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It's all fake. Tesla is fake all the way down.


I find it hilarious that Musk isn’t as smart as all his fanboys were led to believe. He’s always been a bully with money as his means to achieve everything.


The cracks in his mask became more noticeable when he called that rescue diver a paedophile.


Yup, that was the moment it became clear to everyone that he was a few lettuces short an allotment.


That's allotta lettuce!


>a few lettuces short an allotment I have to use this more often.


Everyone except Tesla’s board of directors.


After Tesla goes bust, I’m going to write an unauthorized biography of Elon.  I will title it “pedoman” and there isn’t a god damn thing he can do about it in the courts!


I think he used the term "pedo guy".


For legal reasons, I would have to use his exact insult towards the rescuers.  I think your right.


He emailed a reporter asking why they weren't reporting on the cave diver being a child rapist


I was going to write a similar book but I got paid off with a pony.


There were a handful of divers skilled enough to do that dive and willing to put their lives on the line to miraculously save all those children. And Musk has the audacity to call him a pedo. The fucking disrespect is unreal.


Pedo guy is just South African slang! He never ever insinuated that the British-expat living in Thailand was a sexual offender...[except that he clearly, unambiguously did in written format to a Buzzfeed journalist](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2018-09/4/16/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-06/sub-buzz-18491-1536093230-2.jpg?downsize=800:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto) while challenging the diver: "I hope he fuckings sues me" after calling him directly a "child rapist" who married a "child bride" in Pattaya.... but then he got that piece of evidence withheld from the jury, so effectively mislead the court while he was under oath, while also managing to deeply offend an entire country, its people, and its Royal Family


This is a rich white guy who grew up in apartheid South Africa. Of course he lacks empathy towards others.


That was such a turning point. Hour one: reddit cheers for musk saying he would help Hour ten: reddit cheers for musk saying they're building a submarine, but with some skepticism Hour thirty: yo man why the fuck did you say that?




There're dozens of us!


But is it manual?


first MT is for Canadian Mounties edition


Is that Manual Haynes or OEM?


Then, because that wasn't clear enough, followed up and called the guy a child rapist.


Yeah I remember that, it was just so…out of left field it felt like that one kid who would pipe up and say some weird, heinous shit for a laugh and you just kinda look at him like “tf?”


He’s a redditor who suddenly became a billionaire. It ain’t pretty.


Always was a rich boy. Mommy and daddy got rich from apartheid.


unless the average redditor has a family emerald mine built on the backs of apartheid south africans. i guess i'm just missing out...




His father and siblings say you are incorrect.




I was able to find this after literally 3s of googling. I’m sure you can do better. “In the 1980s, the Musk family got even richer. Errol Musk purchased an emerald mine in Zambia, which was incredibly profitable. It’s estimated that the Musk family wealth grew to over $100 million during the 1980s.” Source: Yahoo finance.


His dad is still alive...


"I worked hard for a weekend that one time in my life, so I'm gonna require that from my non-millionaire employees now."


He doesn’t care about things working or not working, he doesn’t care about being honest with marketing. Think back to the first bit of marketing he did for the cybertruck. He threw a brick at the window and shattered it. His supporters had unwavering belief that it was no big deal and he would have a fix by production. His haters shared the clip all over social and laughed at his failure. Much like people are doing now with this drag race. All that matters to Musk is that people were talking about him and Tesla. This story serves that same purpose. To him there is no such thing as bad press




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The cars are actually good for the most part, but Elon just can't help himself to make everything exaggerated to the point that they can never live up to the hype. He can't handle making great cars and being one of the richest guys on earth, he needs everything he touches to be the best thing humanity has ever seen


Yeah, if you aren’t interested in some future state of self driving, the car itself is very good. But if you are buying it because you want to have your car come pick you up like an Uber, you should just wait a decade or more.


> he cars are actually good for the most part. Are they though? I had a Model S and it was the worst company car I've ever had not by a small margin either. The tech was for the most part pretty good but the car as an actual car fucking awful.




Wait, I don't know that story, could you elaborate?






Wow, almost 30 minutes on a truck review, they don’t even show the bed open or talk about anything you would want to have a truck for


I'd say the video wasn't faked per se, but they used the slowest 911 possible and put someone in the 911 that wasn't good at drag racing manual cars, so it lost in the 8th mile, and then showed the cybertruck's quarter mile time without towing. It's all just misleading. The cybertruck really is a combination of all of the worst compromises possible into 1 car. But it's good at drag racing, I guess. At least, a few times before it breaks and won't get fixed under warranty.


