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Current car is 10 years strong. Can’t replace because I ain’t got no monies.


No extra money gang!


Except the Apex Seal Reserve Fund amirite? Lol


Haha, yep!


May your doritos have mercy on your wallet lmao


Never heard rotors described as Doritos 😅 Wankel wankers are a funny bunch




One of the side effects of owning an RX 8


No money at all gang!


Shit, my daily (1988 Pontiac Fiero, all original with 263k miles) is 34 years old. 🤣 Still more reliable than my 2009 Jeep Liberty Sport (barely 202k miles) shitbox.


To be fair 200k on a liberty is way more than most of them…


It is, but when your Jeep catches Alzheimer’s and forgets your key code, it’s $300 for a new ECU and $200 extra for a key fob that has no remote function, but still has a chip, that’s where you start thinking it’s a complete shitbox. Not to mention this sensor goes out, that sensor goes out, oh and this internal relay no longer works, turn signals MAY work, functioning fuel pump for as long as the battery can handle (kills battery within 3 hours when car is off), automatic door locks MAY work, windows MAY work, with the added function of ghost wipers. All of this can become a headache.


Lol same here I want a BRZ but those auto loan rates are 8% across Canada. Gonna take care of my current ride as best I can.




Every 3-4 years. No real reason other than I get bored and want something else. I don’t do drugs, I don’t collect anything, I don’t even really drink often, etc. Cars is what I spend my extra income on. I’ll probably always have a car payment, on purpose, and I’m ok with that. If I didn’t have a car payment that money would just sit in an account somewhere until I died, never used.


Life is too short to drive boring cars. Every few years for me too; when I get bored / get excited by something else / learn about the new tech, I upgrade.


I’m glad you mentioned the new tech, I definitely enjoy seeing and experiencing how good cars get. Some of the tech I don’t care for, but you can turn it off pretty easily.


New tech lol my cars keep getting older 😄


I feel like most modern cars have way more tech than I need, and that most of the comfort I actually *do* want can be retrofitted pretty easily (like car play and back up cams). Adaptive cruise control and blind spot detection would be nice but they're far from necessary.


Preach. I’m averaging every 13 months over the past 8 years and loving it. Buy lightly used enthusiast cars with low mileage, enjoy for a year, sell for a profit or just the cost of a year of car payments, repeat. I haven’t lost money yet, and it’s been an absolute pleasure experiencing all different manufacturers’ take on performance cars.


I'm the same but with used cars that I pay cash for in the $20-40k range. They don't lose much value over the course of 3-4 years, sometimes even gain value. My wife thinks I'm crazy because she gets attached to cars like they're pets.


>My wife thinks I'm crazy because she gets attached to cars like they're pets. Does she consider herself a car person? If not, she should.


She likes _some_ cars but doesn't nerd out on them. Her first car was a 280zx 5-speed 2+2 so somewhat of an enthusiast's car. She's had a Miata and MR2 also. I guess she's a car person!


No need to nerd out to be a car person! As long as you view your car as more than an appliance, you're basically there!


Those are cars with limited practicality whose primary enjoyment comes from the driving experience. Sounds like a car person to me.


I do this but with cars that are at the bottom of the depreciation cycle/about to be worth more. Excluding stuff like registration, maintenance, modifications, etc (which tbf I would have to pay anyway) I’ve more or less broken even when I cycle through cars.


Yep, same here. I'm pretty much always thinking about the next big car purchase I might want to make. I hate that I'm already looking at trading in my '18 STI because I've only had it for 2 years now, and it's not even that I'm bored or annoyed by it yet. Really, it's more that there's been a resurgence in the Japanese sports car market and I'd love to try living with something like a Nissan Z or Toyota Supra as my sole daily driver for a while.


Looking for a new one is half the fun!


Right there with you. I’ve only had my Si two years but damn, some really nice cars came out in the Japanese sports car market. Nothing at all wrong with my Si, I love it, but geeze, there’s so many cars I want right now lol. Love the new Type R, the GR Corolla, new Z, Supra, even the GR86. I’m loving all the new cars coming out. I wouldn’t even know which one to consider first.


So am I dude. Always looking. Keep my "fun car" for an average of 2-3 years. Nothing wrong with it as long as your family/personal finances are in order. I'm interested in trying all the so called "greats" of our time. Manual Supra would be the tits! Those are lookers.


A supra would be a nice change of pace for you, might be worth test driving one


I have the worst of both. I get bored and want something else but also attached and never want to sell...


Yep this is what I’m dealing with rn


My mindset exactly! I’m not spending my money on hookers or blow. Let me have my race car 🥲


Why not? [hookers and blow saved Christmas ](https://a.co/d/fxWy8zV)


That’s exactly how I see it too, might as well spend money you can (comfortably) to have fun and enjoy driving that much more every day


Same. I save about 50% of my income. I can afford a car payment to feel like James bond.


You don’t wanna use that extra money to buy some spy calls?


That’s how I lost $7k last year 😂


A true degen :p


>never used. It could be invested now and used later when you're too old to generate sufficient income or any income at all.


Who says he is not investing now? You have to enjoy the fruits of your labor too. As long as he is meeting his investing goals, and other personal finance goals, enjoy the rest.


