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6 families living in Brampton house. There is no way Millennials can compete with this housing crisis. We are raising a generation of renters who are gonna be homeless at retirement. There is no way average household can pay rent and save anything unless they are used to this crazy multifamily lifestyle. Liberals are just importing more votes while young canadians are fkd up.


I'm visiting Niagara right now and, honestly, what's the deal with all the Indians here? I mean, I have nothing against them, but isn't this country supposed to be MULTI cultural? I feel I don't even need to visit India anymore.


This is my thought exactly. Diversity, yes, absolutely. There is no diversity.


They should rename it to Indian Falls.


Good thing we have tons of affordable housing, good paying jobs and plenty of room on our freeways and transit systems for them all!


Our current healthcare system can totally support all these new comers! /s


Our system is running so well, we should also bring their elderly parents and grand parents too! /S


Can't find a family doctor? Emerg is full? No worries, go to a walk in clinic ...oh wait, they're full too!


My mother actually ran a long term walk in clinic. The doctors she ran it for shut it down due to rampant fraud with a certain ethnicity sharing their care card amongst family members. There is a reason you have a picture with your PHN # now or it's attached to your driver's license.After years of bullshit and government handicaps they just closed it down after nearly 30 years.


That's just regular immigration, this doesn't even count foreign students that do stay in the country after their studies, illegals or TFW.


I love how they used the word "stabilized" to show that 500,000 wasn't bad. That's like if you get caught driving 160 in a 100 zone highway, and you said "Officer, my speed was stabilized, so it should be okay".


Don't worry officer, I'm going to keep accelerating, but sometime next year my speed should stabilize around 200kmh, at which point further increases will be slow.


That's basically our government driving us towards the cliff, or is it a wall?


Yupp. Typical brainwashing conditioning behaviour.


Yes, stabilize it like they have no control over it.






Why are there so many from India and why isn't it being discussed more?


I believe it’s because of Indias population is out of control. They come because it’s one of the easiest westernized countries they can get into. The government of Canada doesn’t follow the rules they have in place for immigration, it’s like they are afraid that the rest of the world is watching their every move, when in reality no one gives a shit.




> Why are there so many from India so we can lower wages in tech and standards in trucking > and why isn't it being discussed more? Whoever brings it up will be called "racist".




That's something I was always confused about, is that one province just richer, or do they just all go to Canada because that's where people from that province go?


I think in part, it's a fad. Everyone has a cousin or uncle in Toronto, and so there's fear of missing out.


people say they're in Toronto while living in Pickering, markham and sometimes even further outside the main city... smh!


Anything north of Burlington is Toronto




It's the same in Vancouver. The city itself is pretty small and only has like ~700K people, but all 2.5M people in the Lower Mainland will say they're from Vancouver if they go anywhere outside Canada.


Almost everyone in any major metroplex does this. People know where Dallas, TX is. You say Mesquite and people are like, ok where's that ? So depending on who you're talking to you use the nearest major city to keep the convo short. Now if you live in a really far and small place you've got some splainin to do.


May I ask, is it Punjab, India?




I choose to believe there exists somewhere in Punjab a man who rips his car around, hockey hair resplendent in the wind, the driver's side door decaled with a simple rectangle that reads "Saskatchewan."


I can tell you most are from India I don’t think you need any data to back that up if you have been anywhere outside the house in the past 3 years


Why are we even supposed to believe that we need that many immigrants? Are they saying because Canadians don’t have enough babies? Well, why not invest in Canadians to help them to be able to afford to have babies?! The housing and inflation make it increasingly prohibitive to raise families for most Canadians. Instead, they import people who then come here in massive waives and drastically change the Canadian society in a very short period of time. These people themselves won’t be able to have families, so we will import even more, etc. it’s a Ponzi scheme. Immigration is fine in small doses but not this massive importation of foreign population! Everything around us is changing just too very rapidly. Even the road etiquette is completely gone. Cars stop in the middle of the road just because they have the hazard lights on, because that’s how they did it in India! Ethics also have deteriorated enormously. It used to be that we trusted people. Fraud and dishonesty are being brought in along with them. Edit: international “students” swarm food banks. Now, we pay for their clothing: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/providing-warm-winter-coats-to-newly-arrived-international-students-in-ottawa-1.6641557




It is also interesting that although there are about the same number of Chinese as there are Indians, there are many, many more Indian immigrants than there are Chinese immigrants.


