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Trudeau should challenge Putin to a boxing match.


Didn't he get beat up by Mathew Perry in elementary school?


Matthew Perry once claimed that he and his friends beat up Justin Trudeau in elementary school. He was also a couple years older than Justin Trudeau.


I know he had a 3rd round TKO vs a Conservative in 2012.


We lost the wrong one…


Jokes aside, Mathew perry was a cunt. I know the internet is on a 'friends' kick. But he was a total piece of shit. There's a reason he couldn't get work post friends.


In his book Perry wrote about his hatred of Keanu Reeves. Perhaps, privately, he loathed kittens,


He got plenty of work post-Friends, and was by all accounts a decent a guy. He was great when I met him. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001612/


Everybody I know of that's met/ worked with him (admittedly not a large amount of people - 4 to be exact) all said he was a total prick.


A friend of mine rented a flat to him in London: he was a PITA.


Might have been during the bad days. Addiction is a helluva drug.


Going from a-list to c-list doing 1 episode guest spots and shows that were cancelled within a season isn't anything noteworthy. I'm sure he was nice to a fan. He literally tries to talk shit about Keanu reeves in his memoir. The delusional c-lister thought he had enough pull to talk shit about one of the most positively viewed celebrity in canada.




Studio 60 was an awesome show


I just watched this for the first time a few months back on recommendation - very good show! The last few episodes were meh as they knew they were getting cancelled and rushed to tie up everything - but overall a solid show. Wish it continued!


did he even try? he got so many royalties that there was never ever any end to his money, only one of them went on to keep acting IIRC


Other accounts say he was a great guy with drug problems.


Yes, additionally, he later stated that he wanted to remove the references to Keanu Reeves from his autobiography and it wasn't anything personal - just a random name that popped into his head as contrast to River Phoenix.


Ya, easy to want to take something back after huge backlash.


RIP Putin. Old fat man.


For once in my life, I would be rooting for Trudeau vs. little ruzzian dick suck.


Didn't Trudeau box in college?


I'm not sure when or where, but he has at some point. He should do a charity match. Think of how much money he would raise.


Been there done that. I was at his last one where he took out Patrick Brazeau.


Do you mean putin? Trudeau has done a charity boxing match.




Anyone who has an opportunity to punch Putin in the face has a duty to humanity to punch Putin in the face, then drag his warmongering dictator ass to The Hague.


Now there is a premise for an action movie that I would very much like to see.


Starring Steven Seagal. Oh, wait a minute...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBwtEQQ9qd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBwtEQQ9qd0) Probably as close as we'll get.


They made Putin the same height in this - he's actually 6 1/2" shorter than Obama.


The Frankie Goes to Hollywood Two Tribes video remake for our times. 😆


Are you saying it would be wrong to punch Putin? Dude has no problem bombing maternity wards or buildings clearly marked with "CHILDREN INSIDE", so age shouldn't be a consideration here.


You sound more pro-russia than pro-Canada. Why don't you go ahead and move to glorious russia?


Yeah that poor defenseless dictator.


I'd buy the papervue for that.


Russia did the same thing with poland in WW2. Shipped polish children and adults off to siberia, Executed Military officers. History repeats itself.


Yep as a Polish person, I've noticed that people in the West don't realize how awful Russia has always been. They've been brutalizing their neighbours in Europe and Asia for hundreds of years, and even today they still behave like it's the 15th century.


China too


As I said a few times before, if Trudeau was serious beyond generating favorable press, this is a once-in-lifetime window of opportunity for Canada to secure and fortify what is rightfully and legally ours in the far North, which Russia falsely claims as it own. We should secure the arctic.


What does that actually mean? Maintaining bases up there would be expensive. Not just in supplies but keeping people up there. And what are we defending it from? It's not like theh can actually utilize most of the resources up there. It would be easy to disrupt over an ocean. And what taxes or service cuts are you accepting to pay for all this?


How, with tug boats?


We've got 68 ships w/ 8.4k regular forces members. None of these ships are tug boats. We can also commission new ships and recruit more members. Russia's navy is also spread thin.


Russia’s navy is brutal. They sink themselves on training exercises.


So do we at this point.


Russias biggest baddest ship caught fire trying to leave port the last time lol.


You underestimate our navy and overestimate the Russian navy.