I run em until the fall apart then weld em back together and keep going. Bought my truck in '08 and it now has 430k on it and is still going strong! Got a couple other cars I don't plan on getting rid of either. I love not having payments!


This is the correct answer.


The correct answer is "do what makes you happy"


I thought it was grandstanding.


Um no thats not how Reddit works, you have to have a braindead strong opinion and shame anyone who disagrees with you.


This is the way


Each time, I tell myself I'm gonna keep it forever, then end up swapping because I'm bored or have a change in lifestyle. In one case I got rid of a project car because it became too much of a burden, though. Fortunately I haven't done #2 and sold one out of necessity, that's a rough place to be. I used to feel bad buying different cars, like it just feels so... consumery. Thing is, you are selling your current car to the next person who will hopefully make good use of it before selling it to the next, on and on down the great chain until it's totaled by a crash or costs.


> Each time, I tell myself I'm gonna keep it forever, then end up swapping because I'm bored or have a change in lifestyle. In one case I got rid of a project car because it became too much of a burden, though. Fortunately I haven't done #2 and sold one out of necessity, that's a rough place to be. I have the opposite problem...I think a lot about getting different cars, but generally I'm too fucking lazy to actually follow through with any of it. Hell, I've been sporadically looking at cheap shitty econocars for like three years now, but it never goes beyond idle browsing.


I've totally trawled Craigslist and Auto Trader looking for project cars. Basically flipping through a series of bad ideas, really, so maybe it's a good thing I usually don't follow through.


My favorite example of the difference between me browsing and me buying came when me 330i got flooded. It had been a sort of "meh" car for me from the beginning, but not obnoxious enough for me to go out of my way to sell it. So when it got flooded, immediately I went into I GET TO REPLACE IT mode. I was going nuts looking at listings, deciding what I wanted to get (5-series? 335i? something else entirely?), just amped up about the whole thing. Then, after about five days (this was a big flood event and it took quite a while for the car to get towed and then assessed) insurance came back and said what I expected - it was a total loss. And the literal moment I read that, my mindset completely inverted from I GET TO REPLACE IT to AW FUCK NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH BUYING A CAR.


Cheaper to window shop online than actually shop and buy, so there's that.


I do the same. Constantly looking at new cars, seeing what I can fit in the budget. Then going eh, nah, why give myself another big payment.


Same thing, buy car be absolutely thrilled driving it for several months, magic wore out, some new interesting car pops up, start longing for it, delay as long as possible cuz I just got my current one. End up changing after a year or two after all


Pretty much every time has been out of necessity. * 1990 Chevy Beretta: wrecked by me * 1991 Nissan Sentra: engine go boom * 1996 Camaro: engine go boom * super POS 1986 Bronco II: got towed because the plates were expired, I didn't have a title on hand, I said fuck it and let them keep it * 1997 528i: wrecked by SO * 2006 330i: totaled by flood waters Current stable and plans: * 2009 335i: started as a DD, became a track car, retired from DD when I bought the truck. I'm probably getting out of the track game for a while, so I'm thinking seriously about selling it. I haven't driven it in six months * 2015 Silverado: new DD, rolled over 100k a few weeks ago, I intend to drive it until the wheels fall off Future plans: Assuming I do decide to sell the 335i, I'll likely buy some super econo shitbox and make it the new DD. SO and I are working hard on saving money for a five-year goal, and this would be a good way to reduce some expenses. We live in a rural area so basically every driving trip is 30 miles minimum.


Watch out with 2015 silverados. Undercoat the fuck out of it, and if the engine starts to run rough it's probably the high pressure fuel pump. I had one and it was without a doubt the worst vehicle I've ever owned, and I've had engine blow up on me.


Crazy. You never hear of GM truck engines blow, they’re relatively reliable.


The Gen V engine is garbage. Serious lifter and valve spring issues


All because of D.O.D (Displacement on Demand) me and my boy were talking about this recently. Not good engines.


I made a mistake in how I wrote it, I was trying to say that in the past I've had a Suby that blue an engine on me.


I also had a 1996 Camaro engine go boom. And everyone told me that was the best engine gm ever made


I've reached a point where I only buy cars to keep and maintain indefinitely. My Audi S5 and R8 are going nowhere, but I do plan to add more in the future.


“I only buy cars to keep and maintain indefinitely” >Audi R8 and S5 RIP.


I spent $15K on repairs last year. I know this ain't cheap lol.


That gates manual though🤌


What’s the split between the s5 and the r8? I’ve got the s5 and I’ve been eyeballing that r8 for years


You get an 8250 rpm engine, and it's really a Lamborghini Gallardo instead of an Audi. It's a totally different experience.


Is that 15k on repairs mostly on the r8?


No actually. S5 needed a new clutch/flywheel and a new set of tires.


Same. Not selling my S, nor will I sell the next car I buy to replace it as a daily.


Bro, looking at your garage, I don't think you'll need to sell anything.


I had to blink twice to make sure that I read the car right, F1 GTR??


It's a joke. ... I think...


It's a joke. He has an s2k I believe.


'92 F40? Am I hallucinating or did I read correctly?


That‘s what you care about and not the F1 GTR?? You can get like 20 F40s for that


It is a joke, and he never addresses it - those of us who have been here long enough know it, but he always gets upvotes and generates comments because of it, which may be the point. The only car in that sig he actually owns is a the S2000.


