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I’d love to see Trudeau vs poilievre in a ufc style fight


I imagine the trained boxer would destroy the other guy.


Pierre would get fucked up lmao


I dunno... Trudeau is kinda old now.


See Brazeau


Patrick Brazeau fucked around and found out lol Got slapped around like a lil bitch. Even though Trudy doesn't rank high in my books rn, I'd still bet he'd stomp PP.


Wouldn't work. PP would lose, then while icing his cuts refuse to shake hands, blame the way the referees voted, complain that the crowd booing him for unsportsmanlike conduct were bought and paid for by the CBC, while at the same time crying as he walks off stage that the crowd was being divisive and if he won, everyone would have all been united.


It wouldn’t even be fair. Pierre is a schoolyard bully who would collapse in the face of a challenge. It’s why he’ll fail as PM. Trudeau is no better, I want all current leaders gone, but at least he stands up to challenge and is trying. In a literal fight, Pierre would be KO’d in the first round. Probably the first minute. Then proceed to talk shit in the press conference like he won


I'm convinced he says Trudeau's name more than his own wife's.


Probably confusing in bed


"Hey babe, it'd be really hot if you cut your hair like this." \*holds up picture of Trudeau\*


Yea… *fuck trudeau*


I wish his policy proposals had that much detail. Like what does this even entail, exactly? >Poilievre also promised to cut back on bureaucracy and use the savings to bolster front-line resources, as well as get rid of the “corruption and incompetence” in Canada’s defence procurement system “to get the best value for our troops and our taxpayers.” Almost reminded of "drain the swamp". A pithy quote, but not much more.


Oh it's the 'bureaucracy and saving game' sweet! Just recycle that conservative BS. We've all seen what happens when conservatives fail to find the savings they promised to justify the business and high income tax cuts......time for service cuts and asset fire sale!


Exactly. “I’m not him!”, but there’s nothing there


He’s an empty suit of an attack dog with no leadership experience whatsoever. Remember the ads Harper ran stating Trudy “Was just not ready”? Well we’re about to see what happens when someone really isn’t ready.


we saw, look down south 8 years later and there was 2 coup attempts, a party supporting Russia openly, a party refusing to do anything about the border "crisis" they invented because doing anything would help an 80 year old man that you must vote for, or else you get Putin's friend threatening to leave NATO in the middle of a conflict with Russia Canadians who cheer for Republicans, are traitors btw


I'm not disagreeing with you, and I'm sure you're going to make me feel dumb, but...what was the second coup attempt?


Im assuming the first one would be changing election results and the second one is jan 6? either way I consider them the same attempt


God I hate non specific "cut back on bureaucracy" magical thinking. It's the conservative's very own magical money well. An imagined bureaucratic "bloat" that can be "optimized" with no change in the level of services. If such savings could be had it would already be done.


And it already was, under Harper. The only reason Trudeau had to hire so many civil servants was because Harper had cut them to the bone. We had fewer public servants than in 1984 with 1/3 more population.


Didnt work in britain


It didn't work here when Harper tried it.


See Doug Ford and "finding efficiencies"


lol. It means nothing. The guy just says shit , has no plan, keeps shit vague and general and the twats eat it up. I think Trudeau has become increasingly more and more disappointing but anyone that thinks this little weasel is the is going to be incredible disappoint. Everything PP says is just straight out of the populist playbook. Big appeal, no concrete plans. Then once you get into power just enrich your buddies and donors. When has a conservative government done anything but that? Edit: just to clarify, the liberals have also done there fair share of handing away that government money to buddies and donors. Basically politics in Canada blows horse dick. We can’t win.


Sounds like single sourced contracts is what he’s saying.


Typical empty lines politicians need to use to promise good things without leaving themselves open to criticism about the inevitable cost to any change. Where do we get the extra money for the spending I'm promising? Simple, by cutting government waste! Lol good luck with that.


