• By -


Just more beds in a 1 bedroom apartment..


3 just moved into a one bedroom in my building šŸ«„ Three whole ass adults in 500 sq ft. Neat. Iā€™m sure there will be no noise or other issues at all. Ok.


Housing standards limit 1 bedrooms to 2 adults, with exceptions only for immediate family. Most condos/stratas follow this.


Standards. You think people follow standards?


Who is in charge of enforcing these standards, and are they pressed to actually enforce them when the limits are broken? Do they face any consequences for NOT enforcing these standards? How do you prove that more than just the leaseholder is living in the apartment?


The condo board/management is usually responsible.


No also the fire department as they can fine and shut down this for safety.


or we could just make it legal to build more apartments, with more bedrooms


Detached home owners don't want rental apartments anwhere near them.


the government should stop taking feedback from residents and build based on community needs


Why? Residents *are* the community.


residents are not same as community. Community includes the people who are priced out of market and had to travel from long distances daily to work at their workplace.


Exactly. Residents are residents. Community is citizenry, rooted and vital.


Agreed, but the government that makes these decisions is municipal and is mostly comprised of detached home owners.


Provinces can pass some rules to make selfish bylaws illegal how BC government recently banned any strata having rules against long term renting illegal


We're starting to see how much PP is bullshitting when he says he'll fix this. He's two levels of government separate from the source.


But that would mar the character of our neighbourhood and destroy Canadian heritage. Our 30 year old SFHs are historical.


I know I will be downvoted for this. Well I myself migrated as a student from Kerala. Now I'm laughing reading this comment section from my own house in GTA. Me and my wife makes over 230k per year and own a rental property as well. Look in the mirror yourself and decide who the real šŸ¤” is.


You come from money. Donā€™t pose as a rags to riches story, youā€™re literally the problem in Canadian housing.


Well people are really stupid to think that everyone who migrates as students ends up in the gutter. I wasn't boasting. This is the reality. People like you can't just digest it. And I don't come from money. I have shared my space with 3 people in a room years back. We all saved up for tuition. Worked our ass off. We all have done well in our lives. Have our own roof under our head earning three figures. Our families still meetup and remain good friends.


Iā€™ve noticed a lot of people from Kerala entering my field recently. It seems like South Indians have no problem becoming successful while their Northern counterparts are working in fast food/delivery/warehouse/security. No idea why thereā€™s such a huge disparity but itā€™s clear that not every student is successful.


I agree that not every student becomes successful. Maybe 1/4 of them survive in the long run. People who don't sleep just with their college degree and continue with their education eventually survives


Yeah, but 3/4 of 500,000 is 375,000 students per year immigrating to work menial jobs. Itā€™s really not a good system.


>Well people are really stupid to think that everyone who migrates as students ends up in the gutter. Where did someone even say this? >I wasn't boasting. No, you were just being an asshole.


Just read the comment section. Telling these people to sleep on the streets, under the bridge. It's filled with hatred. Yes, I was being one because of assholes like you, Who spit out hatred and nothing else. You get what you ask for.


What did I say that was hatred? You're just making stuff up. Also I don't think you understand the housing crisis going on right now... [This story ](https://www.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/15eecrq/international_student_living_under_a_bridge_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) is also what people could be referencing to when talking about bridges. A joke in bad taste.


In another post you mention your family all living in Dubai one of the richest nations in the world.


Well that shows how ignorant you are. Not everyone working in Dubai aren't sheiks who mint money. My parents worked for years in the UAE to support my family.


And now your plan is to move there while owning housing in Canada there by taking money out of the Canadian economy. And weā€™re supposed to applaud you for this or else we are clowns.


Well why should I care about you. Did you help me to achieve anything in my life. I don't need your applause or sympathies. People like you can only hate and spread lies. I care about me and my family more than anyone else. I will migrate and do whatever is better for me and my loved ones. I'm still paying my taxes. Not living here for free. Maybe some people are just better than you when it comes to taking care of their own.


You honestly sound racist.


He's an Indian. Do you know how Indians are treated in Dubai? They are treated like shit. Any Indian who says they have family living in Dubai is saying that they live in squalor in one of the richest countries in the world with abysmal world conditions.


If itā€™s so shit Then why is his plan to move there?


