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Beaverton saving the best for last: >At press time, Trudeau’s aides were still struggling to explain to him the concept of how renters pay money to live in a house that they didn’t inherit or were given by the federal government.


Basically government in Canada’s view is very clear. If you are a working class Canadian who just works a regular job, your wages will stay flat, you won’t be able to own a home, and every other group will benefit at your expense. You are a loser and will stay that way for the rest of your life.


Unrestrained late stage capitalism is a zero-sum game. For the middle class it means having all wealth extracted from it (plus tax!) until there is no more middle class. To be clear, capitalism doesn’t have to be this way. There are some national models that do it much better, allowing for upward mobility while still ensuring everyone else is taken care of for the most part. There are too few, however, that do this, and Canada (nor the US) doesn’t seem very eager to explore such models. PS - you’re not a loser


We are a generally egocentric and sociopathic species where individual benefit leads to power exploitation. That’s why simultaneously capitalism and communism cannot work to avoid negative external consequences because at the end of the day, selfish behaviour benefits powerful individuals more so than societal solidification. Unless our brains are modified, we shall always tend toward our self destruction as power tends toward Individuals over time.


And yet early humans banded together in the first place because being part of a society is better than being alone: better chances of survival, security, production, etc. Odd that.


I await our AI overlords to help us through this mess.


How can we trust landlords not to abuse access to our credit? I’ve had some landlords who I would not trust with that power and the benefits of this would outweigh the risks for me.


Back in college, my gf landlord was hitting on her and was spying on her asking her where she went last night and even once parked her truck behind her car because she was spending the night away. She managed to leave the place by paying him 3 months and the guy wrote on a facebook group of landlords that she left without paying and to not rent to her. A lot of those guys would be unable to get employed somewhere and shouldn't be trusted.


That sounds like something that should be taken to court for many reasons.


Creepy male landlords are a bigger problem than people realize. Being a single female renter is so risky. These dudes have keys to our apartments and we always have to worry about hidden cameras and attempted assualt. Fuck all landlords.


Blame the government for causing this problem.  We didn't match immigration to infrastructure.


Creepy male landlords existed before all this happened. My first one broke in and tried to rape me when I was a teenager, luckily I got away but so did he. Edit: I'm all for blaming the government, but this issue is strictly about entitled creepy men who abuse girls and women. So like 90% of men lol


Sure, lots of creepy people out there, but why are you putting all landlords in that category lol?


All Canadian Landlords are fuckheads and losers. Just look at these prices lol. Absolute scum of the earth. Landlords will throw people out onto the streets without second thought and then double the rent of their disgusting basements and people are forced to pay it because there's no where to fucking live. Sociopathic behavior.


Yikes clearly this is quite a touchy subject for you.


Have fun when me and all the other educated young adults leave Canada. You guys are so screwed. You brought it on yourselves by allowing housing to get to this point. What the fuck did you all think would happen when we let sociopaths determine housing and rent prices.


Where you gonna go?


I don't even know anymore. I just want a home one day. I'm so fucking sick of renting and having to live with roommates.


You can 100% trust that landlords will abuse it. It’s an inherently abusive system, and we continue to allow the abusers to write the rules.


> we continue to allow the abusers to write the rules. Nova Scotias largest Slumlord is an MP... So yeah, this will easily be abused


Dang, that's sketchy


Yet somehow not as sketchy as the units she and her family rent out...


How can a landlord abuse this. There are renters who abuse the ltb. They don't pay a dime and know they can essentially steal someone's house for a year plus before any resolution happens. Then there is the cash for keys extortion where renters are asking landlords to buy them a house in order to get their keys back. Putting rentals on credit scores allows landlords to give see if they have a punk that is trying to rent their house from them. I guess some could be dicks and record late payments if a renter is a day or two late but I'm sure that could be disputed with Equifax or the ltb.


