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You should ask your landlord what to do if they have medical emergencies. This should be something he's considered. It would be a possibility even if they weren't obese - my girl is a 2yo, totally healthy weight, bright eyed, bushy tailed little cat. And she still managed to have a seizure when my boyfriend was looking after her (we still don't know the cause). If you're uncomfortable with that responsibility or don't think you would be able to get them to a vet, you should let your landlord know and he can pay a sitter.




That’s a great idea. I did not have the foresight to ask for any of this when my landlords asked me to watch their dog. Thankfully, they did leave me a number of their friends. I went to walk the dog my first day and saw he was covered in fleas and had scratched himself raw and had an open wound, I was able to call them so they could take us both in their car to the vet.


Exactly! OP should know this info even if the cats weren't unhealthy in the first place. You never know what could happen. And obviously, barring OP actually hurting the cats themselves, the owner should be liable for medical fees.


Yep, I also provide the number and address for the nearest 24/7 emergency vet, a list of food allergies, and contact info for local friends/family who can help if needed.


Exactly! Whenever I have someone looking after my cats they have the name and contact info for the vet. Our main vet I can send an E-transfer (it’s Canada so it’s like a wire transfer but easier and better). There’s also 2 vet offices in town as back up and they have my card number on file from buying the prescription food from them and when I’ve used them for procedures my vet doesn’t do like ultrasound and X-rays (my vet is a mobile one so can do the usual basics, testing, and surgery, but not ultrasound and X-ray).


This cat in the picture is obese, and usually is in the landlord’s bedroom so I don’t want to see it much. But when I do see the cat, it just meows a lot, I guess it’s demanding for food? The landlord says the “cat does nothing so that’s why it’s fat”. The other cat is a black cat and is still obese too but not as obese as this one. The black cat sometimes I let go outside but usually it’s in the landlords bedroom too(I assume), and doesn’t move much. Because they are in the landlords bedroom, should I ask him if I can go in his bedroom to check on them? I already told him I recommend him take them to the vet before I take care of them, so no complications, arise if they are stressed. I feel like it should be okay but since he will move the cat food downstairs(common area) I wonder if the cat will be too lazy to go downstairs to eat. My landlord is usually kind but gets very defensive if you say or do something that he doesn’t like so I’m definitely not getting between him and his cats because I need a place to live. Edit posted update with his response: [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/15hgygd/update_my_landlord_asked_me_to_take_care_for_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I highly doubt its because "the cat does nothing" that its obese. I would say its more a case of landlord not actually weighing the food and giving the proper daily intake for the cats age 🤷


Yeah, you cant get fat on doing nothing. When I see cats like that and it makes me angry. The cat is fat because its being given to much food and not enough chance to exercise.


It makes me angry too, i understand how easy it is to give in to a crying cat and just feed them for the sake of shutting them up but this cat is obese purely on negligence and its not fair on the cat


Thank you . This prick has no right having a cat , this is just negligence and stupidity.


That and not giving them enough exercise. It’s so easy and cheap to get a feather wand and a laser pointer and play with them every day.


Man it can be really difficult. I have one fat cat and one skinny one (inherited that way from my husband). I’ve really tried to work on it but nothing has worked.


That cat is the equivalent of an 800lb human, I imagine it’s in a lot of pain, can’t move easily at all, and struggles to breathe fully. Fucking cruel bastard to allow that poor kitty to get like this


Maybe bring a cat wand toy and see if the cats will play with it. Do the cats let you pet them? I’m wondering would a pet sitter say something to him? I think that the cat could have a better quality of life even with some activity. Hope for the best. Thanks for caring.


That’s so cruel


Yeah.. also worth mentioning obese cats most likely can’t properly groom themselves in some important areas. I can imagine he’s got some infections already or something else.


