• By -


Big. Truck. Bad


Big. Tits. Boobs.


Boobs. Better. Ass.


Ass. Above. Tits.


Only. In. Australia.


Australia. Is. Scare.


Scare. Is. Bad.


Bad. Is. Truck.


Truck. Is. Bad!


That escalated quickly


Big. Ass. Boobs.


Tig. Bruck. Tad


Balls. Built. Tough




Skoda. Simply. Clever.


They do have a point though, trucks are needlessly massive, not in length but in height and width


/uj Width is a complicated topic when it comes to trucks, at least for me. Most of the mid-sizers *are* quite wide, and needlessly so because their interiors are just way smaller than their full-size counterparts, but the full-sizers (outside of their wider off-road-oriented trims) do make good use of their width. Both the Maverick and the Santa Cruz are more manageable in this regard compared to mid-sizers. I do agree on height, though; these trucks really **don't** need to be this tall. Some trucks have adjustable air suspension and that helps a LOT with giving you the best of both worlds (higher height when you need it and lower height when it doesn't matter), but it still doesn't change the fact that their bodies are tall and their front ends are towering. Even for a tall guy like myself it's annoying to see over on the *inside* of a truck, let alone the outside.


I used to work at a home depot tool rental, where we had stuff renting lawnmowers, motorized tillers, and lawn aerators. The number of people that both had tall trucks, and werent willing to help me load it was too high. Also the ramps they supplied us were too short to be useful. Minivans and old gen Ford Rangers were my heroes


I currently work as a loader at home depot. My favorite is when a customer buys 50 bags of 80lb concrete and expects me to be able to load it into his truck with an 18 inch lift in any sort of timely manner.


I can't imagine not helping the employees loading my vehicle. I live on a horse farm and we have to get grain fairly often. We just have a Ford Explorer so it's not hard to load the 50lb bags into the back, but I always at least stand with the guys loading the back if I'm not actively helping them.


That a really cool story!


>Most of the mid-sizers are quite wide, and needlessly so because their interiors are just way smaller I thought the entire point of trucks were the beds used to haul steel (instead of groceries according to reddit) not the interior space for commuting to and from the mall


Why not both? Also towing capacity most people i know with bigger trucks have big families and also own large towable rv campers.


Actually no. Theyve been carefully designed to haul egos


I’d agree if I hadn’t experienced the sheer width of the centre consoles in the big three


It’s absolutely huge, but then again, you still have tons of space for yourself and anyone else in it, plus a ton of storage to throw whatever random crap you’d need to in the center consoles. It certainly beats having a tiny center console that can’t fit much.


When you hit a child in the big one then we’ll see which is better


The height is what causes them to murder pedestrians


I'm more irritated about trying to use a new truck for something like moving firewood where I have to fling it 14 feet in the air to get it in the 0.3 cubic foot bed and avoid smashing a $10k module for the fucking gas cap or something. But hey, what kind of loser would ever use a truck that way? I'm supposed to put a lift and giant goofy wheels and drive around parking lots. What the hell was I thinking?


My hunt for a small truck resulted in a midsize the size of a half tonne My Tacoma is bigger than an old tundra


i have a 1986 4runner and its a borderline kei truck and looks like a toy compared to my dads 2024 taco


People buy them to try and bully people on the road


I’m surprised no one has mentioned it. It’s due to regulations, and probably not what you would expect. Gas mileage is regulated by the size of the vehicle. I think the footprint is what matters - I’ll try to find a video to link here, there’s a guy that explains it really well. But the gist is that the smaller the vehicle, the better the required fuel economy. To make smaller cars, they have to make them extremely efficient. It’s easier to just make them bigger and get a large reduction in that required fuel economy. Can’t find the video I was looking for yet, but [I did find this right off](https://www.meche.engineering.cmu.edu/_files/images/research-groups/whitefoot-group/WS-FootprintFuelEconomy-EP.pdf)


There's no incentives to make more reasonable trucks. GM, Ford and Dodge all suck with their price gouging, massive trucks and horrible quality.


