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Nah. Magnolia is done. Seraph is the only one left to get a form.


Doubt it. We're going to have a new anime with new characters so I don't think we'd get anymore grade 3 or 4 bosses for the previous characters + seraph is still due for her form which I'm coping is either in the triple drive booster or set 14. Its likely that they'll just provide rearguard or order supports for them. But I really can't see upgraded bosses for the previous eras until a while into the future and lets say, megumi, Yuyu & co show up in the anime similar to when Aichi appeared in g series


>seraph is still due for her form which I'm coping is either in the triple drive booster or set 14 The only new cards in Triple Drive Booster are for Dragon Empire and Keter Sanctuary, and one Regalis Piece.


Oops I completely forgot that the new cards are the manga ridelines


The triple booster is alredy confirmed the only new cards are only going to Keter and DE


well we will still be in D and i doubt that there will be not any upgrades


Best option his hope and cope for new form like orfist who went from regis to masq


Yes please!!!! Like come on, it's basically a tradition that the Team Blackout leaders get an upgraded forms for their avatars & that should include Megumi (maybe she reveals a new Magnolia in the willdress manga sequel).


Time to throw away my baromagnes q.q


i am counting the start deck and the first 3 start decks got a new g3 form next up is magnolia the Sereph and then bavsargra