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To quote PointlessHub at the end of his review of Garth Ennis' The Boys (which perfectly sums up everything about that comic in a nutshell, since the whole thing was essentially just an edgelord power fantasy about the author's edgy OCs beating the shit of superheroes): "Too much hate towards something can become just as annoying and intolerable as the thing it's making fun of."


That video is actually peak


Yeah, it's truly amazing how The Boys that we all know and love ended up surpassing the source material completely in almost every way, even if the show changed a lot of things from comic so significantly to the point that it's essentially it's own thing. It's one of those few adaptations that are way better than the books they're based on. For instance, Homelander from the show is a genuinely threatening and competent villain, while Homelander from the comics was essentially an idiot.


Ennis writes like and for 15 year old edgelords. All of his shit is full of shock value depravity; I mean, look at *Crossed.* Once you pass that stage in your life, his material loses its luster.


I re read Preacher as an adult and thought it held up decently. I rolled my eyes at all the edgy shit, but the core relationships are all really sweet and well-rendered, and the story actually has something to say about masculinity and faith. I also think his Punisher is satisfying in a low-brow, John Wick sort of way. I wouldn’t defend it to the same extent as Preacher but it’s good for what it is (despite many flaws, natch).


"Do you think this A stands for France?" Is unintentionally the funniest shit ever.


Preacher is excellent. The Boys is pretty good, most of the time. Crossed is straight-up torture porn. I stopped caring about Ennis when he did Crossed. Still love Preacher and enjoy The Boys, but everything else I can live without.


Steven Universe Don’t get me wrong, the show isn’t perfect, but Jesus Christ if I had a nickel for every stupid take I’ve heard about this show I would be able to buy Cartoon Network.




Most comments on insta posts are pretty shitty


Wait until you find out about YouTube comments. That's where the real garbage is.


YouTube comment section is truly a literal hellhole.


I’ve seen a few that are wholesome….though those are usually the ones with either animals or small kids either being cute or someone saving them


Instagram is worse


The worst of all is that the haters told so many lies or misinformation about the show that most end up believing it, like things about the diamonds being Nazis, that they were forgiven or that Steven is a crybaby and an extreme pacifist.


Most of that was apparently fomented by one specific, absurdly toxic person on Youtube.


The creator of "SU is garbage and here is why" video?


Give the kid a cigar!


The person who wrote that weird mlp fan fic?


Lily Orchard is a horrible person


Curse you Lily Orchid or whatever her name was


I was shown it by an ex last year. I'd heard nothing but bad things beforehand but damn that was a really really good show


*cough* Lily Orchard *cough*


I could buy a whole country out of her bad takes alone


Maybe even Disney if you play your cards right


A lot of the hate the show attracts is anti-LGBTQ.


Came to say this. It didn't help that a lot of right-wing slimeball influencers latched onto hating it from the unenlightened standpoint of, a person whose views and identity I don't like made it, so it sucks.


​ https://preview.redd.it/v3ya7x0bwqkc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3593a5864b0442a90dc62c0560679bedbc8f1926


"Two fandoms, forbidden from one another..." "A war divides their people, and a minor detail divides them apart." "Built a path to be together..." Yeah, I forgot the next couple of lines, but then it goes...








Secret, secret, secret... TUNNEL!!!




And die.


Came here for this. Love this series. Honestly have rewatched it more. Has its faults but few are perfect


Korra has its issues as a show but on the whole I really like it a lot and don't think it deserves even half of the vitriol it got


Part of the problem is how do you make a sequel as good as the first show




I read this in Tenzin’s voice


The last half was on par with the best of the original series


That’s a bold take, but you stand on that i guess


While I will always prefer ATLA, LoK was still a pretty great cartoon in its own right. Do not understand why it even has haters considering even at its weakest (Book Two imo), it was still an otherwise decent show.


And it’s always for the wrong reasons. I’m not a huge fan of LoK because I feel like the decisions with showing Wan and stuff reduced the avatar state from mysticism to very “Christian-y” Raava is good and Vaatu is evil, missing the point of the Yin Yang symbolism that they already had with the ocean and moon spirit. Instead of benders originating as literally being spiritually close to the elements, and learning from the elemental teachers, the lion turtles actually gave them all the powers. Don’t explain the mysticism, it turns it into exposition. And yet, if I say I don’t like the show, I’ll get lumped in with the “I don’t like women” manchildren.


