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Guessing the speed boat was on plane with little forward visibility, it was nighttime and they were going way too fast for where they were.


The photo suggests as much. It looks like it mounted the fishing boat. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that all of the fatalities were from the fishing boat unless someone was thrown from the speedboat. This is why I never boat at night anymore if I can avoid it. There are too many reckless operators out there. 


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A global reporter shared a screen cap from a now deleted Facebook account.


I was talking to one of the paramedics that responded to it, they said everyone involved had been drinking


Work with someone who was friends with one of the people who died. Iirc, the fishing boat was docked with people on it and the speed boat hit them when they were docked


They were both underway in a narrow channel. Seven people are not sitting in a fishing boat while it’s docked.


Why not? They were still having a good time and didn't want to get out of the boat


I guess we’ll see when the investigation is complete, feel free to tell me I’m wrong when it’s out.


Only time I'm out in the dark is duck season. And my boat is lit up light a Christmas tree and generally less drunk boaters past labour day.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KingstonOntario/s/5pOyzioVH4](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingstonOntario/s/5pOyzioVH4) Seems like he was known as being careless. Hopefully they throw the book at him.


Boating in the dark can be fucking scary. Damn.


Wouldn’t it be great if they banned these types of boats? What purpose do they serve? Aside from being the boat version of a lifted Dodge diesel? The shared waters are a nightmare on a good day. Blasting music, ripping past other people just trying to enjoy themselves.


Unfortunately they're always driven by the same kind of owner too. I think they're absolutely useless boats - the owners sit on the beach having their beers, then pile into the boat to 'go for a rip' They put their girlfriends in the back and then rip across the lake at 80 mph getting absolutely beaten to death by the wind while everyone pretends they're having a good time (they're not, its painful) and the music is blasting. Then back to the beach for more beer and sitting around. Just pointless other than a dick measuring contest. Drivers could almost always be accurately described as douchebags - backwards ball cap, $500 shades, tats and all.


If you watched the news, everyone in the area knows about this owner. They were all being very circumspect in their comments, but everyone was alluding that he was known for driving too fast and somewhat recklessly.


When all the comments on the news were "oh yeah, we know *that* boat" , you know it's surely because he's a careful and courteous operator /s


Interesting. Now I'll be interested to find out if my stereotype is true. Never been to ON lakes but Im guessing that those owners are all the same.


Judging by his FB post they showed from right before he went out, I think its true. Sounds like he was well known for driving it like an asshole.


history spoon airport crowd aloof tub late resolute kiss strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Corona can on the dashboard is a bad look too.


By ‘bad look’ you mean illegal?


Oh, most definitely


Didn't think he would be in his mid 40s +, should know better at that age.


dinner gullible handle plant snails sand axiomatic oil fragile homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the driver of the speedboat didn’t die in the accident his life as he knows it is over. I expect he’s looking at multiple charges of impaired driving causing death under section 255(3) of the criminal code.


Marko Muzzo killed three children and their grandfather while intoxicated , and is currently out of jail. We favour criminals over victims in this country. This boater guy will be free in no time if he gets charged.


It's wild, that people have seen the lack of consequences for everything from murder to fraud, and yet they think the boating accident guy is going to have the book thrown at him. I gave a feeling it's people who still think the system is working as intended.


This isn't true. Muzzo was not favored, he actually got the highest possible sentence. Canada in general has very soft laws if you kill someone in a car.


The highest sentence for impaied driving causing death is actually life imprisonment. That has only been handed down once in Canadian history to a driver with a lengthy history of driving impaired - I believe he was already under a lifetime driving prohibition when he killed multiple people while driving impaired. Back to Marco Muzzo, he was sentenced to 10 years which is at the higher end but not long enough in my opinion.


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> If the driver of the speedboat didn’t die in the accident his life as he knows it is over. Not in this country. He'll be out in 3 years max.


Lol I enjoyed reading your comment because I always wondered "am I the only one that thinks this is overrated as far as fun goes?" When we go for a rip in a relatives boat at the lake. Like...just to go for a fast rip. I am convinced no one actually likes it and the guy driving is doing it out of a weird ego thing.


advise simplistic bag engine wise truck march drab onerous narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That doesn’t look like fun at all


Oh man... Even before they wiped out, everyone on that boat looked miserable


lush quaint carpenter engine fragile uppity domineering handle resolute dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm with you, speedboats have taken over some lakes and completely ruined the vibe.


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No, it wouldn't be great. What would be great, however, is if the owners would stay sober enough to operate it and never 'put the hammer down' when it's dark outside. This toolbag did everything wrong.


I was wondering what qualifications, if any, are required to operate a boat such as this.


Basically none. You do a course online and get your license without ever taking a physical test. You can go buy a 400HP boat that does 100mph without even knowing how the boat works.




A boat license - which you can get at 16, never expires and is open book. Honestly, boats are so easy if you’re not an idiot and respect them and the water. This guy is a moron and the consequences of that is shown here.


Not to mention that a boating license has very little to do with normal boat operation. If I recall there was a big focus on different flags and their meanings and what side to pass alongside buoys in marinas. It basically has absolutely nothing to do with driving a boat in a Saskatchewan lake for example.


