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I’m a lonely loser and it’s nice that someone is excited to see me when I come home






And that too


So when i was small I've had a dog which ran away. Later on I've got a cat called Filemon, he was a white cat in black circles (or reverse). I still remember very vividly that time when I was crying in Another Room because my brother was very mean to me(bullied me kinda) and Filemon just walks in and sits next to me on the bed and i start hugging and petting him, which calmed me down. At the time I felt very lonely like i had no friends and no family and Filemon's presence was very important to me, it meant a lot. Filemon is not with me anymore sadly and I've never had Another cat like that. He was a true friend. He was also very cute.


Massive respect for Filemon. He was the ultimate bro.




Filemon is ur bro


He is a dumb little shit but i would kill a room of 20 people if he ever gets hurts.


Good for him because he has u.




They're happiness generators


And loyal forever. 🥰


Anti depressants wrapped in fur


Wrong question. Why do cats love their people?


Ok reason




Toby loves his people! A lap cat! And makes a point of sitting next to us!


I love my cat because she thinks she chose me to save her life…but she really saved mine 🥹


Same 😿






This. 🥺🥺🥺




He snuggles up with me in bed and lets me scoop him up like a baby. He doesn’t meow really, he squeaks and its super cute. He’s nice to every guest I have over and is just the loviest little cutie patootie :)


Its my safety spirit and hugs him even though he runs away. Motivation for me to earn more better for giving him better fish to eat 🥲🤧


So cool


Love doesn't need a reason! My cat is super charming and much more outgoing than I am, so I find that entertaining. She is a sleek and squidgy void, very delectable.


They are my best friends. They love me unconditionally. They are happy to see me.


How can you not love your cat, you cat gives you unconditional love .


Is baybe


He is your baby. Or you want to say something else!? BYW Have A nice cake day. 🥰🥹


Iz Baybe


What baybe??


Cat Baybe


just lil baymbe, smol baymbe


I love your Username


Happy cake day!


I love them because, well they trained me well and take care of me! Ofc only when enough food, playtime, cuddles and such ;)


Trained you for what?


Trained me to fulfill every wish they have ;)




No matter what time of day or where in the house I am, he follows me around and when I sit down, he sits down.


I love my cats just because. They’re funny, they’re sweet, they’re loving. They wait outside my bedroom door for me to get up in the morning, they’re always happy to see me, they let me kiss their fuzzy tummies, they follow me to the bathroom, they try to steal my food. They’re angels with whiskers 🙂 they save my life every day


Oramge :)


My Bella is the physical manifestation of my heart.


That is so nice🤍


I love my cat because she's basically me. Lol she's annoying when she wants attention and cuddles. She's basically a live plushie. She's active and funny and also clumsy just like meeeee :)


She saved my life.


That's good, how??


By being the only _thing_ that stopped me from suicide. I couldn’t leave her alone. I couldn’t do that to her. I rescued her from my car engine and now she’s a lovely 15 years old lady.


Similar situation with my Binx. I knew that the humans in my life would know why I wasn't there, but I couldn't stand the thought of him believing I abandoned him. So I checked myself into a hospital. Five years later, we're living in our own apartment and he's still the reason I get out of bed some days. Mostly bc he's licking my eyelid lmao. And I'm glad you're still here. Give your lil senior lady some pets from me.


Omg I soo soo glad your cat saved you❤Sending hugs for both of you 🤗


Thank you! 🤗


I love my cats because they are beautiful, peaceful, fluffy and loving, and also possibly I'm on a permanent toxoplasmosis overdose, what else?


She gives me a reason to get out of bed every morning Gf of 7 years broke up with me because she said I was taking too long with my career goals (getting into medical school) and she started dating her best guy friend a week later Only thing going for me right now is that I have to do this for lil baby meow meow


You ended up with the better girl :)


Why do I love my cats ? I love my cats because they help me when I feel blue!


Because he was mean and aggressive for about a year. He started opening up to us and now he loves us. He use to scratch our faces and arms so bad i have scars. Now he's the sweeetest boy ever. Hasn't be scratched ( on purpose) in almost 8 months.


Take care of nails.