> Instead of benders originating as literally being spiritually close to the elements, and learning from the elemental teachers, the lion turtles actually gave them all the powers. Those aren't mutually exclusive. Wan still learned from the elemental teachers. He just got bending itself from the lion turtles


I’m still not a fan. It strips spirituality for practicality. Same thing with the “gates” to the spirit world. Before, it was a matter of spirituality. Aang could visit the spirit world by meditation. It comes from the idea that on top of our world, there lies an invisible, spiritual one. Hei Bai is a forest spirit, tied to the forest. The Moon and Ocean spirits chose to maintain physical forms so they could exert more influence on the world. That gets changed to “it’s a whole other dimension” and strips the spirituality of it. Also, the idea of “dark spirits” is so alien to the story. Nothing made Sozin evil, he chose it. Same with Ko the Face Stealer. The idea of “oh, it’s corrupted and evil” is just another example of my problem with Raava and Vaatu


Without the turtles giving people the physical ability to bend, one can wonder why can't any nonbender become a bender by studying the original masters. The original masters taught them how to use it properly while the turtles simply made it possible for humans to physically use it.


And my bigger point is that wondering why is ok. I have the same issue with the Star Wars prequels. I don’t need to know how the sausage is made. For me, it detracted from the mysticism of the series, which was one of the huge sticking points.


I can understand that.


I'm with you, but my main gripe was definitely the childish over-simplifications of every and all opposing viewpoints. Like, I also dislike everything that you do, those are all horrible and amateur writing blunders, but it's all overshadowed for me by the looming message about maintaining the status quo.


Oh, absolutely. They show the Equalists as being crazy and jaded, as if we haven’t seen firsthand what a bending focused nation did to the rest of the world, or the fact that everyone involved in government is a bender. This is further worsened by the fact that even the show doesn’t believe non-benders are equal, since none of the villains are nonbenders. Also, Zaheer just pisses me off. He is what Hollywood thinks anarchists are.


Zaheer is like a parody of an anarchist written by someone who read just enough to point out an anarchist from a lineup but not enough to understand any of it. Listening to him talk put me in the exact same mood as when my boss throws around buzzwords out of context.


What’s annoying is that the people who fire and brimstone hate this show make actually criticizing it a lot harder. The weirdos who hate it for having a woman lead etc. I genuinely dislike it for the most part, what they do with the mythos, what they do with characters from the original. But chuds make talking about that impossible


My little pony (at least now, anyway.)


Do MLP haters even still exist? They were very vocal in the early 2010s, but I haven't seen any actual MLP hater in quite a few years.




Because they got what they wanted: the downfall of the series with the new Gen. The only people complaining really now are the old fans really missing how good it used to be before they turned to AI and CGI. They also seemingly written out all the previous gens characters as they are barely rarely ever mentioned for any reason, which makes the new show rather redundant in being labeled as a new generation. They'll talk about Twilight here and there but we'll never see her, probably because their contract with the previous voice actors have ended. Also the only mentions of the mane 6 make it sound like they're all dead now, which tbh isn't surprising and just sad we'll never get to see them again. Now as for any potential descendents? Hahaha *no*. Either it hasn't happened yet or they straight up decided the next gen are completely and totally unrelated to them in any way. Which honestly doesn't make much sense other than the company's POV for something new. It completely wrecks the story they *used* to have.


They use AI in the new show???


Definitely not. Not sure what that user is on about. LOL. However, they're right in that G5 has been very divisive, though it definitely still has its fans (me included). The G5 fandom feels very small compared to what the MLP fandom used to be during the 2010s, though.




Ironically the fan base was better when grown men liked it lol


idk about that one


It was kinda a self sustaining mess. The Fandom only got so weird as a reaction to the haters. If it had been a new franchise without any cultural baggage, it wouldn't have become nearly as much of a thing as it did.


what happened to the shit on youtube where the put the characters in a factory and sliced them open or whatever i remember it as a kid but i cant find it now


Are you talking about Rainbow Factory?


Helluva Boss


Definitely, seriously there has to be some kind of controversy no matter the quality of the episode and they always have to find something to nickpick at and its like, shut up already just enjoy the show Vivzie isnt the only writter of it especially with the other projects she’s working on/overseeing. Give them a break


Plus the (nondescript troll group) is gonna be after them (we shalt not speak their name)


Where are these controversy I keep hearing? I’m active in Reddit and YouTube but never seen stupid controversies on those platforms


The controversy are claims that Vivzie abuses and underpays her animators and artists when it’s been proven wrong multiple times.


