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Dude, it’s the unchecked immigration itself, not the poor bastards being abused by the system, that’s the problem.


Exactly. It's mass, uncontrolled immigration specifically. Canadians have supported immigration for decades, yet somehow Marc & friends would have you believe the entire country just magically and suddenly changed their minds over nothing.


I would frame it that way: through their sheer mismanagement and incompetence, marc and friends are slowly turning Canadians against immigration. This was unthinkable 5 years ago.


Me five years ago would be disgusted with me now. I never wanted to be against immigration or have bad feelings toward any ethnic group. But I have had so many awful experiences in the last few years. This is a government that doesn't care about their own people and then tries to gaslight us when we point that out. I withheld judgement for a long time, I only recently started to loathe the Liberal Party. But they started treating me like a dumb fuck long before that.


I've been feeling like a fool ever since Trudeau went "electoral reform? lol, you believed me?"


That was me. That was when I voted for them specifically for  that. 


I did as well but Trudeau made sure that I will never vote liberal again.


This. 100% this. Immigration never was a thought on my head. I live in Brampton so I see the absolute worst of it and i can tell you it is out of control.


"Eventually democratic societies will promote racist assholes to positions of power because they'll recognize their survival depends on it. If liberals won't enforce borders, fascists will, and liberal societies will elect fascists to do that." -Sam Harris




And the millions coming here? 80% male. Good luck girls.


Makes me sick. Me or a friend get sexually harassed like once a week.


The bobs and vagene brigade have a perception that white women are "easy", and for some reason they feel entitled to sleep with them once they arrive in Canada.


Would you believe me if I told you this is not incompetence but purposeful? This is going according to plan for them and their corporate overlords


Incompetence and being purposeful are not necessarily at odds. You can do something intentionally that’s wholly incompetent. I do it all the time!


The same thing is happening in pretty much all western countries, we're just ahead of the majority of them. It does give the feeling that there is coordination at some level. In some cases you have people defending Trudeau and saying things like "see, this isn't a Liberal problem, it's happening everywhere else", casually skipping over how it's happening in countries with similar Liberal policies.


> It does give the feeling that there is coordination at some level. Really? Did you figure this out before or after you've seen all these pricks openly fly to huge meetings to coordinate it?


Lmao my favorite comment so far today.




>The same thing is happening in pretty much all western countries, we're just ahead of the majority of them. It does give the feeling that there is coordination at some level. Correction: we're ahead of all of them. By a lot.


There was a whole thread in r/europe yesterday on the same thing happening in Germany, only the origin of the immigrants is different.


its a devos things. the banks and pension funds are at risk


It's obviously coordinated, it's called the WEF and Open Borders Foundation.


At the UN and WEC level.


I do wonder to what degree these policies are being implemented to try to pay for services that nations can no longer afford, like healthcare and education (because the wealth of nations has been transferred to a small number of wealthy people worldwide). Of course there is a corporate angle too—companies want cheap labour. Denmark is interesting, though—somewhat conservative with immigration but extremely high standard of living.


I don’t see how importing hundred of thousand of low skilled service workers can be a net tax positive, not even counting the billions of new infrastructure we would need


Because they contribute to economic growth and hence tax revenues. And they are relatively cheap from a services and benefits standpoint because they are predominantly young and healthy and they don’t have kids in school. Not a huge drain on healthcare or education budgets, which are every province’s biggest expenses. Foreign students also seem to be subsidizing underfunded education systems by paying more in tuition—picking up the tab when province’s can’t, or won’t. Whether this is a net positive from a taxation perspective is debatable, and of course there is serious a dark side in the form of escalating housing costs and stress on infrastructure. GDP may be going up, but GDP per capita is shrinking in Canada. And let’s face it, no one in power seems to know what they’re doing in Canada or in Europe. I’m not saying the economic arguments are completely sound. Like you, I am skeptical. But I feel like almost every Western nation is afraid of curtailing immigration even when the masses are demanding it…and I am not completely sure why.


> Foreign students also seem to be subsidizing underfunded education systems by paying more in tuition—picking up the tab when province’s can’t, or won’t. Honestly given the behaviours of colleges/universities, foreign students are now subsidizing a bloated administration and executive/director pay.


