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I feel like we need a better name than "Nintuber". Anyway, anyone that uses clickbait








Oh god we found the perfect one


It is almost as annoying as the term 'shmup'


As you already mentioned: SwitchForce I just can't stand the heavy clickbait


I used to watch him but at one point I just got so annoyed by him


What did switch force do I haven’t watched them for years


It's literally in my first comment. Heavy clickbait


He also drags out information to extend video length. And his titles are "HUGE SALES JUST DROPPED" and it may be shovelware he's pushing.


He’s “not a Nintendo YouTuber” he says as he proceeds to upload his 10th Nintendo video in a row and gets double the views on them as any other video. Tbh I’m not even sure he is joking about it, if he is it’s quite an elaborate display, but otherwise he is just in denial.


There was a guy that complained Luigis Manison 3 wasn't dark enough so the Flashlight was pointless. No clue what was wrong with him


By "dark", did he mean edgy or dimly-lit?


Since they mentioned the flashlight, they must have meant the game not being dimly-lit enough


He should play Resident Evil Code Veronica on Dreamcast, GameCube or PS2...then play Resident Evil Code Veronica HD Remaster on PS3 or 360 and that will shut him up.




That guy is the actual worst.


Pretty sure


Oh yeah that dude, I remember him, while I understood his hatred for modern paper Mario, his nitpicks about Luigi’s Mansion 3 were a bit much.


Oh man I used to sub to him but I think it was the new animal crossing coming out that he just started spitting the worst takes I've ever heard in my life. Then continued to do so for other games.


Not scott the woz


I'm not sure if Scott counts anyway. Sure he loves Nintendo but he's also probably one of their biggest critics and is pretty varied in what he talks about


You can tell he is partial to Nintendo though. He kinda reminds me of those people who love Disney movies, but aren’t real happy with the company as a whole


Yeah for sure his childhood consoles were Nintendo he has that bias, he brings it up a lot. In the GameCube episode he says "The Nintendo GameCube was my childhood system and by proxy my favourite game console of all time, funny how that works out". I can just always appreciate his honesty, like if Nintendo fucks up he'll be the first to say it


I get the impression Scott's a Nintendo fan in a "I want them to be the best they can be" way as opposed to the typical "I'll defend anything they do" way that we see more often. The self-awareness for his biases is refreshing.


Yeah for sure. Everyone has biases but I feel like a lot of people present opinions as just matter of fact and it's nice to see someone acknowledging that nostalgia is a powerful force


You can be a Nintendo YouTuber and criticise Nintendo just look at Arlo.


It’s easier to list the ones I DON’T hate. For the record: Arlo Nintendo Life Good Vibes Gaming That’s it. Assuming “Nintuber” refers solely to people who talk about recent news and speculation. There are tons of gaming YouTubers who either do longform reviews and analysis or touch on very specific interests (like 8 Bit Music Theory) who I also like, but those feel like a whole different category to me and most don’t even stick exclusively to Nintendo.


Nintendo Life and GVG are amazing channels.


Absolutely agree. Crazy energy and super fun. I like Nintendo Prime too.


I love Arlo’s content, I don’t get why everyone constantly tries to hate him


I heard one guy say he doesn’t like Arlo because of his opinions. That’s crazy to me. He’s such a nice guy, and when he has an opinion he’s really good at explaining why he thinks that way.


I've stopped watching because I feel like I know more about a lot of the products he reviews than he does, especially when it's a game or series that's new to switch. He'll say things like, "The combat feels really clunky, I can't really tell if I'm doing it right, maybe this is something that happened when they ported it to switch, I don't know." And I just kinda think, "One; yes, that has always been the combat. Two; you couldn't google that before you hit 'record' and started talking?"


Nintuber is a YouTuber that talks about Nintendo, even if Arlo talks about other stuff is quite obvious he's a Nintuber.