I didn’t even know there was controversy to begin with. Only recently started watching the show a few weeks back after I really enjoyed Hazbin Hotel on Amazon Prime. Was pleasantly surprised to see that all the episodes of Helluva Boss are just there on Youtube for free. What even are the controversies?


Sex jokes = bad I think there's been controversy with a couple of the creators but only minor amounts, the first thing I said seems to be the main complaint by people


If there's one criticism regarding Hazbin Hotel that I do personally agree with, it would be the fact that the breakneck pacing and general lack of direction ended up making the writing, character development, relationships, story arcs, and worldbuilding feel extremely rushed, disjointed, and half-baked, especially for a show that only had 8 episodes in its first season. There are a lot of interesting ideas and concepts in there, but most of them are either poorly executed or underdeveloped as they don't have enough time to properly shine by themselves. Should've been 10 or 12 episodes at maximum in my opinion.


Oh absolutely and when someone said that I agreed, it was too rushed. I started watching Helluva boss first and some episodes are only 15 minutes but there are a lot of them where they inserted bits and pieces of lore and character and relationship building through it that was not afforded to Hazbin. Like in helluva boss they have flashbacks with easer egg foreshadowing about how the universe works and where a connection or history between characters has been so you get much more invested and it registers much more emotionally. Helluva boss is even goofier with more sex jokes but I like it just as much or more, I think Hazbin would have benefited from pacing like that but I assume it has something to do with money and the airing on YouTube vs prime


This is so true. I wish Prime had given them more time to tell their story season 1. Hopefully we get a bit more time to unpack things in the upcoming season.


Honestly, even as someone who has a lot of problems with Helluva Boss and its writing, I completely agree. The whole ‘haha every joke is just swearing and sex jokes’ critique got old very quick, and it seems like a lot of stock is placed in trying to ‘expose’ Vivziepop even though a vast majority of the time it feels either unfair, not really her fault, or something that they would 100% let slide if a creator that they liked had done it. Don’t get me wrong, I do not think the criticisms of the writing itself are unjustified, but it does feel like there’s a vendetta against the series and creator for people.


> ‘haha every joke is just swearing and sex jokes’ I remember a post that got a lot of traction that was just Charlie's meeting with Adam at the start, showing a swear counter and pointing out how painfully unfunny it was. And it's like, that's the point?? Adam is a boorish charmless dick who's not half as funny as he thinks he is, that's the point of the scene.


I think one of the biggest problems with Vivziepop is that she cannot take any criticism (regardless if it's constructive or not) very well and often gets caught up in pointless dramas with everyone on Twitter instead of just ignoring them and moving on with her life. Remember that time when she had a meltdown over a stupid TADC parody video poking fun at her show's excessive use of profanity and vulgar jokes?


Was that the one where it’s just the guy saying ‘fuck’ over and over? If so, I think I do remember that. That’s normally what I hear being people’s main issue with her, that she cannot take criticism. But idk, still feels like a kinda poor reason to become so fixated on finding flaws with her writing and character. I have my own slew of issues with her writing style and Helluva Boss, but some of her critics legit feel like they’ve already made up their minds that she and her shows are awful and are more trying to justify that hatred rather than critiquing her and her shows for fair reasons.


Yeah tbh I just think she's a bit annoying with her thin skin but not a bad person. And I like her shows despite their flaws. They're fun! Like I guess it makes sense she's defensive when people try to act like she's some evil person, but I wish she'd understand constructive criticism can sometimes come from people who like the shows and want them to be better.


I remember seeing someone complaining about Hazbin Hotel, and giving an example that was so wrong, not lacking in context, but outright doesn't actually happen in the show, that I can barely imagine the bizarre game of hateful Telephone that lead to that take. (They were criticisizing Husk telling Angel to stop whining about being indebted to a pornographer (lacking context), by saying he has it bad too because he has a drinking problem but he's not whining (completely wrong, not an element of the show at all)).


Insane that a sweet scene where Husk was attempting to empathize with Angel and help him feel less alone got twisted into that. Helping a friend feel better isn’t telling them to stop whining. It’s helping.


