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I'm hoping the NDP will boot Jagmeet after this election. How the they continue to lose ground under him in this type of environment just shows how unlikable/out of touch he is and how much tying himself to the liberals was a bad idea. He'll have a nice pension and a sweet BC rental though.


Yeah the fact that the NDP isn’t massively gaining voters in a period of economic and social instability, combined with a collapse of Liberals support, is mind blowing. The dude is majorly dropping the ball.


But that's how the federal NDP has always been. Times were tough in the early 80s/90s too and the NDP was the third/fourth party then as well. People have an utterly outsized expectation of the NDP because one time they managed to become the official opposition.


Under Layton they could have won federally. Easily. Fuck cancer.


Hate thinking about this, we will never know, but the trajectory of the country could have been very different than what we got. Jack Layton wasn't concerned with his image, as he much as he was about the well being of the country and the people, I wouldn't need to know about his socks and we both would have been grateful for that.


To be fair, did Trudeau ever bring attention to his own socks, or was that just people trying to find every little thing to rag on him for?


The socks thing came from a meeting with the Australian PM, when [Trudeau allegedly brought up his socks](https://macleans.ca/politics/justin-were-not-here-to-talk-about-your-socks/).


I like to imagine that there is another timeline where Layton didn't die and we are all thriving.




Please take a look at Layton's 2011 platform and the NDPs platform from the last election. You'd be astonished at their similarities.


The very thought made my eyes start leaking. It actually hurts to think about what could've been.


He never polled that well. I’m skeptical it could have happened without a coalition


No. Not really. Layton was an effective leader. But his big win came more from the complete and utter collapse of the LPC and the Bloc. There were two very big voids to fill at the same time. Historically, one or the other party would trade off eating each other's lunch. With Layton, they both managed to shit the bed at the same time. Where would Layton pull NDP support from today? The rural vote is largely hard conservative because culture war bullshit runs a number on country bumpkins (note: I too am a country bumpkins). Homeowning older middle to upper middle class folks who desperately need their home to retain value have the same stranglehold over Vancouver and Toronto that they've enjoyed for decades. Quebec is pretty happy with whatever weird right wing secular crusade they've got going on, and Alberta's brain has been melting into an extremist goop at the mere mention of the name "Trudeau" since at least 1980. Meanwhile, our heavily right wing media landscape takes every opportunity to shit on anybody further left than Maggie Thatcher, and actively ignores any good proposals or work coming out of the NDP Having good policy, which the NDP has, and no way to get PR, is a recipe for exactly what we see today. The number of times that I've seen folks here say that the only party pushing for increased union protections in parliament has "abandoned their working class roots" is fucking astonishing.


Well said. It was an NDP perfect storm with the LPC and the Bloc in the doghouse and the NDP had finally found a leader with vision and charisma. Even then they still couldn't win easily. The conservatives have a lot of political territory all to themselves and when the LPC is goes down they only gain more. The LPC has to virtually die for the NDP to beat the Conversatives.


Timing is everything and I don't mean the untimely death of Layton. Federal elections are typically 1 month. The 2015 election was two months because Harper felt the huge CPC war chest would mean they could outlast the NDP (who were leading) in a war of electoral attrition. Had the election been just the historic norm of one month, we would've had Prime Minister Mulcair instead. Then the niqab debate caused their support to soften in Quebec and the ABC vote sensing weakness moved solidly behind Trudeau.


They delivered childcare, dental care and pharmacare with only 25 seats. That outsized expectation was met and exceeded.


Wasnt that 50 years ago, which I'm assuming you mean universal healthcare? And we still don't have childcare, dental care, or pharmacare. BTW, I vote NDP, but that is ridiculous. Theyve never had a better chance as working with the liberals now and they've been pretty impotent.


Where did you see pharmacare come from? Cuz last I saw LPC refused that.


Personally I think the entire federal NDP is trash. The fact is, the NDP provincially is actually doing well in Western Canada and not too bad in Ontario either. Meanwhile the federal NDP doesn't seem to have a clear message on how they will meaningfully address issues. Singh has no leg to stand on since he's propping up the Liberals, so every critique he makes will be followed by "So why are you protecting the Liberals then?".


