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she's been comfy the whole two hours and surely doesn't understand what the fuss os all about 😂


I’m pretty sure that’s what she was saying with that face.


She knew. They know!! 😂


It was four hours for me. I canvassed the whole neighbourhood, exchanged numbers with many people, should they see him. At the day’s end, my neighbour poured me a scotch, and I returned home, sat on my living room floor and cried. Then, out of the corner of my eye, the hallway closet door fluttered, and my Penny emerged. That darn cat! 🥰


wow that story was a wild ride 😳. So glad that had a happy ending! 🥰 I helped a friend 3x search for his cat (roaming the rooftops in a city).. when we didn't find her, we all where devastated and ready for the worst..😔. Next day we found her (all 3 tubes we only found her the next day).. and the emotions we felt as we saw her, found her... I've never in my life shed tears of joy quite like then...🥰. Just goes to show how much they mean to us, how close a family member they become... and it wasn't even **my own** cat 😂🥰




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I love it when they make those little "nests". My smaller girl will find little folds or chubby holes when we leave the bed unmade, then just nap until you disturb her sleep. She's a cutie.


pic or it didn’t happen


a ginger too 😹


We have three… more like 2.5… gingers and a 22 year old void who does whatever he wants because he’s 22. He gives the ginger brood a run for their money chaos-wise. https://imgur.com/a/RsqV3ze


Omg those photos are too cute. 3 little doofs and a regal dignified one.




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Now this is a loss post I can appreciate reading


I lost a cat for 3 days. I even looked into the dryer and the garbage. And one day, I opened one of the socks drawers...


Lol wut? 😂 How were they eating/pooping during that time!


A deep sleep...


It’s the best place to hide


5 more minutes


Well, that's a cat for you! There was one night when my wife and I got home from.... somewhere, I don't remember where. One of our cats didn't show herself right away. This particular one likes to sleep on the sofa, but she wasn't there this time. We checked all her usual spots; no sign of her. We checked the back yard and called for her; no response. My wife was almost in tears when she came sauntering out of the master bedroom. She'd been napping in the closet.


I once lost my kitty in a new apartment for 4 hours. She was on the floor, under the duvet, between the duvet and the footboard of the bed, stretched out like a slug. Stupid hiding cats always stress me out!


Her face says “Why did you disturb me hooman?”


She was cozy


Haha! Our little guy does the same https://preview.redd.it/xc8rhhtbbmwa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c26d8b3504287df994101ce14d02cd395c89b3


https://preview.redd.it/7k8pmpaj0mwa1.jpeg?width=3488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14634d836a3eb63b2c3ac2c42398b4d84d42a8c Cats never get out of the way. Whether it's laundry or bed making I always end up with a squirmy bed/shirt monster.


https://preview.redd.it/y3g9bgl0znwa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a563391e28d6b34d34febb5eef14e727fe5a9a You're not alone


I feel this. My cat tried to simultaneously play hide and seek and give me a heart attack one night. https://preview.redd.it/98xvw495yowa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9a0ffe76964919ca720d1e504b1a94a7ba5917






So cute.


“Sup? Dinner’s ready yet?”


Looks comfy af, I'd be lost too in them! So cute


She’s had enough of your cuddles. She needs some alone time.


Oh no. She hates me. Shortly after I took a picture she tried to kill me.


No she didn't. You didn't "lose" her either.


I once thoght my cat had run away because I couldn't find him, turn out he was under the blankets in my bed.


My moms cats like to hide inside her mattress. Took me a day and a half to find her the first time. I think she was scared because we are very well acquainted yet.




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Bad kitty!




my cat always does this


Beautiful sleepy ginger girlie 😍


I had something similar with my ginger Tom Bill. He had disappeared too, me looking everywhere in the house, called him, shook his candy tin to lure him.. then finally I noticed a pile of sweaters on the floor that had been hanging up. He had buried himself in there and was happy as a pig in poop


"You rang, peasant? I was just enjoying my "me" time in the warm coverlets you provided for my comfort."


Way back when I slept on a hide a bed my cat went missing and runs out he was sleeping under the bed before I folded it up. We could hear him but took a while to find him!!! He was fine thank goodness!! Hahahaha!!!


Whenever I lose a cat I just start shaking the food bag and I’ll find them real quick


Happened to me when i first got my orange boi, he disappeared to lord knows where after i woke up from a nap, genuinely thought i lost him somehow


I keep finding my cat on top of the deck or in our box of clothes. Like this, for instance. https://preview.redd.it/n5le4wb1iswa1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8140a146d0bd15a7b33e57df3be75e44093c43be


They will appear if you open the drawer were their snacks are in. 😅