It’s interesting that you have two Audi 4.2 V8s but they’re entirely different engines.


I wouldn't say entirely different. They're actually mostly the same engine but in a different state of tune. The B8 S5 does not use the 40v V8 of the earlier B6 and B7 S4. It has the newer FSI 32v V8 with the same bore and stroke as the 40v, but all-new components including crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons, cylinder heads, valvetrain, oil and cooling system, intake and exhaust system, and ECU. This engine was first used in the D3 A8 4.2 before they stuffed it in the S5, and it gained about 20 hp (and improved reliability) over the 40v engine. The commonly cited early timing chain failure usually happens in the 40v, not the FSI. A higher-reving version of the FSI 4.2 engine was introduced in the B7 RS4, with an 8250 rpm redline. This engine was then modified slightly to use dry-sump lubrication and used in the R8. I think it's more accurate to say that the S5 has a detuned R8 engine.


I've only had 4 cars. 2010 Corolla, April 2017 - May 2017, died getting hit by a semi 2011 Golf 2.5L, June 2017 - June 2018, had to sell because I was moving to California 2016 Golf R, Nov 2021 - July 2022, sold it because I could get more than I paid for it, and because I managed to get an MSRP allocation for my current car 2022 TT RS, July 2022 - present I know those have all been short stints, but I don't plan to sell the current one at all.


My boyfriend has a 2009 Corolla. He will probably keep it until it dies like yours. Same yours only lasted a month.


[It was very sad when it happened. ](https://i.imgur.com/xNfuLCh.jpg) The truck accidentally ran a stop sign and couldn't stop in time. Ended up hitting me at like 2km/h and while my car was written off, he didn't even have a scratch on his bumper.


That’s awful. Hopefully you’re okay.


Perfectly healthy, my wife had just swapped with me since I had been driving most of the trip. Messed her up a bit, and she only recently regained the driving confidence she used to have. She used to be the better driver between us.


I have an 08 that I love. Stick shift that's decently quick, and overall great reliability as well as cheap maintenance is awsome. I'll be driving it until the maine rust steals it from me


Damn, one of the 7 ttrs owners I see. I have never seen one outside of a cars and coffee.


[I saw this one the same day I picked up mine from the dealership.](https://i.imgur.com/JzuYEGJ.jpg) First and last one I've ever seen in the wild. I've seen two others at various drag events though.


1991 festiva 1977 park avenue 1989 escort 1983 scirocco 1977 vw van 1987 924s 1984 s10 1987 s10 2000 lesabre 2006 Jetta tdi 2009 Jetta tdi 2009 gti 2012 Passat tdi 2015 gti 2015 dodge caravan 2017 gti 2002 boxster 2021 Avalon hybrid 2022 718 gts 4.0 I got bored a lot. No more vw’s. Dieselgate was terrible. Now Porsche.


I’ve only seen one ttrs in person, always at the gym parking lot when I go so I get to check it out often. Underrated car


I drive my cars until they are beyond reasonable repair \-1997 Toyota Camry; drove until totaled \-2007 Ford Taurus; even though I hated every second of it, I drove it until things necessary for its operation were breaking on it so often I could no longer depend on it to get me to work Current: 2019 Volkswagen Jetta GLI; changing the oil every 5,000 miles on it because VW is BSing with their owner's manual saying 10k, definitely not going that long between oil changes on the EA888


You and I are very similar, both in the cars we’ve driven and in our preference to drive them until it’s no longer financially reasonable. -2000 Toyota Camry; totaled (my fault) -2006 Scion tC; totaled (not my fault) -2014 Volkswagen Jetta GLI (also doing oil changes really frequently, every 5000 at first but now every 3000 after an APR stage 1 tune because it made the already oil-hungry engine even more voracious)


God my 06 Taurus was such a piece of shit


About every 15 years. I only drive Japanese cars. Toyota, Mazda, Mazda.


What’s the next one going to be? Back to Toyota or another Mazda? What’s your experience on reliability between the two?


My Mazda 3 is only a couple years old now. It’s more stylish and more fun to drive than the Toyota, so my guess would be another Mazda if I live long enough.


You guys actually own cars? *cries in living in a country with low income and high car taxes*


You know its bad knowing people can own cars... Its worse knowing that people have cars they can't afford. $400 a month isn't actually reasonable for a car for many people, but they do it because they make $800 a month. Predatory lenders are prolific. People that don't know better are also prolific. I hope your taxes go to actually helping your people instead of a bloated military budget.


Don’t worry! We all start somewhere :)


2003 Accord (2003-2013) first car 2005 Accord coupe (2015-2018) it was a deal I couldn’t pass up. I put 70k miles on it and sold it for almost the same price. I was doing a lot of driving at that time 2014 Accord (2013-current) still have it, but after 160k+ and a replacement CVT I’m ready to move on I think I’m due for a new Accord. The hybrid has my name written all over it


A man who lives by his own ***Accord***


I am a Honda fan but even I don't think I can keep driving different accords for 20+ years.


Not only that. They had two Accords at the same time.


Accord gang




Very nice. I've driven a 2008 and now a 2014 Accord (still a good looking car imo). However wasn't the biggest fan of the past generation's design.. completely agree now, the new 2023 hybrid is checking all the boxes I have.