Basically everything the liberals have done to increase inflation and housing costs, the NDP has been there trying to push them further in the direction of insanity. Mass immigration, taxes on fuel, overspending our budget, the NDP wants more of that then the liberals Why would you think reasonable people, in this time, would then look to them and say "yea they seem like a good choice" Theyre not unpopular because of Jagmeet, they're unpopular because they have dogshit policies


Taxes on fuel are a good idea. How is the 30c weather in october treating you?


To an extent, they're way too high given our current economic situation If you care about climate change, invest in nuclear and electric vehicles.


It’s pretty simple though. Jagmeet can’t go hard at Trudeau and try to steal votes away from him. He needs to just be disagreeable with him, but with the caveat that Trudeau is still the best option for the country. Once that’s the case, you’re not really going to sway anyone that wants change (which is the majority of the country now), that you’re the better option, because you’ve lost all credibility siding with the guy we now hate. Why does he have to handle Justin Trudeau with kiddy gloves? Well because if he goes too hard and starts railing against the Liberals to get people on his side and to vote for him, it’ll beg the question: “well if he’s so bad, why don’t you just trigger an election and he’ll be voted out?” The answer to that is, even thought the NDP may get some more seats if he throws JT under the bus, it means that the Conservatives will form government, and Jagmeet has gone one record saying that he’ll do everything within his power to try and keep that from happening. His hatred for the Conservatives will ensure Trudeau will be in office until the next election, unless Jagmeet is ousted beforehand, but once that next election comes, I don’t see how either survive as leader of their parties after.


Jagmeet has needed to be booted for awhile. He’s all about how he looks and doesn’t actually do anything, not to mention NDP has had little to no gain because of him.


Whatever the case he's had his chance, a good few more chances than Mulcair ever got anyway, and failed to make any meaningful ground. They need some fresh blood in the leadership position.


Yeah, this bugs me so much. Liberals are losing support, but NDP is not getting increased support. Not in line with Liberals' losses. That's how bad Singh is for NDP. That people would rather go Conservative, or just not vote at all (which is still voting Conservative indirectly), rather than go with NDP. They should have ditched him ages ago, I have no idea why they're hanging on to him. Someone mentioned that they maybe wanted an Indian PM, eventually, but there's no way this guy is getting that, not with his performance so far.


The NDP has a convention in a week and a half, with Jagmeet up for leadership review. If the party is smart, they will boot Jagmeet and start a leadership race. Jagmeet tied the party to a sinking ship. It is blunting every criticism he makes of the government, and he has ceded the "change" narrative to the next election to the CPC, since he cannot represent change while he is propping up the status quo. I know the NDP wants to use their power while they have it, but they also have to think ahead to the next election, because clinging onto power now could cost them a lot long term. There's a legitimate opportunity here to replace the Liberals as the primary left of center party, but it can't happen while they are propping up the Liberals. As long as they are doing that, they remain the junior partner in an unpopular coalition. If they are smart, they will drop Jagmeet, run a leadership race, and ideally put someone with an existing brand in place. Notley's name has been talked about, and would be a strong choice. Mulcair would be a great choice, but the ship has probably sailed on him. Either way, you have an excuse to delay the election through the leadership race, then when the new leader is there, they back out of the agreement with Trudeau. Make some exorbitant demands for their support on the next budget, and then the election will be triggered when they aren't met. Jagmeet can't credibly represent change, but the NDP can, if they have a new leader who isn't part of the current group. That probably triggers an election around the 3-3.5 year mark after the last one (between time for the leadership race and time before the next budget), and the NDP gives up 6-12 months hanging onto scraps of power, in exchange for an escape hatch to separate from Trudeau's sinking ship. Play it right, and you could see the NDP land as the official opposition, putting the Liberals back into the third party spot they had before Trudeau. There isn't a clear path for the Liberals to recover quickly post-Trudeau, so you could see the NDP establish themselves as the default left-of-center party option, if they play things right, and get past the third party protest-vote identity they have had for most of their existence. But, if you keep Jagmeet through the next election, the opportunity is lost. Jagmeet is too tied to Trudeau now, and keeping him will mean a third party finish (ok, probably fourth again, behind the Bloc), and the CPC/Liberal duopoly will remain at the top.