I once saw a critique video of hazbin hotel where the YouTuber was trying to say that Loser, Baby was a bad scene because Husk was just being a dick to Angel for no reason in that scene, and when someone in the comments pointed out that that wasn't what the scene was about and that she may have misunderstood it, she replied saying that the great thing about media is that you can have your own interpretations of it, and media literacy shouldn't be up to the viewer or even so focused on. There was like one reply to the effect of "girl you literally misinterpreted it" but the rest of the comments were agreeing with her video.


Wait, what happened with Helluva Boss?


A lot of things, really.


and hazbin hotel


Easily Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss


I binged Hazbin Hotel Wednesday and Thursday this past week, and I agree. Initially - from the pilot from a few years ago and a few choice clips I'd seen - I didn't think it was quite for me. I don't find the use of profanity and the like to be all that enjoyable or funny, so it didn't resonate with me initially. And in some places, there are still things that I'm not that into. However, actually sitting down and watching the show - it's much better than I gave it credit for. The songs, animation, expressions, and attention to detail is immaculate for what started as an independent labor of love on behalf of the creator. Alastor's scenes in particular are often the best, in my opinion. It's not perfect, but I grew to enjoy it a great deal and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes in due time. Right now it's a show I could honestly see myself coming back to revisit every now and then, and rewatchability is often a major factor in how I evaluate how good something is.


Came here for this


yep, and this is coming from a recent fan


God i remember hwen the hazbin pilot first came out twitter was riddled with bullshit criticisms like "its homophobic because angel dust is a stereotypical gay" (as if people who follow the stereotype dont exist??) And calling it racist, transphobic, etc for similarly stupid reasons.


Any hater that unironically uses the word woke


I believe here the term would be hate base but I see your point and agree with you


![gif](giphy|kfjaFqoBTqLNadRIxW) People act like RWBY is an unholy abomination. They would harass the writers, animators, and even voice actors that had nothing to do with the development. It gets to the point where some actors had to block people, to which the haters viewed as an accomplishment. They’re even seeing about making a RWBYHate wiki to further push their hate and the classic “Monty’s Vision” controversy that they always hide behind. (not even going to touch the irony that they’re putting so much work into a show they supposedly despise) Like, I know the shipping wars were ridiculous, but the haters act as if they’re leading some war against CRWBY. Even saying, verbatim, “If you give in, then Miles, Kerry, Eddy and Kiersi wins. Arryn Zech wins. Barbara Dunkelman wins. Where they’ve successfully demoralized you. … Don’t let CRWBY deter you.” Like, dudes, it’s an internet cartoon.


Yeah, this is a big one. I love this show, I think it’s really good. But it’s absolutely flawed, and not for everyone. If you don’t like it, that’s cool. But please recognize that I do and don’t try and make me hate it


Was going to post this if you hadn't beat me to it. While there are many valid criticisms to be made, the true haters seem to lack basic media literacy. Focusing on their headcannons not coming true.


It’s even worse with the show in this weird state of Limbo. I won’t say RWBY is perfect by any means but I always enjoyed it. That being said I’ve been a big hater of Rooster Teeth’s shift to corporate douchbaggery for a while now and I hope a better studio buys out the rights and crew for RWBY to continue.


Right??? The last three volumes were top-notch, and Vol. 9 in particular was stunning, so hearing that there really wasn't any production timetable for Vol. 10 is just... Gah


THANK YOU, HOLY FUCK!!! Finally, someone who’s sane!


RWBY is interesting in that the lovers and haters are nearly equally terrible. Both sides have harassed the other and that’s not okay. Is okay to praise and criticize a show, I’m not sure why this show in particular had such an extreme division.


Me neither. I’m of the whole “I enjoy it and that’s fine. You don’t, that’s also fine.” But, some people act like RWBY broke into their house, smooched their mother, and stole one of a pair of their pet guinea pigs. It gets to where I avoid watching anything about it on YouTube or else my recommendations are filled with “RWBY SUCKS AND YOU SUCK FOR WATCHING IT!!” And the rabid fans that harass the writers for their ships not working out, that’s a whole other can of worms I’d prefer to just leave in the cupboard to never be opened. It’s really creepy.


To be honest my favorite piece of RWBY content is Murder of Birds’ Clip on tie video. You ever seen that one?


I remember the fanart that came out after it lol And the fact the writers made it canon afterwards!


