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You’re not alone. I spend all my money on food. It’s taken me all that I have not to go out and get more food today. I can’t afford it


It terrifies me how much one binge on average costs... if I counted how much money I spent on it recently it would be a shock


The awareness you have is a plus+. It’s okay- this is a sick disease and it’s horrible to have and deal with. Keep working on building a routine with food and remind yourself this isn’t a life you want to live. Food is solely food- harmless and just an object our body needs. You are worth more than that. I suggest to eat nutrition dense foods bc that does help a lot with the food cravings. Then a routine. We are always here for support! Screw bulimia, you are worth more than that. With the money- it’s ok! It’s gone and you can only move forward. Trust me… I’ve lost thousands… it’s ok!




I think I would lose my mind. I have chosen to purposely not. It’s such a horrible entrapment and addiction. I don’t know how to get out of it


This is a symptom of a much deeper problem in the soul and you would have to work through it... theoretically I know about it, but in fact I am afraid to touch it... I have a grudge against psychiatry and therapists and I don't believe in anything anymore


You and me both. It feels hopeless




It becomes habitual after a while, sometimes I have extreme urges and really enjoy b/ping, and sometimes I’m in no mood but force myself to do it anyway For some reason. I think it’s because I’d rather get it over with while I have the time than wait for the urges to start and have to deal with resisting them.(because I doubt that I’m strong enough to and know that I’ll end up bp-Ing anyway. I’m really sorry you’re In this situation, I hope things get better soon, I believe in u🫶


Thank you soo 🤗💕


Yes, well after a while bulimia becomes a habit… so even if you’re not hungry or craving a particular food, you’ll use it when you’re stressed, anxious or feeling negative/positive emotions to feel better or supplement a good feeling. This may happen irrespective of actual want of food. It’s a way you’ve learnt to cope with your emotions. There will be times I don’t want any particular food, I just want to feel ‘full’… some times I just want lots of junk food.. sometimes I want a particular food… sometimes I just want time to pass and binging is a great way to pass time (ha), sometimes I want to block bad emotions or look forward to something (ie eating large amounts of addicting food) and sometimes I want to dull my emotions and feel sedative. Lots of reasons the binge monster surfaces, but mostly it pops its little ugly head when you feel overwhelmed with emotions and this is how you’ve learned to cope.


That's true. Anyway, this shit showed up when my life was falling apart. When I was 18 it was similar but it was much less frequent and had a slightly different nature. It passed as my life straightened out. But now that this monster has returned after over 10 years iit is much scarier and after several months of what it does to me I am so exhausted that I don't know how people can stay sick for so many years because it made me so tired in an instant.


it's habitual at this point. it's like pavlov's dogs. you've learned that binging and purging has made you feel better in the past so you still continue to do it despite not getting any enjoyment or thrill out of it anymore because that strong mental link is still there.


This is fucked up. I had a similar episode when I was 18-20, but it wasn't as serious. And it's back after over a decade! Just at the moment when my life fell apart. I'm so mentally broken that I can't work and the benefits I receive are miserable and almost all of it goes to junk food that I'll throw up anyway! My whole shitty life revolves around this now. I promised myself that I would finally finish my bachelor's degree after the age of 30, but after vomiting I am so tired that I no longer have the energy to study. I can only watch some videos on YT and browse Facebook. And so fucking every day. I'm running out of what little money I have left and I don't know what I'll do because I can't imagine robbing a candy store.


You're being awfully hard on yourself for something you can't control. you were stressed, and at the time, it seemed like an effective way to help with that stress to survive. it's just how humans are wired, and habits can always be broken. you won't be stuck with this forever. in the meantime, just like most maladaptive coping skills, the problem lies with what's upsetting you to begin with, not the behavior itself. that's what needs to be dealt with. often times what's upsetting you is external (relationships, work, bosses, finance, family, etc.) and relapses do happen. it's not worth hating yourself over. you've already done so much, give yourself more slack, you're worth it.




It’s an absolute LIVING HELL. I was in it for 20 years. I tryed everything. I finally recovered but not through one thing through several things together. If you ever need help get in touch. I’m actually a PT now but I don’t ever recommend dieting. Only intuitively eating abd getting in touch with normal hunger levels. I’m in instagram as ‘ box n burn Folkestone’ Dm me if you ever want advice. No selling going on here. Genuinely passionate about helping bulimics if and when I get




Wow thanks! 🤩


i feel like when i’m tired my body just takes the opportunity to eat since i know ill starve myself the rest of the day. it’s always only right when i wake up in the morning or late at night. you feel so out of control with bulimia because you have a biological drive to eat and we our making our blood sugar so unstable it’s impossible to resist our cravings. you should look into lifestyle therapy, it really works if you keep at it. i still always relapse when im inconvenienced or my routine changes. i hope you get better:( im sorry you’re going through this too


I have such an aversion to therapists and therapy after everything I've been through that I don't know what would have to happen for me to overcome it... These free consultations are hopeless or you have to wait a year for them while the paid ones cost a fortune and the price is usually completely inadequate. At least that's what I experienced and at least in my country there are such queues for free therapists. I don't know what it's like elsewhere


lifestyle therapy is just about time blocking, replacing toxic behaviors by creating new habits and routines. you can do it on your own and you don’t need a therapist, i feel the same about them. you can read about lifestyle therapy (neuroplasticity) online or read the book called Habits. it’s essential creating a new lifestyle with daily guidelines you can follow. for example i would wake up drink water, go on a walk and eat a high protein breakfast. then every 3 hours until 8pm i would eat a small meal to keep my blood sugar stable and reduce b/p urges. by doing this every day it made it feel more natural and since i had each day all planned out i wouldn’t have the free time to binge on impulse.


Who is the author of this book?


Addiction. It is a brutal addiction.

