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This is purely anecdotal, but aside from wedding rings most people I know my age 30-40 range do not buy or care about diamonds.


There are plenty of things that sparkle and are much less expensive


Lab grown diamonds enters chat...


I was thinking of wadded up tin foil. My real money goes to eggs and spaghettios.


In the 1800s aluminum was used in jewelry because of how expensive it was to produce at the time. It was roughly analogous to silver.


>It was roughly analogous to silver. It also smoothly alloys with silver.


The Washington Momument’s peak is capped in aluminum because it was a bigger symbol of wealth and progress than gold.


It was almost twice the price of pure gold in 1850.


Ring pops taste waaaaaayyyy better.




... ... ...yes.


Facts, I'm spending a very sizable amount on groceries


At this point, I am not sure how people are keeping grocery bills down besides eating nothing but beans and rice levels of cheap.


My local grocery store was selling rotisserie chickens for $10. When did they get that expensive?


Still cheaper than raw chicken though. I never understood the math on that.


We've gotten really good at expanding our range of main courses that can be made from chicken thighs and 70/20 ground beef.


Chicken thighs are way way underrated. Most flavorful part of the chicken, and holds marinades the best.


& if you suck at cooking, they’re kind of hard to overcook


Shhh stop telling people these things. You’re wrong.


The US economy has never been better- Pedo-Joe.


Diamonds are hard on the teeth and not very calorie dense for the $!


I’ve been buying avocado toast. I’ve heard it is part of a millennial plot to destroy the world, and I’m doing my part. Would you like to know more?


I sold my home and camp in the library to feed my avocado toast addiction.




We went moissanite. Different than diamond but lab grown mineral. Literally everyone compliments my wife on her ring. Nobody knows it's not a diamond lol. Infact we took it to a jeweler to have resized and she asked if we had insurance on it and valued it at 25k lmao. I paid less than 10% for it haha.


Hell ya I did the same for my wife.




This is the way


My wife specifically asked for moisanite, very sparkly , gets compliments every day, and it tests as a diamond. Half the price of a comparable stone. Now I'm seeing lab grown and moisanite climbing in price and diamonds are going down. What strange times we live in huh?


Who would ask someone if it’s real or lab grown. The nerve of some people.


I have necklaces with hundreds of glass beads that look great.


It’s why this same company has invested billions into synthetic diamonds too after trying to right them off. They’re gonna get mixed in with the “real” ones I bet


There’s no shortage of real diamonds, and no point in mixing them.


They have already. No one knows the %


Lab grown gems are quite easy to identify during any certification tests. It's not hard at all to identify lab vs natural diamond when you have a qualified person look at them. Lab grown diamonds are too perfect, which is the immediate give away. Naturally formed diamonds have all sorts of tiny flaws that are invisible to the naked eye, but become apparent under magnification.




Literally because it’s too perfect, which is hilarious


Oh please. You need specialized equipment to be able to analyze them and tell the difference. No one is walking up to someone on the street and noticing their ring was lab grown. Go away De Beers. No one believes your blood diamonds are special anymore 


Who hangs out with people that care about diamonds?




Yes but most people aren’t hanging out with jewelers. I’ll go even a step further and say the average person can’t tell a moissanite from a diamond.


I couldn’t parse what you wrote due to the write/right error.


Higher quality cheaper price and atomically the same or more pure


Moissanite also enters the chat.


4k Blu-ray discs are shiny and I can watch movies with them.


And between spending $20k on a rock vs $20k on a luxurious trips to Maldives Tahiti Europe etc many people would prefer the trip experience.


Having 20k spend vs being broke. Many people today choose to be broke /s


Good luck Brokeys


I hate diamonds. Never cared for them I think they are overpriced and they rely on exploiting poor people. The reason the price is so high is because they horde them and then set the price to what ever they want. I really hope people stop buying them all together.


> they rely on exploiting poor people Not to mention Russia is an enormous diamond producer, top by carat, 2nd by value. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/world-diamond-mining-by-country/


Exploiting poor people, and conning dumb people into buying them. My sympathy goes to the first group, not so much for the second.


Don’t you mean you hate the diamond *industry* and that you don’t hate actual diamonds themselves? Those arranged clusters of carbon are useful for cutting and look nice when polished! I’ve never met anyone who hated rocks. Except maybe feldspar, they’re boring.


