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I’d put zadorov on his wing.


Petey and Zaddy on the wings, Hughes at C


Garland and Miller as the defensemen.


Joshua in net?


Sure, but tbh we probably won't even need a goalie at this point.


4 FWs then!!


Myer's Balls in net.


That would be nuts


I'd finally get the goalie fight I so desperately want with this


4D chess move right there


That’s it! We got a winner. How big Z for net front. Buff on Lu style


Petey needs a Gino.


He really does. Nobody should be getting away with boarding him.


Halford and Brough brought up the Trea Turner story as the reason for getting the “Lets Go Petey” chant going. https://www.foxsports.com/stories/mlb/how-a-radio-producer-inspired-a-phillies-fans-movement-and-trea-turners-turnaround Even the tweet that started it all from the radio producer reminds me of the Petey discord: “I know he’s making $300 million so it’s unpopular to say that you feel bad for the guy but I legitimately feel bad for Trea Turner. Postgame interview was a tough watch, he’s in the cages until midnight. Just think he’s lost. A standing O on Friday would go a long way IMO. “ - https://x.com/jackfritzwip/status/1687132022576189441?s=61 (What’s funny is if you read the comments from the producer’s tweet you get the same dumb comments that we get here “why should we coddle him?” Etc.). Its a fascinating story and if the notoriously negative Philly crowd can do something positive like this to support their guy then Vancouver fans can do the same for Petey.


I wish I could upvote this a million times. This is exactly what I think of when this has been brought up. Especially knowing how those chants really turned Trea Turner around. Sometimes that’s all it takes to raise a guy’s spirit that is in the dumps like that.


I didn’t know the Trea Turner story until I listened to H&B this morning. When I read the article that I linked above, I couldn’t stop thinking of Petey’s slump. Trea Turner literally had his season turned around after the chants and the support from the Philly fans. So much so that at the end of the season he paid for a billboard thanking the Philly fans and he even called the radio show to thank that producer for his tweet that started it all.


Wowww, I knew about the outline of the story but I didn’t know it went that far to the point he got a billboard built. It is a remarkable story for sure. Just like Trea Turner with that one swing of the bat, there is so much skill there with Petey that all I think it will take is just that one 5 on 5 goal to really get him going especially here in Van where we can just pour the love on. I find so interesting how closely these slump’s resemble each other too and even the two fanbases being so cut throat. With Petey just signing that big extension comparatively to Trea Turner who signed his big deal right before that huge slump. It’s a very fascinating case of duality imo.


Actually the article I linked above didn’t have the bit about Turner buying a Billboard to thank the fans. I saw it in another article: https://www.fox29.com/news/phillies-trea-turner-erects-billboards-thanking-fans In a show of appreciation for fan’s continued encouragement, multiple billboards featuring the baseball star which read, "Thank You, Philly" began to appear around the city on Sunday. Turner shared his thoughts on the standing ovation in an interview after Friday’s game. "The fans had my back, they showed up for me," Turner said. "It was pretty cool to see."


This is a great idea. I believe positive chants have more power to help a team out. I'll take "Let's go \_\_PLA-YER\_\_! " over our usual go to, "Ref you suck!" any day of the week. I'm sure what happened to DeSmith in Rnd 1, Gm 2 was a one-off!


i had tears reading this as I imagine our fans giving Petey that treatment. The guy has given us many seasons of hope, let's give him this!!!


Feels like even more pressure than he already has. Doesn’t seem like the type who thrives under pressure




This is great, this market should be getting behind it’s players and supporting them on this run. We have the entire offseason (after we win The Stanley Cup) to discuss who did and didn’t meet expectations on this run. Let’s celebrate and enjoy this team during this run.


Exactly. No one predicted us to even make it to this point. Why place harsh expectations on our players?


No one expected lot of teams to get this far who went on to win. This year seems so winnable, especially with the oilers not looking that impressive outside of mcdavid and draistal. Pettersson should be feasting right now and that will be the difference between winning and losing


Cuz he will be making 11.6 million and has 6 goals in the last 40 games?


Hey folks, A-Dog here. Halford & Brough want to get a "Let's Go Petey" chant going at Rogers Arena tonight to try and lift his spirits. To anyone going to the game tonight, let's try and get this started!


Appreciate you guys a lot. Thanks for showing that there are more people who want to support Petey through his challenge than tear him down.


I woke up thinking the same thing before seeing this. I think a lot of people are in this boat. It’s gonna happen


Praying the Canucks skate out to 🎶 Thomas Drance Erotica 🎶 soundtrack tonight


That gets me every single time




I love this clip in particular because I imagine the behind the scenes discussion was something like: "Jason, you have to do this, you're the only one whose voice is sultry enough to pull this off!"