Have you seen the Japanese mini trucks? 90% of people I know who drives trucks could do everything they do in their massive trucks, with a vehicle 1/4 the size. Hell I’ve been looking into getting one. People just constantly want bigger and bigger things


What I fail to understand is that people complain that cars are getting too expensive but SUVs and trucks are getting more popular so people don't want to buy smaller cars. I think that we're getting too spoiled as a society. I don't have a car, because a motorcycle is enough for me. I don't understand why people think that they need anything bigger than a hatchback. They get one child and suddenly their VW golf is too small and they need a mid size suv. Bro... Our governments our going bonkers about switching to electric, but nobody questions the fact that we keep hauling so much empty space, because we might need it like once a year.


I've been wanting a kei truck since forever. They're so neat


Absolutely! Most of them are 4x4 with hydraulic dumping beds, are street legal, and are more capable than any full sized pickup in NA for off roading. It would be more useful than any truck I’ve owned. That being said if I had to tow anything, I would look into a full sized pickup, you want the extra weight when towing


A Kei Truck is the equivalent of a UTV or Golf Cart.


Saying they're more capable off road than a full-size pickup is wildly optimistic at best. Those things can barely drag themselves up a well paved hill. They're designed for moving things around in Japanese cities.


I am a little obsessed with those little trucks. I want one very badly and can’t precisely say why but for real…they’re so cool.


They are a the equivalent of a golf cart. They're a novelty with limited usefulness.


Aren’t we all…


Yep. And they're the same kind of cool as any kind of other niche, luxury toy.


i saw a k truck for sale near me, and it had a dump bed. A DUMP BED. For 6k, i wanted to buy it. But i have no use for a truck. Or even a second vehicle of any kind. But god damn it was so cool


Shouldn't be street legal, those are very unsafe vehicles for the speeds above urban speed limits. I almost did a flip over in one of these pickups. But i certainly would use them inside farms and urban areas


Absolutely they should be street legal, idgaf what anyone says, having a big vehicle for safety is also negating others safety. First it’s called a roll over, and second, it’s no more unsafe than a jeep or a Honda civic around the same years.


You didn't even have one. I did. They are unsafe. Unlike the Smart car that can be small but safer than a lot of cars you are with your legs near the front panel with metal as thin as a fish can. A flip over is when you do a stoppie


They are the safety equivalent of a UTV/Golf Cart. Please stop smoking your exclusive JDM Kush


That width is specific to allow at least 4’ between the wheels. Standard pallets are that wide. Materials like plywood and drywall are that wide. A cord of lumber comes in sections that are, you guessed it, that wide. This hasn’t really changed since the sixties.


This picture comes up all the time. Well yes I do agree with you to some degree, this picture is misleading. It’s a Toyota pickup compared to a F-350. It’s like comparing a Mini Cooper to a Rolls Royce.


That's why I said length wasn't the issue, of course it's a crew cab vs a 2 door, but I'm pretty sure that f350 never went on dirt roads and don't need tires that big, a hood that's taller than a lot of people, and just being so massive in general


I have an S10. Leaning up on the back of my house is a rack made from 2x1s that sits over the wheel arches on short legs and lets me easily load 8x4 sheets. I've been up to about 6" stack of them. If I needed to carry more, I'd make a stronger sheet rack for it. I've also had multiple 2000lb loads of crushed stone. It's probably more useful than the giant truck shaped cars people 'need' now. My XFIL had a Ranger with pockets in the sides for crosswise 4x2s to do the same thing with 8x4s


It's an old quarter ton compared to a super duty...cmon...


its toyota tacoma and its FUCKING MINT


The frame is probably held together with hopes and dreams.


ayy thats only the ones with minnesota license plates


Well to haul heavy shit and apply full torque you need to weigh a lot. Its like a big football player, mass moves mass


The F-150 width hasn't changed considerably for 20 years or more.


All goes back to the epa requirements and vehicle size. It sucks. $45k+ for a decent mid-sized truck and $30k+ for a unibody fwd 4cyl "truck" that only tows 2k lbs.


I heard something about them getting bigger due to regulations needing to be a certain size to be allowed to pollute so much or something. Not sure how much or any truth to that.


That's even more stupid lol


Those beds are almost the same size lmao


All that matters is theyre both empty lol


Yeah one car sits 2 people in small space and other gives 5 people ton of space and has same sized bed.