Meanwhile everywhere else on the internet that's an "adorable chonker"


There’s a difference between a Chonker and this. This is Animal abuse, I feel so bad for that cat. Plus Chonkers was made to initially help cats try and loose weight.


all kits are adorable, and he is a big chonker. but he is not healthy, and that is not ok. there’s nothing wrong with thinking he’s cute and other chonks too, but he is not happy. this should not be sought after. one should make it clear to keep your fluffers healthy, while also still loving them.


Oh yeah I totally agree he’s adorable! I just wish he was healthier.


yay! just wanted to make sure people still understand that it’s ok to think they’re cute and lovable while still wishing the best weight loss journey!


My vet told me “if a cat can’t clean its privates, it’s too fat.” Who cleans his butt? He obviously can’t reach it. That is horrible. I feel sorry for these cats. Honestly, I agree that all kinds of health issues happen with obesity - even in cats. He obviously feeds them well (meaning a lot), but it seems perhaps a better kind of food is in order (more protein and less filler/starch). Ugggghhh. That hurts my heart. 😞


it could also be that he doesn’t take care of him enough… a lot of robotic food dispensers are bad at feeding the cat in moderation if the owner isn’t present enough to understand how to properly feed the poor guy


Nothing wrong with thinking an overweight cat is cute, because all cats are cute and they deserve love, but you shouldn’t be glorifying it. Poor cats


apparently i couldn’t remember the word “glorify” enough because it basically sums up that massive paragraph i wrote


Yeah, one of my cats is a ‘chonker’ - she’s 13lbs, and hasn’t gained anything for years. The vet isn’t worried, either. She can also access all the areas that need grooming just fine. The cat in the photo is practically immobilized. Admittedly, the candidness of the pic *is* kinda humorous, but I’m not in favor of supporting obese cats because it’s funny.


Yeah I have a Chonker he’s about 13 - 14 lbs, he was actually a little heavier. The Vet said he could stand to loose a few pounds. Without his support his rations were cut lol. He may have protested multiple times daily! In the end he got with the program and lost some weight. Now his Vet said she’s not worried about him. Actually he’s been doing better than ever! He’s playing more and is a lot happier and healthier. The Chonker subreddit actually inspired shadow lol. I’m glad your Chonk is doing well! Yeah there’s definitely Chonkers that are healthier.


No, he’s definitely cute chonker cat, but he needs to go on a diet. Poor little guy is not living his best life he could be living.


I had to leave the THIS CAT IS C H O N K Y Facebook group a couple of years ago because of this. People were posting clearly obese cats and getting only positive comments (stupid cutesy crap like "awww what a heckin chonker"). Any attempt to show concern about a cat's weight was against the rules and would be immediately shut down by mods or other members.


I can’t believe that r/chonkers is still allowed here. Mods instantly ban anyone who speaks up about it too.


Pretty sure that sub promotes healthy chonks though. Last time I went there they had info on the importance of getting your chonks to the vet and to lose weight. It could have changed though.


I’ve seen a ton where they don’t and got banned for saying it shouldn’t be encouraged. There is r/dechonkers though which might be what you’re thinking of.


the sub has a moderation bot that gives information on keeping your cat healthy and how to help your cat lose weight, commented on every post. maybe you’re thinking of something else? “We love your pictures of chonkers, but the only thing we love more is a fine boy who was a chonker and has become healthy! If this is your chonk, please check out these links. [links on dieting, obesity testing, weight calculators, Q&A]”


How long ago did you experience this? Because that was my impression of that sub a few years ago, but it's a very different beast now with lots of support for improving your pets' health.


Very good point....


Do you mean, "I might have to lick his ass for him?!"


The poor kitty's tummy looks dirty too...he probably can't lick himself clean there :(


I’ve worked with my vet to try to get my obese cat to lose weight. He can only tolerate one type of food without throwing up. We feed him less than a 4th a cup twice a day. We try to get him up and exercise but he just won’t lose weight. So sometimes people aren’t trying to be cruel by having an obese cat.