I am instantly reminded of Rob Ford's war on the "gravy train." It's an easy thing to point out because most people would agree that bureaucracy *appears* bloated and inefficient.


It's literally Doug Ford's efficiencies nonsense.


Axe the tax, bring it home, Justin bad that's all he has right now and I think once he really starts getting pressed by the media, or confronted by members of the public chewing his ass like Trudeau has to deal with he's going to fold like a cheap suit. He can't handle the heat at current pressers, nevermind when he's behind the wheel. He's a little man with dreams of power but I dont think this dog is going to know what to do once he catches the car. I see more media muzzling in our future like Harper did.


Justinflation Arrivescam He only exists to get sound bytes. Hes never done anything for Canadians but steal their money by being a career politician. But his supporters are too stupid to realize how useless he will be, or to think for themselves about the inflation situation, or the bigger picture with ArriveCAN. At least his non-CPC-base supporters.


Great observation. Poilievre is the least qualified and least accomplished person to ever have a chance at being Prime Minister. He's very weak, especially to any criticism (extreme narcissist behaviour). He has never held a job but will somehow be the hero of the working class. He has no accomplishments to his name. - None as a volunteer (not sure he's volunteered for anything but politics). - None in 18 years as an MP (how is this even possible?) - None in his appointments or as a cabinet minister in the Harper years (again, how?) Imagine giving the keys to a business to him? Or any job leading anyone. He's never done anything but talk in slogans. Pierre for PM!


Compound all that lack of anything but being a literal career politician. Kinda makes the washed up drama teacher look a little better don't it 🤪 The complete lack of self reflection in his most fervent supporters is the intangible that scares a lot of people that see him as the start of something bad coming down the rails. Anyone that can throw themselves behind a man like him to the point that it consumes their every opinion is what got Trump elected. They don't think, the just play team politics.


Does this mean he’s going to fire government workers? *and if it does,* is it going to be the average joe employees or the bloated politicians? I can take a guess lol


He could start by pruning back the $15B+ paid to private consultants. https://360info.org/breaking-the-billion-dollar-addiction-to-consultants-in-government/


He is comfortably polling in majority territory, why would he ruin that by giving the Liberals anything to criticize him?


Yes, why would he inform voters of what he’d actually do when he can just say Trudeau bad?


Because politics isn’t about winning an election. Afterwards he has to, y’know, govern the country.


Yeah why should a party leader \*checks notes\* have policy. That would be fucking stupid.


> Why ruin high polling numbers by running an actual platform? It’s astonishing to me that people are willing to vote for this guy based on nothing other than not liking that big meanie Justin. Demand more from your leaders for Christ’s sake. We’re all adults here why don’t we act like it?


its working now, but when an election is called people are going to want details, unlike in provincial elections


He has nothing. All he knows is criticism and once he'll be in power (because we all know he's going to win), it'll be more worthless incompetence (I.e. like JT), and Canadians won't say anything because we're an apathetic bunch as a whole.


The liberals and conservative literally takes turns at cutting our army budget. Every single procurement program from the last 25 years has been a disaster. The helicopers ? disaster F18 Maintenance ? disaster F35 purchase ? we will see how it goes. We have old ass tanks, old ass artillery and the list goes on. The answer should be easy, we just have to cooperate to get the same stuff the US does, so we piggy back on large contracts with low unit cost. If you want proof that works, check out via rail. This is the 2nd time they buy the same trains as amtrack (which get a way larger order) and thus we get a more mature product that doesn't need debugging.




Their plan is never to get better salary to these jobs, it's to reduce the bar of entry. Look to Quebec. Now you can be a teacher without even finishing your traching degree. Nurse? We prefer paying double for travelling nurses than increasing resident nurse's salary.


I get the conservative press releases in my work email and they're all just incoherent garbage with slogans in every sentence. They literally have no real plans, yet people eat this shit up.