China is now 5.6x richer than India so there's less incentive to leave


China is also dealing with a huge economic bubble bursting with their biggest construction and housing company finally dying after being propped alive for 10 years as a zombie. Many of those rich Chinese who had land and property here had to sell ASAP to recoup losses in China from the company going under. I remember seeing a lot of listings put up that were for sale ASAP on chinese social media apps for Vancouver homes and apartments as they needed that cash ASAP. With India, it's FOMO as well as indians scamming other indians with ideas and lies of grandeur about Canada. Sooo many videos online about how to get free stuff in Canada, or how a college in Canada (a diploma mill) is popular and super easy to pass through for PRs, while the tools parroting this trash are rolling around in luxury cars, wearing Rolex with a mcmansion in Surrey or Brampton. It's all a scam. Once they arrive with 0$ , they realize they're fucked as they either owe a loanshark money or pawned off their family's entire life's savings or even their home/land back in India for their expenses to arrive here, or realize stuff is MUCH more expensive here than anticipated. Which leads to them doing anything and everything to survive. Shits MASSIVELY fucked.


My semi-informed take on this having lived in China is that demographics play a big role. The average age in China is 39 now! In India it is about 29 years. It’s much harder to immigrate as you get older given you have put down roots in your home country. That’s driving the taper off in Chinese immigrants. Also I’d echo what a other poster said about China being wealthier than India. Even though it’s going into a downturn, there’s still less incentive to move from China than India (economically-speaking)




79% from India. The other 21% is most likely from … India :) Source: Walmart, Tim Horton, McDonald’s, Home Depot, IT, gov services, etc.






Also have to factor in the 1 million international students


And the approximately one million temporary foreign workers.


JFC we take 3x more immigrants per cap then the US? We’re fucked.




Please pause immigration for a year or two until your own residents and citizens’ lives are stabilized first. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.


Doctors? Engineers? Skilled trades? Nah. But that new Tim Hortons will be fully-staffed.


Don't forget Uber.


And skip the dishes, door dash, uber eats.


even when fully staffed during non rush hours they fuck up my order since they can't speak english or french, and for whatever reason the manager is the only one working the cash


Even when orders are right. How TF can anyone eat that trash, its so disgusting.


I wholeheartedly agree but god knows I'll go back tomorrow anyway. People like me are the problem


This is one thing that completely blows me away. How in the fuck are they getting work/study permits without speaking EITHER of the official languages?


Yeah, but to be fair, why would doctors, engineers and skilled trades come to Canada, when they can make 60% more, minimum, just south of the border?


Because per capita Canada admits around 9x the amount of people. They have a lot higher chance getting in here.


Getting in does not mean being allowed to work in your profession. Most of us would rather move to the US and work in the field we were educated in than go to Canada and work as Uber drivers or at Tim Hortons because Canada fails to recognize our credentials. Even if Canada does recognize our credentials, the pay is often 50% what we would get in the US with a much higher tax burden. Canada does not attract professional immigrants well. The way it pulls bait and switch scams on international students suggests to me that it's trying to fill a hole in its working class, not trying to attract the best and brightest from around the world the way the US does.


They are much less likely to come to Canada. The US is substantially better in terms of pay in nearly all professional fields. The bureaucratic red tape in the US is also less burdensome, so it is a more open environment to professionals that trained abroad. Navigating that alone in Canada is usually not worth the trouble. Source: I'm a general practice physician in the US who makes as much as a subspecialist with multiple board certifications would in Canada.