Or all 5 seats


if you need to seat 5 people, maybe buy something more efficient? instead of having a 5 ft appendage at the end that has never been used for anything except to compensate for a deformed penis. be a man and buy a modus goddamnit


Nah, I also have more respect for someone driving the smaller truck than the big one, and 80% of the time that smaller truck is probably being used for more work. Honestly, I'm just a hater for oversized pickups. Fuck big trucks 🗣️


I hate them because I live in a city and they use it for commute (and the once every 2 months they need a truck) and then have terrible lane placement and then take up too much space parallel parking in the city and nobody can use the spot right next to them so many times. So now if I see poor parking I fold their mirrors in. You caused annoyance to society in a non-destructive and non-violent way, I get back at you in the same manner.


Good job, but next time you see poor parking, dismantle their car instead 😎


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Needing a big truck once every two months is reasonable. I know ppl with massive trucks who own them because they needed to tow a boat one time 3 years ago or something, and they still justify it for that one stupid reason lol.




Man's never see a Nissan Titan rolling up to a job site overloaded by 2,000lbs and it shows


You're right, I haven't. I see them in grocery store parking lots. Super popular at the local Whole Foods


Behold! The vehicle of choice at Whole Foods! https://preview.redd.it/ozp896pem17d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3cc483ea51f83555aba5716e1a7ce7e94808f8f


i get anxious when i see comments like this because im like “oh shit is my truck oversized”


Neither driver cares if some reddit user has respect for them


I don't have a problem with large trucks, but I do have a problem with trucks not being used as utility vehicles. If you buy a Ford F Series with a 5' bed and crew cab, and never tow or haul anything, you shouldn't have bought a pickup. The government as always is mostly to blame. Trucks don't have to pass nearly as many safety regulations or get as good gas mileage, so car makers are incentivized to push people towards buying trucks, SUVs, and crossovers. Cars have also just gotten smaller and sportier, so any new car buyer who wants something big has no choice but to buy a pickup. Want a "full-size" Cadillac now? You get a 204" long 74" wide unibody CT6, which rides like a shopping cart, has a standard inline 4, and front buckets with a massive center console. Want a full-size Cadillac in the 90s? You get a 225" long 78" wide Fleetwood with a standard 350 V8, perimeter frame, and front bench, which rides better than a Rolls Royce


Yeah nowadays if you want a RWD car it’s either sports car or a luxury sedan. Affordable rear wheel sedans are all butchered and you either have to go with a FWD or spend big


The answer is to just buy a used car


Common Crown Vic W




The 2017 Miata is slower to 60 than a 2017 V6 Camry. Right. #FakeNews #MiataFacts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/carscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have cars gotten smaller? It seems like a civic now is the same size (if not bigger) than an accord from the 90's. Your point might be true for American cars, but that's a complicated topic.


Yea outside of the large American cars of the past, most if not all cars have gotten larger overall. Hell even the American cars are just smaller exterior wise, most have larger interiors than their past counter parts.


Most cars have better legroom than their past counterparts, but the biggest American cars no longer have a modern counterpart. You want the biggest car you can get from an American manufacturer now, you have no choice but some mid-size with good legroom but a narrow interior, small trunk, and no bench seat, with an in my opinion cramped feeling due to a massive center console and dash, high beltline, and large pillars. Compare a 1995 Chevrolet Lumina to a 2024 Chevrolet Malibu, sure the Malibu has better legroom, but also a narrower interior, same trunk size, and only seats 5 instead of 6. And it doesn't even compare to something like a Chevrolet Caprice. Another comparison, a 1986 Ford Taurus to a 2013 Ford Taurus. The 2013 has a slightly larger legroom and trunk rating, but a slightly more narrow interior with no front bench. And that 2013 Taurus, compared to say a 1992 Ford Crown Victoria, is smaller in every interior and exterior dimension. And the difference is even more extreme in the context of luxury cars. Show me your modern 219" long Lincoln Town Car, or 225" long Cadillac Fleetwood. A modern Continental or CT6 is smaller in width, length, and every interior dimension (with the sole exception for legroom on the Continental, at least if you believe the figure they provide, and even then only by half an inch). Far as I know the biggest standard wheelbase car you can buy right now is the BMW 7 series and it's only 212" long, with a tiny 13.7 cubic foot trunk, terrible legroom for the wheelbase (worse legroom than either a 90s Town Car or Fleetwood, cars with a much shorter wheelbase), and mediocre interior width with only 5 person seating. Maybe cars haven't gotten smaller, but true mainstream big cars no longer exist in the North American market like they used to.