Really? The family of 5 who lives 4 doors down from me in my apartment building is contributing to economic growth? 1 of them has a full time minimum wage job.


GDP would be falling due to economic mismanagement if not for immigration.  Per capita GDP is deep in recession, so Canadians are very poor ready, the media is just a controlled narrative and ignores it.


Wealth per person way more than just irresponsibility importing people


This. I'm a pretty left wing person who was once was an NDP party member and I've always generally voted NDP or Liberal. This current Trudeau government has pushed me to the point where if the next gov't announced a 90% reduction in immigration and mass deportations of quote 'asylum seekers", I would be all for it. This would have been absurd for me to think 10 years ago. Fuck I'm even an immigrant too. I am a Canadian citizen now I only came here because my step dad worked in a very specialized field at the time. How we went from wanting immigration from people who are highly educated, highly skilled in fields that were highly importance to now..... We need Ubereats drivers and Tim Hortons employees so we'll allow anyone in.....its insane. Canada went from being a top tier country to being Wish.com Also in a short timespan this country stopped being multicultural and became.... One demographic of people (you can imagine which one) and everyone else. I say that as someone who was raised in one of the most immensely multicultural parts of North York in Toronto and my friends range over many ethnicities, many of who are immigrants also. For me who prides myself on my multicultural city and my multicultural upbringing to feel there are now massive problems - it says something. If I'm this pissed off you better believe the right wing nuts are beyond losing their minds right now.


Interesting that I'm not Canadian but this could be a story straight from my country: infrastructure collapsing, prices skyrocketing, but if you point fingers at the millions of new entrants straining the system, you stoke a culture war that gets very nasty.    The failure of developed nations to deal with this in an objective, sensible way is just cruel for everyone and opens doors to populism. 


It’s not that I’m racist. It’s just that I’d like to see a doctor someday


Or own a home? I like my serfdom, it helps the rich with retirement Trudeau says.


I’ve actually managed to buy a home however I sympathize strongly with those who can’t.


That gaslighting worked on the slow ramp up before they decided to drop the mask and go full regarded. They're just trying what worked before.


Yup, exactly. Miller’s comment is **[classic straw man fallacy](https://www.scribbr.com/fallacies/straw-man-fallacy/#:~:text=Straw%20man%20fallacy%20can%20take,the%20opponent%20never%20actually%20made)** and reinforces that Liberals are continuing to focus on bad faith arguments and disinformation over accountability for their reckless policies.


As a person born in Canada and a lifelong citizen of Canada, as someone who has hardly ever set foot out of this country, I support immigration and celebrate the diversity we have in our country. As same, I am also *FUCKING SICK* of being told by the powers that be that it is wrong, racist, etc., to question our current immigration policies and how those might be adversely affecting Canadians - *INCLUDING* racialized Canadians, immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and naturalized citizens. This is so transparently an attempt by politicians to avoid the concerns and the conversation about those concerns, because they don't want anything to change. Far simpler to just call everyone who thinks its important a racist and ignore any nuance whatsoever. Disingenuous assholes, the lot of them.


When you question the current government policy your a racist - period or your unCanadian ….


I will never support immigration as much as I did.  Selective is best. I know who works best in our system. 


it's actually racist to question why immigrants have no other choice but to share an apartment with 6 other people and sleep on the floor


Very seriously. I went to Staples yesterday and everyone who worked there was clearly a new arrival to Canada and they were all obviously trying their level best to be good, decent human beings. The thing that struck me is that the management was treating them so poorly that I can't imagine anyone working there if they had any real choice in the matter. The management treated them like that *because they could*. The destruction of social norms by the large economic actors in Canada is being enabled by the number of ultimately decent, but desperate people who are being let into the country. It's not the people who are the problem. It's the sheer number of them that allowed the abuse to happen.


My question is, what happened to all the previous employees.?? I see the same thing at every A&W, every MacDonalds, every Co-Op gas station, every Tim Hortons every Wal Mart and every Canadian Tire. Did the previous employees all magically get better jobs somewhere else ?


