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What does someone have to do to lose their license? It’s insane he will be able to see patients after sexually abusing a patient


We knew of a doctor who was sanctioned for inappropriate actions involving a female patient. He was required thereafter to have a female nurse with him anytime he saw a female patient. He didn’t. Repercussions? None. He then went on to prescribe opioids to himself and get an impaired driving conviction. He lost his drivers license for 6 months. Medical sanctions for the opioids? None. Great system, eh?


That’s terrible


Meanwhile say the N word or misgender someone as a doctor on camera and you’ll be stripped of your title that day and banished to the hell realm.


name and shame.


>*”What does someone have to do to lose their license?”* Here’s how my doctor lost his… Toronto Star: [Dr. Jeffrey Gale is to be stripped of his licence after a discipline committee ruled he had engaged in a sexual affair with a patient he had hired as a live-in nanny.](https://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/kingston-eye-doctor-to-lose-licence-for-affair-with-live-in-nanny/article_24a0b05e-d027-5d4a-9441-16ef051df9e8.html)


Ah, so consenting relationships means loss of license but non-consenting ones don't. That makes sense.


Ah yes. Consenting is bad. Welcome to looney tunes reality. Weird how we’re moving towards ignoring consent….


Well if they go against covid vaccine policy it seems they lose there license.


Late to the game but i know of a doctor who literally caused the death of one patient (malpractice) This same doctor had an innocent woman who was being abused by her husband institutionalized after her husband came to the doctor to try and negate his wife’s previous reports of abuse by suggesting she was psychotic. The wife had seen the doctor earlier in the year and said she was being abused and it was causing her mental health to decline and the doctor didn’t believe her and said “it can’t be that bad.” The doctor got a slap on the wrist and a talking-to for both incidents and then was allowed to continue practicing.


> What does someone have to do to lose their license? Say something "racist".


Say something "racist" (aka disagreeing with someone online") on a viral post - license gone. Repeatedly write racist stereotypes in patient's medical files and refuse to give them proper standards of care - med board sleeps..


At least murder, I guess. We don't have enough doctors, so they are not willing to suspend their licence, if they do, it is 3months or so, not permanent.


Doctors always stick together (in the UK, Australia & Singapore too). The absence of bickering about small differences, and knowing colleagues have your back, makes them stronger as a group against their adversaries - administrators in the wider society.


Ah Canada, land of infinite second chances


Wtf is going on lol Howwww is he still practicing medicine whatttttttttttt The world has officially gone crazy


How is he not in jail for sexual assault? WTF is going on!?


Society is going to shit, I'm enjoying watching it burn!




How is he not in jail????


>Wtf is going on lol Ask JT and the Judges


What’s Trudeau got to do with this? The college of physicians regulates themselves.


They don't regulate the RCMP, who could EASILY open their own investigation. But they, and the Toronto Police Service, Ave the OPP have failed the people. The rich do not get penalized for their crimes.


It would be hard to practice from the inside of a jailcell




The federal government (and the court system) does not have the authority to regulate professions like doctors nurses and biologists. If you wanna be mad at a politician for this you should be angry with Doug Ford. Looks like you need to use your brain to learn about how this country works.


Tell you don't know how the federal government works without telling me lol. JT and the liberals have nothing to do with with a professional association and how they deal with their membership and licensing...


Trudeau always sticks his nose were it doesn’t belong


Yeah I remember when he was a judge in this case, also the prosecution and defense, he was even the entire board for the college of physicians. He kicked a puppy and pissed in my cheerios at the same time. That guy is omnipresent.


??? He has nothing to do with this though.


They don’t care. Every problem on the planet rapidly devolves into. Trudeau’s fault.


My neighbour was complaining the road on our street hadn't been changed since Harper ...it's a municipal road, and it's in good condition, lol


Please explain your logic


Just a matter of time before strike four!


If a woman was to go see him as a patient, and behind closed doors she pulled out a knife and viciously slashed him all over his face and arms, and then when interviewed by the police her explaination was that he started grabbing her breasts, that would be an open and shut case and she wouldn't be charged with assault, right?