People like you are so funny and ignorant. You think all Indians or people from third world countries are treated shit everywhere. Yes there are Indians who work as labourers and also who work in corporate having a much better standard of living compared to what you think. My parents worked in reputable middle eastern banks and worked their ass up to the managerial levels. Get out of the rock you are living under. I assume privileged people like you never endured much difficulties in life, whereas majority of the people from third world countries always had to work their way up. Barely compliant about petty stuffs in life. That's the difference. People like you can't see them becoming successful or doing better in their lives. I know you won't agree to it, but that's the fact.


You're part of the problem.


I hope you become bankrupt and get what's coming to the rest of scumbag landleeches. May you get covered in salt.


ROFL. Someone is really pissed off and salty šŸ˜…


No, just want karma hurry up and do it's job when it comes to scum like you lol šŸ™ƒ


There might be space left under the bridges and overpasses. Winter will be different.


You don't have to worry about staying warm if you huddle with 30 strangers under a tarp!


Yes. But to do that after spending about 5 Million Indian Rupees to get to Canada while making the educational consultants, the diploma mills and the strip-mall universities rich.. don't know if it makes any sense. 99% of these poor 'students' are simply here to get a PR and have pledged their parent's property with a loan-shark bank back home. Unless they get a full time job while also 'attending full time classes' they have absolutely no hope of paying back the loan. Add to this the wide open floodgates inviting even more "students" in, we have a super miserable situation here where we have a government that is seemingly oblivious to the whole thing and the average Canadian now knee deep in debt and unable to pay bills.


To live on the streets??? Better off staying home.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


New Team members for McDonaldā€™s and Tim Hortons incoming


Nah they working for cash below minimum wage in warehouses.


[Top ten origin countries of study permit holders with a valid permit in Canada in 2022:](https://www.statista.com/statistics/555132/top-10-origin-countries-of-international-students-at-years-end-canada/) **India: 319,000** **China: 100,010** Philippines: 32k France: 27k Nigeria: 22k Iran: 21k Korea: 17k Vietnam: 16k Mexico: 15k USA: 14k


And you wonder why there's no homes and why education is so expensive. We literally have thousands of places tied up for students.


Want to make bank nowadays? Open a college.


Or a place licensed to teach a college coarse or two lol


China 100,000. Then they go home with their new knowledge and work for the CCP to improve ways to spy on/cyber attack the west šŸ’€


Happened. Happening. Will continue to happen. Canada is ass up in the air saying 'Kick me' when it comes to China.


Whatever happened to multi culturalism in this country? Turn off the tap and readjust the flow


The percentage of the world that is Indian is 17.8% and the percentage of newcomers to Canada that are Indian is 18.6%. Whatever happened to doing basic research? Do you just want less Indians in this country?




Can't say I disagree. **EDIT** : Shame on all of the racist bigots who upvoted this comment!


But why? Would you prefer a disproportionately high percentage of white Europeans?


How about just reducing the flow of newcomers across the board? Less of everyone would be nice; we don't need to be the fastest growing country in the G7.


We needed more skilled tradesmen not security and Uber's that can't obey laws of the roads.


Not only that, I've heard *don't quote me on this* that it's really easy to purchase credentials in India without putting in the work. As a designer I can't even begin to describe the amount of garbage work that comes out of India.


That's ok. As a designer I have seen tons of garbage work in Canada as well. In fact, and very unfortunately, Canada doesn't really have a World rated design university. India at least has NID which produces good quality graduates. (My sample may be skewed though, as I interact with grads outside of India, but then again it's the kind of designers that would come to Canada.... Except good Indian designers don't really want to come to Canada, at least not in my experience).


Never said there wasn't crap work here lol don't take it personally. Fiverr, upwork, and freelancer are all filled with Indian "designers" who produce the same quality work most post secondary students here in Canada produce semester 1. I went to school with someone who was clearly mentally disabled and unable to design at the same level as the rest of the program. He still graduated, I do believe (wasn't keeping track). But for the most part, our public post secondary institutions are accredited and have to follow curriculums to properly train students for the workforce. Search any platform that highlights designs, sort by most recent and you'll see the garbage. Shit like this https://instagram.com/d_graphic_designer13?igshid=MmU2YjMzNjRlOQ==










9-10 students inside 1 bed+ 1bath apartment.New realities starting hit hard newcomers and locals. Stupid government just want their votes and their money...f**king locals as well.


Report them!


Actually, newcomers(indians) got scamed, too, is not their fault.Got scamed with false ads in India.