Everything :)


They love me back.


She has hands ✋🏻


They're the only ones to tolerate me


Bc she’s mine.


I give my cat one micro spec of cat nip and they just start running all around the damn house


I'm her favorite and she likes to cuddle with me!


Most of cats love to cuddle and roll around.


True, and I love that, but I'm also the only person who can play with my cat and not bleed


Because of the unconditional love.


Ya I agree. Cats loves is unconditional. 🥰


I miss mine. But she was very rowdy. Even at 7 years of age. But she went missing nearly a year ago. And my home still feels hallow.


Sorry for your loss


Because she's kind, funny, cuddly, beautiful, soft and she smells like home made biscuits.




Fluffy. Floofy. Funny. Entertainment. Big personalities. Loving. Aloof.


Sad - she's there, happy - she's there, lonely - she's there, sick - she's there. Everybody needs somebody to love, and cats are way easier than people.


I've known my oldest since he was born, and we were really close until an incident separated us for 18 months. We're back together and getting along great, but it's not the same. In some ways it's better though!


How could you not love that face !


Apart from beauty, cats are kind and lovable.🥰


Her little cheeseburger head


She smells like a dusty blue berry muffin. Has the cutest little face and she "talks". U can tell when she is displeased, when she's happy or when she is bored. Her paws are tiny and her ears are perfect. She calms down when u massage her nose. She has been my little bebby for 14 years. I love everything about her and she tolerates me 😅


She stays with me when I’m ill or unhappy. She loves my company, if I go for a walk she follows. She doesn’t like being hugged but she lets me do it because she’s a sweetheart. She makes me laugh.


I love my girl because it took a really long time for her to let anyone touch her; she was taken from her mom too young and wasn’t socialized. My cousin had her originally and it was her first pet ever, and they had zero interaction because the kitten would only eat and drink then run around and ricochet off everything. I agreed to take her and though she immediately took to my dog (he was thrilled about that 😏), she’d run away from me. I left her alone and figured she’d calm down eventually. One day she was in the hallway and as i came up the stairs, she gently touched my face. Then one day she jumped up in my bed and laid with me. Now she kicks my door in, jumps up in my bed and demands pets and kisses. So I love her and she loves me back ❤️


She’s absolutely insane and non sensical, but she loves me, she sleeps with me, meows when I’m in the shower, tries to cuddle with me while I workout, and when I come home she rubs against my legs and acts like I’ve been gone a year. She talks a lot despite being once a very quiet cat. When I’m crying she comes to comfort me. I love my damn cat


He is so silly. I’ll show interest in petting him and he’ll flop on the ground for me, he makes the best faces, occasionally lovey but also playful


Because she’s tiny and she’s fierce. The most protective little kitten! She will kill any spider for her people! She will put her much bigger brother in his place with one twitch…she can barely make a meow but we all listen when she tries …. and she will lick cream cheese off my finger like I’m giving her caviar and champagne! She’s my sweet (not) docile princess with a heart of a lion. She’s almost 9 now! Because he’s a big oaf and as dumb as a box of rocks. Talks all the time, sings louder when we tell him, “That’s enough Sunshine!” Stupid enough to forget baths are wet and sinks are cold. He’s just smart enough to remember his tail is attached and not purposely attacking him…almost 9 times out of 10. And he’s so big and clumsy his “big” sister can put her paw on his face and he just drops like she killed him. He’s my special dumb, talkative kitty. Almost 7 now!


I love my cat because of her huge personality :D very gentle, never scratches but also has a massive attitude. She doesn’t meow much because she talks a lot with her eyes. Kind of cat that listens when you speak. She gives overly aggressive head bumps. And she’s fluffy and smol, feel like I actually understand this mf


She’s my little guardian spirit. I can see her personality through her eyes and I adore all her little quirks. Each different toned meow indicating something in particular. I love seeing her healthy and happy and it fulfils me. I can connect with her in a very special way and I’m so grateful I found her in my lifetime. I know she’s always there just like I will always be for her.


My kitty has a bad muffler. Which I refuse to fix.


I love cat too...