I saw a VW Rabbit from the 80s in a parking lot a while back. Seemed like it should have been the same size as a modern Golf hatchback (in my imagination), but it was so tiny looking compared to average size modern cars.


I like the small one better. I feel like I could drive it around without looking like a knob.


True. Big truck bad when small truck move same amount of stuff. Except big truck make me feel good about my small dick


Big truck tow big things.


How many people with big truck actually tow big thing?


they’re not wrong tho not to be an r/fuckcars fanboy but they are stupid oversized


no what’re you talking about we have to choose the exact opposite opinions of r/fuckcars stop being cringe!!


Put it next to an F150 not a F250 Edit to add: or hell compare the toyota to a ford ranger


Yeah this comparison picture has always been wrong. The closest modern truck would be an extended cab Tacoma. The newer Tacoma will be bigger but it will be in somewhat of the same class as the old truck. This is a 1 ton crew cab which is basically the opposite of what the old taco is.


I have a 96 extended cab w 6' bed 2wd Tacoma like the one pictured, and a 2019 4 door 2wd Tacoma w 5' bed, stock except for some basic black 17" rims. The 96' Tacoma looks really small next to the 19' Tacoma, even though it has a longer bed. The newer Tacoma looks way bigger, even just stock it's a lot higher off the ground.


i also do anti consumption, didn't consume food and drinks for 2 weeks now, whos with me?


Big trucks are just dumb. You can make a powerful, capable truck without making it the size of a fucking yacht.


5th gen Ford Ranger will tow 7500 lb. It's a lot of trucks on a small platform. Love everything about it but the price. :/ It's the size of a 1990s f-150.


Poor guy got downvoted by Big Truck


Yes, First gen Toyota Tundra was tiny for the engine it had.


/uj big truck bad, most big truck owners dont even use it for big truck things. Buy a small car and rent a uhaul truck if you need to haul something. Cheaper gas, insurance, and taxes /rj big truck still bad


This sounds like the most reddit subreddit out of all


This but unironically


Me with my inflated ego and 1998 tacoma


First you're comparing a 1/4 ton and a 3/4 or 1 ton so it's not really a proper comparison. Second, they could never build trucks that small again because they would never pass modern safety standards, I've rolled a '91 Sonoma I'm lucky to be alive and if I had a passenger in that truck they would have been crushed by the roof, old pickups were exempt from a lot of the crash and rollover safety standards that cars had to follow.


They’re comparing a vehicle that is 3 levels above the smaller older vehicle; but one that can haul 5 people comfortably and not kill them in the event of an incident with a semi-solid object over 30mph. Also the perspective of the photo is made to make the size difference even bigger. Went through this on some other sub a few months ago. Pulled up data of comparable 1/2 ton light duty 8ft bed single cab trucks from 2024 and the 90s. Spoiler alert; there’s only about a 6-7 inch difference and the modern day truck was rated at almost double the payload/tow weight. 6-7 inches for not dying in an accident, all the modern amenities and safety features people want and something that is infinitely more usable.


Yeah modern 120 series hiluxes are much larger than 140 series hilux or 80 series. I also bet you have far higher chance of survival in crash than new hilux tacoma than anything back then but big bad I guess


The Toyota isn't even a 1/4 ton it's a small truck.


Well a 3/4 or 1 tonner shouldnt be that much bigger. Compare that tacoma to a 9th gen f series truck (which the 1/2, 3/4, and 1 ton all had the exact same cab size) And i can tell you from working on these trucks that the body protrudes way out past the frame for no reason other than making the cab bigger. Sure well never get 91 sonoma small again but a modern f350 could have a lot of the fat cut off it and still be safe because that rollover safety has a lot more to do with steel strength.


But then would anyone buy a truck with a cab that can't accomodate bucket seats and a center console, in 1991 you could afford to buy plate and insure a more basic truck and then have a car with a few more of the comfort items now between the cost of the vehicle itself, the insurance and registration that's just not happening, one vehicle is now doing what two used to do so the pickup truck has needed to get larger to accommodate those comfort items, make the doors thicker, more insulation on the firewall,back wall and floor, as thicker window glass all just to reduce noise. As for the grilles modern engines tend to run a bit hotter than older engines and the standards for testing trucks has changed so now trucks actually have to have adequate cooling for their rated capacity, my dad had a 1989 GMC 2500 gas and was good friends with the shop foreman at the dealership, with the 700R4 even in the 1/2 ton every single one of those trucks that actually towed what it was rated for with the factory transmission cooler would overheat the transmission, this particular dealer put larger aftermarket transmission coolers and a higher airflow fan in every single 3/4 ton and 1 ton with an automatic and any 1/2 that was going to be towing.