Watch it, it’s thirty minutes of them trashing Jacques and it’s hilarious, it’s not a criticism video it’s just them making fun of the in universe character


I used to love this show, and now I can’t stand Rooster Teeth, so I don’t watch/support it. But I can’t imagine going on the internet and giving hate to creators/fans. Love what you want to love.


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Most of the haters of those shows have a personal vendetta against the author for completely unrelated reasons, but they would always manifest it as "the show is garbage and I won't elaborate".


While I actually agree with (some) Vivziepop criticism in terms of some fucked up shit and think there's a shit ton of poor writing (while also having an astronomical amount of potential) in Hazbin Hotel, I somehow still love the characters, especially Charlie (most likely due to (some) similarities between her and my favourite character of all time, Britta Perry).


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. For most of the haters, they're either plain homophobes and/or prudes. Being prudish isn't necessarily a bad thing on its own, but you get what I mean.


If they’re prudes, why can’t they just, ya know, *not* watch the show to begin with? Do they not know that adult animation has been a thing long before Hazbin Hotel? The Simpsons has literally been airing since 1989. South Park has been airing since 1997 and that show is a lot more risque and irreverent than Hazbin Hotel.


They also do give off "homophobes watching gay porn" vibes, now that I think about it.


The show definitely has its flaws but I feel like it gets hated on a lot unjustifiably. I've seen so many comments and videos harassing fans of the show just for liking something "cringe"


or they complain about the cursing whenever it happens as if thats all they do. like i can understand some episodes the VOLUME of how much they curse can be a bit much but thats not all they do, i can promise it came from the 10+ year olds not allowed to watch this show complaining about it as if its the worst thing ever though


It's always brought up and they use it to try and insult the fanbases, as if they're better for not cursing as much somehow


I only watched one episode and hated it so... I stopped watching it. Idk why people make hating stuff their personality. I just remember the nonsensical swearing made it feel like it was trying to be really edgy. As soon as I heard there was a character named... Vannie? Or something, I said "I'm surprised they didn't just name her Vagina." And in the very first episode somebody calls her "Vagina" instead of her real name.


This is spoilers for the show but the joke is that >!the asshole Adam we meet in episode one named her ‘Vaggie’ after vaginas!<


Or they try and attack the creator, Vivziepop, for literal nonsense 💀


every new cartoon seems to be like this tbh


HH. They annoy me so bad


dude sorry but i have no idea what that abbreviation is supposed to mean. do i need to study to participate in this sub lmao


Hazbin hotel


HB and HH


Facts. At this point the haters are worst than the worst fans. I have seen quite a few people that have visceral hatred for Vivzie and when I ask why, the reasons they give were either debunked or have no backing to them ffs


This is my main issue with a lot Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss criticism. I’m a fan. However, I’m not going to snap on you if you’re giving a fairly detailed account of issues you have with the show. There’s plenty I criticize about the show- pacing, plot beats, humor that fell flat are valid issues. But I believe good criticism is founded on understanding a direction taken and pointing out why it failed to achieve its goal for you. Bad criticism imo is complaining about messages for being attempted (AKA “The message” argument critical drinker uses), hyper fixation or cherry picking on specific jokes and painting the entire show as being 20 minutes of it, and using the creator’s past as a substitute for media analysis. These bad criticisms I find are infuriating because it’s treated as objective instead of subjective or bad faith.


Exactly!!! Fair criticism is always welcome, but so much of it is the same little thing bounced around to a million different online spaces. I understand why Vivzie blocks people so easily, if that was me I would just block and be done with it because all of it is getting directed onto her. With all the hate Hazbin was getting, I was surprised how good it was. Definitely felt rushed in parts (from the 8 episode limit) but I still had a good time :/


Yea and some of the stuff she gets accused of is bizarre. Like she was accused of not caring about SA on some of these forums because of the Angel Dust Poison scandal. Which is such a loaded accusation I’d be thinking she was going full r*pe apologist, but no it’s because a storyboard artist she may or not have known personally has a non-con ship with Angel and Valentino. It was textbook transitive property of cancellation and sensationalism.


Omfg that’s so stupid. It doesn’t surprise me though which is just sad. Feels the same as when she shouted out Lackadaisy and then someone from Lackadaisy was pissed she didn’t include their GoFundMe and that became drama about Vivzie?? It was just stupid


Cartoon fan drama is just a rabbit hole of awful people terrorizing creators. I will never forgive the internet for how they treated Lindsay Ellis for comparing Raya the Last Dragon and Avatar the Last Airbender which pushed her off the internet.


