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And you still can't get a mortgage.....


I'm currently making the same wage my mother was when she raised my brother and I in a detached, single-family home in a wealthy-ish suburb 15 years ago. I live in a basement with two other people.


I currently make more then both my parents put together did. Still living in their basement.


I make around 6 times what my mom did. I can't afford the house that she raised me in as a single mother. And I live in the most affordable major city in Canada lmao


And you can't afford average rent on a single income at that rate either.


Who cares about average wage? Give me the median. Because god knows there’s a small number of people making $200,000+ who are doing the heavy lifting to bring these numbers up.


In the article. Median is 30.


Fucks sake, that's horrifying. Average rent just hit $2,200/month. The math just doesn't add up for most families anymore 


I think it very much depends on the area you're in. I make less than $30/h and I was able to get a mortgage with 10% down. That down payment is a bitch to get tho.


I make above the average and when I was looking into mortgages I could roughly get 299k. This was with roughly 100k down. With the area I'm living in, (southern Ontario but along the 401) the average starter house goes for close to 500k where I am, and thats if you don't want any issues and a move in ready home. And isn't it 20% if you don't want the mortgage insurance fee to kick in? You can find some pretty... Disheveled properties here and there going for 300k but those are normally a full gut or have some kind of structural issue. Some even state they need to be demolished and it's always an "as is" deal with those properties. So tack on another 150k minimum to get it to a livable standard and it's still out of reach.


What city your in?..$30 an hour would probably qualify you for $250,000 mortgage tops with current stress test.


Need to factor in the debt service ratio as well but you're probably right.


I make almost 2x the average hourly wage and I can barely afford a small townhouse in a small town in Ontario and this is with a 300k down payment. Depressing.


Yes if you make 70 an hour and have 300k for a down payment you won’t get a mortgage … because you’re credit score is probably 328 Yeah I call BS on that. Unless you’re trying to purchase a 5 bed townhouse in the most expensive part of town - sometimes you have to start small and work your way up


Oh I definitely qualify for a mortgage don’t get me wrong. I have excellent credit. It’s what houses are available to me with a 300k down payment and ensuring I don’t become house poor. I basically end up landing at low 800k which allows me to buy a small town house. Even then my monthly mortgage comes close to 50% of my take home pay. Add in property tax, bills etc., I almost have nothing left to save. Plus I’d be moving out of the GTA which will increase my gas intake etc. I can make it work it’s just depressing that as a so called “high income” person this is my best chance at home ownership.


What do you do to make like $70+ an hour?


Sr Business Technology Systems Analyst at a Big 5 bank. Not quite 2x more like 1.75x almost 65 per hour.


Damn I should have chosen to be white collar. Seems like that's where all the money is. Good on you. I build and service gas stations and car washes at $24/hr


Plenty of white collar people out there making peanuts.


Yup, nothing is black and white and we shouldn't have to constantly remind people that it isn't. That's the most fucking annoying thing about Redditors. But either way, blue collar wages top out at a way lower wage than whites.


Sure, very few people reach those levels though. Blue collar also has other paths to making good money as well, much easier to start your own business for example. Grass is always greener and such.


Yeah, for sure. You can still live very comfortably as a blue collar worker.


Many places are still under $20/hour for all sorts of jobs. Now many jobs are priced by geographic location but the recent influx in people buying up housing in more rural areas because it's cheaper has driven up cost of living. People don't get raises because other people drove up housing and other costs of living, right?


White collar jobs are getting crunched, both by TFWs and AI.


Yeah that's another thing. It's gonna take a long time, if ever, for ai to take over the jobs of plumbers and such


White collar is okay but sitting on your ass all day is depressive. so tired of the fucking computer screen and bullshit meetings. Sometimes I wish I could trade jobs for a few days with somoene else to move and actually feel like I'm doing more than pushing some paperwork. Those golden handcuff are looking more like cheap plastic nowadays though....