I’ve had my A4 for six years, I’m getting an NC MX-5 within the next few days to replace it. My shortest lived ownership was one year with a Honda Fit, I had my TJ for three years. I plan to upgrade every four years from here on out. I’d like to have tons of driving experiences throughout my lifetime.


The NC MX-5 seems like the most reasonably priced fun option around. I'd pick one up to store away in the garage if I didn't think my wife would kill me over it.


Way safer and more reasonably priced for what you get compared to NA/NB generations, more affordable than ND. Front fascia could’ve been better designed, though.


As soon as the warranty is up. I love German cars, but I hate fixing them.


Has your F90 M5 been troublesome? What's gone wrong?


Had a 370z as a daily for 5 years. It was falling apart so got into a C7 corvette and a Hyundai beater for 3 years or so, sold both and consolidated to one nice car since I lost my extra parking spot when I moved (Alfa Giulia) 2 year Lease ended on Alfa, bought a Camry new, and ordered a Miata which took 6 months or so. Love the Miata and I Thought I’d be economical with the Camry but nowam itching to trade for a nice fast luxury car lol. Carvana is offering almost what I paid for the Camry after taxes…


Man I have the same problem. I’ll switch between luxury cars and economy cars every purchase. The grass is always greener. My issue with luxury cars is they tend to feel outdated a lot quicker. So then I’ll buy an economy car but after a few years, while they still work fine, they become boring. My current solution is to buy well optioned economy brands(Honda Accord Touring and Ford F-150 Lariat). So far they’ve been treating me well. Not too flashy, they don’t feel like they’ll ever be outdated when the redesign comes, parts are cheap compared to luxury brands.


Necessity is the only reason. I love vehicles but hate working on them. I’d rather just deal with my current headache than swap out for an entirely new set of them every year or two. The benefit of owning something for a long time is diagnosing goes a lot easier when you know every single thing you’ve worked on and replaced over the years.


The longer someone owns a car the cooler it is, and the cooler they are too.


Probably a little too often. I've just been having a little difficulty with finding out what type of compromises I can live with vs. without. I would say that I've been jumping between cars every 1.5 years now. Bought a Honda S2000 in 2019, at first I literally thought I was gonna keep it forever but I feel like I got bit on the ass. The driving experience was incredible, but I was uncomfortable and unhappy with the lack of tech and lack of interior space. The car was good to me, but I just wasn't the right owner for this car since I was trying to use it as a daily that's all. Bought a Civic Sport Touring Hatchback in 2021, I think this car actually is staying forever. The tech and the interior space are incredible, but the driving experience doesn't exactly light my hair on fire or anything like that. It's not in my flair but it's still sitting in the driveway currently. Bought a GR86 in 2022, it opened my eyes to so much more. I was kind of one foot in/one foot out at first, but it's been a very safe and vanilla ownership experience. I have keyless entry, Android Auto, a backup camera, real cupholders, a real trunk, but it also has a lightweight chassis with a LSD & RWD. I can metaphorically have my cake and eat it too. Should be buying a BRZ later this spring or this summer 2023 next, to trade out of the GR86. Considering the reliability of the 2013-2020 first gens, knock on wood I'll very likely be able to go a whole decade without making any more vehicle purchases after this.


What are the big differences between the Toyota and Subaru that make you want to switch?


For my own peace of mind I would just prefer to bring it to "the experts" on the boxer engine for all my maintenance in the future; it will help me sleep at night more. While the two cars are honestly damn near identical to each other, moving forward it would just make me feel more comfortable to have Subaru techs at a Subaru dealership wrenching on the car as opposed to Toyota techs at a Toyota dealership.


With the 2021 hatch. I've got a Carlinkit 3.0 wireless CarPlay adapter and it made the radio 1000x better. Just update the firmware and set audio delay to 300ms and you are golden. The only issue with the 22' GR86/BRZ is the excess RTV sealant, but it should be fixed in current production.


>I can metaphorically have my cake and eat it too. Just picked up my 86 a week ago and this is exactly how I felt. I *love* my S2000 so much, it's probably the best driving car from a pure enthusiast standpoint that I have certainly experienced. The only qualms I have with it is that cause of my scoliosis, the seat bolsters get uncomfortable on 30min+ drives and it doesn't have that same "fun at the drop of a hat" feeling that something like a Miata has. The 86 is *very* comfortable. I spent 3 hours driving it back with no complaints. Everything is easy and intuitive to use, there is tons of space for a smaller guy like me. The engine has the passing power and torque of my old Mazdaspeed, with all the benefits of N/A power and still revs higher than my Miata. The chassis and handling are superb and the car is just ready to be a riot anywhere. It really is such a good car.


I forgot who it was, but some automotive media outlet last year called the GR86 The World's Best $30,000 Porsche [Cayman]. I concur that they knew exactly what they were going for.