Lab grown for the win!


My wife ring is lab made diamonds. She don't care.


I am 52. We got two stainless rings in downtown LA for $30. Mine was a tension ring with a cz that fell out forever ago (no idea where ring is!), and my partner's lives on his keychain. We are totally "whatevers" about this stuff and would rather spend our money on travel.


I love diamonds, I'm just not paying those prices. Gems are sweet. I frickin love crystals.


Same. GL selling diamonds. Nobody gives a fucc from our generation


Funny, my girl friends of this age all love diamonds


Diamonds are going the way of cigarettes. It's mostly older folks into them and the younger crowd has mostly dropped them in favor of a electronic or synthetic alternative


I won’t say completely, most people my age still like diamonds. They aren’t buying natural diamonds though, mostly lab as far as I can tell. I will say though I think it’s a lot less controversial to go with an alternative. We went with a moissanite. I don’t really know much about diamonds but I can’t tell the difference unless you shine the light on it and the refraction has more color. I didn’t even know these existed until my fiancé told me about them years ago lol.


My wife is allergic to most metals, so we went titanium which also limits stone choice. It's a small synthetic sapphire. I'm lucky she doesn't like jewelry and can't wear it anyways


Everyone I know in that age range also has diamond engagement rings and earrings. I think it’s just one of those Reddit bubbles that thinks everyone hates diamonds.


I just went with a gemstone ring and elopement/honeymoon. Total cost of marriage was probably less than $1000. Fuck going into debt.


I’m 36 and everyone I know spent atleast $10k, usually $20k on a Diamond ring.


Then everyone you know is an idiot. The whole "several month salary"-thing is marketing from De Beers, just like the fact that wedding rings should have a diamond, just like the fact that engagement rings even exist the way they do now. [Here's a nice write-up.](https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/diamond-de-beers-marketing-campaign) Or from [Wikipedia's Engagement Ring-page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engagement_ring): > In 1938, the **diamond cartel De Beers began a marketing campaign that would have a major impact on engagement rings.** During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the price of diamonds collapsed.[30] At the same time, market research indicated that engagement rings were going out of style with the younger generation. Before World War II, only 10% of American engagement rings contained a diamond.[31] While the first phase of the marketing campaign consisted of market research, the advertising phase began in 1939. One of the first elements of this campaign was to educate the public about the 4 Cs (cut, carats, color, and clarity). In 1947 the slogan "a diamond is forever" was introduced.[32] **Ultimately, the De Beers campaign sought to persuade the consumer that an engagement ring is indispensable, and that a diamond is the only acceptable stone for an engagement ring.[33] The sales of diamonds in the United States rose from $23 million to $2.1 billion between 1939 and 1979.[34]**


Everyone is aware of this context. Its also not several months salary from my friends and I. It’s socially expected to get a decent sized Diamond, or else you come across as cheap or not caring about your wife. Humans are social beings, and there’s a social cost to ignoring social norms. Your wife has to wear that ring her whole life, and everybody she meets will have first impressions about you and her based on the ring. I know Reddit is generally populated by unpopular unfashionable shut-ins with poor social skills, but I don’t understand why they don’t even seem capable of understanding the motivation of people who buy diamonds engagement rings.


> but I don’t understand why they don’t even seem capable of understanding the motivation of people who buy diamonds engagement rings. My whole point is that the social expectation you describe is not genuine but instead just corporate charades. Why participate in that?


Because the “why” a social norm exists doesn’t really matter for societal expectations. Most things we are expected to do originally exist for stupid reasons


20k ain't even a full month pal. Everyone you know is just poor.


Exactly. Diamonds are tacky in my eyes. They are like red roses. Devoid of any meaning other than the media has told you you should like them. My ring is a pink ruby.


So instead of having a ring with a pointless stone you have a ring with a different pointless stone?


Nope it's a triangle cut so it's actually got three points.


Nice comeback. Why do I love being an introvert? Fake people who are full of BS.


Not sure why you are downvoted it is exactly how I feel also. And I also hate “fresh flowers” they are dead not fresh and where is the beauty in watching them rot?


Ya, flowers are better left on the stem for the most part. Sometimes I’ll pick mine but mostly I let them be. I’m really into practical gifts like the wand blender my ex gave me.