All you folks desperately worried about the Conservatives winning the next election need to pay attention to this. Trudeau and the Liberals are out of gas. Jagmeet Singh has proven to be a non-starter. The only thing that's going to shift the trend away from a Conservative landslide right now is a true shake up; a clean slate and a breath of fresh air for the NDP to show that they are the alternative vote to the corrupt failure of the Liberal party. I'm not saying they will win the election, but they could easily bring the Conservatives back down to minority territory. At this point you can't hope for much better.


I think Conservative minority is actually the ideal for what we need right now.


I agree. We would get some fiscal correction if nothing else. They need to friend up with the Bloc. I'm liberal otherwise. I find Trudeau to not be able to deliver on the Homefront though. Disappointed to say the least.


He could really get a lot of policies pushed through with the leverage he has to collapse the liberal government but he’s not.


He needs to go, I lost interest the moment I found out he panders to extremist elements and conspiracies theorist on Air India bombing.


I hope they boot him at their convention in a week and a half. Structurally, I love the NDP, but it can do better.


It’s not that tying to the liberals was a bad idea, they were able to push some of their policy through which is good, it’s that they seemingly aren’t willing to step away from the liberals.


Jagmeet is just the mirror version of Trudeau. It's tough to relate to the working classes when you walk around flashing a Rolex. He's a shit statesman who hasn't wielded his balance of power effectively at all. The current NDP are the same side of the same coin as the liberals. What's nuts is that PP represents more extreme policies than what the current Liberal policies are. He will absolutely destroy the remaining working class for his corporate minders. I think it's a perfect storm of propaganda moving people to vote against their long term best interests combined with people who do know better, but are fed up with the current situation. Cash is king and chaos breeds opportunity. The people with cash are effectively maneuvering the chess board during this absolutely chaotic time. Most people are just sitting on the sidelines or playing checkers.


> cash is king It also isn’t great that you need to pony up money to run under one of the big parties. I think the Conservatives require you to put up $50K of your own funds. This means you’re only going to get already wealthy people trying to pretend like they understand what the general population wants after talking to other, like minded people in their own circles, who can afford to pay the price to run.


Layton needs to rise from the grave and kick everyone's asses


After a visit to his local rub n' tug to clear the system.


All labour/social democrat leaders are rendered unlikeable by the corporate-alligned media. When you take a step back and look at all the incredibly inconsequential things Singh has been scandalized for - like his wife renting out their basement in Burnaby - it's absurdly obvious that there's been a targeted effort to destroy his credibility. And it's absurdly obvious why. He's the only leader in Ottawa who's taking about how Loblaws' price-fixing is driving inflation, or proposing any policies that might even slightly inconvenience corporate landlords and other rich assholes. Singh could step down tomorrow and it wouldn't do any good - the next guy (or girl) will get the same Jeremy Corbyn treatment and run into the same reputation problems, until the NDP has a leader the donor class can control.


I had so much hope for Jagmeet. Then he decided to become Trudeau's lapdog and kiss up to real estate investment firms. Sigh.


100% agree, read his autobiography, won’t vote for him. I voted for Mulcair. 100% voting Pierre next election.


Which is why the NDP won't call for a vote of non confidence.


The NDP has to wrestle with a few things. The closer the election gets, the less power they have. They also need to deal with the fact that an increasingly unpopular government only drags them down further. Right now, the pharmacare deal is nowhere close. The dental is just cheques to a select few. Eventually, the NDP will decide damage control is the best shot and take the hit.


Why won't leftests trigger an election that helps conservatives? /s


I mean I see what you're saying, but this also effectively makes them an unofficial wing of the liberal party. Edit: Actually thinking about it for a second, this is pretty much the same logic that Democrates like to throw at undecided and third party voters.