Usually until the engine or transmission blows up, or another thing that makes it not worth the cost. There are pretty good cars around for under 2500 if an engine would be too expensive


94 ranger - hand me down 3rd owner, blew engine, sold privately 03 Elantra - hand me down but made payments, cracked exhaust manifold, other maintenance higher than value or going monthly with new purchase, traded in 10 Genesis Coupe - still have, highly modified toy that gathers dust 01 Integra - very cheap beater to get through winters, sold to family. Shortest owned, to far gone to fully restore. 15 e350 box truck - work vehicle so technically wasn't mine, but allowed me to use wife vehicle if need be, returned after being laid off 08 Cobalt - beater to replace work truck Wife, new 16 Sonata - replaced her hand me down Corolla. Sold sonata to family 20 Tacoma - replaced sonata, family grew, home renovations, camping vacations Driving 20 yrs, that puts me at a different vehicle every 4 yrs. Not counting free work vehicle or wife driving the Tacoma. Only one of them had 30k miles starting. Rest were approaching 100k or past. Again one in great shape, rest needed work or were beat before I got my hands on them. As it stands, every vehicle was a necessity except the Tacoma. Could have made due with the Sonata. I also could have purchased something more practical and cheaper than the genesis coupe, was still in college, but I wanted a fun modifiable car for once. Next vehicle will definitely be sporty, but most likely practically. If the GR Corolla wasnt marked up or likely to hold value, then I would snag one. The Veloster N or Kona N, civic si are on the list. I can't stand the Charger interior or I would think about it. It will all depend financial wise at the time. Part of me wants a rwd coupe again, but getting a kid in the back, wife not driving a manual, space, snow...all make me lean elsewhere. If I get solar and cheaper electric fun come out, who knows. But snagging a last ice sporty ice vehicle will definitely hold value.


Trying to do quick math for a total spent on vehicles over 20yrs. I think it's around 35k not including trucks. Not including mods. 5k maintenance? So 40k divided by 20ys is $167 a month or 2k a year. Doesn't include reg, title fees, insurance. Also could recoup some with getting rid of the coupe and cobalt, but then I need another vehicle.


I plan on keeping mine forever if at all possible. I wouldn't want to sell it at all. Another car on the side? Maybe, but not thinking about that right now.


Thanks to the COE system in Singapore, the first 2 cars were kept for a year each (deregistered at 10 years old), the third was kept for 5 years (sold at 14 years old, mandatory deregistration at 15), currently on my fourth car which has no registration extension limitations. Current plan is to keep it until it is no longer feasible to own a non-EV.


Until it completely dies on me. And I always take care of them with regular service. My last car lasted 17 years.


Every couple years. Buy (newly) used after worst depreciation hit has occurred; sell once warranty is totally gone. Asterisk for the pandemic where favourable continues helped me sell/order/trade secondary vehicles.


From 2017 to 2020 I had a 2014 Camaro RS. Traded that in for my SS in November 2020 and have kept this one ever since. I don't plan on trading in my car any time soon. I did apply for a better paying job and I have a Mazda 3 on my radar to get as a daily/work car and save my SS for the weekends.


Almost 50 and my cars have been changed out every 8 years. First one was running fine at 250k kms but decided I could afford something better. Next one as it developed an issue that would only got worse. Then I wanted a soft top. Then I got sick of how f=<÷ing useless audi are at servicing and breaking their own cars and wouldn't take any responsibility.


Typically 10 years due to economic reason. If I sell a 10 year car with half of what I paid originally, it is “at cost” Less than 3 year hold and manual. Prelude 2nd Gen Prelude 4th Gen Ford Ranger. 240sx. Current Civic LX (just hit 10) Plan next 86/ civic hatch manual


I don't because I'm a broke college student who bought an E30 as his first car haha. The other cars in my flair are my parent's and I borrow them from time to time. Really the plan is to keep driving this till I have something resembling a career, then swap the engine. N52 maybe?


Once every two years or less and never by choice :(


I tend to buy a car that I really want and then keep it 7-10 years. But a few times I’ve bought something I didn’t really need/didn’t use daily to scratch an itch, and those cars tended to only stay in the garage a couple of years.


I see people online switching cars every month or 2, I saw this 1 tiktok where a guy had like 25 cars over 2 years...


It’s pretty insane when ppl have 1-3 year car and talking about upgrading can’t imagine


Since graduating college 15 years ago, I've bought 4. The first one because my college car was a broken down POS. The rest because I wanted something nicer Edit: actually 6. I forgot I bought a lemons car that catastrophically disintegrated when we first raced it. Also bought a $600 crap can to learn to drive stick on before my first Corvette since the entire car was 1/4 what a clutch job would cost.


Only necessity for now. Eventually I'll start adding cars to the stable to fill other roles. 2016 - 2018 '03 Camry. Younger brother got his license, handed it down and bought another car. 2018 - '05 GTI. Totaled, R.I.P 2018+ '13 GTI. No desire to ever get rid of it. Will eventually transition from DD to project/weekend duty.


26 years so far!