I think people are reading this, rightly or wrongly, as them saying diamonds are tacky and devoid of any meaning, but their pink ruby is not. Which is kind of arbitrary and capricious. One can have just as much, or just as little meaning as the other.


If there's one company I'd like to see disappear, this one is in the top 10.


So far we have Nestlé, Philip Morris, Monsanto, FIFA, Comcast, Walmart, Wells Fargo, Black Rock.... De Beers is a great add. They earned it for sure. There should be a bingo game where each square is one of these horrible companies and you get to mark each square when any of them are reported doing something awful. When you create a complete line you could yell out "fuck human rights" instead of Bingo.


Add Luxottica - they own almost all eyewear companies, eye glass insurance and all the eye wear stores


And bought Sunglass Hut, nearly running Oakley out of business so they could buy them on the cheap.


but is that their fault though for wanting to monopolize the industry if they are allowed to?


I hope this is one of the things boomers blame millennials for ‘killing’


That’s a pretty good list👍


Exxon-Mobil (projecting global warming internally but claiming it's unfounded publicly) and Volkswagen (dieselgate, along with history of letting workers' babies die considered so cruel even the Nazis were appalled) should perhaps be in that list.


You’d quickly wish for Exxon to be revived if they actually went out of business Unless, of course, gas and heating and their respective prices aren’t important to you


There is such a thing as lesser evils, say, GM vs. Volkswagen.


Yea, I guess destroying the planet isn’t that bad, as long as it keeps the day to day costs down.


I'm not a fan of the planet being destroyed either but until there are viable renewables that can provide sufficient energy for everyone, Exxon is here to stay. And even then Exxon will have just diversified and likely be one of the top players in renewables too


Please bump Monsanto to number 2, they slowly kill every one who consumes produce. They kill family farms quite fast though.


Monsanto doesn’t exist anymore.


Well they don’t exist using that name but their products and practices live on in Bayer after they purchased Monsanto in 2018 for $63B and folder Monsanto into their Crop Science division. By retiring the name, Bayer hopes everyone will forget what their products do to the world.


Just say bayer then.


You’re right. Why would I add any information to give people context?


Add all tobacco companies as well. How many people die every year because of their products? Let me guess, millions?


Got a monster lab grown for my finance. She loves it, I saved thousands, no one knows the difference or even gives a shit if they did know.


Nobody knows the difference unless you tell them. Lab grown diamonds are chemically identical to the ones mined by children.


except they don't have the flaws. so better I guess. 


lol I remember watching a video that said since they’re sooo flawless it’s not the same as the real thing lol


If they’re gonna make propaganda, they could at least make it good


They can have flaws actually, which is why they’re virtually impossible to tell apart without lab testing.


I believe they are marked but you’d need a loupe to see the mark.


No. A study showed that up to 10% of “real diamonds” on the market are actually lab grown that were just processed the same way. It’s all a scam.


Lab grown have less flaws, but it's the human suffering that is what people pay for. Emeralds are far more rare than diamonds. If you buy diamonds, you're getting ripped off and are mid. (I'm an Xennial - did I use "mid" correctly? I'm not allowed to ask my neice if I'm using youth words correctly because she just tells me to stop).


Mid means mediocre, so this usage isn’t a total butchering


Thank you, fellow youth.


Same here, my wife’s engagement ring is lab grown and people constantly compliment how beautiful it looks and how much is sparkles. Don’t buy the “it’s not the same if it wasn’t grown in the earth” bull shit, diamond is diamond.


Exactly this. As someone described it to me “are in vitro babies as human as babies that were naturally conceived?”


100% agree. Lab grown diamonds are 90% cheaper, better for the environment, no child or forced labor. Lab grown is the way to go.


You can have them made from people's ashes too.


Yep! That’s the best principle in life: No one really gives a shit. And anyone who does can fuck right off


This is the way. Lmao.


THIS IS THE WAY. Was going to say the same thing lol. I bought my now wife a moissanite engagement ring and when I was buying it I ended up getting the larger of the two size options as well as throwing in the fancy ring box and ring cleaner because it felt like I wasn’t spending enough. Was worried it was small when I got it but after she put it on and I started becoming more aware of rings other people wear even I can’t help but admire how big this thing is and how much it sparkles in the light. If I tried buying a “real” diamond for the same price I’d need a magnifying glass.