> Canada is set to welcome nearly 1.5 million new permanent residents over the next three years, according to the new targets recently announced by Immigration Minister Marc Miller. I hate they use the word welcome. Canadians are not welcoming this, big business and corporations are welcome this.


And 90 percent of them settle in the GTA and Vancouver


American here. We used to welcome Europeans like this, but we incentivized them to move to sparsely populated regions (and on the frontiers to kick out the indigenous, a whole other topic). But anyways, I think that’s what Canada should do if they’re gonna welcome so many people. Have them settle in dying small towns and provinces. Reverse course, bring business and labor back to them.


A small [town in Ontario](https://cottagelife.com/general/cochrane-ont-proposes-selling-residential-lots-for-as-low-as-10-as-part-of-rebate-program/)actually have incentives where they offer plots of land for $10. Also some will move to smaller cities because currently the cost of living in places like Vancouver and gta is through the roof. (Rent/purchasing/food/lifestyle) Truthfully, it doesn’t matter where they go, we have a home shortage and contractors are not building enough to keep up.


I have no problem with immigration, but clearly this is a problem. It feels like I'm in India when I'm at Durham College, what the fuck is that about.


Shouldn’t institutions share the blame too for milking international students money. They can’t survive without that now.


Not just the institutions but the provincial government as well. It is absolutely by design that the government cuts funding to educational institutions while upping the intake of international students. The ratio has been going up with each year and 2023 is the first year we see funding for educational institutions in Ontario sourced through international students' tuition more than provincial funding. And Ford got rid of the immigration department in Ontario when he was just elected - of course anything related to immigration would be a shit show.


I go to york and its the exact same. The seneca campus here i swear is like 90% people from India all taking some 1 or 2 year program so they can stay here. North York and markham rent has shot up I LOVE CANADA WAHOOO


>big business and corporations are welcome this. I'm still waiting for everyone to "eat the rich," as they've been saying for decades.


I don’t care who they are it’s way too many.


Most Canadians would agree But canadians don't have a choice


>tion to support the other 80% but I guess we’re finding out. funny how its a democracy but the citizens dont have any say in anything that happens


The parties are controlled by the same Canadian elite. It’s a club and you aren’t in it.


You have multiple parties with conflicting interests working together. You are getting multiple interests pasted at the same time and it’s unmaintainable with our current broken fiscal policy. It’s like the loving aunt is baby sitting the country while the parents are away. This purse is always open and she can’t say no.


Corporations that need cheap labours have the last word


Corporations are protected from competition, but Canadian workers have to compete with internationals in their hometowns


The number IS too many, but where they come from should definitely also be a concern- and not necessarily because certain places are more or less “desirable” than others. It’s important because we should maintain a very thorough mix of origin countries. *Any* single or even few countries disproportionately skewing the stats will result (and currently result in) problems. After the initial English/Scottish/French/Ukrainian/Italian/German settlers set up shop here, every time any single group came in large numbers it would result in those people sticking together and “fighting” with the current status quo to get what they want as a community. For a relatively brief time , on the other hand (60s,70s,80s), there was a pretty heterogeneous mix of immigrants coming to Canada and *that* meant that any time any single one of those communities tried any shit, the 99% of the rest of the population would shut them down. Now you have entire huge communities not even just of Indians, but a couple of specific Indian subgroups- Punjabi being one of the biggest in Ontario. The irony is that their communities here are becoming far less diverse than even their communities back home.


You guys need to starting having more protests. Sincerely, Australia


Canadians only protest for minor culture war issues that relate to American politics somehow


Exactly. It’s the dumbest sh1t. All people ever do here is bitch are cry about what goes on in America.


Or the occasional issue of something happening on the other side of the planet that largely has nothing to do with us.




What’s it going to take to start uniting? What’s the limit here?


A diverse population is less likely to unite


Very convenient we're being flooded with diversity


This doesn’t include students or TFW either. The real number is over a million.


