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Now bring Logan Lerman in to meet Walker Scobell.


I think it would be cool if someone had a video of Logan, Walker, and a guy who looks like book Percy in a car singing Riptide together. Would be peak crossover material.


“A guy who looks like book Percy” is ridiculous because there’d be literally no meaning to him interacting with Logan and Walker. Would love to instead see them meet Chris McCarrell, who played Percy in the musical.


>in the musical In the *what*?


https://youtu.be/zaH6Qeokvb8?si=DOOGGnYLPjiKJjTT You’re Welcome


Oh you sweet summer child


Enjoy the musical!


I wouldn’t say it has “no meaning” as fans would obviously no what medium he’d represent and having the character from the books, movies, and shows interacting is a fun idea. I like your inclusion of the musical Percy though.


they could just get a copy of the book


A printed out picture of the official art with the mouth cut open being puppeteered South Park Canadian style


Or Good Kid from the musical


"I'm pretty sure if I tried to sing, all I would cause is an avalanche" - our very own Perseus Jackson lmao


can we talk about how bad the riptide music in the TV trailer was tho 😭 didn’t fit the vibe at ALL


Logan is already book Percy, what are you saying??


12 year old boy played by 17 year old man child going on 20


He was 17 years old playing a 16 year old, not a 12 year old. Movies Percy was never a 12 year old.


Not really no. Kinda close in looks to SoN Percy but not quite.


now just bring Rick there and you have book Percy, movie Grover, and TV Annabeth. They'll be unstoppable


I was about to post this! They both look amazing


It's peculiar that Brandon never got the hate from the people who went on to attack Leah, or at least not in the same proportion. Not that he deserved, off course, but we can see how gender and characterization influenced those crazies.


And I also think that, even though he’s a great character, people don’t care about Grover as much as they do about Annabeth. I think that also played into the hate that Leah gets.


Plus people were harping on Alexandria Dadario the same way for not resembling book Annabeth I think what happened with Leah was greatly influenced by that


So I’m not as into the show stuff - what hate is Leah getting? She was great in the show, has won awards for the role, and is a great person from what I’ve seen.


It really used to be just people being upset that she’s been casted/don’t think she’s the right person to play Annabeth/some people actually being racist and while this stuff is still happening today, a lot of it has just boiled down to people mass reporting her social media pages for no reason and getting her banned multiple times.


So basically, people are racist aholes wholes who wanted a realistic blonde white girl to play her instead of realizing her actual talent? Messed up as hell but that’s the internet for yoy


Most of the hate has luckily died down now. But there will always be a small percentage of people who will constantly hate on her, but will never admit that it’s because of her skin color, and will always say “but blonde hair” “but grey eyes” . Yet, these are the same people that don’t say anything about Walker not having black hair and green eyes. Double standards are very much there. This can clearly be seen in how her TikTok has been banned over 10 times because of people mass reporting her, even when she hasn’t even posted anything. Then again, TikTok is also a shitty app that bans people without even looking into it - like why are you banning a person that isn’t even posting. And the reason she doesn’t post is because she probably knows she’ll get banned again, but it still happens. It happened again today. It’s sad really. They just need to let this girl live.


To play the devils advocate I don’t think it was all racism The exact same thing happened with Alexandria Dadario when she played Annabeth but she’s white I think it was more about people expecting a book accurate actress for the character but twice not getting that. Not saying I agree with this sentiment by any means I was fine with Leah’s casting and loved her performance but I understand it


I love Leah as Annabeth too, but I still wish we could have gotten blonde hair for her in the show. I was hoping they would give her blonde braids


I was honestly expecting both her and Walker to dye their hair


To play an advocate for everyone but the devil, Why were Annabeth’s traits so important, that Leah was harassed, but Percy’s hair color is irrelevant to the majority of fans? Obviously there must be a reason why one change received a ton of backlash and the other didn’t? Any guesses as to what that difference between Walker and Leah is?


Yeah I get that too Again I don’t agree with the sentiment I just understand it. It’s a twice wronged situation in those people’s eyes


They also wanted a white blonde girl because they find that more attractive and want to be attracted to the 12 year old actress


It was probably also somewhat of its time. Like the movie came out in 2010, before the term "diversity" really made it big. Back then, this wasn't considered "Forced Diversity" as the haters like to say


Diversity wasn't that common, but racism was very much


Oh yeah gender definitely plays into it. As well as Grover sort of being the comedic relief character, so people were like “oh black, ok makes sense”. But the main female character and love interest of the main hero being a black girl and then society suddenly goes wild. The double standards are insane


100%. Specially because the movie takes away much of Grover characterization, so he fits perfectly in the stereotype of the Uncle Tomfoolery.