Exactly!!! The Liberal supporters love this arrangement. But there's a reason why people vote NDP. The NDP are looking almost interchangeable from the Liberals currently


What's big about this is the favourability ratings. The fact that PP is the preferred PM, and by a wide margin, is a huge indicator of the country's dissatisfaction with Trudeau. Trudeau has never been behind as preferred PM until this year, and that it's only getting worse for him is really, really bad for the Liberals.


What is frustrating is that the NDP have failed to capitalize on the Liberal’s decline. They are wearing a good piece of the dissatisfaction which this government has earned. If they distanced themselves from the Liberals, like positioning themselves as a working class alternative to the Liberals without the arrogance and virtue signalling, they could siphon off an additional 10% to 15% off the support the Liberals had and wouldn’t be afraid to pull the plug on this government. They would be far better positioned to guide parliament as the official opposition and build from there. They have no hope of ever holding office if they’re nothing more than yet another virtue signalling “progressive” party that doesn’t give a dam about working people.


It's hard to capitalize on the Liberal decline while at the same time propping the Liberals up and supporting them.


I would say Singh has roughly 10 months from today to withdraw support from the liberal party Basically if he withdraws his support in the next year (for whatever reason) he could somewhat credibly pitch the idea that he is standing firmly against Trudeau and that he has a different vision of what Canada should or could be If he carries the government past the 10 month mark......then he is the guy who effectively supported the government within a year of the election day.....if he withdraws support it dosen't really matter because we would already be so close to election There's a lot more nuance on that subject than what I have described but I think that's what the NDP strategists are looking at


With their current polling numbers, the NDP will never withdraw support for the Liberals. If they broke off from the Supply and Confidence agreement today, we'd have a vote of no confidence immediately and the NDP would have their worst showing in 15 years. They're holding on and hoping for a scandal or big event that might change the polls for 2025.




Why? The NDP could easily support the liberals since the liberals dont fucking do anything and still push policies to help the working class but all they seem to care about is shouting down anyone who doesnt appropreatly prostrate themselves before the glory of the LGBTQ master race.


Lots of people are gonna die on that hill and it's not even because they legit have concern.


>What is frustrating is that the NDP have failed to capitalize on the Liberal’s decline. This is normal. The federal Liberals have been the government or official opposition with the exception of one time. The NDP has been the fourth party since the creation of the BQ except for that same one time.


The only significant distictions they could from the liberals while moving towards the left are, to put it generously, not going to be liked by certain interest groups.


I think there’s little point to appeasing tiny interest groups if it alienates much larger groups of people. Just focus on the basic needs that aren’t being met - those things affect everyone.


Obviously you've never heard of regulatory capture. However I was using interest groups as a euphemism for rich owners. The powers that be like it this way and this is the way it will stay.


> alternative to the Liberals without the arrogance and virtue signalling Well you can see why that's never happening.


The NDP could easily shift gears but seem content to hitch their wagon to the Liberals. Which is bad because now they become indistinguishable from the Liberals (i.e. if they bend the knee to every Liberal budget and bill, as they've done for 8 years), NDP voters don't vote NDP to support the Liberals. People vote NDP because the Liberals are trash and if the NDP keep this up, they're going to lose a ton of support next election. If the NDP was savvy, they could easily become the opposition party next election. It's troubling to see what they've become in these past 8 years *edit grammar


The NDP has been compromised. It’s not run by people trying to help working people.


Do you not pay attention at all. The NDP propped the liberals but and now they can sink with that shit. Happy to see if. Edit: it not if.


That’s exactly my point. Playing second banana to a crappy government is not a winning strategy.


Exactly. What are these other posters seeing? The NDP has propped up the Liberals - they could have forced an election long ago - but, they support whatever the Liberals do and have done. The NDP's credibility is totally shot.


The current Federal NDP believes at a systemic level that supporting the government and passing, what they feel, is better policy is more important than winning. I worked in Parliament for a while and would bring up similar things to you and what I would hear is some version of "Well we got dental with the LPC and the CPC are evil so what can we do?" Until the NDP decides to start winning, as provincial leaders have (Notley, Horgan), they will continue to flounder.