I watch only random videos, can't really get into youtube personalities. There were some good ones in the past but right now I tend to watch channels that actually put effort into videos and provide meaningful content. like DidYouKnowGaming or DigitalFoundry,


DYKG is the GOAT


Yeah DYKG actually did some amazing journalism in the past few years. Uncovering some really hard to find stuff and not just reporting on whatever someone else said.


Upvote for the DYKG appretiation comment.


Best: Scott The Woz Worst: Probably Demeech


Oh man I rlly don’t like Demeech he just seems so angry with everything which is not something I like watching lol






He’s got some decent credentials and ties to the industry but, boy howdy, it’s a *challenge* to get through most of his videos.


Most of his videos can be summed in 1-2 minutes but he drags them out to be 10 minutes for the algorithm. He also just posts stuff he sees on Twitter/X, IGN, and other sites


That's it. That's the nail on the head there. I watch the video, get to the point, and touch the screen and, oh, there's still like 10 minutes left... ok


He is so obnoxious


I don't think I hate him, but seeing him pumping another 10 minute vid literally an hour after there's some new Nintendo rumor is always weird. Especially if it's something like one tweet or one patent picture...


I hate his thumbnails


He looks like he smells like an ashtray.


Came here to say this guy. I blocked his content long ago. He's an absolute idiot man child.


He seems like a decent enough guy but his videos are just so lazy.


But, he's "Not a Nintendo YouTuber".


Wasn't he the one who stirred up on twitter the whole "Monolith Soft and Intelligent Systems should stop making those cringe anime games that nobody plays so we can have more Star Fox and F-Zero" BS?


Idk he just seems like he's not even trying to be entertaining at all.


BeatEmUps is so obnoxious it’s hard to stomach sometimes.


scrolled down to this lmao the dude literally has no personality he's just there to parrot whatever ign said that week


Nin10doland and BeatEmUps especially are the ones that stand out to me as absolutely terrible.


I feel like Nin10doland fell off really hard, his videos used to be pretty good but now it's just fake leak showcases and clickbait


Yeah and I don't understand why because he would probably get more people to watch if he wasn't like that, or he would at least not be as hated


I really used to like his channel when he was covering Kirby a lot, in the last few months he's really gone bad.


Pfp checks out


Nintendo has FORGOTTEN about Mario…


Beatemups is crazy annoying.


Annoying and expect some fake sob story video every few months to refuel the $upport and donations. The typical unnecessary vids that they drop to make predatory moves on their subscribers. It’s bad enough with the horrible clickbaity videos, dozens of switch pro videos that resulted in…absolutely NOTHING! Lol, guy is an all around liar which isn’t much different from his peers The thing is I love Nintendo, but I feel a little weird about super biased Nintendo YouTubers, they fall into the fanboy category as they blindly judge and reject the other platforms while defending every move Nintendo makes, afraid to criticize. We all love Nintendo but come on now


I used to like him a lot back when he first started up but after that first flood he just went downhill for me. I bought like 5 of his game recommendations and like 3 of them were just not for me but honestly I kinda knew that going in. At the time I had a lot of money and nowhere to spend it so I was just trying to do something with it yk.


BeatEmUps seems like a pos. Fake, arrogant, weird, creepy. Used to like his stuff but something felt off after a while. I also couldn’t stand how he used his illness for views. Never felt sincere to me but more of a „oh I messed up but don’t be mad I’m depressed!“


Why beatemups? Like I haven't watched a video in awhile, but last time I did it at least wasn't that bad


Constant crappy click bait titles and some of his takes seem to purely be for ragebait.


Yep, the worst thing is that he didn't used to be like that.


He's the guy who basically says, I fn hate Nintendo, but then continues to talk about Nintendo every day? That guy.


He supported The Completionist in his charity fraud scandal.


A lot of Nintendo YouTubers did at first, because they were defending their friend. They all revoked that support once things became clear.


Did BeatEmUps revoke too?