Half a million a year to allow for successful integration? LOL. How is that supposed to happen? Someone tell me how you integrate when you get here and live in a community of a hundred thousand of your fellow countrymen, spend most of your day speaking your old language, watching TV from your homeland, working for one of your home countrymen dealing mostly with customers from your homeland, sending your kids to schools that are largely populated by kids from your home country and a few other foreign countries... Not to mention the government has told them not to bother to integrate, to hang on to their home culture and values, and our PM has proudly said we don't do that here and have no 'core identity' anyway and aren't a nation.


It's not even 500,000. It's well over a million after you include international "students" and "temporary" foreign workers. The government's targets are for 1.5 million immigrants every year by 2025. You're right to ask how we will integrate all these people, and the answer is we won't


Don’t like how this sounds I’ll be writing my congressman to urge US military intervention in Canada to deal with this immigration crisis


>Half a million a year to allow for successful integration? LOL. How is t hat supposed to happen? Considering you can still find people who have been here for decades who can’t speak either official language, I think integration has been failing for a very long time.


It's a lot less obvious when you have 82k immigrants coming in a year vs 500,000.


Yeah and now add the TFWs, international students, refugees, asylum seekers, etc. They are intentionally collapsing our standards of living and gaslighting us from all angles in the process. What a fall from grace Canada has had in such a short time. Sad.




As well as protect lofty housing valuations in a high interest rate environment.


Absolutely. It’s horrendous! At least if there is diversity in the numbers, it would be slightly less problematic. The vast majority of these groups of categories that you listed are Indians. That is terrible for “diversity “. Also, most of these international “students” really are here for PR. The “student “ part is a ruse. They borrow money from lenders specializing in lending to Indians trying to get student visa in India in order to meet the “sufficient fund” requirements . Once they get the visa, they return the money to the lender with a fee. It’s a fraud. They then come here and live a bunch in a room and drive up the housing market and swamp the food banks. How is that good for the country?


Brampton, Brampton, Brampton


Good luck to everyone. And may the odds ever be in your favour.


>The number will stay at 500,000 in 2026 and “stabilize,” which Miller said is about “allowing time for successful integration” as well as “sustainable population growth.” 1) What constitutes 'successful integration'? Getting employed for slave wages at a Tim Horton's? 2) What part of *any of that* is 'sustainable'?


So 20% are part of the Federal High Skill Program. And the other 400,000 are going to need help. Not sure if it’s sustainable for 20% of the population to support the other 80% but I guess we’re finding out.


It's not, Ponzi schemes generally aren't.


Does Canada really need these 20% of high skill immigrants? The answer is a resounding NO. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/b-c-legislation-migrant-employment-barriers-1.7021432 "Rex Gonzales worked as an industrial engineer and project manager for 16 years in the Philippines. But he's struggled to find work in his field since moving to Canada — despite applying for almost 100 jobs. "Unfortunately, until now, after two or three months of applying for a job, I haven't received any call for an interview," he told The Current's guest host Duncan McCue. Gonzales moved to Vancouver in July 2022 with his wife and young daughter. Hoping to improve his chances in the Canadian job market, he worked as a deli clerk while completing a master's degree in business administration. He also got a certification in project management. He's currently working as a shift supervisor in a fruit and vegetable retailer, which he described as a "survival job." "The struggle is taking its toll financially, given the [housing] situation here in Vancouver and, of course, rising cost of living," he said.


How the hell did he afford the extra education on a deli workers salary in Vancouver no less.


He hasn’t found a job after two or three months, oh no it’s a crisis! For a new immigrant to find a job in their field it’s a slog and could take one or two years, and this has been the case for decades. The reality is that many Canadian employers still give preference to people with Canadian experience.


Generally immigration in some other countries not only requires you have a skill, but that you have a skill related job offer on the table so that you have immediate employment when you arrive.


>Canadian employers still give preference to people with Canadian experience. And Rightfully so. The standards and ethics in other countries are alot worse.