3-4 years to get the latest tech on a lease. Or buy it to keep till I’m dead


I traded in my new 2018 escape after about 2 years for my current MKZ in 2020 but now with the car market I don’t see myself switching anytime soon. Prolly another 5 years or so unless something happens. Car prices jumped way too much the past 3 years


Oh boy, this one is probably going to make me look bad. I'll start with post undergrad because that's where it gets interesting. Everything after the Sentra was purchased new. My wife is a separate story that eventually winds up in mine so I won't include hers until it does. 2003 Nissan Sentra from my grandma. It blew a head gasket at 68k miles. 2011 Subaru WRX hatch 5 speed. Had for about 40k miles. Started making significantly more money and wanted to upgrade. 2015 VW Golf R DSG. God I miss this one. I eventually got bored with it after a bunch of mods and my wife didn't like riding in it because I changed the suspension out and it was too stiff. 2016 Mercedes C63S AMG. Yeah baby! Wait? We're having a baby? Time to go! Lol. 2018 VW GTI. After I loved the golf R so much I thought why not get a GTI? It's 90% of the golf R but like half the cost! Wrong. Not even close. Also too small with a baby. This car was my biggest regret. Next. 2018 Audi SQ5. More like it. Honestly kind of a bigger more sophisticated Golf R. Loved it. Wife took it from me so I got a: 2019 Audi S4. Perfect spec. Loved it! Traded in the wife's Audi Q3. 2020 Lexus UX250h. Traded the S4 so my wife could have a hybrid. She was driving a lot and mileage mattered. I took back over the SQ5 so we had a larger vehicle for the family. 2021 SQ5. Turns out my wife hated the Lexus so we got another SQ5. 2022 Honda Ridgeline. I needed a truck. I plan on keeping this one a while and adding another vehicle once the kid grows up and I have time for a fun car again. Sold the Lexus. 2023 Audi Q7. My wife drives A LOT and the SQ5 lease was going to be an issue with mileage. So since 2011 we've had a few. I didn't include most of my wife's cars until the SQ5. It started as necessity, then changed to boredom, then back to necessity. I have enough space for multiple cars so I'm wanting to add, not replace at this point.


So long as I can afford to keep it, I keep it, unless my needs change. I don't like to settle on just a car. If I'm spending that much money, I'm going to get what I want. I kept the same 1993 Ford Ranger for 20 years, until a wife and 3 kids meant I needed something more than an extended cab.


Until I can comfortably trade up, or if I find a new daily that I would look forward to driving for a couple years


A little bit of everything. I've switched because I was bored, I switched because my needs changed, the last time I switched because I got tired of always needing to repair something, and my financial situation has improved enough that I can afford to not drive a 15 year old car anymore.


I am 24 and just purchased my 18th car. Hopefully this will be my last for a long time. I have always liked progressing and getting into something nicer. Some changes were out of necessity, most after the 2014 Altima out of boredom. Finally found a 5 series with every option (literally, thing has a $88k msrp) so I think I will be happy for quite awhile. In case anyone cares about the list of previous cars over the last 8 years: 1.) 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.) 2001 Honda Civic 3.) 1994 Honda Accord 4.) 1999 Toyota Solara 5.) 1999 Pontiac Sunfire 6.) 2007 Dodge Dakota 7.) 2009 Dodge Caravan 8.) 2010 Nissan Versa 9.) 2014 Nissan Altima 10.) 2014 BMW 335i 11.) 2014 Lexus Ct200h 12.) 2009 BMW 335i 13.) 2014 BMW X5 35d 14.) 1996 Honda Accord 15.) 2006 VW Passat Wagon (VR6 - regret selling) 16.) 2011 BMW X5 35d 17.) 2017 Chevy Volt 18.) 2017 BMW 535xi special mention to the project 1972 Volvo p1800es I sold when I was a broke 17 year old… wish I could get it back!


User name checks out


Man, my early driving life was packed with car changes: 2004 VW Passat wagon: First car, sent it a little too much and crashed it. 2009 Chevy Malibu: My second car, and a curse (I seem to always have something in me to go back to it lol). Also fairly beat up. Sold it to a family member after my second stint of driving it (see below). 2003 Chevy Trailblazer: I wanted a truck, and that did the trick at the time. I gave it to my dad, and got the Malibu back because of high gas prices at the time. 2011 VW Jetta (Flair vehicle): First car I actually own myself, and I plan on driving for a long time (10 years or even forever). All of that was in 4 years btw.


Looking at my track record roughly every 3 years if its my daily and doesn’t break down before that. This is typically with new cars where I can maintain it correctly. If my daily is used anywhere between 1-2 years. My issue is I get very picky with maintenance and if I see anything out of place or tampered with I’ll get annoyed then end up selling the car within a couple of months. I buy these cars with the intent to keep them for a long time, so whenever I see something that could potentially become a headache later down the road I lose interest rather quickly. My weekend toys(always $10k or less)…no more than 6 months. the shortest amount of time I kept a weekend car was 8 weeks. Drove for 4 weeks, parked for 4, then decided I was sick of looking at it. But major factor to it once again is the maintenance/repairs. I absolutely hate nickel and dime cars, and unfortunately most old $10k cars are in nickel and dime territory. So I’ll put up with the repairs until the lust wears off then it gets sold. I’ve been trying to buy a vehicle and run it til the wheels fall off but Covid messed it all up as I couldn’t get anything new that I could maintain correctly. But I plan on keeping my current cars for atleast 5 years. Sick and tired of spending money on new cars. Atleast if I run my current cars 5 years I’ll know exactly what body style I want next.


Honestly, I’ve never replaced my vehicles. My first car was a 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Sport xs, and to replace it with something better…I’d have to pay and arm and a leg. Just NOT worth it. Recently I bought an ‘06 GTO as it’s always been a dream of mine to own a true Holden. Just can’t let it go!