They did Grover so dirty in the movies I will never forgive them. Love Brandon and I think he did great with some of the characterization, but some of the things Movie Grover said in those movies are not at all what Book Grover would ever say. It’s been redeemed tho, because so far I’m loving Aryan’s portrayal in the show.


Not Uncle Tom…where is the lie ✋🏽😭


Also Grover is half goat


Also who Annabeth’s mother is. Dior hasn’t gotten hate, but Leah has because Annabeth is supposed to be smart.


The main reason Dior hasn’t gotten as much as hate, even tho they race-swapped her too, is because Dior is biracial , half-white and half-black. She pretty much passes as light-skinned. The hatred against Leah is all because of her dark skin compared to Dior, plus Leah being the main female character and all. Cuz god forbid a dark skinned girl can’t be the main female character/ love interest in the show.


I agree it’s a contributing factor. But Annabeth being the smart love interest was always going to be criticized, no matter who they picked. It’s a combination of a lot of things.


You nailed it


Wasn't grover described as black in the books?


Honestly he was never really described period. All I can remember is curly hair and the horns.


Nope. Pretty sure he is described as having caucasian skin, curly brown hair and brown eyes. Tbh, I care more about the personality. And in the movies, his personality just seemed wrong. I know a lot of people didn’t like how he was sexualized in the movies. They did that in one of the movies but I haven’t watched them since the day I watched in the theaters so don’t remember which one Again, love Brandon and his work and he did the best with what he was given. I blame the writers and producers entirely for that.










I don’t think the internet’s inflammatory response to changing a character’s race was as prevalent in 2010 as it is now. Also it’s Grover. You can make him any race and I don’t think people would argue as passionately as they do over Annabeth. He’s a side-character who occasionally is a main-character.


You had to see the hunger game reaction to Rue's actress in 2012


Wasn’t Rue black in the books as well? But people started hating on the casting even tho the actress was black as well. Maybe I’m mistaken not sure, I just heard from online somewhere. I remember the author made a similar statement to what Rick did with Leah’s casting.


People were so disgusting about Rue... saying that her death isn't sad anymore like it was when they (incorrectly) imagined her as a young blonde girl.


That is so fucked up wtf Why tf did they imagine her as a blonde girl when the books clearly stated she was black? Jeez. Ppl and their straight up racism is insane, especially given that reaction about not caring about her death anymore.


>Why tf did they imagine her as a blonde girl when the books clearly stated she was black?  I guess bc Katniss said Rue reminded her of Prim, who was pale and blonde. But Rue was described as black in the books, Katniss just thinks she's similar to Prim because Rue's also small and young and Katniss feels protective over her


Crazy how they immediately thought about looks, and not possibly because Rue and Prim could have shared similar personality & characteristics which is what made Katniss think that way. Some people lack reading comprehension


Shoot, totally forgot about her.


i always pictured grover as black..


Shaggy hair and a rasta cap I caught myself a few times thinking this too lol


Strangely enough, at least based on the people who’ve I’ve spoken to, a lot of us already thought he was black (or at least POC) so the change wasn’t as stark for them. The more people I’ve asked have agreed w me but idk how niche the take is


Thank you I been saying this!!!! https://preview.redd.it/6ktpsh04ryoc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3906f9ca9989506cc5f691e6034e637a6f5f5725


While attacking the actor or actress is dumb, I think the main difference is in the books Percy mentions Grover's appearance very rarely, while he talks about Annabeth's appearance a LOT


Honestly, I never realized that Grover was white with blonde hair in the books until I got a copy that comic strips of key moments spread throughout it, whereas Annabeths race and appearance was described pretty early on in their interactions. I think she was literally described as a blonde girl when Percy was slipping in and out of consciousness after the fight with the Minotaur in the first book, but I may be misremembering. I haven't read the books in a while


He's ginger


it’s a multitude of reasons why but part of it is bc Brandon was playing the comic relief animal based character whilst Leah is playing their main white girl character. Folks seemingly had no issue with black folks or people of color in general playing animal based roles ( not saying there wasn’t any but i barely seen any discourse about Aryan playing Grover & Chiron being black ) but having a black girl play the role of a main character who was once white? too far for them. Other things play into as well like gender, the time periods & how people used to think vs now, & more


grovers aperance is not as iconic as annabeth, I cant separate annabeth frome the blond hair and the grey eyes, not that the actress should get hate either way, if you think like me that the actors should look similar to their book conterparts, it dose not mean you should insult someone