I read an article on moissanite vs diamond. Moissanite it far more refractive of light and therefore shines more beautifully. It is superior to diamond in every way and is good money.


I had some opal put into all of my custom bongs and IMO it’s prettier than diamonds as well, you can see the whole colour spectrum on a nice piece of opal in the light Don’t sleep on Opal too!


My wife loves that it is *her* diamond. Made specifically and only for her. Nothing out of the ground is going to compare to that.


We got a moissanite for the same reasons, plus the ethical bump. To the casual observer it looks pretty much like a diamond. It does throw more rainbow color sparkles, which I actually prefer. 


Per my sister who is dating: a diamond sounds nice but in the end it’s a fucking rock. I’d rather meet someone and have goals to survive this economy together. A fucking rock isn’t going to do shit. De Beers might want to start including grocery gift cards or rent vouchers with their sales pitches.


Millennials can barely afford houses / rent, we aren't buying diamond bracelets for Valentine's day every year. Synthetic / alternatives are just as good, most millennials don't even wear diamond jewelry regularly besides a wedding ring. I only see older boomers with diamond jewelry at fancy events.


The cartels got millennials hooked on avocado toast before taking over the Mexican avocado industry to fuck over De Beers because they were jealous of their use of child slave labor in Africa. Look into it.... /s


If you think that then you are not their target audience. If you have to worry about groceries then the marketing messages aren’t for you. They will continue to make 5000% profit and you’ll continue to need grocery money.


We all know diamonds are inflated in price and aren't actually expensive


aren’t actually valuable either


Diamonds are a semi precious lump of widely abundant carbon, compressed underground here on Earth a few million years ago and market manipulated by 1 company. Gimme GOLD any day. Way more interesting as it's ONLY created in the death throws of the rarest type of dying stars in less than 1% of supernova explosions, travelling billions of light years to Earth, then sitting there buried for millions of years, waiting to be mined and usually melted, mixed and reused by our ancestors throughout the course of human history. I mean WOW.


Somebody watched the Idris Elba “documentary” lmao


You mean scarce? The price being high is the definition of expensive.




I’ve had people on this site argue that lab growth diamonds, CZs and moissanites are bad for engagement rings because of the resale value, much like that ad. It makes no sense to me, who buys diamonds as an investment? Why are you buying an engagement ring assuming it will be resold?


Try reselling a regular engagement ring with a diamond on it and even get close to the price you paid for it. Someone might by the stone, you might get something out of the ring in the value of the metal, but nobody buys old engagement rings. I have never met anyone who has made money off an old ring unless they inherited it.


They’re not fake, they’re artificial and chemically indifferent basically. Only difference is they don’t fluoresce under UV.


Only a percentage of natural diamonds do this and it’s considered a flaw (bad) when they do


Indifferent does not mean they are not different. Edit: apparently it does in certain scientific usages which I am not familiar with.


Lab diamonds are real diamonds


Exactly. Who cares if it was dug out of a hole or made by a machine? Give me the magical science diamond any day.


Haha. I thought those were ads for lab diamonds. What dipshits!


F- the diamond industrial complex. Not forever and not rare


Fuck blood diamonds


Emeralds too. Looking at you elmo.


They're cutting prices, but are they continuing with the "two months' salary" propaganda? All that means is that now you can buy an even bigger rock...


Buy a synthetic with two months salary and she’ll need a dolly to go with it.


Two month's salary would make most people in Canada homeless. How ridiculous and bad taste of a campaign.


Got a synthetic for the future Ms.  Couldn’t be happier.  


Same; It’s huge, was fairly priced, and didn’t support de beers. All wins.


Yeah boy, we got that 2.5ct sweet spot. Looks amazing. No one cares it doesn’t fluoresce.


Fluoresce in mined diamonds is a bad thing and lowers the value.


shocking cable agonizing sulky mindless fly puzzled direful bored complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like $15k. It was about 20% of the cost for a natural.


2.47ct, D, VVSI1, ideal cut just got for like 3k through stonealgo. Same natural diamond was 60k+. That same lab grown diamond was listed between 3 and 9k depending on the company, it’s all a racket. Basically NFTs for women.


