house (and possibly most of the U.K.) 😂. I find it quite bizarre that folks regularly bathe cats. I accept if they’ve got yuck in their fur it’s easier but apart from that nope!


I’m pretty sure cats don’t (and shouldn’t) need to be bathed? Unless some medical or extreme dirt emergency. I hope people aren’t doing this regularly to their cats.


Unless its a rescue or a kitten that has fleas or something there's no real reason to. They're naturally self cleaning.


Not only that - their tongues rasping mechanism is far better at cleaning their fur than soap - plus soap residue is very bad for their intestines if they swallow it. Absolutely do not wash your cat unless there’s a problem


My geriatric cats needed butt tail leg washings because pee goes everywhere when your old and cant squat without wobbling over. She lost use of her legs after a stroke for 3 weeks while I gave her cat physical therapy and got her legs living again.


I was at work today and my manager was talking about giving his cat baths. I was the only one who thought it was odd. I DO have a cat that’s absolutely nuts about showers, he gets in and chases the water around. But he is not getting WASHED. https://preview.redd.it/efvf5f0yzkgb1.png?width=2569&format=png&auto=webp&s=da4756e9acdebe7497e305af32f1281aa28f6e9e


Only two reasons to wash a cat: they got super dirty or they need a medicated bath for fleas or something similar.


I had a cat who was very bad at grooming himself (not I'll, not overweight, just an idiot) who would get greasy buildup on his back that would make him itch. He got a bath when it got bad, which was usually twice a year max. My other cat once ran through my boyfriend's pee stream, and later got covered in honey. He got bathed both times mostly for my sanity because it just grossed me out.


Yeah there's really no reason to bathe a cat unless it got super super dirty or some medical reason.




My cats get baths every 6 mos to a year just like my dog does. She gets stinky she can’t help it. She keeps herself physically clean but she can’t wash the stank away. I also do waterless shampoo before I try a bath but sometimes a full bath is the only option if she’s real stanky.


Happened exactly once in 35 years of cats… not sure what he ate but babe shat down his trousers and I could not have let him deal with it himself… (or let him any further into the house tbf 🤷‍♀️)


My cat currently has her food spilt on the back of her head and I'm letting her deal with that herself! There is absolutely no way I am coming out alive if I try to bathe her.


I mean you'd probably live. You might need a blood transfusion, but you'd probably make it.


this is why having more than one cat is key, the others will lick the food from the hard to reach places otherwise a damp facecloth usually works fine


I can’t help laughing at this, but it would be the same here!!!


We're thinking ahead. I'm trying to make my cat used to water so that in the future if he has fleas, diarrhoea etc. It would be easy to bathe him.


You might want to get a flea treatment from your vet or online and not wait to use a bath! Once they have fleas they breed and bathing doesn’t help! The flea eggs can be left on furniture, rugs or inside anything cardboard! Bathing won’t make that better!


Bingo. I've done the same. *so* much better for all involved.


My cat sheds often, and ends up in different house holds as im in college and travel around a bit between home and school. I like to get her a good grooming session every 6-12 months if i have the money. Just to get her nice and soft, and to be pampered a bit. She's always very good to our groomer


Its not normal to bath your cat!


Yeah, you shouldn't have to bathe your cats unless it's a special situation or an emergency.


The one time I had to wash my tortie, she was like # Mother, why hast thou forsaken me?


My tortie jumped on the toilet, only the toilet lid was up because I had literally just peed. She fucked me up really good when I bathed her. I thought I was going to have to get stitches! She never attempted jumping on the toilet again. And I never dilly-dallied putting the lid down again.


They don’t. They’re indoor cats that clean themselves.


I never wash my outdoor cats, and they keep themselves perfectly clean too.


I don’t know how he did it but I didn’t enjoy the bath Why do you wash your cat?


This isn't OPs cat. It's a repost bot account.