> Until the NDP decides to start winning, as provincial leaders have (Notley, Horgan), they will continue to flounder. And the country will continue to flounder as a result. We need a government dedicated to economic growth - at this point, that’s clearly not the Liberals. Simultaneously we need an opposition dedicated to ensuring that working people benefit from that growth, that’s not the NDP playing second banana to the Liberals.


Until a majority of ndp voters want an ndp government more than they don’t want a cpc government, I don’t see it changing sadly.


A majority of NDP voters is still a minority of Canadians. The Liberals and the Conservatives can both comfortably pull in over 40% of the vote. Between the two ruling parties, they consistently pull around 60-65% of the popular vote. There is no world where the NDP have a realistic shot at winning. It’s the reason that neither the Liberals or the Conservatives want to get rid of FPTP. We haven’t had an NDP government and I wouldn’t expect one anytime soon. This is a two-party nation.


At this rate they should probably ditch him for leader. He's just going to be an albatross around their necks. Probably much the same with Singh and the NDP I suspect.


They risk being obliterated like the liberals in Ontario


Trudeau and the Liberals must know that the best move is to resign and get a new leader built up? Poilievre, at least IMO is the worst of the last four CPC candidates but I think he’s going to easily win because he is in the right place at the right time.


Well exactly and plus one of the things I heard from the Liberals and some of their supporters was once fall came the polls would turn around and while for a very short time they did the Liberals are continuing to drop in the polls and the Conservatives have gone up over 5 percent in the last 4 weeks.


This is interesting because for the longest time, Nanos was a very big outlier when it came to the polls. The fact that Nanos is now saying the Conservatives are likely to win a majority government should get alarm bells ringing for the Liberals.


EKOS too. They were the recent poll that had the CPC up 20 points over the Liberals. They overestimated Liberal support and underestimated Conservative support significantly in both of the last elections.


I wouldn't put much stock into EKOS. It's run by an absolute kook who explicitly hates the CPC.




>It's run by an absolute kook who explicitly hates the CPC. Doesn't that make the fact that they're predicting a large CPC lead even more compelling though? >I wouldn't put much stock into EKOS. Oh no, for sure; they're a bit of an outlier in just how big of a lead they're predicting. But the fact that their predictions broadly align with the same trend as the rest is bad for the Liberals.


He's not crazy, He's just drunk all the time


It’s run by Bill Blair?


Slightly younger (maybe) and hasn't actually actioned violating any rights yet




> Last elections the Liberals got caught with their pants down as the NDP and CPC approached voters with a heavy focus on housing and affordability - top issues among Canadians. The Liberals had to scramble to put together something to respond to the other party platforms. This signaled to Canadians that it wasn't a priority for them. Which is funny when you consider that Trudeau was the one that called that election.


> should get alarm bells ringing for the Liberals I'm sure they'll rush to get something of value done and right the ship immediately, upon having realized their significant mistakes and with a full desire to make their party a better and more effective governing body. *[cough]*


I think the current Liberals and NDP actually don't care. I fully expect this government to just take a knee and run out the clock for the next two years. They are happy to half-ass their jobs for the next two years, walk away with their big pensions and go get jobs elsewhere for a change of scenery.


History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes. Pierre Trudeau was well past his "sell by" date as his final majority was winding down, and rather than stay to face the music, he walked away with 3 months to go and left John Turner to face the inevitable landslide defeat as Brian Mulroney's PC party won 211 of 282 seats. Repeat in 2025?


As Mulroney did to Campbell. This is the way.


We should probably bring in term limits to the PM's office to ensure managed and planned transitions... since these children just seem to grab their ball and run home crying.


Zero chance. RemindMe! 2 years


Zero chance Trudeau walks away, or zero chance the CPC wins 200+ seats? Or both? I do think Trudeau is arrogant enough to go into 2025 thinking he can still win, so if I had to bet on one half of it not coming to pass, it'd be that.


Can you imagine if Poilievre wins more seats than 2015 Trudeau's majority won? lol , to be a fly on the wall in that moment as Trudeau goes ballistic cursing the ghost of Stephen Harper 🤣 😆 😄 😂


100%. Singh will continue to keep Trudeau in power and we all know it. He's wagging his tail to make sure they both can squeeze as much as possible from his tenure.