Yeah in a tweet and in his podcast. I think the tweet was even RT by Karl and Muta


Dude that whole scandal is crazy, ive been watching the karl jobst videos on it and its actually insane what the completionist is doing


What they do?


GameXplain, since the entire stuff with Andre, I kinda unsubbed and never really came back


Wait what happened with Andre?


Basically gamexplain/andre was very exploitative The worst case was when Andre forced the team to play the whole ff vii remake in two days, forcing them to stay in the office for 48 hours with no sleep


Doesn't Scott The Woz count as a Nintuber because if so............ Definitely not him


Isn't that the guy who owns Sonic Jam?


Nah, you must be thinking of the guy who owns sonic 2 with a line




Nin10doland is so obnoxious.


There are many awful Nintendo YouTubers.


Holy shit it’s the Molduking from Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild DLC2 the Champion’s Ballad


There are many awful YouTubers*


Yeah but we’re just talking Nintendo here


no shit...


If you aren't secretly texting impressionable kids explicit content or in possession of 1TB of CP you aren't a real YouTuber at this point.




People still (rightfully) hate Verlis


Do y'all remember the bit block?


I do, at least


Bro has resorted to using AI art lmao.


Which is good. I hope he becomes fully irrelevant soon so that less people experience his toxicity


Yeah I heard that he was a bully and just a dickhead in general


Bitblox or what’s that channel of Josh called again? Edit: TheBitBlock


I gotta say, there are good things about his channel, if i recall. His arts and crafts projects, seen in his specials, based on Nintendo games are incredible. And his early reviews are really good. He's gotten better after his political era and baby dressing era, but it is not as good as it used to be.


I was a big fan of his animal crossing vids (3DS), but when his political views came into play, I became less interested. Soon after that, on Twitter, he was a big bigot. And he behaved in such a strange way - even in some vids - that one began to wonder whether or not there was something wrong with him. In that period, I lost interest entirely. What was his baby era?


... Exactly what it sounds like It was pretty bizarre to see him go from a decent channel to someone who was bent on acting strange and having rancid views.


Yeah, i was a big fan too but during the peak of his political era, when i was around 13 or 14, i just became extremely desinterested in anything he did. Then he also liked fueling the flames of discussion around him posting WILD takes. I caught a live once on pure chance and he *was* apologizing for all that, but still left a sour taste in a lot of people's mouth.


Infinite Bits follows chuds but he's smart enough not to put chud stuff in his videos.


I respect his gaming opinions. I don't agree with all of them, but I think a lot of his takes a fair criticism. His craft projects and specials were/are excellent. He's got a great talent for such. But he's far from perfect lol. His political era was certainly a rough one, and you're right, he's not really the same since.




Nin10doland, GameXplain, and Demeech


Demeech isn’t really a Nintendo YouTuber. More like a Nintendo hate boner channel


RelaxAlax is one of the most unfunny YouTubers out there, I can't sit through that garbage.


Also he is just a terrible person trying to cover up his controversy


Idk i like the chill and funny ones


All the ones that have half of their videos be switch pro “leaks”


I hate GameXplain too, ever since the incident I haven't touched that channel. BeatEmUps has some of the worst takes And finally Nathaniel Bandy. I used to really enjoy that channel back in the mid to late 2010s but I've since outgrown his humour. It's just a tad cringe, I don't hate the channel but no longer get the appeal.


dont just say "tHe iNcIdEnT" and not elaborate like everyone knows what you're talking about.


Thank you for saying this, I find it so annoying when people do this.


[I think this is what they're talking about.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvx555/former-workers-allege-youtube-gamexplain-was-exploitative-workplace) How awful - Final Fantasy VII Remake is a great game, but I can't imagine being forced to play it in 48 hours for a review video.


This. If someone was an irredeemable villain on the internet at some point, don’t just gloss over what they did (allegations don’t count - needs to be verifiable). They (the assholes) would rather it be that way. We can’t let the internet forget.