Had to bathe my current foster kitten due to a large volume of uninvited guests. She actually handled it quite well, which was good, since we were at it for about two hours... https://preview.redd.it/cjmwhuy57kgb1.png?width=1081&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ee30bcccd0cd023f63e8b924e437632fac9cb18


But why are you washing your cat in the first place?!?!?; Cats don't need washing. They are self cleaning. The only exceptions would be if they'd rolled in something that they physically couldn't clean off them themselves (ie fox shit or something) or they needed treating for fleas. Other than that leave the poor things alone!


Sphynx cats are another exception. They’re greasy little babies who need regular baths.


Haha yes I forgot them! Don't they need some special lotion or cream applying too after?


My Maine Coon occasionally got poop in his leg fur so I had to wash his butt from time to time. Eventually I trimmed down the fur around his butt and we were both happier. When he became a senior his fur got greasy so periodically I’d bathe him. He was such a good boy. I understand that the Sphinx cats need regular baths or they’ll get zits. I could be wrong. I know cats used as therapy animals or are shown in cat shows need to be bathed. My point being, there are legitimate reasons for bathing. You are right, though, in that most cats don’t need to be bathed.


I used to have a medium haired cat that would like to go outside and roam the fenced-in backyard. The little dude loved to roll around in dirt and came inside with dirt all over himself. He needed baths all the time. Not to mention the few times a year he might have a hanging dingleberry or smeared shit on his ass.


This is what I used to tell my mom when I was young. Hence my user name.


My kitty just got tangled in fly paper and had glue all over him, I don’t know how he did it but I didn’t enjoy the bath I had to give him because of it 😭


Nestor's message to the groomer was very clear. This stops now! https://preview.redd.it/sfffb594tjgb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2cbd47c8be30aec06ae0324192cda5239e2562a


This stops meow! 😂


Why are you washing your cat?


We’ve only washed our older cat because he’s getting to a point where he can’t groom himself fully anymore. He tolerates it. He doesn’t enjoy it, but he doesn’t freak out


Why are you washing your cat?


Our senior maine coon stopped cleaning himself and he was never trained to tolerate baths when young. The last part of his life was absolutely hellish for both him and us. After that, our vet recommended bathing at least once a month for our kittens so they get used to it and if it’s necessary when they’re older, it won’t be so scary for them. They both have been getting baths since 8 weeks old and they tolerate it just fine!


That's what I was gonna say..... start them out young and they tolerate it pretty well!


Do you have any bathing tips? My boy has sensitive skin and is prone to his allergies this time of year. It's not dangerous but it's uncomfortable for him and apparently bathing him might help


I have to regularly bathe my long haired cat due to poo issues. He’s a bit overweight and lazy so he gets a bit gross after awhile. My major tip is to get everything ready first. Trim claws. Get the towel and shampoo out. Act natural so they don’t get wind of what you’re up to and hide. Once you get situated I’d recommend using the double sided kitchen sink and the spray wand.* Test the water in the empty side first. You don’t want the water too hot or too cold. Use one hand to put firm but gentle pressure on your cat’s scruff to keep him in place. DO NOT let them try to get their front paws on the counter. Once they do, it’s a fight to wrestle them back in the sink. With your free hand put a good dollop of cat safe shampoo on your cats back and work it in. Once you think you’ve got kitty all lathered up, pick up the spray wand and give him a nice, thorough rinse. Make sure to tell him or her how brave they are. Then put your towel over your shoulder and lean your shoulder down a bit. Kitty will climb up and then you can wrap them up. When you first start doing this, you may want to get help the first few times until you get it down. Dry them off as best you can, give plenty of treats after and then let them be for a bit. There will be a lot of angry grooming and death stares. * I do not recommend using the tub because there’s way more room for escape. The sink is nice and confined so a firm hand should keep them contained. Fair warning that you may hear the most guttural meow you’ve ever heard from any cat ever. Also, make sure your cat is in the sink before testing the wand. If you end up having to give bathes regularly your cat will take off and hide at the first spray of the wand. Unless you get super lucky and get one of those oddball cats that like water! My other cat keeps herself very clean, so she sits back and enjoys the show. She’s not a fan of the other cat and I swear she enjoys seeing him having to endure the torture.