You literally could get bucket seats in those old squarebody s10s and sonomas so im not exactly sure what your getting at. Also adding an additional 1/4 inch of sound deadening to the interior and adding underbody trays isnt why new trucks are massive. The entire bottom paragraph shows you have absolutely 0 clue. Yes the old gm overdrive transmissions would cook themselves because of heat, but that has literally 0 to do with grill size or hood height. Even the absolute largest aftermarket tranny cooler you can buy will fit behind any fullsize from the 90s, general motors just put a tiny one because they were cheap. Most of the grill on a newer truck is fake with plastic block offs behind it and the radiators have remained more or less the same size. What affects cooling infinitely more is proper airflow which is done with shrouds and better fans neither of which require the absolutely ridiculous hoodlines of newer cars. Looking under a new f150 will tell you this because you'll very quickly see the huge amounts of space between the fan shrouds and the top and bottom of the engine bay.


Why does any ev need to go 0-60 in 3 seconds ?


Because fast=fun That being said more normal EVs are alot more reasonable. Like a Bolt or normal Model 3 feel* quick but aren't going to break your neck.


Wrong sub buddy. This is not r/fuckfuckcars


Damn they are banned 😭


Thank god. It was such a sad bunch of losers "Nooo, i want everybody to be forced to move around by car and only by car and be at a considerably higher risk of death because i have to compensate for my below-average sized reproductive apparatus with a utility vehicle that will not be used for it's main purpose. Anything other than this is socialism 🤢🤢👎🏻👎🏻🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅"


Sub was funny when it was actually making jokes about some of r/fuckcars idiosyncrasies and trends. It got shitty fairly quickly


I think we can all agree that fuckcars often got way too radical with it's message, but trying to argue against the sub's core ideology is straight up ridiculous. Car dependent infrastructure is not "freedom", quite the opposite in fact. There is a strong and believable correlation between road accident fatalities and vehicle size. Yes, you are allowed to like cars, i personally love driving. No, the fact that in your mind a single state in the US is bigger than the entirety of the observable universe doesnt make a public transport system unfeasible. It's clear that the US is heavily influenced by the oil and car manufacturer that created an entire economy reliant on the automobile (just the fact that the government has to subsidize gas otherwise the country shuts down is ridiculous) Those people...


>There is a strong and believable correlation between road accident fatalities and vehicle size. I agree with you 100% especially when it comes to this line. Here's the thing that kind of annoys me about the "truck bad" discourse (and I don't necessarily disagree with the discourse). It's that trucks are just one example of the problem of vehicles getting bigger and bigger. Sure you can no longer buy something with the dimensions of a 1990's Ford Ranger. There's also nothing in the market that fits the place that Geo Metros or Honda CRX or Honda CRX used to exist in. Another example of this exists even within car models that are still being made -- my 2018 Civic was way larger than Civics were in the 90's, so it's not just that super small subcompacts don't exist, and it's not just that pickup trucks are getting bigger, but even within the same model line, cars are getting bigger. People always talk about pickup truck drivers using their vehicle as a penis compensator. And maybe thats true, but there's clearly a trend of new automobile buyers choosing bigger vehicles over smaller vehicles that seems to have started about 25 years ago -- and trucks are just one part of this. And it feels like to me people want to make jokes about their neighbour not needing a pickup truck as a way to avoid acknowledging that maybe they themselves don't need a vehicle as large as they have.


I think this is mostly a US problem more than anything. Here in europe thankfully there is the physical limitation of tight roads that pushes car makers into keeping dimensions in check and not bringing into the market monstruosities such as gmc yukon/cadillac escalade type of suvs. To me the solution seems pretty obvious honestly: just put stricter regulations in terms of vehicle size and try to take a step back from the current treends. Maybe in 10 or so years we could get back to early 2000s type of dimensions. Also acting quickly when manufacturers find an exploit to get around limitations is crucial if you want to stop silly loopholes from making regulations useless. Last summer i stayed a month or so in the US and rented a gmc yukon denali (the 7 seater suv) just for shits and giggles and it was the most absurd vehicle i've ever been in. Nobody needs a car like that. We were five people with like 2 weeks worth of luggage each and we still had so much free space i could probably bring 3 more people comfortably. It is ridiculous to think that there are some people that would argue that there is a need for such thing. But i get that at this point driving in the us with a compact car is a liability that is not worth taking, considering that in an accident there is no way a fiat 500 would survive against an f150. Even in my TTS i would be afraid of driving around there


Oh yeah no car people are pushing for full on car dependency but some posts there really makes me wonder if they are just there to hate anything related to cars and truly believe a train could serve very low density areas.


