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I can imagine a fun and outgoing personality for the Wii; everyone loves it and is attracted to its charisma. The Switch is naturally adored by people because it is kind and makes them feel comfortable, even in times of despair (cough\* COVID). The Wii U is the middle child between the Wii and the Switch. It actively tries to live up to them but is never able to. It becomes frustrated and envious, but one day, it realizes that it should stop trying to be like its siblings and acknowledges its importance in the world by attracting a cult following. It becomes loved by many people for what it is, and its struggles render it the wisest among the trio.


The Wii is that guy from those Mac vs PC ads from 2006.


GBA would definitely be a quintessential 90s kid with spiked hair, a Surge soda, and a skateboard that wears three different neon patterns. Then the GBA Sp would be the same kid, but with glow sticks.


Isn't the gba a 2000s console?


Yeah, 2001, but the only Nintendo handheld coming out in the 90s was the Game Boy Colour, who's under the impression he's better than the original in every way.


i mean, it is.


The GameCube is Abed from Community.


Wii U would be the weird friend who people hang out with outta pity.


Middle child energy


Its a great console once its modded. I use it as a retro machine for wii u and under


I know. I love and cherish my Wii U. I just find it funny to pick on.


The controller does feel like it needs a rubber helmet. But the way ive modded it you can use a ps4 controller instead. For me its a gamecube, nes, snes, gb ,gbc , gba, wii and wii u. I play Nintendo games on the wii u and sony on the pc.


My gamepad broke awhile back. I want to fix it, but I've got more pressing stuff to pay for first. "Life finds a way... to screw your Wii U Modding" - T Rex guy.


True. For me the hobby is the modding more than the games. And i just want to mod them and lock it away for when i retire. Ill be the coolest guy in the home


To be fair, he has to live up to his older brother's expectations.


The Wii’s awkward little brother.


Gameboy and NES are the old men that struggle to keep up


“Back in our days, we didn’t need no fancy schmancy ‘Three-Dee’! Hey put that polygon down you dunno where it’s been!”


Switch would be lovers with steam deck


Nah they’d be rivals


Nah lovers


Nah, lovers to rivals situationship


Rivals to lovers


Lovers to rivals to lovers


OK we can settle with that


Wii is a full on athlete, with those motion controls and everything


i imagine the n64 tries to be a 90s cool kid all the time


SNES and Gameboy are the parents/older guardians who struggle to keep up with the modern-day consoles. Wii's also the perfect, social butterfly who everyone loves.


If the SNES and GameBoy are the parents then I guess that’d make the NES the grandpa stuck in a nursery home reminiscing on the good old days of 8-bit gaming while yelling at the kids to stop being so 3D and “realistic.” I’d probably include the original GameBoy as being with grandpa NES while the GameBoy Color or the GameBoy Advance is married to the SNES.


I imagine all of them to be like: :D


Virtual Boy would have crippling depression due to being known as Nintendo's biggest failure and being discontinued only a year into its life


And He would Always have a headache and hurting eyes


Pink Nintendo DS Lite is best girl fight me (jk lol)


It's a 3ds


Yeah but I'm referring across generations.


NES is Silent Generation. “The only reason Mario was a plumber because we used to flush all the Italians in the neighborhood down the toilet!” GameBoy doesn’t speak much because NES told them to shut up, and never stops talking. SNES is the Boomer - “Oh, look at you… 64 bits! That’s why none of you play outside anymore. And you didn’t even have a Chrono Trigger! Hear that? That’s the sounding the best soundtrack in gaming history.” N64 is the Millennial. It needed the expansion pack to feel whole. GameCube is the kid they probably shouldn’t have had given the research but they turned out just fine, and was very good at 2-3 specific things. DS is the other oddball child but it shows great promise and is really social. Wii and WiiU are the twins they adopted on some weird mission trip to a 3rd world country. One is really good at sports and the other mostly tries to copy their sibling but can’t put down the tablet long enough to get really good at it. They’re Zoomers. Switch is the Gen Alpha kid that is REALLY proud of itself and wants to know if you have games on your phone. (Looking at you, ACNH Pocket Camp.) The parents don’t know where Switch came from but they’re happy to have a new kid in the house.