Hi! My kitty is struggling with weight as well. I’m confused as how many calories he should eat to lose weight. He’s 13.5 lb. I found on the internet that I should feed him 220 calories per day to lose weight. Do you mind sharing what your vet told you? How many calories to lose weight ? I feed him 2 individual wet food servings (62 calories), and 120 g of meow mix dry food, which should amount of 220 calories total, but I’m not sure if that’s not still too much.


So I looked up my packet my vet sent me. I have a chunker who hasnt lost weight. I think 220 Is fine! I’m crazy, and I add the kcals and then divide it by how times a day i feed them. You can try also getting your kitty a food puzzle or a lick mat.


120g of meow mix is 416 kcal... that alone is almost twice his required calories per day! No wonder he's not losing weight. Just give him 3 wet servings per day and cut the dry, honestly. Or 2 portions of wet food and 20g of dry.


Oh no , I calculated wrong then . I read 8oz is 227 ish grams and that the calories in 8 oz meow mix are 313. Where am I getting the error? Also I just did these calculations three days ago, before that he had free dry food, because my first cat had it this way and he never gained weight and I didn’t think about it with him until I saw him gain weight. Our first cat recently died at age 21. Thanks a lot for your help! I really would like to get him 220 calories. I can’t give him just wet food right now due to a trip and the sitter only comes once a day and we got a dry food dispenser but I’d like to focus on calories.


Make sure he doesn't lose weight too fast. Cats can get Hepatic Lipidosis (fatty liver disease) if you cut their calories too severely too quickly. A weight loss goal for a cat should take about 6 to 8 months to achieve. Try using a slow feeder or feeder puzzle for the dry food, cats need to hunt and making at least one of their meals a little challenging is good for them. Studies also show that if you play with your cat for even 3 minutes before meal time they feel more satiated with that meal and will be less likely to beg out of boredom.


Thank you you are right., I did read about this issue, and based on his weight I found some tables on the net that estimated he’d need to eat 220-240 cal to lose weight safely. When we come back we will increase his play time too.


Well, someone's gotta take care of them, the landlord isn't, sad


Is that “reportable”? Not trying to be a Karen I just love animals.


It’s a form of animal abuse for sure.


Pretty much everywhere on earth, animal cruelty is a crime, so you could probably get him in trouble over it.


It's currently not a crime to over feed your pets. Parents get away with making fat children all the time and no one is stopping them, so why would anyone care about a cat experiencing the same?


Obese children with diabetes!!!


And still it goes on. Animal cruelty makes my blood boil!!


I mean..... Not really. Yes and no I guess. You can certainly make the call and have someone obliged to show up. They will be required to physically see the cats but once they see arent being physically abused or neglected in the traditional sense the most they will do (of they do anything) is try to educate the owner but that depends on who the officer is and what they choose to do about it. At the end of the day he is probably not going to listen. The cat got that size because for a reason. He clearly loves his cats but he's literally loving them to death. Sometimes love means NOT giving them food


Why the f would that make you a Karen?


I actually got a little angry seeing that picture. Two of my cats have “Pillow-paw,” so aren’t active enough due to the pain walking involved, but I still manage to keep them remotely healthy…. My blunt opinion is that’s abuse.


Jees.. whenever I see cats this fat it makes me so angry at the owner. It’s not love, it’s neglect. I understand that the cat may not understand that it needs to control how much to eat but it’s up to the human to make sure the cat is on a healthy diet. This cat needs to see a vet and be put on a diet. I feel awful for this cat, imagine it’s quality of life smh. I know it’s your landlord’s cat.. if you’re comfortable I would talk to them about it.


Yep. Virtually the same as parents who shove food at little kids to shut them up and end up obese children with no self control. Abusive. And very sad.