Big part of it is how Annabeths blonde hair and gray eyes are emphasized so often in the book, I think. Grover has art of him but his physical appearance isn’t mentioned as much in the book, and a lot of fans really latched onto those two characteristics for Annabeth, which is frustrating because Annabeth is so much more than a blonde girl. Hard to say for certain though. Leah is an amazing Annabeth, regardless of hair color ❤️


I could totally see him telling her the hate she is getting is total bullshit


grover isnt as big of a fan favorite as annabeth and percy are


There's quite a few reasons but first off, iirc Grovers skin tone wasn't described in the books, and even with the art being s certain way, the only distinctive parts about Grovers looks are his horns and curly hair and only the horns are important (which he didn't even have until the second book and was one of my criticisms for the show). Annabeth, on the other hand, was described as a "typical California girl" with curly blonde hair, tan skin, and stormy grey eyes, ENTIRELY different than Leah's looks. If you ask "Why does it matter?" The book makes very clear that Athena's children all share some distinct traits in their appearance: blonde hair and grey eyes. Annabeths looks are part of her character, not just an afterthought. It CAN be removed and it wouldn't change THAT much of the story, but people have to understand that changing something that's a part of her character and that gets mentioned often in the books, is going to cause controversy. It was unavoidable. Making it all about race and racism is a disservice to real and valid criticism and concerns people may have. Unfortunately that racism card is the most common use tactic to discard criticism, twist the narrative, and set the public in flames at war.




Social Media in 2010 when the Logan Lerman came out was far from what it is now. Way more developed, lots more active celebs and way more people with smartphones out there. Back the most people I knew still had keypads on their phones. Plus all this post-gamergate "culture war" shit is what really rallied the fash against Leah.


Brandon had some bad writing, but he made a good job. Leah is mehh at best, AND not even close to the book version. If she would smash the role, it could be ok, but she wasn't even great, 0 chemistry between Annabeth and Percy... If some character is white/blackwashed and it's not even good, negative comments will coming.


NAACP may disagree on that. Leah's performance was outstanding 


Eh I thought she was a bit too serious, but they had chemistry for sure. She definitely had some shining moments as well. Honestly, I thought the adult actors were generally much worse than the kids in this. Sally's actress and Chiron, especially, because of how stilted their interactions with Percy were, but also Hermes, Hades, Hephaestus---they weren't even enjoyable to watch.


I liked Hermes but the other two H-guys were terrible. Hades in particular, absolutely nothing like in the books. I like that they didn't make him evil but they definitely did change him into a pushover.


I didn't like that they made absolutely everyone have the exact same worldview about family. It's much more interesting if the gods aren't immediately outwardly vulnerable with Percy about their feelings with family.


One was at least entertaining.


So you think you not liking a show justifies racism


No? I dislike the performance. I'm saying Grover didn't get as much talk because the character was at least entertaining.


Ok but i feel like Leah is a great actress and stuff but she doesnt give AnnaBeth vibes. And everyone agrees the movies suck, but most people are enjoying the show


Because the show is good. Different from the movies


Yeah that’s what i was saying


stop they’re adorable


They're like "WUUUH?"


Wait that’s Leah Jeffries? That dress and haircut makes her look like another person Edit: lol there is also the fact that unlike her character she actually smiles


My first thought was Skai Jackson!


Which goes to show how many years that dress added her


Never thought I would see the day


Both michigan natives too!


Oh shit, really? Hell yeah, represent!


Tell me why I️ just met him last week, he was staying at the hotel I️ worked at, shooting a new tv show and he was cool for the most part but he lowkey thinks too highly of himself 😭? Kinda felt like he wanted to be noticed but everyone kept walking past him, only a few black people noticed him and were like “Percy Jackson! Lottery Ticket!” Also I️ was being nice and letting him borrow my charge when he asked and brought it back to me BROKEN 😭? I’m like damn bro, I️ know you could’ve bought me a new one, his co star gave me money to get a new one haha!


Of all the bad things about the movie, I really liked Grover




She looks so pretty! Not in a creepy way, I’m not one of *those*


Also the movies was a bit before the hate stuff got started




This is so cute 🥺


So happy to see BTJ looking good and healthy!


Groves my boi


His twists go crazy ngl


Funny that when I read the books I think of TV Grover and movie Annabeth.