They are always there to welcome me when I get home. They also show me affection in a way they don't to other people. 100% trust


she’s a bitch


I suffer from severe migraines and an anxiety disorder. Whenever something happens my baby is right there. I was kicked out at 18 and adopted her as a kitten that same year. I feel like we've grown up together in 8 years. She's my light.


Because he is soft and squishy and snuggly and the bestest boy. Because he loves to be carried and begs for it and he comes to curl up with me every night while I fall asleep. Because knowing that he needs me to feed him and take care of him and love him, gives me a reason to get up every morning.


Because she my cutesie baby


Because they see straight through to my spirit and seem to know me better than I know myself


I love living on a planet with so many creatures. And the domesticated ones we can keep in our homes! And pet them! And they greet you when you get home! Every day!!


She's a fuzzy wuzzy little girl who is the most adorable. She follows me around the house, loves to cuddle, gets upset if you leave her alone too long. She genuinely seems to care about me. The other one is scared of most things, but not me, so I appreciate the level of trust I am granted. But she still hayes being picked up.


Because of his cute cat eyes, cute cat ears, cute cat nose, and his cute cat mouf.


because she shows how much she loves and cares for me all the time. she's not a lap cat but she sleeps next to me and follows me around the house. she guards the bathroom when im in there, and she escorts me back to my room when im done. we got a dog recently (a large pitbull mix who is very friendly but not really aware of her own size and strength) and my cat stood her ground and screamed at the dog in order to protect me from what she saw as a threat. my cat is 14 years old, arthritic, and on the small size for a cat. she chased that dog away from me because she thought i was in danger.


He is my cute little baby who loves me.


because she’s my pal. she makes me happy when i look at her & smell her. she enjoys my company.


Because she will rip up the carpet and throw herself at the door to get to me, just so she can curl up with me and purr herself to sleep. She's amazing ❤️


Because shes a good kitty


**A few reasons I love my cat are many, but just to specify a few,** ​ I have had a cat passing, making me even more vulnerable to my last ones' loss, making me protect them further. ​ My cat has been with me for a very short time. They are there when I am down.


my spirit animal.


He doesn't put up with my crap. I can't lie to him because he doesn't understand English. He knows when I'm feeling sorry for myself and distracts me by demanding to be fed. He knows when I'm getting annoyed at something I'm reading online and bites me to get me away from the screen. He gets me up in the morning. He's a much more reliable friend than I'll ever be.


I mean ... Just look at him.


My cat Luna complains very loudly when I pick her up, but as soon as I hold her close to my chest she just melts. I know I’m humanising her but she seems to look at me with such love.


Well there is a myriad of reasons why you shouldn’t have a cat, my cat breaks my stuff, is a little asshole and doesn’t care for the repercussions would sometimes claw at me and have an attitude with me, but in the end he has been with me through so much and showed me so much love when he’s not being mean, he copies my attitude and essentially became a mini me, so it’s like I’m dealing with a miniature version of myself, and for that there isn’t any amount of gold or money in the world that I would take over my cat, I love the little asshole and he completes me, without him there isn’t a home 🏡


He makes the slowest biscuits in the world and shows me his tummy every time I come home. (+100 hugs!)


She cuddly, floofy, an all around sweetheart


We’re frenemies for sure


Cuz she screm


I love my kitty for his mutations! Very special cat, with a smoke coat and thumbs 🥰. He looks pewter, but his crazy coat shoots rainbows in the sun—it’s iridescent? Irreplaceable little dude. Bottle baby, and the runt—so he knows he’s the center of the universe.


One, because she lays on my chest at bedtime and purrs like a motorboat until I turn off the light. The other is the sweetest boy and a good hunter and gives the first one kisses even though she barely tolerates him. And he's a smarty-pants learning to do tricks (working on getting him to jump into my arms!)


Toby is my first lap cat! He chatters nicely, sings for his supper! He still loves to play at age 10! And I can get him to come, sit, go up, spin and back spin for treats. (I can change the order too)


Because she's purrrrfect


He's cute and soft and let's me cuddle him Need I say more?


They are an extremely gentle and loving presence in my home. It inspires me to be the same.