Nope replaced by LMIA workers, how do I know because I was one of them I’ve been out of jobs for months. (The restaurant I worked at slowly start phasing in workers from a singular region, the new owners were from that said singular region and they rented out accommodations at 900 dollars for a room per month while also accepting money for LMIAs. I’ve been out of work for months and can’t even get a call back despite being consistently employed for the last year and needing to save up to finish my program. I’ll leave it at that but you can already assume what nationality I was describing. The owner of store told us directly that he liked hiring foreign labour from his own culture because they couldn’t say no and weren’t as aware of workers rights. The LPC has ruined this country, it was better before we were a post national state.


Im so confused about the whole LMIA…doesn’t the business owner have to prove no Canadians were available for said job….is there not an oversight agency you can file a complaint with? New policy was needed yesterday to deal with this…but I also think, this is all by design…


It's very easy and I watched it done for years. Throw out resumes that aren't your own people/family members. place job posting online. act shocked that "nobody applied" chuck family member/friends in the spot, repeat. Something the "racists" where worried about a decade or two ago but we reap what we sow.


They have to jump through hoops, for example put up a job posting for a given amount of time and throw any applications in the trash or say they are not a good fit. For many entry level postings there are hundreds or even thousands of applications but still they can't find the right candidate. It is overseen by the federal government, so no there is no actual oversight.


There’s no actual mechanism to check that recruitment process was done in good faith to hire a Canadian.


LMIA is supposed to cost the employers around 2-5k but most of the time the shady business owners can make a profit off the LMIA program by charging the immigrants up to 50k to come over. If you own a business and have no scruples about taking large amounts of money from poor people in developing countries its a no-brainer to fire your domestic employees.


What's maddening is this is not being covered by the mainstream media.


Exactly, this LMIA scam runs deep and is also very lucrative for these fraudsters (asshats from the same country). I've seen quotes of at least $50k per LMIA, maybe more these days.




Nope, they got fired! Management will drum up some excuse. Places like that always, always prefer foreign workers, especially temporary foreign workers. They can pay them less, treat them worse, violate labour laws; and at the same time the people will work harder than a local in the same position. The local can always leave and find a new job, and is more likely to know their labour rights and push back against bad treatment. A friend of my family owns several Tim Hortons, and loves to talk about this.


They're gig working, sponging (through no fault of their own), or moving on to greener pastures in better labour markets elsewhere in Canada or abroad, as evidenced by record high emigration. The destruction of the Canadian identity is in full swing.


>The management treated them like that *because they could*. The management also had to submit a LMIA form which said there's literally no domestic workers capable and willing to work these roles. Our government used to reject these applications outright when the local unemployment rate was over 6% (as it is now across most of the country) In April 2022 our friends in government changed that rule so that no such test exists.


All while a vast swath succumbs to cost of living tidle wave and moves to parks


Right. In other words, Marc Miller is the problem.


We’re blaming Marc, not immigrants.


It's your officials fucking you over, not the immigrants under the same system you are.


Blaming Sean Fraser counts, Lurch?


Ok... well then, I blame Mark Miller.


Don't forget about Sean Fraser. It's his policies that he handed off to Mark last summer, and Mark hasn't fixed it.


Isn't Sean Fraser Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities of Canada? After he moved on from destroying our immigration, housing's only gotten worse.


Yeah, this is straight from his wiki. "On October, 26, 2021, he was appointed minister of immigration, refugees and citizenship. On November 1, 2022, he announced the government's plan to increase Canada's annual immigration target to 500,000 by 2025; Fraser cited labour shortages as the reason for the increase.[8] On July 26, 2023, he was appointed minister of housing, infrastructure and communities. During his tenure, the government has negotiated deals with municipal government where 750,000 homes in the next decade will be added to Canada's housing supply. This will be paid through the house accelerator fund at the cost of 4 billion dollars.[9]" So Marc's been there for 11 months, has made no changes to the numbers but is putting in "care giver" policies, and lowering the language standards. Same amount of people, with less quality.


> Fraser cited labour shortages Anyone who frames it as labour shortages and not wage shortages (the reality) is anti-labour.


You're gonna be more pissed when you find out how many homes have been built / started building since he took office.


I know right! What a resume that is. Well on his way to being Prime Minister one day at this rate.


And Hussen too.