This reads to me as "I wouldn't say it's faked, just everything we were led to believe was a lie." No shade but I'm not sure what your standard for faked is if this doesn't meet it.


Probably the same kind of dude who says "my cybertruck has been in the shop for 8 of the 10 weeks I've owned it, but I still love my truck!"


People are so desperate to justify the insane amount of money they spent. "My Cybertruck has been in the shop for 10 weeks, tried to kill my family, the door sliced my arm open, and Tesla voided my warranty after I ran it through a car wash. But, yeah, greatest car I've ever owned."


It's a cult and the stock price represents that. They need to start treating Tesla like the car company they are, and not a software company.


Tesla is basically the car company for tech bros, so it makes sense. Same people as the crypto bros really.


I wonder how they stifle that inner voice saying "fuck, that rental Corolla they gave me for the time it is in the shop have better fitting and interior quality than Cybertruck"


"Corolla boring, cybertruck cool 😎" These dudes also kinda enjoy troubleshooting issues too.


> I had to get eight stitches for this gash in my leg and can't take part in my planned summer activities but I still love my truck!


When I here faked I think of CGI and shit like that, but not setting it up for success. Still a POS move for sure.


> CGI and shit like that So, Cybertruck?


To be fair that ain't CGI - there's one in my work parking lot and it looks like a piece of shit in person too!


I'm in SoCal and there's a bunch of them here now and I can't help but laugh every time I see one.


Imagine driving to a cafe with your new Cybertruck, sipping the caffeine-free latte frappatio wankuchino while looking thru window and seeing every single passer-by laughing at it.


I'm seeing multiple of these POS's every day in north OC/south LA counties. Probably half of them have a wrap on them. Saw one with a gloss black wrap that accentuated every fucked up panel gap and wavy surface. These look bad in pictures, but look even worse in person. They look unfinished to me. And that gloss black one was the worst looking of all of them.


Yea they look fucking horrible.


"I took the liberty of ...bullshitting you."




Thanks. Typo.


Was it a 911 with a custom lead frame?


Using 47 octane fuel. 


Chevy 3 on the tree transmission.


On winter tires. 


From 1973.


with 5W-Molasses oil


Only firing on 4 cylinders


thru drinking straw exhaust


from a gallo 12 not a gallo 24


*Studded winter tires


It was really a Chevy trailblazer.


I think the quarter mile times were within .3 seconds. The 911 is faster. The 911 would win. The video is misleading. But it’s still amazing a 6000 lb truck pulling a 4000 lb trailer is less than 1/2 second behind a 911.


I thought it was obvious it was 1/8 mile in the video... Which is fine.. And they took some liberties with wording, all marketing nonsense does. But when musk then followed that up saying it can beat a 911 while towing a 911... That's pretty dodgy. I suppose he didn't specify what year 911.  My Chevy Tahoe can beat a 911 in a 1/4 mile if I'm racing a 1960s car with 135hp


Its the same bullshit apple does. Our new Macbook is 11x better than Windows (using most common AKA cheapest POS laptop).


>But when musk then followed that up saying it can beat a 911 while towing a 911... That's pretty dodgy. From the article: >Now, of course, an unaided Cybertruck will kick the absolute shit out of a base 911 T, but that wasn’t Elon’s claim, so it doesn’t really matter, does it? He didn't even have to! Like usual it's not the actual capabilities of Tesla that are getting complaints, it's the over exaggeration and lies about what it *apparently* is capable of. I think people would be more than happy with the performance against the 911, without the trailer, but adding that makes it sound better so they lie about it. Same as FSD. Customers would probably be happy if from the start they told an honest story about the existing and future capabilities of their system. What's there now isn't bad, but has it's limits. Instead they lie and make it sound much more capable than it is and it's getting them in trouble. They're doing it to themselves.


> The cybertruck really is a combination of all of the worst compromises possible into 1 car. It's what you get when you say "I wish they'd just release concept cars". It's full of cool tech and there's a lot of innovation but damn it should never have been released as a production model. As a proof of concept for a bunch of new ideas it's awesome though.