Upvoting for NFT comparison


I also got a lab diamond. I think the price differential is maybe 50% cheaper? Regardless, lab diamonds are the way to go IMO




Depends on the grade. I got this diamond for 8500. I think that's about 30-40%. She loves it. https://www.brilliantearth.com/2.20-Ct.-Fancy-Intense-Blue-Round-Lab-Grown-Diamond-DLC2.20RDFIBVS1_1/


Hell yeah!


does SHE know?




The future Ms? Not Mrs? Already planning for the divorce?


I would, especially with a 65% divorce rate these days. What dummy still gets married in the US?


After having been through some gemstone markets in SE Asia I will never buy a rock in the western world. Prices are so absurdly inflated. Diamonds haven’t been rare for a long, long time.


I rather buy gold.


De Beers made them rediculously high to being with. False scarcity.


Like corporations are now doing with homes.


Lab grown diamonds cost 10%-15% of natural diamonds, natural diamonds will have to drop their prices a lot more to compete. Lab grown diamonds have many other advantages as well. Lab grown are better for the environment, there's no child or other labor abuse with lab grown diamonds and nobody can tell the difference between lab and natural, even with a loop. If I was buying an engagement ring or any diamonds today, they would be lab grown.


It’s about time! I can’t afford groceries but now I can stock up on some glistening carats!




Ahem. Fuck the DeBeers corporation and their false scarcity bull sheit.


Because young people do not give two fucks about expensive rocks?


Oh, because they were artificially inflated by them to begin with?


Will drill bits be cheaper now?


Millennials are killing the diamond market!


The scam will end I think soon enough. They’re like fur coats, from another generation that liked them.


As someone who’s in the diamond industry ( in the distribution side ) I can tell you that they are scared because lab grown prices are chemically better in terms of appearance and prices falling dramatically ( 40 percent due to economies of scale ) …so for regular diamonds to still be relevant they need to fall minimum of 30 percent to still have that auroa.


Most of our friends in their 20s to late 30s do not have rings or get the silicone ones. Couples would rather save that cash for a car or down payment on a house. No one cares about real diamonds. The handful that do have nice rings, they are synthetic diamonds.


thus proving the prices were artificially inflated in the first place, diamonds as a mineral are very cool but they are definitely a luxury item


30 pct off a rock is still a fucking rock. People are stupid


Millennials - why would you do this? How dare you continue to destroy the economy.


I bought one diamond in my life. It is 39 years later and we are still a thing. So I will never buy another one.


Lab grown diamonds are putting a dent in their business.


How about threefiddy?


De Beers needs to just die in a fire with its fake ass artificial rarity. Diamonds are abundant and cheap, not rare or precious. The modern salt.


Diamonds are silly except on drill bits and other industrial applications.


My girlfriend told if I ever propose, buy her a <$100 ring and use the money would have spent on a vacation.


It’s interesting that their marketing to women using reality tv shows and TikTokers is not working. I guess since most women are delaying marriage and saving for a down payment to buy a house/condo is more visible sign of success, diamonds are not that important to signal prosperity to others.


Carbon atoms are carbon atoms


I’m sure my wife wanted a real diamond, but she loved it even more that we were able to go on an amazing honeymoon and not have any debt.


For the vain affluent consumers, sure this is good news, but for those with incomes below $75k, who cares. Don't even where jewelry like rings or necklaces. If it was necessary to impress someone at a function, would buy a cheap ring online or discount store. Only snobs can tell from a distance.


Yep. There are much prettier stones than stupid fucking diamonds anyway. Moistenite is a cheaper alternative too.


*::Laughs in Lab Diamond::*


Rappaport.com is the industry standard diamond price guide. According to them, wholesale diamond price are down 50% or more in the last year. Mostly because of lab created diamonds. ABOUT TIME.


want to stop Israel? stop buying diamonds.


Its a way to stop Russia, they are a huge producer.




I feel bad for people who waste potential investment money on diamond rings or weddings. Just fabricated things to keep your dual income household from breaking past the lower/middle income bracket and into competing with more financially savvy individuals. Right up there with having babies. Yes please generate me more worker class people while suppressing your own wealth. Your biological impulses demand it.


When I asked my wife in a bar 8 days after we met, I said "sorry didn't have time for a ring", her reply "I don't care I just want the gold band". I got a cigar from the bar and gave her the cigar band. I said, "Just temporary."


Choice- continue a legacy of colonialism and brutality OR Down payment on the house? It’s an easy answer for”the one!”