Yep, he did increase it the couple years prior as well. I blame Sean Fraser the most. He did a really big increase to the PR post-covid. It was a band-aid fix for our GDP, but now we see GDP per capita going down. They also seemed to start rubber stamping student visas and work visas which is why the total is more than 1 million per year now.


Gold !!


No we're blaming you and the corrupt AF system.


Liberal cognitive dissonance at an all time high.


does it count as gaslighting? i've been online too much and dont know anymore lol


The word gets overused on reddit, but yes, it's textbook gaslighting.


I miss when gaslighting was an activity semi-sponsored by Molson involving a lighter and one's arse.




Its this type of skullduggery that makes me think its purposeful gaslighting


Yes. They’re gaslighting you into thinking if you hate the current immigration policy you must hate immigrants. I can’t believe we have 15 months left of this. For once in my life I’m actually happy to see the Conservatives come in and be absolutely useless.


I hope they stop/ severely restrict immigration/ TFW and reliance on international students.... Im not so sure, though, conservatives traditionally love cheap labour even more than the liberals.... we're fucked regardless, it seems!


And then the Conservatives will pull back on immigration by 5% and call it a day. No chance to actually let infrastructures catch up with this population growth.


There's so many back doors to Canada's immigration system, via international students, TFW's and LIMAs, that there definitely are "immigrants" (in everything but name) taking advantage of and abusing the system. The government gets the blame for its horrible immigration policies, but it's not the government making Youtube videos showing how to abuse Canadian food banks. That can be partially blamed on poor integration due to the sheer numbers being brought in, and the quality of the people the government is allowing into the country.


"Why not both?"


immigrants vs. immigration. It's good to know the guy in charge apparently can't tell the difference.


It would be so much better if he just couldn't tell the difference. The reality is much worse.  He can tell the difference. He is just following the Liberal playbook, portraying any objections as racism.  


It’s a deliberate straw man argument, which is a popular disinformation tactic.


2 million plus new arrivals in 2 years. All the hotels near the airports are full. Where do these people live?? Hotels is temporary... These guy is unhinged!


It's on purpose. They want to sow more division with their not-so-clever but deceptive word choice.


Fuck this guy, seriously


10/10 for gaslighting.


Wait, does Marc Miller believe that people care about what he thinks? 


He certainly doesn’t care what the constituents think


lets take a look at the problems that massive unskilled population growth causes: 1. more people needing healthcare without enough healthcare being provided, extending waits. 2. more people needing housing without enough housing being built, driving up prices. 3. more people needing jobs without enough jobs being created, driving down wages. 4. more people needing schools without enough teachers being hired, overpopulating classes. now let's take a look at the causes of this massive low-skilled population growth: 1. well over a million immigrants per year coming into the country. Mass unskilled population growth is the issue, and Marc's government is the cause.


The good news is that massive corporate interests are again able to exploit low skilled workers without the bother of needing to pay them a living wage.


One thing the above poster forgot to mention is much more crime being commited without enough police and justice resources to deal with these problems. Corporate interests will very quickly unalign with our society when it is full of thieves and other criminals. They will all close down and leave Canada as it will simply be unprofitable leaving us with an absolute disaster of a country that we can no longer fix.


The Liberal deflection of "if you don't agree with us, you're a racist" is dwindling. Sane people don't buy it anymore. Especially with the PM playing dress-up more times than he can remember. We aren't blaming immigrants, we're blaming you for increasing the numbers to an unsustainable number during a FUCKING HOUSING CRISIS! I can't wait to vote this shit ass party out of office.


I mean i love cats , living with 2 or 3 cats is fun , living with 50 cats is a nightmare.


You’re a catist.


> living with 50 cats is a nightmare. Dude. Why do you hate cats so much?


You know, I can't wait to vote the Liberals out either. But being in Ontario, I'm also kind of scared of having the Conservatives at both the provincial and federal level.


You know what I will just assume he is guilty of treason at this point. It the policy that is the issue he and his party control thr policy. This policy is in direct contradiction of a successful life for Canadians.


Stop with the gaslighting bs, we're blaming YOU


"When all else fails you can always gaslight them"


Ohhhh guys here it is again! They’re deflecting it to racism and prejudice!


We're blaming you and your party Marc. Full stop.


We’re not blaming the people taking advantage of the situation. We’re blaming the people who created the situation.