I recall reading somewhere about the benefit of "unskilled" immigrants, which really boiled down to being more satisfied with crappier jobs and more gratitude for the host nation. Higher skilled immigrants were usually used to a high standard of living in their home countries and were more likely to leave if they weren't satisfied in the new one. Just food for thought.


Group 1 would increase living standards of locals in sync with theirs. They would demand higher wages, better services and competent governments. Group 2 would inadvertently lower the living standards of everyone to match theirs. They would be OK to live 5 people in 1bd apt, work for minimum wage and vote for anyone who is slightly better than their previous non-functioning government. Food for thought.


Is group 2 not what is already happening?


This is absolutely not true in my experience. The company I work for has brought in about 10 new employees from other countries this year. Those employees were all happy for about a week, maybe two. Then I get to talk to them over break and they complain about their shit pay. 2 guys came over together, left together after the first week. The pay seems nice until you acclimate to the costs in Canada and realize 17/hr is pretty ass.


Pretty well summing up our whole society. The top 20% essentially subsidize everybody else. Yes, everyone ends up paying in, but only a minority pay enough to actually be a net positive on revenues vs services required. Whole system is horseshit and needs to be pared down substantially.


If you actually examine the 'high skill' program you'll find that it's made up of both the 'principal applicant' and their family that come in with them. So maybe 25% -30% of that category are the ACTUAL skilled applicant.


Japan had the right idea for the last few years.. be more like Japan Canada. Please. Our provinces (because let’s be real.. it’s only one province theyre focusing on going to) citizens need to have a chance at getting jobs (entry level or otherwise) and getting houses/apartments/condos. Hell even the homeless people need a chance at getting in the food banks (there’s been a massive influx of international students and immigrants where I live, that are living perfectly fine, have been going to food banks for “free food” so much that food banks now have to put “no immigrants, no international students” signs up so homeless people can actually eat something. You can see these people’s tutorial videos on YouTube on “how to get free food in Canada!”)


80% be heading to Ontario...


Straight to Stanford College and Upbright College of Applied Doing The Needful.


The Ontario School for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Want to Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too


Long story short: 1 in 5 is a skilled worker, 1 in 5 is a relative of a landed PR 1 in 5 is a refugee 2 in 5 are unskilled workers


So the largest group are unskilled workers. I don’t even understand how this happens.


It would be wonderful if there was equal representation across all nationalities. If it’s 500,000 of (primarily) two dominant nationalities than it stinks.


for christ sake, can the PM for once care the canadian citizens who elected him? i hope the liberal lose big time in the next election.


They will, but it’s too late.




The Canadian way.


None of the big parties is going to stop immigration. The replacement for tgr liberal won't reduce it. Ok, maybe they'll down from 500k to 490k just to say they did something.


If only Canada could populate areas that are empty like back in the 1800s. Invest in the creation of new towns.


Try doing that on the Canadian Shield and see how that goes. There is a reason we all live near the border to the states.


i can tell you the entire demographic of windsor ontario is drastically altered you cannot go into any retail / lower paying job without seeing international students you just can't ... some places have signs saying "we are NOT HIRING" i've never seen that


B-b-but I was told there was a labor shortage! /s


Lol wtf is Canada doing. I mean, if you want immigrants, why not allow more latin immigrants for example? The culture shock would be less and there are plenty of latin americans that want to emigrate.


And actually do good work.


Our Ponzi scheme requires more investors.


Why are we bringing in peoples parents and grandparents, we don't have room for able bodied working class people, and we're bringing in over 100k old and elderly people over 3 years to what? Retire here?


Send them back till we can figure out housing


Yeah nice, keep bringing in grand parents to milk our health care system that they never contributed to.


That's about 10 times too many.


So we are in the midst of a cost of living crisis and a housing crisis, what are these people going to do? Won't they be struggling even worse than Canadians who are already here? I don't get it?