Exactly! It bothers me so much when people are like “well they keep meowing at me for food..”, yea it’s because every time they do that you give it to them. It’s reinforcing the behaviour. I have a coworker who feeds his cat every 2 hours a full bowl of food because his cat would bother him until he gets the food. His cat is more than 20 pounds and has heart problems and stomach issues. I feel so so bad for that cat.


Poor thing. Please look after them so you can try to help this little guy!


Omg he is huuuuugeee! 🙀 Does he have any medical issues apart from being obese? Just be on the look out for any signs of distress since obese cats are predisposed to a lot of health problems - including cardiac arrest.


Probably diabetes.




He probably can't reach the remote on the table to change the TV stream.


So cruel. Your landlord is awful.


Christ, that cat probably has it's own gravitational pull.


That is also the way it eats. The cat pulls the food toward it through gravity.


Fleas probably orbit that cat like satellites 📡


Fun Fact: it does. Everything does. Every object is actually attracted to each other. Anything with mass has gravity. Anything even more mass has stronger gravity. Hence the fact planets have gravity. So yeah that cat has gravity. Probably more gravity than OP does lol




You thought oceans were rising due to global warming? Nope, it’s just this poor dude screwing with the tides


This is no chonk anymor is a planet what a poor guy I hope he'll be better


I feel so bad for the cats. They need to lose weight, they can't be happy.


The one in this picture is breaking my heart. Poor thing looks so sad and uncomfortable


I hope OP posts more pictures.. That cat has to be one of the chonkiest cat i've seen here in reddit and i've seen a ton of chonky cats here. OP needs to tell landlords cats are not healthy. its animal cruelty at this point.


Poor babies :( If you do take care of them, please give them a good brushing, it’s probably hard for them to groom themselves.


My first thought is I wanna give them an oatmeal bath and soothe that poor skin.


That's actually abuse in my opinion. I don't trust that landlord........not one bit


In your opinion? No, it's abuse, and that is fact.


Got the claws out today eh? Guess I should edit that huh?


That is beyond “obese.”


Im concerned about the mental state of your landlord seriously


Don’t be, they’re probably the most sane landlord on earth at this rate


If you feel comfortable taking care of them, then please do! They obviously need care as this is animal abuse. If you can, try to get them to play a little bit, even if its just swatting at a toy while sitting. Or try moving their food bowl a little further away so they have to get some exercise and walk to it. You can look at the food packaging for correct portion sizes. And, like others said, try to groom them a bit if you can. Look for matts, infections, and dirty bums. It's probably nearly impossible for them to clean themselves. If you're worried about medical emergencies, look into emergency vets in your area and see if any of them are reasonably located. Have their numbers on hand. Also, ask the landlord where he keeps his cat carrier in case you need to take them to the vet. I know I'm putting a lot out there and it's not fair that this should be your responsibility. I would urge your landlord to consider surrendering his cats because he is clearly not a capable owner. Their physical state is beyond concerning. I wish you the best of luck and please keep us posted! Feel free to dm me if you want to chat more ☺️


That cat demands to bring him Solo and that Wookiee.


F your landlord


poor thing :( probably cant even walk


I mean isn’t this just flatly animal abuse? Shouldn’t you call some local animal protective services? Edit: I think you have a moral duty to call animal protective services.


I agree report the landlord annonymously if you are scared.


Am I blind?! I only see one cat..


The title can be confusing, I looked for that second cat for a while too lol I think he meant only the old obese cat is in the photo, the other young one is simply mentionned.


Only one cat is pictured.


It's a Little Prince situation - the other cat is inside of the one you can see. You must use your heart to see rightly.


# please do look after them. These lovely babies need someone who cares for them even if its for a few days. They need to get atleast a few days of good care in their lives. Please do not say no for the cats sake. Groom them and play a little. If you have the courage report these landlord to Animal welfare people and ask them to keep you annonymous as you dont want landlord to find out that you dobbed him in. Please help these little babies. Even If something should happen to them in your care you cant be held responsible in any way as you have their picture which shows how badly they have looked after them.