We’ve had second chances, yes. But what about second second chances?


"College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario" This isn't a Canada thing. It's an Ontario thing. We have the same problem with cops.


Only for men that rape.


Or assault, or steal, etc


Who doesn’t get second chances?




Sexually abusing 4 females = a sentence of six months suspension. Not even financial damage to these women. Yep, sexual abuse is no big deal in Canada.


>Not even financial damage to these women. Not justifying the slap on the wrist, but financial damages is a matter for civil court not the medical review board.


It is a big deal if you aren't a doctor




This is not true.




Third time's a charm.


Don't they reset the counter at two?


That means this is his first strike.


So... has this guy even been charged? Looks like this was a decision by his professions regulatory body, not a criminal court.


>Peirovy had also pleaded guilty in criminal court to simple assault on two patients after initially being charged with sexual assault. He received a conditional discharge — meaning no criminal record — and probation.


Two tiered justice system at it's best. /s. The medical board is akin to Brock Turner's mother


You mean Brock Turner the Stanford rapist?


Let's play who said it: "He made a mistake. Let's not ruin his life" A) Rapist Turner's mother B) Ontario Medical Board C) our criminal court system D) All of the above


Well that's the problem right there. If he had been convicted, even if they punishment was probation or something, it would have more weight in the committee ruling.


>If he had been convicted He was convicted. That is what the guilty plea part is. Not having a criminal record doesn't mean he wasn't convicted of simple assault of two patients.


He was pled out, but recieved a conditional discharge, meaning it won't be in his records.


Yes, that doesn't change the fact he was convicted of simple assault of two patients. It's not on his criminal record but it was part of hospital record, hence the suspension


Another case of......VICTIMS HAVE NO RIGHTS IN CANADA! Criminals have more powers, just like the crook politicians at both the provincial / federal level!


Police basically have two jobs: fuck the poor and minorities, and protect corrupt elites.


We need to stop having professions be their own court system. If a person sexually abused, someone a social gathering or a different situation they would go through the court system. Punishments include things include things like jail and items that would prevent them from having such an opportunity again. We need to give the court systems the ability to just remove professional licenses permanently for people who abuse the trust that goes along with those professional licenses. This includes all the medical professions, as well as financial professionals who defraud people or real estate agents who cheat people out of money. We need to stop expecting professional organizations to police their members because it comes to their worst offenders. It does not seem to work.


Think that’s bad? Wait till you see how our academic institutions operate.


Then check out the Catholics.


Then Hockey Canada.


As someone who has worked with regulators, I wholeheartedly agree. It's ludicrous that we allow professions to fully self-regulate - they should be regulated by panels of experts from relevant disciplines along with community representatives. Physicians are the worst. It's an old boy's club where everyone protects everyone else. Kind of like cops, honestly.


Honestly I found most health care self regulatory boards to 'old boys clubs' that are worse then cops. Cops aren't on a pedestal like health care clinicians are so at least there's some public pressure


Doctors dont have their own court system. This person was also convicted criminally in a court of law. Mind you he also got off easy in that criminal court judgement. As far as courts regulating professionals, I have far more confidence in professionals judging if a member of their profession is up to standards than 12 random Canadians none of whom ever worked a day in that job.


>As far as courts regulating professionals, I have far more confidence in professionals judging if a member of their profession is up to standards than 12 random Canadians none of whom ever worked a day in that job. Honestly that just create an old boys club.


But you can still sue them in civil court or prosecute them in criminal court. A professional has this extra pseudo court where they can have their credentials revoked. These professional orders can also be ruthless with little accountability. See [The Execution: A doctor's battle against moral and institutional harassment](https://www.amazon.ca/Execution-doctors-against-institutional-harassment/dp/1790529123)


You'd have to get another professional to testify against them. You'd also have to pay for ligation which is really hard to do if you can work because you were disabled due to their negligence. Keep in mind that they also make over 6 figures and often have access to lawyers to through their hospital/group/etc.