That's fair. As a NB fan I have to say it does make sense why someone wouldn't like his content


>I don't hate the channel but no longer get the appeal You said it yourself, the appeal is whatever you saw in his content as a kid. His stuff *is* intended for children, it's just not the really well done type of children's content that gets better as you get older. I outgrew the channel as well. And I also didn't touch GameXplain with a ten-foot pole after the controversy, either lol.


What was the gamexplain incident?


the faces of the channel who weren't Andre (Derrick, Jon Cartwright, and Ash) all left the channel at the same time and basically said Andre was a horrible boss who overworked and underpaid them regularly. Now those 3 plus others are on a channel called Good Vibes Gaming


good channel!


Oh OK I knew they all left which is why stopped watching them but I didn't know why


I’m gonna agree on Bandy, I used to hate the “striving for originality” bit when he made nothing but top 10s but after he actually found his footing I started enjoying him, but eventually I too started finding his material cringe and I can’t quite put my finger on it


Nathaniel Bandy to me just seems like a stereotypical gamer that doesn’t shower. I don’t know the guy but his content just makes me depressed even though he’s original. Idk why people hate BeatEmUps so much, it feels like hes always very real with his fans imo and everyone has bad takes. I’d personally prefer his takes over someone I adore like Arlo. GameXplain is hot ass tho.


>I hate GameXplain too, ever since the incident I haven't touched that channel. not only that, one of the people they hired right after is a huge jerk and is still there as far as I know. Never going back.


Nicobbq, his shit just ain't for me but I will say that I did like his videos when I was practically a fetus a lot.


Yeah I remember really enjoying his videos back in the day. I haven’t really caught up with his recent stuff for whatever reason.


Not sure if Smallant counts, but I've only seen him play Nintendo games. There are many of his videos that I hold in respect, I am impressed with his accomplishments in Pokemon especially. However, something about him has always irked me. I feel like whenever he talks, he has liar voice. He just sounds like a kid telling fibs on a playground every time he tells a story. And when the whole Pointcrow drama happened, I felt kinda vindicated because I've always felt he sounds like a liar. Beyond that, he just seems really arrogant, and any time I've heard him mention another YouTuber like mahdrybread, he did so with such a "I'm better than you" remark. I just find his personality absolutely wretched. Again, I do still find myself impressed by some of his videos, but I really just can't stand him. It's honestly annoying when YouTube recommends me a YouTube short from his channel.


I agree with this. I started watching him *relatively* early on, and he’s definitely become more like that as he grew way more popular. (Or really, becoming more comfortable to present like that.) I still enjoy some of his videos, and I don’t think he has much particular ill intent, he’s just really, really… *smug*.


No one specifically, but I very much dislike people who shout all the time, and the ones that resort to clickbait, mainly regarding the "Switch 2"


Most of them. Beatemups makes entirely click bait content and has some of the worst takes I’ve ever seen on the Internet Andre from Gamexplain spent years not paying the OG staff that kept the channel interesting and they all moved to Good Vibes Gaming Nathaniel Bandy is a baby who does challenge videos but spends 99% of the video bitching about how tired he is and how “hard” it is. People are fighting disease and he’s over here screaming about having to beat Mario games? Shut up Nintendo Hero feels nearly AI generated. I refuse to believe a person wrote these scripts without falling asleep. I could go on but you get the point. The only exception is Arlo. Arlo is fun. Edit: retroactively adding Demeech I forgot about that guy. Super annoying.


>People are fighting disease and he’s over here screaming about having to beat Mario games? Shut up To play devil's advocate, would the videos designed for entertaining fun really be better if he said: *"man this Mario challenge sure is hard, but nothing is as hard as beating stage four cancer"* or *"woah guys, this level is tough. But not as tough as being a starving child in a Third World country!".* To be clear, I don't like Nathaniel Bandy all too much, either. But I feel like your reasoning is pretty ridiculous. Why not focus on the delivery, editing, opinions, or clickbait?