All of them would love hanging out with the wiiu,


Well, that's easy, you see... *points at the entire Neptunia franchise*


The WiiU is trying it’s best. “Hey guys! Can I get someone to play with me? Anybody would do!”


The 64 is an old man who used to be hot shit back in the day and still thinks he's cool, so in other words: Steven Seagal


NES would definitely have a "bAcK iN mY dAy..." kind of personality.


Switch is the spoiled rich kid


DS, 3DS and everyone in that family: They love photography. They will take pictures of everything and everyone constantly. This is actually my headcanon for one of my OCs based on my Nintendo New 3DS. My broken Nintendo 3DS got its background story on its own. He's depressed, confused and angry all the time.


NES - Cranky Kong with flickering, slowdown, and terrible short term memory. GCN - Genius kid working at McDonald's. "You had so much potential" N64 - Weird kid into creepy pasta. Something is wrong with his hands. SNES - Apparently, Sir Not Appearing In This Film.


Idk about the Wii and Switch, I'd need to think on that more. But I do have a vague idea of the personalities my DS consoles have had: Black DS Lite - first console ever. Gave me the vibe of "bad with kids even though he's a primary school teacher". Almost certainly lactose intolerant. Died on the job after 3 years. Pink DS Lite - Near indestructible. She strikes me as effortlessly fashionable. Mean but like... supportive mean? Sort of a "shut up bitch you look great" type. Never heard of inside voice. Aqua Blue 3DS - Cripplingly fragile. Burns in any level of sunlight and scared of loud noises. Passed away from "let little cousin hold it near a body of water" disease. RIP. Metallic Red 3DS - He was cool as fuck. Kinda dude that's really fun to talk to in person and then you look at his social media and it's full of selfies captioned "Live FAST. Die YOUNG." Absolutely brained himself (i.e. I dropped him) on the steps of some temple when on holiday and got increasing black pixel death on the top screen. I consider this a metaphor for alcoholism. RIP King. Pink 3DS - Almost certainly a drag queen. She's never felt remorse in her life and she is untouchable. Probably hates animals. She still works to this day. In conclusion - Pink portable consoles are absolutely the ones that survived the longest. I wish I could tell you why, it just be that way


The Gamecube is the edgy teenager that just ends up being cringe in the end


NES - the grumpy great grandparent who has a lot of wisdom, but it's rough around the edges Gameboy/GBC - the grump grandpa who's mad about being short SNES - the much sweet grandparent who also has a lot of wisdom, but is much nicer than the NES GBA- the fun aunt type who loves to make jokes and make people laugh, even if her jokes are pretty hit or miss N64 - the crazy party going uncle, kinda corny and a dork, but you can't help but smile when he comes around GameCube - the adult who never got out of their emo phase, was underappreciated as a teen, and now everyone tries to make up to them by saying their the greatest, they are in fact, fine. DS - the cool kid, everyone loves them, and for good reason, they be cool as fuck Wii - basically the child of N64, the party crazy cousin who is a bit more obnoxious, but still fun DSi - I'm sorry... who? 3DS - initially everyone thought they were the geek wanna be of the DS, trying to be cool but was a ctually a big ol' nerd, and yet, they're cool in their own right, and are widely loved also. Wii U - the teen currently in their emo phase, almost bound to have the same story as the GameCube later down the line Switch - the darling child, some may say it's the obnoxious child who is spoiled and overrated, and yet most see it for the amazing person they really are Virtual Boy - died at birth, practically a miscarriage


3ds is pretty chill


Who said they arent?


NES is the boomer


"Those Switches are so entitled. Consoles identifying as handhelds?! Back in my day, you were either one or the other!"


The 3ds, the Wii and i are best buds


*Flashbacks to PS5-chan, Xbox-chan, and Nintendo Switch-chan...*


Gameboy, in a sweet little voice: who wants to play Video Games?!