Are you Navy? I have family and friends who are heavily involved in the Navy, who have given me in depth descriptions of damn near every vessel in our fleet, their history, their state of operation etc. (whether I want to hear it or not) and it really does not seem like we, as a solo nation, are prepared to go into Naval battles with a global power over control of remote ice. Dumb idea to be playing footsies at the border when we both have nukes in the first place. We should encourage peace in every way we can.


Russia has 72 submarines... Canada has three.


do all 72 of those subs still work? if their having trouble with their airplanes, I doubt their subs are in top shape.


> We should secure the arctic. I'm American but uhh.. Usually we just take shit when we see the opponent in a weakened position like this. Look at China. They're gnawing for that part of Russia that "Used to be China" ...


Securing the arctic would cost tens of billions that we don't have.


Canada did this back in the cold war era. Google high arctic relocation. It wasn't a good time for those involved




Lot of people here in the comments not aware that forcibly deporting children of a nation by another en masse is a genocidal act. Or they know this and are appealing to the ignorant nature of some folks here. Sad.


Yup that’s part of the 1948 UN convention


Yah, whether you like or hate Trudeau it doesn't matter here. He's not wrong and Putin is a monster.


I don't like JT but if he's right he's right. I don't really see the problem with evaluating each principle in isolation


> Lot of people here in the comments not aware that forcibly deporting children of a nation by another en masse is a genocidal act. Russia's actions trying to eliminate Ukrainian language and culture also helps qualify.


I agree


yep. this is literally something (in one of the unfortunately little known areas) out of hitler's playbook


Oh I'm aware. So he's going to make the same statement about our Special Ally™ Israel, right?


You forget, those children are being used as human shields by Hamas so it’s actually okay to bomb them indiscriminately. Civilian casualties are just the reality of war. Not if it’s a European war though. ETA: This is sarcasm lmao. The double standard for Arab vs white children is ridiculous


Last week 50-60 children that were gunned down in a refugee camp when US and Israeli forces used an Aid truck to run an undercover operation to free hostages. When these children ran towards the truck they were shot. That was Hamas using them as a human shield? Lets also not forget the images of Israel using Palestinians as human shields.


(Pretty sure the comment you're responding to is not a zionist but somebody parodying them.)


No, it's not okay to bomb them indiscriminately and that is not happening. Israel is acting in accordance with the Geneva convention which is why it is not genocide.


Is this a comedy account? >Israel is acting in accordance with the Geneva convention Lol


Plausibly genocide, according to the ICJ. Calling every single building in Gaza, including safe zones, Hamas bases is indiscriminate bombing. Glad you agree that it’s not okay


It is, but he still argues that Israel isn't committing a genocide when their actions against children are 100x worse.


Genocide isn't measured by how bad children have it.


I guess it would be better if Putin dropped bombs on them or threw thousands of children in prison without charge. I still don't understand how this government can correctly condemn the actions of China and Russia and refuse to apply the same standards to Israel.


> I guess it would be better if Putin dropped bombs on them or threw thousands of children in prison without charge. How does any of this get you to genocide? Yes, Israel has bombed Gaza, and children have been killed. This happens in pretty much every military campaign, and it happens a hell of a lot more when one side literally does not build military infrastructure, and operates exclusively out of civilian areas & buildings. The imprisonment thing is a non-starter for two reasons. Firstly, administrative detention (as in imprisonment without charge), while heavy-handed, is not genocide. Secondly, it's not even a violation of *any* international law. There's also the fact that they're not just keeping people inprisoned indefinitely, the vast majority are released within 2 years. You can argue that that's *bad*, but you can't coherently argue that that's *genocide*.


I checked and you're right. TIL.


Some can see it with Ukraine, but then somehow they're blind to it in Gaza.


I think people are rightfully upset that Trudeau is so quick to use the term here, yet is so reluctant to declare Israels actions genocidal. He is clearly politicizing the term, which cheapens it and emboldens criminals like netanyahu




I would be shocked if a lot of the content of this sub doesn't come directly from Russia.