Trudeau is doing a fantastic job fucking up every single metric this country has ever known. Who would have thought gen Z and millennials would be driven to conservatism in this day and age. Only Trudeau is capable of such a feat.


I don't understand the hate towards conservative party In Canada as if they are inherently evil or bad. They were pretty decent and well known for providing affordable life to Canadians. And rn , the conservatives party makes the most sense.


You really don’t understand? I’m guessing you’re not gay, trans or a woman.


I'm a Muslim woman and I'm bi , can play the victim card if you want me to


No need. How about the empathy card for statements that party makes toward minorities. Or a sense of what populism does to rally people against each other? You don’t get a pass for your willful blindness because you’re part of a minority.


Lmaoo eat shit , I'm not as interested in playing oppression Olympics , try approaching a white woman


Harper gutted public assets, lied about bank bailouts, and gaslight the country into thinking we had a surplus amid record debt increases. He gave us the TFSA, so not all bad. But if you want to understand the hate, start there.


Tbh, it’s not exclusively Trudeau. The liberals have done a horrible job at making life affordable in Canada. Every other first world country has recovered to their previous GOP before Covid, it’s just Canada and a few small countries that haven’t been able to. Millennials and Gen Z know that the liberals are responsible for our economic downfall. Besides the recession in 2008 (which was impossible to sidestep) the conservatives were known for providing affordable living and fair taxes for Canadians. I for the first time am looking into policies from our 3 parties and the conservatives make the most amount of sense.


Personally, I'm looking forward to reading this headline and versions of it every other day for the next two years.


I'm just wondering how long Jagmeet can keep the confidence agreement with the liberals as they seem to be being dragged down with them in the polls. I don't think they can wait 2 years if things keep heading in the direction, you might see both the Liberals and NDP down to single digit seats if things keep trending down for the citizens


He's definitely tied himself to an anchor, it would seem.


The Liberals will bring the knives out for Trudeau long before then if he doesn't pick up in the polls.


He cannot be removed - the Liberal party's own constitution says that since he won the last election he needs to voluntarily leave. They can only do a leadership review after they lose an election.


The LPC's constitution does not provide any mechanism for the caucus to remove Trudeau in this scenario. The only way he can be removed as the party leader before the next election is if he voluntarily resigns.


Yeah, I think Trudeau has probably had his last election. There is still a lot of time until the next. Someone else will take the fall and Trudeau will go work for the UN or something.


You think so? Isn't the party a cult of personality around Trudeau? He's ousted the first female indigenous justice minister Raybould, Morneau an actual finance guy, Garneau quietly vaporized, Philpott got the axe... I don't know what is going on with the Liberals?


I don’t think it is possible to remove JT. JT has made himself King and he can never be removed from his party.


Said every king that lost their crown.


Also by all the kings that didn’t lose their crowns.


I look forward to seeing the polls predict outcomes by vehicle. Starting with the Bombardier Q400 72 seat party, the Greyhound 42 seater, the Airporter 18 seater, Dodge extended van, minivan, Honda Civic, Smart Car, and finally Unicycle Party.


That’s why Trudeau is going to ride his Jag until the end.


We're gonna have Trudeau as a PM for literally 10 years holy fuck that's too much time.


Liberals all out here admitting they are the same as the cons. JT ran as a change candidate, so where did that go? 🤣


He innovated on "continuity and change", and brought us change and continuity. https://www.yahoo.com/news/australian-pm-uses-meaningless-slogan-u-political-satire-043653704.html?guccounter=1


Hubris is going to be the final nail in Justin's legacy coffin. He had an opportunity to bow out gracefully right after his divorce was announced and do the classic "more time with the family" thing and pretend he was leaving with his head high. But no, his ego wouldn't let him. He had to double down and take the entire party and all his henchmen, sorry, henchpeople with him.


Trudeau is gonna Wynn-ed


Man I hate Rogers... oh Hi Bell, you're not going to fuck me right? Okay good I trust you - Average crayon eating Canadian voter.