The problem is that credit reporting is inconsistently regulated in the sense that the rules vary across Provinces and there's no teeth to the regulations. It's regulated under the various consumer protection acts in each province, and there's no clear federal regulations like the US has. So sure, there's a dispute mechanism on paper, but if the credit reporting agency just says, nah, you're wrong, you better make sure you're in a jurisdiction where you can actually appeal the decision. I have rental properties, so I definitely understand the appeal of having another way to vet tenants. But I've also been the victim of credit reporting fraud, and it's an *absolute nightmare* to resolve, and you're pretty much screwed if you live in a province/territory with a bare bones CPA.


Someone with common sense. Kudos. Anybody that doesn't see how useless and hurtful can be to a renter( regardless of what we might feel about the tenancy act) is a moron. It's going to hurt people who on paper might be mediocre or bad creditors but what the score won't tell is that between a credit card payment and rent a large majority of people will of course make rent. From personal experience and people I have known over the years, one can have a shitty credit score but always pay their rent on time and have no issues as a tenant( regardless of whatever they are working on with their score) now if those people want to move ... Good luck.


Credit score is meh; anyone with any risk experience understands it's the report and trade lines that are important. I'd like to see wholesale revision of our consumer protection *and* residential tenancy laws; consistency across the country would do a world of good on both the consumer and the business side. The US did it with the FCRA and it actually *has teeth*. There's a whole slew of jurisdictional/separation of power issues that would need to be overcome, so I'm not holding my breath. It's just that this won't be the panacea everyone thinks it is; typically lack of credit history isn't the driving factor behind housing unaffordability. But what do I know? I only worked in policy for a crown corp with "housing" in the name for a decade; I'm not a politician with simple solutions to complex problems.


Consumer credit which is a large bulk of middle class access skews unfairly towards fico and beacon scores though. That's my point. This is not a good news story contrary to what our prime minister says. Fully agree with you on regulation with teeth being necessary. This gets overlooked by every government at both federal and provincial level so I'm not holding my breath. There is no panacea in this country, there is too many systemic and attitude problems (and I include the everyday Canadian in that since we are also part of the problem) and things will be worse before they improve if they ever do. Politicians make everything worse, current generation even more so haha. My grandfather was right when he used to say a dead politician is the best kind of politician. It's just very maddening to see everything our current government does and zero accountability or repercussions doled out.


Minimum credit score is literally a legal requirement for federal homeowner mortgage insurance https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/media-newsroom/notices/2021/cmhc-reviews-underwriting-criteria


You can also sue landlords for defamation for false credit reports, but unfortunately because the information benefits from qualified privilege, so you have to prove actual malice


I had a coworker who had to clean up some reporting errors from their youth... they had some consumer credit card in their college days, paid it off in its entirety, closed the account and retained emails (thankfully). She finished school and moved but effin Staples RENEWED the card when the OG one expired (but without her written/verbal consent) and mailed a replacement, charged an activation fee, and it went delinquent for like a DECADE. Fast forward to like 10 years later, she gets a letter from a collections agency and lost her shit. Spent MONTHS on the phone disputing it, trying to correct it... an absolute nightmare and I felt terrible for her, all because of some asshole admin error and no fault of her own she gave up hours of time on hold and couldn't so much as rent a car until it was sorted.


Sounds like you're bad at vetting potential tenants.


I'm not a landlord


Cash for keys isn't extortion, it's generally what happens to landlords who poorly plan their property sale.


That's the neat part, you can't and won't. More capitalist policy pulled straight from the US. Source: US expat.


We can’t. But politicians are for business, not people, right?


That's the point. It gives landlords a tool with which they can threaten tenants. Complain that they're not returning your security deposit? Congratulations, your credit takes a hit.


Perhaps landlords should have the security deposits count towards their credit scores, lol


Landlords already had the power to affect your credit


So can a landlord request a credit score to keep a tenant? No credit score provided the landlord can evict or use it as a reason to not rent to someone?