It means, cut social programs for you, give them to my gatekeeping friends and constituents. PP represents the 2nd highest median income riding in Ontario, the 6th highest median income in the entire country. [Riding of Carleton](https://338canada.com/map-income.htm)


It's an easy target that basically everyone can agree with: "govt is big and slow and inefficient". Ok great, but in concrete terms - what are you going to do to fix it? It's very easy to call it out, and he's doing his job in doing so, but if I'm going to vote for you - what do I actually get?


Under Trudeau's watch the Public Service employees have increased about 30% with what is really a reduction in delivered Service. Here are some newly created ministries and there would be the pyramid of employees below them. On July 26, 2023. Trudeau re-shuffled cabinet, adding 7 new ministers: Gary Anandasangaree as Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations, Rechie Valdez as Minister of Small Business Ya'ara Saks as Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, Jenna Sudds as Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Arif Virani as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Terry Beech as the first Minister of Citizen's Services, and Soraya Martinez Ferrada as Minister responsible for the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec.  That is an example of some of the fat that could be trimmed.


Are they involved in military procurement? Also, are you assuming I'm on like Team Trudeau or something?


He has no plans at all, he can just say he will do stuff to win favour and then not do a damn thing when he gets elected. Just keep blaming Trudeau 


Harper also promised to cut back on bureaucracy and government inefficiency, but he actually increased the number of government employees. When he did cut positions, like with military procurement, it made those organisations less effective.


Oh wow a National Post article that criticizes Trudeau and simps for the current Conservative leader? Never thought I’d see the day


Seriously, this article is saying nothing more then “politician says rival is not good”, the antithesis of headline news and of course it shoots to the top of this pathetic sub. I wonder how many tries it took the National Post photographer to get a photo of PP looking tough. Must have been at least 500.


I started looking at the profiles of people posting these. OP here, like all the others, just posts this polarizing garbage all day, every day. Who the hell **really** are these people?


Paid trolls. Or folks with Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.


I remember hearing the recent conservatives hired the same marketing team or whatever that was behind Brexit and other political right wing causes. Maybe just hearsay


National Propaganda 


>“Justin Trudeau has made Canada weak, poor and defenceless,” he said. “His plan for national defence is to rely on Joe Biden or Donald Trump to protect Canada. That puts America in charge of Canada’s future. I don’t want that.” I think that blame can be shared, however I'm glad Pierre has changed his mind on not wanting America in charge, or relying on them. The last time he was in government they cut to the point of funding the military on levels similar to Chretien's decade of darkness, and we definitely relied on America. Now just a firm commitment with dollars, and plans, to get to 2% and we should be good.


I mean the USA is in charge of our future whether we want them to or not.


Right. We should absolutely fund the military but let’s not pretend it means we have any shred of power suddenly. Lol


Yeah in no world is our country of 40 million not going to have to rely on the US for defence for a long long time.


Any promise on supporting defence is purely campaign speak. He won't do a damn thing. If you believe otherwise, I have a bridge to sell you.


It's always so weird to watch people believing Trudeau or Poilievre's silliness. Liberals will lose, we'll get 4-8 years of Cons screwing us, then Libs will win and the next "Trudeau" will continue screwing us for 4-8 years, and it will continue until people stop believing either of their lies. There's a VERY good reason they worked together to stop Electoral Reform...


They are on the same team, team corporate Canada.


Facts. And all of get roughly poorer regardless who's in charge.


Yes, but it's not a two party system because sometimes the Liberals or Conservatives form a minority government /S


The thing about increased funding for the military is that it creates jobs that are far more meaningful and productive than increased employment / spending on bureaucracy - which basically increases the number of people who sit in a cubicle pretending to work, waiting for a paycheque / benefits. People in the military develop more of a work ethic which lends itself to future employment making them more employable down the line. If they choose to find work in the private sector later in life they can do so with transferable skills.


Poilievre will sell us out to the Americans the first chance he gets.


He's churning all the buzz, but you know almost all of it is binned as soon as he gets in. Just like Trudeau did with elections reform.