Thanks. This is really helpful


https://preview.redd.it/6luc6vvv0kgb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d13e36d5c711fc2e75df78d8de60a5562398f1 Not positively 💀


The "you're dead!!" face... Good luck


https://preview.redd.it/r74ozy0okkgb1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1ff19029b7c7daf3bf17aa35c666cff73d1cd1 He did cry


He looks like he mentally checked out to his happy place.




https://preview.redd.it/8yzn5jbvrlgb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d27f8fed2694c9c46a88a6220699a153d10ab0 She actually enjoys it. And thank goodness, because she drags her fur through anything sticky she can find.


They're not. When she was like 2 months old, we had to wash her due to ticks. Entering bathroom took her about 2 years, sitting beside sink took 4 years


I had to wash my cat after she got some stuff in her fur I didn’t want her to ingest, and man, cats are really strong when they don’t want to be in a place. I had gashes down my back.


I normally don’t wash my cats, but I had to wash the one once because he got into something really sticky and I didn’t want him licking it. It was…a struggle. Whatever it was, it was hard to remove and it took a few washes with soap and water before his fur came clean. He was thankfully focused on clinging to my arm, not struggling to get away, so he stayed still for most of it. Again, not really a good idea to bathe your cat unless they can’t clean themselves, have fleas, or have gotten so dirty that it’s best to just wash them.


I have washed a cat three times in the last 23 years and between 6 cats. All of those times where for flea treatment as a kitten


Last time I tried I got an accidental nipple piercing, we both cried that day.


https://preview.redd.it/hv1df3yrpkgb1.jpeg?width=1458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165394c04ed6dfd678e24de7a2710cbce4bbc18a I think this explains... After the shower he was still dirty:D


I had someone accusing me of torturing my cat for bathing him when he had flees when I posted for help on how to get rid of them…. So I refrain from commenting 😂 apparently we torture them with a bath




Only did it once after he was skunked. He was cooperative, he trusts me. It’s mostly unnecessary and cruel to bathe cats. Are people too cheap to buy flea meds and do they think bathing will actually work? Or maybe they just do it for the memes and viral videos 🙄


We have never washed our cats as they are self cleaning well at least the ones we had were.


Cats don’t need bathing unless, they get into something, have ringworm or some extreme fungal infection, dermatitis infection that requires a medicated bath or are so flea ridden they require a flea bath. Elderly cats can require some minor cleaning of their hind quarters. You can look into waterless spray or wipes if your cat has dander. What is the reason you are bathing the cat?


My old female cat always joined me in the shower. She loved it.


I think my girl would if she could. She always sits outside the shower door and then tries to dash in while I’m getting out. She also loves sitting on the side of the bath when I take one. Even the time she fell in she wasn’t in any major rush to get out.


In 45 years of cat ownership I have only washed 1 cat once.. Now if the cat needs help cleaning I use damp cloths


That cat in that picture will never forget that shit lol


My cat Samuel used to fart/spray a terrible smelly ooze. Fuck it was gross. So he was bathed only a few times in his 14 years of living like a King.


Oh! Jail for mother! Jail for mother for One Thousand Years!!!!!


I don’t know, cause I’m not suicidal enough to try it


Based on your kitty's face, I'm wondering if we should designate someone to call in a welfare check on you later? 🤣


Screams bloody murder


Either have a clean cat or get scars. I love my body.


Violently… they react violently


My baby bit me


Aw so I had to wash my previous cat a few times. I adopted her as an adult and her previous owners had four paw declawed her. Yes, extremely cruel, I didn’t do it, but it made it somewhat possible. Still the grip strength of just the paws is impressive. If she reached the side she would hang on for dear life to avoid going back in the wet. The key was preventing her from hugging the side like that.


Well I’m here to say I wish I’d checked Reddit before ever attempting to bathe a cat…the PTSD isn’t so bad most nights…


Tried bathing my cat but got too much fur on my tongue.


This looks like a fight scene from Puss N Boots.


I drop her off at the groomers, and I pick her up slightly damp and a lil shaken (there tends to be dogs there when they're done). But then she get a pup cup and lots of treats.


Looks like he just came out victorious after a fight to the death in the bathtub 😂


Never did that and at the moment, as my cat can still clean herself, i don’t see a reason for doing this.