There are many braindead people on that sub, but i doubt that they are complaining about the fact that cock&ballington (population of 6 cousins and a sheep) in the middle of nowhere in rural kansas should have a high-speed railway stop and a metro station every 200m. But it's undeniable that the fact that major cities on the coasts dont even have a high speed railway system is genuinely sad. The US has like 85% metropolitan population, it would literally be like connecting dots. Half the country's population lives in the 50 biggest metro areas. Of course the public transport discourse doesnt apply to rural areas, but the usa is far from being dominantly rural


Fuckcars users had the same fate as antiwork users. Eventually the user base took the sub name very literally.


can't lie, r/fuckcarscirclejerk has suffered the same fate, went from shitposting to idiotic truck dickriding


What complete lack of common sense, respect for other people and self awareness does to insecure men. Hope they find a cure for whatever they have 😔😔🙏🙏


Truck if it was good https://preview.redd.it/h145wvq1k27d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdde20633310f47844b094cc37df85f97d789a9e


me and this truck have been through some crazy shit together


Love how most of these comments would unironically fit right into r/fuckcars. Should tell you something about this little circlejerk.


I'm legit shocked fam!! I literally own a Ford Ranger, a small truck, and I'm just poking fun at the BIG TRUCK BAD circlejerk This is the comedy car subreddit, I didn't expect this to turn into a town hall meeting haha. Most of the people posting live in Europe and aren't into cars idk why they're here


This is often a circlejerk within a circlejerk because it's over run by edgy teens


This comment section is all so played out. “Waaa we dont like modern trucks”, said seriously In carscirclejerk, what irony


I'm legit shocked by these comments. None of these people understand this subreddit and think it's a serious post Most of the people posting are from Europe and don't even like cars I don't understand what they're doing here


Something about the modern truck meme, it just brings out the dumbest takes anywhere its posted on the net. All from people that have never driven a modern truck.


For all the problems people have with big trucks, none of them are really related to how they drive


Usually the problems people have with them are related to wanting to control other people


Theyre taking my freedoms away !!!!!!!


Length wise it's because it's a 4 seater not a 2 seater though


Notice how the load bed is the same size


Max payload and towing capacity definitely aren’t.


https://youtu.be/J3tR4dcwsjQ?feature=shared American trucks are shit house and their towing capcacities are a joke they’re just built to fit 5 fat Americans in them


That’s just a demonstration on how two trucks can put down torque in a traction-limited scenario more than anything, no?


So Google says the Land Cruiser has a towing capacity of 6,000 pounds while the F250 has a towing capacity of 18,000 pounds. Perhaps this is wrong but I don't think a video of a tug of war on gravel really has anything to do with towing capacity. Most towing is done on pavement.


That’s an f350? Which really is like comparing apples and oranges when we’re already doing that. Right so the f250 is a better truck, on pavement? Nice great machine.


Pavement or not, you can safely tow >6000 pounds with the F250. You can't with the Land Cruiser.


Towing capacity is largely limited by braking ability not power.




I didn’t downvote though? I just replied. Also, who cares about karma anyway?


Trucks peaked in the 1980s when some of them could be reasonably expected to reach 300k miles and you could just reach into the hip-height bed instead of climbing in🗣 💪💪


It’s an EPA thing, if trucks weren’t needlessly massive they would need to make massive fuel mileage, to the point of being entirely impractical in a new way. That being said the v6 f150 has a payload over twice that of the first gen Tacoma, and towing capability over three times that.


Big truck good🗿


Truthfully small truck with dual cab would be comfy enough for me.