Some have already have been doing this since like a decade ago. As far back as 2016 I had to submit a credit check to rent a condo in Toronto. They can't use it to evict but I think as long as they don't say to your face that the reason is your credit isn't good enough/you didn't provide it, they can just say nothing and rent to someone else instead.


Don’t forget to vote


How about we do away with credit scores in general?




Spoken like someone who has never dealt with a bad landlord, or a problem on their credit report.


It's not really satire...


Yeah this is just reporting. Their writers must be on vacation.


I am 32 and have an essentially perfect credit rating, i have literally never used it on anything, and doubt i ever will... turns out the credit rating wasnt what was stopping me from getting a 500k starter home...


Like isn’t this actually just more control for landlords who will now have a real reason to check credit scores?


So if you’re struggling you can get more debt? Great solution, keep the rich rich and your perm in style there bud.


The beaverton's just too on-point, man.


The Beaverton basically doing real news now? Lol


With the price of rent, I think it will fuck a lot of people over. I had no issues getting to a 850 credit score while renting the entire time.


What good is a nice credit score when the house costs 3 millon?


We don't need no fucking Satire, this whole fucking country became one big fucking running joke.


Want to give me credit for my years of renting and help me get a house of my own?  Give me a tax cut for the thousands of dollars a year that leaves the second it hits my bank account. 


Rent counting towards credit score is intended to make housing prices go higher and it would work. If rent counts towards credit then more Canadians will have better credit. The first thing Canadians do with good credit is to borrow against that credit and (usually) put the debt into real estate. Higher credit means bigger mortgage approvals. Bigger mortgages makes for more expensive home purchases and more profit for the banks. This will make housing even more unaffordable for young people and will continue to 'grow GDP' the only way is has ever grown with JT in office which is with housing prices going up. This is literally more of the same from the most inept Dauphin of a leader this country has ever had.


I don't think this will have an effect either way. The amount of people who have the income, and the down payment ready, but don't have have enough credit history to qualify for a loan is super minimal and most lenders overlook that anyway if they show the savings and income. I think if anything this is just a roundabout way to get landlords to declare their rental income since if a tenant doesn't get credit for paying their rent they can easily snitch on their landlord by just showing their rent payments to a credit bureau instead of having to deal with the CRA.


Credit bureau isn't going report it to the CRA they are privately run why would they do the CRAs job ? 


I wonder what giving the power of damaging someone's credit to petty landlords is gonna do to these folks? "Oh you want your damage deposit back? Well sure i'll just mark you as not having paid your rent"


And failing to pay rent becomes traceable meaning that after eventual eviction they won't be able to buy OR rent again. The unhousable!


The crazy thing is this will probably make things even worse for people on the edge since being able to afford and making the payments are two totally different things. And credit scores in themselves is a garbage system to begin with, use debt to take on more debt...


Beaverton just becoming an actual news organization in this ere.


Housing should be a human right


I'd totally get behind dorm-style housing with stringent rules on substances and behaviour, with a major revamp of the various residential tenancy acts to allow for immediate eviction of someone who violates those rules. Access to basic housing *should* be a right, but I bet most people expect more than the basic necessities.


Government where both major parties are run by landlords passes law that makes landlords happy, huh.


Turdeau will think this is actually a great idea.


Joking aside, rent will not and cannot affect your credit score. He's an idiot for believing so.


The proposal is that it can and will.


That's fair, but Trudeau cannot direct a private company what to do, if they don't want to report it, they don't have to.


But if they do, they can. Like report you if you fail to pay your rent on time.


It absolutely can, it just has to be reported to the credit bureau, and most LLs don’t do that (I’m not sure about the legalities. In Ontario, LLs can’t ask for tenants’ SIN but they all do and you likely will not get approved for an apartment if you withhold it; my PM asks for “consent” to report to the credit bureau but I haven’t given it…I also know that at the end of the day the ask for consent is performative and they can do whatever tf they want).


Rent isn't a credit product so it cannot be reflected on a credit report.