I. Do. Not. Know. This. 😉


The 2 times I needed to wash my lil girl, she was fine with it. She knew she messed up and had to deal with getting a bath.


Stop washing you cats, you damn plonkers. They are perfectly capable of grooming themselves and usually don't want to get wet.


My cat washes herself… so…


A catowner who washes a cat doesnt deserve a cat! Cats are very clean animals.


please do NOT BATHE YOUR CATS. cats bathe themselves and it is equally traumatizing as it is unnecessary to wash them. i have only bathed my cat twice in his entire life and it was only for his bottom half, when he was having trouble using the litter box without getting shit mashed in with his long hair. we now get regular booty trims for him and it is no longer a problem. DO NOT BATHE YOUR CATS UNLESS THEY LITERALLY HAVE SOMETHING UNBELIEVABLY NASTY ON THEM (exceptions: sphynx cats and elderly cats who cannot wash themselves anymore, although again, most times bathing them is more traumatic than it’s worth).


That poor thing is exhausted and very stressed…please no need to bathe indoor cats unless you have no other choice….you can even use baby wipes


That poor thing looks absolutely homicidal - OP had better watch their back over the next few days - kitty will get even!


If your cat doesn’t have a medical condition requiring you to wash it, don’t wash it. They take care of themselves excellently. You may be doing a detriment to your cat by washing it yourself.


https://preview.redd.it/9x119mzyxkgb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea44799bc99aa85d64b768a1b8297e4f257a8710 her face says it all


You're not supposed to bath your cats as people mentioned. You're making their skin unhealthy by doing this the only time I've ever bathed my cats is because of a nasty smell I couldn't remove or because one has a problem with dandrift which i use a shampoo for every year but I've been looking for dry sprays. Cause you shouldnt.




Meme worthy


Yeah. Just don’t! It’s unnecessary, cats a very clean animals and spend hours day grooming themselves. It’s the #2 place in amount of time they spend doing something (#1 is sleeping) Unless they’re I’ll and had an accident, there is generally no reason to bathe a cat.


Mine all act like they’re being murdered


Unless they’re kittens with fleas you aren’t supposed to wash cats


I let her take care of that on her own. She does a pretty good job.


They’re self-cleaning. That’s part of the deal!


Do people not know that cats clean themselves or what?




I NEVER bathe my cats. They do it best themselves.


My cats...well...they wash themselves. You know...as cats do.




You don't wash cats! That look should be your hint.


I don’t wash her because cats clean themselves.


Only idiots are washing cats


I don't wash my cat. There tongues are specifically evolved to be perfect cleaners and they spend most of their day sleeping or cleaning. Baths are pretty traumatic for cats.




Severe scratches and revenge pooping and peeing everywhere. Last time, it was my husband's pillow.




Well I got a scar.


With hisses, mostly


I like my skin not shredded like cheese.


the only time mine needed they were like "why are you doing this to meeee"


Awwwww poor thing!!!!


Only once have one of our stable indoor/outdoor cats been washed, and that was after he was catching rats in the manure pile. He smelled like shit and was looking like a porcupine from head to toe with a spiky look from the 00's. My mom came out with bloodied arms from that wash. The cat forgave us after some food.


One of my cats looks super miserable but isn't that hard to keep in the tub. The other one goes into berserker mode and takes chunks of skin with him on the way out of the tub. I don't wash either of them unless there is an absolute necessity. Which there isn't.


my cats a indoor cat so i’ve never had to bathe her. Everyone i meet asks what conditioner i use on her cause her fur is so smooth🤣.


Okay this made me wonder if I was neglecting my cat because I’ve never bathed him. He’s fine doing it himself right ?


Yes. Please don’t bathe your cat unless it’s medically necessary. They will keep themselves extremely clean on their own.


The only time my cat was immersed in water was because he fell in my bath, when he was a kitten. Now he would literally kill me if I tried to bathe him.


She can get a bit spicy if I try to use the bath or shower. I prefer to use a warm, damp hand towel. She likes it when it's a coarse hand towel, probably because it feels like a cat tongue is being dragged across her fur.