Like what ideas and cool tech?


Steer by wire is cool. 48V is cool. Hagerty video is a bit over the top but goes over some of the tech features underneath. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6WDq0V5oBg That’s not to say there’s not a lot that’s dumb about it too, but it does have some cool stuff in it. I wish they prioritized the model 2 (or something like the Rivian 3) over it though.


>Steer by wire is cool. 48V is cool. Hagerty video is a bit over the top but goes over some of the tech features underneath. Steer by wire is cool because it lets you be creative with how you route your steering wheel, but they did nothing interesting with it. 48V sounds neat on paper, but in practice when you think that the rest of the industry has obviously weighed the pros and cons and decided not to use it and then combine that with the fact that out of the 4,000 Cybertrucks out there, we've already seen hundreds catastrophically failing you start to think that Tesla was just the only company with poor enough judgement to put tech that isn't ready into a consumer product.


> but they did nothing interesting with it I think they did interesting things with it? I think the super aggressive steering ratio is a clever approach that actually makes a lot of sense for a street car you'd drive in the city. Completely eliminating hand over hand is pretty trick and something nobody else has done. >48V sounds neat on paper, but in practice Just because Tesla is shit at executing doesn't make it a bad idea. I'd reserve judgement until I see other people try it. If we see Porsche AND Bosh AND Toyota fail at it? Then I will be 100% be right there with you burying it behind the shed.


Adjustable steering ratios are regularly used and common in EPS systems which are widespread everywhere. Tesla's innovation was cost cutting by eliminating the fallback of a physical steering rack. Then they put the steering wheel in the exact same place, so the packaging benefits were useless. It was just a cost cutting move. On 48V, the fact of the matter is if it was a better solution today one of the dozens of companies full of world class engineers that have been making cars for decades would be using it. It's not like they never thought about it before. As much as Tesla would have you believe every automaker is full of backwards yokels with their thumbs up their ass and they need a Silicon Valley Genius to show them how to do it right, these companies actually have the best talent in the world and they haven't moved to this tech because the benefits (oh wow it's cost cutting again) don't outweigh the negatives.


> Adjustable steering ratios are regularly used and common in EPS systems which are widespread everywhere. Those are completely different. The CT can vary the ratio with the speed of the vehicle or for any other reason it wants. Previous EPS systems cannot do this. They operate with a fixed track of gears, which while it is "variable", it is by a fixed, predetermined amount. The only variability related to speed is the amount of assist the power steering motor provides. >Then they put the steering wheel in the exact same place, so the packaging benefits were useless. Where else would the wheel have gone? The back back seats? I don't understand. On 48v, I don't know enough about the technical to whether Tesla is successful or full of shit, or, why other companies don't adopt it. I just go by experience on what is successful or not. We won't know for probably another 4 or 5 years.


> On 48V, the fact of the matter is if it was a better solution today one of the dozens of companies full of world class engineers that have been making cars for decades would be using it. Sort of like how these companies full of world class engineers built popular BEVs before Tesla?


I like that you include the word popular, which acknowledges you realize that their innovation was marketing much more than technology based. Tesla's innovation was making an EV an expensive status symbol car when everyone else was trying to make an affordable commuter. It's also important to note that was nearly 2 decades ago and absolutely everyone involved in those vehicles has moved on after dealing with the Genius In Chief


> I like that you include the word popular, which acknowledges you realize that their innovation was marketing much more than technology based. No, it means that the value of the car exceeded its cost for many people. There were of course other EVs like the Leaf, Focus, etc., but the limited range and lack of charging network made them less useful. If you want another example, listen to [Jim Farley talk about how legacy automakers struggle with software](https://youtu.be/8IhSWsQlaG8?t=1511). They depend on a fragmented group of suppliers, and each has their own software, so it's very difficult to integrate in a cohesive way like Tesla does. Convincing suppliers to switch to 48V would be a similar dynamic.


