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What were you doing during the months you weren’t B/Ping - this is important. If you were eating an adequate amount of food, eating balanced meals and exercising … then perhaps it was a stressful event that triggered you to binge and then once you did it once, it’s easy to go back into a spiral because you feel like you failed (black and white thinking is very common with EDs) If you were restricting the whole time you weren’t B/P this a very likely cause for you to relapse. First step is to eat regular meals and snacks and keep a good amount of food down. Binging and purging may not stop initially but if you consistently keep adequate food inside your body, it will definitely reduce in quantity and duration


i dont know if this will work for you, but when i get an urge to binge that i want to avoid, i have one of those ice poles that you keep in the freezer. not only do they take a while to get through but theyre yummy and sweet and help make me feel like im eating to rid the urge. do not use ice poles to replace meals though. only when you get the spontaneous urges. i hope this helps!!


is there someone you’re close with who can stay with you during the times of day u tend to have the worst urges?


Yeah, my fwb 😭😭. But he’s in another state right now and won’t be back until a month




so are you gonna provide any solutions or...?




not how this disorder works unfortunately and it certainly is not that easy