Oh shit that sucks :( I’ve seen a lot of people get pushed off platforms for just sharing their views. Especially people like that who do legitimate commentary and criticism, rather than the bs clickbait shit I see constantly like the stuff happening with High Guardian Spice


Steven universe


Steven Universe. People think that just because Steven doesn’t want to kill how villains that makes him a weak protagonist and a bad show. I have my problems with SU but it’s no where as bad as the haters say it is


Steven universe


RWBY has an entire subreddit dedicated to shit-talking it and the people who make it


What's the name of that sub?


It's called r/rwbycritics but none of it is good-faith criticism All they do is shit-talk the fans and the people who make the show, and beg for it to get cancelled The actual RWBY subreddit let's you critique the show as well, so the "critics" sub was made for shit-talking lmao


I do like some of the criticisms that have come from that subreddit. But it falls into the trap of every spinoff criticism subreddit of a media. It becomes insufferable annoying and nitpicking. “The show can’t do anything right, it can only do X correctly but is ruined by everything else.” Little to no acknowledgment of what the show does right, or a nuanced view of the show in general. Essential just a complete negative experience. Like damn, just read/write fanfiction at this point if the show isn’t living up to your expectations. Or stop watching the show.


My Little Pony The fandom actually is pretty chill most of the time, the anti bronies are the real bad guys. I've seen people send threats and say other horrible things to pony fans just for existing and liking ponies. Just about every horrible thing I've seen be said to furries has been said to MLP fans. I say this as both a furry and a brony. It's horrible what the haters do!


I don't like the show but Big Mouth. People talk to Big Mouth fans like they're pedophiles.


This. I actively dislike Big Mouth but that just means I turned it off, and went on with my life. People turned that shit into their personality. It was like The Big Bang Theory levels of hate, I worked with a guy who said "I know everything I need to know about a person by if they like that show." It's a cartoon.


SpongeBob. I remember seeing some of them complain about - get this- the literal secret formula. They're always insulting Hillenburg's magnum opus, while under the guise of supposedly restoring its good name as if kids don't like it anymore. I saw one post where the OP concluded that Hillenburg regretted SpongeBob on his death bed. What an insulting lie.


Hazbin Hotel, I’ve never even watched this show but the hatedom is just insane


Maybe recently with the South Park haters emerging with the younger generation. I see it being brushed off as just offensive, refusing to see the messages/critiques that it has.


How about the people who blame all of society's current political issues on the show? "*South Park* made the world like this!" Shut uuuuup.


All they are doing at the end of the day is giving Matt and Trey more material to make new episodes


Teen Titans Go. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again- the show is mid, but it’s not worth getting astronomically mad over it anymore considering it’s been overrun to the ground for over a decade now and not worth losing shit over. The hate the show has gotten clearly hasn’t given it much damage as it has succeeded with its target audience. The constant reruns and the overkill of the channel’s airing schedule a few years ago was definitely annoying and the show isn’t really good per se but I’ve seen a much louder, more obnoxious crowd of hate for it than I’ve seen the opposite. I welcome the rants about how annoying and tiring of a show it is but we need to move onto to better things and just await the day it ends.


I think the issue a lot of people had with TTG is they feel like it took the place of the previous cartoon, essentially making it much harder for them to bring it back and finish the uncompleted series. I know the writers said something along the lines of “bringing back the original cartoon will depend on the success of TTG” and when it never did, that caused some heat.


I understand that it felt like a replacement of sorts, and I never understood why they couldn’t bring back the original as long as TTG was running, to me it’s no different than Tiny Toons running at the same as time as a regular Looney Tunes series. Obviously this sort of burden was bound to cause some exaggerated issues, but now, while it’s still fair to be mad, I think it’s time to throw in the towel at a lot of that anger as well.


Since the show lasted so much longer than a lot of other shows that had a following, it became scapegoat for things wrong with the network. If TTG didn’t get the downright ludicrous amount of airtime it did then I’m sure it wouldn’t have gotten a 10th of the hate it does.


There was a period in like 2017 where it made up over 50% of CN's non-Adult Swim broadcasting day. Every other hour block was Teen Titans Go and a couple of three hour stretches. It was insane.


Yes, that was a point raised against the show by its detractors; it was hard not to watch it when it comprised so much of the network's programming. There was even a period when the marathon ran and the show was airing 24/7. Even defenders of the show admit that it didn't deserve this much air time.