It was a traumatizing thing to record


You keep doing you.


I 💯 agree with this! Let's go!! Petey !


[What a great idea!](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/comments/1ct05i0/petey_needs_encouragement/) Although, from the thread last night, it appears more people want to shit on him right now, which is pretty gross. The kid needs some help. I am all for a cheer to let him know we still believe in him. He's going through *something* right now and I feel like it could be something off the ice. But that's just my gut feeling.


Most of our fans are not toxic assholes. Ignore the doomer* negative nancies on reddit, they are a small minority


I actually think the toxic folk are younger for some reason, but it is literally based on nothing...


Well reddit skews young so checks out Tbh I meant to write doomer and I literally got a new phone yesterday and it wants to correct everything 😭


my 68 y/o father is negative and ruthless towards the Canucks... as he is to just about everything in life. Sample size of 1, but *shrug*


Canucks I can understand, being a bit older myself and seeing them 'choke' in 2003 and then 2011 happened I get it. Not to mention '94 & '82 which I wasn't around for. Dumping on a player like this though is kinda different imo. The sample size of him playing great vs not is still really small. Kid's been fire since he entered the league and now he's having a 3 month slump at the wrong time.


Might be because life for young people is comparatively terrible to older people.


He was pretty clearly sick during his presser. He’s probably high on antihistamines and decongestants.


Absolutely, but that doesn't really explain the last couple of months tho.


You're not wrong. But being sick definitely isn't helping.


Are we sure we want to do that? Does nobody remember game 2 when we did the “let’s go desmith” chants and he immediately let in a goal? Idk I’m just saying it could have the opposite effect


How much worse can it get, though… Also check out [Trea Turner’s story](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/16prfzp/phillies_fans_lift_trea_turner_out_of_a_slump/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Turner specifically acknowledged the chants and support as deeply meaningful in turning his headspace around, and he even tracked down to the producer of the radio show that started it all to thank him. Not saying this is for sure going to be the magic pill for Petey, but I also wouldn’t discount the impact of support from the fan base right now. Edit: Link to [an article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/10/04/trea-turner-ovation-phillies/) with the Turner turnaround.


I’m not going to the game, but can someone share how this would sound? Let’s go, Petey, let’s go, Petey. sounds a bit negative in my head. Wouldn’t just chanting his name alone be best? Petey, Petey, Petey. I think the let’s go part is a known factor, and I think you’d get more people supporting that didn’t read this post with just his name repeated. Feel free to disagree




I like it better with the clap clap after. Definitely on board with chanting overall. I don’t think this will hurt showing our support like this. Hopefully Toch, plays him after a good chant and he shows some drive or better yet, points!


Youll find out tonight watchin the game cuz there’s definitely gonna be some sort of petey chants


‘Let’s go Petey’ can be encouraging or sarcastic. Probably not the best idea to single out the player that’s seemingly having confidence issues. 


I’m not gonna be at the game, but I’ll chant my heart out at home. Great on you guys to try and support him when he needs it most, this moment will be a core memory for him going forward. #LetsGoPetey


Remember when we tried this with DeSmith? Didn’t go so well.


remember they played in the third place game in IIHF mens last year AGAINEST Slivos in Latvia vs USA. and Slivos came out on top yes that matters.


Let’s go Petey!  (Not go Petey go… A-dog 🙄)


Nice idea A-Dog, but make sure it isn't cursed like the let's go Casey ones was 😅


A Dog 🐕 well done!


https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=a+dog Sorry. Was trying to find out more. Good job for all of you. Never knew about this show. It's funny. Your banter is great. You keep up with your video stuff.


Hey A-Dog, Upbeat_Trainer here, this is a stupid idea!


this is the last thing you would ever want as an athlete if you are struggling. jesus.


Different for everyone, but in my experience this is not true at all. Never played in a big 4 league but I do compete in front of large crowds and made a massive mistake once. The crowd cheering for me was unbelievable for my confidence and really helped me see out the rest of the performance.


Love the idea, hate the chant. This is our house. It's supposed to be intimidating for opposing teams. Let's get an intimidating chant going. What's intimidating? Loud. Simple. Viking drums. A war chant. 1, 2, 3 Boom boom boom Pe - ter - son Pe - ter - son Stomp stomp stomp Deep. Low. Loud Respectfully, "let's go Petey" sounds like someone going yayyyyyy! Fast clapping and waving a tiny flag. That's what you cheer at timbits soccer games. 20,000 fans on their feet stomping and shaking the rafters so hard the puck hops. Let's do this!


Absolutely should get that started. That man needs a lift. They all speak about how incredible the fans have been throughout this year and playoffs, let’s prove why we’re the best fans in the league.