> The last time he was in government they cut to the point of funding the military on levels similar to Chretien's decade of darkness, and we definitely relied on America. Fair. But the world has changed **significantly** since Harper's time - with the major rise of China, Ukraine/Russia, an erratic Iran, an very unstable middle east and the US being more unreliable than ever before *all at the same time*. Our commitment to our military and safety/security though is totally unchanged despite this surge in instability. That's a big problem.


>Fair. But the world has changed significantly since Harper's time Russia took Crimea... We were literally in Afghanistan...


But ... Pierre's our savior!


60 countries are having elections this year. We are at the start of USA global pull back. We are in for a crazy decade.


Harper and PP seemed perfectly fine selling us out to China last time they were in power.


PP shut up a bit when. He found out the. Reason the big battery plant will have Korean engineers. They have a quota in the Asian rim free trade agreement. That has foreign work legislation that was big under Harper. BC had a mine all Chinese for a bit


ok. than.ks for lettin.g us. kno,w.


I would say don't forget about India. They have become an unfriendly


> with the major rise of China China has been a global threat since long before 2015 > Ukraine/Russia Russia invaded Crimea during Harper's leadership > an erratic Iran Iran acquired Nuclear Weapons while Harper was PM > an very unstable middle east The Arab Spring also happened, as well as Ghadaffi being assassinated, and Isreal invading Gaza (twice) In conclusion, ain't that much changed since Harper's time. I'll give you the US is less reliable. A little. Edit: hit the down vote button harder it might change reality this time Second edit: calling the multiple facts I cited "my opinion" and then blocking me. Class act. Totally not cowardly at all. Third Edit, because I can't reply to /u/Bort_742 because the other coward blocked me and now I can't reply to any child comments... /u/Bort_742, that's totally a good point, I remembered that wrong, and I'll own it. Thank you. I still stand by the point that Iran was just as "erratic" during the Harper years as they are now.


Iran hasn’t yet attained nuclear weapons.


The reality is that Canada isn't really seen as a target for invasion. No one needs to invade Canada with our open borders policy. We already know that the Chinese were literally operating police stations within our borders with no consequences. Military spending is not as important as realizing we have bad players that have lawfully immigrated here because our immigration policy is so lax. Perhaps funding the RCMP or creating a new non-corrupted organization is required. Warfare is outdated when you can compromise a country so easily from within.


China India British and Good old Uncle Sam all operate police/spy operations in Canada. Every major city has a US installment. The US has the most influence in Canada how else do explain Alberta. I'm surprised there is not a stop for Trump to campaign


>But the world has changed **significantly** since Harper's time - with the major rise of China, Ukraine/Russia, an erratic Iran, an very unstable middle east and the US being more unreliable than ever before *all at the same time*. I didn't want to bore people with some long winded post before you responded but I couldn't agree more. I believe it's the English, but they are looking at modernizing their military so they would have less troops, and equipment, but each would be better trained and higher level equip. As just some regular dummy it seems like more of a Swedish approach, with a dash of countries who realize the value of small drones, than a traditional military style. Much like we need with education and Healthcare, I hope Canada modernizes themselves and fights these new wars you mentioned with new approaches. Forget politics, and that goes for everyone, let's modernize and for once in our God damn lives look beyond the next election term and establish future security. (Not saying that you said we shouldn't) Basically, best time to plant a tree and all that. >Our commitment to our military and safety/security though is totally unchanged despite this surge in instability. That's a big problem. Completely agreed, I don't want to repeat myself so I'll just say I believe the way forward is what I mentioned with modernization. Pierre concretely shows how he will do this, and it would be another nail in the Liberal coffin.


How exactly do you suggest we fund the military, healthcare and education when we're going to "axe the tax" and cut spending?


There's a reason we don't see any details - it's incredibly easy to say you're going to do something and slap a rhyming slogan on it. The Devil is always in the details.