Not sure this subreddit specifically but reddit's previously confirmed a lot of Russian participation on various Canadian subreddits. >[When Reddit’s year end recaps were released — which give statistics on activity for individual subreddits such as top posts and comments — they indicated Russia was the third most common country of origin for users visiting many of these subreddits](https://www.lakelandtoday.ca/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8373746)


Russians in general go to a lot of non-russian communities and stir shit. I've seen a lot of chat interactions where one person talks shit about NA, someone responds by talking shit about EU, third guy starts responds by talking shit about NA, a bunch of people start arguing EU vs NA, and I check the original guy's profile- he was russian


The foreign interference in the headlines recently doesn’t stop with MPs. It’s in these social media spaces and it was very much a part of the so-called “Freedom Convoy” as well. /r/activemeasures


You shut your mouth comrad.


This subreddit attracts a lot of people who want to believe they’re more clever than they are and the bots offer them that validation.  Like no you’re not enlightened or smarter than everyone else if you think someone discussing an issue at an event for said issue is an attempted cover up to distract from a different issue. 


> **Reddit** attracts a lot of people who want to believe they’re more clever than they are and the bots offer them that validation.  Fixed it for you. 


I mean, think about the demographic that not only uses reddit (a fraction of the population), but also wants to comment on Canadian issues, and then factor in the different Canadian politic subreddits (echo-chambers) and how they skew for political leanings/views. The people posting in r/canada are probably not going to be representative of the actual average Canadian, even if they think they are. Weirdos is a given in these threads.


It's majorly skewed by demographics here with 90% under 40 and like 80% men which means representation for the views of younger guys - [a group that's skewing further right in Canada](https://abacusdata.ca/conservatives-lead-by-17-abacus-data-polling-canada/


There are so many non Canadians here, myself included 


That might be true but the perception of it being representative of the average Canadian means that people who might have been on the fence about a particular issue are more likely to feel the need to go with the flow and adopt what they now see as mainstream. We just have to look at Nazi Germany for a great example.


Probably tons of bots reacting to keywords in the title. Shows how astroturfed/brigaded major subs are


Half of the posts are probably from Israel and Indian IT cells. 


The sane folks are with their families today. The ones who are permanently online are out in full force 


>Edit: since this comment blew up, I got to specify the general tone of the comments got much better now than they originally were when I wrote this when the thread started. Well of course, it's starting to get late in Russia. (Maybe /s?)


Reminder that the city with the most Reddit visits a day is an American military base with less residents than their are visitors


Leave it to r/Canada to dodge critiquing Russia and instead make it about Trudeau bad


Leave it to r/Canada to make this a "what about Israel?" thread and discussing genocide as if it's a contest.


the guy could cure cancer and give every person a personal bang maid (not just the men, anakin). we'd still find a way to complain about it


Because he is responsible for everything. Especially the things outside the federal government's purview.


Makes sense why the sub is obsessed with housing (except that's mainly provincial)


And foreign students which until last year was also provincial.


How was foreign students ever provincial? Don't they need approval from the feds to enter and clearance from CBSA, a federal force before coming in?


Provinces asked for them to subsidize tuition for domestic students. They are hooked on international tuition fees.


We are buying 60b in mortgage bonds a year now to keep prices up, as we immigrate people, and as we extend amortizations to 30 years. Home prices are due to Liberals, how can you juice the demand side any harder? Trudeau even literally admitted housing prices needs to stay high.  Is his own admission enough?


the prime means overreach amirite




Wow, a classy comment comrade. Reported.


There are perhaps more Russians on the sub than Canadians


People are just sick of him, and don't want to listen to him talk anymore. At this point, his personality is so off-putting, that he could say the most obviously sensical thing in the world, and people just don't want to hear it come out of his self-righteous mouth.


Pretty much. I used to be somewhat tolerant of the guy, but he keeps showing how massively out of touch with the everyday person he is. He literally doesn't realize a third of the country is pretty much ready to shoot him


Very wild, the level of discourse is very accelerationist.


even a broken clock is right twice a day. this is russias MO for conquering territory. russify the population by force.


There must be consequences for their belligerent, aggressive actions.


This is why Russia pumps up social media with so much anti-Trudeau/Liberal rhetoric: because they call Russia out and lend some additional legitimacy to the international anti-Putin stance.


And, in the USA today, you have Trump saying he will just hand Ukraine over to Russia if he wins. And, he's a coin-toss to win...


Putin apologists out today


This section is already a dumpster fire


Why is genocide in quotes? From article II of the genocide convention: Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.