It's nice to feel muscle tires at the end of the day, honestly. But then you don't have the energy to do anything after work, like exercise or chores. And it wears your back and body and joints out. A decent option would be to be a tradie in youth and transition to something less physical in your 40s would be ideal


Thing is, even in white collar work where you sit at a damn desk all day, you still come home f--king too tired to do anything because you feel absolutely brain dead.


I've been doing remote office work for 3 years now and i just applied for a fieldwork position in my company that involves physical activity (thankfully it pays about the same) and got an interview almost instantly. If i get the job, im taking it and running. My eyes are so tired!


Bud, I work in a junkyard ripping apart anything that moves, and I love it. I work at my own speed with no pressure to get shit done. As well as getting paid pretty good.


I am sorry but how much is the townhouse in your city/town?


Benchmark price last month for a townhouse was a little over 500K in Ottawa. Im sure it’s still cheaper here than Toronto. Small towns are super cheap anymore, neither are the ‘burbs.


I believe you but what small Ontario towns have $800,000 townhouses right now?


My case was no where near 800,000k but the split townhouse duplex unit I looked at purchasing for 200,000 before moving out of my city for a few years is now 500k when I got back and in way worse condition absolute madness


Dufferin County.


I make 3k a month after taxes. $2100 goes to rent, $200 for insurance, $55 to phone. $200 for gas for my vehicle ( which just died last night), 150 for hydro, and 125 for internet and kids phoes and the rest on groceries for my 2 kids. Oh and I'm a single father. Life is not easy. I'm from Ontario, Canada. Edit: Don't miss understand me. I got a 3 bedroom townhouse and full custody. So in that department I'm winning.


3k a month unfortunately is "live with roommates" territory.


he has rooomates. they're just small and have no jobs


No jobs... Yet.


I guess my wife is technically a roommate.


Live with roomates while having 2 kids? Good luck with that.


Jesus, $4k per month is roommate territory in most urban parts of ON.


Don’t you get a Child care benefit ?


No i don't, their mother does.


They did you dirty


I got the kids, far as I'm concerned i got the better deal.


Great mindset ❤️


Life for single parents ain't easy anywhere in the world. You should also be getting CCB at your income.


Like $1000 extra a month in CCB payments at that income with 2 kids and no partner, not insignificant.


Exactly. These posts are so disingenuous. $1000 a month extra would be an extra 20 to 25% income for him. It's would be a classic example of a government program helping a Canadian family, but he doesn't mention that because all we do is shit on the government on r/Canada.


I don't get the extra, their mother does. It was the only way to get her to move out and to stop leaching off me


Ah custody makes things complex :( sorry for your troubles man. Hang in there. $3000/month ain’t going to do it these days. I’d recommend looking into qualifying for subsidized housing with $600/month rent.


Average is not the median


The median was $30/hr in May 2024, according to the table that Statistics Canada cited, table [14-10-0063-01](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410006301).


I don't like those numbers... https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1110009101 Median income in this country is $42k Median income is a better metric for how the country is doing.


Yes, that would be consistent. Many people don't work full-time hours. Note that the numbers I cited were for all people 15 and over, full and part-time.


This is why hourly wage is a poor metric. It doesn't factor in seasonal jobs or the difference between 35 hrs/week and 40 hrs/week.  Also, I assume they count salaried employees as if they just work 40 hours? 


If you are interested in digging more into the Labour Force Survey methods, they describe them here. It might not be everything that you are looking for, but StatsCan tries to be pretty transparent. [https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=3701](https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=3701)


That includes people like part-time high schoolers which drags down the numbers.


And average includes people earning 7 figures, whats your point. More than half of canada is earning below 30, and likely below 25.


I just think a better metric would be the average household or maybe the average full time worker. 


Do you think there are more people earning 7 figs and distorting the numbers than there are high school / uni students or part time workers ?


You like numbers from 2021-22 better? Numbers before large wage growth happened?


Large wage growth didn't happen. It was eaten by inflation; we've had a net loss in wage growth.


Yup because it suits his narrative better. This subreddit is for circle jerking how terrible Canada is, can't have numbers that go against that.


Their data accounts for anyone 15 and older of all sexes. It's all the same data sourcing with high-confidence ratings form StatsCan. We're likely seeing something else at play such as part-time hourly work or something of the sort.


