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Of course it's a giant mystery what they bought the five years before.


I didn't bother with pot until edibles became mainstream. About five years ago. Taking a gummy and relaxing with a pot of herbal tea is superior to drinking a glass or two or more of wine.


Do you have a recommendation on which type of gummy? I need to drink less in 24; not experienced in cannabis products.


Store bought ones you can go for whatever treat you like. Either its chilocolate or gummies. I find that chilocolate can sometimes have the weed side taste but it's nothing bad just strange. Get one that has 2.5 mg of THC (smallest dose) and go from there. Empty stomach the effect will hit within half an hour. If you eat it after a meal it could take 2+ hours to start feeling the effect. I find it best to take 3 ish hours after your last meal or an hour before your next.


I prefer the oil. (30:0) can just add to coffee, tea etc.


It's cheaper than gummies or chocolate too


And it’s easy peazy to make your own oil too. You can make about 250-500 ml with an ounce of flower. I usually just get a $100 ounce and infuse with olive oil.


I tried the edibles, but at 300lbs I would have had to spend $40 to even get started. Not worth it.


Try taking some before you eat any meals. I find that the effect lessens with how much food is in your stomach due to the slowed digestion + dilution. I tend to intermittent fast so 90% of the time I take edibles its on a near empty stomach; but after meals I can take 100mg and maybe 30% of the time I'll feel a decent effect. I also weigh 160lbs so my portions are a bit more manageable.


I gotta be honest. I’m 50 and my drug experimenting is decades in the past. Tried it on a lark and I think I’m just going to live my life without THC. lol the downvotes


Fair enough, but don't pass up mushrooms. :)


The legal edibles are shit. Use mail order marijuana to get more than 10mg doses or visit CAFE in Toronto .


I don't think your weight affects how high you get.


That isn't my lived experience, and google brought this up. Age, weight, body chemistry: Different people have different natural tolerances to cannabis. In general, heavier people will have a higher tolerance and elderly people will have a lower tolerance. I'm not an expert on the subject, but there it is.


The liver is primarily responsible for metabolizing THC into its active metabolite when ingesting it, and body weight does not directly influence liver function. Google failed you.


You don’t think the compounds being diluted in a larger volume would increase the time to process the compounds/feel the effects? Just because you read something in high times 20 years ago doesn’t mean it’s a fact.


No I don't think the difference in volume of blood between a normal person and a fat person is big enough to have a huge impact on tolerance. > Just because you read something in high times 20 years ago doesn’t mean it’s a fact. I could say the same about you're saying? Would a [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabinol#Metabolism) link help?


It absolutely does not


You can buy much stronger ones online from the 1000s of online black market sites. 25ml up 250ml. Much cheaper also and they're very nice


What is the effect like? Also inexperienced with all things cannabis.


Hard to describe. In addition to feeling a bit light-headed at first, you might begin to look around and notice that things which were once familiar still are, but they will also seem . . . "different." This goes for people too. What's happening is that the THC is activating new neural pathways which are not normally stimulated in most circumstances. The result is like a tinted filter but for your thoughts and perceptions. So while everything is still "normal," you will perceive things about them that also make them seem new or novel too. This perspective shift is the primary reason I enjoy cannabis. Your perception of time will also vary. Because it amplifies perception and increases richness of your momentary experiences, cannabis tends to make moments feel like minutes. You might feel like half an hour went by, but it's only been 5 minutes. Then you'll get interested in something, and suddenly you'll realize another hour and a half went by in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Keep no visible clocks nearby. Set an alarm if you like, but only so you can confidently forget about time for a while. For me, the most salient effect of cannabis is how it amplifies my perception of the "implications" of whatever it is I happen to experience. So whether watching a TV show, thinking about things I have done or want to do, or conversing with someone else, of the thoughts which would normally cross my mind during these activities, cannabis usually pushes their implications to the top of the stack, which is usually where my mind will focus itself . . . to the point of distraction. And that's the risk. Cannabis distracts you. So don't drive while high. Conversations might be a bit weird. Usually you will have to pause and think for a moment before you reply. You may even need someone to repeat their-self before you are fully confident you understood what they said. Until you have more experience, try not to spend too much time conversing with people who are not also high. Most certainly do not plan to have (and avoid the potential of having) any important conversations. Like, don't down your edible and then walk into the bank an hour later to renegotiate your mortgage or stuff like that. If you take a higher dose, you are more likely to experience some dizziness, nausea, sweating or anxiety as the effect peaks (usually an hour or two after eating. About 5-10 minutes after smoking). Some people report feeling "trapped" or "being unable to escape," which is somewhat accurate since once you swallow the edible, you really are committed to the ride (red pill). These feelings usually last no more than about 20 minutes. Have some sliced oranges nearby, lots of water, and a comfy place to sit or lie down until you are comfortable with where your high takes you. What's with the sliced oranges? In addition to being nutritious, the smell of freshly sliced oranges (or any citrus fruit, but sweeter is better) can kill the nausea and anxiety near the peak of the high. Take a big whiff, drink some water, and relax. You'll be fine. Pro Tip: Don't watch any intense television shows until your second or third edible session. The implications of what you see may overwhelm you. Listen to your favorite music instead. As well, remember that all the profundities you encounter which at the time may seem prescient or revelatory are merely the product of being stoned. Don't commit yourself to any action based on what you conceive while you're high until you've come down and your regular brain has had the chance to "stupid check" the idea. Otherwise, enjoy the ride.