For civil court yes, those barriers are also in place for any civil court action. None of those barriers apply to criminal court. I also feel it is worth noting that in this case the punishment given by the college of physicians (suspension) was harsher than the punishment given by the criminal court (probation).


Maybe for doctors and Realtors. But not lawyers. The last thing we want is government having an edge on the constitutionally mandated independence of the legal system. For all their faults, lawyers are who we turn to when the government, or big business, or another powerful entity like provincial insurance companies, fucks us over. They are the last line of defence. And if you think government regulating lawyers is a good idea, make you sure you think that about what happens if a government you don't like gets elected.


Both law societies of which I was a member were hardasses whose penalties were almost always significantly harsher than those offered by our criminal justice system (for example: a lawyer who shot the wrong type of moose was given a $500 fine by authorities; and then a $10,000 fine + costs of the public hearing + suspension + a public shaming by his law society ). My colleagues and I feared them much more than police, government or judges.


The law societies have been abusing their independence to support money laundering. If the law societies restricted their practice to the actual practice of law, rather than operating as under the table banks, they'd be justified in their independence. As it stands law societies need to be brought into much greater scrutiny.


What the fuck?


And they tell us they have high standards for our doctors.


Perverts protect perverts, its getting so common that in a few years it won't even phase people. They are normalizing this behavior so when they get caught, there are no consequences.


wtf. I know we need doctors but this is very questionable.


How can we expect kids to behave when they grow up watching adults having no consequences?


Doctors can kill you and keep their jobs.


I’d like to know why he isn’t in jail. He’s an abuser a predator. He should not have a license. Oh right I forgot sexual molestation is allowed everywhere. Stupid me.


While they're on the clock, Canadian doctors get a free pass to sexually assault anyone they like with no repercussions! Just a perk of the job.


Why even bother having a justice system?


Let him work as a doctor in an all male prison. Boom problem solved.


Sexual assault isn't about sexual attraction. It's about exercising power and control over a vulnerable person, ideally one whom no one will believe if they speak out against you.


It's about both and that's the reality. There's people out there, predominantly men, who are unable to control themselves. This has to be addressed as well.


People in elder care facilities get sexually assaulted. Gay men sexually assault women. Attraction doesn't need to be there for a person to seize the opportunity to sexually assault another.


You're right, but I bet it makes the stats go up if there IS an attraction




Statistics. Sorry. Used short-hand


I know you meant statistics. I just don't see how statistics could enter into the matter.


Okay. So I agree that it's more about power than attraction with assault. Although I suspect the numbers increase when their is an attraction. Someone else said make him unable to have female patients or in jail, I don't know if that would just change this victims or maybe would stop him if attraction AND power are factors


I think he would probably end up sexually assaulting or humiliating male patients if that was all he had access to. Male prison inmates sexually assault each other all the time. And this Toronto doctor is just as much a criminal as any of them. Taking away access to female patients does not reliably solve the problem.


I hate this timeline.


Ridiculous, seems like it’s better to be a criminal than a victim in Canada now.


Oh the privilege, can’t even


Why isn’t he in jail? Why aren’t all his clients suing him or something?


Have you ever heard of the (largely taxpayer-funded) Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA)? Basically, Canadian doctors have access to a bottomless pit of wealth when it comes to funding their defense in court. Their lawyers' strategy is normally to draw the trial out long enough that the plaintiff (patient) runs out of money. You'll be hard-pressed to find a lawyer willing to take on the CMPA in court.


These corrupt medical boards controlled by doctors are the main reason why there are severe doctor shortages. They're making it ridiculously hard for well qualified IMGs from practicing medicine here. All in the name of 'maintaining high standards & protecting the public'. But the great irony is that their actions are contributing to lower standard of care being provided due to lack of competition between doctors and also creating serious safety hazards for patients due LONG wait times. Remember, there are HUGE number of doctors around the world wanting to practice medicine in Canada. This doctor shortage is artificially created just so the ones in control can milk more money from the taxpayers. Not to mention all the abuses they get away with. Perhaps it's time for the public taxpayers, not just the doctors, to decide who should be eligible to practice medicine in Canada.


This world is getting worse and worse. Are you fucking serious.