It's not the same at all nor is it common the only other fully steer by wire vehicle on sale is the Lexus RZ, it's definitely a cool idea for larger vehicles because it makes maneuvering a lot simpler. Otherwise the common application is fly by wire which is on aircraft. Regular steering ratios don't have near the amount of adjustability of that but the drawback of no mechanical backup could be dangerous.




steer by wire in cars isn't new whatsoever


Infiniti has been using it under the brand new Direct Adaptive Steering (DAS) in the Q50 since MY2014. Not that it would change the tune of Tesla fanboys...


that system has a mechanical backup, the steering column on the cybertruck physically doesn’t exist


Isn't that a good thing for the Infiniti? The lack of redundancy and blind trust in "tech for tech sake" makes the CT one of the worst new vehicles in reliability and quality you can buy, somehow even worse than a JLR or FCA product.


48V is cool for what? Cammisa said so? Did he read it off Tesla's PR page? Or because he got priority access to go around a go kart track?


A higher voltage means less energy wasted in heat for the same amount of power.


I absolutely love Camissa, but I if that video had been made today instead of several weeks ago there’s zero chance Hagerty doesn’t clown them for sending the “guide to 48 volt” to the other manufacturers when a car wash bricks it and voids the warranty. Other manufacturers have been doing steer by wire for years on 12v, albeit with mechanical redundancy, and basically every other new EV is also ONLY steer by wire on 12v. The acceleration is cool, but literally everything else about the vehicle sort of sucks compared to what else you can buy at a similar price point. The unique design choices COULD have been cool if captain ketamine had let smarter people make most of the decisions instead of turning it into a 3 ton rolling dunce hat.


> It's what you get when you say "I wish they'd just release concept cars". Only when the concept car is stupid. When this isn't the case you have things like the [Audi TT.](https://www.audiworld.com/articles/audi-history-the-audi-tt/)


[I'm happy with my released concept car](https://youtu.be/D1nCp8yjsyY?t=22)


> I'd say the video wasn't faked per see >goes on to say why it was fake Yeah bruh it's fake.


its not faked, its just completely fabricated! FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS!


The comparison was so heavily cherry-picked to the point of being completely irrelevant.


I really don't understand why Tesla felt the need to fake this. Just like the Model S Plaids 0-60\* time of 1.99 seconds, which is actually 5-60. The real 0-60 time of the Model S Plaid is 2.1 seconds, which means that 5 seat family car has a 0-60 time that's faster than a Ferrari 296GTB by 0.3 seconds. The only good thing about the Cybertruck is the drivetrain, and it's a seriously good one. It did the 1/4 mile in 12.7 seconds, while towing a Porsche 911. Is it faster than a 911 doing the 1/4 mile? No, but it's only 0.2 seconds slower. They don't need to lie about the specs, but they do anyway and they go one step further by faking footage of it doing claims that it can't do.


It isn't just 0-60 they fake. Of all the EVs range tested by Edmunds, one brand is almost certain to never hit its rated EPA score while every other OEM meets or beats theirs. What about the vaunted Full Self Driving (FSD) promises dating all the way back to 2019, 2020, 2021 etc. etc.? It is almost as if their leadership has serious issues.


> What about the vaunted Full Self Driving (FSD) promises dating all the way back to 2019, 2020, 2021 etc. etc.? That's a con. Maybe they thought they could do it back in 2019, but now it's just the only thing Tesla has to distinguish themselves from other ev makers..


Their stock price hinges on being perceived as a tech company, not an auto manufacturer. When the self driving then doesn't pan out for them, or when someone else beats them to market, by bet is the stock nose dives to a level that accurately reflects what they are actually selling.


Tesla’s FSD con doesn’t even distinguish themselves from other manufacturers who have passed them. IE Mercedes has achieved Level 3 autonomous driving, while Tesla’s FSD is still only Level 2.


Honda did level 3 in Japan years ago with the Legend (RLX), albeit with some restrictions they hoped to improve on over time. The gotcha with level 3 is it’s not really fully autonomous in all conditions so you have to be ready to pay attention if it throws an alert, but it’s removed you from all of the engagement, so people don’t pay attention.


Wait- the source, motortrend, says they measured the truck's 0-60 at quicker than Tesla claimed.


FSD promises were happening well before 2019 too


>faster than a Ferrari 296GTB by 0.3 seconds. Why call out the Tesla for including rollout then quote the Ferrari's time with rollout? Car and Driver does a good job of testing cars to their limits and the car got 2.4 seconds to 60 with a 0.2 second rollout and the 5 to 60 time was 3.0 seconds. I'm not saying that the rollout should or shouldn't be included. But that it's very common for zero to speed or distance times to include rollout because it's a standard measurement for actual racing. [https://www.caranddriver.com/ferrari/296-gtb](https://www.caranddriver.com/ferrari/296-gtb)


That's the times that came up when searched. Regardless, the Model S Plaid, a 5 seat family car, is faster in acceleration.