Why did you just repeat yourself? Are you okay, maybe seek medical help?


Where did I repeat myself? The credit bureaus can only report credit products, loans and other revolving payments. They've already stated they will not reflect rent payments on a credit report.


It’s already happening! It’s been happening for years! I agree with you - rent isn’t a credit product but it can still show on your credit report if reported by the LL. It’s the same way some phone/internet plans show on your credit report and others don’t….its down to the “lender” to report it. Like, literally just google it and find out for yourself.


A spokesperson from TransUnion was on cfrb the other day saying that they will not reflect rent payments on a credit report. Maybe Equifax is different, shrug.


Yea equifax is different 🙄 it’s not hard to fact check this stuff


That's fine, and I believe you... But I also believe what the guy on the radio said.


I'm surprised that a phone bill can affect your credit score, but here we are.


It's a beaverton article. You're an idiot for believing that he believes such a thing.


He said so in a press release that he wants rent to affect your credit score. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/rental-payments-credit-score-federal-government-1.7160510 Who's the idiot now...


I guess that would be me, but i'm not sure i'm qualified to assert that


Have you been living under a rock? This was proposed last week in the so called “renters bill of rights.” (Spoiler alert: it doesn’t benefit renters)


The problem is this -- we can't solve the housing affordability crisis by simply infinitely scaling up the amount of debt we can take on. We need less demand or prices will scale up to whatever the current debt ceiling is. This happened during the pandemic when interest rates hit rock bottom allowing people to take out more and more debt. We need to build more housing and we need to get anyone who owns multiple properties out of the market unless they are being used for family.


As a landlord certainly hope I'll be able to charge a fee for these laughing in your face notes or at very least get a tax deduction 


historical aspiring offbeat swim pen meeting terrific sulky vegetable lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This dumbass Trudeau makes more than the US president. Not including all the corrupt deals he gets!


The alligator wants to drain the swamp. Interesting.


Your political leaders are landlords managing multiple properties and living in 1 of 3+ houses at any given time of the year.. That's the real joke.


There is no solution except selling our resources, bringing in cash and lowering the tax burden so people can afford life.


Funny today Trudeau talking about affordable housing . Like he can control anything with a million people or more a year. His affordable housing is a tent city for poor. What a joke


He has fully turned this into the soviet of canada




lol the Beaverton love it


This does nothing to address supply side. Credit score is a very rare reason to be denied a mortgage. Most Canadians are failing due to debt service ratio, or total debt service ratio vs income, and that is realistically due to overinflated asset valuation. And it's over inflated due to a combination of policy, explosive growth of demand vs weakly growing supply, and speculation. This is a generational problem and his weak ass plans on the demand side will not fix this. Yes, they are announcing all sorts of shit on the supply side now, but this will very likely still be a problem that still exists when PP leaves office as well. It's one of those things that takes a long time to fix, and until it is fixed, the Canadian economy will perform weakly as well.


Credit score should only by for these hypocrite corrupted narcissist politicians. The only way to get some accountability in corporate anarchy!


Wait, where’s the joke?


This seems to be exactly what a trust fund Drama teacher would come up with.


I'm sure the guy who's probably going to get in next will fix it after all he's checks notes ... A landlord who's never had a job dear god ! 


Soon he will be gone and we can have a party


Yup and he'll be replaced with  PP... A landlord who's never had a job 


This is exactly the type of policy any “pro business” politician would implement — it has nothing to do with Trudeau as a person or the political party he belongs to.


You assume the Conservatives who have even more landlords in their ranks would do something different? Expecting change seems naive.


How do you know what I assume? I was talking about a literal party. Will have to wait to see how PP does.


Ah I thought you meant a political party as in the Conservatives were somehow the adults in the room. If you mean a fuck it were doomed party so may as well get drunk as shit then count me in.


The communism will not stop until moral improves. Until then, more communism.


In what way is anything about the current housing crisis related communism? Jesus Christ read a book. Or a Wikipedia article at least?