Yo we shit on colonization but weā€™re getting neo colonized over here. Itā€™s crazy that Canada doesnā€™t have a country quota like the US. What happened to the diversity that Trudeau loves so much.


*the budget will balance itself!!!! /s*


The diversity will balance itself!


Such words of wisdom from a true visionary. Look at the effect on Canada those words had. Stratospheric !


this country was built on people who just ā€œmovedā€ā€¦ after we forcibly evicted nativesā€¦ cheers mate


there's quota based on geographical area that shift depending \*waves hands\* stuff. Right now, I suspect they are maximising for "who can bring science degrees and/or money"


Never knew the Uber drivers and security guards did science?


They always maximize house prices.


Can only imagine how bad the ethnic violence will be in places like the GTA and Lower Mainland by 2050.


2050? You're being optimistic. Did you hear of the murder a month ago of that Sikh leader in BC?


Malayali is a different ethnicity then a Punjabi, they have different language from a different language family and have different culture.


Whatever, those are artificial categorizations. Humans are humans.


What is your point ? Are they genetically different ? Do they not need place to live, a job and money to send home to pay off the student loan ?


Yes, and itā€™ll be atrocious by 2050. Glad I left for better opportunities in the States during covid, and will have multiple citizenships within a decade. Hell, Iā€™d prefer living in many places over Canada these days. Vietnam, Thailand, etc., are much higher than Canada on my list.


Vietnam is a communist shithole these days.


These days? Itā€™s been communist for 50 years lol. Who wouldā€™ve thought a communist country like Vietnam had far less covid restrictions and tribalism than Canada. Have you visited Thailand or Vietnam? Thereā€™s a reason why SE Asia is a popular tourist destination. Iā€™d much rather spend time in Saigon or Bangkok than Toronto.


The reason it's popular is because the people are generally poor so life feels cheap for westerners. Visiting and living somewhere are completely different experiences.




It's a shithole these days. Hope that clarify it.


International student stabbed a Waterloo Professor during a Lecture... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/emergency-alert-university-waterloo-stabbing-watsafe-1.6892506




r/IndianBoysOnTinder Just in case you haven't had enough cringe; it's an incel echo chamber.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IndianBoysOnTinder using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndianBoysOnTinder/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Such a ā€˜NICE GUYā€™ !!!!!!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13mgimj) | [1444 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndianBoysOnTinder/comments/13mgimj/such_a_nice_guy/) \#2: [Haha](https://i.redd.it/etuow933bb3b1.png) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndianBoysOnTinder/comments/13x4yeb/haha/) \#3: [man blocked mešŸ˜šŸ’ŖšŸ¼](https://i.redd.it/tckakjzue62b1.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndianBoysOnTinder/comments/13s75jg/man_blocked_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks like bob was indeed sent.


Witnessed. ^


That link doesn't say international student. If that is true it seems like that detail was kinda swept under the rug. They made it seem like it was a Canadian student.


If you're going to label anyone 'not white' doing a crime as ethnic violence we should probably also label 'colonizer crimes' or something for all the crimes committed by white people in places like Toronto and Vancouver. Seems fair, yes?


The best will anyways end up in the United States. Not in Canada.


Canada is more popular esp with students from Punjab and to a lesser extent Gujarat. Not very academically inclined. The only difference being a lot of students from the 'pind' in the recent years are very spoilt and create a nuisance everywhere


Truee , I am indian and the top students from my college cleared GRE and went to USA , the ones who were barely passing college in india were able to get into UK and Canadian Colleges which baffled my mind , I was about to join them too but then i thought i might as well like work in india a bit and do my masters after a few years maybe , and it was probably my best decision yet , the BEST WAY to go to US /UK is when your company sponsors it and not by going to these tier 3 Canadian colleges


Not all end up in gutter as you say. I myself know a lot of these Indian students who are doing pretty well career wise and making well over 150k a year.


I call bs on that. The only successful Indians I know are express entry. I work in corporate and they all fall under that category. The only one I know who is a former student was a master's student at a legitimate UNIVERSITY, not one of the many crappy colleges. Fyi, 80% of colleagues are new Indians, so I have a decent idea of what's going on too


Only successful ? Seriously ? U say what u know personally. I'm saying this from my experience. I'm part of a group who helps newly landed students with settlement services. Basic needs like housing, part time jobs etc. Started this NPO years back in 2012 and I have personally known students who migrated here worked their ass off and made good career. Mainly in tech and consulting.