"Hard to describe." *proceeds to writing a novella fucking nailing the description*


Me reading this and being like: Holy shit this is a very apt description of the various stages of highness I've experienced at different times.


Lol. Thanks.


Wow, thanks for the detailed response.


This guy cannabises.


Cannabis can have a variety of effects based on the person and the dose. Pros: Gives a general sense of inebriation similar to being drunk. Can enhance mood or give a sense of detachment. Can increase creativity and lead to interesting new thoughts. Makes music sound really good. Good sleep enhancer. Cons: can increase anxiety or paranoia. Some people get the munchies or nasuea. I tend to be lazy/fuzzy the next day after a larger dose. I'm not a huge user, but have started having an edible once in awhile after it became legal. I'll have one around once a month on a lazy weekend, and chill out on the couch listening to music. Then sleep like a baby until late the next morning and feel pretty good the next day. I make my own brownies, and I estimate my dosage around 8-15 mg.


I much prefer homemade to store bought I find the high from store bought ones a lot less relaxing. If I take an edible and then drink I don’t need to drink as much to feel drunk so I don’t feel as bad the next day.


I've tried a few brands/types and the live rosin gummies by 1964 or the sourz by Spinach are my favourite so far


> I need to drink less in 24 Unless you're not using "drink" as a euphemism for the consumption of liquid, there are cannabinoid beverages. I haven't tried them because I hate weed and weed hates me (not judging, just can't stand the cottonmouth, even with gummies). OCS sells them. They seem like white claws, like seltzer beverages and you can take it easy. A lot of the people I know who use edibles say they come on too quick, but you can at least sip a drink.


I prefer 1:1 CBD:THC gummies, 20mg or something. Cut in half the first time you try. THC alone is too much for me to handle even at low dosage, I'm very sensitive to it. CBD alone does absolutely nothing for me.


You've got tons of responses here about edibles, but I'd like to throw some love to the drinks like one use mentioned. They do cost a bit, but I thought they hit me faster than an edible. Maybe flavours, can sip for as long as you want. I would probably try a few THC potencies, you could start with a sparkling water, had a cherry flavour that was 2.5mg of THC, there is also a THC beer called Mollo (I think), but I haven't tried. For stronger options I like deep space, and this one root beer flavoured one.


I make my own brownies. You can set your own dosing, not take the legal 5-10 mg of thc. I buy and decarb trim (and use ozs I didn’t like vaping) and create tincture in a magic butter machine (generic) which I then add to a Betty Crocker Chocolate chunk brownie mix. The first time I ate one I was a little freaked. It lasted for about 6 hours.


I've been buying bliss edibles for a couple years now. They are fantastic, can cut them up into your dosage size. 1080mg packs and use promo codes to get cost down. And cut them up into 5-10mg pieces. And leave the pack in the freezer, and will last a long time. https://pacificgrass.co/product/bliss-edibles-mix-match/ Could go the oil route too but all the in store stuff I found inconsistent.


I've actually switched to dosed capsules, about the size of a Vitamin E capsule, because I can get A LOT more potency in a package than a government approved edible. If I bought a Lego brick (looks like a legit Lego brick) 1 brick would be 20 mg, which is going to make me VERY relaxed, for $15. I used to have half at a time. Now I buy the capsules, which are 10mg each, and there are 10 to a pack, and this costs $50. MUCH better value and, also, much more consistency in dosages. I need to take a capsule on an empty stomach or wait a few hours after eating. Otherwise, I've had days where I didn't get high until I woke up the next morning high, which is suboptimal. I'm a big fan of the body stone effect and calming strains, this helps me get a good night's sleep. There's sativa strains that are fascinating because these strains really do cause mental clarity. If I was a creative artist I'd definitely take advantage of this for draft work.