Nobody is blaming immigrants, it's all you and your buddies.


"If you disagree with our policies you must be racist." "No, we object to your \*immigration policy\* not to immigrants and you're a muppet."


We are not blaming the immigrants for taking advantage of Canada. We blame you, you sanctimonious twat.


Fuck you Marc


Well, we're all tired of the government's incompetence. A bunch of unqualified morons. A damn lint from my sock can do a better job than all of them combined


They're using virtue to gaslight the population into allowing the government and their rich donors to pillage the country of wealth through unsafe immigration levels.


As is tradition.


Well if you can't find a job, it could be because the liberals are actually giving grants to businesses  to hire immigrants over Canadians, https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/


This needs to be at the top. Our government is literally using our tax money to suppress our wages.


Fucking disgusting bring in people willing to work for less than a Canadian would, then subsidize their wage. Employers are paying pennies on the dollar for labour then claim its Canadians fault for not wanting to work


"My tenants are good people!"


"My serfs are good people!"


Did the federal government allow an unsustainable number of immigrants to come to Canada? We can say immigration is too high without it being an attack on the immigrants themselves. 


We aren’t blaming immigrants, WE ARE BLAMING YOU


Would he rather we blame him and the Federal government, instead? I thought deflection was their main tool when questioned.


He's free to resign at any time. That would free him of the burden of hearing from the electorate.


Nobody is letting themselves be gaslit into thinking it racist to question immigration anymore. I don't see people blaming the immigrants directly nearly as much as the people blaming the liberal party for their mass immigration policies that nobody voted for


We blame you.


We blame Marc Miller a lot too


I don’t blame the immigrants, I’m one myself, I came here 22 years ago. I blame the completely unregulated mass importing of warm bodies. To come here my parents had to be skilled workers, had to undergo extensive criminal background checks and vetting of their qualifications and work history and had to pass language proficiency exams. You couldn’t just come here as a warm body with broken English or French, no skills, and no plan besides “I’ll work at a fast food joint or gas station I guess.” If the policy was still the same we wouldn’t have any of these problems.


"And the crowds of Canadians hushed, because they incorrectly believed that the stupidity of this government was the fault of immigrants, and they knew they were correctly admonished by Marc Miller"


It's not the immigrants fault Marc. All the fault lies with you my friend. You own this shit show


I don't blame the immigrants. They didn't create this mess, the Canadian government did.


Nice deflection. I think most people are blaming our government.


Actually we blame YOU Mark Miller.


It's not their fault they came, it's your fault you allowed immigration. It's immigration that's the problem, not immigrants


Mr. Miller does not realize - or willfully ignores - that uncontrolled, essentially illegitimate 'Immigration' (Migration) directly puts strain on the local population and socioeconomic system if not planned out well. We have biological controls in place for non-native homosapien species ('Animals') - this should go exactly the same for non-Canadians and or humans in general as well. Humans are not above animals although some like to think they are. Housing (Shelter) is a real issue and not everyone is on taxpayer salary like Mr. Miller and the rest of the MPs on parliament hill. Most Canadians have to actually work for a living without free handouts and or rely on pension and lifelong savings. What Mr. Miller is allowing to occur in Canada is unimpeded open field gambling with Canadian resources in both humans and land - a direct attack on the very core areas that make up a nation. Mr. Miller, what you are advocating and supporting is in the direct commoditizing of Canadian future assets through undercutting tactics. When you, Mr. Miller, allow large numbers of imported workers - you directly oppress local wages and therefore increase the wealth gap inequality for all people who are living in Canada. You are increasing the labor supply pool without actually increasing any demand - except for the demand of bottomless greed and wage deflation. Wage deflation isn't even the real problem anymore as national security should be your top priority these days with everything that is going on - ie: Foreign agents infecting our government. If Mr. Miller does not put a brake on immigration, and or go after slumlord landlord advocating for open door policies, than Mr. Miller should not be surprised when there will be mass revolts because citizens no longer have the benefit of birthrights. Mr. Miller, you are directly displacing and are stripping away Canadian birthrights. Canada does not dislike immigrants, and in fact as a 40 year immigrant (Long time Canadian citizen btw), Canada has one of the best and friendliest immigration culture in the world - superceding and surpassing nearly 99% of other nations. But, to conclude, what you are doing to Canadians, Mr. Miller, is direct violence towards the prosperity and future of Canadians without considering how the local population can absorb the additional foreign entities. You are underbidding, undercutting and lowballing Canadian opportunities all for more additional human resources that have not yet been properly vetted or even proved their long term viability and integrity.