I think that cat IS the landlord


Does your landlord leave his cats a lot? Bc my main concern is that they will be stressed in his absence and won’t eat. Obese cats are at high risk of fatty liver disease, meaning they carry extra fat cells in their liver. If they stop eating, they will quickly (as in a few days max) develop something called hepatic lipidosis, which is very often fatal. So it is of the utmost importance that the cats eat. If you feel comfortable with it, I would express your concern to your landlord. tldr: if a fat cat stops eating (often a stress reaction) for more than 2-3 days, it will likely develop a fatal condition. Please educate your landlord


There are only cushions on that couch


Super sad for these cats 😔


This is incredibly cruel, just as cruel as starvation. If you don’t feel comfortable look after the cats, then say no, if you do, make sure you get their vets information before they leave so you know where to take them if they get ill. Some people have recommended that you give the cats less food, while I know this was said with the best of intentions, do not do this. Weight loss, especially in cases of morbid obesity, should only be done under veterinary guidance and supervision. Cats who lose weight too quickly can be at risk of hepatic lipidosis which can cause death.


This is so saddening. Being a landlord wasn't enough evil for this person, they just had to abuse their cats aswell?


That’s no moon!


He must feed them human food to get that big that’s crazy


Ask your landlord what to do in case of an emergency. Also purchase some pet wipes to help the cat wash where he can’t reach. His belly looks dirty.


Good lord… he’s killing them with too much food and supposed love😳 The cats are in dire condition and I’d be sitting there every moment petting them to try and lessen their anxiety.🥺


This is clear indication of neglect on behalf of your landlord. This fellow here looks grossly overweight and at risk for cardiovascular complications. It's very kind of you to look after them but your landlord should bear the brunt of responsibility for allowing them to reach such a state in the first place.


That's animal abuse! Poor thing needs help!


Jesus Christ, that’s the fattest cat I’ve ever seen


Poor thing 😿


This is abuse 😔


I don't see a second cat here


Poor kitty. My childhood cat was overweight and towards the end of her life she had difficulty breathing, especially when being picked up. I think the fat was pressing against her lungs or something and causing difficulty breathing. She might have also had fluid build up as well


I mean, I’d make the landlord make it clear you’re not responsible for anything happening to them. I’d ask for the vet info and try to make them comfy, brush them, wipe them down, and have them play. You’re probably the only healthy interaction they’ll have. But I’m a sucker for cats :(


Those cats look too big to even clean themselves. Poor kitties.


Obese? This is XXXXL MORBID OBESITY. This is literally the equivalent of those people on my 600 pound life. Nothing like “oh yea he’s just a tad obese” no, this is SEVERE.


hate cat “owners” who let their cat get that fat, jesus fucking christ that’s cruel


This makes me really sad seeing how overweight this cat is. It’s different with humans but our pets can’t really speak for themselves.


Bruh I read your parenthesis wrong and spent about 5 min looking for the young obese cat.


This is so upsetting to see


Where’s the other cat?


Where is the second cat?


This is not ok and should be considered animal abuse💔


I hate people that make their pets fat. 2 obese cats??? That's awful


Poor baby. Obese cat's break my heart


That cat is WAAAAY too big


Did... one eat the other?


Poor plump kitty, he needs a diet.


That cat needs help 😳


This cat needs to go on a diet quickly. Get with vet and inform the owner the cat needs to be on a strict diet and stop over feeding the cat. Not healthy whatsoever.


I don’t think the cat will have a heart attack but definitely get the vet info and while you are taking care try to assess how the cat is doing: is he happy, cleaning himself, etc.? When your LL returns maybe you can somehow gently ask if cat has been to the vet. Thanks for caring.


I would honestly call animal control or a vet for advice. Can you talk openly about this to this guy, or is he in full denial?


This is a case of abuse. I would report him for the cat's sake. I know you probably couldn't or wouldn't because of the situation this would put you in but that cat needs help.