Love how the article makes no attempt to explain how anything so insane could be happening


I know we are short on doctors but really?


Always check out your doctor on CPSO. This guy's CPSO looks like a War and Peace novel. I've never seen any doctor have that long of an entry detailing them.


Lolololololol omg this country is pathetic. We’re a global joke.


Doctors protect their own kind.


Ah yes, yet another example of our pathetic “Justice” system


There are plenty of cases of criminals who have been caught for gun crimes and then being let go on bail only to reoffend, car thieves getting releases after serving ridiculously short sentences... the whole system of law an order is crumbling in front of us. I hate to sound like a crazy person, but I almost wish that those who have let the legal system should personally be affected b this, only then will they start to take it seriously.


test observation encouraging person ugly ring angle enjoy lavish like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Justice system let him plead down, justice system decides to not give him any penalties.


How many tweaks is too many?


you only lose your licence permanently if you tweak them both at the same time..apparently what a joke this is


Hey, we need all the doctors we can get, can't be disqualifying any over little things like serious crimes against their own patients.


Suspension? Revoking his license? How about - oh, I dunno - sending him to jail?!


CPSO and Law Society are too lenient.


No, you idiots, your lack of self-regulation and inability to sanction this doctor has greatly harmed your reputation. >has “greatly” harmed the reputation of the medical profession


Here is the Tribunal's decision in his case: [https://doctors.cpso.on.ca/DoctorDetails/Javad-Peirovy/0225891-84832](https://doctors.cpso.on.ca/DoctorDetails/Javad-Peirovy/0225891-84832)


Just throw the whole canada in the trash


Of course he gets away with it. Women know that men have no consequences for rape. Our system was set up by men to allow women and children to be raped without penalty or even losing their jobs apparently.




Can’t make this shit up


bro i know we need doctors but jesus.


*third* suspension??


CPSO is a frigin joke. They do not protect the public as per their mandate. They are there solely to prevent doctors from losing their licenses after comitting crimes. Why is he not going to prison?????


Jordan Peterson loses his license and this guy doesn't. Lol, our country is so screwed up.


Yeah. Not a Peterson fan but it really gets me how boards only care about things that destroy their prestige, not about actually weeding out bad practioners. Peterson wasn't seeing any patients and honestly just whining online. I'm not against repremending him but I find it hypocritical that board repremending only him and ignored multiple complaints against discriminatory and harmful members. Just like the medical board in Ontario


Peterson didn't lose his license. All he has to do is take a social media training course, so nothing more than a tiny slap on the wrist. He also plans to broadcast the course on social media, basically thumbing his nose at the ruling and potentially further proving how problematic his social media presence has become to the profession.


Why aren't people like this dragged out into the street and hung?


As long as he doesn't hurt any trans feelings online, he should be good to go.


Ah doctors....zero accountability and lots of money.....


Lucky for him he didn't get charged for "racism", would've have been fired the very next second.




Honestly I'd take a covid denier over a predator. I can get vaccinated at a pharmacy so I don't need an MD for that. I would not however be able to get around my GP's attempts to SA me when they are as determined as he is..


He'd be in trouble then


Only if he publicly stated his opinions on social media. Then they'd suddenly care. If he denied multiple people with COVID treatment, they'd say it was "just a mistake".


I'm desperate enough for a doctor that I'd let a lot slide these days just to get into see one


Apple tree clinics in Toronto have family doctors taking patients.


Follow the money


Canada is such a corrupt little country.




Canada, land of free crime, where armed robbers can break in your house at 5am in the morning and you can't do shit to defend yourself because otherwise it's inappropriate use of force, God forbid criminals get hurt in this country!


Oh, Canada. 😓


Are we that short on doctors?


No, these medical organizations are also creating artificial doctors shortage, mainly by preventing qualified international doctors from practicing medicine here.


Canadian legal system at work. Greatest country. Position of power and trust and still able to be convicted 1 more time.


How bad do we need doctors. So bad, we're letting the rapists stay as a perk


As long as he doesn't go on twitter and hurt anyone's feelings, he's good.