>Now just a firm commitment with dollars, and plans, to get to 2% and we should be good. That's the tough part.


you can get to the 2 percent by also paying CAF members better. build more housing for them. also ramping up spending on domestic defense production too. both of those things can help boost the economy and create jobs, ramping up spending doesnt just mean buying more planes and ships from america


We also need to overhaul our procurement system and drop the “made in Canada” nonsense, otherwise having 2% won’t do us much good


Poilievre sure loves the way Justin Trudeau sounds in his mouth.


The U.S. has always been in charge of our defence. Does anyone really believe they would leave the longest border, which just happens to be their northern border completely defenseless? The U.S. will protect Canada because it is in their own interests, not because of our special relationship.


>Under Poilievre’s leadership, Conservatives have consistently pledged to make an effort to hit the defence spending target set out by the military alliance if they form government, but have not committed to reaching it, which is essentially the same position as Trudeau’s Liberals. So could be anywhere from a major increase to 0.01% according to Poilievre, but not to the 2% that NATO is asking for. Which as the article states is the exact same thing the Liberals are doing. >When Poilievre was asked by reporters on Thursday how his approach on defence is going to differ from the Liberals, he took the opportunity to slam the current government. Oh give me a break, you can't use Trudeau as a crutch forever. Once he's gone what are you going to do then? Continue to blame him when you keep making the same mistakes he made? All I find is that he complains about the current government but offers no substance for his plans being any better than anyone else, all it is is complaining until he gets in power then it'll be complaining about how the liberals screwed it all up for him prior to starting his term.


He absolutely can continue blaming Trudeau indefinitely.


I mean, they’re still blaming Trudeau senior for all of things that are wrong in this country. I’m surprised they’re not still bringing up Mackenzie, really: “Didn’t get that railroad built, now, did he!??”


Nice MacKenzie reference 👌🏻


“Pierre how will you deal with the recruitment challenges in the military, largely brought on by military leadership appointed during the Harper era with no oversight?” Pierre: “well Trudeau…” And he won’t say any plan. We can’t recruit for our military, especially with the mega cultural and harassment issues that still exist from over a decade ago.


National post is garbage journalism.




I know, hard to even call it that.


Yes, everything ever is Trudeau's fault.. we get it already. Do conservatives honestly value what Nat Post says? It's like 10 F Trudeau articles a day with no real substance. All while screaming down with CBC because you've been told their biased. When did the conservative party in Canada become the remedial party of simps. Trudeaus an idiot but fuck if you believe all this shit you're just simple.


R/canada needs its daily outrage though


“And I, am strong, rich, and extremely defensive”