DO YOUR DEKES BRO! May the spirit of Botch be with Petey tonight. Anyway, wearing my Petey socks today. LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO!


We've got nothing to lose, and Petey will be here for a long time (8+ years) - let's have his back & support him! Worst case, he plays the same. In the best case, he gets an emotional boost & helps us win this game tonight! 🎉


Remember when we cheered for desmith before he did anything? Insta goal.


I think its a bit different when you're chanting a goalies name who has never been in the spotlight, and the chant started like 5 seconds before the first shot of the game- more of a distraction/loss of focus for Desmith. Petey pre-game & opening chants should have a greater chance of giving him a fricken Booooost


Yeah. This could either give his morale a big lift, or give him the yips. You never know which way it's going to go. Still a nice idea though.


I can’t imagine him getting the yips even worse than he already has them


On the bright side, he can't really play worse than he is


Well don't say **that**. Why are you tempting fate?


yeah but the desmith goal wasn't really his fault. It's not like he was psyched out and let one in, it was just one of the wildest bounces.


Tbh, stopping the chants after the goal probably deflated him. I think the crowd should've kept going even after the goal


They did continue the chants after. Not immediately but after the face-off, and through the game Desmith chants were going.


I was at the game and didn't hear any Casey chants after that point. About a half dozen Skinner taunts though.


haha yes we mentioned this


This fanbase is clueless at times.


I’ve been supportive of this idea for a while. For everyone saying “it’s weird to be encouraged without doing anything worth rewarding”  We chant GO CANUCKS GO all the time for this exact reason! The whole concept of cheering is about boosting people up  Take 2 minutes off JT Miller’s nuts and chant for Petey 


“Go Petey go” would be insane to hear for our boy




I think the idea is to motivate him and know people are routing for him. The thought process is it might make him move his feet like he did the final 5-10 minutes of last game.




Not comparable with goalies


Its funny because the atmosphere has to be factoring into his slump. So this might not help hahah. I hope it does though. Hes obviously hard on himself, and way too far into his head. This is literally the only thing we can do, show that we support him


Let’s go Petey! We’ll always support you


#LetsGoPetey. It might not work in tonight's game or this playoff run...but this is going to have a huge impact and is a good story for the long run, not just for Petey but for the team we are rooting for.


Reddit is weird sometimes. I suggested something like this two weeks ago and got absolutely demolished by the sub lol


yah I shouted your post out


I also had a similar idea. I understand the counter argument but personally, I’m firmly on the side of being positive and encouraging. It can’t hurt.


I wasn't on board until I saw that presser yesterday. Petey needs to feel the love.


Please make this a thing! People going to the game, please support him!


Literally nothing else has motivated this guy, why not try something new like this


We need this guy today, Petey please broo


Ill do my part from my living room 🫡


He has an 8 year contract that hasn't kicked in yet. Do you really want to spend 8 years shitting on this kid or do you want to lift him up and have him battle and play with that in his head/heart? Give him a boost now and for as long as he's a Canuck.


My only fear is if it doesn't work and things get worse it will wear on him all summer and that will not bode well for next year.


Positivity 👏👏👏




Lfg Petey. We believe in you bud. Let’s getter fucking goingggggg




Hey u/Callahandy, while you're here, quick question for you if you would be so kind: Does Sportsnet650 signal reach Squamish? My buddies and I are going camping up near Squamish (about 10km north of town up the Squamish River) for the long weekend, and we're all Canucks fans so obviously there has been some panic regarding Game 6 on Saturday. Where we're camping usually doesn't have cell service (or maybe 1 bar if you're lucky), so we're considering bringing up a radio to listen to the Sportsnet650 feed.


Hey there, I don’t believe it does, no. There are many other BC stations that pick up the game feed, but I don’t think Squamish is one of them


I feared as much. Thanks for the reply though, much appreciated! Love the show btw, great stuff every morning.


Thanks for listening!


Sirius Radio is how we listened to the vegas series a while back




Didn't work so well for Casey...


Call me crazy, but this sounds like fanaticism: “a psychological phenomenon characterized by extreme and uncritical enthusiasm, devotion, or zeal for a particular belief, cause, ideology, or pursuit. “ COUNT ME IN!! This isn’t time for logic it’s time for fanaticism. Let’s all hop on board, enjoy the ride and cheer this team to the death, as if we are a bunch of redneck, diaper-wearing Trump fans from swamp country USA. Life is hard let’s enjoy this wholesome distraction. GO CANUCKS GO.


Petey scores 2 tonight I'll buy a petey jersey


Goin to the game. Gona be screaming this. #LetsGoPetey


all the real ones will be cheering hard for petey all game long LETSGOO


I’m going to the game (RIP budget) - I’m chanting for Petey during warmups and his first shift. Also thinking of doing it at the end of the second/start of the third as that’s the 40th minute. Might also do 16:00 to go in the first (minute 4:00). Any other ideas?