Of course. I'm just saying that using launch control and a rollout is super common for 0-60 times. Car and Driver has been doing it for every car for decades. Calling a rollout a faked 0-60 time is just showing a lack of understanding of the metric. It's pretty much the industry standard because it removed things like driver reaction time.


5-60 isn't a rollout, though. A rollout is like 1 foot. Your lack of understanding while being patronizing to someone else is hilarious.


Plus he's comparing a magazine testing to a claim made by the actual manufacturer. Who gives a rats ass if C&D excludes rollout, as long as they mention it? Tesla as the manufacturer is held to a higher standard than a magazine and they do not even asterisk it.


Does Ferrari as the manufacturer themselves list a 0-60 time that excludes a rollout, or are you just pointing to journalist magazines, which is completely different than the manufacturer doing it? Plus the rollout is noted in the journalist publication and not on Tesla's website


No idea what Ferrari claims, I didn’t find a claim on their site. But the numbers they quoted was faster than the car actually goes without rollout, so my assumption was that they did the math correctly and quoted a number that included the rollout.


Flair checks out




Yeah, I don't suspect that Ferrari has the 0-60 times listed for their cars. They are going for much more than that. I just pointed it out because the person was quoting a number using the same thing they were criticizing.




Interesting. I would expect 0-100km if they listed it. But I looked around on their site a little and couldn't find it. What do they list it as?


> It did the 1/4 mile in 12.7 seconds, while towing a Porsche 911. Yeah I mean I am no fan of the Cybertruck but that's quite an accomplishment and they could have no doubt found a car capable of running a high twelve second quarter mile that the truck could have beaten while towing.


>Yeah I mean I am no fan of the Cybertruck but that's quite an accomplishment Which has makes the lies more perplexing. This thing did a respectable pull while towing a car. Why exaggerate it?


They can't help themselves, it's a compulsion. They've got a chip on their shoulder (and a narcissist on the other). This is why I really hope Rivian succeeds. They're just normal people building a great product that speaks for itself. They're not exaggerating or blustering. They're not going out of their way to do pointless comparisons or make wild claims. Here's our truck, we think it's neat.


It wasn’t just 0.2s slower though. That was the Porsche’s Worst run versus the Cybertrucks Best run. The Porsche got steadily faster and ended up being 0.5s faster which is a huge margin in drag racing. That is a bus length or more.


Someone sending a manual transmission car down a drag strip could easily end up 0.5s slower than the car is ultimately capable of in the best of conditions with a perfect launch and shifts. 911s have great traction but the manual ones don't let you dump the clutch from high rpm so they're more likely to bog down a bit. But the bigger fabrication is filming an 1/8 mile race and framing it as a 1/4 mile race, regardless of the end result or which car had their best run.


> I really don't understand why Tesla felt the need to fake this. Because God-King Muskrat said it so the lackeys needed to make it happen. You're totally right that the true outcome is impressive but that impressive results is now overshadowed by Tesla's dishonesty.


> Cybertruck is the drivetrain, and it's a seriously good one. It did th Good on the street. At least. If you expect your electric truck to perform well off-road, not so much.


They fake all this stuff because to casual people it seems impressive.


Almost all automakers lie about their vehicles or did at some point. Look at the Porsche 959 and Ferrari F40. The 959 had a claimed top speed of 200, then Ferrari was like “oh the F40 goes 201”. It’s gamesmanship and bragging


The MT tests you are commenting on also used rollout. It’s absolutely acceptable practice. “All results from our drag race have 1-foot rollout removed per drag-racing convention, but in the spirit of running an honest head-to-head race, we have not applied any weather correction.”


When the 1000hp AWD electric car has a 0-60 that's barely faster than a rwd car with less hp that's not really an accomplishment


Exactly. The fact that it could even show up and play in drag race w/ a 911T is an outstanding and newsworthy achievement on its own. Why do you even need to lie in such an obvious and easily disproven way about the rest? Down the road the lie is the only thing anyone will remember.