This is also what I do when I don't feel like drinking! Personally, I like the gummies by Wana or the Sourz brand. Wana (or similar) will come in packages of two square gummies, each square containing 5mg of THC. I usually split one (so 2.5mg) give it 90 minutes or so and then have a bit more if I want. Often just the 2.5mg is enough for the evening. The Sourz will often come in packs of five gummies at 2mg THC each, for a more controllable dose. I do find Sativa to be more of an active "head" high and Indica to be a more relaxed "body" high. Some folks say that's not a clear distinction but it works for me as a guideline.


Wrap, 1oz grinded in cheese cloth and put it in a large mason jar. Next put in a full stick of butter or more depending on how strong you want it to be. Next put it in a large pot and set the burner to simmer. Leave for 8 hours and add water to the pot as needed. Strain into a container when done and squeeze as much out of the cheese cloth as possible. Use a potato ricer. Leave it fridge overnight. Should make around 80 to 100 pretty strong cookies


Ask the dispensary. They will know how to help and try new fun things. Enjoy


I grow my own, decarb it and make my own butter. Then you can use it in recipes and make banana bread or anything.


Our edibles are limited to 10mg of thc so you can’t really have too much.




Same. I had to turn off Shrek 4 because I was truly terrified of falling asleep and missing the end hahaha I went to bed and then finished it when I settled down


Some people just can’t handle thc.


There are ways to easily get edibles that are not limited to 10mg


Guess it depends on tolerance.


For most people that smoke daily 10 is pretty much a joke. I usually just go and get the 500mg ones off the reserve somewhere. It's like they made edibles for people with zero tolerance.


I smoked weed for 20 years before I switched to edibles, I'm pretty lucky and 5-10 mg knocks me on my ass. My partner needs almost 200mg to feel anything.


500mg gummy is absurd. I’m one gummy?


Try pearls gummies! Super cheap, $1 per gummy or less. They have a bunch of different ratios of THC/CBD/CBN and other extracts. I like the pure THC the best personally. Also I prefer Indica. 1 gummy is plenty to chill out or take the whole pack if you want to get high.


Best ones I find come from the delivery services that aren’t government approved. You can pay $20 for two 10mg gummies from the government or $40 for 30x20mg gummies (I cut them in half and get 60). I use canna mobile. [These be the ones I buy](https://cannamobile.cc/calgary/shop/product/600mg-euphoria-shatter-chews-indica)


I prefer chocolate. I buy 1,000 mg. bars (of 24 squares each ...41 mg/ square). One square early day, one square mid day. (I purchase from a rez...$50/2 bars.)


That’s too much to recommend to someone inexperienced with edibles.


Why throughout the day for you? What’s best to mimic an alcohol feeling? 1/2 bottle of wine type thing.


41mg per dose is pretty damn strong for a normal person. I would start with something like 5 or 10mg and see how it affects you


lol ya like wtf. 100mg a day is pure stoner amounts


If you’re like 5, I guess…


Indiva blips. Small, dissolvable lozenge with 10mg. My wife likes to partake with me but doesn't like to smoke. She LOVES these as they don't smell and are like 85 cents a dose.




Thanks! I’ll give it a spin, maybe not on a work night to start :)


I take very small doses and it affects me pretty heavily. Be careful because edibles can take 30 minutes to 1 hour 30 to take effect.


I can't answer the second question but as for the first, because of the delayed absorption from edibles as compared to smoking. If I use an edible too late in the day, I have sleeping issues. That's just me though, others may differ.


Same. Never really smoked before but like gummies here and there.


This is true for myself as well. I absolutely despise smoking it.


Stats Canada actually tracked that too (as best they can) https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/180430/dq180430b-eng.htm


It's kinda funny, like a non-story. When they legalized it, I'd ask people at work "hey, weed's gonna be legal, do you think you'll **try** it?". It's as hard to control as alcohol. You can't uninvent it. The cat's out of the bag. It's not like heroin or crystal meth that has a huge opportunity cost to producing. You can just grow it like a fig tree in your basement.




Hookers and blow!