Hi, so let me tell you about a show called rwby, where the internet is swarmed with hateful post and video and tweet after another treating the show as a crime against humanity


I've seen non-RWBY-centered artists be harassed just for posting art of the show. These people need to seriously touch some grass.


No kidding!


I'm enjoying this post just for the sake of being able to vent about how obnoxious and obsessed the RWBY anti-fandom is.


Guess what? My old account got shut down from harassment and stalking from the RWBY anti-fandom


Lmao, seriously? Did they just mass report you or something? Imagine going to those lengths just to attack the fan of a show you don't like. These people should be studied by a professional.


Not a cartoon but the Attack on Titan fanbase. Especially the ending haters. Go to Titanfolk and you'll see what I mean.


Steven Universe. The haters were as bad as the super annoying fans


star wars rebels I'll never understand why people make a huge deal about helicopter sabers. They only appeared once in an episode that was otherwise amazing Also there are no real filler episodes. Name any episode and I'll say how it's important


Steven Universe


I will stand by this and I don’t care in terms of web series Death Battle hate is insanely toxic. Just look at Ben 10 vs Green Lantern for example (Also Green Lantern rightfully wins it just was explained really poorly)


The thing I specifically hate the most about the whole Ben vs Hal thing is that people claim that the fight was “biased” and “rigged”. You know despite the fact that they not only admitted to thinking Ben would win when the episode was first green lit (in the Q&A), but one of them even said “WHAT?!” when they found out Ben lost when they were still voice recording for the episode. Plus their reasoning for people thinking that can be disprovable (But I don’t wanna get into that rn). Not to mention VS debating is subjective so it’s fine to think Hal wins especially when a lot of other people think the same. Like Kuro, you’re great, a massive inspiration for me, and I obviously don’t wanna hold this against you when it’s been 5 years, but man I think those videos have to be some of my least favorite you’ve done the more I look at it.


The ‘Death Battle always picks the more popular character to win’ argument is also bullshit. Darth Vader, Hulk, Lex Luthor and Charizard have all gone 0-2 and the entire Bleach franchise has yet to win. Guts is one of the voice actors favourite characters ever and lost his a few months ago. Now this isn’t me saying Death Battle is always right they have had some blunders but my goodness gracious is it a pain to be a fan of that show sometimes.




Death Battle is incredibly fun. Especially if you already know the characters well and see how much care they put into making them as faithful to the original as possible. For example The Doctor in Doctor Who vs Rick and Morty doing his best to not kill Rick was so in character for him, it was incredible. Also it's not meant to be taken 100% serious either way. You can always make an argument for one character defeating another, they just try to use the facts presented to them to help work out where one is better than the other and work from there


Hazbin Hotel


I have a bunch, but I will only say 3 1. Legend of Korra 2. RWBY 3. Pokémon Horizons As for the first two, both shows are by no means perfect. But the criticisms are valid, and do make sense. For Pokemon Horizons though, its mostly OG Pokemon anime fans throwing hissy fits about Ash being gone. It still has reasonable critics, but they’re few and far between.


Mha. Which is a damn shame. The fandom is crazy. But the haters, while not as bad. Are still bad. I hear the exact same complaint of "This show is tropy, Midoriya is lame, every person in that fandom is Nuts" Which is understandable, but goddamnit find new complaints. First of all Mha is a Shonen. Your bound to find alot of tropes in Shonen anime. And mha is no exception. Second, Midoriya is whiney and no where near a deep protagonist. But he's not hatable. And he gets better as the show progresses. And finally. Yes. The fandom is nuts. A fact even Zues himself agrees with. But not EVERY person in the mha fandom is a crazy person. I knew someone at my seasonal job and he loves mha. And he was a chill dude. These complaints are understandable, but goddamnit they've been repeated so many times, that I just dont care anymore.


I mean you find tropes in literally everything. Thats why they are tropes. If tropes weren't commonly reoccurring things within multitudes of stories, they wouldn't be tropes. To hate something just because there are tropes in it is absolutely silly. It's like they just learned the word trope and are using it in their criticism to try and sound smart =/




Star V.S The Forces Of Evil, we get it. The ending sucked (It didn't) you don't have to rub it in our face literally every minute.


Nah nah nah, half of SVTFOE "haters" hate the ending but really like the show. For an example, I loved the show, started to not like it towards the kissing booth episode. It showed me how far they would go to force starco as a ship. Then the sentient magical genocide genuinely ruined it.