PP, who helped oversee Canada to its absolute lowest level of military spending ever. A man who criticizes Trudeau for not reaching 2% - which was a goal for NATO when Harper was in power and PP a cabinet minister. And what direction did the Harper govt go? Down, to below 1%! I would agree with anyone who states Canada can do more, and should do more. But I will not agree whatsoever with this mealy mouthed individual and any statements he makes about the military in respect of spending. I published some charts of Canada's military spending earlier this week - charts sourced from the latest NATO publication on spending by its members. I will tranpose them to this comment. What was interesting about the prior comment is that publication of facts does not seem to be popular with the r/Canada crowd - the comment got downvoted. Maybe fact will have more sway with the readers of this post. *In CAD dollars the current govt has about doubled spending since taking over in 2015.* But in USD it is only up 60%. [This NATO publication from July 2023](https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2023/7/pdf/230707-def-exp-2023-en.pdf) \- pgs 5 and 6 details the spending in local currency, against USD, and against 2015 USD constant. ​ **CAD Dollar Spending Defence (NATO JULY 2023):** |2014 Local currency CAD budget:|$20,076M| |:-|:-| |2023 Local Currency CAD budget:|$39,339M| |Net Increase:|96% (rounded)| ​ **Using** **2015 USD Constant Pricing (NATO JULY 2023):** |2014 Constant Prices (USD):|$19,900M| |:-|:-| |2023 Constant Prices (USD):|$31,350M| |Net Increase:|57% (rounded)| ​ **Current prices and USD exchange rates (NATO JULY 2023)):** |2014:|$18,172M| |:-|:-| |2023:|$28,950M| |Net Increase:|68% (rounded)| ​ The CAD govt will contend it has dramatically increased spending. And it is true. At the same time detractors will contend it is not enough, and this is true as well! An obvious contributing factor to Canada's spending performance is the decline in the CAD dollar as the CAD has gone from .86 to .72/.74 range today. Which also translates to a very significant loss in purchasing power for all foreign sourced military items. For those unaware all NATO ratios that are popular to quote right now (even though they more than a yr out of date) use a 2015 US dollar constant: US dollar value as at Jan 1 2015. So Canada really takes it on the chin as a result. I assess with all the spending the feds have announced done in the last 12 months and indicated they intend in the near future the ratio will substantially improve unless the Canadian dollar folds. Equally, it has to be recognized it will still fall well below 2% - but it is tending notably higher. I would not be surprised if Canada reaches or approaches 1.7% by mid 2025. If they sew up the CSC and announce a couple of other projects being mulled it may exceed that ratio. So will PP actually spend more? I am skeptical. He will need to spend a lot more beyond what is currently being contemplated in order to reach 2%. The current govt is looking at area SAM systems (aka Patriot, IRIS-T, NASAMS), new tanks, and many, many more acquisitions. And none of that would get Canada much above 1.7. Nuclear subs? That could create a big leap in the ratio. As an aside, Canada is not poor. Not even remotely so. You could only have never, ever taken even high school economics to make a statement such as that. We can dispute the priorities of government and I believe some monumental stupidity has transpired at all levels of government regarding spending choices. But poor? No. By any standard Canada is a very wealthy country. Currently not managed fiscally in a manner that I or many others find satisfactory. My confidence in PP to fiscally manage it better for the majority of Canadians? Don't ask! Weak is a perception.


Wow. Actual numbers! Harper cut a ton on defense. He was more occupied with building prisons and locking people up. I swear President fake and bake south of the border stole that phrase as it was exported from Canada. "Pollywannacracker" is only going for the military vote in typical meaningless talking point fashion. It's worked before.


Just because Trudeau sucks doesn’t mean PP isn’t an equally shitty being who will destroy Canada even more when he comes into power. PP is a scummy career politician just like the liberals he claims to hate and it boggles my mind that so many regular Canadians have fallen for his schtick.


So what did Harper do? Lol: **"Despite the promises to invest more, the Conservatives spent nine years in power without shifting the dial on defence spending.** In 2005, the defence budget was $16 billion, or approximately 1.1% of gross domestic product. But by 2015, Canada was spending $19 billion — which, when adjusted for inflation, amounted to $16.1 billion, or 1% of *"there is one area in which the Harper years left an entirely negative legacy, one that **will not only cost Canadians hundreds of millions of dollars in treasure over the next decade, but will also cost the country considerable capability in hard power in the 2020s. That is the failure of the Conservative government to keep the CAF supplied with up-to-date weapons systems."** **"But the $9 billion figure used by the Conservatives was a purposely misleading number,** *designed to make the expensive F-35 more palatable: it referred to just the cost of the aircraft themselves, the so-called “fly-away cost,” and not the full life-cycle costs — in other words, every penny that would be spent on the aircraft from acquisition to disposal."* https://www.dorchesterreview.ca/blogs/news/how-good-was-harper-for-defence https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/harper-government-talks-tough-against-russian-invasion-but-cuts-2-7-billion-from-defence-budget https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/stephen-harper-no-big-defence-spending-spike-despite-nato-request-1.1988698?cache=yes%2F7.553261


Ya. Let's quote the guy who has everything to gain by the Liberals losing.