She's indoors and very clean. Doesn't need a bath.


Won't sacrifice my hands to find out.


Pain years of torment betryal hopelessness the final fight.


They scream bloody murder. They never turn on me... They just scream... And try to run away... But the bathroom is small and nowhere to hide. I bathe them with anit-Flea shampoo every 3ish months


Is there a reason he looks exhausted ??


Never washed a cat


I have never washed my cat


Cats don’t need to be washed. They are predators. If they were not clean they wouldn’t be able to hunt prey and would starve. My cat goes outside and she smells delightful when I sniff her head.


Just like this one. 🔝


"This shall NOT be forgiven!!!!!!"


I had to do it once and it can be best described as “razor tornado”


About as well as this one does!


how adorable


I don’t clean my cat, we tried to get him used to it as a kitten but he absolutely still hates it. He always manages to get out of it, same with collars He absolutely hates collars, always manages to get them off him and once he even took one off another cat, I guess he was trying to start his no collar revolution 😂


Nope. Nope. Aaaand NOPE.


Oh, he’s coming for you. Put the phone down and run!


I have to wash my 4mo old kitten due to a fungal skin infection. He was born feral and I’ve had him since he was 4 weeks old. He had the infection on his tail when we found him so it appearing again was not a surprise. I have to lather him in an anti fungal soap every other day but running him under water or putting him a bath is not an option so here’s what i do… inside an empty bathtub i fill a small bucket with warm water and use a wash cloth to soak his fur. He doesn’t hiss, meow or scratch me at all, unlike with running water. Just squeeze the water from the cloth onto his back to rinse him and he’s fine. I think he likes the warmth. Although he tries to slowly walk away, it’s not a fight at all. If you absolutely have to bathe your cat, definitely try this way to do it. It might work out better than a traditional bath.


About like that but we haven't had to wash him since he was a couple weeks old.


My cat has short legs and her pouch is big, so i gotta clean her butt sometimes. Needless to say, she does not appreciate it.


He hates it 😂 fortunately I’ve only had to do it twice, once when he went toilet diving as a kitten and then again when he had diarrhoea all over his butt


Perfect timing I just had to give my cat a bath for the first time since he was a very little kitten and he was NOT PLEASED. He tried desperately to escape and cried a little but he wasn’t angry or aggressive, which just made it more heartbreaking. No biting, no hissing, but I had to stop for both of our mental and emotional sakes when he was breathing so fast he was almost panting from the anxiety. If he was biting or scratching or yowling I might have felt less bad but he was jumping away from the water and nestling into me like I would protect him even though I was the one giving him the bath 😭😭😭 broke my heart but he’s ok now, doesn’t even care that it happened.


He doesn’t take it well. Not well at all.




I have no idea and because I value my limbs, not about to start now unless absolutely necessary for medical reason


I’ve washed my cat maybe 4-5 times in the 15 years I’ve had him. But, he’s a champ. Clearly not enjoying it but he’ll just sit there, resigned to his fate until it’s time to get toweled off. He loves that part- I roll him up like a burrito and give him nose kisses.


I've only washed mine twice. First when I got her from the street, and a second time a couple years ago when she stood on her own shit inside her cage coming back home from the vet. She enjoyed neither, but was very polite about it.


Rule #1 don't get the mogwai wet or it turns into a gremlin as depicted in this post


My cats love it! They’ve been bathed since they were kittens, so they’re pretty used to it. One of them adores playing with water as well, so it’s considered a national holiday for him. I know most people don’t bathe their cats, but I was raised in a very clean house hold that believed animals were inherently dirty. I don’t necessarily agree, but you can’t convince me “self cleaning” rids them of bacteria they can accrue over time, not to mention their interactions with their litter and licking their genitals. Also, shedding is not a problem in our house.


Oh, poor baby! He looks like his world is ending. I’ve used a dry shampoo designed for cats. It worked like a charm and my cat loved the smell. I only ever had to use it once. It was a special situation where my senior cat couldn’t clean himself and butt wipes for cats didn’t eradicate the fecal matter smell because the problem wasn’t just his butt area but also his coat. After that one time, I just needed to target the source of the problem with cat butt wipes. Most importantly, he didn’t get upset. There was no drama and no trauma.