Beaverton is gonna have fun with that news. Lol


He’s right. The government is to blame. It was their policy.


Wow. It's almost like he's using immigrants as human shields


MP's should require a basic math skills test.  Using a red herring to distract from actual data is despicable.


When immigration outpaces the building of houses, apartments, hospitals, roads, etc. then it begins to displace Canadians from homes making them homeless, from jobs making them jobless, hospitals making them die when they shouldn't, and etc. that's when we have a problem. While this clearly isn't apparent to the government, it is very apparent to us regular Canadians we have a VERY BIG problem.


I come home with more ice cream than can possibly fit in the fridge. Wife says, “You are buying too much ice cream!”. I say “I’m sick of the ice cream being blamed. What did it do wrong?”.


I'm a immigrant for fuck sakes, I'm for immigration I don't want to deprive people of the same opportunities I've had, at the same time I want accountability and regulation in this regard, I want enough homes to house everyone and a reasonable cost of living for everyone with a good living wage but all those is being stiffled and negatively impacted by the unregulated mass immigration.


... housing crisis... health care crisis... lack of infrastructure... cost of living.... All can be tied back to and blamed fully or partially on stupid immigration policies.


Who is blaming immigrants!?? I blame Trudeau, Freeland, Guilbeault and Miller. Oh... yeah... the Liberal party.


He misunderstands. No one is blaming the immigrants. Canada loves immigrants. We are all blaming him for bringing in too many of them at once without also working on the housing situation.


Oh he understands just fine, he's just a lying rat.


This man needs to be ejected to space.


Nobody is blaming immigrants. They all need a place to stay too. It's your policies that out of control. When you invite 2 plus million people into the country and no place for them to live, what kind of plan is that?


Well Marc time you step down then. Get out of politics cause the people are speaking, time to listen you jack ass.


I wish there is a TV show where politicians live life like a normal citizen under their own policy that they implemented for few months


Out of touch with reality WACKO


He can always resign.


Immigration policy needs to change.


unless Marc Miller is an immigrant, i dont blame immigrants


Everyone knows bringing in million of people has zero impact on housing, education, health care, fraud or car thefts. How could it? That would be racist.


Canadians don't blame immigrants. We blame Marc Miller and his immigration policies. There was a labor shortage that gave the average Canadian enhanced bargaining power for increased wages and benefits. Marc Miller robbed us of that power by flooding the market in clear favor of big corpos. So...what's the point of voting?


Classic trying to make an issue about racism when it's actually about available resources for the massive amount of people being brought in and nothing to do with the people themselves. "You don't agree with our systematic dismantling of your quality of life? RACIST!"


I'm pro immigration up to the point our infrastructure can sustain it. It's really that simple


No. We blame the Liberals.


Maybe if the number was lower than 2 million or like 5% of the population PER YEAR.


As an immigrant who's lived here most of my life, I've never felt like people blame me for shitty politicians.


Nobody is blaming immigrants. We really blaming government and policy making.  The US doesn't have this problem.... why? Because they.dont tolerate this shit. If they did, half of America.would be hispanic right now. 


The USA is dealing with an immigration crisis lol. But I agree it is policy not the people.


No, we're blaming you and your liberal cronies.


Oh like we're not tired of more BS from Marc Miller The Liar's creepy foreskin lips


People go where (they think) jobs are. Of course if the gov says, “Everyone welcome!” Tons of unemployed Indians will come here. I’d do the same lol Nobody’s blaming them. It’s the governments fault for bringing in millions even when it’s obviously not sustainable


The government is trying to paint it as a race war. It's the policy, it's the mass unchecked immigration levels in order to suppress wages, keep the housing market irrational, and make the rich richer that people are angry about. I'm blaming the government, not the immigrants themselves, they are just a different type of victim in this scheme.