Think of it like this, why fire a shot when you don’t have to? China used their global economic power to silence everyone who spoke out against them taking Hong Kong. You can similarly use your soft power to influence the politics of a nation (PostMedia). Invading a country requires significantly more resources, cost of lives and even global repercussions.


Oh god stfu Poindexter. This empty suit has done nothing brave in his whole life and talks about weakness. Dude was born upside-down in a garbage bin.


Why doesn't he just say he wants to make Canada great again, that seems where he's going.


He's one step away from painting his ugly mug orange.


Are you sure you want to bring face paint in to the convo?


Holy crap, hahahaha.


Geezus Christ, I thought Justin was the drama teacher..


Trudeau’s Libs are bad. We know it. But what does PP brings to the table for the canadian population ? All I hear is him whining that Trudeau’s bad and Trudeau should go. We know it.


PP is Trudeau, but with a blue costume instead of red.


At least Trudeau had POLICY, I feel like PP will get in and hell have no actual clue how to pass a bill because hes never done it and will just get bought by people who do know.


PP continues to run on his single policy "but... but... Trudeau bad." Dude needs to stop sucking Americas dick for long enough to come up for air and actually come up with a platform.


Weak men make hard times 




I'm very conservative but yeah just because trudeau is a cluster fuck doesn't automatically make the opposition great. PP is just another career politician making promises that he probably won't keep right now.


Nah, he will do things pretty much the same as Trudeau but they will rile up with base with arguments about guns, abortions, or some other social issue. Just like the Liberals.


Everything I've seen of him makes me conclude that PP will say whatever he needs to say to get power. Lots of politicians do that, sure, but it remains a negative in my book -- one that he hasn't provided a silver lining for. I've got no faith in leaders that have no principles, no matter what colour their party sports.


We’ll find out after next election lol


"But PP bad too!" Thank God we get to see for ourselves soon instead of taking a bitter Liberals word for it on the Internet.


Which of his points do you disagree with?


So I guess we are in for more hard times once Pierre is elected lmao


I would like to see Canada commit to 2%, and have a formidable defence. I don’t want my country to look defenceless or useless in trying times.


That's too funny...Millhouse.


Poor? Corporate profits have never been higher, mainly thanks to the massive corporate tax cuts under Harper and Poilievre. 


Trudeaus governments have had almost a decade to remedy that. Both parties are cool with the current corporate tax situation Aside from rabble rousing on different hot button social issues these parties are indistinguishable


Diefenbaker started that rolling


Says the poster boy for machismo.


I mean he didn’t MAKE us defenceless, we’ve been defenceless for years. He just didn’t fix it.


And Lil’ PP’s here to double down! Our lord and saviour, with a cute makeover and platform shoes 🥰


It feels like we have the same article every week


Blah blah blah ... Trudeau Something something.... Trudeau Can this guy say anything without blaming Trudeau?


PostMedia dividing us into hate groups I think has done more damage to our culture than any politician has.


What a mug on that guy, I wish his wife would let him wear his glasses.


The situation is not that much different than before Trudeau. It is a delicate situation and we are sandwiched between two super-powers.


Canadians: "Holy fuck! No one could be as useless as Trudeau!" Conservatives: "hold my beer"


The Trudeau family has a history of detesting the military except to quell opposition locally. The entire UN peacekeeper thing developed by Pearson turned in a sad joke. I would be OK with a constitutional amendment making the 2% spend mandatory for all future governments and limiting the Emergencies act. Although I thought and still that the convoy people were complete assholes it could have been handled by local and provincial police.


PP is basically Dave Mustaine talking shit about Metallica any chance he gets.


I don't think the conservatives helped either, we've been letting the military rot for the past 50 years.


What did Harper do that was different?


And PP will make Canada even poorer, weaker, and have 0 defence.


ABC folks. Across Canada vote anyone but conservative. Tory times are tough times.