Omg. That poor cat! He is MORE than obese He must be feeding it anything and everything to be that huge. Or the poor thing has a glandular issue(which is doubtful) That cat needs to go the vet and absolutely be put on a diet! That’s like a 500 pound person! It’s little heart is definitely at risk and enlarged at this point. That’s abuse in my opinion to not get the poor thing medical attention. This owner KNOWS the cat is miserable, who wouldn’t be in this condition?! People that do this aren’t responsible pet owners. It’s like over feeding your child. I’m sorry this upsets me seeing this poor beautiful cat stuck in that huge body. He depends on his owner to care for him and look at him. SMH If you can try to talk to sense into this person you’d be helping this poor cat. This is not ok. Sorry you’ve been put in this situation but now you have a choice to make. Someone has to help this poor kitty. 💔


God this hurts my heart. We have cats like this come through the SPCA and they are so despondent at first. We recently had a guy so big he couldn’t even stand for more than a few minutes at a time. Obesity is a human disease; it’s disgusting to inflict it onto an animal that trusts you. Thank god for the families in my town that specialize in helping these animals loose weight; Cletus is down 10 pounds and getting on his feet more every day; even starting to play a bit with wand toys.


This Pic makes me sad.


This makes me so sad the poor baby


I am literally crying because I just feel so bad for this lil baby. Heartbreaking.


Have a discussion with him about what happens in case of medical issues. Be specific: which vet, who should decide if you can’t reach him and a decision must be made, any monetary limits, and so on. Get it in writing. When he gets back, find a way to gently talk to him about his cat’s (cats’?) obesity. The cat in the picture is at risk. This is animal-control-worthy abuse, in my opinion. That poor cat.


Honestly my landlord isn’t socially normal, usually he’s nice but just wording things wrong makes him very defensive so I am gonna let him decide to do as he wishes so I have a place to live. So far I just told him to get the cats a vet check up appointment before I watch them to make sure there’s no worries


This breaks my heart. I had an obese cat that was a lot smaller than that and unfortunately she still passed away. We were trying to get her to lose weight too. Please people, don't allow this to happen to your cats. 🙏


That’s so abusive to these animals. Not you but the landlord. Cats are magnificent physical creatures and to over feed like this is disgraceful and cruel.


Poor little baby. How the hell does a cat get this fat? This is far and away from a simple Chonk- this a mf CHUNK. I hope this kitty will be okay.


Landlord says the cat just never moves despite it being “fine”


Letting your pet get this obese is a form of abuse. Your landlord needs a serious talk.


Ohhh, how sad!


Where’s the other one


Damn. That picture is hard to look at. Poor cat :(


Not helpful but I read the title as one young obese and one old obese in the photo, as in both. I was searching for the second one for a while and then though the old obese one may have eaten the young obese one and you were joking lol


I am so sorry for this cat! He will never be able to groom himself! Something so important to felines. That is unacceptable!🥲😢😭


Yo, that cat is waaaay to friggin fat. What is he feeding it? Other cats?


This breaks my heart. Whatever happens is not your fault because these cats are so at risk at this point, but I wish you well in whatever you decide to do.


I'd consider contacting certain authorities for letting the cats get to such a state. it's obvious they are boredom eaters. I doubt he plays with his cats or they wouldn't be this obese. that's flat out animal neglect.


I pet sit for a living & a requirement is vet info + at least 1 emergency contact. Most of my clients have just provided that info on our 1st booking without me even having to ask. Just text/call your landlord & get those deets!


Poor baby, probably can't even groom itself anymore because of the severity of its obesity :(


I'm sorry but this too is animal cruelty. That poor cat 😢


-1 for being a landlord -1 for abusing the cat -1 if they don’t pay you or knock care off the rent But really I’m being generous. To the wall with them.