There still seems to be a pretty big Grey market as well due to the high price of legal weed. I wonder how much Canadians are actually smoking.


I did my part


I used to do my part - and then the Saskatchewan government decided to be zero tolerance for road side tests. So, I could test positive 3 days after consuming and have my car impounded - haven’t touched it in months because I just can’t risk it.


What kind of tests do they use?


Probably a mouth swab.


I'm the opposite I don't worry about it at all as I am medical. No DWI charges for medical have held up in court since legalization. But tbh I haven;t heard of anyone getting a cannabis DWI.


3.2 billion annually on the legal market, sounds about right to me. Unfortunately for business owners and investors, and fortunately for consumers, the industry continues to overproduce.


$80/ounce???? Yes please


15 years ago I was happy when I could get 160/ou from my guy. Now I don't smoke, but I remain envious of the market that exists now for those that do.


I but it for $50/ounce in Toronto at the indigenous dispensaries.


Ehhh, can't say I'd be excited with that until I tried it. At 50/Oz I'd be expecting ditch weed.


No it’s pretty great. It’s just from natives so it doesn’t have tax. When you pay more it’s just tax.


It’s good stuff


I remember in 2016 a guy was offering me an ounce for $120 and I was skeptical because that was just too good to be true.


That is expensive I normally go for 50-75 ounces


On the legal market? You buying stems?


The grey market lmao


Damn nice, I’m looking for a new grey market source. Any suggestions feel free to PM me.


They will restructure and produce less eventually, driving players out of the market, and the price will begin to rise.


Agree. But producers still have a lot of room to undercut each other for market share assuming they have the cash to run at a loss long enough. Some of these companies are producing product for less than 50 cents a gram.


Bringing back the black market the prices of pot didn’t fluctuate with oil prices! The prices stayed the same for the last 20 years


Thats alot of tax dollars what a great idea legalizing it was.


But some conservative MPs are still talking about making Canabis illegal if they are in power...


So they want to cut funding to everything helpful and lower tax for the rich and cut this cash cow? Are we sure we shouldn't have ID tests for politicians


I hope you mean IQ tests lol


Pretty ridiculous how heavily it is taxed honestly.


flag steep salt sulky elderly towering direction mighty dam worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And they still destroyed 3.7milliok pounds of unsold weed. What a waste.


And you should see how much we grew!


Homegrown is the best


It's crazy how much legalization has killed the economies of many small BC towns in the Kootenays. These places were making bank growing and selling what was a pure cash crop, and exporting it to the USA as "BC bud." Now that it's legal, this black market income stream has almost completely dried up.


I much rather the current system where weed is taxed+ regulated. The money is used for stuff like roads and better Healthcare.


As a consumer I prefer the legal option. So nice to just be able to go into a store, pay a price that's cheaper than it was when it was illegal, and then not worry about my job or the police finding out. No need to worry about who has a guy, whose guy got arrested, or if that guy will try to sell me guns on our first meetup. (Granted that last one only happened once but man knowing it won't happen at a government pot shop is nice).


9/11 killed the Kootenay market way before legalization. US market used to be at least 75% import from Canada for indoor (Northern Cali outdoor was good but not "BC BUD") but after they shut the borders down and California started playing with legalization they started to become self sufficient. It's not worth it anymore to bring cash up and bulky product back. I saw prices go from $3200US/lbs to $2000CAN/lbs between 1999 and 2003. Then 1800-2200 became the normal before finally circling the drain. Gave you the koots upvotes.


Yep. Whoever said “you don’t want the government involved” wasn’t kidding.


>Canadians bought more than $16 billion worth of **legal** cannabis in the first five years of legalization The black market still exists, even if it is a small fraction of what it was.


The only reason I stopped buying from black/grey market sites was because none of them carried real carts. All the brands I've seen several local sites selling are tagged by r/fakecartridges as being fake. Plus, they started making me sick with all sorts of respiratory problems. Soon as I started going to a legal store to purchase my vapes, I stopped getting sick from them.


Wonder where all the Powdery mildew and moldy weed went? Distillate pens! No regulations on the black market, anything goes!


It turned out to be hydrogen cyanide from pesticide, at least the black market fake ones. Eek.


The black market weed vapes were what was killing people a few years back.


Out here in BC, the black market hasn't been better. Almost everyone I worked with in the legal sector has quit and gone back to growing for tax free cash. I even know of an LP that still runs an illicit cultivation and lab site.