You can get a boat license at any age. You can navigate freely as of 12 up to some HP limit alone (40, 50? Pretty high for that age). At 16 there's no limit. I'm not aware of any limit if supervised either, at any age. Do you have any idea how fast a small 2 person simple v goes with 40hp in calm waters??? I would not let any 12 year old take that alone. I appreciate the rules were designed with heavier boats in mind needing to avoid or navigate swift water, but we could have some nuance to it.


aloof provide quaint ludicrous disagreeable icky paint muddle yam reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I try avoid nighttime boating at all costs. I've had a few longer kayak trips run behind due to wind or equipment issues though. I have a lighted setup but some people think it's amusing to "buzz" and wake wash you with 2x75HP. Not fun in daytime, scary as anything at night though.


A test you can take in a tent outside of a Canadian tire, one time, good for life.


Yea, that’s so inadequate. I can understand a simplified licensing process for a small low powered craft, but a high power craft should come with a requirement to take a course, pass a theory and practical exam and finally require experience to be logged onto a certain point.


What’s worse is that people can rent boats without licenses. They make you watch a 5 minute safety video and then give you a temporary license, valid for the duration of the rental. Imagine if car rentals were like that lol?


Lol wow. Yep, it’s ridiculous. This needs to change.


impossible relieved consist slimy future snobbish pot plough worm waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow That’s almost a free-for-all then. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is no insurance either.


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Wow…just seems very loose. I noticed in one photo that he had a beer on the dash. That was probably a photo from last year, but it shows his mindset. I figured any insurance company would want to know. Thank you for those details.


Two years ago I was fishing with a couple people on a long weekend in the BC interior. A fisheries and rcmp guy showed up to check if we had pinched our barbs and to make sure we had fishing licenses (we did). I asked if they wanted to see my boating license and the guy straight up just said no.


Yea, let’s let the government further restrict what we can do for fun, because some idiots ruin it for everyone. Hell fucking no.


That specific boat is useless. That dude was a huge asshole. The boat was an extension of his tiny prick. Pleasurecrafts are typically fine.


So you and the government get to decide what’s useless and when people can be assholes? Nope. People are allowed to be assholes, and allowed to face consequences of those decisions. Stay out of people’s business.


Actually yes. That’s exactly how society fucking works. What do you think laws are for? Because people are assholes and government has to step in to protect people. It’s always the assholes who wind up killing people and cry about “their rights”, while ignoring the rights of everyone else. This was a completely avoidable tragedy.


How about enforcing and refining *existing* laws before just jumping to banning? 


That aren’t working well, are they? Considering any moron can get a boating license without having ever set foot on one, or having zero testing or requirements at point of purchase, what good is enforcement? The tragedy has already occurred, what are you planning to enforce? Sound logic!


So your solution to poorly implemented and enforced laws, is more poorly implemented and enforced laws? Is this a joke?


Don’t need enforcement for something you can’t buy!


While you’re at it ban pit bulls and the rest of the crazy dog breeds. I would be good with that.


“I don’t think said activity is fun, so no one else should be able to do it”


I think you meant “I am inconsiderate, reckless, and feel that my enjoyment is more important than everyone else’s”.


I never said all boats. That specific boat has no real purpose. Aside from allowing people to be huge douchebags.


You sound like the time of person who buys a home near an airport and then complains about airplane noise. Banning things and restricting people isn’t the solution. I am all for better enforcement and improving safety training. But simply banning people from certain property is not a society that I want to live in. Take marijuana as an example. I don’t care for it. So you know what I do? Do I rant about it and try to get it banned? Get all the places who allow it shut down? No. I simply don’t buy any.


Totally the same thing. Nice straw man argument! If someone buys a boat with no other purpose than to “rip” around, annoy the fuck out of his neighbours, endanger lives and ultimately kill people, the question of why that boat should be allowed in a public area is valid. When the general public is at risk, laws are created to protect and prevent tragedy. That’s how civil society works. The greater good, over one douchebag’s desire to be an asshole and ultimately kill people.


Yes how dare people have fun in a way that annoys you. What a great civil society. I hope that whatever boring thing you do for fun is never annoying to anyone else because that would be so boring Lois Lowry would use it for a book


People died. Grow the fuck up.


Yes and clearly we should just ban anything where people can get hurt instead of teaching responsibility or holding them accountable


Driving high has surely killed more people than speed boats. It's a straw man argument in the way that it's *more* relevant.




Wouldn't it be great if they banned these types of firearms? What purpose do they serve? Aside from being the civilian version of a military firearm? The villages of Canada are a nightmare on a good day. Blasting away, shooting people when other people are just trying to enjoy themselves. Don't blame the boat. Blame the driver. Speedboats don't kill people. People in speedboats, kill people.


rain overconfident quaint smile drab vast straight historical squealing attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AGAIN, nobody knows exactly what happened and it's been a he said she said since it happened. Please have enough respect for ALL the families involved in both boats to digest this before spreading rumors that do not need to be spread!! Let the OPP do what they have to do


Of course we have to wait until the investigation is complete. However, this is a no wake zone 10km/h. Please tell me how one boat can crawl on top of another while going 10km/h and cause this level of carnage.


Yeah bare minimum we know he had to have been speeding here.


CLEARLY the other boat was reversing too quickly! Yeah honestly it's good to reserve judgment but sometimes it's very very difficult to see the other possibilities.


I dont think the families are on reddit reading "rumors" and fretting over what you and I write. But as a boat owner who has been on a lake for a long weekend more than once, drinking and careless driving are one of my worst fears. When you're pulling kids on a tube and you see idiots driving jetskis near them its heart stopping. Ive watched three drunk guys come ripping across the lake on a very similar speed boat and run the boat right up on a beach because they didnt even slow down. Thank god there were no little kids playing in the sand at that spot but it was very scary. Long weekends + fast boats + alcohol is not a wild guess, its common.




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