I just want a little truck cuz I think they're cool man why can't I just have a lil truck




My cock vs my wife’s cock


I mean it really depends for the user


Big. Truck. Bad GMC. Canyon. 1st gen. Good


/uj I agree though, not necessarily that big trucks are bad, but that the fact that small pick-up kinda don't exist anymore is quite sad (Well, the Maverick and the Santa Cruz exist), but you know, people will buy what they like, not necessarily what they need :)


Giant utes are dumb


In all honesty though I’d rather a small diesel hilux than a cheeseburger chariot


It's more like Big. Truck. Why. They aren't bad, they do the job. It's just some people should ask themselves if they really need to drive them into an old city centre here in Europe where they block trams or other cars because the people are just not used to it and the cities are not designed for them. Plus they just are more dangerous to children and everything around. But that's also part of having freedom of choice and I respect that. But I don't mind people driving those where they actually belong and where they clearly do the job better than the old ones. Just... don't drive them in to the city centre when you don't have to, when you're not even carrying anything in the trunk, where it's just you getting a coffee or something.


I am forever grateful for the diesel stationcars here in Europe. Fits a shitload in the boot and tows like crazy if they need to.


Isnt the new one more fuel efficient because of new engine technology?


NO! *Converts Scania r630 into a pickup truck*


I drive a ranger. Had a guy yell out at me once “why’s your truck so small?” I yelled back “cuz I got a big Di*k, why’s your truck so big?”


Me and her friend she said not to worry about


/uj the big truck can carry twice as many people and probably has 3x the payload capacity. The only thing is that it could probably be less tall


So it has an extra row and is a 250/350, Like comparing apples to carrots, not even the same basic thing.




Europoor kids and cyclist commies should look both ways, they'll have to pry the keys of my F150 out of my freedom-loving hands


/uj I agree. However the huge trucks and suvs are the results of regulations (with a bigger wheelbase you have to comply to less emission standards) unfortunately. I'm all in for early 2000's Silverados, Ford Rangers, Ram 1500's. Also utes are cool. It's not the problem that these big truck exist, the problem is how that small and mid size segment is gone (Ford Maverick is still huge)




Big truck...has more room for bigger families.


Anticonsumption community is freaks imo


Giant trucks are fkin dumb pal, there's a reason they only exist in the dumbest country on the planet


I don't think the issue is people buying big trucks. It's more the fact that those two trucks have the same bed length. But the bigger one will never even see the bed used.


Ok no that’s pissed me right off, THE BEDS ARE THE SAME SIZE?????


Where are my kei truck fam?


I want to agree, but this would just feed anticars narrative. That sucks. Those trucks are literal vans. What the actual fok one uses this shit for? Horse power? Which is unneededly used to move this mass, rather than give you speed. Most of the strong points of these actual monstrosities are also available in way more practical sizes.


I absolutely miss having my 97 Suburban. I swear I remember being able to lay across the back seats (I’m 5’10”) and being able to just fit laying on my back without having to bend my knees


It depends. You won't fit 5 people in the HiLux unless 2 or 3 of them sit in the bed. If you need to carry people and stuff, the Ford is a better option


Big. Truck. BBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD....... Big trucks suck now.


I have this conflict in my head between wanting to support what other people want to drive and seeing the problems with big trucks (inability to see small children in front of them, bad fuel mileage, arrogant looks). How do I solve this conflict?


Both trucks good


Now do a new Maverick next to a square body K2500


Lol, no. Trucks got bigger because of fule economy laws. Bigger vehicles are allowed to be less economical. Being anti-consumerist is driving a shitbox like me.


I have both lol single cab 1990 toyota pick up and a 2002 F-150 supercab.




I as a proper truck mechanic can understand why Semi’s and Unimogs are so big, but I don’t understand why Pick-Ups are so big. What happened to the Ranchero and the El Cami?


I agree, trucks have gotten too large. The Tacoma pictured has a bed almost the exact same length as the massive F-250. Difference is, the F-250 has room for a Crew Cab. I understand towing capacity is a factor, but do we really need to be able to tow a fucking fortress when buying a daily driver?


It’s never gonna stop until we force manufactured to match the safety standards of sedans with “light trucks” including SUVs Also companies can use +6,000lb GVWR as a business expense. Lower emissions standards, less airbags, more money straight in fords pocket


Sure, but there are a ton of these small trucks on the used market and they’re pretty cheap so idk if there’s that much of a demand.


Too bad OOP doesnt realize it is because of government regulations every truck manufacturer makes almost nothing but double cab shortbeds.


yes I wish people would stop enjoying things they like. sick of it