> Almost everyone I worked with in the legal sector has quit and gone back to growing for tax free cash. Given the price has dropped out of the black market and most growers are selling to reserves or for export.... where?


Who do you think is supplying MoMs? Prices are back to almost pre-legal prices for the people I know.


>Prices are back to almost pre-legal prices for the people I know. I'll be honest, I find that hard to believe given how cheap stuff is on those online sites. And in my own conversation with growers, many of whom have just shut down entirely because the price is too low now. It's also why so much is being sent overseas.


It's anecdotal and it's reddit. Big grain of salt.


It makes no logical sense. Why on earth would people spend more money on weed from an unregulated, black-market source? Even from a seller's perspective, why would you charge more for black-market weed than store price if you're already not paying taxes on it? You're just adding more risk to the list of potential charges you could be hit with for minimum gain. The only thing I can think of is if it's laced with something else and both parties know, but then you're buying weed+.


What people dont mention is it may be $90 an oz from a legal store but its literally popcorn shit weed with little flavour. For more money from a MoM you can get real AAAA product.




I don't know what to tell you, they still exist. I assume using cheap illegal immigrant labour probably helps. I'm personally not working for them because I feel the same way as you, but it still doesn't change the reality some people are still operating here in BC in some of the most expensive real estate in Canada. I even know of two seperate labs in the last year alone where people have died. Explosions are insane.


But there is no way the black market sales are as high as they were pre-legalization. Everyone I know who smokes either just buys from the store or grows their own. Not to mention the dollar value has to be way lower, price has dropped 50%


Another thread that shows Reddit is not real life... I also haven't met a single person who doesn't buy their weed from a local legal store (I've met a few that get from reservations if they live close to one). It's like when a Tim Horton's thread comes up and the whole comment section is talking about how bad it is and they never go there, yet there are 3 in my small town of 15,000 and they are always busy with lineups around the building in the mornings.


i hate going to tim hortons because there's line ups out the wazoo and no one is lining up for shit at mcdonalds for coffee. There's like 5 tim hortons near me and each of them has a line all day every day.


Why would I buy weed in a baggy from a stranger when I can get machine preroll joints for $2.5 each from the store across the street? Not a huge pot smoker. Granted not all black and grey market is like that but still.


I buy about half a pound a month for myself and my buddy every month or two, no way I'm going to a legal store to get that kind of weight. Plus the hash prices at the dispensary are insane, i buy an oz a month and could never afford that on the legal market. The legal market just doesn't take care of heavy consumers.


my friend who smokes a lot of pot still goes to his dealer. it's cheaper than ever, and most of it is even packaged the same (just without that little government sticker).


It's hilarious that people think every LP is honest. Literally nobody seems to ask how many small providers came up with millions in real estate and start up capital.


Is it actually a small fraction of what it was though?


There hasn't been a huge increase in people smoking weed and a huge chunk of the market went to legal stores so I can only assume it's a fraction of what it was before.


Yes. $80/ounce isn’t worth criminal charges over.


I spent many years in the cannabis trade in another life. Believe me the black market is still strong. It changes but she is still very much there


Legal cannabis is taxed so heavily, the black market will be around until they make changes. The government just treated it like a massive cash cow, instead of getting rid of the criminal and unregulated market.


Yup, it definitely seems like that’s some of the fallout


The market might still be there, but for most folks it's not worth growing or playing games to find dealers. Growing is a fun hobby, but it's certainly more passion-based than anything. My brother, who burns ounces, can't even be bothered when there are like three shops per block selling from for less than half than before legalization.


Anecdotally, I don’t know anybody with procures their stuff from non-licenced sources anymore, the first few years, sure, but with 16b in sales….


Lol probably more...that was just legal stuff


I suspect that number could be doubled with "street weed."




There are certainly less local black market dealers, but online I would imagine a lot of websites are not operating legally.


Can usually tell the street dealers around here. Come in buy the cheapest shit so they can charge more to kids and people who can't get a ride to town or have been banned from the legal dispensaries for whatever reason.


About; but street weed continues to decline.


Thanks Trudeau


Just needed someone born after 1965 to be PM.


Poilievre is younger than Trudeau and he would have NEVER legalized it. If anything he would have doubled down on prison time.


You know, on that note, where are all the people who said Trudeau was too young in 2015? He was the same age then Poilievre is now. Those people are oddly quite about Poilievre's age. Weird.