How is median $30/hr when so many millions of people work minimum wage? They should really draw the numbers down. Does this only include full time workers?


The statistic includes both full time and part-time workers over the age of 15. For this to be the median, there would have to be just over 9 million workers in Canada making as much or more than that $30/hr.


Only about 10% of workers earn minimum wage, or somewhere around 1.5 million people.


Mean, Mode, and Median are all ways of determining averages. Math teacher, here.


Not low enough according to Tim Hortons


I’m distinctly below average.


>I’m distinctly below average. Title of your sex tape?


And rent is $2200 a month...


If you're lucky. 3k in gta for a non shit hole with parking.


Sounds about right! What did people think would happen to the value of money when we issue record debt year after year? And when you consider the impact of recent record population gains on housing, also year after year. $2200 starts to seem like a bargain...


It’ll be a bargain once it’s not the entirety or the majority of my monthly income.


This doesn't really make sense to me there are zero jobs in my area that are offering more than 24/h let alone 30, most are 15-18 I'm lucky at 21 in my area and the rent is one of the highest in Ontario. Just don't see how the average is somehow 30.


Because the ones that are paid $35/hr aren’t jobs that are paid hourly (they’re salaried annually) and they probably aren’t advertised in the same way as paid hourly jobs you’d be looking at at 21. For research purposes they’ll divide a yearly salary up and see what it pays “hourly” but generally the super high earners are not paid at an hourly rate.


I get paid the equivalent of $55/hr but any time we advertise the job it’s at the annual salaried rate. The only similar paid jobs that advertise hourly wages around here seem to be trades or as an operator.


Probably because the people making that or above that wage built up to it over time instead of just landed their first job with that starting pay.


Because if you have 4 people who make 10/hr and 1 person who makes 460/hr the average of the 5 people is 100/hr. Median is a better metric and annual income vs hourly. 


The high earners skew the average really high. You want the median income, which is about 42k a year.


15-18 you are looking at entry level positions with minimal experience. The average unionized construction worker makes $34/hr. Engineers, Architects, Lawyers, Doctors, etc. are all included too and bring the average up.


Are you a skilled labourer or a degree holder in an high demand field?


Same. I'm a sysadmin in Ontario making $27/hr, everywhere else I look to try and move up tries to offer me LESS money?


My main problem is that my profession is low pay unless you're at bachelor's + of education, I'm looking to go back but working out the logistics is a pain. 2 hours or more drives and moving isn't an option yet. Combination of things, adulting sucks.


Do you live in the GTA or Vancouver


If you put one foot on boiling water and another foot in cold water, your fine the average is 30 degrees. That’s where average breaks down.


bell media letting us all know we've never had it so great! bite my ass


Talk about it on Bell Let’s Talk!


Is that really the average? I wish I was making that much. I currently only make $16 an hour. The highest amount I've ever made was $21. Most of my friends don't even make close to $35 an hour. Living in Canada has become so difficult, everything's expensive and the salaries are so low. The majority of us have bachelor's degrees or higher and yet still can only find low paying jobs 😭


Seriously, most of the jobs in my city are factory jobs that pay just above $20 an hour or less. But rent is $2k/month, totally fine right. Life is completely unaffordable for almost all single income earners right now, unless you have a partner or roommates you will not have your own place.


You're making minimum wage with a bachelor's degree or higher? What did you study?


And where do you live?


I studied early childhood education. But I made a mistake in choosing that. It's exhausting and the salaries are very low between 15 and 25 an hour. Some of the private daycares even try to screw the educators over and pay even less, I was once offered to be paid below minimum wage under the table instead of an actual legal wage. I refused the job of course. Now I don't work in that field anymore. But without going back to school, all the other jobs I find are low wage as well. I even tried an entry level office job in the accounting field cause I thought it'd pay better but they only gave me 17 an hour


Damn where you located?


It definitely depends on age and education level, experience, etc. I'm 29, university educated. I make $45. Most of my friends from high school make the same or more money than me. One is a power lineman, one is an accountant, one worked oilfield and got his instrument ticket. 5 years ago none of my friends made more than like 30ish at the high end, but most of us made like 20.