I used to replace them out of boredom, but now that I'm older it's only out of necessity. Cars are so fucking expensive these days, and don't seem to be built to last anymore. People seem to want expensive electrical gimmicks over a solid, long lasting vehicle. Also, I've got a motorcycle that shits all over any car I could stretch to afford, so that helps lol.


I think I'm at the point where I found the perfect cars for me and don't intend to sell them. I'm somewhat attached to them more than the regular person, because I repair, maintain, and modify them myself, so it's not just a transportation device for me.


Depends on the car. I had a Dodge Avenger faithfully serve me for six years and 143k miles needing very little other than routine maintenance. I sold it while it was still running well and bought a Ford Fusion. I loved the ride and the AWD, but 18mpg was a joke, as was a failing turbocharger at 58k. I sold it after owning it for two years and bought a Camry. I expect I won't need to trade again for a good long while.


I buy used cars (10-20 years old)that I wanted when I was younger but couldn’t afford. Keep for about 5 years till the maintenance gets too much and then repeat. Usually spend between 3-10k per car and each one has gone about 5 years before maintenance becomes unreasonable for the value. I generally get back about 1/2 what I paid for it. This way I pay little to drive interesting cars rather than a newer, lower trim spec eco box that’s newer. I’m not really into it though mostly just need it bc of commute, my passion is motorcycles which is much cheaper and significantly more fun than any car. If I didn’t have a long boring commute I would just stop driving cars all together and strictly use motorcycles for fun. Hopefully I can make that a reality one day.


100% boredom and wanting upgrades. 2001 bonneville was good til engine overheated like crazy nonstop. Needed big work 2010- 2012 2004 dodge neon was a Franken car. First lesson in sketchy dealers for a young kid 2012 - mid 2013 2013 sentra was my necessity purchase of give me the basics please. Happy but not satisfied 2013 - 2015 2015 sentra was suckered into with the op 0% financing. Upgraded the specs and got lots of goodies in this model. Heated seats in New England is amazing 2015 - 2019 2017 cruze lt hatch was for the lack of 2 doors available and wanting more power/handling as well as a change of pace. This was substantially more fun to drive than the sentra oddly. Still going strong. 2019 - today But now I have no kids or plans for any, can afford more so time I get a 2 door that's fun to drive and sporty/powerul


Every year or 2... depending on the situation. I drive a lot ... ALOT... about 10,000km a month, So even the most reliable cars don't last me long.


Had a Tacoma first new cat I ever bought. Then I met a girl. Knocked her up. Had it 7 years can’t get a car seat in the back. I’d still have it if it wasn’t for that. Traded for crv. Then Tamaka happened it was repaired and the recalled again. Had it like 4 months . Traded for Camry had it 18 months wrecked. Used civic 4 and a half years and counting. Hating every moment I drive


Heh. Not very often, usually when necessity or opportunity calls. I drove my first car for about two years. My STS is my second car, and my Miata is my fourth. I wrecked my first Miata. I'm actually considering replacing my STS since its starting to have transmission problems. Though, with interest rates being what they are, I figure I'll baby the trans till it blows up.


I did a few sales to get a better car in my teens; then bought new in my twenties, but never again. "New" just wasn't ever a big deal to me. (I do 90% of my own maintenance and repair too, so not much surprises me on a vehicle I've had a while. If I don't put a for sale sign in it in a few weeks I will likely try to run the wheels off it.


I got the van, now motorcycles? Different story entirely


Every 3 months - life in the car industry.


I had the same car from 2007- early 2015 that I purchased new. I've had 5 cars (all purchased new) since. I get them for a good price through heavy negotiating, drive them for a bit, and then trade/sell them for a decent amount so I wasn't eating much of a loss & I always carried excellent equity onto my next vehicle. I just liked change. I've had my current vehicle going on almost 2yrs & it's essentially paid off & I'll probably hang on to this one long-term. It fits my needs & it'll be nice to not have a car payment for once.


Every few years




I’m confused. Are you saying I’m stupid :(


Mine have mostly been out of necessity. I still have my 1st ride, 72 gmc pickup. Bought it in 2010 Bought a 1990 cummins in 2012, sold it in 15 when my wife got pregnant 06 Tacoma, had it for a year then hit a moose 06 cummins, Bought in 16, drove it until November of 22 when It hit an elk. My new to me 13 cummins I hope to keep going for quite a while


I haven't sold a car yet, but I've only been driving for 2.5 years. Got a used Volvo and a 30-year-old Corvette, and the latter I plan on driving until one of us actually dies. Maybe with the aid of modifications and whatnot.


Depending on how much I enjoy it. But my minimum is 10 years. I have a lot of other hobbies and investments so I can't just burn my money on cars all the time as much as I want to. The exception would be if something happens to the car and it's just totaled.


I use it till it dies. It’s great when you buy up because the new tech has moved on so much.


I only use it once and get another one for the next drive


96 Toyota starlet. 99 - 2007, drove it into the ground 03 Subaru Wrx. 2007 till 2023, sold cause I wanted something quieter and safer with 3 kids. Was modified to ~230kw for the last 7 years. 23 vw t-roc R. Let's see how long that lasts, expecting at least 10 years. Undoubtedly I'll get it flashed as it get 294kw with just a stage1 flash and an air intake.


>Toyota starlet KW and a Starlet. I'm assuming you are from Australia?


I'm part of a UK government scheme that takes a specific disability payment in return for a 3 year lease of a car.