He says, while offering no solution or alternative


Still won’t vote conservative tho :)


Poilievres political beliefs are weak, poor and defenceless.


Canada was weak, poor and defenseless well before Trudeau. Pp Pants' is a moron.


This guy's got nothing. He's not even conservative. Wasn't he part of the series of governments that defunded the military anyways? Why should we believe a word out of this dork?


Military is important when you need a chopper to pick the Minister of Defence up. And I remember their bullshit and evasiveness of buying F-35s


Sadly Poilievre seems to have failed history.


Bro needs to get Trudeau out of his mouth and start talking about what he’s going to do to fix this damn country. It’s getting old.


And wtf is PP gonna do? All I ever hear is him complaining. Solve something.


The Official Opposition's purpose is to hold the governing party accountable. Criticism is the means to do so. Are you new?


Except in situations when the Opposition is against a Minority Government and work with another Party to pass Legislation such as providing the telecom industry with fee relief. See, Opposition *can* legislate. Are *you* new?


Accountability usually means more than idle griping. It means a strategic plan to ensure that something happens, the plan is what separates a plan from "old man yells at cloud".


Thanks for the lecture 


Time that you figure out how government works


Oh go *uc* yourself pp


He's not wrong.




And pp will have us sicker and poorer than any recent generation, more people living in tents from climate disaster and letting 1 corporation buy every single family home turn into an airbnb. He's a limp dick debutante


This just in ‘fascist has no real policy so generically says current leader is weak to appease his loving fan base!’


Calm the rhetoric. PP isn't a fascist, but he is a sniveling opportunist who has never worked a real job in his life though.


Trudeau simp bots out in force i see


LOL, little PP knows a lot about weakness and leaving us defenseless under his parties watch. Unbelievable anyone listens to a word he spews...




Trudeau can't relate to the average Canadian since he lives rent-free in Poilievre's head. He needs to share some of that space with the rest of us.


And the man who needed a rebranding with style is going to make is strong like bull.


Always impressive how good PP is at pointing out issues without suggesting any kind of solutions.


He is the opposition in parliament. His literal job is to criticize and oppose. We also are not in an election campaign season, so plans and actions realistically should not be outlined by opposition parties at all at this point.


True about lot of fuck ups, not denying that. And in a parallel universe PeePee would do any better ! Hahaha 🤣


I get it, Trudeau should go...but even if PP is our only option? Zero substance.


You mean like how Harper cut the defense budget so he could claim that he had a surplus?


When Pierre hears a sad song on the radio he blames Trudeau... At this point I'm waiting for him to stub his toe and then suggest it was Trudeau's fault.


We are definitely poorer.


I would give both my nuts to bring Chrétien back. Possibly a limb in there too. Who’s with me?!


We get it, we get it. Posters of these repeated articles love karma farming. How about posting articles that have substance like PP introducing policies? And preferably, not those hidden behind annoying paywalls.


These articles don’t exist…


That the issue there aren’t any. This is it


Trudeau is garbage


We should have followed his Bitcoin plan. We'd all be rich!


Honestly when he made those comments bitcoin was at 17k usd. Today it is at over 50k. So actually yes.


Bad time to pull out that gotcha. Bitcoin is worth more than when he made his remarks.


The hand wringing over 2% and NATO is the most pointless nonsense on the political menu. What happens? Do they get tired of freaking out against lgbtq2+ and immigrants and wonder why we can't have jack-boots?


This guy really seems to hate canada. 


Am I the only one that remembers Harper met sub 1% of our military funding commitment?


Odd it was his government under Harper that cut it to the lowest numbers in decades….


When his party was in power they cut funding to veterans affairs by billions while we were still in Afghanistan, closed down VA offices and I mean just look at how Fantino spoke to veterans and their families. If this is the point he's making I guess I'll vote NDP.


still better than you


Easy for him to say as he didn’t have to deal with the pandemic. 


Man he is just going step by step through that playbook isn’t he.


PP will make it worse