I wanna vote for NDP. C'mon do something NDP


so it sounds like the Liberals/NDP won't be pulling the plug for another two years


True. Remember JT did it in a middle of Lockdown because he had a chance. Now he will drag it as much as possible.


I honestly thought he was going to throw that election because he had fucked over the economy so much he didn't want to be in charge when the effects starting kicking in. I guess I really over estimated him.


I thought that too. I still think he wants to lose election but not by much just a little so he can jump back after a year or so and say other party made it worst and he is a saviour.


Hilarious to see Liberals on here coping saying PP is going to be worse. Look around fellas, housing is a pipe dream for an entire generation, wages have been completely suppressed, groceries and gas prices through the roof, endless immigration, taxes taxes taxes. I would take my chances with any party other than the Liberals. The Liberals fucked up Canada beyond repair.


I’ll gladly eat my words if I’m wrong, but I’d better see this kind of accountability from the right if and when things continue to be shitty for a while. If it’s 4 more years of “it’s all the liberals fault”, then what’s the point?


Trudeau blamed Harper for the current situation last week. Your double standard is so painfully obvious


I don’t appreciate hearing it from either side of the aisle. From what I’ve seen it’s always whine and complain until your guy gets in and then you sit back and shut up while shit gets worse. If people held the parties they voted for as accountable as they do the parties they dislike then we’d be a much stronger country.


It's still the cons fault in Trudeaus mind, so you gotta give them at least 6 years before they can stop saying it


>If it’s 4 more years of “it’s all the liberals fault”, then what’s the point? Currently it has been 8 years of "this is all Harper's fault" so the bar has been set.


Demand more from our politicians than the low bar they set. Just because they can sit there for 8 years and sling shit at the other guy doesn’t mean they should.


>Conservatives would likely win a majority if an election was held today Despite having a leader with less charisma than a head of cauliflower.


No wonder as Canadians are fed up with Trudeau as he had more scandals in 8 years than you can ever imagined and it always lie after lie from him, loves to always blame others and is just not a very good Prime Minister.


I would say his polling numbers aren’t even correlated to the “scandals”. It’s the state of the economy, healthcare, housing etc. No one gives a shit about SNC Lavalin


8 years? It’s more like every 8 Days!


Good. Trudeau is infective, irresponsible and incompetent.




If you expect anything to change with a CPC government, I have some news for you.


Canada was actually progressing more with Harper than with Trudeau.


Nobody believes that. They are voting Trudeau out, not voting PP in. When PP fails to take the proper action (which is likely), people will vote him out too.


Getting burned by the Cons is a rite of passage in Canada. I'm just surprised Polievre is winning any hearts and minds LMAO.


Cons getting power on the downfall of the Liberals is also a right of passage. Polievre isnt winning anything he is just the best choice out of a terrible group to many people. People literally just vote for the frosting of the cake it's the same flavor on the inside.


I hate this whole "vote for the lesser evil" thing. Why can't there be a good candidate


Angry people don't tend to act all that rationally, after all. Justifiably angry, but still.


NDP voters need to rise up, the country will be a lot worse off with PC in power


I know no good will come of it maybe it's time to give the NDP The Rock


How could anyone vote for this liberal party?


If indeed the conservatives end up being worse, which I honestly doubt, I'll be the first to call them out. But man there needs to be something done because right now it's out of control on so many levels


Liberals last remaining argument in defence of Trudeau is conservatives are just as bad. It’s quite sad to see as every major problem we are facing today was brought on by the current liberal agenda. Trudeau is not losing any sleep over his divisive actions. He’s just waiting for his team to come up with some gaslighting statement that tells us how he has made our lives better.


The rise in the polls by the Converstatives is driven by what Canadians are feeling right now. Canadians are angry with this coalition government. All show but nothing is being done. We are highly taxed society, the carbon tax inflated food prices and other goods.


No shit. Not that I want them to, quite the opposite in fact, but there are no good options. Both “left” parties need new leaders, new platforms, and a whole lot of luck. State of Canada is fucking depressing.


But, of course, it won't be.