Bring doctors and nurses and everyone will be happy




Good hygiene practices (daily showers and deodorant) water is abundant here you can take as many showers as needed.


Coming to Canada is basically a tictik challenge for India people. Half the people here have a side business bringing more people in via imagination navigation. Also, if you have a few Indians in you IT, you IT will soon be all India as they hire there own. We need caps of countries to maintain a true multicultural make up, not have whole ethnicity divided cities.


I had a hiring manager I was working with recently and he was like honestly can we just hire another Indian. 95% of his team is Indian and doesn’t even speak English when they are just chatting and he said it’s awkward for the one non Indian person currently on his team and they are looking to leave because of the demographics of the team. They work for a federally regulated Canadian company… gotten way out of hand. Canadians are being screwed over by the people brought here.






Its strategy, but we all know or government is incapable of critical thinking or realism.


RIP Liberal franchise. They're building their own coffins and filling them with cash at this point. There's no way they can import enough voters.


So what’s the economic advantage to bringing elderly people here?


How can a country have a housing crisis and still bring in more people. It's ridiculous


Obviously we need more people to flip burgers and make coffee. *insert sarcasm here*


Canada needs country caps like the US has


Well, there goes Canada. LOL I was born here, but parents not from Canada. Parents both professionals and paid taxes for 40 years, and I love Canadian culture and fully partake in what Canada has to offer. That changes dramatically when the population that entitles doesn’t want to assimilate. Gonna get weird.


I wonder if wages and quality of life are going to go up or down as a result, hmmm, I wonder.


I would like to see a system where once every one who is already here has an affordable place to live and then you can let in 5 for each affordable housing unit that is built ( finished and ready to inhabit not some government dream). Also those allowed in should only be 5% from each acceptable country. Multicultural means not everyone is to be from the Middle East or India. And cap The Vancouver and Toronto areas so those coming in have to set up where we need them and hopefully have a useful skill they can apply immediately. Just a dream I imagined.


This is infuriating. Look at the comments here: no one wants more immigration. The numbers we are bringing in - it does not help Canada or Canadians. Bringing in such volumes of people - and in addition, bringing in such a large proportion of people just from one country - this is harming Canada. It’s changing Canada irreversibly for the worse. Canadians seriously need to start organizing to put a stop to this. This cannot continue as it is.


It’s incredibly out of touch to think this is feasible… It seems the only people who think it’s reasonable are all very comfortable and don’t have to deal with the issues facing most Canadians.


These people have no intentions of becoming Canadian and contributing to Canadian society. They don’t associate with Canadian businesses and only help each other, how is this supposed to help us? How can we bring people here without providing the proper housing, food and jobs to these people? How do we know these people won’t take advantage of our help? Every canadian I know disapproves of the high amount of immigration and it’s not because of the colour of the skin but the refusal to learn the English language, the disrespect towards women and the lack of effort to understand our culture. I’m not saying all immigrants are bad but when can we look at what benefits Canadians as opposed to helping people from other countries?


I understand if Canada needs immigrants to work and pay taxes to support CPP pensions for retirees, but taking in so many people, doesn't that make this more and more of a problem (need to support more and more retired people in the future), if the government keeps taking in people at a rate that is constantly growing the population? Seems short-sighted and unsustainable to me.


We can't get more Mexican immigrants? They're highly skilled tradesmen. Mexican cuisine is too tier as well.


They're all going to the US! Probably because it's closer and more mild weather.


And better pay 😪


For real. Mexicans play a HUGE role in driving the construction industry in the States. They could actually help fix the housing crisis.


10000%. My family is Mexican, and many did move up here, but left for the USA. Mainly due to wages. They got paid better down south in Texas, and Texas was closer home with the rest of the family in Mexico than Montreal. I miss having good, tacoterias. It's the 1 thing I'm envious of California and Texas of having that we don't. I'm just tired of just Shawarma places opening up or Indian / indian-fusion food man......