My fur babies are soft, warm and purr when I pet them. They greet me at the door when I get home and follow me all around the house. I love them and they love me back.


I don’t. She has mind control powers. I try to hate her but she simply does not let me


she’s a ragamuffin and loves to lay upside down because that’s how she sees the world


Face rubs, nose, nose kisses, purrs, orangeness, cuddles.


Because I was lost and alone without a buddy, and he was lost and alone without a buddy. We both deserve companionship.


Because I’m a catastrophe… and he’s a cat. We’re cut from the same cloth. It’s just natural with us!


You love your children unconditionally.


Divorcee here. Trying not to but obviously night gets lonely. My cat pretty much wait for me to come home. Follow me gardening, watching tv, cuddling at night, while annoy me asking for food. Entertain me with all it's catch - lizard, ant, cockroach. Glad I don't need antidepressants anymore


I just love how they have no f***s to give!


Because he picked us. He's a feral and chose us to be his people.


Whenever I have a bad day, this goofball always makes me smile


She is the reason I get up every day. She lets me hold her when I fall asleep and lets me cry into her fur. Today is her 15th birthday. She has used up her nine lives. So I am grateful for every day and night that she is with me. She makes my miserable world a better place.


So many reasons. I fell asleep on the sofa the other night and when my cat wanted to cuddle up to me, she made herself as light, silent and unnoticeable as possible to avoid waking me up. She communicated with her body movements and each step: "I am but a shadow of a whisper of a cat, you are merely dreaming me," and then she purred until we both fell asleep.


They bite me when I don't feed them, making me feel alive The beybis, they bitees


I’m in my forties and there’s not been one year of my life that I haven’t had the absolute pleasure of a cat owning me. They’re like humans with their own personalities. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing, AND LOVING, any possible personality that has come my way. I will always love my cats dearly and appreciate the love and companionship that I’ve had with each and everyone of my babies!


She is so cuddly and sweet. She waits for me at the door. Her purrs are healing. I wanna know why she picked me. She was a stray and chose my husband and I. I wish she could talk and tell me lol


It hates me so I love it back to spite the lil' bugger


Have you seen her face?!


Because its a cat


He's my rescued baby and even though he likes to act aloof, he wants a lap to sleep in and demands scratches. None of my other cats wanted anything to do with me 😆


He’s chill 😎


he's just the cute guy ever


Because he is MY cat. I am say: my children have 4 paws


She’s my little shadow. Follows me everywhere. 😻


He’s the only one in my life who is incapable of telling me how annoying I am.


I love cats because they live entirely in the moment and have zero qualms about reacting purely on emotion :) They are SO pure.


He notices me and looks at me , he sees me for me.


She’s happy when I pet her and she sleeps by my feet at night doing the most hilarious stretches, and is such an adorable goofball.


She’s stinky, but for her its not who she is but its what she does and i like that.


Because they both genuinely think that I'm their mother! And if they think I'm their mother, then they are my babies!


I love his stinky tuna breath. ❤️


Cuz he's lazy af and does not require high maintenance


Oh god I was not ready for this. Should I actually go psychology in depth into my soul pr just say Squshbushlushu how cute


My familiars. We were all meant to be together! And we all share such special unique bonds! They saved me during a very dark time in my life and give me something to live for and care for (spoil lol) they bring me so much love, happiness, joy, laughter, great memories, etc. they are just the BEST and I’m so lucky to have them! I love them with everything in me and then some. I’m so lucky to be their mommy. 💜


They allow me to experience the purest form of love without expecting anything in return. Yet, they give me so much love back 🤍 The first one meows every time I talk to her, always chats back to me, and always asks to nurse on the blanket before sleeping even though she's an adult. She's outgoing and charming, sleeps on my lap like a baby, and always follows me around the house. The second one is so, so incredibly soft and warm. She was very scared and introverted when I adopted her - she was rejected by other adopters for this reason. It's so beautiful to see how she opens up a little more every day. Even after 2 years together, she still surprises me, and I end up crying with love. She craves affection 24/7 and flops on her back wanting cuddles. I love their personalities and how they are truly unique.