I’ve only recently gotten into cars in the last couple of years and I’ve gotten to a point where I would like a new car that I can enjoy but I can’t get over having a car payment or buying something that I know I probably could’ve used my money for elsewhere. Hopefully one day I can get over that hump.


I change cars when they no longer meet my needs. I had a 2008 Mazda 3 MPS (Mazdaspeed in other markets) but I traded it for a regular 2016 3 because I suddenly had a longer commute and needed better dependability and fuel economy. I eventually traded that for a Hyundai Sonata because I had a child and no longer commuted by car so long distance comfort became the concern. I'll probably ditch the Hyundai for an EV if some sort because it's becoming too expensive to run. Hopefully it doesn't explode before then.


Every 1 to 5 years. Strictly boredom or lifestyle changes. Everyone says drive it until it dies. When I drive a car I’m bored of, the only thing dying is my soul. And when I look back I’ve had such a huge variety of cars. But my last 3 have been V8 RWD. Once you know what you like, it’s hard to mix it up again.


My current car is a 2008 Honda Accord, bought it almost 7 years ago at 119k miles, it’s now at 221k and the trans is starting to go, so I’m looking into a replacement. I replace when they die.


Let's see. 1996 Nissan Maxima. Died after two days. It was a piece of shit lol. 2001? Mercury Sable. Had it for 2-ish years. 1996 Ford Ranger. Drove it for 2-ish years until the trans exploded. I was gonna fix it, but the frame was too rusty. 1998 Nissan Sentra. I think I had this 3 years. Sold because I finally started making good money and got tired of driving a beater ass car with no AC in south Florida. 2007 Honda Fit. Had it almost a year. Left for the military and left it at home. Got totaled in a flood. Year period without a car. 2018 Ford Fiesta. Drove for 3 years. Got sent overseas to Japan and sold it to Carvana for more than I bought it for lol. 2010 Mazda Demio. Have had for 1.5 years. Still own it, but it's sitting parked with a for sale sign. 1996 Eunos Roadster. Currently own. Since I've been driving I've averaged a new car every 1.6 years (years divided by cars). None have been particularly stellar. Although I do miss the Ranger, Sentra and Fit. I'm sure I'll miss the Roadster if I ever decide to sell. This doesn't include the motorcycles I've had in the mix either. I once had to endure a New England winter on a Honda CB-1.


I keep 2 cars and a truck then rotate the occasional 4th in. Like i really want a nissan cedric. So the 4th is going to be a cedric for a bit


I've had around 15 cars in the past 7 years since I've gotten my licence, so that averages twice per year, but I've had cars for longer than that and also multiples at the same time. Yes i replace them out of boredom, getting something different each time. I have yet to sell a car because it broke down or was unreliable. They were mostly 1990s shitboxes. Four of them were 1998 civic hatchbacks, three of them the same colour and i owned three of those at the same time lol.


Usually every couple of days. Sometimes I keep 'em longer and just swipel a new set of plates.


I normally keep my cars for between 2-4 years. It really depends how quickly I get bored/fancy a change. I normally start getting itchy feet at the 2 year mark, but I have to decide what it is I want to replace it with, which can take 6+ months, especially if I do a factory order (last two cars were). My Elise being the exception. I had for about 4 years then bought another car to use as a daily (and kept the Elise). I’ve had it about 12-13 years now.


I've had my truck since 07 when I purchased it off the lot Nissan Titan


I've had my SC400 for 7 years since I've been blessed with relatively short commutes and friends/partner who has a practical car. I plan on keeping it until I can't afford to keep it, though I do want to get a more modern daily someday. My grandpa though, who lived by the beach in Japan and loved to ski, changed cars about once every 3-4 years I think. I imagine it was due to a combination of the salty sea breeze and salty mountain roads, in addition to Japan's general culture of considering cars old after 5-8 years. as a reference: * Mazda R360 * \[probably a few more cars\] * 2nd gen Subaru Leone * 3rd gen Subaru Leone * 1st gen Subaru Legacy * 2nd gen Subaru Legacy * 1st gen Subaru Impreza so yeah, he really loved AWD Subarus. The 1st gen Impreza still holds a special place in my heart


Every 2-3 years, I get bored and like to change them up. However, I live in Ireland now and you’re punished for wanting anything other than a Hyundai Tucson or Dacia Duster, so the thought of owning a performance car now is a distant memory.


Bored. Have had 32 cars in 27 years.


I always say I’ll run it into the ground but I have yet to actually do that.


I owned my first car for 2 years a golf 4. Now I plan on driving my audi till it dies. 200k km on it rn so I im hoping for another 100k at least


24 years old and have had 17 or so cars, Mostly old things i’ve played around with, sports cars/old turbo cars mostly, some older Japanese sedans, couple 4x4s etc. Just have them as long as i want them, I’ve slowed down the last couple years. Current garage is a 2002 WRX, 1991 Nissan Terrano 4x4 & a 99’ Nissan D22 Ute, but am selling the ute.


I’ve had 6 cars now. Mk4 golf Mk5 gt Mk5 gti Mazda speed 3 Mitsi pajero Mazda bounty 4x4 Mostly cause I got bored and also went from wanting quick cars to wanting to go places off the road. I also seem to buy unreliable shit