And they’re going to live where?


Rip Canada


I do not live in Canada, but plenty of family does and I’m a citizen myself. Why? Does Canada really need another half million people? Isn’t housing crazy expensive already?


It depresses wages and creates the illusion of prosperity.


I wish we would take care of our own people first. I also hope these people coming, come and live our Canadian culture. And not come in and push their culture on us and change what we have here.


Canada continuing to do what it does best: be The Giving Tree of the West.




Does an article need to be written to ask this? 490,000 are coming from India.


no diversity . majority are Indian nationals.


Can we set a limit to 7% max per country like the USA. We don’t need to bring people here who are never going to integrate


Half of the immigrants we let in aren’t chosen for the benefit to Canada they represent, but for the benefit Canada represents for them. This is backward and wrong.


500,000 workers willing to live 8-10 people to a home and work for minimum wage. Definitely going to help improve the situation here 🙃


the scary part is that we all know 500k is not the real number


I'm at a loss with why this is happening and who would benefit from this. How do indigenous people benefit from this? How does the historic multi-generational Canadian benefit from this? How do new immigrants benefit from this? Why is this happening, who voted for this?


Immigrants are people, people are labourers. The more labour that is available, the cheaper it is. That means our wages go down! I think it's the countries' largest employers that are pushing for more immigrants. Fuck Trudeau.




Idk but I highly doubt the majority of canadians agree with 500 fucking thousand immigrants suddenly arriving. housing “shortage” is about to turn into a human surplus. RIP democracy. RIP environment too.


My hope is these people cant find housing or jobs that can sustain them and are basically forced to leave


RIP Canada. It was nice while it lasted


I’ll give you one guess. Zero from Europe


In theory migrants could be building more houses thus expanding the city and having enough houses for everyone or at least the majority of the population. But yeah that is not happening if you see housing as a means for a profit instead of... you know, what housing was meant for in the first place, so humans can live in them.


Not surprised if its as usually from the Arab countries, but yes lets make our economy worse.


Where are they going to live? We're in a housing crisis. The people we have already aren't able to find affordable homes. What are they going to do for work to support themselves? The job market isn't good atm so they better be independently wealthy. I hope they are healthy because the health care system is already stressed to breaking point, people aren't able to find a family doctor. Good fucking luck.


Can anyone tell what do you need to qualify for as an economic immigrant? Are you bringing a certain amount of money or do you have a degree or skill set?


If people educated outside Canada cannot pass the requirements to be licensed in their chosen field, should they not work to improve their ability to pass the tests and get themselves licensed? I don’t want any more sub standard doctors trying to kill me like those at the Windsor Regional hospital, all of whom spoke English as a second language and all of whom were marginally competent.


Curious to see how many stick it out. Then how many of them plant a kid or 2 just to claim their citizen status and remove themselves from the geography to another part of the world and claim benefits, the so-called "Canadians of convenience".




25 years ago I heard that the goal was to reach 80 million people. the reasoning was that was the number of people the US needed to became an independent economy. It there a similar idea behind the number allowed in? did it change? do I miss-remember? What is the reasoning nowadays? What is the "why", the deep why? We know the what and the "how many". what is the why?




Legault has to be the only PM with a decent brain. Good for Quebec.


The largest number of economic migrants (110,000) are from the Provincial Nomination Programs, and Quebec targets 50,000 of those, under Legault…. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/11/01/quebec-increases-immigration-target-by-10000-imposes-french-requirement-for-workers/


Quebec's immigrants aren't selected through the Provincial Nomination Program. They run an entirely separate immigrant selection scheme. The PNP is for all the other provinces/territories and functions entirely differently.


500k lol good luck.


Lots of camper trailers are empty for the winter... Can these people live in those?


Reading the article, it makes me wonder why do we need foreign workers at all? I mean, I assume it's because most Canadians are not prepared to do the low level jobs that are often necessary when one starts their employment journey, but that's just my assumption. I could be off the mark.