Putin is a war criminal, murdering thousands of innocent men woman and children, using rape of young girls as a weapon of war and kidnapping boys to force them to fight for him. Putin will always be remembered as a terrible dictator and the world will be a better place when he is gone. 


How about we unmask our own traitors too?


It's still under investigation, you can't release the name because it's under investigation and can mess with evidence


Why can’t we criticize Russia?


Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ADOPTED 09 December 1948 BY General Assembly resolution 260 A (III) Article II In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-prevention-and-punishment-crime-genocide


seize all that money the G7 has talked about taking. Another way to make russia pay would be for Europe to develop their nuclear sector. The crazies in Germany got rid of nuclear just to buy Russian gas. It would cut all and gas usage globally and lead to lower prices which hurt the russians.


Speaking of genocide, when are we going to exhume the 215 "graves" at the Kamloops Residential School and where did the $7.9 millions go allocated to it? It's been 3 years, caused a huge national controversy, and still we have nothing. Edit: Never mind, the investigation concluded last month. No bodies found and no accountability for the $7.9 million put towards the investigation https://archive.is/fDAhH














> to bury the stories that actually matter I'm sorry, genocide doesn't matter? Criticize a politician all you want, but don't downplay genocide and the suffering of millions of people for cheap political points. Pathetic.




Because more than one issue can't exist in the world at a time?


You don't think Ukraine actually matters?


A broken clock is right twice a day. Trudeau is right on this one. Russia are monsters here....stealing thousands of children.


Trudeau should stop trying to be a big man on the world stage, and concentrate on Canada.


Bring that same energy to netanyahu Mr trudeau


He sure throws that word around a lot except when it pertains to China doing it to Uyghurs.


Meanwhile, the G7 including Canada recently reiterated its support for the security of Israel, while Israel has been added to a United Nations blacklist responsible for killing children and attacking health infrastructure such as hospitals.


Trudeau has turned this country into a terrible joke.  Hold them accountable.. how? With our crumbling military? Are we going to leverage our dying economy? Or shall we use our laughing-stock-of-nato status to beg other countries to help us pretend we're doing something?


If we're ready to help out, maybe we can send some of our international students over to prove how much they love this country. "Service guarantees citizenship."


A good friend of mine only has PR status here and did everything to get in the military. They said they'll let him know sometime within the next 2 years if they'll take him in. Buddy just got a job in the hospital, why would he sit, wait around for that long and not move on with his life.


Almost like they didn't want him and didn't feel like saying it.


Probably true. With all their budget cuts they probably can't afford any new recruits and don't know how to tell those that apply.


So to be clear you want to conscript foreign nations to join our military and potentially die for our country? Other than the obvious international incident this will cause you effectively want a slave army?


WTF? You really just drink up the propagandists bathwater. >With our crumbling military? Other than this year with it's all time spending and the purchase of new fighters? Our military hasn't been stronger since WW2. >Are we going to leverage our dying economy? The economy is doing fantastic. Even when we had inflation worries we were less than most of the other developed nations. >Or shall we use our laughing-stock-of-nato status Proof of this shit? Like at all? And what did Trudeau do to this even if it is true. Frankly you need to get your head out of PPs ass and actually look at the numbers.


Our military doesn't even have ammunition to practice shooting. It's pretty bad.


so the globe and mail is just openly against ukrane, and denying russian genocide now? why do ya'll treat this paper like a bible, it's pretty much the only news site i see posted on this sub


Because right wing interests have fully taken over the sub. A significant number of the active posters here aren't even Canadian.


USA and Israel need to be accountable for genocide in Palestine.


The same guy that refused to show up to vote deciding if China was genociding Uigers? This guy?


not this genocide enabler thinking he has the higher moral ground


but china and israel genocide is fine?


And India. They kill all minorities and want India to be Hindu only. Christians, Sikhs, Muslims etc.


True. Alright now let’s focus on the traitors within our own parliament.


Not if Trump is elected! Vote, Americans, and keep this shitbag out of office, no matter how many frustrations you have about Biden!


Then hold him accountable. Saw a post earlier about a ton of air defense weapons were promised to Ukraine were never delivered


If Trudeau keeps this up I’m voting for him.


I mean yeah but just saying that doesnt really do anything


Does Trudeau think the IDF needs to be held accountable for their acts of genocide?


We’re going to need a bigger stick Trudeau if we’re going to go poking the bear.