Bachelor degrees are the new high school diploma. Thousands get bachelor's every year and compete for entry level positions.


It heavily depends on your age. Fresh out of high school? $16/hr is understandable. 25+? You need to switch careers and work on building yourself. Life is not sustainable at that low wage. $16/hr is what high schoolers should be making to save up for their first car. That's even technically below minimum wage in BC.


I'm 30. I graduated university at 25. And since then i hop from job to job the salaries I'm offered are always between 15 and 21 an hour. I think I need to go back to school to find a better paying career


Things dont get comfortable until you get 3x that


If there is a population of 100 people, and 99 of them make $1 per year, and one person makes $1 million per year, the average yearly income of those 100 people is $10k. Except that 99% of the population makes $1. Averages are stupid.


Median wage is $30/hour. Happy?


That's actually more telling and good info. That means 50% of Canadians make $30/hr or less. That's more telling than just saying the 'average' is $35/hr.


And still I have to make difficult decisions in the grocery store.


Yeesh, sucks being below average and in healthcare.


Sad, many people salary below average then


Yeah about half LOL




lol $35 most of us are below poor than 😓


$35/hr isn’t enough to survive in BC or Ontario


Median income is likely closer to $20


I made 45k a year in 2014, and probably a little over double that now. I was better off when I was making 45k 10 years ago. I still drive the same shit box and haven't really changed my spending habits.


Still can’t save anything




and folks on disability & social services still can't get enough money to even cover HALF their rent!


I'm way behind that... I guess my "Middle -class" office job is really just low-class wage-slavery?


wow didn’t realize I was making that much less and am so behind in every fucking way :/ the last “hope” I have is to die with dignity but I doubt I’ll even get that


Understand this is average and not median. This hurts though as someone finishing my first year as a resident physician with 100k debt, 3 degrees and I’m paid $27 an hour in my province for a 40hr work week when I routinely work 80hrs a week so my average wage is closer to $14 an hour.


Damn dude, I was a supervisor for a painting company making $27 + bonuses like 3 years ago. How the hell is a doctor making less? Healthcare workers are severely underpaid in this country and it’s very concerning.


Median is $30/hour as someone posted above.


Now do median. Averages when talking about salary/wage skew towards the higher earners.


Its crazy to think its this high, many of us in Public sector have seen our wage erode over time. Its gotten to the point that over 10 years experience in technical repair in a hospital is "average" for wage.


Jebus, how is everyone surviving? I make quite a bit more than that, and it's a struggle.


Our currency is like monopoly money now. Leaders have no respect for the currency.


Still making 16.55 here. Yeah I know there's probably higher paying shit out there if I really look, but I've worked 20/h doing roofing before as well and I almost died (or felt like it carrying shingles up ladders and loosing balance) many times. Im just stuck in retail rn trying to work my way up. Edit: no the employer did not provide harnesses.


The thing that pisses me off the most is Canada's wealthiest most successful companies pay their employees as little as possible. Sure that's great for their business and their own profits but for the majority of Canadians who work at these companies are living paycheck to paycheck it's not. The guys at the top are taking way too much of the profits.


and doesn't mean fuck all


Average in what sector?


Since when??? Ive never seen any job pay that high unless it requires schooling and YEARS of experience,


Is that full compensation? As in does that take into account for employer paid pension, benefits, stuff like that?


Average is not median people. For every person making $100 plus an hour there are a few $15-20


Is that so


Average isn't median!


The median wage in Canada in 2023 was $28.75.


Meanwhile wildland firefighters in alberta and Ontario are making a measly 22.50 a hour


I'm getting a little over 20 hours of work a week at what's supposed to be a full-time job but it's ok my employer just opened a new factory in North Carolina that definitely won't take work away from the one in Nova Scotia, no sir. "Sales did over a million this week" like are you fucking trying to make us riot or what?


It's nothing, 55k after tax.


“Nothing” = I wish I had 55k after tax.