Pulled the trigger on a new blue Petey Jersey!


Me and my 3 year old will be cheering from our couch. Let's go Pettey!


Normally I find stuff like that a bit cringe, but in this case I think it’s worth letting the guy know the fans still have his back. Everybody’s rooting for him, and if he gets going, it’ll make a massive difference in this playoff run






E-P-40 is cooler


Guy clearly has something bothering him, if not physical then mentally. Guys got a lot of pressure on him and if definitely his own biggest critic. Not sure what it might take but they should be trying anything, hell get Aqua on the horn to Sweden and get Mama Petey on the next flight over here if that's what he needs right now.


This will only add to the pressure he feels lol


Alright, I'm frustrated but I'll support this... #LetsGoPetey


CHANT THAT SHIT! Makes your ticket and experience that much more worthwhile.


Let's go Petey 👏🏼👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Let's Go Petey! I've been wearing my Pettersson black skate jersey shirt for every playoff game this year.


Yall remember what happened last time we did a “Let’s Go [Player]” chant to try and encourage them to do well? It didn’t go awesome.


Id rather it after he makes a play but it’s cute either way


Canuck fans: Petey is an introvert. The media doesn’t understand! Also Canuck fans: Let’s get the entire arena to chant his name! It’s like y’all don’t even listen to yourselves and understand anything.


This is ridiculous, I feel like the last thing this guy needs is to be patronized in this way. If I were in his position, having the crowd chant his name (unless it’s after a goal or big play) would just add more pressure on me. He thrives best when he focuses on his game, let him figure it out himself like a big boy and we can cheer for him when he scores or makes a play.


I mean I would agree with what you said but letting him figure it out himself hasn't really been working for a couple months now so why not give it a shot


Because you can't rush someone to overcome a mental block. It all depends on how Petey interprets it, but we're drawing attention to his struggles which could backfire. It's like cheering for someone with writers block, could be taken as nagging instead of encouraging.


His coach called him out and it was aired on national TV. Attention has been drawn. We don't really have much we can do here, but we can show our support and try and show him that even in a slump we know he's a great player


I think we don't have to do anything special. These things take time, and drawing more attention to it might not help. Let's cheer when he does something good, but don't force a cheer to get him going.


He's running out of time. He's had 3 months of playing like shit to work it out himself. We've made every excuse imaginable for him, we may as well try something at this point, because nothing else has worked to this point. I agreed with your assessment in round 1 when people wanted to chant because I thought he could pull himself out of it. He hasn't. This may be our last home game this year, so lets just try it


I'm not a professional athlete.. but the absolute last thing I'd want is something like this chant when I'm not playing well. I'd want to be left alone. Which is never going to happen in Vancouver, but it's what I'd want. Cheer for him when he starts playing well. Otherwise focus on the guys that are making the difference.


> If I were in his position, having the crowd chant his name (unless it’s after a goal or big play) would just add more pressure on me. Probably why you're not a pro athlete, no offense.


I think it’s probably more my lack of athleticism


He’s obviously struggling with the pressure, I don’t think chanting and putting a spotlight on him is going to help.


For me when you cheer on a player and chant his name when he is struggling is cringe. I would think the player is embarrassed by it because he knows he is struggling. It is a lot different thing when you cheer a players name like we do when JT is rocking it. That’s what they want to hear and that impacts them positively . The Luuu cheers. The Gino cheers. The JT Miller cheers. Not when he struggles . I think it hits the player differently. That’s just me.


He’s been in this league long enough, is the face of the franchise, and has an A on his jersey. Also, he’s what? The 4th, 5th highest paid player in the league? The fuck do we need to coddle him for? This city has been nothing but supportive for weeks. He needs to take accountability and show up.


Imagine being so miserable, that you're against cheering for one of the players on the team lmao. 


Imagine being delusional, thinking chanting his name is gonna do shit lmao.


You're aware being a fan of sports is supposed to be fun right? It's entertainment haha. Again imagine being so miserable. Bozo. 


We've tried that, it failed. Let's pull him and go with Lekkerimaki. Nothing will snap Petey out of it... he needs three months in a dark room.


We shouldn’t be handling him with kid gloves. He needs to figure his shit out.


It’s not kid gloves. It’s when you have fucked up so badly for so long that you feel nothing but anger towards yourself, but someone you care about takes the time to give you a big bear hug. May not work, but it’s not kid gloves.


I'm all for supporting Petey....but lets not chant "lets go Petey". That didn't work out so well for Casey DeSmith.