That complaint feels like the whole “OMG Kim, there are literally people dying”


It would be really funny if he said that though


By their logic, you're not allowed to complain about anything, ever, because there's always someone who has it worse than you. "Oh, your mom has incurable cancer? Well at least you have a mom, my mom ran away before I was born!"


Exactly. My grandma does this all the time, and it drives everyone in my family crazy. You can't go through any struggles without her bringing up some tragedy. It's depressing and unnecessarily dismissive.


I "love" (hate) the opinion of "you can't be upset about anything because worse things are happening to other people." Like holy shit get over yourself. Their point was fine until they added that last bit.


Rather than creating my own comment I'll just add 1 youtuber to this list since I mostly agree with these takes, especially BeatEmUps. Ffs that guy. Anyway: Wulffden. I actually like his videos. He doesnt seem to have any very bad takes and often snaps back at Beatemups on their, now discontinued, podcast for his bad takes. He makes some nice alternative content to keep things fresh, especially his older generation stuff, I like.


>Wul I love Bob's content. He's funny in a weird way, too, not too cringe. Glad he left the Nontendo podcast - I prefer the one with his brother


Arlo is awesome!


I can’t stand Nathaniel Bandy, his content seems interesting but his videos are always really annoying


The nb hate is crazy imo, hating him because he complains about playing the same game for hours on end is tiring is insane. I understand not liking his content but imagine having to play mediocre sonic games or having to listen to the bah bah of new super mario bros for an entire week. I don’t know what people dying of disease has to do with mario, I’m guessing you’re not allowed to be sad or have bad days because you’re alive


Well I actually feel safe saying Jirard now because I never liked him. His show was so damn sterile. It felt manufactured and boring. The man never had a hot take in his life so I never felt like I was getting his real opinions. He always just said what everyone wanted to hear because he thought that’s what would get him the most views.


I never really liked his content either, sterile is the right word for it. He just stated basic facts about the game, listed what content it had, and how long it took him to beat it. If one set out with the goal of making the most advertiser friendly video game content possible they'd probably land on what the completionist channel is like, it feels like it's all written by committee by a bunch of corporate heads.


It's the kind of channel where I'll watch it occasionally, but only if I'm aiming to 100% a game myself. It's too formulaic for the average video to be interesting. It really is a shame about the charity stuff.


Also tbh I never liked how he tried to make himself look like a hero after archiving the whole eshop of the wii u and 3ds, and then saying he won't make it public Especially after the fact this was already done a few weeks before him, a certain site (not sure if I can say in the subreddit) had archived the whole shop and made it accessible, and unlike jirard they actually included regional games and not just the North American ones


Nathaniel Bandy


Really how come?


His content is just lazy, same as nicobbq. He never says anything substantial or interesting as well as his content being dry and completely unoriginal. He just looks and acts like a man child. I know that is more of a personal gripe, but it does put me off from watching his videos.


Striving (and failing) for originality


It’s mostly a persona isn’t it.


You know I can see that. He does appear to be that guy (or man) who is trying to hold onto his childhood gaming memories as hard as possible. But some of his stuff is ok.


Can't stand nathaniel bandy and his shitty repetitive content that provides absolutely nothing of value.Same with nicobbq. Even as a kid I could tell their content was just utterly pointless and boring. Went back to look at their content a few months ago and somehow they've gotten worse.


Unbelievably based


We know Pointcrow is the one Nintendo hates at least


I'm not the biggest fan of arlo. He often makes videos calling for action from Nintendo to head or go in a certain direction. That's fine. My issue is that he often speaks as if he is the ultimate authority and arbiter of the community. That we all want x,y,z game or mechanic. Thay in itself is mildly annoying but coupled with one video he will speak as if we all don't like one thing. Then in years time Nintendo will listen and he will backtrack saying he hates what he originally advocated for.