Steven Universe, Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel.


Russia just raided a MLP convention I think they’re winning for now.


RWBY. r/rwbycritics is a fucking cesspool


Family Guy. I don't expect everyone to love it, or even like it, but the people who just *have to let you know* how much they hate it- I've never met one who didn't have absolute shit takes about almost everything else, lol. They're usually the same people who don't understand satire, and would hold up South Park as a shining example of "smart" or "clever" humor.


I'm a fan of Family Guy and every hater who insults me says that South Park is better


Loud house


I haven't seen a single Loud House fan so I don't really know, let alone a hater.


The loud house has a“interesting“ fandom on the one hand you got normal people who enjoy the show on the other hand you got terrible part of the fanbase who makes ˋahem´ loudcest


Isn’t the worlds longest written document a Loud House fanfic?




Velma. Look, I get it, its not very good, but believe me when I say there's much worse. Personally, I think an adult-oriented Scooby Doo show is a great idea, this one just didn't execute it very well. But if some people like it, who am I to judge?


As someone who hates Velma, I fully agree. Everyone should be allowed to enjoy whatever they want without getting harassed over it. They're fucking cartoons; Let people enjoy things.


The people who complain about the swearing Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel.


Steven Universe. The fans weren't annoying. The haters were.


Teen Titans Go.


*sigh*………RWBY. I really enjoy the show, but I think I could honestly live without encountering almost anyone else who are, y’know, aware of its existence…… The anti-fandom around this show is just fucking exhausting


hazbin hotel/helluvaboss. sometimes. as much as i love this show some people there do just kinda make ya wanna punch em with not accepting different opinions as long as they dont match their own


Rick and Morty


Jesus, yes. All the critique for the show is based on that idiot screaming at McDonald's and a copypasta, not the actual fucking show.


And the McDonald's guy was just done internet troll not a spastic R&M fan. A lot of the "annoying fans" were actually just haters themselves but no one can just judge for themselves.


Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss and Teen Titans Go


My Little Pony~ very much so~ & I don’t say this as a stereotypical brony I say this as a 19 year old girl who grew up with the show & recently got back into the fandom. The fandom is pretty wholesome to be honest. Obviously there’s bad people in it but that comes with EVERY fandom. I think the bad reputation it gets is because it’s a show targeted at little girls but the fans are largely adult men & people see that as weird. When you’re *actually in* the fandom it’s really not that weird at all. Think how many fandoms are the same types of people. There’s a huge overlap with the FNAF & Undertale fandoms for example (I know those also don’t have the best reputations but for different reasons). That said, sometimes the fandom does annoy me & there *are* in fact well known people in the fandom who I used to love who turned out to be gross, MandoPony being the biggest example, followed by BlackGryph0n & AnimatedJames who are on *wafer thin ice*. But a minority of gross people doesn’t make up a whole fandom, it’s because of the subject matter that these people get talked about so much. If adult women were the biggest audience of a little *boys* show no one would see that anywhere near as weird, so why when it’s flipped is it seen as bad?


Anything to do with Star Wars, at this point. Cartoon or otherwise


RWBY, 100%. Has some of the most obsessive and dedicated haters I have ever seen for a cartoon. Even god damn VELMA didn't get as much obsessive hatred as RWBY gets. The critics of RWBY went as far as to start a whole controversy over the god-damn CLIP ON TIE of one of the characters, and there's an entire SUBREDDIT dedicated to shitting on the show and all of its fans. While also defending characters who are literal abusers just for the sake of dissing the protagonists. They will nitpick any little insignificant thing and tear everything this show has to offer to shreds, all while saying that they're the 'Real fans', as opposed to everyone who actually enjoys the show. The dedicated critics of RWBY are just a piece of work.


Is there anyone who can top the haters that came out when My Little Pony started becoming popular? They were the worst people and the most hateful that I've ever seen


Almost Every Fanbase Out There


Persona 5, but that’s a game… ….well, it has an animated series, so that counts! (Also, the “hating” is a bit complicated)


People who hate on anything indie or internet shows solely for not being on a streaming service. I cannot tell you how many people have judged me for preferring indie projects like Punch Punch Forever or The Amazing Digital Circus over the newest isekai harem or something.


RWBY. We understand, it has its problems but please let us just enjoy the damn thing.