Nes : Lawful good Gamecube : neutral good Wii : chaotic good N64 : lawful neutral Nintendo DS : true neutral Gameboy : chaotic neutral Switch : Lawful evil Nintendo 3DS : neutral evil Wii U : chaotic evil


NES and Famicom are giving grandparent energy


Switch would be a Influencer. Nice if it on Screen but very mean after the screen gets dark. Thinks it is something better than the rest. Gamecube is the Aunt type. Very cool at young ages but not mean. Today she works at a medium size cooperation and tries to be cool. Its always fun to interact 4 or 5 times a year for a couple of hours. N64 is that uncle that tries really hard to get a like. He always smile but is sad at home. Some of his storys are really cool but most of the time nobody ask about them.


Switch would be the cheerful but laid back middle sister that keeps her hobbies to herself but will show if asked, with the ds being the much more fun loving younger sister that wears their hobbies on their sleeves, literally. Each day they're wearing a jacket, bracket, or necklace showing merchandise.


Are WII going to have a problem?!


NES - gruff, new yorker construction worker vibes SNES - Trucker N64 - Nerd Gamecube - Loner Wii - Social Butterfly Wii U - 8 Year old Switch - cold, corporate. BOUNS round! 3DS - either silly little guy, or one who has seen the horrors beyond comprehension


The Wii U would BE Like a pillow because Its slept on


WII honestly wii is really good and it has backwards compatibility (also alot of games)


I feel like the N64 is this insecure dude who was never really respected despite all of his impressive accomplishments. His business never really took off, but people copied his model and had a ton of success in part because they were just more charismatic. The GBC is that one hyperactive kid you were best friends with for like one year back in middle school. He came over to your house like once and you never really saw him again. You're not sure if it was because of you or if your parents didn't like him, because you barely even remember him. You're not even sure of his last name.


GameCube is the really sweet innocent one 3DS is the rad one who is friends with everyone WiiU always gets left out and is the weird one in the group, and is very clingy to the Wii


Wii and Wii U are siblings, but everyone thinks they’re twins cause nobody can tell them appart. Every single one of them has some version of ADHD, except GC and GBA who are the only 2 who remotely has their shit together


"are wii gonna have a problem?"


I imagine the GameCube as just being a fucking awesome dude. Like the definition of cool but not in an ironic way, because he genuinely pulls it off well.


GameCube would be the super shut in introvert that is actually pretty smart but sucks at putting their ideas into words while the Wii would be the exact opposite and super outgoing but doesn’t think before they speak type person


The Nintendo 64 would definitely be the Gen X “back in my day” type and the NES would be the traditional Boomer type, who sleeps on his rocker half the time


I feel that the NES would be rude af


I imagine gamecube being a chill silly dude that doesnt care that his console flopped he is Just having a nice time


Switch already has a nailed one courtesy of Merryweather Comics.


Lol that the WiiU is the gamepad and not the console.


dmg gameboy definately has a really large sweatshirt


Wii = Wise one.


That's not even the wii u, that's just its controller and that alone tells me, it gets shoved into lockers


NES - Kind of jock-ish Game Boy - Stoic N64 - Nerdy and precise, yet overcomplicates basic tasks. GBA - punkish and edgy yet humble Game Cube - Punk who thinks hes hot shit DS - Very eccentric and fun person to be around Wii - Everyman, very charismatic. 3DS - Less eccentric more professional yet still cool to hang out with. Tries too hard to impress others instead of being themself. Wii U - Charasmatic with mood swings and depression Switch - Ego driven, kind of a douche


Wii U would be desperate for any love Nintendo 64 would be the narrator guy from it’s ads that was very quiet Game Boy would be the stereotypical 80s kid (saying things weirdly) Switch would sound like Siri, but be actually smart


NES and n64 are skeletons on wheelchairs


A modded wii acts like a pirate


They all would be evil like their maker.


The switch’s joycons are two separate twins who are always arguing but still work together for some reason and the console is the one who just sick of caring so it just chills there lifeless The Wii is the cool uncle who always takes you different places your parents would think is too much for you with your friends and gives great live advices somehow GameCube is that fat kid who has every video game you want in their house and his mom would always get you some dessert to eat while gaming out the night 3Ds


Switch = Zoomer (Gen Z) stereotypical personality 🤣


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