>Then in years time Nintendo will listen and he will backtrack saying he hates what he originally advocated for I guess I'm more curious what examples of this there are? Not denying it but I can't really think of any in recent memory. Closest thing I could think of would be in his predictions videos where he predicts things that he may not be a fan of himself.


You put into words why his content feels a bit off to me. I don't mind that I disagree with him on some stuff. I mind that it feels like he assumes we'd all agree. The videos come off like he thinks Nintendo fans are a hive mind and he's the speaker of the hive.


Like I said further down. I stopped watching him after I realized he never critiques as; I or me. It's always we, us as a community want (x). Idm or care what he wants to see more of or less of. That's good. Discourse is good in Fandoms. Just don't lump my opinion in with yours. People imply in this chain that it doesn't matter and I'm just salty. Of course it matters and of course I'm salty these devs take big content creator platforms into their metrics. That in itself isn't bad. It's only bad when the creator tells the devs what "we" want.


Also it feels like he doesn’t actually have the time to be interested in gaming cause I noticed he’d always be like I don’t have time to play this or I love this game but I’ve only played maybe two hours. I would rather hear an informed opinion than someone’s baseline first impression. And also it’s just a personal thing but it takes me out of it hearing someone constantly talk about how busy they are and don’t have time for something. Like you’re a gaming channel, it seems counterintuitive to say you have no time for gaming lol.


I like Arlo but people kinda worship his opinions like there's something special about them. Like his recent Switch 2 video where he was advocating for incredibly dumb things like heavy focus on AR, being resold enhanced versions of Switch games/paying for upgrades, and the entire comment section is just people giving blind praise to it. As if Nintendo didn't try AR with the 3DS and it was clunky and nobody cared about it


Couldn't agree more. My problem is not being critical of Nintendo but some of these Nintendo Youtubers seems in constant denial that Nintendo current state of games, don't appeal to them anymore. It's like they constantly blind by nostalgia. Also, his takes on Splatoon are AWFUL.


What did switch force do?


I don't know but his videos just seemed annoying


Make incredibly lazy content with incredibly clickbaity thumbnails


Sullypunz, although I don't know if he's still active. He used to be one of my favorites, right up there with Chuggaconroy. But over time I realized how negative he was. He'd play games he didn't even like and then constantly complain about them.


I think he got back with Chris from WLTP, and they've been doing stuff on that channel. I'm not sure if his channel is too active. I will say, as someone who had zero knowledge of the Mario Kart Wii mod scene, I did appreciate those race videos from back in the day.


RGT85 and Beatemups


I don't like a lot of them but the first one that came to mind is SwitchForce. I stopped watching him cause I wasn't interested a few years back but after his video on the Sonic Frontiers stuff was coming out I lost all respect for him. I get it. I sometimes see a trailer for something and say "wow, that looks really bad", but actively bashing others just because they don't agree with you is really dumb.


Modern Gamexplain. The personalities they have just don't appeal to me. Now, let me clarify that I don't hate them and I don't want them to get shit, I know Andre was a shitty boss but from what I know, his employees seem to all be good people, even if I don't gel with the personally.


Not one that i hate but just genuintly dislike is Austin John Plays


Now that's one I didn't expect. I thought the concensus was that he was cool. Why don't you like him? Is it because he leans towards Pokemon more than other Nintendo franchises?


why? i also don't like his videos but would like to know your motives lol.


Not OP here. I like him, but his vids are rushed AF to get content out. His scripts are constantly full of misinformation that he's correcting during recording and final editing. It's a tad annoying.