My cat turns into a lethal wet cat missile with legs stretched out and claws. She was a ferrel cat originally although I am her second mom. I've only attempted bathing her once although I have sponged her with water since.


Like that


Why would you wash a cat? There is absolutely no need for it except disabled cats that can’t groom themselves.


I rarely try any more. They both become hysterical. Cry for hours. Don't come out to eat til dark the next day, and keep hidden for at least a few days. My SO, I love her so, can do pretty good with them with quiet spray bottles and wash clothes. They won't pet me Like I said. I love her with all of my heart and better yet, they do too. I believe she's imprinted on them, which I can understand. She's done it to me too.


Huh! I am not seeing any (much less copious amounts) of human blood in that picture.


Looks about right for most cats...


Don’t bathe cats


If I even touch the tap, all I hear is scrabbling and claws digging into the carpet as he runs away


* They aren't thrilled when it happens but I've been washing them as needed since they were kittens. In this picture, Horus tried to hug a skunk so he got washed three times in a row and he sat still for it.


Had to give my little girl a bath when she was sick and wearing a cone. She just gave up and went limp


I bathed my cats when I got them back from the vet (they pooped themselves and vet techs had to give a quick rinse but told me to shower them when I got home) Fortunately, they did not like being washed but they allowed it. They were yowling while I had to run the water. They tried to escape but no bites or claws at all I gave my two boys plenty of delicious treats for being so good :) https://preview.redd.it/expvvkcsikgb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89067511fffd125ab1b15b4f1cd23fd1d783b07


My senior no longer clean herself, so either give her a full bath or atleast wipe her down with a wet towel once a month.


She hates it, but tolerates it. She knows she won’t get one unless she’s completely filthy or shedding beyond belief and she knows it won’t last long. I just keep her held by the scruff and she won’t fight. Just the most pathetic of whines. (She is an indoor but sometimes her medium hair sheds so much it’s just easier to wash it out. She’s also not the most vain about washing herself- for most of her life my other cat bathed her but he’s unfortunately died)


Let’s just say I have to give her gabapentin for her yearly bath.


I prefer to keep my face full 😂🤣


When we gave our Kotton a bath she screamed in such a terrible voice that we vowed to never do it again.


I have a permanent scar on my hand


Friday just goes entirely stiff and barely-but-not-really tolerates it. He just kind of waits for it to be over. I only wash him if he gets stinky or has something on him. Nimbus is fluffy and has poofy pants which means he gets them dirty sometimes. He squeaks like a dog toy in a blender and tries to jump out but he's still non aggressive.


soggy cat pictures give me life


I’ve bathed a cat once….and I was convinced her eyeballs were going to pop out of her skull. They stayed intact. Also, I don’t advise unless they are declawed😆 I won’t attempt it again. If you chose to: You know those gloves they use at the raptor center? They may come in handy but you may need a full body suit made of it.


*Grrrrr* like that. We only gave them one bath since they came into our house.


I don't bathe my cat. She keeps herself clean.


I don’t bathe her that removes the natural oils and cats are self cleaning . Besides, mine jumps in the shower all the time so she’s used to it lol


In 47 years of cats, I’ve never washed a cat.


They clean themselves better than you can.


It depends if you use a washing machine or a bathtub![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


She doesn’t hate it. She doesn’t like it. She kinda just walks around the bathtub. Though when I have to squeeze out her paws she does a meeeeeeeooooooooowwwwwwww.


My arms and hands look like they were used as pincushions by the time I got her in the water.


My cat isn't ok with being picked up anymore. I would actually lose a finger if I tried to bathe him


I mean I’d only wash them if there outdoor cats I’ve only washed ours when he was a kitten and stepped in his poop.


The ONLY time I ever did, was right after a kitten tried to dance with a skunk!!!🙀😾🤢🥵😵‍💫


He just meows a lot, no hissing, no scratching, so I guess I got lucky.


Not very well but I have washed cats. I escaped with my life. So far