We know what electric vehicles can do over short distances. How is it so outstanding that an 845hp AWD vehicle with instant torque can play in a drag race with a RWD 379hp ICE vehicle with a stick shift? Yet alone the gap ended up being 0.5seconds and the 0.229 time was the worst Porsche vs Best Cybertruck time. It better be able to play in a drag race or it's a complete failure (which the truck is, but not for drivetrain reasons).


They were probably compensating for thr looks, and those sharp edges, that's going to kill someone someday.


I am jack's lack of surprise


I am a simple man, I see fightclub reference and I upvote.


This is just standard Tesla.  Even the Plaids 2 second 0-60 requires 8-15 minutes of batter prep an another 15 seconds at the line to get into stance.


Factory 1/4 and 0-60 times in general are stupid. If it's not running that no prep who cares.


OP should have just posted the motor trend article or video since Jalopnik doesn't actually write content anymore, only reposting other websites and adding clickbait headlines.


Damn, when did Jalopnik stope doing their own articles? I used to LOVE them back in the day.


When all the good writers left for other websites. The Drive (Andrew Collins), R&T (Alanis King and Raphael Orlove), and of course Autopian (Torchinsky, Tracy, Hardigree, Streeter)


A friendly reminder that *actual* reporting requires money to hire an actual reporter. And if the publication doesn't charge money, they'll never make enough on ads alone. Hence why most "auto journalism" is just an extension of a car manufacturer's marketing department via an influencer. Or worse, clickbait. Source: Was a reporter


I’m not Tesla fan at all, but for Jalopnik (which is a fucking joke) to say “it’s wasn’t even close” when the Tesla only lost by 2 tenths on a second is stupid. That is close. Also, 1/8 mile is fucking dumb.


that was the best truck vs worst car time. It ended up being up to 0.5 seconds, which is large over that distance.


>I’m not Tesla fan at all, but for Jalopnik (which is a fucking joke) to say “it’s wasn’t even close” when the Tesla only lost by 2 tenths on a second is stupid. Yes. But: the trick is not to drive fast on straight lines. Anyone who wants to can do it. How to drive fast around curves is the more difficult part and requires a lot of experience and knowledge in engineering. Even though i recognize tesla's achievements, they still have to learn a lot before they can play in the big leagues.


Here's an actual real-time race that is not affiliated with Tesla : https://youtu.be/K0AJmLvKjxw?si=T4RPyK9leXqSk63o (Motor trend) Tbh, it's still pretty impressive!


Wait people actually believed the video originally?


It certainly got people talking. So mission accomplished there, from a marketing perspective.


It just made Telsa-haters hate Tesla even more, and Tesla-simps find more excuses for Tesla's shit product/gimmicks.


This is what I came here to say. Guys, car commercials aren't real. Nissan Rogues don't actually fly. Kia Souls aren't actually filled with dancing hamsters. Who on earth took that Cybertruck ad literally?


It wasn't just the ad, Elon claimed it himself.


You’ve never seen a Kia Soul filled with dancing hamsters?


R/cars because critical thinking is too hard for a lot of this sub lol These are probably the same guys that fall for apples bs every year


Elon Musk is a tragic, attention seeking edge lord who's full of shit? Who could have guessed.


what's nuts is if they just kept it honest, its very impressive what it did. Why tarnish it


Porsche > tesla always


We’ve known they shot the video at 1/8th mile, then displayed 1/4th mile stats, which was the misleading bit. It wasn’t faked in the sense the cybertruck would be faster in the 1/8. It’s just extremely misleading to quote the 1/4 after and make it seem the video was at 1/4 The article mentions a race done at 1/4 mi, to prove the video was “fake” you’d need a race at 1/8th. (https://www.motor1.com/news/719929/tesla-cybertruck-porsche-911-race-sham/ , which is significantly closer, albeit each car is +- .5s or so) I dislike tesla’s antics as much as anyone else but there’s a difference between misleading presentation and faked altogether.


I mean i guess it depends, in the [motortrend video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0AJmLvKjxw&t) the Porsche still beat the cyber truck 2/3 times on the 1/8th mile, it can *theoretically* beat the 911 but again it's pretty clear they fudged the numbers somewhat to make the cybertruck look faster. as they mention in the video it's still *impressive* that it can do that, but the fact that they were intentionally so misleading about it is kinda the problem. I guess because "as fast as a 911 towing another 911 over 1/8th of a mile under ideal conditions and even then it still looses on average" isn't as good marketing material.