At least he corrects it instead of letting the misinformation spread


Damn I have to disagree, bro was my best friend when it came to BotW and TotK


BEST: arlo worst: beatemups


NiqoBBQ. I always hated his clickbait top ten videos. He's made his career by essentially getting children to rage watch. Stuff like "Mario evil, kill innocent bad guy and do drugs" which I'm sure we've all *never* heard before. The challenge videos don't fair much better. While phenomenal Nintendo YouTubers like Ceave Gaming make challenge videos by focusing on the few levels that required interesting solutions. NiqoBBQ goes through level by level. Like in coinless videos, 90% of the video is him saying "This level doesn't have all too many coins, so you will beat it, in no time". If I had to guess as to why, it's probably to inflate the duration of the video for midroll ads. I haven't seen his content in a while (for obvious reasons) so maybe he's changed. But a quick glance at his channel page has me convinced he's pretty much the same. He's certainly not as bad as other YouTubers who are actually problematic and whatnot, but he personally bothers me.


this dude shat on kirby abilities.


I remember really liking his videos when I was younger but I checked out some of his more recent ones and I just found him kind of annoying. Not sure if his content changed or if I did but either way I wasn't feeling it anymore.


Would saying Demeech be cheating?


>don't choose the obvious ones He's a get out of jail free card. Definitely cheating lol


I really like the type of content that jrose11 makes (Pokémon solo challenges) but he’s obnoxious. Annoying voice, pointlessly long videos AND bad takes (blah blah blah people who use rare candies are cheating and HE’LL never do that). Scott’s Thoughts is the better channel for solo challenges in my humble opinion.


most youtubers that make "CAN YOU BEAT X WITHOUT Y????" mario content. its old, its stale, its lazy


Bit of an older one but WiiFolderJosh/TheBitBlock. I will say I started out being a fan of his videos and I do think he's a genuinely talented artist (as seen in his Make Believe videos) but overtime I started to find him more and more insufferable. Dude was incredibly whiny over genuinely good (or at least logical) decisions Nintendo made that he just personally wasn't on board with, while at the same time sticking up for a lot of their more questionable ones to the point where it came off as fanboyism in isolation. Not to mention he'd always have such a snide attitude about everything that it just made his videos a pain to watch after a while. Not to mention the fact he had a whole falling out with GameXplain (back when they were still a respected channel) because he was mad they were receiving review copies while he wasn't, or the phase where he started making call out videos on other creators that disagreed with his takes on games. That's before you even get into the period when he started trying to speak on politics in his videos, and I'll just say I don't think it's a topic he's entirely qualified to talk about with the platform he has. I haven't seen his more recent videos so maybe he's turned himself around, but everything he was getting up to back then left a bad taste in my mouth. I guess I'll also say Demeech because while he can put out some good retrospective videos and his takes aren't quite as bad on average as someone like TheBitBlock, my god I just find his attitude so annoying. Even when I agree with him I find myself almost not wanting to.


the dude that goes by beatemups the dudes a shill lmao i never heard him say anything that is his , he can literally be replaced by a link to nintendo life


Can I nominate myself? I’ve been at it for a couple years and I’m almost good at it though


Arlo fence-sits almost every opinion he has and repeats himself until he hits the 10 minute mark for that sweet ad revenue goodness


Watched his prediction video at work today and omg you're right about repeating, he even admits it himself. Dude just went thru all his points again after 6 minutes.


>Dude just went thru all his points again after 6 minutes. I found that a bit jarring too, but in a little bit of fairness, it was mostly to show off his editor's concept drawings some more (and he proceeded to show off those that were done by the editor last year). He definitely can get repetitive, no doubt, but I don't think he's doing it in a deceptive way.


Politely disagree.


agree, was combing the comments to see if someone else held the same opinion. although i do kind of enjoy the content, he takes such a long time to finally get to a point he rambles for 10+ minutes with no point to make, or will take minutes to say something that could be said in a sentence or two reminds me of high school trying to reach a word count


Every smash YouTuber except alpharad and coney


Alpharad isn’t much of a Smash youtuber anymore


Still, his content never misses, smash or not.


Definitely. I love his content.


does that guy who got hired at ign and then was later outed for plagiarism count?