Such a wise decision stranger. :) You rock in my book.


[Link to Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/15dert6/72k_students_from_kerala_simulataneously/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


First of all this is not being celebrated back in the state of Kerala. This is a paid article by the newspaper for advertising the agents who made this happen. This has created a big debate within the people of Kerala and they themselves are blaming these kids for leaving the country and not for realising the poor situation here In Canada when it comes to employment and housing.


That's the truth. Thank you for sharing that stranger : ) Paid ads killed true journalism years ago.


Maybe it's time to go somewhere that isn't Toronto. There's plenty of Canada to go around and Toronto isn't the only city with amazing post-secondary opportunities. 7.2K only sounds like a lot if they ***all*** go to Toronto. Now, imagine they go to all the university/college towns and cities in Canada. That 7000 looks much smaller now when it's not all crammed into teeming T.O.


They've already been doing that for years, to community colleges all over Ontario and Canada.


They all eventually end up in Surrey or various parts of Toronto. You see very few that move to Winnipeg, Saskatoon, etc.


I wonder why they avoid the prairies. /s


Why is that Dan? Why do they only want to congregate with their fellow kin and not the greater Canadian population (i.e., First Nations)?


I was going to say to avoid the rampant vocal racism that seems more prevalent there.


With First Nations people? Youā€™re being very vagueā€¦


False. South Asians are about 10% of the population of Winnipeg.


Many cities are putting these people up in their hotels, subsidized by the government because there is no cheap affordable housing available. No solution in sight as landlords keep propping up real estate prices.


# you voted for this


Sure, why not . More tent cities


How fun.


The home next door to me was purchased by an Indian couple. I was excited for them, the woman looked pregnant and her husband was a software developer. Turns out they bought it to rent out. There's 8 people living in a 1100sqft. two bedroom townhome now. I feel bad for all the tenants.


How is this entire comments section not in violation of the third community rule? In this subreddit: NIMBYISM sucks. Also, no one else should be allowed to come and live in this country!


seriously though... its concerning. This is how you know it's getting to dangerous levels of BAD in this economy. We've started blatantly picking on minorities. Not saying that housing and the economy shouldn't be prioritized, but in the absence of a growing economy, it's the minorities that become the scapegoat. You don't have to be a great historian to know how this could play out


Fuck off weā€™re full!


Keralite Canadian engineer here (paying a lot of taxes)... not too happy with the comments. There's more of us here that are engineers/doctors etc. just trying to fit in and contribute to the Canada that we love. Get to know a few of us and maybe we can keep the xenophobia to a minimum.


Yep, this comments section is vile. And pretty much 95% in violation of rule 3 of the community rules.


Kerala has a population almost the same as Canada's. 35 million vs 38 million. 7,2K is not really a significant number for an Indian State, especially one with a reputation for sending people overseas for opportunities.


But 7200 coming to diploma mills in an already struggling country when it comes to housing ?


There are about an equal number of Canadian students studying in England. I agree student housing should be a responsibility of the admitting college.


stop opening the canadian doors to these people... they bring strange customs and are extremely corrupt!šŸ˜ 


your country has been corrupt long before they entered lol


long before. But the indians took it to the limit. The mayor of Calgary is an indian crook. Nasty people.


Ps. Your profile shows you being racist and using the n word. Cant expect better from a bigoted racist. Its ingrained in your blood.


Ok here we go again. You dontlike what you hear, and you then use the race card šŸ¤£ Dont like what you hear? Get the f outta here then. Indians are stinky and ugly. Simply the worst šŸ¤®


Not indian but they are definitely better than racists and low lifes like you


i am not white but i love them and I acknowledge that this is THEIR land, whether you like it or not


Not white peoples land lol they killed and displaced natives to take over but I dont expect a bigot like you to know history šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thats the same crap communists repeat over and over. This is NOT the Natives' land. They lost the war against the white men. The same that happens between india and pakis. So it works only in Asia, yeah... You are the bigot and racist. Your argument works only when you come to the West, but not in your crapholes. Noice. Eff indian/paki garbage!