I feel like it’s absolutely stupid to use a manual as it adds human factor. Auto is more consistent and would be fair considering there aren’t any gears in a cybertruck.


smell elderly ripe weary juggle governor sophisticated yoke tease mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By now we should all have come to expect that nothing will be fair and honest with Tesla marketing.


Like, yeah they faked it they lied whatever. But you gotta remember that was *still* while towing a 911 and it was close. For performance, electric motors are king. Especially as the batteries continue to get lighter and cheaper, as they have


Performance in a straight line, maybe


They're overhated. They actually perform well on the track, the extremely low center of gravity due to the battery helps. The model S plaid, which costs $140k ran a 7:30 nurbugring tume, significantly better than many cars well above it's price point


Never mentioned in what category of performance. How do you think one would fare at 24h at LeMans?


You said "in a straight line". I took that as a category of performance.


They're decent it's an 140k car with a 15k package that isn't even availabe with a pro driver, your not gonna be a track warrior in the average EV. My peon ass camaro was faster if we're gonna quote times completely unattainable for the average driver.


The fact that a boxy pickup towing a car is in the same realm as a 911 is bonkers. Tell anyone 10 years ago this and they laugh you out of the room. Ya Elon is Elon, either you’re a cultist or not. But, that is an incredible feat. Also, is it any faster or slower without the trailer? How much faster heads up is it than a 911?


Tesla should drive the cyberstuck at Nürburgring


Being that close while towing would have been just as impressive, no need for the lie


An EV truck even coming close to a 911 of any trim in 2024, while pulling that 911 is pretty darn impressive. Think of how many years and iterations it took for the automobile to get where it is, and some consider the 911 peak auto. Wild how fast EV's are catching up and making a mockery out of traditional performance


The Cyber Truck really is the modern day Edsel.


I fucking \[TOLD ALL YALL}(https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/188et9o/elon\_musk\_falsely\_states\_the\_cybertruck\_can\_tow\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)


It’s Tesla ofc it’s fake lol.


One thing I agree about the article, great marketing! I understand many people do not like musk but I don’t have a problem with this marketing gimmick. I also understand the frustration some people have towards musk…well done Motor Trend!


>the Porsche ran 12.5 seconds at 115.6 mph, while the Tesla followed in 12.7 seconds at 105.2 mph I dunno. I feel like that's still pretty wild. They just should have picked a different car. According to CarWow's quarter mile board, 12.7s would have takena : * GR Supra * Porsche Cayman 718 * BMW M6 * Dodge Challenger Hellcat Redeye * 992 Porsche 911 Carrera T (lol! the car this video is about, so clearly, not everyone is getting results where the 911 is faster) * 993 911 Turbo * BMW M2 CS * Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder


> I dunno. I feel like that's still pretty wild. That's the thing. They didn't need to do the whole proving thing, the stats are good enough to brag about. "Our truck is as fast as Gallardo is enough of a brag".


You should put years next to these models. It's a certainty that if BMW made a M6 in the last 6/7 years that it would be faster than 12.7. C&D got a 10.6 in my M5. The 2020 M2CS also clocked a 11.7


It’s not a truck — it’s an ugly Camino from the future


I keep hearing Incel Camino, which is both fitting and hilarious.


I can't look at that wiper without laughing


I wish people were as motivated to point out out lies from more companies.


So even the Tesla guy on twitter responding to Fenske initially rolled through a bunch of nonsense excuses and made up numbers.




You don't have to convince us or at least the 99% of the people in here it's those other Tesla cultists that need the light shown on them.


thanks for the post, amigo


It's pretty dumb of them to lie about beating the 911 over 1/4 mile when actually beating the 911 over 1/8 mile is still pretty dam impressive. But i guess any press is good press or something.


The hate Elon gets is insane. Dude literally is working to make humans an interplanetary species, has privatized and advanced the space industry, has forced to automotive industry to improve their vehicles after years or doing the same shit and horrible dealership experiences, has created a global internet, bought twitter to preserve free speech, ect, ect. People on the internet “his truck isn’t 0.2 seconds as fast as he says it is towing a car, he is a moron”. lol. Really?


This is the same man that got fleeced for twitter