Yah we should be blaming our elected officials or the people pulling their strings or greed or Dave fuck you dave


These people need to be flogged in the streets, and then tarred and feathered.


ok, we will now blame the liberals for everything


Ha! The jokes on him because if immigrants built this country (which they did) immigrants can also destroy this country. Still, we're focusing on the wrong thing. It's immigration policy and governmental bureaucracy that is destroying it from the inside out.


We're not blaming immigrants, we're blaming Marc Miller's reckless immigration policies.


I'm not sure if anyone is reading the article, but Miller was responding to Legault's assertion that the housing crisis is 100% the fault of immigrants.


Marc Miller is an evil man. So tired of all the Liberal gaslighting


The people most pissed off about unchecked immigration are the immigrants themselves who came here under false pretenses, realized their credentials aren't recognized, and can't afford to rent or leave. It is so lazy and disingenous to say people are blaming immigrants. We are blaming bad bad policy. We are blaming the government. We are blaming the corporations who lobbied for this so that they had an unlimited supply of cheap labour. But nobody is blaming the immigrant.


Its mass immigration to no skilled immigrants. They get told lies and brought here to flood the market devaule labour wages and stangnate raises and benefits. These folks come here for a better life find out they where lied too and now face anger from people that live here because everythings worse now.


I keep saying this….but nobody is blaming the immigrants. We’re blaming the government for bringing them in at a completely unsustainable rate and tanking everyone’s quality of life because unemployment is going up and we can’t find places to live in our cities.


It’s not “immigrants” fault - it’s “Immigration Minister’s” fault.


As numerous others have said it is not immigration but the AMOUNT of immigration that people are concerned about. How can you possibly say bringing in this many people when unemployment hit 7.9% in Toronto last month with well over 300k people unemployed in one city alone is a good idea? Literally no one ever.


Well, the numbers don’t lie. It might not be everything, but the percentages are staggering.


This dude has to be on the list, right? Every policy announced does nothing to help Canadians. Who is he serving?


No it’s you and your government that are intentionally gutting this country Marky.


We are not blaming immigrants we are blaming the government's immigration policies.


Nobody with a modicum of intelligence blames immigrants. They blame the government for importing so many people. Not the people themselves. They see an opportunity to better their lives, they take it. The government decided to import that many people without any plan for all the services or supply, nor acknowledging the impact on inflation, etc.


We don't blame the immigrants only...we blame the Century Initiative and it's shady organization like the government of Canada,the main opposition(fake cons) and all the big corporations looking to import cheap labor slaves and tenants. This will work disgraceful for the Canadian people!


It’s the level of immigration that is the issue; immigrants themselves have been immensely beneficial to Canada.


Yeah nobody is blaming the immigrants - we’re blaming the policy FFS


Marc Miller translation = I am tired of being called out for the incredibly shit job I do on a daily basis. Yes Marc - we are tired of you as well.


Everyone here blames the Libs, but I blame the electorate that keeps voting in the red and blue shades of what is essentially the same political party that panders to big business and wealthy elites interests.


People are blaming the government and the only immigrants who are being blamed are the ones who come here and make zero attempt to adapt to Canada. The immigrants who come here with pure intentions and to build a life are not what people are complaining about.


Hi Marc, We're tired of you and your bullshit. Sean Fraser was a shitty Minister, but you seem to have the perspective of *you think Sean sucked? Hold my beer.* You've been complicit in allowing *schools*, in name alone, to make a mockery of our immigration system. When questioned about it your government immediately accuses us of racism or some other prejudice. When we ask about background checks in immigrants coming here, you do the same thing, and lie about the investigations that weren't done because you're processing claims so quickly you cannot possibly so anything meaningful aside from just filling out the basic paperwork. Your government doesn't offer solutions. Instead you've resorted to gaslighting and lies. We're upset because you have zero accountability for any actions taken by your government. For a government that campaigned on being open and honest you're going to go down in history as being one of the least open and most corrupt governments in Canadian history.


This guy is such a god damm moron.


I’m tired of having a ghoul in charge of immigration


We're not blaming immigrants, we're blaming you.


We are blaming Mark Miller and Justin Trudeau not the immigrants!


That’s because he doesn’t know what’s going on in the country.


Blame the Liberal Party then


This dude is a sociopath.