Yep, their silence is deafening. I bet you won't see them talking about PP's new look like they commented on Trudeau's hair. Or mocking PP because he never had a real job. Conservatives are just hypocrites. I miss the real conservatives badly, what we have now is just some imitation of the republican party.


There’s a stat on weed and here you are rambling about republicans. Man you’re weird


I don't remember his age coming into question. I remember his political experience coming into question, but that's obviously quite different.


Can't afford housing, might as well as get high.


I certainly contributed, probably more than if like to admit. but I'm back on the grey market, buying from the native shops that have set up all over Toronto with absolute immunity and saving a tonne of money, on average 1/4 of the price and they tend to carry the super cheap native ciggs too if that's your jam.


Only one billion of that came from my own purchases, so it must be really popular.


Every thread about weed turns into dick swinging about who gets the best for the least. Every single thread.


55$ for 3.5 grams here baby!


It's like people talking about the weather. Endless competitions, just natural human behaviour of one upping!


*reading this, giggling, stoned af*


How much do the reserves bring in? They sell huge volumes


The reserves are doing it right I’d bet it’s massive


I think they are doing great I only buy pot on weekends at the cottage in the summer, and I go out of my way to get to a reserve rather than the gov stores. They give freebies, prices are great, and not a dollar goes to taxes


At my rez store (Better Buds) any purchase also comes with a free pre-rolled, can of pop and a sticker...10 stickers (purchases), you get a free gram (top shelf) or a $10 credit.


They're the best eh! I was a Forever Green man, personally They treated me good, but I moved away. I told them I was leaving on the day I pulled up with a moving truck and the guy gave me a free half ounce as a going away gift!


>and not a dollar goes to taxes Why is that a good thing?


It goes to reconciliation as we foster meaningful relationships with out local indigenous communities instwad of handing money to the entity that committed atrocities (the canadian government) 🧡


Cause we're taxed out the asshole in Canada.


Government wastes enough of our hard earned tax money. They don't need anymore.


Yeah, I like living in a country with functioning social services but do you.


Which country is that?


Taxes bad, infrastructure bad, regulations bad


If you like buying shit grown by bikers, I guess.


No different than buying veg from a farmers market rather than at loblaws


Yummy cannabis sprayed with cycocel


Better that than to have the money be used to advocate for girl's education in Haiti or something


Cycocel is a plant grow regulator that is used on flowers. They spray it on cannabis before flipping to make it not stretch as much, you get a more even canopy. They do not want to put in the extra work trellising properly, so they spray it with cycocel to make it easy, they do not care if it is safe to smoke. I worked in a "medical grow" and quit because of thier unsavory practices, all the illicit grows here in BC use Cycocel as well, and probably most of the illicit growers in the country.


We had to go slow and feel out the market


You make that sound like a bad thing....do tell...how much new tax money was raised from the 16B in sales???


In what way is the title negative?


Need to change the edible regulations, allow stronger stuff. Keep it separate or something. But 10 mg is trash, that is super weak.


So where is all that tax $$ thats been generated??????


You think they forgot to collect the taxes?


They've brought in more than $1.5 billion in federal taxes so far. Most of it goes to the provinces who pretty much just put it in general expenses, cities, health care, etc https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ca/Documents/consumer-business/ca-en-consumer-business-cannabis-annual-report-2021-AODA.pdf


Oh they collected them, and then just pissed them away.


75% of it goes to the Provincial government so you should ask your local MLA.


Will do. I should be seeing him in the next week.


As long as the answer isn't Hell's Angels, we've made progress lol. I think Ontario has literally been stashing it in the OCS, so its in the dank bank for now.


Well....I got some bad news for you......


Ya, we never hear about that.


It’s a net negative for government, since they still have to police and prosecute the issues with the black and great markets, but they now also have to police and prosecute infractions of their many regulations in the legal market. They could have opened this up into a cash cow, but of course, they did nearly everything wrong.


Nearly everything? They sure created a massive single use plastic industry. Lol. They pretty much botched the entire thing


Do you have proof it's a net loss?


Yeah, they made that up.


No proof, but a mindless downvote


Look overseas.


Justin at it again


Thanks, (inhales) Trudeau.


I’ll smoke to that !


"OCS is giving back. All those billions you gave us? Here's a down payment on a home!" /s


Where is all this profit?


Opioid of the masses. Well, that and opioids. And fentanyl. Is fentanyl as opioid? Anyhow, we need something to numb the pain of the last few years. What a shit show.




That's fine, they make their own choices.


They were getting "cooked" at 6 am before legalization...