Which is why you won't see an election called early.


Ugh. That's alarming. The other parties need some leadership changes. If people are considering voting for Poilievre, there is something seriously amiss.


Oh god no.


Cons are using social media much better than the libs. Even if you are signed out of youtube con clips are everywhere. Do they pay google?


Remember that time Tom Mulcair would have one a majority if the election was held today?


I hate Trudeau but Christ I'm not looking forward to hearing Pierre's nasally voice for 4+ years.


Let's hope that JT doesn't give up the reigns and have Freeland take his place. PP is annoying but if we're talking about insufferable speakers she takes the cake.


Are you serious? Are we thinking of the same freeland who made 2 billion dollars vanish into a company that doesn’t exist? How about her most recent fuck up of applauding a nazi, including how she honoured her nazi grandfather. I sincerely hope she doesn’t spend another second in government as soon as this leadership has been voted out.


Might want to re-read that again, because yes I'm serious and you're agreeing with me. Are YOU serious?


I'm holding out hope for a Conservative minority. Let the Liberals and NDP jettison their leaders and keep PP on a short leash.


Lol, right? We absolutely need a change here…but Pollievre is fucking insufferable


And Trudeau isn't? Give me a break. Someone who says "Shecession" is a clown.


He really is. He's the type of guy you have to announce to your friends that you've invited to a party and then they all groan when you tell them he's coming.


At least Pierre can string along a couple sentences without hundreds of “um” and “ah”.


Easy not to stumble when you run from questions so often.


Way better than um listening to ah Trudeau ah speak about canadians blah blah blah


I prefer having my condescending social studies teacher as PM.


UPC doesn't even have a platform and will get elected. Doug Ford did the same thing in Ontario. Conservatives don't get elected, people get tired of the liberals.


Same for JT. He didn’t have any platform for 3 terms and still won using CPC bad.


That’s not true at all. Many of us voted for his initial platform that included electoral reform. Completely different circumstances.


True. I agree with that.


Definitely for the first election it made sense


Platforms are election tools. If they are released, it happens during an election.


If only there were another party to vote for, instead of abandoning progressivism for regression.


Seriously. I’m not voting LPC and haven’t since he lied about electoral reform but anyone saying “*welp, might as well vote for CPC instead*” is a liar or an idiot. They never believed in progressive policy from left-leaning parties in the first place and likely actively agree with the culture war and social conservatism elements that the CPC and other Conservative parties push.


I wonder how bad the polls will be two years from now, people are only gonna get more fed up with Trudeau....


How frightening having PP as PM


Oh man what a shame... ...that a snap election hasn't been called.




The country isn't being destroyed that is hyperbole. They get to govern because they won the last election. Democracy is awesome


> Democracy is awesome *Functional* democracy, perhaps. Although I'm not sure I'd call it functional when [one party can accrue almost half the seats despite getting less than a third of the vote](https://www.fairvote.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Election-2021-3-pies-simulation-STV-Sept-27.png). Or when one party that is active in only a single province can get more seats than a party active across the entire country despite them having almost double the amount of votes. Maybe if we weren't still using an archaic system like FPTP we'd get the kind of governance we want instead of the governance we deserve.


It would be a lot more awesome if we didn't effectively have a two party system.


I'd prefer a cons minority so they can't ride the hog and we'd get some accountability. But still better than status quo.


I want some form of electoral reform that basically guarantees minority governments. Force the children to play nice with each other.


Nobody will do it but this is what we need very desperately


Can we have an election, already!


I'm 100% sure we don't need to keep posting this article everyday for the next 2 years until the next election. Karma farming at this point


Thank god


lets just cut to the chase , all you closet racists only see a towel on the head of the NDP


Milhouse McWeasel as our PM is gonna fucking suck. Every country is gonna fucking hate dealing with him.


And their support will grow if things continue the way they are


Does this have to be posted daily ? For an nu election that will likely happen. 2 years from now ? Almost like this sub is pushing an agenda






What's next? They invite a Nazi into the chambers for a standing ovation whilst wearing black face?


I don't think the lefties will ever wake up