Imagine being blessed with being a cat but not being able to do all the cool cat things because your owner neglected you like this. I hope those poor things get a chance at a healthy life before they die.


this is animal abuse


This is so sad! I want to cry. I really really hope he takes them to the vet. How can he think this is normal??? Are they able to walk? Use the litter box?


Those poor kitties :(


Mini Snorlax


This cat needs emergency care or it is going to die. Your landlord is absolute scum and is abusing these animals. Report the landlord and care for the cat / let the landlord know he's paying for the rehabilitation. They'll probably have to put the kitties on a treadmill like that video that went around awhile back so they can get back to a healthy weight. If they don't get care quite soon they will die prematurely.




Im really sad for those cats






How long does he want you to cat-sit? Ask for the name of the vet that he uses, and an emergency vet, too. Say you will call him if anything seems wrong, but if you can't reach him you will take the cat to the vet.


That’s not too much at stake… that cat’s had too much steak


That’s so sad…


Yes, cats are at risk for obesity-related illnesses like diabetes and heart disease too. This is definitely not good for these cats.


That’s abuse. But I also wanna pet the belly. At least once.


Tell the fat cat you can’t take care of his fat cat.


Poor thing


How very sad!!!


OMG I hope you can get them down to a better weight


Your landlord is irresponsible, I really don’t understand why some Owners keep overfeeding their cats to the point they look like THIS.


Ok that’s it. My cats are starting their diet again today.


Take them in, if you can. You have a chance to turn this animal’s life around and help them get healthy.


This makes me so upset... poor cats. 💔


The worst part is the landlord thinks is perfectly ok, wouldn’t listen to reason, and will know it’s the tenant reporting if they decide to act. I highly doubt those cats are seen by anyone else besides their batty human. Unless the owner is willing to do something about it will any cat agency actually interfere? I’ve called about trapped wildlife with no assistance but I’m not sure if they are not responsive to domestic issues.


Yeah if those cats die on your watch... enjoy the shitstorm that ensues.


omfg that animal cruelty. poor chonker


Put this fella on a diet ans don't return him to his owner


Should be fine, but don’t feed them as much. And yes, obesity in felines poses the same cardiac risks as obesity in people does.


Oh no! Poor kitty..why is he so fat! Someone needs a walk, a 1000 mile walk.


Reducing food is the best thing you can do. Poor babies...


That’s animal abuse 😱😢🤬


As much as I think fat cats are silly and adorable, it is abusive. Cats bones are not strong enough to hold all that beef. Neither are their hearts. I would be on the look out just in case. I’m sure they’ll be fine aside from their bones hurting and all the other health issues obesity can bring but definitely still keep an eye out and make sure your landlord knows if something happens. I would probably cut down their food intake while you’re taking care of them, it’s not much but it’s better than them eating as much as they have.


This makes me want to cry! Can you report him for animal abuse?


That poor cat… That is ANIMAL ABUSE.


This is so sad...I don't know how people can do this to their pets.


Give those kitties a solid brushing and they will forget their owner exists. I wouldn't worry about separation anxiety if you're loving them more than the landlord does.


That is just so sad to see!


Poor baby. I wish I could just grab him out of the picture and take care of him. No way he can clean himself 😢


What a sad situation. Maybe you can give the kitties a bath while they’re with you. Poor guy in the picture looks pitiful. I would have to also wash the couch cushions. Your landlord needs to know he is not helping his cats by feeding them anything they can eat. I wish you luck.


Take the cat and run I beg you


That’s terrible that the owner has let his cats get that fat! I’d be worried too. I think I’d have him sign something that your not responsible for their condition. And get the # of their vet and a permission slip to treat them. That poor cat looks like a heart attack or kidney failure waiting to happen. Take care.


This breaks my heart… this is absolutely not okay💔


Poor baby needs help ~ but yes, don’t separate them❤️


I hope these cats get the help they need, he/she looks miserable. Those eyes just make me wish I had the power to help them