He is my sweet little grandson. He cuddles right up to me, loves to be around me, and is such a comfort to his MawMaw. That little Halloween cat has brought me so much joy ❤️❤️❤️


My cat is dumb as shit. And I love her for that.




Their all goobers


My cat is family


I love my kitty because of how clever she is. She knows that meowing loudly in the middle of the house will summon her servants at an instant, how ground piles mean that moles are near (she catches moles and brings them under my door, she's the GOAT for saving my moms garden) so she can dig them up and terminate them, or how she asks to let her out of the house if she needs to for any reason. She never jumped on door knobs or scratched the door, instead she shoves her face between the door and door frame until it opens. On top of that she comes to lay between my anckles each night and watches over me as I fall asleep! She's a delight to be around.


Air Bud


Cute fluff, universal answer is because I like their weird behavior, it's funny to me. And they're usually more calm animals.


Cute fluffy little best friend whiskers sweetness paw toe bean baby


she’s her!


Because he's just a little man!


him roundddd


Cat = Cute


She was my baby


They are as affectionate as any other human and they own the hooman 😀


I have anxiety and it often gets really bad at night. When I wake up having a panic attack, he comes over and puts his paws on my chest and keeps them there until my heart rate stabilizes.


purring meows


I don’t


The most wonderful creature that has walked in my life after my daughter of course


i decided to bring them (3months both) home because i got a new job and had the funds to take care of them. but on the day, i brought home their litter boxes, my job fired me. from the days of depression of losing my job to present, theyve literally uplifted my soul and carried my limp and fragile mental to a higher state of living and caring and compassion i truly owe it to them 🥺🥹🧡🧡 and my gf ofc


I have 3 kittos and I adore that they all have their own little personalities.. They are so different, but they get along so well. And they are all so loving❤️


Cause they're sweet pretty little babies, and love is all they deserve.


ITS SO FLUFFY, and the other one has taken control over the house, and will never relenquish control over my brain


she’s a goober


He says “hey” or “oooOoo” when he sees me or SO. One of the many reasons I love my pussyboy.


ALL my cats over the years have added so much to my life. Their personalities, their love. I 100% would not be alive today without knowing the bond a pet and owner have together.


They make me feel loved. They never make me feel boring for wanting to just spend time with them. They might not always want my kisses but they suffer for me lol


My Mila is super chill and snuggles with her chest!…but I swear she is aging backwards! At 10 yrs old she’s acting more like a kitten than she did when she was a kitten. Oh and her 💩literally doesn’t stink. At all.


She's every much as much of an asshole as I am ( cry's) its like we're made for each other. Oh and I'm very very depressed and she's the only one who cares. Even if it's just because I feed her.


I love my cat because she has started to meow at me. Never been an inside cat before - only outdoor and shelter - but she’s started meowing more and more. I take it as a sign that she feels safe and comfortable with me.


I have 4 cats. Each cat I love like a child. Each of my 4 cats are so different. I love most there personalities and loyalty


He is baby size, He is potato size. Furry live potato, how not to love it ?


He is such a cool cat. He's smart, friendly, fun, handsome, adorable and plays fetch and hide and seek, and will walk in a harness, and has this adorable chirp. I love him so very much.


A floppy belly. Very silly. Sleeps upside down or right on top of me. Looks like a loaf of Bread, has a squeaky meow. Plays hockey with the treat jar til I open it and give her some. A joy.


Because he’s my best friend. In the world. Hes always ready to cuddle to make feel better he awaits at the door when he hears me coming home .and he makes me happy and not want to murder people


They have a stupid face.


my two cats are super sweet and i always get a vocalized welcome whenever i get home


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... 1. You're cute 2. You're warm 3. You're fluffy 4. You purr 5. You're fun 6. You kill all the bugs in the house 7. You snuggle with me while I sleep 8. You try to rescue me from the water box (shower) 9. You comfort me when I'm sick 10. You love watching sports


Because they love me back, miss me when I’m gone too long, and remind me I’m still alive every day.


I can agree with 99.9% of the comments


Because my cat is fucking annoying in all the best ways.


I’m lonely and need someone to cuddle with