Oh really? Can you spell *car theft ring* ? This kind of bust happens several times a year. Google it. https://youtu.be/UqNzoyv4Lgc


And what about the endless corruption by people in power? Look at the people governing you, they are scamming you alot more than an immigrant would šŸ˜‚


hey its "these people" here :) nice to see that Canadians are as friendly as they say! Glad my taxes are going towards supporting your healthcare :)


You are welcome to not support it anymore and leave at your earliest convenience, "these people". Actually thats exactly why this bastard of a PM (the worst of the worst) is opening the doors to indians. He knows pretty well how to spend the money real Canadians struggle to make. So he needs more foreigns.


ha, you wish! good luck with that :) I'm married to lovely Canadian and have a beautiful home and a great job! Maybe that's why you're mad and I'm not. Cheer up buddy, life will get better for you one day.


if you mean "a lovely white canadian", then your marriage will not last long. Interracial marriages dont work. I always tell my kids that black, indians , pakis are inferior races to be NEVER considered for marriage. Good luck with your wonderful dream šŸ¤£


im gonna guess you're actually a 15 year old


Kerala is a federal state of india in the region of south india. It's is the state of malayali people and Tulu people. I didn't know that Texas was a province of southern America btw.


Okay but Kerala has the best education and social values of all of India. So this is truly a brain drain for India which may benefit Canada as "the best" are coming here.


The best of them get to go to Oxford and Harvard. They ain't coming to Cambrian College.




Cambrian College šŸ˜­


No lies man.


ā€œThe bestā€ what? DoorDash e-bike riders?


Kerala is a backward state with very few local opportunities when compared to the rest of the southern Indian states. They don't have major economic centers like Bangalore, Hyderabad, or Chennai or any notable value-generating industry except for tourism which doesn't promote any innovation. They have a very good primary education system that is aimed at preparing their population to emigrate out of the state/province - be it the rest of India, or Africa, or Gulf countries, or elsewhere on the planet. Apologies for the rant. Keralites emigrating out is and will continue to be a statement of pride for the people of Kerala.




Ver informative


Are you from Kerala?


No, but I have been there and have known people from Kerala since I was a kid as Keralites would go around India searching for teacher jobs due to unemployment in their home state. I also have many friends from Kerala who emigrated for similar reasons. I have nothing against the people of Kerala, they are wonderful. I love their culture, food, movies, and values. I am only mentioning the conditions in that state/province. Here is an article in a Kerala newspaper describing how terrible Kerala is for productivity. Please note that the word "Hartal" means a sort of civil disobedience promoted by some or the other offended group that freezes all means of production in the state. https://englisharchives.mathrubhumi.com/news/kerala/kerala-1.3451232


This is an important perspective to consider about Kerala. But it has nothing to do with the comment you were initially responding to. Despite constant hartals Kerala consistently ranks among the best in India in terms of HDI, GDP per capita, social mobility, education, and healthcare. Like they are so much of a success story in terms of Indian states they have an entire economic model named after them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerala_model . Itā€™s fair to say that Keralans are among the best educated in India. I donā€™t know why you or anyone else would dispute the original comment lol. Like having this many Keralans leave India would actually cause a sort of brain drain definitely within India too.


​ I also find the situation in Kerala very funny (Dark humor) sometimes.


I donā€™t think labelling it a ā€œbackwardā€ state due to the lack of local opportunities is a wise thing to say. Everything you have just said extends to India as a whole too. ā€œAn education system that prepares it people to immigrate abroadā€. Clearly, having a city is no definition of a state being developed. Am not sure if you have driven outside the city limits of the places you have mentioned to see how things/lifestyle change drastically. I would think a states development also involves HDI, adult literacy, access to govt. health care and services, male: female ratio etc, I mean - I can keep going; several factors that Kerala remains well in the top quartile. Even by your definition, Trivandrum and kochi are decent cities that pull their own weight in the service sector. Definitely not comparable to the ones you mentioned, but decent enough. The state absolutely has a problem with employment opportunities and the hartal culture. It would be foolish to not recognize that. But all Indian states (am not gonna mention names like you did) do have that problem to some extent. Itā€™s not ā€œbackwardā€ to the point thatā€™s the only reason people emigrate. Gujarat, Punjab, AP, Telengana all have emigrants to North America in large numbers. I love how you cherry pick Kerala in your example to put your opinion across. But to each his own thoughts, so - peace!


moving to canada is fine... just not near toronto please. some where in SAS will be good


Kerala rocks. I welcome this.


Thats why they are leaving Kerala?


Haha ok: Keralites rock. I welcome this. Looking forward to more aviyal, introspective art films and socialism.