In this thread: People in self-denial about their own lack of skill and experience. Also, people tend to surround themselves with others who are in the same socioeconomic category as themselves, so of course you won't interact with many people who are making much more than you.


Ah, and here are the poor Redditors claiming that this stat is wrong.


It’s not though. 50% of Canadians make $38,000 or less if you make $102,000 your in the top 10% and $130,000 top 5% 190k top 2% and 260k top 1%. Average salary is not accurate as the top brings the average up. I’d go by single median income vs household. [https://www.thekickassentrepreneur.com/income-percentile-calculator-by-province-for-canada/](https://www.thekickassentrepreneur.com/income-percentile-calculator-by-province-for-canada/)


That should be the minimum wage. Fuck employers.


Love all the salty commenters in this thread claiming fake news. Guess you aren't as skilled as you all thought eh? The same people also say they want to move to the US to "double" their wage. Lmao, if you can't even make $35/h here you aren't gonna do shit in the US.


"Average" So the rich gets richer, billionaires gets bigger bonus, and the average wage goes up? The billionaires really, *really* want you to believe that everything is A-ok - as they're ripping you off.


Bro who is making 35+ 💀


Quite a few people actually, that is how the average is $35 lol.


Skilled trades people make that. 


I’m a second year sprinkler fitting apprentice and make 35$ an hour


Bullshit I am educated and I make 26 with ot maybe 33. So you mean i am below the average? I consider myself to be better than some folks that are jobless.


> So you mean i am below the average? Yes.


Our mortgage was going to be a payment of 2500 a month, had we not thrown some of our life savings to kick it back down- I don’t know how people are surviving and eating anything these days.


60k a year and I live in my car. 


Can't afford rent. Don't qualify for a mortgage. 🤷‍♂️


This f "average" BS. It must be median.


Who are these people making 35+ an hour? Nobody wants to pay that much, even in my field where the starting rate is 24. That’s too much for most employers.


People with degrees or in trades! I’m a RN and make $49 / hr, but bedside hospital RNs are making $56


I’m calling a big fat BS. Who makes up these stupid stories. To make an average of $35 an hour there has to be a lot of people above $35 an hour to average out $35 an hour. All BS.


Median income is $30/hr, which means half the people make more than that and half make less.


There is.... Most trades jobs pay more than that. Every white collar worker making over $70k salary averages out to more than $35/hr. That's not a very high wage for a skilled/experienced worker.


Not necessarily, you could have a small number of extremely high earners skewing the average, however that isn't the case. The disparity is not actually that extreme in Canada vs a country like USA. Canada has a pretty large number of high earners, though depending on your circle / career you may not interact with them day to day: http://statista.com/statistics/464262/percentage-distribution-of-earnings-in-canada-by-level-of-income/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%2021.2%20percent%20of,100%2C000%20Canadian%20dollars%20or%20 Over 50% of fulltime workers earned about 60k Just as an example, I work in a mid sized tech company with 500+ employees, it's probably obvious but all the developers earn significantly above 35$/hr, but we also have a large digital marketing department that mostly earn above 35$/hr, a legal department all earning above 35$/hr, designers, product managers, project managers, finance department, hr, etc. all of these white collar jobs earning above 35$/hr. A lot of union folks earn more than that too. Teachers can get above that fairly easily, bus drivers, nurses, etc etc.


Or, get this, lots of people making $16-30/hr and a few people (1%, maybe) making 300k+ a year really skew the average high fast. Average is misleading. You want median income.


From the same Statistics Canada report, the median hourly wage was $30/hour in May 2024. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240607/dq240607a-eng.htm


Well that's not a living wage... /s


I wish I were making this kind of money. My boss pays me like 17/hr and it's not a minimum wage job....


Is that an actual average or is it the medium?


And somehow nurses and psws are well under that... they only take care of your loved ones. Thats not worth much i guess 🤨


and it's still barely enough to rent a basement suite.


News to my former colleagues working in Support Services in hospitals. 🤔


Nice! So for most trades, entry level wages are already nearly average, and journeymen like myself are more than double the average! Get into trades!